SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Tammy Henderson ( - Virginia Tech; Lisa Collins (  University of Kentucky; Dreamal Worthen ( - Florida A&M University; Joachim Singelmann ( - Louisiana State University; Patricia Duffy (  Auburn University; Mark Henry (  Clemson University; Nancy Valentine (  CSREES/USDA; Edna Droz ( - Agricultural Experiment Station Puerto Rico; Pam Monroe ( - Louisiana State University; Marge Kondroski and Janet March (  Clemson University, Julie Zimmerman (  University of Kentucky

1. Welcome
? Comments from the CSREES Advisor -- Nancy Valentine
a) NIMSS Website ? Contains information on multi state projects and individual projects. Each member should check it and update their information.
b) CSREES ? some universities require proposals for individual projects within multistate projects (similar to Hatch projects). This varies by university. None have come through Nancy?s office yet. The group reported that to their knowledge, none of their universities require this.
c) UPDATE: is a new website for access to federal grants. It is a government-wide system to solicit and receive grants electronically. Soon, everyone will need to use this. Contact person at CSREES: Jason Hitchcock 202-720-4343.
d) CSREES Website: is updated regularly. Check it out
e) The NRI has some focus areas on rural development. Could be a source of funding. NC223 was successful in securing an NRI grant
f) New program: Small Business Innovation Research program (SBIR). Info is on the CSREES website
g) Last April, the National Rural E-Commerce Conference was held. Tom Tate, national program leader, was involved.
h) Interagency Rural Prosperity Commission ? Contact Sally Maggard
i) USDA Rural Development has loans for rural access to high speed technology
j) John Allen is the new director of the Western Rural Development Center

? Comments from the Experiment Station Advisor -- Lisa Collins
a) Lisa introduced herself, is excited to be the new advisor for the group, has spoken with Julie about the group and our work, and is looking forward to working together.

2. Reports from members: (In all cases, for more detailed information, see the reports submitted by individual members.)

Joachim Singelmann
In process of data analysis with linked dataset on job search strategies. This dataset is expanded beyond low income individuals allowing for comparisons of strategies and networks utilized.

Mark Henry
Has been working with Willis Lewis (recently completed his Ph.D.) on methodological developments in caseload analyses using spatial econometrics.

Edna Droz
In process of the second round of interviews on participation in the job readiness program as provided for under WIA. Described her results.

Dreamal Worthen
Interviewing ministers and examining the role of faith-based organization, specifically African American churches, as role of serving as referrals or as providing direct assistance.

Pam Monroe (w. Vicky Tiller)
Finished 2nd round of interviews for a statewide evaluation of TANF from the perspective of administrators. In collaboration with SUNY-Stony Brook, conducting the Louisiana part of a study looking at faith based organizations participation with TANF. With Carol O?Neal (sp?), received continued funding from SRDC to work on food security, nutrition, and obesity among low income individuals.

Janet Marsh (w. Marge Kondroski (sp?))
Started out working on project similar to Pam?s at LSU. Conducted two rounds of interviews. Despite high attrition (from 52 to 26 respondents) most of the change analysis is complete. Current focus is on the nutrition status analysis using 24 hour food recall. Have been finding results similar to Pam?s in the high use of pre-prepared foods.

Tammy Henderson
Focus is on kinship care. Black grandparents has been the first focus. Second round of interviews expected in February. With colleague, also conducting food security data analysis. Has found that many don?t realize that TANF could impact the elderly.

3. Introduced Patrica Duffy (our newest member).
Her focus has been on food assistance programs, mostly food pantries, but some on food stamps. Has found that welfare reform has indeed increased demand for food pantries.

4. Book update from Mark Henry
The RSS Rural Studies series is a possible publisher. Has spoken with Leif Jensen, but he is the outgoing editor.
Next steps:
i. Fill out remaining abstracts or any additional potential chapters so that by mid July, can have a document to circulate
ii. The group agreed to have multiple editors to reflect the 3 objectives of the group. Mark, Joachim, Pam, Dreamal, and Julie volunteered to help out. Each editor who represents an objective would write an introduction for each section and to direct the external review of the relevant chapters.
iii. Time frame for the book could extend beyond the remaining year for the S298 project. Lisa will check on if and how a 1-year extension could be obtained.

5. Vote for a New Chair
Mark Henry was voted the new chair for S-298. Julie agreed to serve as secretary/vice chair to help provide some continuity.


Joachim Singelmann
In process of data analysis with linked dataset on job search strategies. This dataset is expanded beyond low income individuals allowing for comparisons of strategies and networks utilized.

Mark Henry
Has been working with Willis Lewis (recently completed his Ph.D.) on methodological developments in caseload analyses using spatial econometrics.

Edna Droz
In process of the second round of interviews on participation in the job readiness program as provided for under WIA. Described her results.

Dreamal Worthen
Interviewing ministers and examining the role of faith-based organization, specifically African American churches, as role of serving as referrals or as providing direct assistance.

Pam Monroe (w. Vicky Tiller)
Finished 2nd round of interviews for a statewide evaluation of TANF from the perspective of administrators. In collaboration with SUNY-Stony Brook, conducting the Louisiana part of a study looking at faith based organizations participation with TANF. With Carol ONeal (sp?), received continued funding from SRDC to work on food security, nutrition, and obesity among low income individuals.

Janet Marsh (w. Marge Kondroski (sp?))
Started out working on project similar to Pams at LSU. Conducted two rounds of interviews. Despite high attrition (from 52 to 26 respondents) most of the change analysis is complete. Current focus is on the nutrition status analysis using 24 hour food recall. Have been finding results similar to Pams in the high use of pre-prepared foods.

Tammy Henderson
Focus is on kinship care. Black grandparents has been the first focus. Second round of interviews expected in February. With colleague, also conducting food security data analysis. Has found that many dont realize that TANF could impact the elderly.

Plans for the coming year are focused on developing and publishing an edited book reflecting the projects research.



Henry, Mark S., David Barkley and Haizhen Li, 2003. Fiscal Trends: Implications for the Rural South. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics 55(2):237-250.

Henry, Mark S., David Barkley and Haizhen Li, 2003. Education and Nonmetropolitan Income Growth in the South. Southern Perspectives. 6:3: 3-5. Summer. Southern Rural Development Center.

Parrisi, Domenico, Dianne McLaughlin, Steven Michael Grice, Michael Taquino, and Duane A. Gill. 2003. "TANF Participation Rates: Do Community Conditions Matter?" Rural Sociology 68(4): 491-512).

Parrisi, Domenico, Dianne McLaughlin, Steven Michael Grice, Michael Taquino, and Duane A. Gill. Forthcoming. "Does the TANF Work-First Initiative Help Low Income Families Make Successful Welfare-to-Work Transitions?" Journal Of Poverty.

Harris, Rosalind, and Worthen, Dreamal I. 2003. African-American in Rural America: Challenges for Rural America in the 21st Century David L. Brown and Louis Swanson (eds). Rural Sociological Society. Rural Studies Series, Penn State University Press University Park, PA (2003).

Zimmerman, Julie N. and Tom Hirschl. 2003. Welfare Reform in Rural Areas: A Voyage Through Uncharted Waters. Chapter in Challenges for Rural America in the 21st Century. David L. Brown and Louis Swanson (eds). Rural Sociological Society. Rural Studies Series. Penn State University Press: University Park, PA.
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