Administrative Advisor: Chair: Secretary:
Karen Plaut
Assoc Dean, Exp Station,
Purdue University Steve Harbstreit
Kansas State University Rob Terry
Oklahoma State University
Members in Attendance:
Mark Balschweid University of Nebraska; Cynda Clary - New Mexico State University; Jack Elliot Texas A&M University; Steve Fraze Texas Tech University; Bryan Haines University of Kentucky; Steve Harbstreit Kansas State University; Anna Henry University of Missouri; Jim Knight University of Arizona;
Ken Martin Ohio State University; Bruce Miller Utah State University;
Wade Miller Iowa State University; Michael Newman Mississippi State University; Ed Osborne University of Florida; Karen Plaut Committee Administrator; Rama Radakrishna Penn State University; Rick Rudd Virginia Tech University (via phone); Mike Swan Washington State University; Rob Terry Oklahoma State University; Greg Thompson Oregon State University;
Roger Tormoehlen Purdue University; George Wardlow University of Arkansas,
Guests: Dr. Neville Clarke, Special Assistant To The Vice Chancellor
Vice Chancellor Of Agriculture, Texas A&M; Dr. Tim Murphy, Professor of Agricultural Education, Texas A&M; Dr. Mark Hussy, Vice Chancellor And Dean, Texas AgriLife.
Charge: After her introduction by Harbstreit, Plaut delivered a charge to the committee. She emphasized the importance of social sciences in helping the public understand the value of all research conducted through colleges of agriculture. She also pointed out the importance of continued emphasis upon STEM/STEAM in the agriculture context and how that emphasis fits with NSF mandates.
Harbstreit stated that there were no projects to review this year.
Discussion of Texas AgriLife New Resource Strategies: Clarke provided an overview of the work of the New Resources Strategies Task Force of Texas AgriLife. Clarke provided to the committee a copy of the slides used during his presentation (see attachment, New Resources Task Force).
Creating a Response to NIFA Priorities: Wardlow began by sharing an overview of the history of the committee. He stated that our discipline has made headway in being a component of multi-disciplinary, multi-state projects, but is not successful in leading such projects.
Wardlow distributed the document to guide the discussion (see attachment, Creating a Response to NIFA Priorities).
Osborn stated that we have made the case for the relevance of our contribution to NIFA projects. He reminded the group that at the 2011 meeting, Debbie Sheely, Head of the Institute of Food Production and Sustainability in NIFA, acknowledged that NIFA values our research and encouraged agricultural education researchers to submit proposals.
Wardlow provided a document he created presenting a crosswalk of the AAAE research priorities with the AFRI and NIFA priorities. That document was updated following the meeting (see attachment, Agricultural Education Research Contributes to USDA National Agenda).
Clarke pointed out that agricultural education researchers must answer two questions related to what we do and what we want to do: So what? Who cares? He said it is a matter of Branding our discipline. He also stated that our research priorities could be the social conscious for our deans.
For next steps, the group discussed the following three activities:
" Review the crosswalk document to see if the interface sections are correct.
" Refine the examples.
" Add key contacts.
Lunch Break: The committee was provided a tour of the new facilities for Department of Agricultural Leadership, Education and Communications followed by an informal luncheon.
Multi-State Research Groups: David Doerfert (Texas Tech), Dwayne Cartmell (Oklahoma State) and Brian Warnick (Utah State) joined the group via teleconference while Tracy Rutherford (Texas A&M) joined the group in person. Doerfert shared the background and workings of the Agricultural Communications Research Workgroup. He stated that the group meets annually and has generated several research proposals.
Warnick described the work of W-1006: Agricultural Literacy, a formal experiment station project committee. He reported the committee has three projects underway: Baseline data on AITC; Trend line study of impact of AITC; AITC/Ag literacy impact on high stakes testing.
Contrasts between an experiment station project committee versus an informal workgroup approach were discussed. Faculty interested in agricultural mechanics education research recently created a group following the informal workgroup model. An experiment station project committee focusing on the integration of STEM into school-based AgEd (SDC 343) was recently approved
Discussion ensued on ways to encourage formation of additional committees or workgroups on additional topics. Balschweid suggested groups be formed for each of the AAAE national research agenda priorities. The group accepted that idea.
The committee then focused on identifying groups or individuals to conduct focused research related each research priority. The term champions was used to these individuals and groups.
Priority 1
" Agricultural Literacy: W-1006
" Public Policy/Perceptions Issues: Agricultural Communications Research Workgroup
o The workgroup will be encouraged to pursue formal recognition as an experiment station project committee.
Priority 2
" Change and Adoption of Innovations: Craig Edwards, Teresa Murphrey, Julie Sexton, Tracy Irani, Amy Harder.
Priority 3
" Preparing Future Ag Scientists: SDC-343 committee, led by Bryan Myers. Encouraged Mike Swan to join that group.
Priority 4
" Teaching and Learning Theory and Practice: Grady Roberts, Anna Henry, Susie Whittington, Scott Burris, John Ewing, Matt Raven, Kirby Barrick.
Priority 5
" Program Evaluation: Rama Radakrishna, Kathleen Kelsey, Lavon Esters, Michael Newman.
Priority 6
" Youth and Community Development: Bob Birkenholz, Mark Brennen.
Individuals/groups listed above will be asked to create a committee to develop multi-state research proposals. Each group should engage in the process to become a formal experiment station project committees.
At least part of the professional development session of the 2012 AAAE meeting will be dedicated to the formation of these groups. Wardlow and Osborne will lead that session.
New Business:
Set annual meeting for January 2-4, 2012 at Mississippi State, Mississippi.
Officer elections: Chair George Wardlow
Vice-Chair Rob Terry
Secretary Mark Balschweid
Group was reminded that the Chair is an ex officio member of the AAAE Executive Committee and that the Secretary is to post a report of the meeting on the NIMSS website.
A motion to assign the Vice-Chair to attend AAAE Research Committee meeting at the annual AAAE meeting passed.
Changing Our Culture to Encourage More Research: Tormoehlen led a discussion focusing on three key questions:
" What is the culture of our home units?
" What are the barriers to changing that culture?
" What are the steps we can take to change the culture?
Committee members worked through a small group discussion process to examine those questions.
Adjourn for the day: The meeting was adjourned for the day at 5:10 pm.
Members and Guests in Attendance: All present the previous day were in attendance, except Henry. Dr. Robert Strong and Dr. Jeff Ripley, Assistant Professors of ALEC at Texas A&M University, joined the group for a presentation (see attachment, How do Agricultural Education Departments Serve the Public Interest).
Call to order: Chair Harbstreit called the meeting to order on at 8:00 am in the second floor conference room of the AgriLife Center at Texas A&M University.
Creating Departmental Public Value Statements: Strong and Ripley shared information regarding how their department created statements describing how they serve the public interest. They discussed purposes of the statements, how they were generated, how they are validated, and future plans for their use. Appendices B and C are the visuals and handout provided during the presentation.
Multi-State Research Groups (continued): Wardlow led discussion regarding outcomes of discussion from yesterday afternoon. A draft of the document will be provided to each committee member. Department heads of persons listed as champions for each group were assigned to ask those persons to serve in that capacity. Wardlow will provide those champions a memo describing what the committee expects them to do, including responsibilities during the professional development session of the AAAE meeting. Ideas for content of that memo were discussed and the committee officers were charged with crafting the memo.
The idea of using the professional development session to introduce this concept was discussed. Osborn will follow up with Shannon Arnold to determine the focus of the professional development session.
Update of Goals and Action Items: Terry led a discussion to review and update committee goals and action items (see attachment, NACA-024 Goals and Action Items: Updated 1/6/12).
" ESCOP Social Sciences Committee - Elliot reported the group will meet February 21-22 in Washington, DC. Elliot will serve as chair. Purpose of committee is to encourage USDA include social sciences components among its priorities. They intend to describe, How can Social Science committee help you achieve your NIFA goals.
Balschweid moved to have Elliot pursue having a representative of NCAC-24 serve as an ex officio member on the ESCOP Social Sciences Committee. Motion passed. Elliot will facilitate.
" AAAE The NCAC-24 chair is now a member of AAAE executive committee. NCAC-24 was provided time on the AAAE national meeting agenda to provide a report during meeting in Idaho. More headway is being made for inclusion of the committee in AAAE business and activities.
Observations: Plaut was asked to provide her prospective regarding the work of the committee. She stated the group is meeting its charge.
Wardlow commended Plaut for her involvement with the committee.
Other Business: Harbstreit expressed appreciation to officers for their support and to Elliot for hosting
Letters to be sent to Harbstreits department head commending him for his service to the committee and to Elliot thanking this department for hosting the group.
Adjourn: The meeting adjourned at 11:07 am.