SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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Attendees at NC-1027 Technical Committee meeting, Sept. 21, 2011 *voting member of participating station; *Chase, Chris (, South Dakota State University; *Czuprynski, Chuck (, University of Wisconsin; *Fulton, Robert (, Oklahoma State University; *Gershwin, Laurel (, Universiy of California, Davis; *Grooms, Dan (, Michigan State University; *Woolums, Amelia (, University of Georgia; Hamernik, Deb (, University of Nebraska, Lincoln (AA); Renter, David (, Kansas State University; White, Brad (, Kansas State University; Daly, Russ (, South Dakota State University; Davis, Jessica (, VMTRC, UC Davis, Tulare; Lehenbauer, Terry (, VMTRC, UC Davis, Tulare; Tucker, Cassandra (, UC Davis; Van Eenennaam, Alison (, UC Davis; Holland, Margo (, USDA-NIFA; Johnson, Peter (, USDA-NIFA; Womack, James (, VTPB, CVM Texas A&M; Elliott, Jan (, VTPB, CVM, Texas A&M; Neibergs, Holly (, Washington State University;

NC-1027 Annual Report, 2011 September 21, 2011 St. Louis, MO In conjunction with the AABP Annual Convention Joint Meeting of Multistate Research Committee NC 1027, An Integrated Approach To Control Of Bovine Respiratory Diseases ( and the USDA-NIFA BRD CAP Objectives: (1) Strengthen integration/coordination of USDA-NIFA competitive and multi-state formula-based projects on bovine respiratory disease (2) Conduct NC 1027 (NC1092) business meeting (3) Discuss future options to maintain maximum viability of a BRD multistate research committee Agenda: 8:30 AM: Welcome 8:40-10:00 AM: BRDC CAP Presentations 8:40 - 9 General overview of the BRD CAP - James Womack 9-10 BRD CAP Ongoing research projects reports - 9:00-9:20 Terry Lehenbauer and Jessica Davis - Tulare Calf Trial 9:20-9:40 Laurel Gershwin - Challenge Trial 9:40-10:00 CassandraTucker - Behavior/Meloxicam Trial 10-10:30: Break 10:30-12 BRDC CAP Presentations and Discussion 10:30-11:00 Educational component of CAP- Alison Van Eenennaam 11:00-11:30 Outreach component of CAP  Alison Van Eenennaam 11:30-12:00 Collaborative opportunities for CAP Outreach with NC1027 (and NC-1192, the next regional project beginning in 2012) 12  1: Lunch, sponsored by Pfizer. Discussion of efforts to lobby for more animal health research funding as the 2012 Farm Bill is planned, led by Amelia Woolums. 1:00 - 2:00 PM: Updates from USDA-Agricultural Research Service (ARS) & USDA- National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) (Margo Holland and Peter Johnson, NIFA) 2-3:15 PM: Station Reports 3:15-3:30 Break 3:30-4PM Station Reports (continued) 4:00-4:30PM: Business Meeting. 4:30 PM: End of joint NC1027 + BRD CAP meeting Thursday September 22, 2011 9:00 to 10:30: Open Forum, in conjunction with AABP BRDC committee and members of BRD CAP. Discussion of questions related to bovine respiratory disease with AABP Convention attendees. Minutes of business meeting, September 21: Deb Hamernik, Administrative Advisor to NC-1027/NC-1192, briefly addressed the group. Asked that in the future, extramural funding received be included in annual reports. The project running from 2012-2017 will be identified as NC-1192. Discussion of location for next years meeting. NC-1027 Technical Committee meeting has been in conjunction with AABP for several years. However, in 2012 AABP will meet in Montreal, Quebec, Canada. International travel is not reimbursed by some universities. Thus the NC-1192 Technical Committee meeting in 2012 will be held in conjunction with Academy of Veterinary Consultants Summer Meeting in Kansas City, MO, Aug 2-4. Exact date, time, and location of Technical Committee meeting TBA. Discussion of whether AFRI grant recipients who are doing research on BRD will be asked to present at the 2012 meeting. That group joined NC-1027 at 2010 meeting and consensus was that the group meeting was a great success. New collaborations developed between some members of NC-1027 and AFRI awardees through discussions at the meeting. Peter and Margo asked that NC-1027 members email them to confirm their interest in having AFRI awardees join the group at future meetings. Business meeting ended and Technical Committee meeting adjourned 4:30 PM.


Accomplishments related to objective 1: To evaluate the prevalence of viral and bacterial agents of respiratory disease by developing, validating and disseminating new state-of-the-art molecular diagnostics for rapid identification of these agents. MI evaluated patient-side diagnostic kits for human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV) detection for use in detecting bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV), using BRSV isolates obtained from GA and other sites. Kits were shown to identify BRSV, with the Tru RSV assay showing the best agreement in preliminary testing. On field samples, the Tru RSV assay was in agreement with RT-PCR 40 of 52 times (k=0.490). There appears to be a problem with false positive results (assuming the RT-PCR is correct). MI is currently working to understand this phenomenon. SD and WI continued to report results of surveillance for BRD pathogens in diagnostic laboratory submissions. SD found that principal respiratory pathogens were similar to preceding years with Pasteurella multicida, Mannheimia haemolytica, and cytopathic bovine viral virus diarrhea (BVDV) most frequently isolated. In contrast, WI found BRSV, bovine respiratory coronavirus, P. multocida, and mycoplasmas to be the most common isolates. KS developed and refined accurate molecular diagnostic assays for agents involved in BRD. OK evaluated bovine coronavirus (BCV) infections in transported commingled calves from auction markets. BCV was found in nasal swabs and lung lavage samples upon entry to a feedlot, and the calves cleared the infections within days of entry. Calves from ranches in a retained ownership program were tested for BCV antibodies upon entry to the feedlot, and those with low virus neutralizing antibodies were more likely to be treated for BRD than those calves with higher BCV antibody levels. There was a wide range of BCV antibody titers among the calves from the respective ranches, indicating variable rates of exposure in the breeding herds. OK evaluated bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) strains including MLV vaccine, reference strains (BHV1.1 and BHV1.2), and isolates from respiratory cases and aborted fetuses, using molecular studies including sequencing of multiple regions of the viral genome. In one group of calves entering a feedlot, the BHV1.2 (genital strain) was identified, and a virus strain from calves collected postvaccination had genomic regions identical to the MLV vaccine strain given at entry. Accomplishments related to objective 2: To investigate the basic biology, molecular pathogenesis, and immunopathogenesis of polymicrobial infections including important viral and bacterial agents. CA has evaluated mechanisms of enhanced disease related to coinfection with bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) and Histophilus somni (H.somni). Responses of bronchoalveolar type 2 cells provided by IA to coinfection by BRSV and H. somni were evaluated by identification of genes expression via a bovine microarray. Several genes that were synergistically up-regulated are under further study. Cell viability was also examined after treatments described above. H.somni and BRSV appear to act in synergy at the molecular, cellular, and whole animal levels to cause or enhance respiratory disease. CA also showed that BRSV infection enhanced production of IgE antibodies against inhaled ovalbumin (a prototype allergen) during the acute phase of viral infection; this indicates that BRSV infection may enhance lung inflammation due to environmental allergens. NE has continued studies of mechanisms of bovine herpesvirus-1 (BHV-1) latency; research indicated that viral ORF-2 sequences specifically interact with two cellular proteins (Notch 1 and Notch 3) that regulate cell survival and differentiation, and the domains in ORF-2 necessary for inhibiting apoptosis and interfering with Notch1 dependent activation of viral promoters have been identified MS continued work on experimental annotation of BRD pathogens by proteogenomic mapping and high throughput RNA sequencing, focusing on Histophilus somni (H. somni). A total of 278 polycistronic operons were identified containing 730 genes. Intergenic regions were also scanned to identify novel expressed genes or small RNAs. More than 150 novel expressed regions with length >50 bp were identified. The RNA-Seq based transcriptome map identified 94 sRNAs in the H. somni genome of which 82 sRNAs were never predicted or reported in earlier studies. We also identified 38 novel potential protein coding open reading frames that were absent in current genome annotation. When compared with the genome sequence of a non-virulent strain 129Pt, a disproportionate number of sRNAs (~30%) were found to be specific to strain 2336 (~18% of the total genome). This observation suggests that a number of the newly identified sRNAs in strain 2336 may be involved in strain-specific adaptations that could include virulence. MS and SD evaluated the impact of BVDV on antigen cell presentation. MS used comparative protein profiling approach to elucidate the mechanisms involved in BVDV interference of monocyte and dendritic cell antigen presentation, which allows the virus to avoid effective recognition and elimination by innate and adaptive immune responses. This research confirms that low doses of BVDV significantly affect early apoptotic and oxidative stress mechanisms in cp and ncp BVDV-infected monocytes compared to control cells. SDs studies of the effect of BVDV on dendritic cell antigen presentation are ongoing in collaboration with TX. The culture system for producing mature dendritic cells in culture has been optimized, and studies to evaluate antigen presentation are underway. Preliminary studies are being done with MDBK cells and BVDV strains TGAN and TGAC to optimize the assays to determine the differences in autophagosome trafficking between a cytopathic and noncytopathic virus pair and the best trafficking markers to use for dendritic cells. SD undertook studies of innate immunity in the BVDV infected fetus. The livers from fetuses infected at various points in gestation were evaluated, in order to measure the specific immunological effects that occur in the innate immune response of the fetus following BVDV infection and to investigate the role of liver in tolerance in persistent infection. Kupffer cells (liver macrophages) from fetal livers of BVDV PI and control fetuses at 96 days of gestation (21 days post BVDV infection) were isolated and two macrophage immune functions, phagocytosis and antigen presentation, were compared to uninfected controls. Additionally, IHC analysis of fixed tissue was done to assess antigen distribution within the PI liver. There was an increase in the phagocytic activity of the Kupffer cells in BVDV infected fetuses as compared to control fetuses in freshly isolated cells. MHC I expression was increased in persistently infected cultures as well. BVDV antigen was widely dispersed throughout the liver and was first seen in the liver at 82 days but was highest at day 120. WI has continued work on the intracellular events in bovine leukocytes exposed to M. haemolytica leukotoxin (LKT). During the above research it was observed that bovine neutrophils release DNA in a time and concentration dependent manner when incubated with M. haemolytica cells or the LKT produced by M. haemolytica. This response is similar to the neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation described previously for human neutrophils. NET formation in response to M. haemolytica cells is dependent on LKT; cells that produce native LKT or the lktC mutant LKT elicit NET formation, while cells that produce a truncated inactive LKT do not. NET formation is not elicited by incubation with M. haemolytica LPS. As reported previously for human PMNs, bovine NETs trap and kill a portion of the M. haemolytica cells. NET formation is dependent on PMNs undergoing an oxidative burst. WI has since shown that bovine monocyte-derived macrophages and alveolar macrophages also produce extracellular traps (termed METs) upon exposure to M. haemolytica or its LKT in vitro. As is seen with NETs, M. haemolytica cells are ensnared and a portion of those cells killed within METs. Scientists at WI believe this is the first demonstration of extracellular trap formation by mononuclear phagocytes by any mammalian species. Extracellular traps (NETs and METs) can be remodeled and degraded by DNAse I in bovine serum, and by DNAse II produced by bovine macrophages. These findings suggest that extracellular trap formation is a dynamic process. In preliminary experiments, WI also found that Histophilus somni cells will elicit trap formation by bovine leukocytes in vitro. Experiments are underway to ascertain what component(s) of the H. somnii cells is responsible for this response. WI also evaluated the synergistic effects of BHV-1 and M. haemolytica infection in bovine bronchial epithelial cells through gene microarray analysis. Preliminary analysis revealed differential regulation (>2 fold, P<0.05) of 978 transcripts by BHV-1 alone, 2040 transcripts by M. haemolytica alone, and 3500 genes by BHV-1 and M. haemolytica in combination. Three hundred and fifty five genes exhibited comparable expression profiles following virus or bacterial exposure, suggesting that gene regulation by virus exposure is restricted to a small set of specific targets. Co-exposure to BHV-1 and M. haemolytica altered the viral response in a synergistic or antagonistic manner, consistent with our previous findings. BHV-1 induction of expression of IFN-y, IL-1B, IL-1±, IL-8, and Tnf-± was confirmed by RT-PCR. By comparison, M. haemolytica treatment produced significantly greater inductions (>10 fold) of several genes, including CXCL2, PTX3, IL6, IL1A, SERPINB2, and IL8, compared to BHV-1 alone. Surprisingly, co-exposure to BHV-1 and M. haemolytica resulted in a switch from repression to activation for BHV-1 repressed genes such as Cxcl10. Functional analysis of the microarray data revealed alterations in genes involved in biological processes of cell proliferation, inflammation, cell death, leukocyte migration, and cell surface markers. Accomplishments related to objective 3: To develop management and prevention strategies that incorporate new vaccines and treatment protocols to combat bovine respiratory disease and reduce economic loss GA, FL, KS, IA, and NE collaborated to survey 2500 cow-calf producers in 6 states to determine risk factors for BRD in nursing beef calves. Analysis of the results of the survey is ongoing. KS evaluated clinical, behavioral, and pathophysiological data of potential value in detecting the onset and progression of BRD in cattle challenged with Mannheimia haemolytica or Mycoplasma bovis. Studies are ongoing to determine those parameters of diagnostic and prognostic value. IA evaluated the genes in Mycoplasma bovis which are related to cytotoxicity in work to characterize M. bovis mutants which can be used in modified-live vaccines to protect cattle from disease due to this pathogen. The cytotoxicity of Mycoplasma bovis for bovine lung epithelial cells was studied using 3 separate methods and a transposon mutant library evaluated to identify M. bovis genes involved in cytotoxicity. Overall, a crystal violet stain method using a bovine lung epithelial cell line proved to be most reproducible, compared to a host cell thymidine uptake or a lactic dehydrogenase release assay. Cytotoxicity was slightly enhanced by addition of glycerol, markedly enhanced when fetal bovine serum was added, and required a high multiplicity of mycoplasmas per cell to be produced. A mutant of M. bovis made defective in genes of a carbohydrate uptake transporter had significantly reduced cytotoxicity than its wild counterpart; this mutant will be the focus of future studies to develop candidate strains for inclusion in modified-live vaccines. KS evaluated two different preventive health programs to determine their influence on BRD in the feeding period. Each program consisted of a variety of vaccinations and parasiticide administration. Program 1 had a greater percentage of calves developing BRD compared to program 2 (59.7% vs. 47.8%). Compared to program 2 calves, program 1 calves took more steps each day during the first 28 days of the study, but also spent .more time lying down on certain days during the last 14 days of the study. There were no differences between programs in mortality, case fatality, 1st treatment success or chronicity risks. However, the average daily gain for the program 2 calves (1.23 kg) was greater than program 1 calves (1.16 kg). MI continued to work on a bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) eradication program in the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan. Research suggests a minority of herds have PI animals present in them. Elimination of these animals from this low percentage of herds has potential to greatly impact BVDV control in the US. To date (July 2011), 294 (out of an estimated 500 herds in the UP) herds have signed up for the program. In the first five counties, 80% of herds have agreed to participate. Testing has occurred in 232 herds and BVDV PIs have been confirmed in 9 herds (3.9%). Of 17, 917 cattle screened, 24 have been confirmed as PIs (0.13%). One stakeholder biosecurity practice started has been the mandatory BVDV testing of cattle participating in the UP State Fair. Our benchmark goal is to have tested for and controlled BVDV in 80% of the beef and dairy herds and 95% of the cattle in the UP by 2012. MI evaluated the impact of preweaning BVDV vaccination on health in calves exposed to BVDV PI cattle in the feeding period. Two weeks prior to weaning, all calves were blocked by date of birth and assigned to one of two vaccination groups 1) vaccinated with Bovi-Shield GOLD® FP® 5 or 2) NOT vaccinated with Bovi-Shield GOLD® FP® 5 . At weaning, calves were moved, comingled and housed in one pen. Upon arrival, 4 BVDV PI calves were immediately introduced into the group. Calves were housed with PIs and fed for 220 days. Over the observation period, 22 (33%) steers in the vaccinated group were treated for fever of unknown origin (FUO) at least once compared to 30 (42%) in the unvaccinated control group. There was no affect on response to treatment as measured by the number of times calves needed to be retreated after being pulled for FUO. However, there was a trend for unvaccinated calves to be repulled for new morbidity events. Mortality was low with only 4 (0.5%) steers dying; three from the pre-vaccinated group and one from the unvaccinated control group. Although there was a trend of decreased overall morbidity, retreatment and repull rates, there was no statistical difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups (p=0.25). There was no difference between the pre-vaccinated and non-vaccinated groups in terms of weight or ADG over the course of the observation period. OK continued research on immunologically important M. haemolytica outer membrane lipoproteins, in order to characterize the response to vaccination using these immunogens. The specificity and functionality of anti-PlpF antibody responses were demonstrated by marked reduction of complement-mediated killing by blocking killing with rPlpF. PlpF may have vaccination potential against M. haemolytica in cattle. A rapid microtiter plate method for determining serum complement mediated killing of M. haemolytica was developed and evaluated. The immunogenicity of recombinant outer membrane proteins SSA-1, OmpA, OmpP2, and OmpD15 was demonstrated as vaccination of mice and cattle with rOmpA and rSSA-1 stimulated high antibody responses, whereas OmpD15 and rOmpP2 were less immunogenic. OK evaluated predictors of feedlot performance in calves from a retained ownership program using serums collected at entry from postweaned calves and tested for antibodies to multiple BRD vaccine immunogens. Calves with increased immunity to BHV-1, BVDV, PI3V, BRSV, M. haemolytica and P. multocida performed better in the feedlot, with less effects clinically to these BRD pathogens and provided greater economic return to the owner. SD along with TX, CO, and scientists in Illinois, Missouri, and New York, was involved with the Genetics of Feedlot Health Project. This study looked at the relationship between behavior, genetics, nutrition, and microbiologic and immunologic factors and the occurrence of BRD, and the impact on carcass quality. There was a correlation with lower disease in animals with high IgG2. The vaccine study demonstrated a 40% decrease in death loss following challenge with a virulent BVDV 7-1/2 months after vaccination in calves vaccinated at 2-3 days of age in the face of maternal antibody.


  1. The development of rapid and accurate diagnostic tests for BRD agents will help veterinarians and producers confirm the cause of BRD outbreaks more quickly, allowing more rapid and targeted treatment and management efforts to better ameliorate the impact of BRD in affected cattle.
  2. Surveillance for new, emerging, and re-emerging pathogens in field cases and outbreaks of BRD will help stakeholders understand which pathogens should be the focus of control and prevention efforts for different cattle operations.
  3. The comparison of the outcome of different preventive health programs on calf health in the feeding period will help veterinarians and producers identify the optimal approach to managing cattle to prevent BRD.
  4. Identification of responses of alveolar epithelial cells to BRSV and H. somni coinfection via microarrays will provide new cellular targets for therapeutic or preventive strategies to decrease disease associated with viral-bacterial coinfection in BRD.
  5. Results of the studies of BHV-1 latency will provide new molecular targets that may be amenable to manipulation to counteract herpesvirus latency or reactivation and thus prevent disease due to this virus.
  6. The results of the survey of risk factors for nursing beef calf pneumonia will help veterinarians and producers to develop management strategies to decrease calf illness and improve calf productivity in cow-calf herds where calf respiratory disease is a problem.
  7. Virulence of M. bovis strains and single-hit transposon mutants has been studied to lay the foundation for rational design of gene-deleted mutants that could be used as live avirulent vaccine strains to protect cattle against respiratory disease involving M. bovis.
  8. The BVDV eradication program being carried out in the UP of Michigan will provide proof-of-concept data and a valuable model for other regions of the U.S. that wish to limit the impact of this serious pathogen through regional eradication.
  9. Tests of methods to control the impact of BVDV PI cattle on the health of in-contact cattle will provide information to veterinarians and producers so they are able to determine which control measures are most useful to preserve health and prevent disease in cattle at risk for exposure to BVDV PI cattle.
  10. Proteogenomic mapping and high throughput RNA sequencing of H. somni will improve the knowledge of the mechanisms by which this pathogen causes disease, and will provide targets for new drugs and vaccines to prevent disease due to this agent.
  11. The evaluation of the impact of BVDV on antigen presenting cell function will provide foundational knowledge regarding the means by which BVDV impairs host immunity to infection with BVDV and also other pathogens which often participate with BVDV in dual infections of cattle. This knowledge will form the basis for development of methods to counteract the well-recognized immunosuppression caused by BVDV.
  12. The studies of the immunogenicity of M. haemolytica outer membrane proteins will provide information needed to develop newer generation vaccines for use to protect cattle against disease due to this common respiratory pathogen.
  13. The development of a rapid microtiter plate method for determining serum complement mediated killing of M. haemolytica will provide researchers with a useful tool for confirming whether new vaccines and immune stimulants are effective at inducing protective immunity in cattle.
  14. The evaluation of the relationship between serum antibody titers to respiratory pathogens at arrival and health outcomes in feedlot cattle will provide veterinarians and producers with guidelines for management of cattle in ways that can decrease BRD during the feeding period.
  15. The studies of the response of immune cells in the fetal liver to prenatal BVDV infection will provide foundational knowledge regarding the means by which BVDV establishes an immunotolerant state in the infected fetus, which is necessary for the generation of persistently infected (PI) animals which are a major source of infection for other cattle. This work will also expand basic knowledge regarding how the bovine immune system develops and functions, which will improve the ability of scientists to produce effective vaccines and immunostimulants.
  16. The studies of NETs and METs produced by immune cells in response to BRD pathogens have revealed new mechanisms by which the bovine immune response fights pathogens. This improves the knowledge of scientists and veterinarians regarding immune system function, and provides a baseline for future research to maximize immunity to respiratory and other infections in cattle.


Ammari, M. G., McCarthy, F. M., Nanduri, B., Pinchuk, L.M. 2010. Analysis of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Viruses-infected monocytes: identification of cytopathic and non-cytopathic biotype differences. BMC Bioinformatics. 11 (Suppl 6):S9:1-13. Ammari, M., McCarthy, F., Nanduri, B., Pinchuk, G., Pinchuk, L. 2010. Analysis of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Viruses-infected monocytes: identification of cytopathic and non-cytopathic differences. December 2010, CRWAD, Chicago D. Amrine, B.J. White, D.E. Anderson, R.L. Larson, D. Mosier, D. Renter. Behavior and clinical changes in calves with induced Mycoplasma bovis pneumonia. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. September 2011. Afyalew S, Shrestha B, Montelongo M, Confer AW. Identification and immunogenicity of Mannheimia haemolytica S1 outer membrane lipoprotein PlpF. USDA NIFA Project Directors Meeting, Washington DC, April 2011. Aulik, N.A., K. M. Hellenbrand, H. Klos, and C. J. CZUPRYNSKI. 2010. Mannheimia haemolytica and its leukotoxin causes neutrophil extracellular trap (NET) formation by bovine neutrophils. Infect. Immun. 78:4454-446. Aulik, N., K. Hellenbrand, D. Kisiela, and C. CZUPRYNSKI. 2011. Mannheimia haemolytica leukotoxin binds cyclophilin D on bovine neutrophil mitochondria that is not inhibited by cyclosporine A. Microb. Pathogen. 50:168-178. Ayalew S, Shrestha B, Montelongo M, Confer AW. Identification and Immunogenicity of Mannheimia haemolytica S1 Outer Membrane Lipoprotein PlpF. Proceedings, International Pasteurellaceae Conference, Helsinger, Denmark, 2011; No. 41387. Ayalew S, Shrestha B, Payton ME, Confer AW. A Rapid Microtiter Plate Method for Determining Serum Complement-Mediated Killing of Mannheimia haemolytica . Proceedings, International Pasteurellaceae Conference, Helsinger, Denmark, 2011; No. 41388. K. J. Austin, J. L. Seabrook, T. E. Engle, R. K. Peel, C. M. McAllister, B. W. Brigham, R. M. Enns, R. L. Weaber, H. Van Campen, G. H. Loneragan, J. 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The relationship of bovine respiratory disease and carcass ultrasound measures. 2010. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 88 E-Suppl. 2. P. 41 N. Cernicchiaro, D.G. Renter, B.J. White, A.H. Babcock, J.T. Fox. Association between weather conditions and bovine respiratory disease in feedlot calves. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. September 2011. N. Cernicchiaro, B.J. White, D.G. Renter, A.H. Babcock, L. Kelly, R. Slattery. Effects of transport distance and weight loss during transit on feedlot health and performance. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Annual Conference, St. Louis, MO. September 2011. Corbett EM, Grooms DL, Bolin SR. Serological Evaluation of Sentinel Calves In a BVDV Eradication Program. J Vet Diagn Invest. 2011;23(3):511-515 Corbett EM, Grooms DL, Bolin SR. Evaluation of Skin Samples by RT-PCR Following Immunization with a Modified-Live Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus Vaccine. Vet Diagn Invest. 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Fulton, R.W., Step, D.L., Wahrmund, J., Burge, L.J., Eberle, R., dOffay J.M., Confer A.W., Cook, B.J., Burken, D., Richards, C., Payton, M.E.: Bovine Coronavirus Infections in Transported Commingled Beef Cattle and Sole Source Ranch Calves. American Association of Bovine Practitioners Proceedings. August 19-21, 2010. Albuquerque, NM.. Fulton, R.W., dOffay J.M., Burge L.J., Eberle R., McCormack, K., Step D.L., Wahrmund J., Holland B.: Bovine Herpesvirus-1: Molecular Studies of Isolates from Clinical Cases Characterizing Field Isolates and Vaccine Strains. 53rd Annual Meeting of AAVLD, November 11-17, 2010. Minneapolis, MN. Fulton, R.W., Confer, A.W., Joint Presentation. Gold Standards for Bovine Respiratory Diagnosis, Do They Exist? Laboratory Tests, the Good, the Bad, the Ugly. Academy of Veterinary Consultants Meeting, March 31-April 2, 2011, Oklahoma City, OK. Gaudreault N and Jones C. 2011. 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