SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Regenstein, Joe ( Cornell University Crooker, Brian ( - University of Minnesota Li, Yuzhi ( - University of Minnesota Thompson, Paul ( - Michigan State University Anthony, Raymond (, University of Alaska Anchorage Croney, Candace ( - Purdue University Peralta, Jose ( - Western University Reynnells, Richard ( - retired USDA Benfield, David ( - Ohio State University, Administrative Advisor

Meeting convened September 10, 2012 by conference call and called to order by chairman Jose Perlata. Candace Croney gave a brief overview and history of the group. Ray Strickland indicated need for new members of the group. All agreed there is a need for a bioethics group. Need more input from bioethicists, many in group work with animal welfare and behavior. Agreed that committee should continue, AA will contact NCRA to request 1 year extension of project. Possible program committee within Animal Science. Not an area to attract funding. Need advocate within USDA, lacking since retirement of Richard Reynells. Most meetings of this group is by conference call and not face-to-face, this is a weakness. Working on proposal for symposia, talking with Debra Sheely at USDA. Project rewrite: Agreed to renew, need to systemically address issues in animal agriculture. Where are the gaps. Why is university not seeing need for bioethics? Animal boards need information to make scientific decisions on animal care and welfare. Students interested in animal welfare but some do not like bioethics. Best to introduce concept of bioethics in early years of curriculum in animal science or veterinary medicine to have impact. So go for 1-year extension, Candace Cornyn as chair and Julie Eckinger as Secretary. Writing committee: Ray Strickland, Candace Coryn, Julie Eckinger and Paul Thompson.


Joe Regenstein, Cornell University This has been a fairly active year for working on religious slaughter issues. This included talks on the topic at a Halal Control meeting in Saudi Arabia, a Muslim community meeting outside of Paris and in Marseilles, an all-day meeting in London sponsored by the Muslim Council of Britain and meetings with the Shechita Board of the UK. In addition talks were given at the meetings of the American Meat Science Association, Poultry Science Association, Institute of Food Technologists, International Union of Food Science and Technology (Brazil) and a conference of Food Studies Associations. In addition the two national committees that I serve on, i.e., the FMI animal welfare technical committee and the American Veterinary Medicine Association humane slaughter committee have been making progress, the latter specifically including a document on religious slaughter. In addition the following articles have been published: Regenstein, J.M. 2011. Religion, Food Laws & Philosophical Food Choices. In: The Modern Compendium of Halal. Volume 1: The Essence of Halal. MDC Publisher Sdn Bhd: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Pp. 114-130. Regenstein, J.M. and C. E. Regenstein. 2011. Chapter 22: A Review of Kosher Laws with an Emphasis on Meat and Meat Products. In: Handbook of Meat and Meat Processing, Y. H. Hui (Ed.) Elsevier: Oxford, UK. p. 415-443. Regenstein, J.M. 2011. Appendix I: A Discussion of Stunned and Non-stunned Slaughter. In: Handbook of Meat and Meat Processing, Y. H. Hui (Ed.) Elsevier: Oxford, UK. p. 944-957. Regenstein, J.M. 2011. Expert Opinion on Considerations When Evaluating All Types of Slaughter: Mechanical, Electrical, Gas and Religious Slaughter and A Critical Scientific Review of Report 161: Ritual Slaughter and Animal Welfare (September, 2008); Report 398: Report on Restraining and Neck Cutting or Stunning and Neck Cutting in Pink Veal Calves (September, 2010) by the Animal Sciences Group, Wageningen UR; and the 2009 New Zealand Papers by Gibson et al. Preliminary Report. Prepared for the Netherlands Parliamentary Debate on Religious Slaughter. Issued by the Netherland Jewish Community. 49 pages. Regenstein, J.M. 2011. Indonesia, the Largest Muslim Country in the World: Halal Food Regulations as a Guiding Force. In Life Culture of Muslim Families, International Symposium of Multicultural Human Ecology Center, Seoul National University, Dec. 13th, p. 33-61. Zivotofsky, A.Z, J.M. Regenstein, and D. Zivotofsky. 2012. The Development of a Religious Animal Welfare Code and its Relevance for Contemporary Civil Laws. Journal of Animal & Natural Resource Law 8:65-89. Regenstein, J.M. 2012. The Prohibition of Eating Meat that was Removed from a Living Animal. In World Unity, Its no longer a dream! Ask Noah International, p. 18-19. N. Stitou, N. and H. Rezgui. 2012. The Muslim Consumer as the Key Player in Halal. ASIDCOM. H. Rezgui and J. Regenstein (English editors). Regenstein, J.M., K. Pufpaff, J.R. Stauffer, B. Wanner and M. Smith. 2012. Ultrasound, Ultra Solution? National Provisioner, April 09. ( Regenstein, J.M. 2012. UK - The Politics of Religious Slaughter - How Science Can be Misused. Meat Trade News Daily, 8/12/12. Regenstein, J.M. 2012. Argentina - Animal Welfare Expert Temple Grandin on Religious Slaughter. Meat Trade News Daily, 8/12/12. Regenstein, J.M. 2012. The Politics of Religious Slaughter -- How Science Can be Misused: An Essay. Reciprocal Meat Conference Proceedings, American Meat Science Association. Fargo, ND. Regenstein, J.M. 2012. Kosher and Halal: Learning from Each Other. Proceedings of the First Halal Control Conference, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Yuzhi Li (Assistant professor, Swine behavior and welfare; alternative swine housing systems) and Brian Crook (Professor, Nutritional Physiology of Ruminants), University of Minnesota 1. Dr. Brian Crooker taught a 3-credit course of Ethical conduct of animal research (AnSc/CMB/VMed 8134) to graduate students on St Paul campus each fall. 2. Yuzhi Li has been working on several research projects to improve swine well-being in different housing systems (see Publications). 3. Yuzhi Li is the domain editor of Animal behavior and welfare of the U.S. Pork Excellent Center Pork Information Gateway. Under this domain, some factsheets pertain to bioethics (such as Ethics and Pork Production) have been posted. 4. PQA Plus certification program. Faculty members of the swine group certify veterinaries and pork producers of PQA Plus certification by providing training workshops. The PQA program, designed by the National Pork Board, focuses on improving food safety and animal welfare in swine production. 5. Operating Main Street. Faculty members of the swine group are also voluntarily involved in the Operating Main Street program. The program provides speeches for public and consumers to understand pork safety and animal welfare issues in pork production. Publications: 1. Li, Y. Z., L. H. Wang, and L. J. Johnston. 2012. Sorting by parity to reduce aggression towards young sows in group-gestation housing systems. J. Anim. Sci. Published ahead of print. Aug. 2, 2012. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4869. 2. Wang, L. H., Y. Z. Li, and L. J. Johnston. 2012. Effects of reduced nocturnal temperature on performance and behavior of nursery pigs. J. Integ. Ag. 11:101-108. 3. Li, Y. Z., J. E. Anderson, and L. J. Johnston. 2012. Animal-related factors associated with piglet mortality in a bedded, group-farrowing system. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 92:11-20. 4. Li, Y. Z., L. H. Wang, and L. J. Johnston. 2012. Effects of farrowing system on behavior and growth performance of growing-finishing pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1008-1014. 5. Phillips, C. E., Y. Z. Li, L. J. Johnston, A. E. Goplen, and G. C. Shurson. 2012. Technical note: A technique for ear vein catheterization in group-housed sows. J. Anim. Sci. 90:501-504. 6. Li, Y. Z., L. J. Johnston, S. K. Baidoo, C. E. Phillips, L. H. Wang, X. L. Xie, and G. C. Shurson. 2012. Effect of feeding DDGS diets on behaviors of gestating sows in different housing systems. Abstracts of ADSA/ASAS Joint Meeting 2012. p. 507 (Abstr W16) Available at: Paul Thompson (Michigan State University) During the academic year, we undertook several projects to complete work on the social sustainability of egg production project, including two working meetings of the project team, during which drafts for lay summaries were completed and work on a research priorities paper was also undertaken. Here are my additional outputs for the academic year. Publications 1. B. E. Rollin and P. B. Thompson, Perspectives on Emergence of Contemporary Animal Agriculture in the Mid-twentieth Century: The Decline of Husbandry and the Rise of the Industrial Model, in Animal Welfare in Animal Agriculture: Husbandry Stewardship, and Sustainability in Animal Production, W.G. Pond, F. W. Bazer and B. E. Rollin, eds. Boca Raton, FL: 2012, CRC Press, pp. 3-12. 2. R. Bennett and P. Thompson, Economics, in Animal Welfare 2nd Ed. M.C. Appleby, J. A. Mench, I A. S. Olsson and B. O. Hughes, eds. Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK: 2011, CAB International, pp. 279-290. 3. P. B. Thompson, The GMO Salmon Struggle, Science Progress Sept. 23, 2011, Presentations 1. Animal Ethics and the Evolution of Standards for Laying Hens in the United States, Center for Animal Welfare, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, AU, June 18, 2012. 2. Animal welfare and social sustainability, presentation in two sections of a business sustainability class at Portland State University, Dec. 5 and 7, 2011. Raymond Anthony (University of Alaska Anchorage) Invited Colloquia " Major Philosophical Approaches to Animal Ethics: A View Towards the Welfarist-Rights Debate. Universidade Federal do Paraná, Curitiba, Brazil, August 22, 2012. " Assessing the Merits of Animal Welfare Assessment Tools: A Philosophical Framework from Virtue Ethics and Narrative Ethics. Symposium on Bioethical Challenges in Education: New Challenges and Opportunities. 2012 ADSA-AMPA-ASAS-CSAS-WSASAS Joint Annual Meeting, July 15-19, 2012. " Animal Welfare Utilitarianism and Contemporary Philosophical Animal Ethics. Hankuk Foreign Studies University, Seoul. Korea, May 9, 2012. " Why Korea Should be Concerned about Animal Welfare Ethics. Hankuk Foreign Studies University, Yongin, Korea, May 1, 2012. " Food and Us: Are We a We are What We Eat or We Eat What We are Food Culture? Pre-law and Humanities Forum, Hankuk Foreign Studies University, Seoul, Korea, April 30, 2012. " Food Ethics as More than Food Security: Why Asia Needs to Lead the Way in Discourses around Animal Welfare and Climate Change Conference on Agricultural Ethics in East Asian Perspective, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1, 2012. " Panelist, Climate Changes: Alaska, the Arctic, and our Global Environment: Food Security and Wickedness in Alaska, University of Alaska Anchorage, Anchorage, AK, February 23, 2012. " Taming Unruly Discourses: Meeting the Challenges of Food Security and Climate Change, Lessons from the Arctic, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, February 14, 2012. " Critical-Thinking Strategies and Virtue Ethics in Food and Agro-Biotechnology, University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, Spain, November 17-18, 2011. " Subsistence Rights in a Time of Climate Challenge: An Alaskan Perspective, University of the Basque Country, Leioa, Spain, November 16, 2011. " Agrarian Pragmatism for Food Ethics: A Framework for Ethical-Decision Making, Humanities Colloquium, Chung Ang University, Seoul, Korea, August 3, 2011. " Ethics, The Moral Status of Individual Animals and Human Obligations: A Philosophical Primer, NSF REU Summer Program in Ecology and Physiological Ecology in Alaska, University of Alaska Anchorage, July 19, 2011"Veterinary Medical Ethics and Euthanasia: A Philosophers Primer," American Veterinary Medical Association Annual Convention, St. Louis, MO, July 16-19, 2011. Conference Presentations " Animistic Pragmatism and Native Ways of Knowing: Adaptive Strategies for Responding to Environmental Change and Overcoming the Struggle for Food in the Arctic (presented by Colin Walker, PHIL 303 Research Assistant), 15th International Congress on Circumpolar Health, Fairbanks, Alaska, 5-10 August, 2012. " "Animistic Pragmatism and Native Ways of Knowing: Adaptive Strategies for Responding to Environmental Change and Overcoming the Struggle for Food in the Arctic." 10th Congress of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics: Climate Change and Sustainable Development: Ethical Perspectives on Land Use and Food Production, Tübingen University, Germany, 30 May-2 June, 2012. " Panelist, Wide Reflective Equilibrium and the Ethics of Food Consumption. Food Ethics and the Problems of Motivation: A Cultural Dialogue. The Second Asian Association of World Historians Congress, Ewha Womens University, Seoul, April 26-28, 2012. Conference and Symposium Organizer " National Science Foundation Climate Ethics Works-In-Progress Workshop, University of Alaska Anchorage, September 2011. " Climate change and impacts on health, food security, and environmental and social justice: A public conversation, March 22, 2012. " Environmental Justice: The Road Less Travelled, April 13, 2012. Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles and Book Chapters " Anthony, R. 2012. "Taming the Unruly Side of Ethics: Overcoming Challenges of a Bottom-Up Approach to Ethics in the Areas of Climate Change and Food Security." Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. DOI 10.1007/s10806-011-9358-7. " Anthony, R. 2012. "Building a Sustainable Future for Animal Agriculture: An Environmental Virtue Ethic of Care Approach within the Philosophy of Technology " Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics Special Supplement on Sustainable Food Production and Ethics. Doi. 10.1007/s10806-010-9285-z. " Anthony, R., 2012. "The Ethics of Food for Tomorrow: On the Viability of Agrarianism, Author Meets Critics: Paul Thompson, The Agrarian Vision: Sustainability and Environmental Ethics?" Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics. Doi 10.1007/s10806-011-9340-4. " Heleski, C., and Anthony, R. 2012. "Science Alone is not Always Enough: The Importance of Ethical Assessment for a More Comprehensive View of Equine Welfare. Journal of Veterinary Behavior: Clinical Applications and Research, 7 (3): 169-178. " Anthony, R., Hoanca, B., and Mock, K. 2012. "Biometric Authentication in the Digital Age: Rights, Risks and Responsibilities," In Ch. M Akrivopoulou and N. Garipidis (eds.) Human Rights and Risks in the Digital Era: Globalization and the Effects of Information Technologies, IGI Global Publishing. " Croney, C. and Anthony, R. 2011. Ruminating Conscientiously: Scientific and Socio-ethical Challenges for the US Dairy Industry. Journal of Dairy Science, 94 (2): 539-546. Other Publications " Anthony, R. June 2012. Review of Hakim, A. 2011. Understanding Morality. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ, Teaching Philosophy, 35(3). " AVMA Guidelines on Euthanasia. and Creative Activity/Grants " 2011 USDA Agriculture and Food Research Initiative Foundational Grants Program An examination of argon gas for on-farm anesthesia and euthanasia of livestock  quantifying animal welfare, worker satisfaction, public attitudes and economic factors, in collaboration with Iowa State University " 2012-2013 Environmental Health Information Partnership (NLM/NIH), Exploring a Framework for Assessing the Moral Health of Anchorage, Alaska, through the lenses of Food and Health, and Environmental, Social, Economic Justice and Deliberative Ethics: A Pilot Project, $5000. " 2010-2013 USDA Challenge Grant for "Development of an Integrated Curriculum for Animal Bioethics: Teaching farm animal welfare, agricultural environmental ethics, and rural societal issues based on a cross-disciplinary pedagogy," $433,697 " 2010-2012 NSF, Arctic Social Sciences Program, $48,303 " 2010-12 Aldirako Hezkuntza Berrikuntzarako Proiektuen Deialdia (Concocatoria de Proyectos de Innovacion Educativa 2010-12). "Democracia Agroalimentaria: Maíz Transgénico (Juego de Rol para la Toma de Decisiones sobre Biotecnología Agroalimentaria)/ Development and Trials of Teaching Tools (e.g., Multi-player Role Game) to Acquire Competence in Ethical, Social and Legal Aspects related to Modern Agrifood-Technologies," in collaboration with Derecho Constitucional e Historia del Pensamiento y de los Movimientos Sociales y Políticos, Universidad del Pais Vasco (University of the Basque Country) Selected Service Activities " European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (EURSAFE), 2002-Present; Scientific Research Committee (2009), Session Chair (2009); Newsletter, Special Issues Editor, September (2011) " IUCH (International Union for Circumpolar Health) Food Security Working Group, 2010-Present " American Veterinary Association Panel on Euthanasia, Panel on Humane Slaughter, and Animal Welfare Committee (ethicist), 2009-Present " Agriculture, Food and Human Values, 2007-Present; council member, 2009-Present " Center for Food Integrity, Animal Care Review Panel, 2011-Present ( Candace Croney (Purdue University) Conference Presentations 2012 Croney, C,. C. C. Croney*, W. R. Stricklin, and D. Scott. Challenges and opportunities in teaching agricultural animal bioethics. ASAS/ADSA Joint annual meeting. Phoenix, AZ. 2012 Croney, C. Scientific, educational and ethical challenges facing the dairy industry Ethical and political implications of current farm animal welfare decisions. North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, FL. 2012 Croney, C. Ethical and political implications of current farm animal welfare decisions. North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, FL. Referred publications Croney, C.C., M. Apley, J.L Capper, J.A Mench and S. Priest. 2012. Invited paper. The ethical food movement: what does it mean for the role of science and scientists in current debates about animal agriculture? J. Anim. Sci. 90(5):1570-82. Abstracts and Proceedings Croney, C. 2012. Scientific, educational and ethical challenges facing the dairy industry Ethical and political implications of current farm animal welfare decisions. North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, FL. Croney, C. 2012. Ethical and political implications of current farm animal welfare decisions. North American Veterinary Conference. Orlando, FL. Jose Peralta (Western University) Conference Presentations Peralta, J.M., Ethical Aspects of the Review of Research Animal Care and Use Protocols, Animal Welfare Conference, CICUALES Network of Argentina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, October 2011. Peralta, J.M., Overview of Cattle Behavior, Fifth Congress of the Argentinian Chapter of the Charles Louis Davis Foundation, Tandil, Argentina, October 2011. Peralta, J.M., Welfare Concerns of Dairy and Feedlot Cattle and their Impact on Animal Production, Fifth Congress of the Argentinian Chapter of the Charles Louis Davis Foundation, Tandil, Argentina, October 2011. Peralta, J.M., Constitution and Functioning of Institutional Animal Care and Use Committees in the United States, II International Seminar and Workshop on the Science and Committees for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, CICUALES Network of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, August 2011. Peralta, J.M., Overview of Inspections to Laboratory Animal Facilities, II International Seminar and Workshop on the Science and Committees for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, CICUALES Network of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, August 2011. Peralta, J.M., Discussion of Selected Protocols and Conflicting Situations Presented to Animal Care and Use Committees, II International Seminar and Workshop on the Science and Committees for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals, CICUALES Network of Colombia, Bogota, Colombia, August 2011. Peralta, J.M., Regulatory and ethical aspects associated with the use of animals in experimentation, 2nd Conference on Public Health, Animal Welfare and Bioethics, Autonomous University of Colombia, Bogota (Colombia), August 2011. Abstracts and Proceedings Peralta, J.M., Declawing, Devoicing, Desexing, and Other Animal Issues, American Veterinary Medical Association National Convention, St. Louis MO, July 2011.


  1. Provided scientific guidance for protocols and standards related to religious slaughter of animals for food.
  2. Continue to be the premier group drafting guidelines for swine and poultry housing and to present this information for the education of producers, veterinarians and the lay public.


Publications were included as part of the Accomplishments Section.
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