SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


George Adamson (Ontario Scientific), April Agee (Pioneer Hi-Bred), Lou Albright (Cornell), Tony Beckmann (HortAmericas), A.J. Both (Rutgers Univ.), Keri Bouchard (Conviron), Melissa Brechner (Univ. Cornell), Johann Buck (HortAmericas), Bruce Bugbee (Utah State Univ.), Joni Campidilli (Percival Scientific), Christian Clough (C2 Development), Daedre Craig (Michigan State Univ.), Christopher Curry (Purdue Univ.), David de Villiers (Cornell), Jason Fatten (Ball Horticulture), Shaun Faulkner (Univ. Maryland), Jonathan Frantz (USDA-ARS), Gary Gardner (Univ. Minn.), Lawrence Giles (Carnegie Inst. for Science), Richard Gladon (Iowa St. Univ.), Stephen Griggs (EGC), Ed Harwood (Aero Farm Systems), Alec Hay (Utah State Univ.), Ricardo Hernandez (Arizona State Univ.), Lynn Hummel (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison), Seth Humphries (Apogee Instruments), Henry Imberti (Percival Scientific), Ramesh Kanwar (Iowa State Univ.), Meriam Karlsson (Univ. Alaska), Daniel Kiekhaefer (Percival Scientific), Mark Kroggel (Univ. Arizona), Chieri Kubota (Univ. Arizona), John Lea-Cox (Univ. Maryland), Mark Lefsrud (McGill Univ.), Peter Ling (Ohio State Univ.), Mark Loewen (Conviron), Roberto Lopez (Purdue Univ.), Gioia Massa (NASA Kennedy), Cary Mitchell (Purdue Univ.), Bob Morrow (ORBITEC), Joey Norikane (Fraunhofer CMB), Rob Pauls (Biochambers), Roger Peters (Biochambers), Lucie Poulet (Purdue Univ.), Reg Quiring (Conviron), Matthew Randall (C2 Development), Sharon Reid (Conviron), Mark Romer (McGill Univ.), Erik Runkle (Mich. State Univ.), John Sager (EGC), Carole Saravitz (NCSU Phytotron), Tim Shelford (Cornell Univ.), Blake Sheridan (Cycloptics), Philip Sheridan (Cycloptics), Jesse Smith (Percival Scientific), Todd Smith (Duke Univ. Phytotron), Arnold Stankus (EGC), Gary Stutte (NASA-Kennedy), Ted Tibbitts (Univ. Wisconsin-Madison), Richard Tuck (Cycloptics), Marc van Iersel (Univ. Georgia), Celina Gomez Vargas (Purdue Univ.), Daniel Warnock (Monsanto), Ed Wiebe (Biochambers), Ray Wheeler (NASA-Kennedy), Ann Widrig (Ball Horticulture), John Wierzchowski (EGC), Dave Wilson (Stanford University), Wayne Zimmerman (Conviron).

Brief Summary of Annual Meeting Complete meeting minutes are available at Chair Jonathan Frantz called the meeting to order at 8:09 am and asked the meeting attendees introduce themselves. Announcements: " Erik Runkle announced an ISHS Lighting conference, International Symposium on Light in Horticulture 2012, will be held at Wageningen, The Netherlands, 10/15-18/2012. Administrator advisory report (Ramesh Kanwar) Ramesh welcomed more than 60 attendees to Ames, Iowa and made the following comments specific to NCERA-101 committee: " Ramesh suggested we self-nominate NCERA-101 committee for a multi-state committee award. He will help to put a nominating committee together to prepare a 1-2 page nomination package within 2-3 months. " Regarding to the review of the committee renewal proposal, we received a highly commended review with a minor concern that more references documenting multi-state collaborating effort is desirable. The committee will need to submit a revised report by June 1, 2011. " The meeting report should be submitted within 60 days of the meeting. " Possible sources of travel grants for our next international meeting include USDA, NSF, NASA, and DOD. Approval of 2010 meeting minutes (Marc van Iersel). Marc reported that the meeting minutes were distributed by email, revised to address several comments, and solicited revision suggestions from the meeting attendees. Hearing none, Mark Romer motioned to accept the meeting minutes as is, seconded by Bruce Bugbee, and unanimously approved. Membership report (Mark Romer) " Currently we have 150 members representing 109 institutions from 8 countries. " Google discussion group: the discussion group was originally limited to signed-up members, while only half of the membership participated. The decision was made to add all official members to the group for better communication. " A membership report provided by Mark Romer is attached to the meeting minutes as an appendix. Website report (Carole Saravitz) o The website host was moved from University of Montana to NC State. The Website name is with pointers and ASHS Working Group report (Bob Morrow) " Met yesterday (4/30/2011) with 16 attendees " ASHS maintains a website for each working group including controlled environment working group. " ASHS has instituted an annual student paper award for protected environment area. Papers presented at controlled environment sessions will be considered. " The working group will co-sponsor a workshop on challenges and opportunities of medical cannabis for professional horticulturist at the 2011 ASHS Annual Conference. " 2012 ASHS workshop ideas include greenhouse cooling and high tunnel. Other ideas are welcome. Phytotronics Newsletter report (Jonathan Frantz) Per Ted Tibbitts suggestion, Jonathan scanned and converted 1300 pages of hard copy Phytotronics Newletter to PDF files. The files will be forwarded to Carole for web posting. He also commented on finding interesting information on early PGR, closed-gas exchange work, and some documentation of the 1st meeting of this group. Further, Jonathan noted the conversion process was not able to convert everything due to symbols. Ted Tibbitts stated that proof reading help is welcome. Instrumentation package report (Bruce Bugbee) NCERA-101 Instrument Package Account has a current balance of $14,237. Incomes were from company contributions, not instrument package usage. There was no usage of the instrument package last year. Bruce solicited suggestions of new instruments. The following instruments were mentioned by the name in parentheses for possible new instruments: an instrument with an accuracy down to 200 nm (Gary Gardner), an UV-C meter (Ray Wheeler), chlorophyll meter (John Lea-Cox), red/far red ratio meter (Gary Gardner), hand-held spectroradiometer (A.J. Both), leaf area index meter (John Lea-Cox), line quantum sensor (John Lea-Cox), porometer (Peter Ling), CO2 analyzer (Peter Ling), infrared thermometer (Peter Ling), anemometer (Peter Ling). Ted Tibbitts suggested to compile an instrument need list through web or Google discussion group. He also suggested circulating a signup sheet with price information among the conference attendees. Reg Quiring commented on the challenges of air flow measurement. Mark Romer commented there is room for new guideline on how to measure air flow, and how to use measured air flow information. Marc van Iersel suggested Bruce Bugbee to compile and forward a recommended new instrumentation list for the executive committee to make purchasing decisions. Greenhouse Guideline report (A.J. Both) A.J. first announced that Bob Langhans cant make it to the meeting, receiving Rutgers Distinguished Alumni Award. He also announced availability of Guidelines for measuring and reporting environmental parameters for experiments in plant tissue culture facilities brochure. A.J. then proceeded commenting on the Greenhouse Guideline development. Five sections, temperature, radiation, water, gases, and nutrients, were discussed at 2009 Greensys meeting. The four of the five sections are in draft form, additional help is needed for the fifth, nutrient, section. He suggested the group to provide feedbacks through sub-groups in breakout sessions today. ASHRAE handbook chapter update (Lou Albright) Lou provided some background information of ASHRAE (American Society of Heat Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineering) handbook and solicited help to revise chapters concerning plant production. He commented that the greenhouse related information in the handbook is very out-of-date, some are 30-40 yrs old and many units are wrong. For those who may be interested in participating, there is already a foundational document started by A.J. The document can be used either as a skeleton or foundation to develop a new chapter. Last year, two people showed interests in this effort, the group is looking for approximately 6 people for this effort. Please send Lou an email if interested in participating. Future meetings (Jonathan Frantz) " 2013 meeting: Cary Mitchel volunteered to host the meeting at Purdue University sometime between 3/1 and 3/15. Potential tour includes Dow Agro Sciences who has an extra-large climate control plant growth facility. Dick Gladon motioned to accept the offer, Henry Imberti seconded the motion. The motion carried with acclamation by the attendees. " 2014 meeting: Meriam Karlsson will explore the possibility of hosting the meeting at Fairbank, Alaska. " 2015 meeting: Carole Saravitz is willing to host the meeting at NC State in 2015. " 2012 international meeting: Mark Romer presented some preliminary information of the meeting. Erik Runkle reported scientific program development of the conference and solicited suggestions regarding to session focus, title, and speakers. Peter Ling reported the committee will seek funding to aid travel expenses of North American attendees who have needs. New Business " New officer election (Jonathan Frantz) Jonathan presented Nominating Committees recommendation of Henry Imberti as an incoming secretary candidate and solicited other nominations from the floor. With no other nomination, Mark Romer motioned to accept the nomination, Bruce Bugbee seconded, and was accepted unanimously. " Other items The group discussed topics related the ASHS Graduate Student protected environment paper award. Question was raised for NCREA-101 to sponsor a paper award for both ASHS and ASABE student members to reinvigorate controlled environment interest. Mark Romer asked if corporate sponsorship can be solicited to fund the award. Marc van Iersel responded saying other ASHS working group has precedence of corporate sponsorship to fund their awards. Gioia Massa suggested the committee may use our own financial surplus to fund the award. Mark Romer said we already spending thousands of dollars supporting graduate students for attending NCERA-101 meetings. Jonathan Frantz is in favor of seeking corporate sponsorship first. Jonathan passed the gavel to Marc van Iersel at 2:12 pm. Marc thanked Jonathan for his service, especially his incredible amount of work in the past year. Bruce Bugbee motioned to adjourn the meeting at 2:14 pm, Henry Imberti seconded, and approved by the attendees.


NCERA-101 Accomplishments and Impacts (Complete station reports can be viewed on the NCERA-101 website) Research at the University of Arkansas has continued to study the effects of high temperature stress on pollen tube growth and fertilization in cotton flower pistils in field and controlled environment conditions. These studies have shown the extreme sensitivity of pollen tube growth to high temperature and helped explained the yield losses and yield variability experienced by Arkansas farmers. Cornell University has initiated a series of workshops and student internships to train potential employees, managers, and owners of Controlled Environment Agriculture facilities. The University has upgraded a plant growth chamber with innovative luminaires from Cycloptics Technologies, LLC. The luminaires provide twice the photosynthetic light at bench level, while drawing half the electricity, compared to T12 VHO fluorescent lamps originally installed in the chamber. The University has installed a field test (beta test) controller in a commercial greenhouse that implements the daily light integral control algorithm patented by Cornell. Control suitability will be monitored and quantified during the coming year. Michigan State University quantified how average daily temperature influenced production time of 19 different varieties of ornamental plants. Together with recently developed, research-based information on other crops, and the Virtual Grower software program, greenhouse growing temperatures can be identified that consume the least amount of energy for heating. By monitoring soil moisture using a commercial sensor network installed in the University of Maryland Greenhouse complex, our Greenhouse research manager has been able to more accurately monitor water use in poplar, soybean and wheat crops. This has enabled management to precisely schedule irrigation events, minimize waste (in the form of water and nutrient leaching), increase efficiency and increased the quality of information and research material (based on researcher feedback). The sensor network is remotely available at any time to greenhouse managers and researchers, by using logmein ( software. The University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada developed and licensed two organic greenhouse vegetable growing substrates to a commercial company. The University also developed a weed control disk for container plant production. Weeds were 100% under control and shrubs grew >50% faster in pots with the disk compared to pots without. The New England Plant, Soil, and Water Laboratory in Orono, Maine updated Virtual Grower software with an additional 600 US sites and is now compatible with Mac, Linux, and 64-bit processors; over 10,000 copies have been distributed since the original release of the software. The University of Alaska Fairbanks research activities address emerging local needs for energy efficient greenhouse and controlled environment production. Outreach efforts provide information and training opportunities to experienced growers as well as those with limited or a recent interest in commercial greenhouse production. McGill University, located in Quebec, Canada, has been researching in two target areas with the first focusing on identifying the potential of greenhouse heating using wood pellets and the second investigating light emitting diodes for plant production. Projects were completed in both areas with the construction and testing of a wood pellet gasifier and a full scale LED supplemental lighting experiment on hydroponic lettuce. Nationwide, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station has exposed extension personnel and commercial greenhouse growers to research and outreach efforts through presentations, publications and evaluation tools. It is estimated that this information has led to proper greenhouse designs and updated operational strategies that saved an average sized (1-acre) greenhouse business a total of $20,000 in operating and maintenance costs annually. Greenhouse energy conservation presentations and written materials have been prepared and delivered to local, regional, and national audiences. Growers who implemented the information resulting from our research and outreach materials have been able to realize energy savings between 5 and 30%. ORBITEC, located in Madison Wisconsin continues to develop solid state lighting systems for biological research applications. Systems have been developed for growth rooms and greenhouses. Studies by the University of Georgia on molecular and physiological responses of plants show that acclimation of plants to drought depends both on the severity of drought stress (with the most acclimation when drought develops slowly) and on the rate with which the drought stress develops (with more acclimation if the drought stress develops slowly). This has important implications for basic research, where the drought imposition rate and severity are commonly ignored and for plant production in controlled environments, where drought stress is at times used to harden plants off to drought conditions, or for manipulation of secondary metabolite production. University of Arizona (Dr. Kacira) developed a computer vision guided crop sensing and monitoring system and a methodology to monitor nutrient deficiency which could eventually save labor to monitor crop quality and yield, as well as improve resource use efficiency. The existing systems software capability is currently being improved for plant phenotyping studies. They also have been working on developing advanced climate control strategy to maintain desired air temperature and humidity in a naturally ventilated greenhouse equipped with variable high pressure fogging system. The initial computer simulations indicated promising results for water and energy savings using this system compared to fixed high pressure fogging system based on VPD control. The implementation of the developed algorithm with greenhouse experiments is currently under progress. Dr. Kubota of the University developed a photoautotrophic Arabidopsis culture protocol to distribute to basic plant scientists. This method allows normal physiology and growth of plants under in vitro environments. At Purdue University in Indiana, LED sole-source and supplemental lighting appears to give equivalent or better plant response than traditional lighting sources for a fraction of the energy cost. Kennedy Space Center reported a small scale salad production system using LED light source was incorporated into NASAs Habitat Demonstration Unit testing of surface systems. Researchers at The Ohio State University have developed a decision support tool for estimating energy harvesting potential of greenhouses. They also validated a conventional methodology for greenhouse heat loss calculation.


  1. The University of Guelph in Ontario, Canada developed and licensed two organic greenhouse vegetable growing substrates to a commercial company. The University also developed a weed control disk for container plant production. Weeds were 100% under control and shrubs grew >50% faster in pots with the disk compared to pots without.
  2. Nationwide, New Jersey Agricultural Experiment Station has exposed extension personnel and commercial greenhouse growers to research and outreach efforts through presentations, publications and evaluation tools. It is estimated that this information has led to proper greenhouse designs and updated operational strategies that saved an average sized (1-acre) greenhouse business a total of $20,000 in operating and maintenance costs annually.
  3. Studies by the University of Georgia on molecular and physiological responses of plants show that acclimation of plants to drought depends both on the severity of drought stress (with the most acclimation when drought develops slowly) and on the rate with which the drought stress develops (with more acclimation if the drought stress develops slowly). This has important implications for basic research, where the drought imposition rate and severity are commonly ignored and for plant production in controlled environments, where drought stress is at times used to harden plants off to drought conditions, or for manipulation of secondary metabolite production.
  4. University of Arizona (Dr. Kacira) developed a computer vision guided crop sensing and monitoring system and a methodology to monitor nutrient deficiency which could eventually save labor to monitor crop quality and yield, as well as improve resource use efficiency. They also have been working on developing advanced climate control strategy to maintain desired air temperature and humidity in a naturally ventilated greenhouse equipped with variable high pressure fogging system.
  5. Kennedy Space Center reported a small scale salad production system using LED light source was incorporated into NASAs Habitat Demonstration Unit testing of surface systems.
  6. Researchers at The Ohio State University have developed a decision support tool for estimating energy harvesting potential of greenhouses. They also validated a conventional methodology for greenhouse heat loss calculation.


NCERA 101 Member Publications In addition to their efforts above, the NCERA 101 group had over 150 reports either published or accepted for publication since the last meeting. The following publication list of NCERA-101 contributors compiled for station reports and does not include publications from non-reporting stations. Astacio, M.G. and M.W. van Iersel. 2010. Determining the Effects of Exogenous Abscisic Acid on Evapotranspiration of Tomato (Solanum lycopersicon). Proceedings of the SNA research conference 55:264-271. Baeza,E., M. Kacira, J.Perez-Parra, J.C. Lopez, J. C. Gazquez, and J. I. Montero. 2010. Validation of CFD Simulations for Three Dimensional Temperature Distributions of a Naturally Ventilated Multispan Greenhouse obtained by Wind Tunnel Measurements. Acta Horticulturae. (In Press) Beard, T.L.M. 2010. Impact of arsenic contaminated irrigation water on accumulation in tomatoes. Senior thesis Natural Resources Management, SNRAS, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Beretta, A., V. Bornisacci, G. Boscheri , S. De Pascale, R. Furfaro, G. Giacomelli, L. Grizzaffi, M. Kacira, M. Lamantea, C. Lobascio, R.L. Patterson, M. Pirolli, S. Rossignoli, P. Sadler. 2010. International Collaboration on Bioregenerative Systems for Space and Earth Applications. 4th International Workshop: "Agrospace: Controlled Environment Agriculture from Earth to Space and back,", Sperlonga, Italy, May 20-21. [Poster Presentation] Bibi, A.C., Oosterhuis, D.M.,and Gonias, E.D. 2010. Exogenous application of putrescine ameliorates the effect of high temperature in Gossypium hirsutum L. flowers and fruit development. J. Agron. and Crop Sci.196:205-211. Bibi, A.C, Oosterhuis, D.M,and Gonias, ED. and Stewart, J.M 2010. Comparison of a responses of a ruderal Gossypium hirsutum L. with commercial cotton genotypes under high temperature stress. Amer. J. Plant Sci. And Biotechnol.4 (special issue 2): 87-92. Blanchard, M. and E.S. Runkle. 2010. Effects of emerging shoot size, temperature, and benzyladenine on growth and flowering of Zygopetalum Redvale 'Fire Kiss'. Acta Hort. 878:302-309. Blanchard, M. and E.S. Runkle. 2010. Energy-efficient annuals, Part 11: Angelonia & browallia. Greenhouse Grower 28(1):30-34. Blanchard, M. and E.S. Runkle. 2010. Energy-efficient annuals, Part 12: Pentas & verbena. Greenhouse Grower 28(2):32-37. Blanchard, M. and E.S. Runkle. 2010. Ready research results: Daily light integral & flowering of annuals. Greenhouse Grower 28(13):22-23. Blanchard, M.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2010. Influence of NIR-reflecting shading paint on greenhouse environment, plant temperature, and growth and flowering of bedding plants. Trans. ASABE 53:939-944. Blanchard, M.G. and E.S. Runkle. 2010. Intermittent light from a rotating high-pressure sodium lamp promotes flowering of long-day plants. HortScience 45:236-241. Blanchard, M.G., E.S. Runkle, and Y.-I. Lee (Eds.). 2010. Proceedings of the First International Orchid Symposium (Acta Hort. 878). Taichung, Taiwan. Boscheri, G., R. Furfaro, G. Giacomelli, L. Grizzaffi, M. Kacira, M. Lamantea, C. Lobascio, L. Patterson, and P. Sadler. 2010. Evaluation of Bio-regenerative Life Support Systems in the frame of Concurrent International Cooperation. The 40th International Conference on Environmental Systems, Barcelona, Spain. Paper No. AIAA-2010-6202. Bradford, E., J.F. Hancock and R.M. Warner. 2010. Interactions of temperature and photoperiod determine expression of repeat flowering in strawberry. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 135:102-107. Brechner, M.L. L.D. Albright and L.A Weston. 2011. Effects of UV-B on Secondary Metabolites of St. Johns wort (Hypericum perforatum L.) Grown in Controlled Environments. Photochemistry and Photobiology. (In press) Brown, S. and Oosterhuis, DM. 2010. High daytime temperature stress effects on the physiology of modern versus obsolete cultivars. Amer. J. Plant Sci. And Biotechnol..4 (special issue 2): 93-96. Bue, J. 2010. Arsenic absorption in vegetables. UAF Campus Research Day. Center for Research Services, University of Alaska Fairbanks. (Abstract.) Bures, J.W. 2010. Reducing the Alaska summer day length to increase growth and yield of tomatoes. Senior thesis Natural Resources Management, SNRAS, University of Alaska Fairbanks. Burnett, S.E., B.A. Krug, N.S. Mattson, R.G. Lopez and C.J. Currey. 2010. Ten ways to heat your house. GrowerTalks 74(7):6469. Chia, P.-L. and C. Kubota. 2010. End-of-day far-red light quality and dose requirements for tomato rootstock hypocotyl elongation. HortScience 45:1501-1506. Currey, C.J. and R.G. Lopez. 2010. Paclobutrazol pre-plant bulb dips effectively control height of Nellie White easter lilies. HortTechnology 20(2):357360. Currey, C.J., D.M. Camberato, A.P. Torres, and R.G. Lopez. 2010. Plant growth retardant drench efficacy is not affected by substrate containing parboiled rice hulls. HortTechnology 20(5):863866. Davis, K.I., C.E. Niedziela Jr., M.R. Reddy, B.E. Whipker, and J.M. Frantz. 2010. Nutrient disorder symptomology and foliar concentrations of Clerodendrum thomsoniae. J Plant Nutrition. Accepted 7-27-09. de Villiers, D.S., H.C. Wien, J.E. Reid, and L.D. Albright. 2011. Energy Use and Yields in Tomato Production: Field, High Tunnel and Greenhouse Compared for the Northern Tier of the USA (Upstate New York). Acta Horticulturae. (In press) Dion, L.M., M. Lefsrud. 2010. Generating usable and safe CO2 for of greenhouses from the exhaust gas of a biomass heating system. CIGR Paper 101227, XVII World Congress of CIGR, Quebec City, Canada, June 13-17. Fitz-Rodríguez, E., C. Kubota, G.A. Giacomelli, M.E. Tignor, S.B. Wilson, M. McMahon. 2010. Dynamic modeling and simulation of greenhouse environments under several scenarios: A web-based application. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 70:105-116. Fitz-Rodríguez, E., J. Nelkin and C. Kubota. 2010. Use of disposable film sensor for analyzing uniformity of daily light integral inside a greenhouse. Acta Horticulture (in press) Frantz, J.M. and J.C. Locke. 2011. Research ready results: Silicon in floriculture fertility programs. Greenhouse Grower. Feb, 2011 pp. 26-27. Frantz, J.M. and P. Ling. 2011. Growth and partitioning of Petunia × hybrida Vilm. are influenced by altering light, CO2, and fertility. HortScience. 46:228-235. Frantz, J.M., B. Hand, L. Buckingham, S. Ghose. 2010. Virtual Grower: Software to Calculate Heating Costs of Greenhouse Production in the U.S. HortTechnology. 20:778-785. Frantz, J.M., B. Larkin, G. Trusty, C.W. Honeycutt, Z. He, M. Olanya, and J. Halloran. 2011. Comparing modelled productivity to historical data in New England potato production systems. In Sustainable Potato Production: Global Case Studies Zhongqi He (ed). Springer Publishing, NY. Frantz, J.M., J.C. Locke, D. Sturtz, S. Leisner. 2010. Silicon in ornamental crops: detection, delivery, and function. Silicio na Agricultura: Anais do V Simposio Brasileiro sobre Silicio Agricultura. Editor: Fabricio Rodriguez. pp.111-134. Gonias, D.M., Oosterhuis, D.M. and Bibi.A. C. 2010. Ambient or internal boll temperatures to calculate heat units for timing defoliation Amer. J. Plant Sci. And Biotechnol. 4 (special issue 2): 97-100. Graham, T. G., P. Zhang, M. Dixon. 2011. Aqueous ozone in the root zone: friend or foe? Journal of Horticulture and Forestry. 3(2):58-62. Graham, T., P., Zhang, E. Woyzbun, M.A. Dixon. 2011. Response of hydroponic tomato to daily applications of aqueous ozone via drip irrigation. Scientia Horticulturae. In press. Gregory, M. S., D. Story, A. Akoglu, M. Kacira. 2010. A Node and Network Level Self-Healing Distributed Wireless Sensor Architecture for Greenhouse Based Plant Monitoring Systems. ASABE Paper No. 1009468. St. Joseph, Michigan. Guerrero, F. V., M. Kacira, E. F. Rodriguez, R. Linker, A. Arbel, C. Kubota, G. Giacomelli. 2010. Developing a Control Strategy for Greenhouses Equipped with Natural Ventilation and Variable Pressure Fogging: Evapotranspiration Models and Simulated Comparison of Fixed and Variable Pressure Fog Cooling. ASABE Paper No. 1009388. St. Joseph, Michigan. (Oral Presentation) He, Z., C.W. Honeycutt, O.M. Olanya, R.P. Larkin, J. Halloran and J.M. Frantz. 2011. Comparison of soil phosphorus status and organic matter composition in potato fields with different crop rotation systems. In Sustainable Potato Production: Global Case Studies Zhongqi He (ed). Springer Publishing, NY. Huang E. and M. Lefsrud. 2010. The analysis of yeast proteome during the course of ethanol fermentation. ASMS conference proceedings, Salt Lake City, UT. May 23-27, 2010. Hummerick, M.E., J. Garland, G. Bingham, V.N. Sychev, and I.G. Podolsky. 2010. Microbiological analysis of Lada vegetable Units (VPU to define critical control points and procedures to ensure the safety of space grown vegetables. Amer. Inst. Aeronautics Astronautics (ICES 2010, Barcelona). Johnson, I., J.H.M. Thornley, J.M. Frantz, and B. Bugbee. 2010. Modelling photosynthetic enzyme level and distribution through canopies in relation to canopy photosynthesis and its acclimation to light, temperature and CO2. Annals of Botany. doi: 10.1093/aob/mcq183 Justus, I. and C. Kubota. 2010. Effects of low temperature storage on growth and transplant quality ofnon-grafted and grafted cantaloupe-type muskmelon seedlings. Scientia Hort. 125:47-54. Karlsson, M. and J. Werner. 2010. Light emitting diodes for greenhouse production. HortScience 45(8):S274. (Abstract.) Karlsson, M. and J. Werner. 2011. High tunnel covering materials for northern field production. Acta Horticulturae (in press). Kawakami, E.M., Oosterhuis, D.M.and Snider, J.L. 2010. Effects of temperature and application of urea with N-butyl thiophosphoric triamide and Dicyandiaminde on cotton. Summaries of Cotton Research. Univ. Arkansas Agric. Exp. Sta., Research Series 582:44-50. Kennedy, Celia. 2010. Adaptive approaches to sub-irrigation of potted Gerbera jamesonii and Chrysanthemum morifolium in greenhouse production. MSc. Thesis. University of Guelph. Kim, J and M.W. van Iersel. 2011. Abscisic acid drenches can reduce water use and extend shelf life of Salvia splendens. Scientia Horticulturae 127:420-423. Kim, J. and M.W. van Iersel. 2010. Photosynthesis and water use of vinca (Catharanthus roseus) during drought: the effect of different drying rates. Proceedings of the SNA research conference 55:114-120. Kim, S., G. Inyer, A. Nadarajah, A. Spongberg, and J.M. Frantz. 2010. Polyacrylamide hydrogel properties for horticultural applications. International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization. In press. Krug, B.A .and R.G. Lopez. 2010. Revisiting poinsettia cold finishing. Greenhouse Grower 28(9):3034. Kubota, C. and M. Kroggel. 2010. Application of 1-MCP for long distance transportation of high quality tomato seedlings. Acta Horticulturae (submitted) Lafrenière C, Surrage V, Dixon M and Zheng Y. 2011. Evaluation of zeolite as a component in organic growing substrates for tomato transplant troduction. Acta Horticulturea (In press). Latimer, J. and E.S. Runkle. 2010. Alternative plant height management strategies. OFA Disease, Insect & Plant Growth Management Conference (St. Louis, MO), September. Lea-Cox, J. D., A. G. Ristvey, D.S. Ross and G. Kantor. 2011. Wireless Sensor Networks to Precisely Monitor Substrate Moisture and Electrical Conductivity Dynamics in a Cut-Flower Greenhouse Operation. Acta Hort. (In Press). Lea-Cox, J. D., C. Zhao, D. S. Ross, T. E. Bilderback, J. R. Harris, S. D. Day, C. X. Hong, T. H. Yeager, R. C. Beeson Jr. ,W. L. Bauerle, A. G. Ristvey, M. Lorscheider, S. Dickinson and J. M. Ruter. 2010. A Nursery and Greenhouse Online Knowledge Center: Learning Opportunities for Sustainable Practice. HortTechnology 20: 509-517. Lea-Cox, J. D., F. R. Arguedas-Rodriguez, A. G. Ristvey and D.S. Ross. 2011. Relating Real-time Substrate Matric Potential Measurements to Plant Water Use, for Precision Irrigation. Acta Hort. (In Press) Lea-Cox, J.D, 2010. Examining the 4R Concept of Nutrient Management. Workshop 16: Plant Nutrient Management Workshop. HortScience 45:S30. Lea-Cox, J.D. and A.G. Ristvey, 2010. Sensing Green Roofs to Provide Continuous Data for Stormwater Modeling. In: Workshop 30. Utility of Mechanistic and Empirical Models for Basic and Applied Research in Horticultural Stress Physiology. HortScience 45:S46-47. Lea-Cox, J.D. and C. Zhao, 2010. Smart-farms: Managing Irrigation and Nutrients via Distributed Sensing - The Specialty Crops Research Initiative Project Website Lea-Cox, J.D., 2010. Water Conservation and Irrigation Management in Nursery Production Systems. Symposium 1 - Water Issues in the Production of Ornamental Crops in the United States. USDA-NIFA National Water Conference. 21-24 Feb., 2010. Hilton Head. SC. Lea-Cox, J.D., G.A. Kantor, W.L. Bauerle, M. van Iersel, C. Campbell, T. Bauerle, D.S. Ross, A. Ristvey, D. Parker, D. King, R. Bauer, S. Cohan, P.A. Thomas, J.M. Ruter, M. Chappell, S. Kampf, M.A. Lefsky, L. Bissey, and T. Martin. 2010. Precision irrigation and nutrient management for nursery, greenhouse and green roof systems: sensor networks for feedback and feed-forward control. HortScience 45(8):S86-87. Lea-Cox, J.D., G.A. Kantor, W.L. Bauerle, M. van Iersel, C. Campbell, T. Bauerle, and R. Bauer. 2010. SCRI-MINDS: Some management and communication strategies for a national coordinated agricultural project. HortScience 45(8):S202-203. Lea-Cox, J.D., G.F. Kantor, W.L. Bauerle, M. van Iersel, C. Campbell, T.L. Bauerle, D.S. Ross, A.G. Ristvey, D. 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