SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Baker, John ( Michigan State University; Ewart, Susan ( - Michigan State University; Hoyer, Lois ( - University of Illinois; Nolan, Lisa ( - Iowa State University; Rao, P. Srirama ( - University of Minnesota

A teleconference was held on December 11, 2009 to conduct midterm reviews of NC1037, which was recommended for approve/continue project with revision and NC1041, which was recommended for approve/continue project. The annual meeting of the NCAC2 was held on Friday March 12, 2010 at NIFA/USDA, 800 9th St SW, Washington DC. The NCAC2 committee members as well as Associate Deans for Research met with representatives from NIFA to discuss the NIFA structure and funding opportunities. See attached agenda. Due to the lack of a quorum the NCAC2 business agenda was tabled with the recommendation that it be taken up in a conference call in the near future. Two year ascending terms for chair and secretary will continue with Mo Saif continuing as chair for the coming year. Susan Ewart will serve as secretary for the coming year and then move to the role of chair. At the next annual meeting a new secretary will need to be elected. Respectfully submitted, Susan Ewart


Reviewed and approved two projects as assigned by NCRA and provded written comments.



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