SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Adam, Brian  Oklahoma State University Ambrose, Kingsly  Kansas State University Armstrong, Paul  USDA, ARS, Manhattan KS Baik, B.K. - Washington State University Boac, Josephine - Kansas State University Casada, Mark  USDA, ARS, Manhattan KS de la Pena, Elena - North Dakota State University Dobrydina, Marina - North Dakota State University Hallen-Adams, Heather - University of Nebraska-Lincoln Hellevang, Kenneth  North Dakota State University Hill, Chuck  AgriGold Hybrids Hurburgh, Charlie  Iowa State University Jones, Carol  Oklahoma State University Koshar, Bill  The Ohio State University Lee, K.M.  Office of the Texas State Chemist Maier, Dirk  Kansas State University Manthey, Frank  North Dakota State University McGuill, Charles  ROMER Labs, Inc. Medic, Jelena  Iowa State University Mosher, Gretchen  Iowa State University Needham, Joe  The Andersons, Inc. Paulsen, Marvin  University of Illinois at Urbana Ravlin, F. William  The Ohio State University Shepherd, Howard  Iowa State University Simsek, Senay  North Dakota State University Soto Camara, Marina  Iowa State University Tumbleson, Mike  University of Illinois at Urbana Weaver, David  Montana State University-Bozeman

NC-213 Business Meeting Wednesday, March 7, 2012 Hilton Minneapolis MN 12Noon  Agenda Adam, Brian  Oklahoma State University Ambrose, Kingsly  Kansas State University Armstrong, Paul  USDA, ARS, Manhattan KS Baik, B.K. - Washington State University Boac, Josephine - Kansas State University Casada, Mark  USDA, ARS, Manhattan KS de la Pena, Elena - North Dakota State University Dobrydina, Marina - North Dakota State University Hallen-Adams, Heather - University of Nebraska-Lincoln Hellevang, Kenneth  North Dakota State University Hill, Chuck  AgriGold Hybrids Hurburgh, Charlie  Iowa State University Jones, Carol  Oklahoma State University Koshar, Bill  The Ohio State University Lee, K.M.  Office of the Texas State Chemist Maier, Dirk  Kansas State University Manthey, Frank  North Dakota State University McGuill, Charles  ROMER Labs, Inc. Medic, Jelena  Iowa State University Mosher, Gretchen  Iowa State University Needham, Joe  The Andersons, Inc. Paulsen, Marvin  University of Illinois at Urbana Ravlin, F. William  The Ohio State University Shepherd, Howard  Iowa State University Simsek, Senay  North Dakota State University Soto Camara, Marina  Iowa State University Tumbleson, Mike  University of Illinois at Urbana Weaver, David  Montana State University-Bozeman We welcomed Chuck Hill as the new Chair of the NC-213 Industry Advisory Committee (IAC). NC-213 Rewrite Bill Ravlin. The Executive Committee will need to identify a re-write committee. The next term will be October 1, 2013 until September 30, 2018. The re-write needs to be sent to the NCRA Directors Office (Review committee) by mid-December 2012. (Refer to handouts for complete details and information to be covered during this discussion.). As Chair, Carol Jones will oversee the re-write process. Charlie Hurburgh, Iowa State University, volunteered to assist in the process and to help acquire resources for the task from the ICGOP. Annual Report Discussion with an emphasis on: Impact Statement review and External Funding Bill Ravlin/Brian Adam. The AAs Office will begin this process by completing the sections: meeting participants, meeting minutes, and publications. The Executive Committee will complete, with assistance from members at large, the Accomplishments and Impacts sections. The AAs office will send detailed instructions on these sections along with examples of acceptable Impact Statements. Once the Accomplishments and Impacts sections have been sent to the AAs office, they will be reviewed and edited. (Refer to handout for complete details on Impact Statements to be covered during this discussion.) The AAs Office will begin this process immediately. NC-213 Annual Progress Reports from Participating Stations Bill Ravlin. Should the Administrative Advisors office continue to produce a hard copy of this publication? This is available through the NC-213 website. This year approximately 20 reports were submitted by stations. (There are a limited number available here at the meeting. If you would like more copies, please visit the website or contact the AAs office.) After some discussion, it was agreed to have the report available on-line prior to the meeting and that if members wanted a hard copy, they would print from the website. NC-213 One Pager Bill Ravlin. General discussion. At the request of NC-213 participants to create a one-pager, the AAs Office put together a publication and distributed at last years annual meeting. How is this working? What kind of comments are you receiving? How are you using this one pager? (Refer to One Pager handout for reference.) After discussion it was decided that the AAs Office would send an e-mail to the members asking for input. Also, Montata State University-Bozeman was omitted from the one pager and that will be added. NC-213 Annual Meeting  2013. Brian Adam. GEAPS Exchange 2013 will be held in Louisville, KY on February 23-26. Wheat Quality Council will be held in Kansas City, MO on February 12-14, 2013 (Tue/Wed Banquet /Thur). The group voted to have the NC-213 meeting in conjunction with the Wheat Quality Council in Kansas City, Missouri in 2013. The dates of the NC-213 meeting will be Tuesday, February 12 and Wednesday, February 13. The AAs Office will coordinate with (the) Wheat Quality Council and Embassy Suites KCI. NC-213 Website. Bill Koshar. New website is up. General discussion and input. Members had positive comments regarding the revised website and for now should remain as posted. Andersons Grants Update. Bill Ravlin. Distribute latest survey of grants received for competitions and grants awarded. No discussion shared, but members appreciated being kept up-to-date on the competition. The next competition will be a Team Competition that will be announced sometime in June 2012. Officer elections. Carol Jones/Brian Adam. This item can be initiated in the executive committee meeting and then discussed during the business meeting. Leland McKinney (past chair rolls off) Brian Adam (current chair to past chair) Carol Jones (vice chair to chair) Klein Ileleji (secretary to vice chair) Note: Need to fill the position of secretary. Senay Simsek was nominated and accepted the position of Secretary. Jim Stitzlein made a request to leave the post of Chair, NC-213 Industry Advisory Committee. After a vote, it was decided that Chuck Hill, AgriGold Hybrids would take over the position of Chair. Note: All objective co-chair positions are filled. A: K.M. Lee and S. Simsek B: L. McKinney and C. Wolf-Hall C: B. Adam and C. Hurburgh Senay Simsek, North Dakota State University was elected to the officer position of Secretary. Meeting Adjourned.


The accomplishments for the past year by NC213 consist of the following and are focused on promoting the three objectives of the project in the most collaborative manner as possible. The following show indication of these accomplishments: A yearly meeting was held in conjunction with the GEAPS Exchange in Minneapolis. Technical presentations gave results and information about the research conducted by the stations and groups of stations in collaboration. A quarterly newsletter provided reports of project activities. Station personnel organized to begin the effort of the NC213 rewrite to be completed by August of 2012. The Andersons grants and awards supplied funding for research that supports the three objectives. In 2012, proposals that will be considered for these awards must indicate a strong level of cross-entity collaboration. The number of private industry participants at the yearly meeting increased and plans are set in place to recruit and include additional participation for 2012 through the efforts of a new industry representative. In 2012, plans for offering a yearly meeting session that would attract visitors from the Wheat Council meeting coinciding with the NC213 meeting have been discussed and will be investigated in planning for the 2012 yearly meeting. Plans for 2012: Plans for the upcoming year will focus on encouraging collaboration between entities and on the NC213 rewrite efforts. Activities to encourage collaboration will include monthly webinar discussions between institutions around the USA about grain drying and what works for me topics, Andersons grants focused on collaborative efforts as a prerequisite for consideration, and the inclusion of more industry representatives and visitors. The rewrite efforts are led by a multi-institutional committee with input from the entire NC213 group. The focus will be achieving our three current goals by cross-institutional collaboration and a commitment to group projects. The quarterly newsletters and web presence will continue as well as the yearly meeting complete with technical and industry presentations. The yearly meeting will be held coinciding with the Wheat Councils meeting in Kansas City. Four universities and two USDA centers will work together to develop and provide three new distance education courses in areas pertaining to grain handling through GEAPS. Objective 1: To characterize quality attributes and develop systems to measure quality of cereals, oilseeds, and bioprocess coproducts. Short-term outcomes (STO), Outputs (OP) STO: NIRS quality evaluation equipment calibration and protocols for testing were evaluated and validated. OP: An NIR method to measure phenols in sorghums was developed and improved as a quick method to measure sorghum phenols in a breeding program. In the area of mycotoxins: STO: Detection of mycotoxin and aflatoxin and quality affects due to presence of fungus. OP: The level of mycotoxin infection (Stenocarpella maydis and aspergillus sp. was determined that would result in a reduction of final ethanol concentrations from corn. OP: Investigations confirming that the levels of Deoxynivalenol (DON) in wheat are concentrated in the bran and germ layers of the wheat were conducted. These tests showed that DON might be bound to the cell wall material or protein component of the wheat kernel OP: To determine good kernels versus kernels infected with mycotoxin producing fungi, the physical properties of infected kernels was observed. The tests indicated differences in size, shape and density between good and infected kernels. This information could be used in sorting some of the kernels, thus reducing the mycotoxin levels in the corn prior to processing. OP: Raman spectroscopy coupled with chemometrics were studied for the rapid detection and prediction of aflatoxins in ground corn samples. This technology may lead to a fast way of detecting aflatoxin in corn. STO: The effect of drying processes on Distillers Dried Grains with Solubles was investigated. OP: It was determined that the amount of DDGS used in the drying process had an impact on the amount of energy used in drying. STO: Investigations were conducted to analyze the effects of addition of bran fiber in a flour-based system. OP: Several companies are developing sorghum flour and whole ground grain of excellent quality for use in gluten free and other products. STO: The role of flour particle size on sponge cake baking quality was investigated. OP: Soft wheat grown in no-till conditions provided greater kernel diameter and weight. No-till cultivation lowered protein content and antioxidant capacity which is imparted to quality of baked goods. STO: New methods were developed for screening sorghum for end-use properties such as protein digestibility, phenolic acid content, starch damage and mold levels. OP: Physical grain traits were measured in 300 genetically diverse samples to help identify germplasm sources for use in developing sorghum lines with improved quality traits. An instrument used to detect starch damage in wheat was proved to useful in sorghum. STO: Rapid and non-destructive single-kernel sorting systems to improve post-harvest grain quality that can help grain breeders rapidly select specific traits was investigated. OP: Solutions to detect DON in wheat, protocols for counting insect pieces, imaging algorithms for spot detection in popcorn and detecting insects. STO: Storage packing factors were measure in 40 bins. OP: Data is being used to calibrate a computer model that predicts packing factors more accurately. Objective 2: To develop methods to maintain quality, capture value, and preserve food safety at key points in the harvest-to-end-product value chain. Short-term outcomes (STO), Outputs (OP) STO: Dried distillers grain with solubles (DDGS) contaminated with deoxynivalenol (DON), also known as vomitoxin, can be treated with sodium metabisulfite (SMB), together with pelleting, reduces DON levels. OP: These results imply that pelleting in combination with SMB may allow pork producers to safely utilize DON-contaminated DDGS. STO: CO2 sensors can detect grain spoilage due to insects and molds 3-4 weeks before detection by traditional methods such as visual, smell and temperature sensors. OP: The CO2 sensor system will complement all other grain management techniques producers should follow such as sanitation, application of protectant at time of bin filling, insect and mold monitoring, and fumigation. STO: Chlorine Dioxide gas (ClO2) was effective at certain concentrations in killing adults and new larvae, but not old larvae or eggs, of red and confused flour beetles. OP: Chlorine dioxide gas can be a viable tool (structural fumigant) for controlling stored-product insects in flour mills and food processing facilities, as an alternative to methyl bromide. STO: Glutograph stretch time was able to group wheat cultivars into five categories: 1. Very strong; 2. Strong; 3. Moderately strong; 4. Moderately weak; and 5. Weak. The glutograph relaxation value did not relate well to gluten strength. Glutograph stretch time correlated with extrusion properties (pressure and energy requirements) and cooked spaghetti firmness. OP: The glutograph test is relatively quick (about 12 min) and requires 10 or 20 g of semolina, so it has potential in helping pasta processors blend semolina to match processing and end product quality requirements. STO: A new version of a model for determining packing factors for a wide range of grains has been developed. The new platform is flexible for including new additions and further improvements of the input, output, and included data base. OP: The more accurate and user-friendly model will likely be adopted by government agencies and grain industry customers to enhance their operations. STO: A study simulated grain commingling in a pilot-scale bucket elevator boot to evaluate the tradeoffs of computational speed versus accuracy in determining best management practices in preventing cross-contamination. OP: Results will be used to accurately predict commingling levels and improve grain handling, which can help farmers and grain handlers reduce costs and maintain grain purity during transport and export of grain. STO: Pilot-scale tests determined the extent to which insect density levels in infested bucket elevator leg boots affected the level of insects transferred through the elevator leg to other locations. OP: Improved bucket elevator leg sanitation guidelines will likely be adopted by commercial grain elevator facilities and other grain and food industry stakeholders. This should lead to identification of the most economical pest management programs, more managers adopting best management practices, and reduced infestations in the targeted grain handling and processing facilities. Objective 3: To quantify and disseminate the impact of market-chain technologies on providing high value, food-safe, and biosecure grains for global markets and bioprocess industries. OP: NIRS-based grain component testing service reviewed 4578 samples of corn and soybeans from 2010 and 2011. STO: Quality patterns indicated extremes of heat, moisture and low humidity. This indicated that more work to reflect these extreme effects must be done for the testing service to handle these weather extremes. OP: Distance Education Courses are offered in conjunction with GEAPS and a credentially program has been developed. STO: 1270 participants from 23 countries enrolled in 15 courses. Three new courses will be offered in 2012 with collaboration between several universities and USDA offices. OP: Comparative experiments with nanostructured alumina and commercial inert dust for management of the lesser grain borer and the rice weevil were conducted. STO: Findings were presented regionally and published in a peer reviewed journal. The dust has activity comparable than that of commercially available products depending on the target insect species. OP: The genetic mechanisms of Fusarioum head blight in wheat was researched. STO: The data will be used to determine the timing of the initiation of DON gene expression and indicate the optimal time frame for sampling of kernels for this mycotoxin. OP: The willingness of consumers to pay more for rice with higher quality and superior insect control was assessed. STO: Consumers will pay more for rice they like better but they make their decision not based solely on objective quality standards. However, if they know what the higher quality standard is, they are willing to pay more for it. Workshop participants indicated they learned more about the topic and would use some of the information.


  1. Research conducted in this program showed that a less expensive, user-friendly calibration and validation process will increase the feasibility of using NIRS analysis in many operating situations. If multiple models and makes of instruments can be approved for trade use, the total cost of testing will be competitively reduced and further enhance industry support services for analytical applications in bioindustries.
  2. The results obtained from this preliminary assessment of Raman spectroscopy combined with chemometrics showed that this spectroscopic technique is an excellent alternative for a rapid and low-cost analytical method to detect aflatoxins in grains over conventional spectroscopic and standard wet chemical methods. Raman spectroscopic methods may allow fast qualitative and quantitative evaluation of mycotoxin substances to provide real-time monitoring for mycotoxins in grains and oilseeds at receiving points.
  3. NC-213 scientists and engineers (USDA, Manhattan, KS) successfully built and demonstrated a new type of electronic sorting machine that can detect and separate many types of weed seeds, discolored seeds, and fungal infected seeds. This new capability has been demonstrated to and adopted by breeders and producers of grass seed, flax seed, alfalfa seed, pulses, corn seed, soybean seed, and wheat seed. Additionally, a popcorn producer is evaluating the technology for removing fungal damaged popcorn kernels.
  4. Research conducted by NC-213 investigators resulted in an automated single kernel near-infrared (SKNIR) spectroscopic method being developed to identify wheat kernels damaged by Fusarium fungi and to estimate the toxin deoxynivalenol (DON) levels. Breeders throughout the US are using this technology to study scab infections, objectively score breeding lines, and to select resistant seed.
  5. Research results by NC-213 have clearly demonstrated that CO2 sensors can detect grain spoilage due to insects and molds prior (3-4 weeks) to detection by traditional methods such as visual, smell and temperature sensors.


Adam, Brian D. and Corinne Alexander. 2011. Economics of IPM Decisions. Ch. 28 in "Stored Product Protection," a web publication scheduled for print publication in 2012, edited by David W. Hagstrum, Thomas W. Phillips and Gerrit Cuperus. Available at Asif, M. December 2011. Extrusion of special sorghums containing condensed tannins and other phenols. PhD Dissertation, Texas A&M Univ, 140 pp. Barros, Frederico, Bhima Geera, J. M. Awika and L. W. Rooney. 2011. Effect of sorghum phenolic extracts on starch pasting, thermal and digestive properties. AACC International, October 16-19, October 16-19, Palm Springs, CA. Barros, Frederico, Joseph M. Awika and L.W. Rooney. 2011. Digestibility and pasting properties of corn starch in the presence of sorghum phenolic extracts. Sorghum Improvement Conference of North America, September 12-14, Stillwater, OK. 2nd place out of 17 papers. Boswell, S.E., J. Lindsay, C.M. McDonough and L.W. Rooney. 2011. Development of gluten-free yeast bread utilizing egg white foam. Institute of Food Tech, June 11-15, New Orleans, LA. 2nd place poster Boswell, Sara E., Lindsay J., McDonough C.M., Rooney L.W. 2011. Effect of sorghum bran particle size in gluten-free muffins, AACC International, October 16-19, October 16-19, Palm Springs, CA Bean, S., Ioerger, B.P., Blackwell, D.L. 2011. Separation of Kafirins on Surface Porous RP-HPLC Columns. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 59:85-91. Boac, J.M., Casada, M., Maghirang, R.G., Harner, III, J.P. 2010. Material and interaction properties of selected grains and oilseeds for modeling discrete pParticles. Transactions of the ASABE. 53(4):1201-1216. Boac, J.M., R. Bhadra, M.E. Casada, M.D. Montross, S.A. Thompson. S.G. McNeill, R.G. Maghirang, E. Haque. 2011. Stored grain packing factors: field measurements for wheat and corn. ASABE Paper No. 1111426 presented at ASABE AIM, August 7-10, Louisville, Ky. Boac, J. M., M. E. Casada, R. G. Maghirang, and J. P. Harner III. 2011. 3-D and quasi-2-D discrete element modeling of grain commingling in a bucket elevator boot system. Trans. ASABE (In press). Boac, J. M., M. E. Casada, R. G. Maghirang, and J. P. Harner III. 2010. Material and interaction properties of selected grains and oilseeds for modeling discrete particles. Trans. ASABE 53(4): 1201-1216. Boac, J. M., M. E. Casada, R. G. Maghirang, and J. P. Harner III. 2011. Particle models for discrete element modeling of bulk grain properties of wheat and shelled corn. ASABE Paper No. 11-11095. Presented at ASABE AIM, August 7-10, Louisville, Ky. Brabec, D.L., Pearson, T.C., Flinn, P.W., Katzke, D. 2010. Detection of internal insects in wheat using a conductive roller mill and estimation of insect fragments in the resulting flour. Journal of Stored Products Research. 46(3):180-185. Burgess, K., Whitney, K.L., Simsek, S. 2011. Fate of wheat mycotoxins during milling and baking process. National Environmental Health Association (NEHA) 75th Annual Educational Conference & Exhibition. Columbus, OH. Chang, Y.H. and Ng, P.K.W. 2011. Effects of Extrusion Process Variables on Quality Properties of Wheat-Ginseng Extrudates. International Journal of Food Properties 14:914-925. Chang, Y.H., Cui, S.W., Roberts, K.T., Ng, P.K.W., and Wang, Q. 2011. Evaluation of extrusion-modified fenugreek gum. Food Hydrocolloids 25:1296-1301. Chiremba, Constance, Rooney, L.W. and Taylor, J.R.N. 2011. Relationships between simple grain quality parameters for the estimation of sorghum and maize hardness in commercial hybrid cultivars. Cereal Chem 88(6):570-575. Choi, H.-W., Harris, T., and Baik, B. 2011. Significance of flour particle size on sponge cake quality of soft white wheat. AACCI Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, CA, October 2011. Cereal Foods World 56:A35. Dien, B., Wicklow, D., Singh, V, Moreau, R., Moser, J. and Cotta, M. 2011. Influence of Stenocarpella maydis infected corn on the dry grind ethanol process. Proc. Intl. Starch Tech. Conf. p. 82-88, Urbana, IL. S.Y. Dai, K.M. Lee, J. Balthrop, W. Li, and T.J. Herrman. 2011. Mycotoxin test kit validation for high-aflatoxin samples. American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) Annual Meeting. Palm Springs, CA. Dai, Susie Y., Kyung Min Lee, Wei Li, Jim Balthrop and Tim Herrman. 2011. Mycotoxin Test Kit Validation for High Aflatoxin Samples AACC Intl., October 16-19, Palm Springs, CA. Dykes, Linda, Peterson, Gary C., Rooney, William L. and Rooney, Lloyd W. 2011. Flavonoid composition of lemon-yellow sorghum genotypes. Food Chemistry 128:173-179. Lidia Esteve Agelet. PhD, Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering. May 2011. Dissertation: Single seed discriminative applications using near infrared technologies Esteve Agelet, Lidia, David D. Ellis, Susan Duvick, A. Susana Goggi, Charles R Hurburgh, and Candice A. Gardner. 2011. Feasibility of Near Infrared Spectroscopy for Analyzing Corn Kernel Damage and Viability of Soybean and Corn Kernels. Journal of Cereal Science: Frobose, H. L., M. D. Tokach, E. L. Hansen, L. J. McKinney, J. M. DeRouchey, S. S. Dritz, R. D. Goodband, and J. L. Nelssen. 2011. Evaluating the Effects of Pelleting Deoxynivalenol-Contaminated Dried Distillers Grains with Solubles in the Presence of Sodium Metabisulfite on Analyzed DON Levels p.90. Kansas Agri. Exp. Sta. Rep. Prog. No. 1056. Gonzales, H., Armstrong, P.R., Maghirang, R.G. 2009. Simultaneous monitoring of stored grain with relative humidity, temperature, and carbon dioxide sensors. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 25(4):595-604. T.J. Herrman and K.M. Lee. 2011. Aflatoxin risk management in Texas: Comparative analysis of testing variability by multiple agencies. American Association of Cereal Chemists (AACC) Annual Meeting. Palm Springs, CA. Hallen-Adams HE, Wenner N, Kuldau GA, Trail F (2011) Deoxynivalenol biosynthesis-related gene expression during wheat kernel colonization by Fusarium graminearum. Phytopathology 101:1091-1096. Jones, Carol, Mark Casada, and Otto Loewer. 2011. Drying, Handling and Storage of Raw Commodities. Ch. 10 in "Stored Product Protection," a web publication scheduled for print publication in 2012, edited by David W. Hagstrum, Thomas W. Phillips and Gerrit Cuperus. Available at Kalkan, H., Beriat, P., Pearson, T.C., Yardimci, Y. 2011. Detection of contaminated hazelnuts and ground red chili pepper flakes by multispectral imaging. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture. 77:28-34. Kenkel, Phil, and Brian Adam. 2011. Economics of Commodity Grading and Segregation. Ch. 29 in "Stored Product Protection," a web publication scheduled for print publication in 2012, edited by David W. Hagstrum, Thomas W. Phillips and Gerrit Cuperus. Available at Lan, T. and Ileleji, K.E. 2010. Opportunities for process improvements in drying of distillers grains with solubles. Paper presented at AIM of ASABE. ASABE Paper No. 1008756. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Tian Lan. 2011. Evaluating energy efficient strategies and product quality of distillers dried grains with soluble (DDGS) in dry-grind ethanol plants. MS. Thesis (Unpublished), Purdue University West Lafayette, Indiana. Lan, T, K.E. Ileleji and D.E. Maier. 2012. Energy performance and product quality of corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) using a bench-scale rotary drum dryer. Lee, K., Armstrong, P.R., Thomasson, A., Sui, R., Casada, M., Herrman, T.J. 2010. Development and characterization of food-grade tracers for the global grain tracing and recall system. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. 58:10945-10957. doi:10.1021/jf101370k. Lee, K., Armstrong, P.R., Thomasson, A., Sui, R., Casada, M., Herrman, T.J. 2011. Application of binomial and multinomial probability statistics to the sampling design process of a global grain tracing and recall system. Food Control. 22(7):1085-1094. Lindsay, Jack, Sara E. Boswell, Cassandra McDonough, and Lloyd W. Rooney. 2011. Utilizing sorghum bran to extend cocoa attributes in snack products. Institute of Food Tech, June 11-15, New Orleans, LA. 4th place presentation. Lindsay, Jack, Sara E. Boswell, Cassandra McDonough, and Lloyd W. Rooney. 2011. Utilizing sorghum bran to extend cocoa attributes in snack products. Institute of Food Tech, June 11-15, New Orleans, LA. 4th place presentation. Li, N., Wang, Y., Tilley, M., Bean, S. R., Wu, X., Sun, X. S., and Wang, D. 2011. Adhesive Performance of Sorghum Protein Extracted from Sorghum DDGS and Flour. J. Polymers and the Environment. 19:755-765. Liu, L., Herald, T. J., Wang, D., Wilson, J., Bean, S.R., Aramouni, F. 2011. Characterization of sorghum grain and evaluation of sorghum flour in a Chinese egg noodle system. J. Cereal Sci. 55:31-36. McClurkin, J.D. Shelf-life improvement of distillers wet grains with soluble through gas treatment and aseptic processing. PhD. Dissertation Proposal Submitted to Committee, ABE Department, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana. Nair, S., Knoblauch, M., Ullrich, S. E., and Baik, B.-K. 2011. Microstructure of hard and soft kernels of barley. J. Cereal Sci. 54:354-362. Nair, S., Ullrich, S. E., and Baik, B.-K. 2011. Association of Barley Kernel Hardness with Physical Grain Traits and Food Processing Parameters. Cereal Chem. 88:147-152. Ng, P.K.W., Lewis, J., and Liu, Ya. MSU Wheat Quality Testing of Advanced Lines: Report on Milling and Baking Test Results for Selected Michigan-Grown Soft Wheats Harvested in 2010. January 2011. 35 pp. Nyombaire, G. and Ng, P.K.W. 2011. Physicochemical properties of extruded washed wheat bran. Cereal Foods World 56:A23 for AACCI Annual Meeting. Park, E., Fuerst, P., Miller, P., Machado, S., Burke, I., and Baik, I. 2011. Functional and nutritional characteristics of wheat grown in organic, no-till, and conventional cropping systems. AACCI Annual Meeting, Palm Spring, CA, October 2011. Cereal Foods World 56:A58. Peiris, K., Pumphrey, M.O., Dong, Y., Maghirang, E.B., Berzonsky, W., Dowell, F.E. 2010. Near-infrared spectroscopic method for the identification of Fusarium head blight damage and prediction of deoxynivalenol in single wheat kernels. Cereal Chemistry. 87(6):511-517. Peiris, K.S., Dowell, F.E. 2011. Determining weight and moisture properties of sound and fusarium-damaged single wheat kernels by near infrared spectroscopy. Cereal Chemistry. 88(1):45-50. Pearson, T.C. 2010. High-speed sorting of grains by color and surface texture. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(3):499-505. Pontieri, P., Fiore, R. D., Troisi, J., Bean, S. R., Roemer, E., Okot, J., Alifano, P., Pignone, D., Giudice, L. D., Massardo, D. R. 2011. Chemical composition and fatty acid content of white food sorghums grown in different environments. Maydica 56-1705: 1-7. Ritchie, Lauren Elizabeth, R.J. Carroll, B.R. Weeks, C.M. McDonough, L. Dykes, L.W. Rooney, N.D. Turner. 2011. Reduction in DSS-induced enhancement of colonic injury and NF-ºB activation in rats consuming a diet containing black sorghum bran. Experimental Biology. April 9-13, Washington, DC. Rooney, L.W. 2011. Sorghum's role in food security in parts of Central America. In Cooperative Program for the Improvement of Crops & Animals (PCCMCA) Annual Meeting, Technological Innovation for Climate Change, April 25-30, El Salvador. Rooney, L.W. 2011, 2010. Presentations on special sorghums for health. Several international food companies interested in sorghum in healthy foods. Rooney, L.W. 2011. Characteristics of cereal grains. TAMU Food Protein R&D Extrusion: Cereals, Protein & Other Ingredients. August 22, College Station, TX. Rooney, Lloyd W. 2011. Nutraceutical and nutritional value of sorghum. US Grains Council Sorghum Symposium, November 21, Tokyo, Japan. Rooney, Lloyd W. 2011. Use of sorghum in composite breads, baked products and extruded snacks: health benefits. Innovative use of alternative flours in the baking industry. Queensland Govt Employment, Economic Development and Innovation. October 4-6, Brisbane, Australia. Robertson, A.E., Munkvold, G.P., Hurburgh, C.R. and Ensley, S. 2011. Impact of hail damage during early reproductive stages on ear rot and mycotoxin contamination of maize. Phytopathology 100: S109 Simsek, S., 2011. Mycotoxins in wheat. NC213 Grain Quality Annual Meeting. Kansas City, MO. Sikulu, M., Killeen, G.F., Hugo, L.E., Ryan, P.A., Dowell, K.M., Wirtz, R.A., Moore, S.J., Dowell, F.E. 2010. Near-infrared spectroscopy as a complementary age grading and species identification tool for African malaria vectors. BioMed Central (BMC) Parasites and Vectors. 3:49. Online. Parasites and Vectors doi: 10.1186/1756-3305-3-49. Stadler, T., Buteler, M., and Weaver, D.K. 2010. Novel use of nanostructured alumina as an insecticide. Pest Management Science 66: 577-579. Stadler, T., Buteler, M., and Weaver, D.K. 2010. FORO: Nanoinsecticidas: Nuevas perspectivas para el control de plagas (FORUM: Nanoinsecticides: New perspectives on insect pest control). Revista de la Sociedad Entomologica Argentina 69: 149-156. Sylvie A. Roussel, Benoît Igne, David B. Funk, Charles R. Hurburgh 2011. Noise Robustness Comparison for Near Infrared Prediction Models. JNIRS 19:23-26 Taleon, Victor, M. Asif, C. Mack, M. Riaz, L. Rooney. 2011. Effect of extrusion on breakfast cereal from special sorghums containing phytochemicals. AACC International, October 16-19, Palm Springs, CA. 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