Bill Bruening -- University of Kentucky;
Debra Ahrent -- University of Arkansas;
Dustin Harrell -- LSU Ag Center;
Howard Mason -- University of Missouri;
Kathryn Glass -- Auburn University;
Fred Allen -- University of Tennessee;
Bob Williams -- University of Tennessee;
Rocky Lemus -- Mississippi State University;
Joshua White -- Mississippi State University;
Monty Malone -- Bayer Crop Science;
Marty Hale, Terral Seed;
Rick Mascagni -- LSU AgCenter;
Brian Henry -- U. of Illinios;
Don Dombeck -- U. of Arkansas;
Cindy Arnevik -- Monsanto;
Darrin Joos -- University of Illinois;
Ralph Esgar -- U. of Illinois;
Marcelo Carena -- North Dakota State;
Daryl Bowman -- North Carolina State;
William Pearce -- U. or Kentucky;
Claire Venard -- U. or Kentucky;
Jessica Cole -- U. or Kentucky;
Zack Martin -- U. or Kentucky;
Chuck Wilson -- University of Arkansas;
Steve Sick -- Syngenta Seeds;
Joshua Still -- University of Arkansas;
Rheta Pryor -- University of Arkansas;
Richard Bond -- University of Arkansas;
Jerry Johnson -- Colorado State;
Adam Roth -- U. of Wisconsin-Madison;
Harry Behl -- Virginia Tech;
Anton Coy -- University of Georgia;
Clarence Watson -- University of Arkansas;
The 2012 Annual Meeting of SCC-33 and the University Crop Testing Alliance (UCTA) was March 8-10, at the Hilton New Orleans/St. Charles Ave., New Orleans, LA. Rick Mascsgni, Louisiana State University, and Marty Hale, Terral Seed Co., served as co-chairs for the meeting. Debra Ahrent of the University of Arkansas handled pre-registration and registration.
An informal meet and greet reception was held from 6-8 pm on March 8, 2012 in the Grand Chapel Room at the Hilton. The event was well attended and facilitated early registration and provided an excellent opportunity to network with other attendees.
Thursday Match 9, 2012 (Prytania Room)
8:00 Welcome / Introductions, Rick Mascagni, LSU Ag Center
8:30 Overview of SCC-33, History, function of multistate information exchange group - Clarence Watson, Univ. of Arkansas
9:00 Overview of UCTA, History, function, goals - Darin Joos, Univ. of Illinois
9:30 Rice Variety Testing in Arkansas - Chuck Wilson, Jr. and Karen Moldenhauer, Univ. of Arkansas
10:00 Rice Variety Testing in Louisiana - Dustin Harrell, LSU AgCenter
10:15 Break
10:45 Overview of the Forage Testing Program at Mississippi State University - Joshua White and Rocky Lemus, Mississippi State Univ.
11:10 Forage Variety Testing in North Carolina - Daryl Bowman, North Carolina State Univ.
11:30 Glyphosate Tolerance Among Wheat Varieties - Bill Bruening, Univ. of Kentucky
12:00pm Lunch
1:30 The Future of Herbicide Tolerant Traits in Soybeans and Implications on Yield Testing Programs; Evaluating Multiple Trait and Herbicide Combinations - Cindy Arnevik, Monsanto
2:00 Corn Testing - Different Versions of the Same Hybrid How do we Handle This? - Panel Discussion: Steve Sick (Syngenta Seeds), Daryl Bowman (NCSU), and Rick Mascagni (LSU Ag Center)
3:00 Break
3:30 Effect of Plant Spacing on Corn Grain Yield - Daryl Bowman (NCSU) and Don Dombek (Univ. of Arkansas)
4:00 Animal Control in Research Plots - Open discussion: Rick Mascagni (LSU Ag Center)
4:30 Reporting Data - Harry Behl (Virginia Tech), Marcelo Carena (North Dakota State Univ.), Daryl Bowman, and Rick Mascagni
5:30 Adjourn
Friday 2/10/12 (Prytania Room):
7-8:00am Beakfast
8:00 Incomplete Block Design - Fred Allen, Univ. of Tennessee
8:30 Proc Trend Analyses on Your PC - Daryl Bowman (NCSU)
9:00 TFPlan - A New Version of a Randomization Software -Daryl Bowman (NCSU)
9:30 Dixon's Outlier Procedure - Daryl Bowman (NCSU)
10:00 New Online National Variety Testing Survey - Josh Still (Univ. of Arkansas) and Jessica Cole (Univ. of Kentucky)
10:30 SCC-33 Business meeting
-- 2011 SCC-33 meeting minutes were approved.
-- Awards: The 2009 SCC-33 Outstanding Service Award was presented to Bill Bruening, University of Kentucky. Bill has twice served as chair of SCC-33 and helped to organize meetngs, including the first joint meeting of SCC-33 and the University Crop Testing Alliance (UCTA) in 2010.;
-- The Group thanked Rick Mascagni and Marty Hale for the excellent meeting ar rangements.
-- Fred Allen, University of Tennessee, and Monte Malone, Bayer Crop Science, were elected as co-chairs for 2012-13.
-- Fred and Monte will survey the group to determine the best meeting time and place for next year.
10:45 Adjourn