SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Jim Dill and Glen Koehler, University of Maine <p> William Coli, Sonia Schloemann, and Dan Cooley, University of Massachusetts <p> Heather Faubert, University of Rhode Island <p> Ana Legrand, University of Connecticut <p> Ed Rajotte, Penn State University <p> Curt Petzoldt, Cornell University <p> Joanne Whalen, University of Delaware <p> Sandra Sardanelli and Cerruit Hooks, University of Maryland-College Park <p> Stephan Tubane, University of Maryland Eastern Shore <p> Rakesh Chandran, University of West Virginia <p> Carrie Koplinka-Loehr, Northeast IPM Center <p> Mike Fitzner  National Institute of Food and Agriculture

Update from USDA-NIFA  Michael Fitzner, National Institute of Food and Agriculture:

A comprehensive review was presented including how Global Food Security applies to IPM, a discussion of a National Research Council piece on A New Biology for the 21st Century, and E-IPM Coordination grants for 2011-2013. He indicate that all 56 proposals submitted were funded to some extent ($11.7 million requested; $8.5 million funded). For the Northeast region, the average award was $151,725 average and twelve given in the NE. Most states requested a 3 year grant. Averages for other 3 regions: 192,000 North Central, 187,000 Southern Region and 113,000 Western Region.

Detailed Discussion on ipmPIPE. After a long discussion on what will occur with the ipmPipe system, the group decided to proceed with a conference call or webinar to look at how the NEERA1001 could move the issue forward, especially in the areas of IPM Modeling/Wide Area Monitoring/Forecasting. Key people identified to work on a conference call included Carrie Koplinka-Loehr, CurtPetzoldt, Ana Legrand and Joanne Whalen. Others identified to include were Juliet Carroll. Cornell, Marty Draper,NIFA Mark Gleason (two projects: NC Regional Weather IWG with Forrest Nutter; IPM Decision Support Grant), Canadian partners, Mark Russo, Scott Isard, Jeffery Andresen (, Mike Brewer, Glenn Koehler (Orchard Radar), Abby Seaman (late blight....pheromone traps), Curt Petzoldt (NEWA), Paul Jepson, Jay Brunner, Vince Jones (Washington State). Possibly combine weather / forecasting programs / field reports. It was also discussed that we need to get Extension Extension directors behind the idea of an ipmPIPE-like proposal. Let National Weather Service/Skybit collect the data (dont get into weather machines). The possibility of submitting an SCRI or AFRI grant was also discussed.

Relevancy Panel for RIPM - The group discussed the need for the relevancy panel. It was decided that the Center should ask IPM coordinators for suggestions of who could serve on the panel. Overall, there was a lot of support for keeping the relevance panel as part of the RIPM process.

Bed Bug Prograns in the Northeast  There was detailed discussion of what is occurring with bed bug IPM Programs in the northeast: (a) in Pennsylvania - Hazelton (and other) schools infested; started the Center Regional Bedbug Coalition, (b) In Massachusetts: Craig Hollingsworth is working with bedbugs and has documented that 25% of housing units in Springfield are infested, (c) In New York - NYC mayor formed a bed bug task force; Jody G-K is chair; (d) NE-IPM Center  Alison Taisey working with bedbugs in Healthy Housing project. Whats new in Bedbug management.(e) Bedbugs on youtubeDini Miller. (f) Rachel Maccini is trying to establish a NE working group on bedbugs. Her proposal for the working group was only partially funded at slightly less than half of what was requested.

Future of NEREAP  It is currently a multi-state project through 2011 with our administrative contacts being Roger Adams ( Extension Directors) and Mike Hoffman ( Experiment Station Directors. The group supported that a block of time should be kept for coordinator issues but there is a need to re-invigorate participation by extension and academic appointees at each institution.

In the future we should consider topics that are common interest for the entire group ( i.e IPM Coordinators, Research and Academic colleagues) as well as topics included in the RIPM proposals. Regional cooperation is an important component and it was pointed out that the Evaluation Working Group was a good example of a regional partnership that evolved out of our annual meeting.

We also discussed that we could have a theme for the meeting  AFRIs Wide Area Monitoring was suggested as an example. The group discussed the possibility of a working session during next years meeting to target funding, development of a working group for proposals and a webinar at the next meeting. Group tends to consist of IPM coordinators; not many researchers or academic people.

Future of NE IPM Center: The position to replace John Ayers would be largely administrative. Carrie summarized Johns role in the center: establish the grants panels, interacts with USDA on grants, meets with other center directors ( 3 times per year), sits on the SARE Administrative Council and IPM PIPE Steering Committee. Summarizing the main 2 roles: grants management and think tank for the future of the center. Two-state model is encouraged; award must go to a 4-yr degree-granting institution, not a group. Penn State is identifying an individual who might be Johns successor. Maine is also interested in continuing a dialogue about participation in the next grant. If funding is restored, RFA would be released late 2010 or early 2011, before next NEREAP meeting. Coli: Avoid dramatic change in a center thats working (current PSU/Cornell arrangement)

Representative to the NE IPM Center Steering Committee: Sonia Schloemann, University of Massachusetts


The following activities and impacts (according to the planned milestones) were realized in the reporting period for NEREAP

(1) NEREAP-IPM met April 13-14, 2010 to prioritize and discuss emerging issues, shared experiences and plans, devise regional responses to national issues, coordinate collaborative, multistate activities, and report IPM impacts.

Dill and Whalen (current chairperson and chairperson elect) attended the Extension Committee on Organization and Policy/Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP/ESCOP) National IPM Committee.

Dill served on the Advisory Committee of the Northeast IPM Center.



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