SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report
Status: Approved
Basic Information
- Project No. and Title: NCERA_old13 : Soil Testing and Plant Analysis
- Period Covered: 10/01/2011 to 09/01/2012
- Date of Report: 10/02/2012
- Annual Meeting Dates: 08/27/2012 to 08/29/2012
Jon Dahl Michigan State University; Fabián Fernández University of Illinois; Robert Florence Kansas State University; Dave Franzen North Dakota State University; Ron Gelderman South Dakota University; Brad Joern Purdue University; Daniel Kaiser University of Minnesota; Carrie Laboski University of Wisconsin-Madison; Renuka Mathur Iowa State University; Manjula Nathan University of Missouri; John Peters University of Wisconsin-Madison; Tim Shaver University of Nebraska-Lincoln;
NCERA 13 Committee Goals and Deadlines for Feb. 2011 - June 2012
In progress
1. Develop a regional publication on Phosphorus. Antonio Mallarino, Brad Joern, Fabian Fernandez and Carrie Laboski will take the lead. Antonio has a very rough draft and will be sharing with the other authors shortly.
2. Revise Pub. 221, Chapter 6 (Phosphorus). One of the key items is to add the ICP Mehlich P option. Antonio Mallarino will take the lead.
3. Prepare a new chapter titled Correlating and Calibrating Soil Tests for Fertilizer Recommendations. Dave Mengel will take the lead.
4. Revise Pub. 221, Chapter 1 (Soil Sample Preparation). This revision will include the handling of moist soil for analysis and slurry preparation. Ron Gelderman will take the lead on this. A draft has been sent out for review by the committee.
Completed or on hold
1. Revise Pub. 221, Chapter 4 (pH and Lime Requirement). John Peters will take the lead. This will be done by July 2011. DONE
2. Revise Pub. 221, Chapter 8 (Sulfate-Sulfur). Dave Franzen will take the lead. A first draft will be done by December 2011. DONE
3. Develop a document on end of season stalk nitrate testing. Robert Mullen will take the lead. ON HOLD due to the departure or Robert Mullen
- Impact 9: Conduct regional soil and plant analyst workshops in 2011, 2013 and 2015.
- Impact 10: Continue roundtable discussions with private soil testing laboratories in conjunction with the Soil and Plant Analyst workshops. Involvement in committee activities from members of federal agencies such as USDA, ARS and EPA will be solicited.
- Impact 11: Develop new website and new mechanisms for electronic dissemination of project outputs. This new website is now up and running and efforts will be made to continue to build and enhance the content.