SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


S. Albrecht, USDA-ARS, Oregon, Chair-elect; J.S. Angle, University of Maryland; J.A. Entry, USDA-ARS, Idaho; S. Deng, Oklahoma State University; Y. Feng, Chair, Auburn University; A. Franzleubbers, USDA-ARS, Georgia; J.J. Fuhrmann, University of Delaware; J. Germida, University of Saskatchewan; J.H. Graham, University of Florida; C. Hagedorn, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; P.G. Hartel, Secretary, University of Georgia; W.J. Hickey, University of Wisconsin; K. Jayachrandan, Florida International University; M.B. Jenkins, USDA-ARS, Georgia; R. Klucas, University of Nebraska; T. McGonigle, Idaho State University; J.B. Morton, West Virginia University; M.D. Mullen, University of Tennessee; C.M. Reynolds, U.S. Army (CRREL); E.C. Schroder, University of Puerto Rico; H.D. Skipper, Clemson University; D.M. Sylvia, University of Florida; J. Thies, Cornell University; D.C. Wolf, University of Arkansas; A.G. Wollum, North Carolina State University; D.A. Zuberer, Texas A&M University

The annual meeting minutes can be found at the S-297 project web site (


Objective 1: To determine the geographic and temporal variability of E. coli ribotypes in the United States.

Eight experiments were conducted under this objective. In Experiment #1, ribotyping was used to determine a source of fecal contamination. Ribotyping results suggested that the point source of the E. coli contamination was a pond, sinkhole, or two streams, and not the septic systems. In Experiment #2, ribotyping was used to determine the biogeographic variability of the subspecies of the bacterium Escherichia coli from one location Idaho and three locations in Georgia for four animals, cattle (Bos taurus), horse (Equus caballus), swine (Sus scrofa), and poultry (Gallus gallus domesticus). The data suggest that there is good ribotype separation among host species at one location, and that the distance to obtain good host origin matching depends on a distance <175 km and a large sample size.

In Experiment #3, ribotyping was to determine the temporal variability of E. coli ribotypes at one location in Georgia. A sample of 25 E. coli isolates were obtained from six steers at four sampling times over a one-year period. A total of 347 ribotypes were identified from a 547 E. coli isolates.  No ribotype was observed at all all sampling times.

In Experiment #4, ribotyping was used to determine how much sampling was needed to obtain a representative sample of E. coli ribotypes in a watershed with a complex land use patterns and varied flow conditions. The study area was a 77-kilometer reach of the Chattahoochee River and its tributaries in metropolitan Atlanta. The large number of unique ribotypes obtained suggests that considerable ribotype heteogeneity exists, and that a large number of E. coli isolates is needed to obtain a representative sample of ribotypes from watersheds with complex land use patterns and varied flow conditions. In Experiment #5, ribotyping was used to determine the source of fecal contamination in a watershed of moderate complexity. In this case, Rock Creek, a 66-km creek in Idaho that empties into the Snake River, was selected. Of 46 E. coli isolates that have been ribotyped so far, there were matches between environmental isolates and humans. More isolates need to be ribotyped before any firm conclusions are possible.

In Experiment #6, ribotyping was used to identify the host origin of fecal contamination in a forested watershed that contained penned deer but no humans or domestic animals. The results suggest that ribotyping can identify the source of fecal contamination to such an extent that it may be possible to delist a watershed impaired only by wildlife.

In Experiment #7, research was conducted to determine if it was possible to use the ribotyping in conjunction with the restricted host range of Enterococcus faecalis, a fecal streptococcus, to distinguish between human and nonhuman sources of fecal contamination in water. Only a few of the isolates have been ribotyped, but preliminary results suggest that isolates from humans and nonhumans were different. Therefore, if the restricted host range of Ent. faecalis is combined with ribotyping, then it may be possible to distinguish between human and nonhuman sources of fecal contamination easily.

In Experiment #8, antibiotic resistance analysis (ARA), carbon source utilization (Biolog), and pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) were used for comparative purposes to classify a collection of 60 E. coli isolates from known sources (10 each from human, cow, horse, deer, goose, and sheep) (Virginia).

Objective 2: To determine relationships among microbial taxonomic and functional diversity, contaminant bioavailability, and remediation rates for different organic-contaminated soils.

Eight experiments were carried out under this objective. Two experiments involved the phytoremediation of heavy metals. The influences of metal hyperaccumulator plants, Thlaspi caerulescens and Trifolium pratense L., on soil microbes in the rhizosphere were compared (Maryland). The distribution of bacteria in heavy metal contaminated and uncontaminated soils was evaluated to explain the presence of metal sensitive bacteria in metal contaminated soils and the presence of metal resistant bacteria in uncontaminated soils (Maryland).

Experiment#3 is a collaboration between Arkansas and New Hampshire, dealing with rhizosphere-enhanced remediation of PAH-contaminated soils. Field studies were continued at Alaska and Korea sites. There was a positive vegetation effect in reducing extractable PAHs relative to controls, as PAH molecular weight increased. The fertilizer without vegetation treatment resulted in the least reduction in heavier PAHs. New field plots were established in Experiment#4 to determine the rhizosphere effects on remediation of a crude oil-contaminated site in El Dorado, AR.

In Experiment#5, PAH-degrading bacteria were isolated using standard enrichment culture techniques and procedures involving a sorbed substrate (Wisconsin). Experiments were carried out to analyze the phylogenetic diversity of these isolates, and examine the organisms? sorptive characteristics. Experiment#6 determined the effects of the characteristics of bacteria on the differential accessibility of soil-sorbed biphenyl (Alabama). Experiment#7 has been initiated in Florida?Miami to evaluate the effect of soil amendments (compost) on soil water balance, agro-chemical retention, and soil hydraulic properties in order to improve crop water use efficiency and reduce the potential for movement of atrazine and nutrients (P and N) into surface and subsurface water. In Experiment#8, pure cultures of bacteria that were able to use 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT), or hexahydro-1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-triazine (RDX) as the sole nitrogen source were isolated in Oklahoma.

Objective 3: To characterize taxonomic and functional diversity of bacteria and mycorrhizae in disturbed lands and urban landscapes.

Fourteen experiments were undertaken under this objective. Seven experiments examined mycorrhizae under different landuse conditions. Experiment#1 was conducted to study the impact of AM fungi and phosphorus on tomato competition with bahiagrass (Florida-Gainesville). The results indicated that the role of mycorrhizae in plant competition for nutrients was markedly impacted by soil nutrient status. Experiment#2 examined the occurrence of AM fungi in roots under combinations of cover crops, plastic mulch and solarization as alternatives for control of soil-borne pathogens and weeds in tomato/pepper systems (Florida-Lake Alfred). In addition, the ‘fallow effect‘ after long cycle cropping of sugarcane was investigated (Florida-Lake Alfred) (Experiment#3). In Experiment #4, isolation of fungi from moderate to high organic matter and phosphorus soils in sugarcane fields was carried out through the collaborative effort between Florida-Lake Alfred and West Virginia. Investigations on the mycorrhizal ecology in nonagricultural ecosystems were carried out in Florida (Gainesville) and West Virginia. In Experiment #5, ecotypic variation among populations of AM fungi associated with sea oats obtained from four divergent locations in Florida was characterized and a nested PCR approach was being developed to genetically characterize AM fungal isolates (Florida-Gainesville). In Experiment #6, comparative analyses of fungal communities in the southwestern deserts of the U.S. (Arizona, New Mexico, Texas) and Mexico with those of Namibia, Africa were also conducted (West Virginia). Experiment #7 was carried out to investigate the bias in using roots as inoculum in trap pot cultures to assess fungal species actively forming mycorrhizal associations (West Virginia).

Seven other experiments under Objective 3 emphasize the bacterial communities in soils. In Experiment#8, the ecological shifts or stability of rhizobacteria from yellow nutsedge, Palmer amaranth, large crabgrass, common ragweed, and tropic croton over time in Norfolk soil were determined (South Carolina). In Experiment#9, whole soil fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis was used to assess changes in microbial community structure of a soil planted with juniper (Georgia). In Experiment#10, field plots were established on a coffee farm to study pesticide effects on soil microbial composition and activity (Puerto Rico). Experiment#11 was initiated in Tennessee to evaluate the impacts of Bt-corn on microbial community structure of the rhizosphere. The study of the microbial biodiversity of surface mined lands reclaimed using mixed overburden was completed in Texas (Experiment#12). Total fatty acids (an estimator of biomass) showed a linear increase with time in reclamation, consistent with earlier studies using chloroform fumigation incubation or extraction methods as well as substrate-induced respiration. Biolog community-level physiological profiles indicated that there is a high degree of similarity in carbon-source utilization at all the study sites suggesting a high degree of redundancy in substrate utilization among the microbial communities regardless of time in reclamation. In Experiment#13, monitoring the abundance of water-extractable C in sand-based root zones under dwarf bermudagrass was continued (Texas). In Experiment#14, two methods, phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) and whole-soil fatty acid (WSFA) profile analyses, were evaluated for assessing soil microbial community structure (Alabama).

In addition to the above projects, work is beginning on a second edition of the textbook, Principles and Applications of Soil Microbiology (now tentatively re-named Soil Microbiology: Environmental and Agricultural Perspectives) and a new laboratory manual to accompany it. In the case of the textbook, this project involves at least 13 multistate collaborators. Investigators from Delaware, Georgia, and Texas are collaborating on this project.


  1. Studying biogeographic aspects of land-applied wastes would be useful to the state and federal agencies trying to determine the host origin of nonpoint pollution sources and would be useful to water resource managers writing TMDL implementation plans.
  2. Characterization of microbial diversity of rhizosphere microorganisms involved in bioremediation of contaminated soils will improve our ability to use plant-microbial systems to give optimal in situ decomposition at contaminated sites with minimum cost and management.
  3. Research on microbial diversity in disturbed landscapes and urban environment will provide a basis for achieving better plant-microbial systems to sustain ecosystem functions.


Refereed Articles:

Angle, J.S., R.L. Chaney, A. J.M. Baker, Y.-M. Li, R. Reeves, V. Volk, R. Roseberg, E. Brewer, S.Burke, and J.P. Nelkin. 2000. Developing commercial phytoextraction technologies: Practical considerations. South African J. Sci. (In press).

Bressan, W., C.H.S. de Carvalho, and D.M. Sylvia. 2000. Inoculation of somatic embryos of sweet potato with an arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus improves embryo survival and plantlet formation. Can. J. Microbiol. 46:741-743.;
Bever, J. D., P. A. Schultz, A. Pringle, and J. B. Morton. 2001. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi: More diverse than meets the eye and the ecological tale of why. BioScience (In press)

Burke, S., J.S. Angle, R.L. Chaney and S. Cunningham. 2000. Arbuscular Mycorrhizae effects on heavy metal uptake by corn. Inter. J. of Phytoremediation. 2:23-29.

Chaney, R.L., Y.-M. Li, J.S. Angle, A.J.M. Baker, R.D. Reeves, S.L. Brown, F.A. Homer, M. Malik, and M. Chin. 2000. Improving Metal Hyperaccumulator Wild Plants to Develop Commercial Phytoextraction Systems: Approaches and Progress. pp. 131-160. In N Terry and G.S. Banuelos (eds.) Phytoremediation of Contaminated Soil and Water. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Chaney, R.L., J.A. Ryan, U. Kukier, S.L. Brown, G. Siebielec, M. Malik and, J.S. Angle. 2000. Heavy Metal Aspects of Compost Use. Pp. In P.J. Stofella and B.A. Kahn (eds). Compost Utilization in Horticultural Cropping Systems. CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL.

Coffin, R. B., P. H. Miyares, C.A. Kelly, L. A. Cifuentes, and C. M. Reynolds. 2001. 13C and 15N Isotope Analysis of TNT; Two Dimensional Source Identification. Env. Tox. Chem. (In press)

Delorme, T., J.S. Angle, F. Coale, R. Chaney. 2001. Phosphorus accumulation by select plant species. Inter. J. Phytoremediation (In press).

Feng, Y., D. M. Stoeckel, E. van Santen, and R. H. Walker. 2001. Effects of subsurface aeration and trinexapac-ethyl application on soil microbial communities in a creeping bentgrass putting green. Biol.Fertil. Soils (In review)

Franke-Snyder, M., D. D. Douds, L. Galvez, J. G. Phillips, P. Wagoner, L. Drinkwater, and J. B. Morton. 2001. Diversity of communities of arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi present in conventional versus low-input agricultural sites in eastern Pennsylvania, USA. Applied Soil Ecol. 16:35-48.

Gagliardi, J.V., J.S. Angle, J.J. Germida, R.C. Wyndham, C.P. Chanway, R.J. Watson, C. Greer, H.H. Yu, T. McIntyre, M.A. Levin, E. Russek-Choen, S. Rosolen, J. Nairn, A. Seib, T. Martin-Heller, and G. Wisse. 2001 Intact soil-core microcosms for pre-release testing of introduced microbes: Comparison with multi-site field releases in diverse soils and climates. Can. J. Microbiol. (In press).

Gagliardi, J.U., J. Buyer, J.S. Angle, and E. Russek-Cohen. 2001. Comparison of soil microbial community structural and functional analyses following inoculation of a genetically engineered and a non-engineered pseudomonas to wheat roots in diverse soils. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (In Press).

Graham, J. H. 2001. What do root pathogens see in mycorrhizas? New Phytologist 148:357-359.

Graves, Alexandria K., Charles Hagedorn, Alison Teetor, Michelle Mahal, Amy M. Bowman, and Raymond B. Reneau, Jr. Determining sources of fecal pollution in water for a rural Virginia community. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (In review)

Haney, R.L., A.J. Franzluebbers, F.M. Hons and D.A. Zuberer. 2001. Molar concentration of K2SO4 and soil pH affect estimation of extractable C with chloroform fumigation extraction. Soil Biol. Biochem. (In press)

Haney, R.L., S.A. Senseman, F.M. Hons, D.A. Zuberer. 2000. Effect of Glyphosate on soil microbial activity and biomass. Weed Science. 48: 89?93.Hartel, P. G., W. I. Segars, J. D. Summer, J. V. Collins, A. T. Phillips, and E. Whittle. 2000. Survival of fecal coliforms in fresh and stacked broiler litter. J. Appl. Poultry Res. 9: 505-512.

Janstfer, A. G. and D. M. Sylvia. Isolation, culture and detection of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. In: Manual of environmental microbiology. C. J. Hurst et al. (eds.). 2nd Edition. American Society of Microbiology. Washington D.C. (In press)

Lanfranco, L., V. Bianciotto, E. Lumini, M. Souza, J. B. Morton, and P. Bonfante. 2001. A combined morphological and molecular approach to characterize isolates of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal in Gigaspora (Glomales). New Phytology (In press)

Malik, M., R.L. Chaney, E. Brewer, Y. Li and J. Angle. 2000. Phytoextraction of soil cobalt using hyperaccumulator plants. Inter. J. Phytoremediation 2:19-33.

Malik, M., R.L. Chaney, E.P. Brewer and J.S. Angle. 2001. Phytoextraction of soil cobalt using hyperaccumulator plants. Int. J. Phytoremediation. (In press).

Morton, J. B. and D. Redecker. 2001. Two new families of Glomales, Archaeosporaceae and Paraglomaceae, with two new genera Archaeospora and Paraglomus, based on concordant molecular and morphological characters. Mycologia 93:181-195

Oka, N., P.G. Hartel, O. Finley-Moore, J. Gagliardi, D. Zuberer, J. Fuhrmann, J.S. Angle and H. Skipper. 2000. Misidentification of soil bacteria by fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) and BIOLOG. Biol. Fertil. Soils 32: 256-258.

Olexa, T. J., P. G. Hartel, J. J. Fuhrmann, and H. A. Mills. 2001. Whole soil FAME analysis to assess benomyl effects on microbial community structure in juniper. Plant Health Prog. (In review)

Peacock, A.D., M.D. Mullen, D.B. Ringelberg, D.D. Tyler, D.B. Hedrick, P.M. Gale, and D.C. White. 2001. Soil Microbial Community Response to Dairy Manure or Ammonium Nitrate Applications. Soil Biol. Biochem. 33:1011-1019.;

Redecker, D., J. B. Morton, and T. D. Bruns. 2000. Ancestral lineages of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (Glomales). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 14:276-284.

Redecker, D., J. B. Morton, and T. D. Bruns. 2000. Molecular phylogeny of Glomus sinuosum and Sclerocystis coremioides places both taxa firmly in Glomus. Mycologia 92:282-285.

Ryan, M. H. and Graham, J. H. 2002. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in agriculture: from theory to practice. Plant Soil (special issue): (In review).

Schrvder, E. C. 2001. Importance of Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation in Tropical Forage Legume Production. In: Tropical Forage Plants: Development and Use. Eds. Sotomayor-Rmos, A. and Pitman, W. D., CRC Press, Boca Raton. Chapter 15, p 251-268.

Stutz, J. C., R. Copeman, C. A. Martin, and J. B. Morton. 2000. Patterns of species composition and distribution of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in arid regions of southwestern North America and Namibia, Africa. Canad. J. Bot. 78:237-245

Saunders, J. A., M.-K. Lee, C. M. Morton, Y. Feng, J. C. Rutherford, V. A. Bennett, and I. Thompson. Behavior of metal(loids) during bacterial sulphate reduction in contaminated groundwater. Applied Geochemistry (In review)

Sylvia, D.M., A.K. Alagely, D.O. Chellemi, and L.W. Demchenko. Impact of AM fungi on tomato competition with bahiagrass. Biol. Fertil. Soils (In review)

Sylvia, D.M. and D.O. Chellemi. 2001. Interactions among root-inhabiting fungi and their implications for biological control of root pathogens. Advances in Agronomy 73:1-133.

White, K. D., C. M. Reynolds, D. B. Ringelberg, J.P. Laible, K. L. Foley, and L. B. Perry. 200_. Low Temperature Microbial Activity in River Systems. (Accepted, revision as ERDC report)

Zuberer, D.A., 2001. Nitrogen fixation (nonsymbiotic) in soils. Encyclopedia of Environmental Microbiology. John Wiley & Sons, NY. In press.

Conference Proceedings and Abstracts:

Bowman, A. M., C. Hagedorn, and K. Hix. 2000. Determining sources of fecal pollution in the Blackwater River watershed. p. 44-54. In T. Younos and J. Poff (ed.), Abstracts, Virginia Water Research Symposium 2000, VWRRC Special Report SR-19-2000, Blacksburg.

Chaney, R.L., S.L. Brown, Y.-M Li, J.S. Angle, T.I. Stucaynksi, W.L. Daniels, C.L. Henry, G. Siebielec, M. Malik, James A. Ryan and Harry Compton. 2001. Progress in Risk Assessment for Soil Metals, and In situ ?Phytoremediation: State of the Science.? May 1-2, 2000. Boston, MA. (In Press).

Chaney, R.L., S.L. Brown, J.S. Angle, T.I. Stuczynski, W.L. Daniels, C.L. Henry, G. Siebielec, Y.-M. Li, M. Malik, J.A. Ryan and H. Compton. 2000 In situ Remediation/ReclamationRestoration of Metals Contaminated Soils using Tailor-Made Biosolids Mixtures. Chapter 2; 24 pp. In Proc. Symp. Mining, Forest and Land Restoration: The Successful Use of Residuals/Biosolids/Organic Matter for Reclamation Activities (Denver, CO, July 17-20, 2000). Rocky Mountain Water Environment Association, Denver, CO.

Chaney, R.L., J.A. Ryan, Y.-M.Li, and J.S. Angle. 2001. Transfer of cadmium through plants to the food chain. In J.K. Syers and M. Gochfeld (eds.) Proceedings of the SCOPE Workshop on Environmental Cadmium in the Food Chain: Sources, Pathways, and Risks, (13-16 Sept., 2000) Belgian Academy of Sciences, Brussels.

Feng, Y., D. W. Reeves, C. H. Burmester, A. C. Motta, and G. Wu. 2000. Comparison of phospholipid and whole-soil fatty acid profiles of soil microbial communities. Abstracts of 2000 annual meetings of ASA-CSSA-SSSA, p.261.

Funk, A. L., M. B. Gregory, E. A. Frick, and P. G. Hartel. 2000. Microbial source tracking using ribosomal RNA typing in the Chattahoochee River National Recreation Area Watershed, Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia?Study design and preliminary results. Building capabilities for monitoring and assessment in public health microbiology, U. S. Geological Survey, March 14-16, Columbus, OH.

Entry, J. A., P. G. Hartel, J. L. Hill, and J. D. Summer. 2001. Ribotyping of Escherichia coli isolates from Rock Creek Watershed, Idaho. American Society for Microbiology, May 20-24, Orlando, FL.

Godfrey, D. G., and P. G. Hartel. 2001. Geographic variability of Escherichia coli ribotypes from swine feces in Georgia and Idaho. National Conference on Undergraduate Research, March 15-17, Lexington, KY.

Graham, J. H., Jifon, J. L., Drouillard, and Syvertsen, J. P. 2001. Growth depression of mycorrhizal ctrus seedlings grown at high P supply is mitigated by elevated CO2. Proc. 3rd Intern. Conf. On Mycorrhizas (ICOM3). Univ. Adelaide, South Australia (In press).

Haney, R.L., A.J. Franzluebbers, F.M. Hons and D.A. Zuberer. 2000. Soil CO2 evolution: field moist vs. dried and rewetted soils. Agron. Abst. Pg. 256. Minneapolis, MN.

Hartel, P. G., J. D. Summer, W. I. Segars, and J. Entry. 2000. Geographic variability of Escherichia coli from cattle and swine. American Society of Agronomy Meetings, November 5-9, Minneapolis, MN.

Hartel, P. G., A. L. Funk, J. D. Summer, J. L. Hill, E. A. Frick, and M. B. Gregory. 2001. Ribotype diversity of Escherichia coli isolates from the Upper Chattahoochee River Watershed, Georgia. American Society for Microbiology, May 20-24, Orlando, FL.

Hill, J. L., P. G. Hartel, W. I. Segars, and P. Bush. 2001. Ribotyping to determine the source of fecal coliform contamination in three household wells near Cochran, Georgia. p. 743-746. In: K. J. Hatcher (ed.) Proceedings of the 2001 Georgia Water Resources Conference, March 26-27, University of Georgia, Athens.

Jenkins, M. B., P. G. Hartel, T. J. Olexa, and J. A. Stuedemann. 2000. Temporal variability of Escherichia coli ribotypes from cattle. American Society of Agronomy Meetings, November 5-9, Minneapolis, MN.

Kern, J., B. Petrauskas, P. McClellan, V. O. Shanholtz, and C. Hagedorn. 2000. Bacterial source tracking: a tool for total maximum daily load development. p.157-172. In T. Younos and J. Poff (ed.), Abstracts, Virginia Water Research Symposium 2000, VWRRC Special Report SR-19-2000, Blacksburg.

Lee, M.-K., Saunders, J. A., Morton, C., and Feng, Y., 2000. The biogeochemistry of heavy metals under artificial sulfate-reducing conditions, American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting Abstracts, p. 285, San Francisco, California, December 15-19.

Peach, A.E., J.J. Fuhrmann and D.A. Zuberer. 2000. Influence of mine reclamation on microbial biodiversity. Agron. Abst. Pg. 261. Minneapolis, MN.

Reynolds, C. M., B. A. Koenen, L. B. Perry, K. L Foley, D. B. Ringelberg, and K. J. McCarthy. 2001 . Phytoremediation in Korea: Evidence for Rhizosphere-Enhanced PAH Degradation Sixth International Symposium, In-Situ and Onsite Bioreclamation. June 4-7, San Diego CA. Battelle Press. (In Press)

Reynolds C. M, L. B. Perry, B. A. Koenen, K. L. Foley, D.C Wolf, and K. J. McCarthy 2000. Phytoremediation in Alaska and Korea. EPA - Phytoremediation: State of Science Conference. Proceedings of a Conference held in Boston MA: May 1-2.

Reynolds, C.M. and B.A. Koenen, 2000. Rhizosphere-Enhanced Remediation Project
at Osan Air Base, South Korea, April 2000. CONXXX.

Reynolds, C.M. and B.A. Koenen, 2000. Rhizosphere-Enhanced Remediation Project
at Kunsan Air Base, South Korea, April 2000. CONXXX.

Skipper, H. D., J. H. Kim, K. Xiong, D. T. Gooden, and T. L. Lalande. 2001. Diversity of Rhizobacteria from Weeds. Abstracts, p. 26. Weed Science Society of America, Lawrence, KS.

Thoma, G.J., T.B. Lam, E.N. Dempsey, D.C. Wolf, and C.A. Beyrouty. 2000. A mathematical model of phytoremediation of oil contaminated soil. In Proc. Seventh International Petroleum Environ. Conf. Albuquerque, NM. 7-10 Nov. 2000. Integrated Petroleum Environmental Consortium, Tulsa, OK.

White, Jr., P.M., D.C. Wolf, and G.J. Thoma. 2000. Influence of soil amendments on plant growth in a petroleum-contaminated soil. p. 10. In Volume 4 Abstracts Arkansas Crop Protection Assoc. 30 Nov. - 1 Dec. 2000. Fayetteville, AR.

Zuberer, D.A., J. Brien and A. Fincher. 2000. Water-extractable carbon in sand-based rootzones of dwarf bermudagrasses. Agron. Abst. Pg. 256. Minneapolis, MN.
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