SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: SAC16 : Agricultural Engineering
  • Period Covered: 10/01/2010 to 02/01/2012
  • Date of Report: 05/09/2012
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 02/01/2012 to 02/03/2012


Beth Ahner, Cornell University; Richard Cavaletto, Cal Poly; Adrienne Cooper, Florida A&M University; Darrin Drollinger ASABE; Eric Drumm, U of Tennessee; Bernie Engel, Purdue University; Robert Evans, NC State University; Dorota Haman, University of Florida; Milford Hanna, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Joseph Harner, Kansas State University; Paul Heinemann, Penn State; Tanju Karanfil, Clemson University; Steven Mickelson, Iowa State University; Bruce Miller, Utah State University; Sue Nokes, University of Kentucky; Raul Piedrahita, University of California, Davis; Jonathan Pote, Mississippi State University; Shiv Prasher, McGill University; Shri Ramaswamy, University of Minnesota; Bradley Rein, NIFA; Mark Riley, University of Arizona; Allen Rutherford, Louisiana State University Department of Biological and Agricultural Engineering; Stephen Searcy, Texas AgriLife Research; Abolghasem Shahbazi, North Carolina A&T State University; Scott Shearer, Ohio State University; Ajit Srivastava, Michigan State University; Richard Straub, UW-Madison; Jinglu Tan, University of Missouri; Steve Taylor, Auburn University; Dan Thomas, Oklahoma State University; K.C. Ting, University of Illinois; Lalit Verma, University of Arkansas; Shane Ward, University College Dublin; Mary Leigh, Wolfe Virginia Tech;

Members of SAC16/NCAC16 met along with the ASABE Heads February 1-February 3, 2012 in New Orleans, LA. Minutes of the full 3 day meeting are attached. A number of topics were discussed including budgets, professional development, NIFA, opportunities for multi-state activities/projects, and distance education. On Friday morning, SAC16/NCAC16 officially reviewed 10 multi-state projects.


SAC16/NCAC16 met on February 3 to review multi-state projects scheduled for review. Review teams were assigned to each project prior to the meeting. Review team leaders made oral reports to SAC16/NCAC16. Following discussion by the full committee, recommendations were drafted for each project. Review team leaders provided written reports the follow week to Robert Evans who uploaded the reports into NIMSS along with the administrative committee's recommendation for continuation, revision, or termination. The following reports were reviewed and discussed: NCCC9- MWPS: Research and Extension Educational Materials; NCERA217- Drainage design and Management Practices to Improve Water Quality; S1025- Systems for Controlling Air Pollutant Emissions and Indoor Environments of Poultry, Swine, and Dairy Facilities; S1026- Textile Materials and Technologies Addressing Energy, Health and Other National Security Issues; S1032- Improving the Sustainability of Livestock and Poultry Production in the United States (S1000); S1035- Nutritional and Management Abatement Strategies for Improvement of Poultry Air and Water Quality (from W195); S1041- The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy S1042- Modeling for TMDL Development, and Watershed Based Planning, Management and Assessment; SERA038- Biobased Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee; SDC345- Biobased Fibrous Materials and Cleaner Technologies for a Sustainable and Environmentally Responsible Textile Industry;



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