SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Anderson, Bruce (; Baker, John (, Blasi, Dale (; Fick, Walt(; Guretzky, John(; Harmoney, Keith (; Jenkins, Karla (; Klopfenstein, Terry (; Lomas, Lyle (; Massengale, Martin (; Joe Moyer, Joe (; Rick Rasby, Rick (; Roundtree, Jason (; Sandy Smart, Sandy ( ; Aaron Stalker, Aaron (; Volesky,Jerry (;

NC1181 Meeting August 10-11, 2011 Kearney Nebraska Holiday Inn Meeting held in conjunction with the Nebraska Grazing Conference. The conference was planned by member of the NC1881 committee. Three members of the NC1181 committee presented research conducted by the committee: Jason Roundtree, Terry Klopfenstein and Lyle Lomas. Meeting began 3:05 pm Attendees, Sandy Smart - Chair, Aaron Stalker - Secretary, John Baker - Administrative Representative, Keith Harmoney, Dale Blasi , Terry Klopfenstein, Lyle Lomas, Martin Massengale, Rick Rasby, Bruce Anderson, Joe Moyer, Jerry Volesky, Walt Fick, John Guretzky, Karla Jenkins, Jason Roundtree. John Baker - gave update from administration 1. Other members not attending Lori Snyder - Purdue, M Scott Updike - Univ. Maryland, Paul Peterson - Univ. Minnesota, Bisoondat Macoon - Mississippi State Univ., check on the participation of these folks. Aaron Stalker will make contact with all these folks. Bruce Anderson will contact Paul Peterson, Keith Harmoney will contact Bisoondat Macoon. 2. Check on objectives - revise if necessary State reports Nebraska 1. Rick Rasby - use of distiller grain solubles by spraing on hay in a windrow and feeding bales in winter (see report). 2. Terry Klopfenstein - several distillers grains studies (see report). 3. Aaron Stalker - multiple wet distillers grains studies, crop residue (see report). 4. Karla Jenkins - wet distillers for wintering cows (see report). 5. Bruce Anderson - legume establishment study (see report). South Dakota 1. Sandy Smart - legume interseeding in Brookings, SD (see report). Kansas 1. Keith Harmoney - legume interseeding study (see report). Supplement yearlings with WDG at Hays, KS (see report). 2. Dale Blasi - Distillers grains for yearlings (see report) 3. Lyle Lomas - Distillers grains supplementation on grazing steers (see report). 4. Joe Moyer - interseeding study (see report). Michigan 1. Jason Roundtree - Legume interseeding study (see report). Discussion regarding objectives - John Baker 1. Need to emphasize how external funds are being leveraged. Many projects are joint to USDA. 2. Extension activities need to be planned to include multiple-state delivery. a. Nebraska Grazing Conference  next year have a concurrent session on DDGS and pasture b. Other possibilities i. Integrate research and extension 3. Midterm review due in Dec, 2011. Rewrite due in Dec. 2013 4. Need to update impact statement on NCRA website. 5. Next meeting Aug 15-16, 2011 following the NGC in Kearney, NE. Election of new Secretary Nominations - Keith Harmony Joe Moyer moved to cast a unanimous ballot to elect Keith Harmony, 2nded by Lyle Lomas. Passed. Adjourned. 11:15 am Minutes submitted by Aaron Stalker


A joint publication between NE and KS on feeding DDGS on grass has been submitted to Professional Animal Scientist and is in review. A joint publication between NE and KS on weighing procedures is being developed. The NC 1181 project leveraged $175,000 in grant funds from the NE Corn Board over the past three years. The NC 1181 group has leveraged about $105,000 in "in kind" support from Cargill and $10,000 from ADM during the past three years. Members of the NC1181 committee planned the Nebraska Grazing Conference and members from three states (Terry Klopfenstein, UNL; Lyle Lomas, KSU; and Jason Roundtree, MSU) reported research conducted in the project. Then grazing conference was attended by about 220 people. The committee met to discuss their activities during fiscal year 2011. The following activities, outputs, milestones, and short-term outcomes were achieved: Activities: Research projects relating to objectives 1-6 were initiated in 2009/2010 by scientists in Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota and were continued in 2010/2011. Objective 1: Common legumes (alfalfa, birdsfoot trefoil, and red clover) treated with and without fungicides and insecticides were planted in southeastern and western Kansas, eastern Nebraska, and eastern South Dakota. Stand establishment data was collected and reported to the research group at the annual meeting. Further evaluation of stand success and productivity will continue to be made. In South Dakota and southeastern Kansas sod suppression treatments were used. Objective 2: Pastures containing legumes were successfully established in summer 2010 and 2011 and further evaluation by grazing livestock will occur in 2012 in eastern Nebraska. Researchers in southeast Kansas conducted grazing trials to compare the effect of stocker cattle supplemented with dried distillers grains and the excretion of urine and feces as fertilizer substitute. Researchers in Nebraska evaluated the performance of steers grazing fertilized and unfertilized smooth brome grass pastures with and without dried distillers grains (DDG) supplementation and found feeding 0.6% DDG to result in the greatest performance. Another experiment in Nebraska demonstrated the importance of accurate cattle weights. Objective 3: The effects of distillers grains mixed with wheat straw and beet pulp were compared to alfalfa fed to gestating cows in western Nebraska in winter 2010/2011. Objective 4: Several studies in Kansas and Nebraska were conducted to evaluate the use of distillers grains fed on the ground or in the bunk. Additionally, the effect of wet distillers grains storage on feed value was measured in Nebraska as was the impact of forage type, storage method and moisture level. Objective 5: Grazing studies were conducted in eastern Nebraska on smooth bromegrass with yearling cattle supplemented with distillers grains to determine forage substitution and N-cycling. Objective 6: Economic analysis of 5 yr grazing study with cattle supplemented with distillers grains was conducted. Milestones: (2010): Establishment studies of legumes interseeded into grass pastures in Kansas, Nebraska, and South Dakota are ongoing and quality of stands are being assessed. (2010): Grazing projects evaluating the use of biofuel co-products, nitrogen levels, and legumes on animal production and economics are ongoing in Kansas, and Nebraska. (2010): Grazing projects evaluating the use of different mixtures of biofuel co-products and low quality forages on nutrient availability, palatability, utilization by beef cattle, and forage replacement by beef cattle are ongoing. Outputs: Data collection, report summaries, and publications pertaining to objectives 1-6 were achieved. Short-term outcomes: Short-term outcomes include lower breakeven and greater profit of grazing cattle fed distillers grains.


  1. Forage legumes can reduce annual nitrogen fertilizer requirements of grass pastures through their ability to fix nitrogen. Forage nutritive value of cool-season pastures will improve when forage legumes are a significant component of the sward. In addition, dilution of endophyte-infected tall fescue forage with legume will reduce effects of fescue toxicosis. Seasonal distribution of forage is generally improved when legumes are grown in cool-season grass pastures because legumes are less subject to summer dormancy.
  2. Co-products from the grain processing industry can be used as efficacious and economical supplements for grazing stocker cattle when resources and/or weather conditions limit pasture and range forage production and/or nutritional value.


Adams, D. R., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, W. A. Griffin, M. K. Luebbe, M. A. Greenquist, and J. R. Benton. 2010. Effects of sorting steers by body weight into calf-fed, summer yearling, and fall yearling feeding systems. Prof. Anim. Sci. 26:587-594. Adams, D. R., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, D. R. Mark, M. K. Luebbe, and W. A. Griffin. 2010. The economic effects of sorting cattle by weight and time of year into different production systems. Prof. Anim. Sci. 26:595-602. Ahren, Nerissa A., Brandon L. Nuttelman, Crystal D. Buckner, Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson. 2011. Use of dry-rolled corn, dry or wet distillers grains plus solubles as an energy source in high forage diets for growing cattle. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP94: 20-21. Ahern, N. A., B. L. Nuttelman, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2011. Use of dry rolled corn, dry or wet distillers grains plus solubles as an energy source in high forage diets for growing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Midwest ASAS Abstract 296. Erickson, G., and T. Klopfenstein. 2010. Nutritional and management methods to decrease nitrogen losses from beef feedlots. J. Anim. Sci. 88:E172-E180. Geisert, B. G., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, C. N. Macken, M. K. Luebbe, and J. C. MacDonald. 2010. Phosphorus requirement and excretion of finishing beef cattle fed different concentrations of phosphorus. J. Anim. Sci. 88:2393-2402. Greenquist, M. A., A. K. Schwarz, T. J. Klopfenstein, W. H. Schacht, G. E. Erickson,, K. J. Vander Pol, M. K. Luebbe, K. R. Brink, and L. B. Baleseng. 2011. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and dried distillers grains supplementation: Nitrogen use efficiency. J. Anim. Sci. 89:1146-1152. Griffin, W. A., V.R. Bremer, T. J. Klopfenstein, L. A. Stalker, L. W. Lomas, J. L. Moyer, and G. E. Erickson. 2011. A meta-analysis evaluation of supplementing dried distillers grains plus solubles to cattle consuming forage based diets. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:(In Review). Harmoney, K. and J. Jeager. 2011. Using wet distillers grains as a late-season protein supplement for grazing steers. In Kansas St University Ag. Experiment Station Roundup 2011:Report of Progress 1050. pg 4-5. Harmoney, K., C. Adams, D. Rice, and H. Jansonius. 2011. Establishing different legumes in grass: an on-farm trial.In Kansas St University Ag. Experiment Station Roundup 2011:Report of Progress 1050. pg 35-39. Holman, J. D., J. L. Moyer, S. L. Maxwell, and K. R. Martin. 2011. Switchgrass cultivar establishment, iron chlorosis, and biomass yield in southwest and southeast Kansas. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2011-0126-01-RS. Terry J. Klopfenstein, and Galen E. Erickson. 2011. Nutrient composition of spoiled and non-spoiled wet byproducts mixed and stored with straw. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP94: 18-19. Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2011. Distillers grains supplementation strategy for grazing stocker cattle, pp. 13-18. In: 2011 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1051. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 42p. Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2011. Effect of cultivar and distillers grains supplementation on grazing and subsequent finishing performance of stocker steers grazing tall fescue pasture, pp. 4-12. In: 2011 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1051. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 42p. Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2011. Effect of frequency of dried distillers grains supplementation on gains of heifers grazing smooth bromegrass pastures, pp. 19-21. In: 2011 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1051. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 42p. Lomas, L. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2011. Effects of various grazing systems on grazing and subsequent finishing performance, pp. 1-3. In: 2011 Agricultural Research, Southeast Agricultural Research Center Report of Progress 1051. Kansas State Univ. Agric. Exp. Stn. and Coop. Extn. Serv., Manhattan, KS. 42p. Lomas, L. W., J. L. Moyer, and G. A. Milliken. 2011. Grazing and finishing performance of steers that grazed nontoxic endophyte-infected tall fescue. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2011-0628-01-RS. Loza, P. L., C. D. Buckner, K. J. Vander Pol, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. A. Stock. 2010. Effect of feeding combinations of wet distillers grains and wet corn gluten feed to feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. :88:1061-1072. Luebbe, M. K., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. A. Greenquist, and J. R. Benton. 2011. Effect of dietary cation-anion difference on urinary pH, feedlot performance, nitrogen mass balance, and manure pH in open feedlot pens. J. Anim. Sci. 89:489-500. Moyer, J. L., and D. W. Sweeney. 2011. Managing nitrogen for crabgrass hay production. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2011-0519-01-RS. Pruitt, S. K. K. M.Rolfe, B. L. Nuttelman, A. K Watson, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, and W. H. Schacht. 2011. Strategies of supplementing dried distillers grains to yearling steers grazing smooth bromegrass pastures. J. Anim. Sci. Midwest ASAS Abstract 297. Villasanti, Sandra, L. Aaron Stalker, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Walter H. Schacht, and Jerry D. Volesky. 2011. Replacement of grazed forage with WDGS and poor quality hay mixtures. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP94: 28-30. Watson, A. K., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, W. H. Schacht, and D. R.. Mark. 2011. Economic analysis of smooth bromegrass pasture beef growing systems. J. Anim. Sci. Midwest ASAS Abstract 85. Watson, Andrea K., William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Kelly R. Brink, and Walter H. Schacht. 2011. Supplementing DDGS to steers grazing smooth bromegrass pastures. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP94: 24-25. Watson, Andrea K., Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, Darrell R. Mark, and Walter H. Schacht. 2011. Economic analysis of supplementing DDGS to grazing steers. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP94: 26-27. Yelden, Jennifer R., Crystal D. Buckner, Kelsey M. Rolfe, Dana L. Christensen, Rolfe, Kelsey M., William A. Griffin, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Galen E. Erickson, and Dennis E. Bauer. 2011. Supplementing modified wet distillers grains with solubles to long yearling steers grazing native range. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP94: 31-32.
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