SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Adams, Garry ( - Texas, Guest; Ainsworth, A. Jerald ( - Mississippi, Guest; Baker, John ( - Michigan; Broussard, Meryl - USDA, CSREES; Cunningham, Gary - USDA, CSREES; Dickerson, Harry ( - Georgia, Guest; Ewart, Susan (  Michigan; Freeman, Douglas ( - North Dakota; Hahn, Ned ( - Illinois; Johnson, Peter ( - USDA, CSREES; Klei, Tom ( - Louisiana, Guest; Miller, Larry - USDA, CSREES; Morris, Dave ( - USDA, CSREES; Moxley, Rodney ( - Nebraska; Otto, Ralph - USDA, CSREES; Qureshi, Muquarrab - USDA, CSREES; Reynolds, Don ( - Iowa; Robertson, Don ( - Kansas; Saif, Mo ( - Ohio; Sherman, Gary ( - USDA, CSREES; Stromberg, Bert ( - Minnesota; Wagner, William ( - USDA, CSREES; Zeman, David ( - South Dakota;

Review and recommendations of the Animal Health Advisory Committee for the assigned projects took place as a conference call January 19, 2005 and at our meeting March 11, 2005. The committees recommendations were: Mid-Term Reviews NC-1004 Approve; NC-1007 Approve; NC-1010 Approve Project Reviews NC_TEMP1882 Approve; NC_TEMP1981 Not Approve The committees' formal meeting was held in Washington, DC at the USDA, CSREES Waterfront Office with representative of the the agency. Discussions dealt with the President's proposed budget and various funding sources available for animal research. The meeting agenda and minutes are attached.


Reviewed thee projects for midterem review and two for project approvals as assigned by NCRA, MRC.



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