SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information



" Overview of action items a. Objective 1 i. Not sure if it is the role of this committee to maintain the database ii. Probably last updated in 2004 or 2005 iii. Discussion about how to update the database (currently it covers only NC states, should be updated to 2010) iv. Consensus was that regional climate centers should be involved v. Agreed to work on updating the database Jeff Andresen, Patrick Guinan, Karen Garrett, Mickey Ransom (soils) vi. Discussed publishing the database in an ESA publication designed for publishing data sets vii. Jeff Andresen will do a follow-up e-mail about the current status of the database viii. Goal  update the dataset this year ix. Chris Anderson will prepare a short summary of existing and soon to be released climate projections that could be used by project members b. Objective 2 i. Discussed adding other variables to the database 1. Leaf wetness duration: Clyde Fraisse, Jeff Andresen, Karen Garrett, and Bob Seem agreed to work on this project ii. Discussion about the need for adding an economist to the project 1. Need an economist who knows how to make projections about land use 2. Jeff Andresen will pursue the possibility of finding an economist at Michigan State University c. Objective 3 i. Karen Garrett discussed the possibility of using Big Bluestem instead of switchgrass as a bioenergy crop ii. She is already doing some preliminary simulation work iii. Jeff Andresen and Clyde Fraisse are probably the most active in working on this objective iv. Also Ken Boote may be involved v. Suggestion was to link names with the various objectives vi. Scott Staggenborg is doing extensive work on Objective 3b d. Objective 4 i. Requires much thought as to the potential users ii. Discussed the possible need for an entomologist and weed scientist to work on the project " Leadership and officer elections o The establishment of a leadership committee composed by three or four project members was discussed o Moved, seconded, and passed to form an Executive Committee consisting of a Secretary, Chair Elect, Chair, and Past-Chair o Karen Garrett has been nominated as incoming Secretary o Moved and seconded to elect Karen as Secretary o Motion passed so Karen will start as Secretary at the next annual meeting o The Executive Committee will consist of Dennis Todey (Past Chair), Adnan Akyuz (Chair), Clyde Fraisse (Current Secretary and In-coming Chair), and Karen Garrett (In-coming Secretary) o Mike Schmitt stressed the need to document our cooperation with other groups. o Discussion of Appendix E o Discussion of the cultivar updates that were assigned at the annual meeting last year § Wheat  Perry Miller § Forage sorghum  Scott Staggenborg § Soybean and corn  Gerrit Hoogenboom § Agreed that the Executive Committee would follow up and determine if new assignments need to be made o Thanks to Christopher Anderson for the meeting arrangements o Executive Committee will send out an email message to schedule time and location for next annual meeting o Suggested that the Secretary develop a list of Action Items to send out to the committee membership Summary of action Items 1. Jeff Andresen will do a follow-up e-mail about the current status of the database 2. This update will be followed by a conference call to discuss how to proceed on updating the database 3. Clyde Fraisse, Jeff Andresen, Karen Garrett, and Bob Seem will work on how to incorporate leaf wetness to the database 4. Chris Anderson will prepare a short summary of existing and soon to be released climate projections that could be used by project members 5. Jeff Andresen will pursue the possibility of finding an economist at Michigan State University 6. Doodle schedule for next annual meeting


  1. Long term data has been analyzed for trends in temperature and frost free dates.
  2. Risk factors for emerging diseases have been developed that can be used for climate change scenarios
  3. Future climate scenarios (A2 and B2 SRES) were developed and used as inputs into CERES-Maize and Wheat crop simulation models to evaluate the impact of climate change on crop production


Publications: Feng S., F. Salvagiotti, M.R. Schmer, A.B. Wingeyer and A. Weiss, 2010: Evaluating a hybrid soil temperature model in a corn-soybean agroecosystem and a tallgrass prairie in the Great Plains. Great Plains Research 20, 249-260. K. A. Garrett, G. A. Forbes, S. Savary, P. Skelsey, A. H. Sparks, C. Valdivia, A. H. C. van Bruggen, L. Willocquet, A. Djurle, E. Duveiller, H. Eckersten, S. Pande, C. Vera Cruz, and J. Yuen. 2011. Complexity in climate change impacts: A framework for analysis of effects mediated by plant disease. Plant Pathology 60:15-30. K. A. Garrett. 2010. Review of A Practical Guide to Ecological Modelling. Using R as a Simulation Platform by Soetaert and Herman. Quarterly Review of Biology 85:492. K. A. Garrett, A. Jumpponen, and L. Gomez Montano. 2010. Emerging plant diseases: What are our best strategies for management? Pages 152-160 in Controversies in Science and Technology, Vol. 3, From Evolution to Energy. Editors E. L. Kleinman, J. A. Delborne, K. A. Cloud-Hansen, and J. Handelsman. Liebert Publishers, New Rochelle, New York. C. Perez, C. Nicklin, O. Dangles, S. Vanek, S. Sherwood, S. Halloy, K. Garrett, and G. Forbes. 2010. Climate change in the High Andes: Implications and adaptation strategies for small-scale farmers. The International Journal of Environmental, Cultural, Economic and Social Sustainability 6:71-88. M. N. Rouse, A. A. Saleh, A. Seck, K. H. Keeler, S. E. Travers, S. H. Hulbert, and K. A. Garrett. Genomic and resistance gene homolog diversity of the dominant tallgrass prairie species, Andropogon gerardii, across the Central U.S. precipitation gradient. In review. A. A. Saleh, H. U. Ahmed, T. C. Todd, S. E. Travers, K. A. Zeller, J. F. Leslie, and K. A. Garrett. 2010. Relatedness of Macrophomina phaseolina isolates from tallgrass prairie, maize, soybean, and sorghum. Molecular Ecology 19:79-91. A. H. Sparks, G. A. Forbes, R. J. Hijmans, and K. A. Garrett. A metamodeling framework to expand the application range of ecological models. In review. S. E. Travers, Z. Tang, D. Caragea, K. A. Garrett, S. H. Hulbert, J. E. Leach, J. Bai, A. Saleh, A. K. Knapp, P. A. Fay, J. Nippert, P. S. Schnable, and M. D. Smith. 2010. Variation in gene expression of Andropogon gerardii in response to altered environmental conditions associated with climate change. Journal of Ecology 98:374-383. K. M. Webb, I. Oña, J. Bai, K. A. Garrett, T. Mew, C. M. Vera Cruz, and J. E. Leach. 2010. A benefit of high temperature: Increased effectiveness of a rice bacterial blight disease resistance gene. New Phytologist 185:568-576. C. Yin, K. L. Jones, D. E. Peterson, K. A. Garrett, S. H. Hulbert, and T. C. Paulitz. 2010. Members of soil bacterial communities sensitive to tillage and crop rotation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42:2111-2118. Bulatewicz, T., Yang, X., Peterson, J. M., Staggenborg, S., Welch, S. M., and Steward, D. R. 2010. Accessible integration of agriculture, groundwater, and economic models using the Open Modeling Interface (OpenMI): methodology and initial results, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 14, 521-534, 2010. Holman, J., J. Moyer, and S. Maxwell. 2010. Switchgrass establishment, iron chlorosis, and biomass yield in southwest and southeast Kansas. Forage and Grazinglands. Holman, J., C. Thompson, R. Hale, and A. Schlegel. 2010. Forage yield and nutritive value of hard red and hard white winter wheat. Agronomy Journal. 102(2):759-773. Presley, D.R., P.E. Hartley, and M.D. Ransom. 2010. Mineralogy and morphological properties of buried polygenetic paleosols formed in Late Quaternary sediments on upland landscapes of the Central Plains, USA. Geoderma 154:508-517. Propheter, J.L., and S.A. Staggenborg. 2010. Performance of annual and perennial biofuel crops: Nutrient removal during the first two years. Agron. J. 102:798-805. Propheter, J.L., S.A. Staggenborg, X Wu, and D. Wang. 2010. Performance of annual and perennial biofuel crops: Yields during the first two years. Agron. J. 102:806-814. Takle E. S., 2010: Climate Changes in Iowa, in Climate Change Impacts on Iowa 2010: Report to the Governor and General Assembly. (,%20final.pdf) Anderson C. J., Beck L., Bolkcom J., Enshayan K., Haliburton J., Harter L., Hempen D., Hubbard S., Josten S. J., Mellick M. B., Micheel B., Morrissey L., Schoon B., Taylor G., and Todd A., 2010: Iowa Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Report. Environmental Protection Agency (available by request from Kim, K.S., Taylor, S.E., Gleason, M.L., Coop, L.B., Pfender, W.F., Seem, R.C., Sentelhas, P.C., Gillespie, T.J., Dalla Marta, A., and Orlandini, S. 2010. Spatial portability of numerical models of leaf wetness duration. Ag. For. Meteorol. 150:871-880. Moyer, M.M., Gadoury, D.M., Cadle-Davidson, L., Dry, I.B., Wilcox, W.F., and Seem, R.C. 2010. Effects of acute low temperature events on development of Erysiphe necator and susceptibility of Vitis vinifera. Phytopathology. 100:1240-1249. Badh, A., and F. A. Akyuz, 2010. Studying Climate Change and Precipitation Trends for North Dakota, United States. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses 2(2):97-108. Badh, A., and F. A. Akyuz, 2010. Evaluating Trend Changes in Annual Accumulated Growing Degree Days for Corn Grown in the Northern Plains, United States of America. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses 2(2):127-136. Badh, A., F. A. Akyuz, G. Vocke, and B. Mullins. 2009. Impact of Climate Change on the Growing Seasons in Select Cities of North Dakota, United States of America. International Journal of Climate Change: Impacts and Responses. 1(1):105-117. Holman, J., C. Thompson, R. Hale, and A. Schlegel. 2010. Forage yield and nutritive value of hard red and hard white winter wheat. Agronomy Journal. 102(2):759-773.
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