SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information

  • Project No. and Title: WERA_OLD97 : DISEASES OF CEREALS
  • Period Covered: 10/01/2010 to 09/01/2011
  • Date of Report: 09/12/2011
  • Annual Meeting Dates: 06/13/2011 to 06/14/2011


Dill-Mackey, Ruth ( - University of Minnesota; Dyer, Alan ( - Montana State University; William Grey ( - Montana State University; John Sherwood ( - Montana State University


Short-term Outcomes: Quantitative, measurable benefits of the research outputs as experienced by those who receive them. Examples include the adoption of a technology, the creation of jobs, reduced cost to the consumer, less pesticide exposure to farmers, or access to more nutritious food. Outputs: Defined products (tangible or intangible) that are delivered by a research project. Examples of outputs are reports, data, information, observations, publications, and patents. Activities: Organized and specific functions or duties carried out by individuals or teams using scientific methods to reveal new knowledge and develop new understanding. Milestones: Key intermediate targets necessary for achieving and/or delivering the outputs of a project, within an agreed timeframe. Milestones are useful for managing complex projects. For example, a milestone for a biotechnology project might be "To reduce our genetic transformation procedures to practice by December 2004. The reactions of hard red spring wheat, barley and oat cultivars to various diseases prevalent in Minnesota were disseminated to small grains producers on the Minnesota Variety Trials Results. This information provides growers with options and aids them in selecting cultivars that are appropriate for their area and risk level for the diseases prevalent in Minnesota. The 2010 Minnesota wheat crop (winter and spring and durum) was 1.67 million acres, with spring wheat planted on 1.6 million acres and winter wheat planted on 65,000 acres, up 18% from 2009. Spring wheat yields average 55 bu/A, 2 bu/A above the 2009 average. The University of Minnesota is currently advertising for an Extension Plant Pathologist - Assistant Professor. The position will be located at the Northwest Research and Outreach Center, Crookston MN. The responsibilities of the position include developing statewide extension and research programs on the causes and management of plant diseases, with an emphasis on small grains and canola. In Montana in 2011, four field presentations have been made to growers. In addition, three research publications and one extension bulletin were published. A former MSU doctoral student, Ernesto Moya, is now an assistant professor in Chile and we are very proud of him for his work here and have high hopes for his future. At Oregon State University significant efforts in genetics, breeding, and mapping of resistance are underway for most of our serious wheat diseases. Oregon State University is pleased to have Bob Zemetra joining OSU as the wheat breeder/geneticist as of May 23, 2011.


  1. Activities: Organized and specific functions or duties carried out by individuals or teams using scientific methods to reveal new knowledge and develop new understanding.
  2. Milestones: Key intermediate targets necessary for achieving and/or delivering the outputs of a project, within an agreed timeframe. Milestones are useful for managing complex projects. For example, a milestone for a biotechnology project might be "To reduce our genetic transformation procedures to practice by December 2004."
  3. Indicators: Qualitative surrogate observations or indirect measures of quantitative performance measures which permit monitoring the achievement of outcomes when direct measurement of performance is difficult, too costly, or not possible. In Minnesota, screening of breeding material for Fusarium Head Blight (wheat, barley and oat), leaf rust (wheat), stem rust (wheat), tan spot (wheat), net blotch (barley), septoria (wheat and barley) and loose smut (oat) was conducted on up to 5,000 wheat, 12,000 barley and 1,500 oat lines in 2010. The data are used by small grains breeders and geneticists to make selections for improved resistance.
  4. Indicators (cont‘d): Testing of fungicides on wheat and barley for efficacy to Fusarium head blight was conducted in Minnesota as part of a national cooperative effort and recommendations of best management practices are made available to growers through the US Wheat and Barley Scab Initiative (USWBSI) and MAES websites. Last year was a productive year in Montana as two graduate students completed their projects and defended their degrees. We are in the final year of seed treatment-winterkill project and will be taking final data for those trials in this August. We will also be completing a small project looking at the effects of Fusarium populations on fungal communities within wheat crown tissues using pyrosequencing of ITS region. Preliminary results for both projects will be presented at the APS meetings in Hawaii in August.


Mundt, C. C., Sackett, K. E., and Wallace, L. W. 2011. Landscape heterogeneity and disease Spread: Experimental approaches with a plant pathogen. Ecological Applications 21:321-328. Quincke, M. C., Peterson, C.J., Zemetra, R.S., Hansen, J.L., Chen, J., Riera-Lizarazu, O., and Mundt, C.C. 2011. Quantitative trait loci analysis for resistance to Cephalosporium stripe, a vascular wilt disease of wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 122:1339-1349. Vazquez, M. D., Ammar, K., Chen, X.M., Crossa, J., Riera-Lizarazu, O., Mundt , C. C., and Peterson, C.J. 2011. Genetic analysis of adult plant, quantitative resistance to stripe rust in wheat cultivar Stephens in multi-environment trials. Theoretical and Applied Genetics:in press. Verhoeven, E.C., J. M. Bonman, P. Bregitzer, B. Brunick, B. Cooper, A. E. Corey, A. Cuesta-Marcos, T. Filichkina, C. C. Mundt, D. Obert, B. Rossnagel, K. Richardson and P. M. Hayes Registration of the BISON Genetic Stocks in Hordeum vulgare L. 2011. Journal of Plant Registrations 5: 135-140. Anderson, J.A., Linkert, G.L., Busch, R.H., Wiersma, J.J., Kolmer, J.A., Jin, Y., Dill-Macky, R., Wiersma, J.V., Harelend, G.A. and McVey, D.V. (2009). Registration of 'RB07' wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations, 3:175-180. Dill-Macky, R. (2010). Fusarium Head Blight (Scab), pp. 34-36. In: Compendium of Wheat Diseases and Pests, 3rd ed.; Bockus, W.W., Bowden, R.L., Hunger, R.M., Morrill, W.L., Murray, T.D., and Smiley, R.W. Eds.; The American Phytopathological Society, St. Paul, MN; 171 p. St. Pierre, S.L, Gustus, C., Steffenson, B.J., Dill-Macky, R. and Smith, K.P. (2010). Mapping net form net blotch and Septoria speckled leaf blotch resistance loci in barley. Phytopathology, 100:80-84. Di, R., Blechl, A., Dill-Macky, R., Tortora, A., and Tumer, N. (2010). Expression of a truncated form of yeast ribosomal protein L3 in transgenic wheat improves resistance to Fusarium Head Blight. Plant Science, 178:374-380. Massman, J., Cooper, B., Horsley, R., Neate, S., Dill-Macky, R., Chao, S., Dong, Y., Schwarz, P., Muehlbauer, G.J. and Smith K.P. (2010). Genome-wide association mapping of Fusarium head blight resistance in contemporary barley breeding germplasm. Molecular Breeding, DOI: 10.1007/s11032-010-9442-0. Smith, K.P., Rasmusson, D.C., Schiefelbein, E., Wiersma, J.J., Wiersma, J.V., Budde, A., Dill-Macky, R. and Steffenson, B.J. (2010). Registration of 'Rasmusson' barley. Journal of Plant Registrations, 4:167-170. Murray, T., Milus, G., De Wolf, E., Dill-Macky, R., Steffenson, B., Wegulo, S., Bergstrom, G., Sorrells, M., McMullen, M., Paul, P., Hunger, R., Mundt, C., Isard, S., Stein, J., Baker, H., Bulluck, R., Divan, C., Engle, J., Hebbar, P., Bowden, R., Carson, M., Chen, X., Jin, Y., Marshall, D., Smith, K. and Szabo, L. (2010). Recovery Plan for Stem Rust of Wheat caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Ug99 (race TTKSK) and its derivatives. Posted to the USDA website ( March 2010. Leisso, R., B. Jacobsen and M. Burrows. 2011. Pathogenicity of Fusarium spp. to chickpea seed and seedlings (Cicer arietinum L.). Can. J. Plant Pathol. 33: in press (July, 2011) Moya, E.A., Jacobsen, B.J., Hogg, A.C., Dyer, A.T. 2011. Population dynamics betweenFusarium pseudograminearum and Bipolaris sorokiniana in wheat stems using real-time qPCR. Plant Dis. (In press) Moya, E.A., Rew, L.J., Jacobsen, B.J., Hogg, A.C., Dyer, A.T. 2011. Distribution and severity of Fusarium crown rot and common root rot of wheat in Montana using real-time qPCR and conventional isolation. Plant Dis. (In press) M. Burrows, A. Dyer, and W. Grey. 2010. Small grain root and crown diseases. MSU Extension Publications MontGuide MT2010007AG. M. Burrows, F. Menalled, and D. Weaver. 2010. Common wheat pests in Montana, 2011 Calendar. K. McVay, M. Burrows, F. Menalled, and K. Wanner. 2010. Montana wheat production guide. MSU Extension Publications EB0197. M. Burrows. 3/1/2011. Time to test pulse seed for Ascochyta. Press Release. M. Burrows, F. Menalled, D. Weaver. 9/1/2010. Common wheat pests in Montana, 2011. Calendar. Burrows, M. 2011. Managing community diseases. Southern Alberta Conservation Society meeting. Lethbridge, AB, Canada. Burrows, M. 2011. Leveraging our resources: GPDN wheat virus survey outcomes and impacts. National Plant Diagnostic Network meeting. Berkeley, CA. Burrows, M. 2011. Invasive species: Plant Disease threats to Montana agriculture. Montana Invasive Species Summit. Helena, MT.
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