SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Miller, David - University of Illinois; Diekman, Mark - Purdue University; Anderson, Lloyd - Iowa State University; Davis, Duane - Kansas State University; Kirkwood, Roy - Michigan State University; Lamberson Bill (for Tim Safranski) - University of Missouri; White, Brett - University of Nebraska; Guthrie, David - USDA/ARS/BARC/ Beltsville, MD; Ford, Joe - USDA/ARS/USMARC, Clay Center, NE; Parrish, John - University of Wisconsin; Baker, John - Michigan State University; Mark Mirando (for Deb Hamernik) - USDA/CSREES/PAS

The annual meeting of the NCR-57 Regional Committee on Swine Reproduction was held in the Department of Animal Science, University of Wisconsin, Madison. The committee chairman, Dr. Brett White, called the meeting to order at 8:15 am, May 25, 2005; the proposed agenda was accepted. Dr. Dan Schaefer welcomed the group to University of Wisconsin and provided a summary of the programs and activities within his department. Administrative Advisor, Dr. Baker, reported that the committee was required to change its name to reflect the common USDA committee nomenclature. After a brief discussion, the committee unanimously agreed to adopt the name change from NCR-57 to NCERA-57. Dr. Mark Mirando, acting for USDA/CSREES/PAS advisor Dr. Deb Hamernik, distributed a handout summarizing personnel changes within the agency and providing details about competitive programs. Station reports were presented during the morning and afternoon of May 25 and the morning of May 26. Following station reports on May 25, the committee toured the new Minitube Biotechnology Center. During the business meeting, John Parrish was elected as secretary. The officers for the year are Ford (Chair), Kirkwood (Chair elect) and Parrish (Secretary). The dates and location for the 2006 meeting were discussed and will be finalized in association with Billy Flowers in North Carolina. A steering committee was formed consisting of Drs. Flowers, Guthrie, and Safranski. Regarding a committee web page, Dr. Parrish requested that members forward to him pig reproduction pictures (eg. AI and farrowing). Also, links to other sites (eg. personal web pages) and details of previous and future symposia should be sent to Dr. Parrish. Dr. Duane Davis initiated some discussion on the NCERA-57 committee submitting an integrated proposal to NRI. Possible subject areas suggested were sperm assessment and seasonal effects on semen quality (Dr. Guthrie) and some aspect of animal welfare (Dr. Anderson). A steering committee was proposed consisting of Drs. Davis, Parrish, Guthrie, Miller, and Kirkwood.


1. Re-classification as an Education/Extension and Research committee was adopted. The official name is changed from NCR-57 to NCERA-57 2. Publications produced by committee members and their associates during the past year are listed 3. The dates and location were chosen for the third workshop to be held prior to the 2006 meeting. Plans for the Coming Year: 1. Complete the planning of the third workshop to be held in association with the 2006 meeting. The topics and location were chosen to meet the aim of increasing interaction with extension educators. A committee was established to achieve this aim. 2. During 2005, continue development of the NCERA-57 web page. This will include a history of the committee. 3. Two study areas were identified and a committee struck to formulate and submit for NRI funding at least one proposal integrating teaching, extension and research.


  1. Conducted research within committee objectives to identify processes and mechanisms involved in the control of reproduction that will ultimately result in enhanced reproductive efficiency in food animal (swine) production.
  2. In particular, we have made significant progress in understanding the effects of cryo-preservation on boar sperm fertility. This major thrust is essential if the biosecurity advantage of routinely using cryopreserved sperm is to become a feature of the swine industry. Further, committee members have been actively involved in the dissemination of research results.


Publications Manuscripts Albin, D.M., J.E. Wubben, J.M. Rowlett, K.A. Tappenden, and R.A. Nowak. 2005. Small intestinal transport and barrier function respond differently to acute immune challenge in two porcine breeds. Amer. J. Physiol. (in Press). Allan, M.F., E.J. Eisen, and D. Pomp. 2004. The M16 mouse: An outbred animal model of early onset polygenic obesity-induced diabetes (diabesity). Obes. Res. 12:1397-1407. Anderson, L.L. 2004. Invited Review: Senior Physiologists NewsLloyd L. Anderson. The Physiologist 47:73-74. Anderson, L.L., S. Jeftinija, and C.G. Scanes. 2004. Growth hormone secretion: Molecular and cellular mechanisms and in vivo approaches. Experimental Biol. Med. 229:291-302. Anderson, L.L., S. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes, M.H. Stromer, J.-S. Lee, K. Jeftinija and A. Glavaski-Joksimovic. 2004. Physiology of ghrelin and related peptides. Proc.5th Int. Conf. Farm Anim.Endocrinol. Budapest. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. (in press). Bahr, J.M. 2004. Female reproduction: Endocrine system. Encyclopedia of Animal Science. Marcel Dekker, Inc. Bao, S., D.J. Miller, Z. Ma, M. Wohltmann, G. Eng, S. Ramanadham, K. Moley, and J. Turk. 2004. Male mice that do not express group VIA phospholipase A2 produce spermatozoa with impaired motility and have greatly reduced fertility. J. Biol. Chem. 279:38194-381200. Bazer, F.W., T.S. Spencer, and R.D. Geisert. 2005. Female Reproduction: Anatomy and Physiology. In: Encylopedia of Animal Science, W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds), Marcel Dekker, New York. 398-403. Belstra, B., W.L. Flowers, M.T. See, and W.J. Croom. 2005. Characterization of collagen degradation marker excretion during postpartum uterine involution in sows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 85:131-145. Blomberg, L. and K.A. Zuelke. 2004. Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) during porcine embryo development. Reprod. Fertil. Devel. 16:87-92. Blomberg, L., E.L. Long, T.S. Sonstegard, C.P. Van Tassel, J.R. Dobrinsky, and K.A. Zuelke. 2005. Serial Analysis of Gene Expression (SAGE) during elongation of the peri-Implantation porcine trophectoderm (conceptus). Physiol. Genomics 20:188-94. (E-pub Nov 09, 2004). Boltz, D.A., M. Nakai, and J.M. Bahr. 2004. Avian infectious bronchitis virus: a possible cause of reduced fertility in the rooster. Avian Diseases 48:909-915. Boone, W.R., B.B. Keck, J.C. Catlin, K.J. Casey, E.T. Boone, P.S. Dye, R.J. Schuett, T. Tsubota, and J.M. Bahr. 2004. Evidence that bears are induced ovulators. Theriogenology 61: 1163-1169. Braundmeier A.G., J.M. Demers, R.D. Shanks, and D.J. Miller. 2004. The ability of porcine sperm to bind the zona pellucida is related to litter size after insemination. J. Anim. Sci. 82:452-458. Breen, S.M., K.L. Farris, S.L. Rodriguez-Zas and R.V. Knox. 2005. Effect of age and physical or fence-line boar exposure on estus and ovulation response in prepubertal gilts administered PG600. J. Anim. Sci. 83:460-465. Burkin, H,, L. Zhao, and D.J. Miller. 2004. CASK is in the mammalian sperm head and is processed during epididymal maturation. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 68:500-506. Burkin H.R., A.P. Alves-Vieira, and D.J. Miller. 2004. Localization of zona pellucida receptors on live sperm by fluorophore-conjugated solubilized zona pellucida proteins. Meth. Molecular Biol.: Germ Cell Protocols 253:79-93. Cabot, R.A., and R.S. Prather. 2003. Cleavage stage porcine embryos may have differing developmental requirements for karyopherins a2 and a3. Molec. Reprod. Dev. 3:292-301. Cabot, R.A., M. Hannink, and R.S. Prather. 2002. CRM1-mediated nuclear export is present during mammalian embryogenesis, but is not required for early cleavage. Biol. Reprod. 67:814-819. Caetano, A.R., R.K. Johnson, J.J. Ford, and D. Pomp. 2004. Microarray profiling for differential gene expression in ovaries and ovarian follicles of pigs selected for increased ovulation rate. Genetics 168:1529-1537. Casas, E., D.D. Lunstra, and R.T. Stone. 2004. Quantitative trait loci for male reproductive traits in beef cattle. Anim. Genetics 35:451-453. Cassar, G., R.N. Kirkwood, Z. Poljak, and R.M. Friendship. 2004. Effect of estrogen formulation and site of deposition on fertility of artificially inseminated sows treated with hCG to induce ovulation. J. Swine Health Prod. 12:285-287. Cassar, G., R.N. Kirkwood, R.M. Friendship, and Z. Poljak. 2005. Sow and litter performance following farrowing induction with prostaglandin: Effect of adjunct treatments with dexamethasone or oxytocin. J. Swine Health Prod. 13:81-85. Cassar, G., R.N. Kirkwood, K. Bennett-Steward, and R.M. Friendship. 2005. Effect of single or double insemination on fertility of sows bred at an induced estrus and ovulation. J. Swine Health Prod. (in press). Creech, B.L., J.W. Spears, W.L. Flowers, G.M. Hill, K.E. Lloyd, and T.A. Armstrong. 2004. Effect of trace mineral level and source (inorganic vs. chelated) on performance, mineral status and fecal mineral excretion in pigs from weaning through finishing. J. Anim. Sci. 82:2140-2147. D'Allaire, S., W.L. Flowers, and G.W. Almond. 2004. Reproductive management and diseases. In: Diseases of Swine, 9th edition. B. Straw (ed.) Iowa State University Press, Ames, IA (in press) De Rensis, F., M. Gherpelli, P. Superchi, and R.N. Kirkwood. 2005. Relationship between backfat depth and plasma leptin during lactation and sow reproductive performance after weaning. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (in press). De Young, R.W., L.I. Muller, S. Demarais, H.D. Guthrie, G.H. Welch, T.J. Engelken, and R.A. Gonzales. 2004. Do Odocoileus virginianus males produce Y-chromosome-biased ejaculates? Implications for adaptive sex ratio theories. J. Mammal. 85:768-773. Donovan, S.M., J.L. Hartke, M.H. Monaco, and M.B. Wheeler. 2004. Over-expression of IGF-I: Effects on piglet intestinal growth. J. Dairy. Sci 87:(E. Suppl.): E47-E54. Echternkamp, S.E. 2005. Fertilization. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 411-413. Fischer-Brown, A.E., B.R. Lindsey, F.A. Ireland, D.L. Northey, R.L. Monson, S.G. Clark, M.B. Wheeler, D.J. Kesler, S.J. Lane, K.A. Weigel, and J.J. Rutledge. 2004. Day 14 bovine embryo morphology: evaluation tool and potential marker of viability following in vitro production and in vivo culture. Reprod. Fert. Devel. 16:787-793. Flowers, W.L. 2004. Biotechnology: Artificial Insemination. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, 130-132. Flowers, W.L. 2004. Swine: Reproduction Management. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcell Dekker, Inc., New York, pp. 831-833. Flowers, W.L. 2005. Swine Management Systems: Intensive. In: Encyclopedia of Animal Science. W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds.), Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (in press). Geisert, R.D. and S.R. Cooper. 2005. Estrous Cycle: Mare, Sow. In: Encylopedia of Animal Science, W.G. Pond and A.W. Bell (eds), Marcel Dekker, New York. 345-348. Geisert R.D., J.W. Ross and J.R. Malayer. 2004. Estrogen regulator and/or endocrine disruptor in establishment of pregnancy. Current Topics in Steroid Research 4:69-84. Geisert R.D., J.W. Ross, M.D. Ashworth, F.J. White, G.A. Johnson and U. DeSilva. 2005. Maternal recognition of pregnancy signal or endocrine disruptor: The two faces of oestrogen during establishment of pregnancy in the pig. Reproduction (Supplement) (in press). Gerrits, R.J., J.K. Lunney, L.A. Johnson, V.G. Pursel, R.R. Kraeling, G.A. Rohrer and J.R. Dobrinsky. 2005. Perspectives for artificial insemination and genomics to improve global swine populations. Theriogenology 63:283-299. Gibson, S., R.J. Tempelman, and R.N. Kirkwood. 2004. Effect of oxytocin-supplemented semen on fertility of sows bred by intra-uterine insemination. J. Swine Health Prod. 12:182-185. Glavaski-Joksimovic, A., E.W. Rowe, K. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes, L.L. Anderson and S. Jeftinija. 2004. Effects of leptin on intracellular calcium concentrations in isolated porcine somatotropes. Neuroendocrinology 80:73-82. Guthrie, H.D., R.J. Wall, V.G. Pursel, J.A. Foster-Frey, D.M. Donovan, H.D. Dawson, G.R. Welch and W.G. Garrett. 2005. Follicular expression of a human ²-cell leukaemia/lymphoma-2 (Bcl-2) transgene does not decrease atresia or increase ovulation rate in swine. Reprod. Fert. Dev. 17:457466. Guthrie, H.D. and G.R. Welch. 2005. Impact of extender and cryopreservation on membrane and morphological integrity in boar sperm. Theriogenology 63: 396-410. Guthrie, H.D. and G.R. Welch. 2005. Effects of hypothermic liquid storage and cryopreservation on basal and induced membrane phospholipid disorder and acrosome exocytosis in boar spermatozoa. Reprod. Fert. Dev. 17:467477. Hartke, J.L., M.H. Monaco, M.B. Wheeler, and S.M. Donovan. 2005. Effect of a short-term fast on intestinal disaccharidase activity and villus morphology in piglets suckling insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) transgenic sows. J.Animal Sci. (in press). Imakawa, K. and R.K. Christenson. 2004. Regulation of interferon-t gene expression, the maternal recognition of pregnancy and implantation. Recent Res. Devel. Biophys. Biochem. 4:49-68. Imakawa, K., K. Nagaoka, H. Nojima, Y. Hara, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Changes in immune cell distribution and IL-10 production are regulated through endometrial IP-10 expression in the goat uterus. Am. J. Reprod. Immunol. 53:54-64. Johnson, L.A., D. Rath, J.M. Vazquez, W.M. Maxwell and J.R. Dobrinsky. 2005. Preselection of sex of offspring in swine for production: current status of the process and its application. Theriogenology 63:615-624. Kayser, J.P., R.L. Cerny, and J.L. Vallet. 2004. Defining parameters for homology-tolerant database searching. J. Biomolec. Techniq. 15:285-295. Kim, K.-S., J.M. Reecy, W.H. Hsu, L.L. Anderson and M.F. Rothschild. 2004. Missense mutations of melanocortin-4 receptor alters adenylyl cyclase activity without affecting ligand-binding and is associated with muscle characteristics in pigs. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. 26:75-86. Kim, J.G. and J.L. Vallet. 2004. Secreted and placental membrane forms of folate-binding protein occur sequentially during pregnancy in swine. Biol. Reprod. 71:1214-1219. Kim, J.G., G.A. Rohrer, J.L. Vallet, R.K. Christenson, and D. Nonneman. 2004. Addition of 14 anchored loci to the porcine chromosome 8 comparative map. Anim. Genet. 35:474-476. Kim, J.G., J.L. Vallet, D. Nonneman, and R.K. Christenson. 2004. Molecular cloning and endometrial expression of porcine high density lipoprotein receptor SR-BI during the estrous cycle and early pregnancy. Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. 222:105-112. Kim, J.G., D. Nonneman, J.L. Vallet, G.A. Rohrer, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Linkage mapping of the porcine myelin basic protein gene to chromosome 1. Anim. Genet. 36:163-164. Kim, J.G., D. Nonneman, J.L. Vallet, G.A. Rohrer, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Linkage mapping of the porcine chromogranin B (CHGB) gene to chromosome 17. Anim. Genet. 36:168. Knox, R.V. and S. Probst-Miller. 2004. Using real-time ultrasound for identification of sources for reproductive failure in weaned sows. J. Swine Health Prod. 12:71-74. Knox, R.V., S.M. Breen, K.L. Willenburg, S. Roth, G.M. Miller, K.M. Ruggiero and S.L. Rodriguez-Zas. 2004. Effect of housing system and boar exposure on estrous expression in weaned sows. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3088-3093. Kovtun, I.V., G. Welch, H.D. Guthrie, K.L. Hafner and C.T. McMurray. 2004. CAG repeat lengths in X- and Y-bearing sperm indicate that gender bias during transmission of Huntington's disease gene is determined in the embryo. J. Biol. Chem. 279: 9389-9391. Lee, J.-S., K. Jeftinija, S. Jeftinija, M.H. Stromer and L.L. Anderson. 2004. Immunocytochemical distribution of somatotrophs in porcine anterior pituitary. Histochem. Cell Biol. 122:571-577. Lee, J.-S., M.S. Mayes, M.H. Stromer, C.G. Scanes, S. Jeftinija, and L.L. Anderson. 2004. Number of secretory vesicles in GH cells of the pituitary remains unchanged after secretion. Experimental Biol. Med. 229:632-639. Mason, H.R., D. Grove-Strawser, B.S. Rubin, R.A. Nowak, and J.J. Castellot Jr. 2004. Estrogen induces CCN5 expression in the rat uterus in vivo. Endocrinology 145:976-982. Mason, H.R., A.C. Lake, J.E. Wubben, R.A. Nowak, and J.J. Castellot Jr. 2004. The growth arrest-specific gene CCN5 is deficient in human leiomyomas and inhibits the proliferation and motility of cultured human uterine smooth muscle cells. Molec. Human Reprod. 10:181-187. Musser, R.E., D.L. Davis, S.S. Dritz, M.D. Tokach, J.L. Nelssen, J.E. Minton, and R.D. Goodband. 2004. Conceptus and maternal responses to increased feed intake during early gestation in pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 82:3154-3161. Nakai, M., J. van Cleeff, and J.M. Bahr. 2004. Stages and duration of spermatogenesis in the domestic ferret. Tissue and cell research 36:439-446. Nakai, M., L. Cook, L Pyter, M. Black, J Sibonga, R.T. Turner, E.H. Jeffrey, and J.M. Bahr. 2005. Dietary soy protein and isoflavones: effects on bone and reproductive tract of sexually mature intact sprague  dawley rats. Menopause 12:291-298. Nakai, M., M. Black, E.H. Jeffery, and J.M. Bahr. 2005. Dietary soy protein and isoflavones: no effect on the reproductive tract and minimal positive effect on bone resorption in the intact female fischer 344 rat. Food Chem. Tox. (in press). Nedambale, T. L., A. Dinnyes, W. Groen, J.R. Dobrinsky, X.C. Tian, and X. Yang. 2004. Comparison on in vitro fertilized bovine embryos cultured in KSOM or SOF and cryopreserved by slow freezing or vitrification. Theriogenology 62:437-449. Nonneman, D.J., G.A. Rohrer, T.H. Wise, D.D. Lunstra, and J.J. Ford. 2005. A variant of porcine thyroxine-binding globulin has reduced affinity for thyroxine and is associated with testis size. Biol. Reprod. 72:214-220. Nowak, R.A. 2004. Drug therapies for uterine fibroids: a new approach to an old problem. Drug Discovery Today: Therapeutic Strategies 1:237-242. Park, K-W., L. Lai, H-T. Cheong, R. Cabot, Q-Y. Sun, G. Wu, E.B. Rucker, D. Durtschi, A. Bonk, M. Samuel, A. Rieke, B.N. Day, C.N. Murphy, B.D. Carter, and R.S. Prather. 2002. Mosaic gene expression in nuclear transfer-derived embryos and the production of cloned transgenic pigs from ear-derived fibroblasts. Biol.Reprod. 66:1001-1005. Perez Laspiur, J., J.L. Burton, P.S.D. Weber, R.N. Kirkwood, and N.L. Trottier. 2004. Amino acid transporters in porcine mammary gland during lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 87;3235-3237. Pomp, D., M.F. Allan, and S.R. Wesolowski. 2004. Quantitative genomics: Exploring the genetic architecture of complex trait predisposition. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (E. Suppl.):E300-E312. Raty, S., E.M. Walters, J. Davis, H.C. Zeringue, D.J. Beebe, S.L. Rodriguez-Zas, and M.B. Wheeler. 2004. Embryonic Development in the Mouse Enhanced by via Microchannel Culture. Lab on a Chip 4:186-190. Reeder, A.L., M.O. Ruiz, A. Pessier, L.E. Brown, J.M. Levengood, C.A. Phillips, M.B. Wheeler, R.E. Warner, and V.R. Beasley. 2005. Intersexuality and the cricket frog decline: Historic and geographic trends. Environmental Health Perspectives (in press). Scanes, C.G., S. Jeftinija, A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, J. Proudman, C. Arámburo and L.L. Anderson. 2004. The anterior pituitary gland: lessons from livestock. Proc.5th Int. Conf. Farm Anim.Endocrinol. Budapest. Dom. Anim. Endocrinol. (in press). Schulz, L.C. and J.M. Bahr. 2004. Potential endocrine function of the glycolytic enzyme glucose  6- phosphate isomerase during implantation. Gen. Comp. Endo.137:283-287. Shi, X., R.J. Belton, Jr., H.R. Burkin, A. Vieira, and D.J. Miller. 2004. A proteomic approach to identify phosphoproteins encoded by cDNA libraries. Anal Biochem. 329:289-292. Smith T.K., J.W. Ross, R.D. Geisert, C.R. Krehbiel, U. DeSilva, J.R. Malayer, J.B. Morgan, and F.J. White. 2005. Effects of grazing management and subsequent finishing on gene expression in different adipose tissue depots from steers. J. Anim. Sci. (in press). Talbot N.C., Caperna T.J., Powell A.M., Ealy A.D., Blomberg L.A., and Garrett W.M. Isolation and characterization of a bovine visceral endoderm cell line derived from a parthenogenetic blastocyst. (In Press: In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology) Vadnais, M.L., R.N. Kirkwood, R.J. Tempelman, D.J. Sprecher, and K. Chou. 2005. Effect of cooling and seminal plasma on the capacitation status of fresh boar sperm as determined using chlortetracycline assay. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 87:121-132. Vadnais, M.L., R.N. Kirkwood, D.J. Sprecher, and K. Chou. 2005. Effect of extender, incubation temperature, and added seminal plasma on capacitation of cryopreserved, thawed boar sperm as determined by chlortetracycline staining. Anim. Reprod. Sci. (in press). Vallet, J.L., B.A. Freking, K.A. Leymaster, and R.K. Christenson. 2005. Allelic variation in the erythropoietin receptor gene is associated with uterine capacity and litter size in swine. Anim. Genet. 36:97-103. van Heugten, E., P.R. O'Quinn, D.W. Funderburke, W.L. Flowers, and J.W. Spears. 2004. Growth performance, carcass characteristics, plasma minerals, and fecal mineral excretion in grower-finisher swine fed diets with levels of trace minerals lower than common industry standards. J. Swine Health Prod. 12:237-241. Waylan, A.T., J.D. Dunn, B.J. Johnson, J.P. Kayser, and E.K. Sissom. 2004. Effect of flax supplementation and growth promotants on lipoprotein lipase and glycogenin messenger RNA concentrations in finishing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 82:1868-1875. Wheeler, M.B., S.G. Clark, and D.J. Beebe. 2004. Developments in in vitro technologies for swine embryo production. Reprod. Fertil. Devel. 16:15-25. Wilhelms, K.W., S.A. Cutler, J.A. Proudman, L.L. Anderson and C.G. Scanes. 2005. Atrazine and the hypothalamo-pituitary-gonadal axis in the sexually maturing precocial bird: studies in male Japanese quail. Toxicol. Sci. (in press). Willenburg, K.L., R.V. Knox and R.N. Kirkwood. 2004. Effect of estrogen formulation and its site of deposition on serum PGFM concentrations, uterine contractility, time of ovulation in artificially inseminated weaned sows. Anim. Reprod. Sci. 80: 147-156. Yen, H.-W., J.J. Ford, D.R. Zimmerman, and R.K. Johnson. 2005. Follicular development and maturation in gilts selected for an index of high ovulation rate and high prenatal survival. J. Anim. Sci. 83:130-135. Zeringue, H.C., M.B. Wheeler, and D.J. Beebe. 2004. A Microfluidic Method for Removal of the Zona Pellucida from Mammalian Embryos. Lab on a Chip, 5 (advance web article October 14th, 2004) 108-110. Zhu, J, T. King, J. Dobrinsky, L. Harkness, T. Ferrier, W. Bosma, L.L Schreier, H.D. Guthrie, P. DeSousa, and I. Wilmut. 2003. In vitro and in vivo developmental competence of ovulated and in vitro matured porcine oocytes activated by electrical activation. Cloning Stem Cells 5:355-365. Zuelke, K.A. and L.A. Blomberg. 2004. Serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) during porcine embryo elongation. International Embryo Transfer Society Newsletter 22(3):10-14. Abstracts and technical reports Anderson, L.L., A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, E.W. Rowe, S. Jeftinija and C.G. Scanes. 2004. Leptin increases intracellular calcium concentrations in isolated somatotropes. 2004. 86th Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society. Endocrinology 145: (Suppl.) 1:504, Abstract P3-162. (New Orleans) Anderson, L.L., S. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes, M.H. Stromer, J.-S. Lee, K. Jeftinija and A. Glavaski-Joksimovic. 2004. Physiology of ghrelin and related peptides. 5th Intl. Conference Farm Anim. Endocrinol. July 4-6, 2004. Published in BASE [Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Societé et Environment 8:18 (2em trimestre, Special issue)], CRA, Gembloux, France, Abstract K-12. (Budapest, Hungary) Anderson, L.L., A. Glavaski-Joksimovic, K. Jeftinija, C.G. Scanes and S. Jeftinija. 2005. Effect of motilin on calcium transient in isolated porcine pituitary cells. 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, November 12-16, 2005. Proc. Soc. Neuroscience, Abstract 433. (Washington, D.C.). Bahr, JM, Y Yoshimura, SS Tischkau, H-C Yao, KK Volentine, LR Neitzel, and JA Walsh.2004 The germinal disc of the chicken follicle: site of ovarian control of granulosa cell physiology. 8th International Symposium on Avian Endocrinology, Abst. # T23, p.35. Banerjee, J., J. Vislisel and C.M. Komar. 2004. Mechanisms involved in the effect of LH on mRNA and protein corresponding to peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor in the periovulatory rat ovary. Biology of Reproduction. (Suppl 1) 37th meeting of the Society For The Study Of Reproduction. British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada. Blomberg, L.A., J.R. Dobrinsky and K.A. Zuelke. Steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (STAR) expression coincides with increased estrogen synthesis in porcine embryos. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction July 31-August 4, 2004 Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Blomberg L.A., T.S. Sonstegard, C.P. Van Tassell and K.A. Zuelke. SAGE Analysis of Transitions in the Porcine Conceptus Transcriptome During Trophectoderm Elongation. Reproduction, Fertility, and Development, 17:257, 2005. Boltz, DA, CR Zimmerman, and JM Bahr. 2004. Vaccination of roosters against avian infectious bronchitis virus causes a change in seminal plasma proteins. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #164, p. 130. Boltz, D and JM Bahr. 2004 Avian infectious bronchitis virus targets the epididymal region of rooster reproductive tract potentially reducing fertility. World Poultry Congress, Abst.# 1538. Braundmeier AG and RA Nowak. 2005. Cytokines regulate matrix metalloproteinases in human uterine endometrial stromal cells. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Breen, S, KM Ruggiero, KL Farris, and RV Knox. 2004. Effect of altering dose of PG600 for improving reproductive performance of prepubertal gilts and weaned sows. J. Anim. Sci. 82: (Suppl.): 59. Chen L, R. Belton Jr, LJ Lin, RA Nowak. 2005. Extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) up-regulates MMP production by mouse uterine stromal cells. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Clark, SG, EM Walters, DJ Beebe, MB Wheeler 2004. In vitro fertilization in microfluidic channels enhances monospermic penetration of swine oocytes. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16:251, abstr. 262. Dyer SN and RA Nowak. 2005. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) act as signaling molecules in the mitogenic pathway of myometrial and leiomyoma smooth muscle cells. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. French SJ, A Cruz, X Shi, and DJ Miller. 2005. The role of actin in sperm acrosomal exocytosis. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Grudzien MM, FS Mesquita, RA Nowak. 2005. Time dependent changes in gene expression in leiomyoma smooth muscle cells after treatment with the antifibrotic drug halofuginone. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Guthrie, H.D. 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Isolation of Adult Adipose Derived Stem Cells from Transgenic Swine. International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR), 2nd Annual Meeting, Abstract 248 page 124. Marshall, KM, RD Shanks, WL Hurley, SM Donovan, MB Wheeler. 2004. Effect of increased suckling stimulation on piglet weight gain and daily milk yield of sows transgenic for bovine a-lactalbumin. Reproduction, Fertility and Development 16:291, abstr. 342. Mesquita FS, JM Robl, P Kasinathan, S Rodriguez-Zas, RA Nowak. 2005. A comparison of the placental gene expression profile in chromatin transfer and in vitro fertilization-derived bovine fetuses during early gestation. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Nakai, M, JK Van Cleeff and JM Bahr. 2004. Stages and duration of spermatogenesis in the domestic ferret (Mustela putorius). 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #744, p.263. Nakai M, L Chen, RA Nowak. 2005. Tissue distribution of basigin and monocarboxylate transporter I in the adult male mouse: a study using wild type and basigin gene knockout mice. Annual Meeting of the Endocrine Society. Nowak RA, P Low, J Wubben, R Belton Jr. 2005. Halofuginone inhibits proliferation and collagen production by leiomyoma smooth muscle cells. Presented at the 2nd NIH International Congress on Advances in Uterine Leiomyoma Research, Abstract #35. Nowak RA, D Bunick, M Nakai, JF Couse, KS Korach, L Chen. 2005. Expression of extracellular matrix metalloproteinase inducer (EMMPRIN) in reproductive tissues of estrogen receptor-± and ² knockout mice. Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Pugh, M.L., M.B. Moreira, G.R. Gilbert, and C.R. Youngs. 2004. Influence of prostaglandin F2alpha synthesis inhibitors on pregnancy rate of embryo transfer recipient heifers. Proc. 15th Int'l. Cong. Anim. Reprod. 2:399. Rodriguez, K.F., L.A. Blomberg, K.A. Zuelke, J.R Miles, J.E. Alexander and C.E. Farin. 2004. Use of serial analysis of gene expression (SAGE) for identification of candidate gene associated with gonadotropin-induced oocyte maturation in the mouse. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Rowlett JM, FS Mesquita, RW Johnson, SR Zas, MR Band, RA Nowak. 2005. The effects of immune challenge on circulating cytokines and hypothalamic gene expression in domestic white and Chinese Meishan gilts. Presented at the Swine in Biomedical Research Conference, January 27-29; P. 34 (Abstract IID9). Sutovsky P, G Manandhar, DJ Miller, and M Sutovsky. 2005. ZPB/ZPC is the uibiquitinated sperm receptor on porcine zona pellucida. 38th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Tinfo, N.S. and C.M. Komar. 2004. PPAR is not a major player in luteal steroidogenesis in the rat. Biology of Reproduction. Serono Symposium: Xv Ovarian Workshop, Vancouver, Canada. Van Cleeff, JK and JM Bahr. 2004. Embryonic implantation in the domestic ferret requires a threshold prolactin concentration. 37th Annual Meeting of the Society for the Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #260, p.152. Vislisel, J. and C. Komar. 2004. PPAR expression in the neonatal rat ovary. Merck Veterinary Summer Scholar Research Program Meeting, Auburn, Alabama. Youngs, C.R. and A.E. Freeman. 2005. "Breeding (animal)", in AccessScience@McGraw-Hill, (in press). Youngs, C.R., A.M. Powers-Meyer, M.G. Wonderlich And M.B. Moreira. 2004. The effect of cloprostenol or dinoprost, administered at two different sites, on the expression of estrus in postpartum dairy cattle. Proc. 15th Int'l. Cong. Anim. Reprod. 1:60. Zhao L, HR Burkin, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2004. Complexin 1 is required for mammalian sperm acrosomal exocytosis. 37th Annual Mtg Soc for Study of Reproduction. Zhao L, HR Burkin, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2004. Complexin 1 is found in mammalian sperm and is necessary for acrosomal exocytosis. 44th Annual Mtg Amer Soc Cell Biol. Zhao L, HR Burkin, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2005. Complexin 1 knockout mouse sperm are sub-fertile due to a defect in acrosomal exocytosis. 38th Annual Mtg Soc for Study of Reproduction. Zhao L, HR Burkin, K Reim, N Brose, and DJ Miller. 2005. Complexin 1 is necessary for acrosomal exocytosis. Gordon Conference on Fertilization and Activation of Development. Zimmerman, CR, DA Boltz, RE Howell and JM Bahr. 2004. Vaccination with avian infectious bronchitis virus: Cause of reduced fertility in roosters. 37th Annual Mtg Soc for Study of Reproduction. Biol. Reprod. Special Issue, Abst. #180, p. 134.
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