SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Dong Ahn (IA) Iowa State Univ.; Christine Alvarado (VA) Virginia Tech; Mark Berrang (GA) USDA; Maurizio Bianchi (Italy) Bologna, Italy; Sarah Birkhold (TX) Texas A&M; Al Booren (MI) Michigan State; Jeff Buhr (GA) USDA; John Cason (GA) USDA; Winnie Chiang (MI) Michigan State; Don Conner (AL) Auburn; Pat Curtis (NC) NCSU; Jim Daniels (GA) UGA; Paul Dawson (SC) Clemson; Dan Fletcher (GA) UGA; Arthur Hinton, Jr. (GA) USDA; Deana Jones (GA) USDA; Mike Lacy (GA) UGA; Kurt Lawrence (GA) USDA; Brenda Lyon (GA) USDA; Gene Lyon (GA) USDA; Ed Moran (AL) Auburn; Julie Northcutt (GA) USDA; Casey Owens (AR) U of Arkansas; Bosoon Park (GA) USDA; Mark Richards (WI) UW-Madison; Brian Sheldon (NC) NCSU; Doug Smith (GA) USDA-ARS; Bonnie Walters (WI) UW-River Falls; Sally Williams (FL) Florida; Lou Young (GA) USDA; <b>Project Leadership:</b> <br>Bonnie Walters, Chair, <Br>Patricia Curtis, Chair-elect, <br>Jeff Buhr, Secretary,

Welcome and Announcements:

Mike Lacey welcomed the group to Athens. Bonnie Walters, Chair, welcomed the participants and provided the agenda for the meeting. Bonnie indicated we needed to elect a new secretary. Dr. Cherry indicated we need to focus on collaborative projects. Rewrite is due 2004. Each participant introduced themselves and indicated where they will report.

Station Reports: Reports were presented by objectives.

Election of new secretary: Nominations taken from the floor. Nominations: Casey Owens (AR), Jeff Buhr (USDA). Casey Owens withdrew her nomination. Jeff Buhr elected by acclamation.

Minutes for last meeting: Minutes from last meeting approved.

Old Business:

Symposium -
Dan Fletcher has asked the European group to meet with us in US. He has not been successful in getting this joint meeting scheduled. Dan recommended we hold a symposium as a capstone to our project. He asked whether we should continue to try to hold a joint meeting with the European group or should we just hold a capstone symposium. The European group seems to want to keep their meeting in Europe. In lieu of our annual meeting, we could have papers presented at the symposium as a capstone to this project in 2004. Meeting would be held at the Georgia Center. A discussion continued about how to fund this symposium to provide for funding for invited speakers. A motion was made and seconded that the S292 group sponsor a symposium to be held in Athens, GA with Dan Fletcher chairing the effort. Motion passed. Paul Dawson volunteered to write a grant to support the conference.

Newsletter/Web Page -
A draft of a webpage was shown. Pat Curtis will e-mail link after draft webpage is uploaded. Each station will provide Pat with an URL to for their link to the webpage and any suggestions they might have on improving the page. Newsletter is being replaced with the webpage. It is the responsibility of each station representative to get project information to their Director.

Membership -
A discussion ensued regarding the inactive members and whether or not they can be dropped from the project.

New Business:

Reporting Requirements and deadlines -
New rules require that we turn in our annual report within 60 days of the final meeting. Subobjective coordinator needs to provide their plan of work information to Bonnie Walters by November 30.

2002 meeting location -
Motion was made and seconded that next years meeting will be in Auburn. Motion passed.

Resolutions -
Resolutions to be written for Alan Sams, Dan Fletcher at UGA, USDA.

Other new business:

Questions were raised if we should update the bulletin on the historical document of this project. It was written Mickey Hall at Clemson. Paul Dawson will try to find copy of original. Bonnie volunteered to update bulletin.


National Poultry Info Database looking for processing articles.



Blood Splash/Bruising/Hemorrhaging in Poultry ? Color Problems

Variations in live production have been shown to have impacts on the final meat quality. One of the variations is the change in diet/feeding regimen in order to maintain cost effectiveness during production. Changes in levels of essential amino acids in the diets were studied by AL and GA. No differences in Hunter L values of the breast filets were observed. The addition of Zn containing amino acids decreased the amount of blood splash found in the filets and enhanced red blood cell stability. These results may lead to an evaluation of the blood 24 ?36 hours preslaughter that could predict hemorrhagic problems.

Quality measurements including color, pH, water holding capacity and cook loss were taken by GA and WI on the broiler breast meat supplied by AL. The results were used to make comparisons of meat that could be separated by L color values. Discolorations in the meat were also evaluated and manipulated with chemical additives to reduce the discoloration.

Biologically Impaired Meat Quality

The impact that biologically impaired meat is having on the poultry industry has made it one of the priorities of this project. The growing problem of pale, soft, exudative (PSE) meat in turkeys and broilers has led to a combined effort to understand and counter the problem. Research into the genetic factors playing a role in the prevalence of PSE is being done collaboratively by MI, NE, OH, and TX. Comparisons were made between genetically unimproved and commercial turkeys. The results showed that at least two sub-populations of commercial turkeys exist in regards to the genetic differences relating to PSE. These genetic differences relate to the ryanodine receptor/calcium channel activity of the various strains. Quality differences have also been noted between the different strains that have been tested. The effectiveness of screening poultry using halothane to identify individuals prone to PSE was conducted by AR and was found not to be a successful method.

The live production aspects that may play a part in the PSE problem are being evaluated. Arkansas is making changes to broiler diets to include added selenium which is thought to decrease the incidence of PSE ?like meat, caused from heat stress in the summer months. They are also making comparisons of broiler strains and susceptibility to PSE when exposed to heat stress. Dietary changes were done with turkeys to evaluate possible feedstuffs that could help decrease problems associated with heat stress and PSE in MN. Meat quality was evaluated for both the broiler (AR) and turkey studies (WI). Results of these projects are still being analyzed.

Another meat quality problem involving dark coloration in turkeys and broilers has increased over the past few years and has become a major concern in Canada. Cyanosis is characterized by the darkening of the carcass musculature at the time of slaughter. Studies by GU were conducted to determine if DFD-like poultry meat is similar to that of the birds being condemned for cyanosis. The results showed that the condemned birds did have DFD-like characteristics.

The PSE condition produces meat that exhibits characteristics unsuitable for further processing. Because of this the meat quality, the use of added ingredients into further processed products, and in-line sorting are being studied. The reliability of color measurements/methods used for detecting the occurrence of PSE poultry are being studied by WI. The addition of non-meat binders especially modified food starch to marinated whole muscle products has been shown by AR to be effective in increasing the water holding capacity of PSE type meat in further processed products. Georgia is working on developing an in-line sorting system for breast filets to help improve further processing of the poor quality filets. They have found that the color changes dramatically during processing and needs to be accounted for over time. Work is continuing to determine the confounding influences of sample thickness and background effects on color determination.

Irradiation impact on poultry meat quality

Iowa evaluated the effect of dietary vitamin E on lipid oxidation and volatile production in irradiated raw turkey patties. Dietary TA did not influence the weight gain of turkeys, but plasma vitamin E levels increased by 3.5 times when dietary TA was increased from 0 to 200 IU/kg diet. Dietary TA of 200 IU/kg diet significantly reduced the TBARS values in nonirradiated turkey. In irradiated turkey patties, however, the antioxidant effect of dietary TA was not significant because irradiation increased lipid oxidation. Irradiation produced off-odor volatiles that decreased after 7-d of aerobic storage and dietary TA had a distinct effect on reducing these volatiles in irradiated turkey patties. These volatiles showed decreasing trends as dietary TA increased and total volatiles also decreased drastically when dietary TA was more than 100 IU/kg diet.

Production and processing factors impacting the safety of poultry products

North Carolina and South Carolina evaluated adhesin-specific nanoparticles for removal of Campylobacter jejuni from poultry. The overall objective was to develop and evaluate a novel on-farm strategy for the removal of campylobacters from poultry intestinal tracts by feeding bioactive nanoparticles which have an affinity for and bind to the surfaces of C. jejuni. Following the developmental and screening stages, the nanoparticles will be administered to actively growing and C. jejuni-infected chickens and turkeys under commercial conditions to determine their ability to interfere with intestinal colonization of campylobacters, and the impact on growth characteristics and livability of the birds. Breeder populations were inoculated with Campylobacter (GA), then tested to determine if the organism can survive and move through the reproductive tract. Recovery of Campylobacter from the cloaca to the magnum indicated the possibility of direct vertical transmission of this pathogen from hen to egg to broiler chick.

Research was conducted by AL to identify bacteria found in broiler deboning operations. Whole carcasses, skinless breast meat, and equipment were sampled. Among 600 isolates identified, there were 35 different genera, representing 100 different species. Similar genera were found on equipment and breast meat. Georgia and North Carolina have conducted research to assess the effectiveness of carcass washers and different evisceration techniques. Studies were completed by GA to evaluate both rapid methods and novel sanitizing agents for both spoilage and sanitation. Evaluations on the effect of different rapid measurements for enumerating aerobic bacteria, coliforms, and E. coli from raw pork and chicken carcasses has been reported.

Alabama also tested the effect of pH reduction on growth of Campylobacter jejuni, media. Samples were acidified with citric, hydrochloric, or tartaric acid to pH 4.5-6.5 in 0.5 increments, then inoculated. In the pH range tested, the inhibitory pH was 4.5 for citric and hydrochloric acid, and pH 5.0 for tartaric. C. jejuni was able to grow a moderately acidic conditions, but type of acidulant affected survival and growth rate. North Carolina found the rate of inactivation of Salmonella and Campylobacter was influenced by both contact surface and suspending media. The initial lag phases of the survivor curves were followed by a linear (r2 > 0.94) decrease in cell population that varied by rate across contact surfaces. Survival of C. jejuni on poultry skin vs meat was determined by AL. In absence of competing microflora, C. jejuni survived well on both media. Ice crust freezing did not affect survival. Temperature abuse also did not affect survival. Surviving populations were slightly higher on skin vs meat. Rinsing whole or cut-up broiler carcasses prior to chilling will eliminate or significantly reduce the presence of psychrotrophic organisms and Campylobacter jejuni on retail ready-to-cook poultry is being studied by FL and GA. North Carolina evaluated the reliability of time-temperature integrators (TTIs) for use on poultry products. The TTI is used to identify when a food product has undergone temperature abuse and was found to be affective for use on poultry products.

The effect of electrical stimulation and length of feed withdrawal period on gastrointestinal strength was determined by GA. Evaluations assessing transport cage height and short term feed outages on broiler performance, live shrink, processing yields and potential contaminations were also completed.

Previous research by NC and AL on the viability of a cryogenic carbon dioxide rapid cooling unit for shell eggs built by Praxair Inc was continued. The two field studies were performed at a commercial egg processing facility located in NC. In addition, an SE inoculation study was performed by AL. The results of these trials indicate that the process of cryogenically cooling shell eggs in the newly designed cooler works in the same manner as earlier studies conducted at other locations with different cooler configurations. Cryogenically cooled eggs can be cooled more quickly than conventionally cooled eggs. The cryogenically cooled eggs maintained higher percentages of AA Grade and Haugh unit values than traditionally cooled eggs throughout the study. This extension of Grade AA quality could be of financial benefit to processors. No statistically significant treatment differences were seen in the quality tests measuring foaming, shell breaking force, vitelline membrane strength, or emulsifying ability. The implication of this research is cryogenic cooling does not change the functionality of eggs and actually improves the quality as measured by Haugh Units.

AL in collaboration with NC, studied the fate of low levels (~100 cfu/egg) of Salmonella Enteritidis (SE) in eggs rapidly cooled with gaseous/solid CO2 was determined and compared to SE populations in eggs subjected to traditional cooling conditions. SE populations remained at the initial inoculation level (~160 cfu/egg) over the 49 d storage period in CO2 cooled eggs, while after 6 d of storage, SE populations were 2-4 log cfu/egg higher in traditional cooled eggs vs CO2 cooled eggs.

A collaborative project between NC and SC involving antimicrobial packaging was to develop a high temperature, short time surface pasteurization process for vacuum-skin packaged ready-to-eat processed meat followed by incorporation of antimicrobial films for controlling the four bacterial pathogens. Half of the work involving Listeria. monocytogenes and Salmonella typhimurium was completed by SC whereas NC tested E. coli O157:H7 and Campylobacter jejuni. This collaborative effort between North Carolina and South Carolina has been or is currently determining the D-values and Z-values for Salmonella typhimurium, Listeria monocytogenes, Campylobacter jejuni, and Escherichia 0157:H7 for packaged turkey bologna. Concurrently, the development of antimicrobial films has continued at the SC station including the production of thermally compacted polyethylene, soy, wheat and zein films. Thermally compacted films have been compared to cast films for wheat and corn.



Barbut, S. 2001. Poultry Product Processing: An Industry Guide. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Bilgili, S. F., 2001. Poultry Meat Inspection and Grading. Pages 47-72 in: Poultry Meat Processing, Ed., A. R. Sams, CRC Press LCC, Boca Raton, FL

Conner, D. E., 2001. Review: microbiology and hygiene control in egg production and processing. Pp. 301-308 in: Proceedings of the IX European Symposium on the Quality of Eggs and Egg Productst. WPSA Turkish Branch, Kusadasi, Turkey.

Conner, D. E., M. A. Davis, and L. Zhang, 2001. Poultry-borne pathogens: plant considerations. Pp. 137-158 in: A. R. Sams (ed.), Poultry Meat Processing, CRC Press LCC, Boca Raton, FL

Fletcher, D. L., 2001. Glossary of Meat Production Terms, in Poultry Production Guide, Elsevier International, The Netherlands, Chapter 7.1, Pages 105-146.

Moore, C.M., and B.W. Sheldon, 2001. Time-Temperature Indicators: A New Tray-Pack Technology. In ?Proceedings of the 2001 Midwestern Poultry Federation Annual Convention?, Minneapolis, MN, March 14-15.

Moran, E.T., 2001. Effect of Nutrition and Feed Additives on Meat Quality. Proceedings of the XV European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat. WPSA Turkish Branch, Kusadasi, Turkey.

Mulder, R. W. A, and S. F. Bilgili, 2001. Proceedings of the XV European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, 463 Pages, WPSA Turkish Branch, Kusadasi, Turkey.

Mulder, R. W. A., and S. F. Bilgili, 2001. Proceedings of the IX European Symposium on the Quality of Poultry Meat, 461 Pages, WPSA Turkish Branch, Kusadasi, Turkey.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. Bacteriocins Used in Food Preservation. In ?Proceedings of the 2001 Food Safety Symposium?, Clemson, SC, April 19-20, Clemson University.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. In-Shell Pasteurization of Eggs. In ?Proceedings of the 8th National Egg Quality School?, Salisbury, MD, May 21-24, p. 78-93.

Sheldon, B.W., P.R. Ferket, and T.F. Middleton, 2001. Microbiological Stability of Poultry and Swine Mortality Treated by a Phosphoric Acid or Cook/Dehydration Process. In "International Symposium Addressing Animal Production and Environmental Issues", Sheraton Imperial, Research Triangle Park, NC, October 3-5, CD.

Journal Articles

Ahn, D. U., K. C. Nam, M. Du, and C. Jo, (2001). Effect of Irradiation and Packaging Conditions after Cooking on the Formation of Cholesterol and Lipid Oxidation Products in Meats during Storage. Meat Sci. 57:413-418.

Ahn, D. U., Nam, K. C., M. Du, and C. Jo, (2001). Volatile Production of Irradiated Normal, Pale Soft Exudative (PSE) and Dark Firm Dry (DFD) Pork with Different Packaging and Storage. Meat Sci. 57:419-426.

Barbut, S. 2001. Acceptance of fresh chicken meat presented under three light sources. Poultry Sci. 80:101-104.

Beckerbauer, L. M., R. Thiel-Cooper, D. U. Ahn, J. L. Sell, F. C. Parrish, Jr., and D. C. Beitz (2001). Influence of Two Dietary Fats on the Composition of Emu Oil and Meat. Poultry Science 80:187-194.

Buhr, R.J., N.A. Cox, N.J. Stern, J.L. Wilson, and K.L. Hiett, 2001. Campylobacter recovery from the reproductive tract of commercial broiler breeder hens. Proc. 11th Int. Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms. Freiburg, Germany.

Buhr, R.J., and J.A. Dickens, 2001. Crop extraction load and efficiency of crop removal during manual evisceration of broilers: 1. Evaluation of Stunning voltage and method of bleeding. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 10:71-78.

Buhr, R.J., N.A. Cox, N.J. Stern, J.L. Wilson, K.L. Hiett, 2001. Campylobacter recovery from the reproductive tract of commercial broiler breeder hens. Proc. 11th Int. Workshop on Campylobacter, Helicobacter and Related Organisms. Freiburg, Germany.

Cason, J. A., R. J. Buhr, and A. Hinton, Jr., 2001. Unheated water in the first tank of a three-tank broiler scalder. Poultry Sci. 80:1643-1646.

Du, M., D. U. Ahn, K. C. Nam, and J. L. Sell, (2001). Volatile Profiles and Lipid Oxidation of Irradiated Cooked Chicken Meat Patties from Laying Hens Fed Diets Containing Conjugated Linoleic Acid. Poultry Science 80:235-241.

Du, M., K. C. Nam, S. J. Hur, H. Ismail, and D. U. Ahn, (2001). Effect of Dietary Conjugated Linoleic Acid, Irradiation and Packaging Conditions on the Quality Characteristics of Raw Broiler Breast Fillets. Meat Sci. 60 (1): 9-15.

Du, M. and D. U. Ahn, (2001). Volatile Composition of Chinese Traditional Jinghua Ham and Cantonese Sausage. J. Food Science 66 (6): 827-831.

Glassmoyer, K. E., and S. M. Russell, 2001. Evaluation of a selective broth medium for detection of Staphylococcus aureus using impedance microbiology. J. Food Prot. 64:44-50.

Hess, J. B., S. F. Bilgili, A. M. Parson, and K. M. Downs, 2001. Influence of complexed zinc products on live performance and carcass grade of broilers. J. Appl. Animal Res. 19:49-60.

Hinton, A. Jr., R.J. Buhr, and K.D. Ingram, 2001. Reduction of Salmonella in the crop of broiler chickens subjected to feed withdrawal. Poultry Sci.79:1566-1570.

Hinton, A. Jr., and K.D. Ingram, 2001. Use of oleic acid to reduce the population of the bacterial flora of poultry skin. J. Food Prot. 63:1282-1286.

Jo, C., D. U. Ahn, and M. W. Byun, (2001). Lipid oxidation and volatile production in irradiated raw pork batters prepared with commercial soybean oil enriched with vitamin E. Rad. Phys. Chem. 61:41-47.

Keener, K. M., J. D. LaCrosse, and J. K. Babson, 2001. Chemical method for determination of carbon dioxide content in egg yolk and egg albumen. J. Poult. Sci. 83:983-987.

Lee, J. I., S. Kang, D. U. Ahn, and M. Lee, (2001). Formation of Cholesterol Oxides in Irradiated Raw and Cooked Chicken Meat during Storage. Poultry Sci. 80:105-108.

Lyon, B.G., C. E. Davis, W. R. Windham, and C.E. Lyon, 2001. Acid phosphatase activity and color changes in consumer-style griddle-cooked ground beef patties. J. Food Prot. 64:1199-1205.

Lyon, B.G., and C.E. Lyon, 2001. Meat Quality: Sensory and Instrumental Evaluations. P. 97-120 in: Poultry Meat Processing. A.R. Sams, editor. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Fl.

Nam, K. C. and D. U. Ahn (2001). Carbon Monoxide-Heme Pigment complexes are Responsible for the Pink Color in Irradiated Raw Turkey Breast Meat. Meat Sci. 60 (1): 25-33.

Nam, K. C., Ahn, D. U., M. Du, and C. Jo, (2001). Cholesterol Oxides in Irradiated Raw Meat with Different Packaging and Storage Time. Meat Science 58/4:431-435.

Northcutt, J. K., R. J. Buhr, L. L. Young, C. E. Lyon, and G. O. Ware, 2001. Influence of age and postchill carcass aging duration on chicken breast fillet quality. Poultry Science 80:808-812.

Northcutt, J.K., L.L. Young, and R.J. Buhr, 2001. Effects of turkey age and conditioning on meat pH, color and sarcomere length. Proc. Int. Cong. Meat Sci. Technol., 218-219.

Petracci, M., D. L. Fletcher, and J. K. Northcutt, 2001. The effect of holding temperature on live shrink, processing yield and breast meat quality of broiler chicken. Poultry Sci. 80:670-675.

Poland, A.L., and B.W. Sheldon, 2001. Altering the thermal resistance of foodborne bacterial pathogens with an eggshell membrane waste by-product. J. Food Prot. 64:486-492.

Qiao, M., D. L. Fletcher, D. P. Smith, and J. K. Northcutt, 2001. The effect of broiler breast meat color on ph, moisture, water-holding capacity, and emulsification capacity. Poultry Sci. 80:676-680.

Russell, S. M., 2001. Evaluation of an optical microbiological method for rapidly enumerating populations of aerobic bacteria, coliforms, and Escherichia coli (E. coli) from ground pork. J. Food Prot. 64(5):669-673.

Russell, S. M., 2001. Evaluation of an optical microbiological method for rapidly enumerating populations of aerobic bacteria, coliforms, and Escherichia coli from broiler chicken carcasses. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 10:141-149.

Smith, D. P., 2001. Defects of pre and post deboned broiler breast. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 10:33 40.

Webster, A. B. and D. L. Fletcher, 2001. Reactions of chickens to different gases used for stunning poultry. Poultry Sci. 80:1371-1377.

Young, L. L., J. K. Northcutt, R. J. Buhr, C. E. Lyon, and G. O. Ware. 2001. Effects of age, sex, and duration of postmortem aging on percentage yield of parts from broiler chicken carcasses. Poultry Science 80:376-379.

Young, L.L., and J.K. Northcutt, 2001. Effect of age, sex, and aging duration on absorption and retention of chiller water by slaughtered broilers. Proc. Int. Congr. Meat Sci. Technol. 220-221.

Xu, L.J., B.W. Sheldon, D.K. Larick, and R.E. Carawan, 2001. Recovery and characterization of by-products from egg processing plant wastewater using coagulants. Poultry Sci. 80:57-65.


Ahn, D. U. (2001). Production of off-odor volatiles from amino acid homopolymers by irradiation. FSC annual meeting, Sept. 17-19. Ames, IA. p ISU-21-24.

Ahn, D. U., M. Du, K. C. Nam, and G. Cherian, (2001). Effect of Dietary Sorghum Cultivars on the Storage Stability of Cooked Broiler Breast and Thigh Meats. Poultry Science conference, July 24-28, 2001. Indianapolis, IN. p 137.

Ahn, D. U., M. Du, K. Nam and C. Jo (2001). Effect of ionizing radiation on quality characteristics of vacuum-packaged pork with Different Ultimate pH. IUFoST conference, April 20-26. Seoul, Korea. p 170.

Ahn, D. U., C. Jo, M. Du, K. Nam, and D. Olson, (2001). Processing and Storage Impact on the Volatile Compounds and Sensory Characteristics of Meat. IUFoST conference, April 20-26. Seoul, Korea. p 46.

Anderson, K.E., B.W. Sheldon, and K.E. Richardson, 2001. Effect of Termin-8_ anti-microbial preservative on the growth of commercial white and brown egg type pullets and environmental microbial population. Poultry Sci. 80(supplement 1):88.

Berrang, M. E., R.J. Buhr, and J.A. Cason, 2001. Microbiological consequences of skin removal prior to evisceration of broiler carcasses. Poultry Sci. (Suppl. 1):52.

Buhr, R.J., J.A. Dickens, and J.L. Wilson, 2001. Filling and emptying of the alimentary tract of meal fed broiler breeder hens. Poultry Sci. 80 (Suppl.1).

Buttles, T.J, J. Kalbfleisch, S.L. Noll, and B.S. Walters, 2001. Influence of measurement position on the color values of turkey breast meat. Poult. Sci 80(Suppl. 1):

Cason, J. A., R.J. Buhr, A. Hinton, Jr., M.E. Berrang, and N. A. Cox, 2001. Application of lactic-acid producing bacterial cultures to skin of live broilers. Poultry Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1):52.

Cavitt, L.C., C.M. Owens, J.F. Meullenet, R.K. Gandhapuneni, and G.W. Youm, 2001. 0Rigor development and meat quality of large and small broilers and the use of Allo Kramer shear, needle puncture, and razor blade shear to measure texture. Poultry Sci. 80:572 (Suppl. 1)(Abstr.)

Cavitt,L.C., and C.M. Owens, 2001. Marination of PSE broiler meat using non-meat binders. Poultry Sci. 80:570 (Suppl. 1)(Abstr.)

Cherian, G., T. B. Holsonbake, and D. U. Ahn (2001). Conjugated linoleic acid alters egg yolk fatty acid composition and volatile compounds in raw, cooked, and irradiated eggs. Poultry Science conference, July 24-28, 2001. Indianapolis, IN. p 54.

Davis, M. A. and D. E. Conner, 2001. Survival of Campylobacter jejuni on poultry skin and meat at varying temperatures. Poultry Science 80 (suppl. 1): 298.

Dickens, J.A., C.E. Lyon, and R.J.Buhr, 2001. The effect of electrical stimulation during exsanguination on tenderness and cook loss of breast fillets from spent hens deboned at two and twenty-four hours. Poultry Sci. 80 (Suppl.1).

Du, M., K. C. Nam, S. J. Hur, H. Ismail, D. U. Ahn, and J. L. Sell (2001). Effect of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on the growth and fat accumulation of broilers. Poultry Science conference, July 24-28, 2001. Indianapolis, IN. p 297.

Fletcher, D. L., 2001. Impact of poultry genetics on poultry meat quality. Invited presentation at a joint symposia sponsored by the Animal Science Society, Dairy Science Society, American Meat Science Association, and the Poultry Science Association, Indianapolis, IN., July, 2001.

Gurtler, J. B. and D. E. Conner, 2001. Influence of CO2 cryogenic cooling on low populations of Salmonella Enteritidis in inoculated table eggs. Poultry Science 80 (suppl. 1): 296

Hausam, J., P. Crandall, C. O?Bryan, D.U. Ahn, and N. Hettiarachchy (2001). Ascorbic Acid and Sodium Chloride Effects on Microbial Stability of Irradiated Poultry Breast Meat. FSC annual meeting, Sept. 17-19. Ames, IA. p UA-17-20.

Hinton, A. Jr., and K.D. Ingram, 2001. Fungicidal activity of oleate against yeasts isolated from poultry skin of processed broiler chickens. Am. Soc. Microbiol.

Hinton, A. Jr., 2000. Ability of oleic acid to reduce the number of bacteria on poultry skin and rinsates of poultry skin. Int. Assoc. Food Prot., Atlanta, GA.

Hughes, L.A., K.E. Anderson and P.A. Curtis. 2001. The effect of cryogenic cooling with carbon dioxide on the USDA grade and microbial load of shell eggs in the commercial setting. Poultry Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):54.

Hur, S. J., M. Du, K. C. Nam, Y. H. Kim, and D. U. Ahn (2001). Effect of cooking method and packaging conditions on the TBARS and COPs of turkey thigh meat patties during storage. Poultry Science Conference, July 24-28, 2001. Indianapolis, IN. p 50.

Jo, C., D. U. Ahn, and M. W. Byun (2001). Effect of vitamin E contained in soybean oil on oxidative changes of irradiated sausages. IUFoST conference, April 20-26. Seoul, Korea. p 156.

Jo, C., D. U. Ahn, and M. W. Byun (2001). Model study on radiolytic degradation of volatile compounds in oil emulsion contained amino acids. IUFoST conference, April 20-26. Seoul, Korea. p 157.

Kim, Y. H., K. C. Nam, S. J. Hur, M. Du, H. A. Ismail, and D.U. Ahn (2001). Color, oxidation-reduction potential, and gas production of irradiated meat from different animal species. IFT Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. June 24-29.

Kim, Y. H., K. C. Nam, H. A. Ismail, S. J. Hur, M. Du, and D.U. Ahn (2001). Volatile profiles, lipid oxidation and sensory characteristics of irradiated meat from different animal species. IFT Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. June 24-29.

Lawrence, K., B. Park, W. Windham, and D. Smith, 2001. Imaging system for fecal and ingesta detection on poultry carcasses. Poultry Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1).

Lyon, B.G., E.T. Moran, C.E. Lyon, and E.M. Savage. 2001. Effects of post-mortem deboning time and L-value classification of raw fillets on color and texture characteristics of cooked broiler breast meat. Ann.Poul.Sci.Mtg., Indianapolis.

Mai, T. and D. E. Conner, 2001. Identification of bacteria found in broiler deboning operations. Poultry Science 80 (suppl. 1): 297.

McNeal, W. D. and Fletcher, D. L., 2001. The effect of stunning and decapitation on broiler activity during bleeding, blood loss, and carcass quality. Presented at a Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN., July, 2001.

Meijun, Z., I.V. Wesley, C. Wang, D. U. Ahn (2001). Dietary vitamin E improved the immune responses of turkeys inoculated with Listeria monocytogenes. Food Safety Consortium Annual Meeting, Sept. 16-18. Ames, IA. p ISU-49-57.

McAvoy, K.D., P.A. Curtis, K.M. Keener, K.E. Anderson and D.E. Conner. 2001. Comparison of quality and functionality of traditionally and cryogenically cooled shell eggs. Poultry Sci. 79(Suppl. 1):55.

Moore, C.M., and B.W. Sheldon, 2001. Development of time/temperature indicator tags for tracking poultry product quality throughout the cold chain. Poultry Sci. 80(supplement 1):52.

Nam, K. C. and D. U. Ahn (2001).Characterization and identification of pink color in irradiated raw turkey breast meat. FSC annual meeting, Sept. 17-19. Ames, IA. p AB-20.

Nam, K. C., H. A. Ismail, M. Du, S. J. Hur, Y. H. Kim, and D. U. Ahn Mechanisms of pink color formation in irradiated precooked turkey breast. Poultry Science conference, July 24-28, 2001. Indianapolis, IN. p 139

Nam, K. C., D. U. Ahn, M. Du, and C. Jo (2001). Effect of ionizing radiation on lipid oxidation, color, and volatiles of normal, PSE, and DFD pork. IUFoST conference, April 20-26. Seoul, Korea. p 170.

Petracci, M. and Fletcher, D. L., 2001. Broiler skin and meat color changes during storage. Presented at a Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN., July, 2001.

Qiao, M., Northcutt, J. K., Fletcher, D. L., and Smith, D. P., 2001. The effects of raw broiler breast meat color variation on marination and cooked meat quality. Presented at a Poultry Science Association Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN., July, 2001.

Roe, M. T., A. Byrd, D. Smith, and S. D. Pillai, 2001. Integron gene sequences within poultry farms and processing plants. Poultry Sci. 80 (Suppl. 1).

Russell, S. M., 2001. Effect of electrostatic application of Primacide acid water on pathogenic and indicator bacteria attached to the surface of eggs. Poultry Science Annual Meeting.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. Development of an inhibitory absorbent cellulose gum tray pad for reducing spoilage microorganisms and the risk of cross-contamination. Poultry Sci. 80(supplement 1):17.

Sheldon, B.W. and P.L. Dawson, 2001. Application of active packaging films to inhibit Salmonella Typhimurium on broiler drumstick skin. Poultry Sci. 80(supplement 1):53.

Smith, D. P., J. K. Northcutt, and J. R. Claus, 2001. Effects of selected chemicals on red discoloration in fully cooked broiler breast meat. Poultry Sci. 80.

Young, L.L, J.A. Cason, R.J. Buhr, and C.E. Lyon, 2001. Effects of vacuum marination on moisture absorption and retention by boneless broiler chicken breasts. Inst. Food Technol., p. 65, #30C-25.

Zhang, L. and D. E. Conner, 2001.Growth of Campylobacter jejuni under acidic conditions. Poultry Science 80 (suppl. 1): 298.

Trade Articles:

Bilgili, S. F., 2001. Research Digest. WATT Poultry USA, 2(1):102-105.
Curtis, P.A., 2001. Emerging technologies in egg cooling. Zootechnica 5:24-29.
Downs, K. M., J. B. Hess, and S. F. Bilgili, 2001. Micronutrients and meat quality. Feed Management 52(4):28-30.

Fletcher, D. L., "Research Digest" Watt Poultry USA: 2(2):52-54. February, 2001.

Fletcher, D. L., "Research Digest" Watt Poultry USA: 2(8):60-64. August, 2001.

Hess, J. B., K. M. Downs, and S. F. Bilgili, 2001. Zinc helpful in reducing skin problems. Page 23, Poultry Times, August.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. Poultry Research ? Ensuring Quality From Further Processing. Meat Processing 40(1):72.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. Poultry Research ? Creating Quality Poultry Products. Meat Processing 40(3):68.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. The International Poultry Exposition Presents Futuristic Realities. Meat Processing 40(4):40, 42-43, 45-46, 48, 50, 52.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. Poultry Research ? Lighting, Washing, Testing. Meat Processing 40(5):72.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. Poultry Research - Zinc Chloride Reduces Salmonella Attachment. Meat Processing 40(7):126.

Sheldon, B.W., 2001. Poultry Research - Controlling Microbial Loads in the Plant. Meat Processing 40(9):144.
D. Other Publications

Moore, C.M., 2001. Development of Time-Temperature Integrator Tags for Tracking Poultry Product Quality Throughout the Chill Chain, M.S. Thesis, NCSU, pp. 130.

Northcutt, J. K., 2001. Broiler Feed Withdrawal: Techniques For Improving Yield. U.S. Poultry & Egg Association, Poultry Processors Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, May.**

Quio, Meihua, Ph.D., 2001. Department of Poultry Science. Dissertation title, ?The influences of broiler breast meat color variation on meat quality.? B. S., Shanxi Agricultural University, China; M. S., Beijing Agricultural University, China. (D. L. Fletcher, Major Professor)

Russell, S. M., 2001. Food-borne pathogens: types, analysis and control. Proceedings of the Costa Rican Food Technology Conference. August.

Smith, D. P., 2001. Food safety issues: Campylobacter and Salmonella. Virginia Poultry Health and Management Seminar, Roanoke, Virginia, 2001

Smith, D. P., 2001. Evaluation of type and incidence of bones found in broiler breast meat. USPEA Processors Workshop, Atlanta, Georgia, 2001

Smith, D. P., 2001. Quality assurance and HACCP programs for the commercial egg industry. NSF 2nd International Conference on Food Safety, Savannah, Georgia.

Smith, D. P., 2001. HACCP programs for live broiler chicken production. NSF 2nd International Conference on Food Safety, Savannah, Georgia

Taylor, Nicole, M.S., Department of Poultry Science. Thesis title, ?Live production and transport factors affecting broiler live shrink and processing yields.? B. S., Clemson University, Animal Sciences. (J. K. Northcutt and D. L. Fletcher, Major Professors)

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