Abad, Dr. Jorge A. (jorge.a.abad@aphis.usda.gov)-USDA, APHIS;
Ashworth, Dr. Edward (edward.ashworth@maine.edu)-Maine Agricl & Forest Exp. Sta;
Bamberg, Dr. John (john.bamberg@ars.usda.gov) - USDA, ARS, US Potato Genebank;
Bizimungu, Dr. (benoit.bizimungu@agr.gc.ca)-Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada;
Bretting, Dr. Peter K. (peter.bretting@ars.usda.gov)-USDA, ARS, NPL;
Brown, Dr. Chuck R. (chuck.brown@ars.usda.gov)-Washington State University;
Chandler, Dr. Larry (larry.chandler@ars.usda.gov)-USDA, ARS, Area Director;
De Jong, Dr. Walter (wsd2@cornell.edu)-Cornell University;
Del Rio, Dr. Alfonso (adelrioc@wisc.edu)-US Potato Genebank;
Douches, Dr. David S. (douchesd@msu.edu)-Michigan State University;
Goktepe, Dr. Fahrettin (Fahrettin.goktepe@oregonstate.edu)-Oregon St University;
Hoopes, Bob (robert.hoopes@fritolay.com)-Frito Lay;
Janskey, Shelley (shelley.jansky@ars.usda.gov)-USDA, ARS, UW Wisconsin;
Lindroth, Dr. Rick Lindroth (lindroth@wisc.edu)-University of Wisconsin;
Martin, Max (mwmarti1@wisc.edu)-US Potato Genebank;
Miller Jr., Dr. J. Creighton (jcmillerjr@tamu.edu)-Texas A&M University;
Palta, Dr. Jiwan (jppalta@wisc.edu)-University of Wisconsin;
Schartner, Jesse (jesse.schartner@ars.usda.gov)-US Potato Genebank;
Simon, Dr. Philipp W. (philipp.simon@ars.usda.gov)-USDA, ARS, Research Leader;
Spooner, Dr. David (david.spooner@ars.usda.gov)-USDA, ARS, US Potato Genebank;
A formatted word document of these minutes and other relevant reports can be found at: http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6/admin.html or by following the link at the bottom of this section.
NRSP6 TAC meeting hosted by Potato Genebank, Sturgeon Bay, WI,
June 28, 2011
Walter DeJong, Chair, NRSP-6 TAC 11
Creighton Miller, Vice- Chair, NRSP-6 TAC 11
Fahrettin Goktepe, Secretary, NRSP-6 TAC 11
The meeting was called to order at 8:20 a.m.
Present: Richard L. Lindroth, Phillip Simon, Larry Chandler, Ed Ashworth, John Bamberg, Jiwan Palta, Walter DeJong, Fahrettin Goktepe, Bob Hoopes, Shelley Jansky, Max Martin, Jesse Schartner, Creighton Miller, Alfonso del Rio, David Douches, Jorge Abad
On Conference Call: Peter Bretting, Chuck Brown, Benoit Bizimungu, David Spooner
The meeting started with a welcoming speech by Richard Weidman, Superintended of the Peninsular Research Station (University of Wisconsin). Weidman summarized some background information about the research station.
-The research station was in service since 1922
-The station currently has 4 Full time FTE
-The station owns about 120 acres land
-The Peninsular Station is also home to the NRSP-6, US Potato Genebank
-The station has research about tree ,small fruits and it is facilitated with
online weather station network, real-time weather data, serve the community
for horticultural crops
1. There were no announcements
2. There was a change to the Agenda. Chair proposed to move item # 10, 11 right
after item #6. Miller moved to accept, it was seconded it by Simon and the
change was accepted.
3. Minutes of the 2010 meeting were reviewed. Bamberg commented on follow up
regarding 2010 meeting decisions: Clonal collection was virus tested.
4. Chair appointed Resolutions Comm: Jansky, with input from Miller
5. Lead AA:
Rick Lindroth, the Lead AA and Associate Dean went through budgetary items. At the end of his report, Lindroth indicated that there is currently no plan for permanent closure due to the budget cuts however; there is a possibility to make some shifts in the programs. There was a question in regards to what will happen to the potato genebank if the research station is shut down. It was emphasized that potato genebank greatly relies on greenhouses, fields and other facilities at this station.
The following is Lindroth's complete report:
The single factor that has dominated our work over the last 6 months has been budget cuts at the federal, state, and university levels. At the federal level, we've seen what is likely to be a permanent loss of earmark funding, including losses to a number of ag-related projects and programs. The UW has had a policy to not pursue earmark funding, so our losses are not great, but they are still substantial to some programs (e.g., the Babcock Institute for International dairy research and development). Projections for future federal support of ag-related research are grave: the House of Representatives passed its Agriculture bill a few weeks ago. It includes deep cuts to USDA R&D, including a 12.9% ($146 million) cut from FY 2011 funding levels to the intramural Agricultural Research Service; a 16.7% ($203 million) cut to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA); and within NIFA, a 13.9% ($37 million) cut to the competitive, extramural Agriculture and Food Research Initiative. Notably for our interests, the House Ag bill has a cut of $28 million to Hatch (12%).
At the state level, our new governor vowed to eliminate a $3 billion deficit without raising taxes. That resulted in a $250 million cut to the University of Wisconsin System, with ~$95 million at UW-Madison.
We still don't know what the cut will be to the UW College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. We are preparing for a cut in the range of $1-3 million. The most recent information was that the cut would be at the high end, which represents 7.1% of our state-funded budget. To absorb that cut by not firing faculty, (and not filling a number of faculty vacancies) means cuts of ~15% to non-faculty, state-supported entities.
Where this information intersects with this committee is with respect to CALS Agric Research Stations. They will likely be hit with a 15% budget cut, on top of a 10% cut in the last budget cycle. There is no way that the system can absorb that magnitude of cut, so the CALS deans team is looking into merging some programs and staff, and potentially closing some stations. So, for example, there's a very real possibility that the potato breeding program will move from Rhinelander to Hancock station.
No decisions have been finalized about closing any station, and no station will be closed this year. But Peninsular is one that has been identified as a likely candidate for mothballing.
Finally, the major budget issue that is confronting NRSP6 is transitioning off of the OTT pass-through funds. There seems to be some discrepancy in terms of understanding of the long-term nature of NRSP funding, but the current NRSP committee does not view NRSP funds as a stable source of long-term funding for projects. They view them as start-up funds to get projects up and running, after which the projects will transition to other sources of funds. That is the challenge that lies before NRSP6, and one that John, Phil Simon and I have been wrestling with the last few weeks. (Since we were notified by Arlen Leholm that we needed to document private sources of funding for this year, or risk not having funding approved.)
Lindroth report was followed by a serious discussion about the NRSP6 budget uncertainty.
Ed Ashworth, Regional AA, understands that there are budgetary frustrations. He proposed the possibility of rolling the potato genebank budget into the North Central Regional budget then the money can be reallocated to potato genebank. Bretting indicated NRSP6 review committee has certain criteria to apply and it looks different than the regional project. Bretting also indicated that it may not be easy to roll NRSP6 budget into a regional genebank budget because University of Wisconsin pays for some. Miller emphasized that we have to propose a permanent solution, because every year we are facing the same issue. Miller asked Bretting what would be his suggestions for a long term solution. Bretting respond it that he did not know an easy solution, but whatever we do; we have to stay on course. He also indicated that they have conducted an intensive study in Lake Tahoe in 2006, and there was a unanimous agreement to continue supporting both regional and potato genebank. Last year, the project was renewed for 5 years but that doesnt guarantee that the money will be there for upcoming years. Lindroth pointed out that since NRSP review committee is going to meet next week, we dont have enough time to review the funding structure so we need to move forward to secure the funding and keep the doors open. The question was about how the NRSP review committee functions. Bretting attempted to reach Erik, so he can provide the committee with some information about the nature of review committee and how they function, but Erik wasnt available. Once the review committee sets and approves the budget, it will go to the NRSP technical advisory committee including Experiment Station Directors who will meet in September.
6. Other regional AAs
7. NRSP-6 Report:
Bamberg (Annual Report, CY10 to date appended and pdf posted on genebank website) Report was a PowerPoint presentation. Adele Douglass has received the Potato Genebank Special Recognition award. Annual report is structured by genebank mission area.
- Acquisition and associated works: Collecting in US to stock genebank and R&D type work. Two potato species are native to US. Bamberg and del Rio were on an expedition to collect these native species in 2010 in the Santa Rita Mountains.
- Collections: Need to look at what is available outside or in different countries and goal is to bring them in and evaluate them for different traits. Roy Navarre is currently testing a high antioxidant clones. Continue to collaborate with other genebanks.
* There was a question about if the open pollinated seeds would be a problem to maintain the original sources. Max responded that S. andigena collections are generally tubers so we maintain the original source. David Spooner : there is a certain degree of outcrossing, prefer to use materials for which we know the parentage. Chuck Brown: dominant traits are easy to recover, the traits with low heritability and epistatic interactions might be lost. Walter De Jong: as long as the alleles are present, we can recover the targeted ones. Shelley Jansky asked if inbreeding depression would be a concern. John Bamberg indicated that USPG received most of these material as TPS, so the original clones to which descriptive data was attached had already been compromised. Bob Hoopes suggested that if we dont have the original clones, it is better to maintain open pollinated seeds. Walter De Jong added that open pollinated seeds would be the cheapest way to maintain alleles.
- Bamberg recounted a recent success story as a model for how the genebank promotes germplasm use: Roy Navarre asked for a certain high antioxidant clone we did not have. We found it would take up to two years to obtain it from CIP and through Quarantine. We suggested screening some of the primitive cultivars already in USPG. We used pre-existing characterization data to select 100 populations, making screenhouse tubers of 15 seedlings each. Max preselected these tubers and sent 100 to Roy Navarre, who did the antioxidant analysis. One clone was identified with phenomenal levels of antioxidantshigher than reported in any previous potato, as reported at the 2010 Potato Association of America meeting in Corvallis Oregon last August.
- John also highlighted few specific research projects on the collected germpasm: S. jamesii anti-prostate cancer property, anticancer tomatine, potato-unique satiety protein, resistance to tuber greening after illumination in S. microdontum.
- Preservation: 235 seed increase. Have about 4,500 seed (200/year for 20-year cycle). Involves disease and viability monitoring.
8. ARS:
David Spooner:
CIP is collecting now but they are not allowed to distribute materials.
Chuck Brown:
1st part of his project: Extraction of Colombia root knot nematode resistance from potato gene bank materials, the clone (BC5) with potential resistance graduated through western regional trials. This clone is also resistant to black dot, pink rot and among all white flesh potato tested, it has the highest total phenolic. 2nd part of his project: searching for super high carotenoids, Papa Amarilla type potato, difficult to move out the genes for high carotenoids from these potatoes due to the strong linkage with a lack of dormancy. With help of molecular markers and intensive studies, a tetraploid (orange flesh) potato with dormancy was developed. Black Dot: One of the main problems for the region, Verticilium vs black dot, in terms of soil born diseases, black dot is the new main problem for Pacific Northwest Potato industry.
Shelley Jansky:
We are extensively using gene bank germplasm, few highlights from our studies;
Looking at cold sweetening, this work was published in PAA journal, currently creating new populations for genetic studies. Storage period; some materials were stored for 9 months and they are still looking great. Diploid hybrid; evaluating for late blight resistance. Tetraploid hybrid; evaluating for early blight resistant in red skin varieties and developing new population for early blight resistant. The question was what is the main source of early blight whether Alternaria solani was replaced by Alternaria alternate? Jansky responded that A. solani is still their main source of early blight. PVY resistance; a family derived from S. chacoense is presumably PVY resistant, it was interesting to see that the resistance was heat tolerant. The resistance is controlled by a single dominant gene and it is extremely resistant. S. chacoense could also be a source for scab resistance. 524-8 was identified to be scab resistance. Photoperiod and tuberization response is being studied. Amylose conten is relatively stable over all locations and during tuber development, but changes during the storage.
9. NPL report:
Peter Bretting discussed the Office of National Programs Report, and personnel changes, retirements and open positions; the goal is to fill these positions in the near future. Rejuvenating the data base; the new version is going to be implemented in US next year. Budget; ARS lost essentially all of the earmarks and the loss of NPGS was about $700 thousand from FY10 funding level. The good news was that the Presidents FY12 budget proposes a substantial budget increase which is about $3.3 million. Bamberg asked Bretting if he could make some comment whether there were any discussion about possible charges for the germplasm materials. Bretting responded that the material is and will be free of charge. He referred to the NPGS policy which explains the reason why the materials are free of charges. In case of international shipping costs, Bretting indicated that it should be arranged between receiver and shipping company because ARS is not entitled to collect fees. Ed Ashworth added that NRSP6 budget is mainly salary in which less than 5% will be shipping and handling costs therefore covering the shipping costs will not make huge differences.
10. CSREES (Thro)
Ann Marie Thro was in a trip to Afghanistan, couldnt attend the meeting.
11. Regional and ARS Technical Reports (submitted texts appended)
Western Region:
Fahrettin Goktepe reported that 586 units were distributed to the Western Region in 2010. Receiving states were CA, ID, OR, UT,HI and WA. Material was requested by universities, private companies and individuals.
Private sector was very active, and materials were requested for different objectives including to evaluate for organic production. Materials were of good quality and received in good condition. Genebank materials users were very appreciative for the service they receive, they will continue to request these materials in the future and integrate into their research program to respond to their needs. Materials have been used for studies on: disease resistance, health attributes, molecular genetics, new cultivars for organic potato production, heat and drought tolerance, teaching and education. Roy Navarre (USDA/ARS) is currently screening potato genebank materials for asparagine content in raw materials and acrylamide content in finished products (winner of CGC evaluation grant for 2011).
North Central Region:
David Douches received an interesting phone call from a home owner gardener with some misleading information and a website about ecos purple potato. The claim was this purple potato can survive under freezing soil temperature in WI area. It was indicated that UW wasnt aware of such claim and there wasnt any scientific study to support this. [note: the likely explanation is that this is not a true potato at all]. Resistance for Colorado potato beetle is under investigation on the materials received from NRSP6 and the selections are being made through detached leaf bioassay and screen cages. SolCAP updates: SNP genotyped 10species selections that were submitted by Dr. Spooner. Tetraploid population for late blight and scab resistance. CIP sent 48 clones to look at the genetic diversity compare to US materials. Population study of Rio Grande Russet x Premier Russet from Rich Novy, and Atlantic x Superior from Jiwan Palta. A candidate PVY resistance gene in tomato or pepper especially in tomato such as eIF4E could be useful for PVY resistance studies in potato. Jiwan Palta mentioned that clones from NRSP-6 genebank are being actively used to develop specialty type potatoes. Cold tolerance and cold respond in potato for frost resistance are being investigated in their program. Collaboration with CIP for calcium uptake in diploid and tetraploid level is in their trial studies.
North East Region:
Walter DeJong noted that the Northeast region received 647 units of germplasm, spread across 14 requests, in 2010.
These went to large universities and some small farms in NY and surrounding area. SolCAP is making genotyping easier. It is possible for someone to order SNP primers. The markers are user friendly for breeders. Identifying markers; if it is dosage sensitive, it is better to screen parental materials. Markers associated with general combining ability are useful. There was a recent article in Financial Times where Plant breeding is listed as one of the ten "hottest" fields in science. http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/bedd6da8-9d37-11e0-997d-00144feabdc0.html#axzz1QJurEHq4
Southern Region:
Creighton Miller reported seventeen orders in the Southern Region included a total of 129 accession, this was down significantly from 422 units ordered in 2009. Texas is currently using Solanum jamesii in human prostate cancer studies. Craig Yencho is working on heat necrosis, disease resistance such as early blight, powdery scab and Colorado Potato Beetle . He also stated that TAMU has already suffered from budget cuts. Miller has been ½ time for four years. Next year will be his last year to serve at NRSP6 committee. He was the only person working on potato for more than 35 years. Now, with Zebra Chip still the big issue, there are more than 20 working on some aspect of potato research. A major effort continued in 2010 involving research on the Zebra chip complex with emphasis on screening for host plant tolerance/resistance.
Agriculture and Agrifood Canada:
Benoit Bizimungu reported 91units were ordered from genebank. AAFC is the main user, with major focus on incorporation of genetic resistance to pests such as Colorado potato beetle and diseases such as late blight, PVY, PLRV, Verticillium wilt. Most of the wild potatoes species they are using are ones native to Mexico. Increasing nutritional components with pigmented potatoes and starch composition are also being addressed in their studies. Fifteen new potato cultivars are being registered by Canada food agency. Two of those were from Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, the rest are mainly from Europe. Canadian plant genetic resources collection includes new cultivars, breeding lines and commercial cultivars.
12. Industry Perspective
Bob Hoopes stated that Frito-Lay has a long history of using NRSP-6 germplasm which is still going strong and has been quite successful in developing new clones. Frito-Lay crops out of FL, CA and TX and has developed clones which are adaptable to those areas. Long term storage like 9 months and reducing sugar for decent chip color is extremely important trait for Frito-Lay. Two clones, 440 & 438 developed by Shelley Jansky, are source of good chip color. Frito-Lay has used at least 20 wild species. Wild species used for health and wellness studies and Corinne for PVY resistance. Some European clones are also being used as source of PVY resistance. DNA markers for PVY resistance.
13. APHIS/Quarantine report -- Jorge Abad
- The USDA/APHIS facility is located in Beltsville, MD with about 35 acres land, surrounded by trees isolated from commercial production
- Abad and his lab with crop specialist and 2 tissue culture specialist are responsible for potato, sweet potato, cassava and kiwifruit
- Can request for anyone that is a legal resident of the US
- Most of the emphasis is given to the detection of viruses, viroids and bacteria
- It cost APHIS about $4,000/accession to test, clean up via therapy, retest and ensure that it is free of any pest and pathogen before it is being released.
- Received all of the materials in tissue culture as plantlets,75 accession/year, if there is any suspicion or if the results are positive , they go through therapy followed by PCR, Elisa, Rt-PCR and biological test such as grafting onto sensitive indicators
- Test to see if the virus is DNA or RNA virus.
- If the material is positive with quarantine diseases, it will be destroyed.
- If the virus is seed transmitted , more dangerous, we inoculate the healthy plants to identify the symptoms, such as leaf necrosis, tip malformation distortion
- A new strain of PVS, symptomless , could not be detected on indicator plants but just under PCR. PVS -Andean is completely different strain or isolate.
- There were 72 potato clones in the PGQR in the 2010-2011, 65 of them were released, 5 of them tested positive, they are currently in therapy, 2 of them did not grow.
14. Resolutions:
WHEREAS, Mrs. Adele Douglass has served as the lead person for technical support of evaluation publications from the US Potato Genebank for 18 years; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the NRSP-6 Technical Advisory Committee congratulates Mrs. Douglass for her productivity, enthusiasm, and dedication to potato germplasm research, and awards her the Potato Genebank Special Recognition Award for 2010 under the sponsorship of Controlled Environment Technology Systems (CETS). The plaque reads, Gratefully acknowledging potato genebank technical work of outstanding value to the potato industry
WHEREAS, the NRSP-6 Technical Advisory Committee met at the Potato Genebank in Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin on June 28, 2011; and
WHEREAS, those participating were involved in productive and stimulating discussions; therefore be it
RESOLVED, that the NRSP-6 Technical Advisory Committee expresses its appreciation to Dr. John Bamberg and his staff for coordinating the meeting, and be it further
RESOLVED, that an original of this resolution be provided to Dr. John Bamberg and that a copy be filed as a part of the official minutes of this meeting.
15. Elect new officers and set next meeting location
Chair: Creighton Miller
Vice-Chair: Fahrettin Goktepe or the replacement
Secretary: David Douches
Next Meeting Venue = Texas, exact venue to be determined
Respectfully Submitted,
Fahrettin Goktepe
Tour of the USPG facilities was held on the morning of June 29th
A. Acquisitions and associated work
Bamberg and del Rio collected in the Santa Rita Mountains in SE Arizona in late September (supported with extramural funding from USDA), sampling 22 new S. fendleri sites (report available on request). This expedition was prompted by an observation by Correll that the Arizona sky islands have the most diverse potato germplasm. Dr. Bamberg and del Rio also recollected true seed from 3 of the 2009 Santa Catalina sites which had been collected as only 10 plants each.
Four new acquisitions were from Peru having drought tolerance and high phenolics, two clones from Poland with frost tolerance, two of Dr. Helgesons somatic fusions with late blight resistance, and 25 Arizona collections by Dr. Bamberg and Dr. del Rio.
The NRSP-6 web page (http://www.ars-grin.gov/nr6) was updated to include all new stocks and screening information. Clients who have ordered from NRSP-6 within the past four years were contacted three times in 2010 informing them of new stocks of true seed, tubers, in vitro plantlets, or herbarium samples.
B. Preservation and Evaluation
We increased 235 wild seed populations, performed 600 PSTVd tests, 1450 germination tests, 106 ploidy determinations, and 30 tetrazolium seed viability tests. Cultivated species can be difficult to seed increase under screen or glass, so a backlog had developed. Over nine seasons we have removed most of that backlog by growing over 865 accessions (mostly andigena) in the field for OP seeds. This compromises the distinctiveness of the original material, but that seed was already produced mostly on samples of uncertain identity and genetic composition and, unlike wild species, having no natural site of origin.
The in vitro collection of cultivars was tested for viruses by A. Charkowski, Madison.
Cooperation with other genebanks:
- Test cold tolerant hybrids and calcium fertilization response with CIP in Peru. Some selections reported as having very promising frost resistance and yield in Puno and Cuzco. Some germplasm responds to calcium fertilization with 60% yield increase.
- Did follow-up to easy versus remote collection sites study. Produced AFLP data with help of visiting scientist.
- Requested all microdontum stocks from other world genebanks.
- Recovered topiary mutant to the genebank from E. Leue, PanAm Seeds.
Evaluation for useful traits:
- General: Continue selecting 2x tuberosum family with improved tubers and male fertility. Discovered new highly female-crossable, high-flowering and good field-tuberizing 2x tuberosum clone. Made F1 hybrids with all microdontum, boliviense and representatives of 30 other species.
- K: Prepare samples for testing 200 field-grown varieties. Prepared samples of an additional 200 clones from the collection. Tested 500 individuals of the pop identified as having extremely high proteinase inhibitor, produced field tubers of 70 Colombian phureja populations (rich in colors and antiox), and field tested reputed long-day adaptation of 70 phu/stn populations (donated by F. Haynes).
- Anti-cancer: Changed course from microdontum to instead confirm high tomatine okadae with R. Navarre and made hybrids with tuberosum.
- Ca: Pursue mapping and enhancement with NRI grant collaborators. Found microdontum populations with even higher tuber calcium than previous elites.
- pH: Select and test hybrids for screening in improved 2x tuberosum background.
GA: Genotype 2x and 4x revertants of dwarf-to-normal. Also testcrossed three Texas Norkota sports (coop with C. Miller). Discovered 2x forms of GA dwarfs have surprisingly high levels reversion to normal phenotype. These may have application in transformation. Production of custom forms, selections and hybrids resulted in: Discovery of a super-high antioxidant clone (with R. Navarre); high anti-cancer tomatine in breeding-friendly S. microdontum, anti-prostate-cancer proliferation factors in S. jamesii (C. Miller); anti-appetite proteinase inhibitor at six times the level of the previous standard extraction stocks; and novel materials resistant to black dot (C. Brown), late blight (H. Lozoya), chitwoodi nematode (C. Brown), high thiamine and folate clones (A. Goyer). All genebank S. microdontum families were cooperatively screened (B. Narasimhamoorthy) resulting in identification of extremely high protein stocks in this breeding-friendly species. We facilitated selection of clones suitable for organic production (A. Charkowski). We are producing replicate powder samples of over 400 field-grown clones for starch composition screening (S. Jansky). We secured an agreement with two Peruvian Universities to invest in testing our super-high antioxidant clone as means to mitigate cognitive effects of lead poisoning in children in Peruvian mining citiesand produced about 80 pounds of tubers for rat food. Produced and screened 93 populations of microdontum tubers for tuber late blight (D. Douches). Screened all of these and found some with consistent resistance to greening under fluorescent light and replanted for 2nd tuber generation to confirm.
Evaluation of genetic diversity with in species and populations (continue or start)
Assess drift due to low germination in model population PI 473166. Complete a priori visual clustering of LON species accessions. Planned comparison of diversity from collections from Rincon, Chiricahua, Santa Catalina, Santa Rita, Huachuca, Guadalupe and Pinaleno sky islands we have now collected in the southwest USA. Planned study of potential of drift due to selection of first-germinating seedlings. Investigated use of cell DNA content screening of seeds to detect apomicts.
C. Classification
This year David Spooner did research on: 1) phylogeny of wild potato ingroups and outgroups, 2) chromosome evolution of potato, 3) evolution of cultivated potato, 4) geographic information system (GIS) analyses of distribution of escaped populations of wild potato and of ploidy of cultivated potato, and 5) characterization of genebank acceccions of potato.
D. Distribution
The volume and types of stocks sent to various consignee categories are summarized in a table found in our annual report. NRSP-6 distributed 8,240 units of germplasm in 201 orders to clients in 31 states of the USA and 20 orders to 12 other countries.
E. Outreach
Bamberg and del Rio presented papers at the 2010 Potato Assn of America meeting. Bamberg got invitation (paid) to be keynote speaker at Latin American Potato Assn (ALAP) meeting at Cusco, Peru. Invitation to present southwest USA germplasm collecting and research program at ASHS. Invitation (paid) to present general genebank talk at US Botanic Gardens Potato Expo on the capitol mall in DC. Invited to present genebanks service to potato industry at NPC planning session in Orlando. An agenda brief on NRSP-6 progress was sent to all regional association spring meetings.
Bamberg continued as Editor in Chief for the American Journal of Potato Research, and Chair of the USDA Potato Crop Germplasm Committee.
- Annual healthcare cost of obesity is about $147B. In 2009 we started working with Kemin Company to improve the yield of PI2, a safe and effective appetite suppressant from potato. To date, we have identified exotics with roughly 6-fold concentration as the standard cultivar previously used!
- We are also working with S. Jansky to screen for lower-glyceamic starch composition. This could help prevent and manage diabetes, which incurs extra annual healthcare costs of about $10-12K per person per year in the US. Cancer costs the nation about $90B.
- With cooperators R. Navarre and C. Miller we made progress in identifying anti-cancer potato germplasm (jamesii antiproliferation and high tomatine okadae) for use in breeding, and have hybridized the latter with our new universal crosser.
- Hypertension promoted by sodium is a prominent risk factor for stroke. Estimates indicate that a high potassium diet would reduce hypertension and avert 100,000 deaths each year. In 2009-2010 we prepared test samples and are arranging tests for potassium.
- With R. Navarre, we also identified a phureja clone with extremely high antioxidants, well-known for their health-promoting effects.
- Lead poisoning is a worldwide threat, with mental development of children being particularly at risk. The high antiox clone has been exported to Peru and testing is being arranged to test the ability of high antiox potato to attenuate lead toxicity effects on cognitive skill in young rats.
A. Publications issued by NRSP-6 Personnel
Ames, M. and D.M. Spooner. 2010. Phylogeny of Solanum series Piurana and related species in Solanum section Petota based on five conserved ortholog sequences. Taxon 59:1091-1104 + 4-pg foldout Fig.1 (tree.).
Bamberg, John B. 2010. Tuber dormancy lasting eight years in the wild potato Solanum jamesii. Am J Pot Res 87:226-228.
Bamberg, J.B. and A. del Rio. 2010. Selfing potato species produce robust spontaneous seed increase under floating mesh. Am J Pot Res 87:113. (Abstract)
Bamberg, J.B. and A. del Rio. 2010. Diversity relationships in tetraploid wild potato native to the USA. Am J Pot Res 88:29-30. (Abstract)
Bamberg, John B. and Alecia M. Kiszonas. 2010. Survey of tuber pH variation in potato (Solanum) species. Am J Pot Res 87:167-176.
Bamberg, John, A. del Rio, C. Fernandez, A. Salas, S. Vega, C. Zorrilla, W. Roca, and D. Tay. 2010. Comparison of Remote versus Easy In Situ collection locations for USA wild Solanum (potato) germplasm. Am J Pot Res 87:277-284.
Cai, X, D. Spooner, D. Halterman, A. Charkowski, R. Groves, and S. Jansky. 2010. A test of taxonomic and biogeographic predictivity: resistance to potato virus Y in wild relatives of the cultivated potato. Am J Pot Res 88:32. (Abstract)
Chung, Y.S., K. Holmquist, D.M. Spooner, and S.H. Jansky. 2010. A test of taxonomic and biogeographic predictivity: Resistance to soft rot in wild relatives of cultivated potato. Phyto 101(2):205-212.
Del Rio, A. and J.B. Bamberg. 2010. Impact of seedling transplant selection on the genetic diversity of genebank populations of outcrossing potato species. Am J Pot Res 87:118. (Abstract)
Del Rio, A., J. Bamberg, R. Centeno-Diaz, J. Soto, A. Salas, W. Roca, and D. Tay. 2010. Microsatellite (SSR) marker analysis to examine the effects of pesticide contamination on the genetic diversity of potato species. Am J Pot Res 88:35-36. (Abstract)
Gavrilenko, T., O. Antonova, A. Ovchinnikova, L. Novikova, E. Krilova, N. Mironenko, G. Pendinen, A. Islamshina, N. Shvachko, S. Kiru, L. Kostina, O. Afanasenko, and D.M. Spooner. 2010. A microsatellite and morphological assessment of the Russian National cultivated potato collection. Genet Res Crop Evol 57:1151-1164.
Kumar, Syam, Roy Navarre and John Bamberg. 2010. Phytonutrient analysis of S. Phureja, S. stenotomum and S. andigena genotypes. Am J Pot Res 88:50-51. (Abstract)
Lou, Q.F., M. Iovene, D.M. Spooner, C.R. Buell, and J.M. Jiang. 2010. Evolution of chromosome 6 of Solanum species revealed by comparative fluorescence in situ hybridization mapping. Chromosoma 119:435-442.
Lozoya-Saldana, Hector, Aida Juarez Cruz, M. Teresa Colinas Leon, and John Bamberg. 2010. Enzymatic activation against (Phytophthora infestans Mont., de Bary) in Solanum species. Am J Pot Res 88:53. (Abstract)
Mione, T. and D.M. Spooner. 2010. Jaltomata bohsiana, A new species and key to the Jaltomata (Solanaceae) of Mexico. Novon 20:186-189.
Nitzan, Nadav, R.A. Quick, W.D. Hutson, J.B. Bamberg, and C.R. Brown. 2010. Partial resistance to potato black dot, caused by Colletotrichum coccodes in Solanum tuberosum group andigena. Am J Pot Res 87:502-508.
Rodriguez, F., M. Ghislain, A.M. Clausen, S.H. Jansky, and D.M. Spooner. 2010. Hybrid origins of cultivated potatoes. Theor Appl Genet 121:1187-1198.
Simon, R., C. Xie, A. Clausen, S. Jansky, D. Halterman, T. Conner, S. Knapp, J. Brundage, D. Symon, and D.M. Spooner. 2010. Wild and cultivated potato (Solanum sect. Petota) escaped and persistent outside of its natural range. Invasive Pl Sci Mgmt 3:286-293.
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Botany of the potato, 2. Morphology and anatomy, 3. Plant introduction and maintenance. pp. 4-7 In: W.H. Bohl and S.B. Johnson (eds.). Commercial potato production in North America, ed. 2. The Potato Association of America Handbook, Supplement Vol. 57 of USDA Handbook 267. The Potato Association of America, Orono, ME. http://potatoassociation.org/documents/A_ProductionHandbook_Final.pdf
Spooner, D.M. 2010. COSII-based mapping and diversity in potato, tomato, sweet potato, and carrot. 2010 Plant and Animal Genome Meeting. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Development of asymmetric single-strand sequence polymorphism (SSCP) to separate COSII alleles in potato, tomato, sweet potato, and carrot. 2010 Plant and Animal Genome Meeting. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Unraveling the evolutionary history of wild potatoes and tomatoes. Botany 2010 Annual Meeting Abstracts. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Complex multiple reticulate origins of potato polyploids. Botany 2010 Annual Meeting Abstracts. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Taxonomy of cultivated potatoes (Solanum section Petota: Solanaceae). Botany 2010 Annual Meeting Abstracts. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M. 2010. Multiple nuclear ortholog (COSII) phylogeny of wild Potatoes and tomatoes. Crop Science Society of America Annual meeting Abstracts. (Abstract)
Spooner, D.M., T. Gavrilenko, S.H. Jansky, A. Ovchinnikova, E. Krylova, S. Knapp, and R. Simon. 2010. Ecogeography of ploidy variation in cultivated potato (Solanum sect. Petota). Am J Bot 97:2049-2060.
B. Journal Articles and Abstracts Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Agrawal, Lalit and Roy Navarre. 2010. Exploring opportunities to increase potatoes protein content and disease resistance using molecular methods or germplasm mining. Am J Pot Res 88:29. (Abstract)
Alyokhin, Andrei and Raymond Choban. 2010. Maturity-dependent mortality of Colorado potato beetle eggs treated with novaluron. Am J Pot Res 87:557-560.
Bhaskar, P.B., L. Wu, J.S. Busse, B.R. Whitty, A.J. Hamernik, S.H. Jansky, C.R. Buell, P.C. Bethke, and J. Jiang. 2010. Suppression of the vacuolar invertase gene prevents cold-induced sweetening in potato. Plant Physio 154:939-948.
Bizimungu, B., T. Archbold, G. Kereliuk, A. Sullivan, A. Murphy, and M.Z. Fan. 2010. Variation of fibre components in potato breeding germplasm and association with quality parameters. In: Potato Association of America Abstracts, August 15-19, 2010. Corvallis, OR, USA. (Abstract)
Boluarte-Medina, T., N. Manrique-Carpintero, S.M. Piovano, A. Pereira, and R.E. Veilleux. 2010. Activation tagging in potato: developing a population of mutants to facilitate genetic studies. Am J Pot Res 88:31. (Abstract)
Brown, C.R., J.M. Crosslin, R. Quick, and L. Hamlin. 2010. Characterization of resistance to PVY derived from Solanum tuberosum Group Phureja. Am J Pot Res 88:32. (Abstract)
Brown, C.R., H. Mojtahedi, L.-H. Zhang, and E. Riga. 2009. Independent resistant reactions expressed in root and tuber of potato breeding lines with introgressed resistance to Meloidogyne chitwoodi. Phyto 99(9):1085-1089.
Cho, J., Y. Park, J. Kim, H. Cho, K. Cho, and D. Chang. 2010. Selection of new potato germplasm with common scab resistance from wild species of potato in Korea. Am J Pot Res 88:33. (Abstract)
Clough, M., G. Yencho, W. Christ, W. De Jong, D. Halseth, K. Haynes, M. Henninger, C. Hutchinson, M. Kleinhenz, G. Porter, and R. Veilleux. 2010. An interactive online database for potato varieties evaluated. HortTech 20:245-249.
DeKoeyer, D., K. Douglass, A. Murphy, S. Whitney, L. Nolan, Y. Song, W. De Jong. 2010. Application of high-resolution DNA melting of genotyping and variant scanning of diploid and autotetraploid potato. Mol Breed 25:67-90.
Douches, David S., J. Coombs, K. Felcher, W.W. Kirk, C. Long, and G. Bird. 2010. Missaukee: A round white potato variety combining chip-processing with resistance to late blight, Verticillium wilt and golden cyst nematode. Am J Pot Res 87:10-18.
Douches, D.S., F.M. Navarro, C.A. Thill, and A.L. Thompson. 2010. North Central Regional potato cultivar development. Am J Pot Res 88:36. (Abstract)
Farnsworth, B.L., N.C. Gudmestad, J.A. Pasche, G.A. Secor, N. David, R. Nilles, H. Hatterman-Valenti, M. Glynn, J.R. Sowokinos, C. Rosen, D. Preston, and A.L. Thompson. 2010. Am J Pot Res 88:37-38. (Abstract)
Goyer, A. 2010. Why and how to increase the contents of vitamins in potato? Proceedings of 1st Annual Washington Oregon Potato Conference, Kennewick, WA, January 26-28, 2010. Pp 14-20.
Goyer, A. 2010. Thiamine and folate in potato: Targets for increased nutritional value and enhanced disease resistance. Am J Pot Res 88:40-41. (Abstract)
Halterman, Dennis, Shelley Jansky and Austin Meier. 2010. Verticillium wilt in potato: Host-pathogen interactions and breeding for resistance. Am J Pot Res 88:42-43. (Abstract)
Haynes, K.G., L. Wanner, C.A. Thill, J.M. Bradeen, J. Miller, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, D.L. Corsini, and B.T. Vinyard. 2010. Common scab trials of potato varieties and advanced selections at three U.S. locations. Am J Pot Res 87:261-276.
Houser, Andrew J. and Robert D. Davidson. 2010. Development of a greenhouse assay to evaluate potato germplasm for susceptibility to powdery scab. Am J Pot Res 87:285-298.
Jansky, Shelley H. 2010. Potato Flavor. Am J Pot Res 87:209-217.
Jansky, Shelley, Andy J. Hamernik and Paul C. Bethke. 2010. Germplasm release of tetraploid clones with resistance to cold-induced sweetening. Am J Pot Res 88:45-46. (Abstract)
Kirk, W.W., A. Rojas, P.G. Tumbalam, E. Gachango, P.S. Wharton, F.A. El-Samen, D. Douches, J. Coombs, C. Thill, and A. Thompson. 2010. Effect of different genotypes of Phytophthora infestans (Mont. De Bary) and temperature on tuber disease development. Am J Pot Res 87:509-520.
Kozlov, V.A. 2010. Using of species S. andigenum for creating basis material of potato // Potato growing: collected of scientific publication RUE «Research and practical center of National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for potato, fruit and vegetable growing». -Minsk. V.17. P.127-137.
Kozlov, V.A., A.V. Chashinsky and N.V. Rusetsky. 2010. Involvement rarely using wild potato species into selection. / Introduction of non-traditional and rare plants / Materials of theoretical and practical conference. -Mychurinsk. V.1. P.201-202.
Kozlov, V.A., N.V. Rusetsky, A.V. Chashinsky, and I.A. Shutinskaya. 2010. Creating of new basic material of potato on the basis of wild and cultural species // Adaptive intensification of agriculture and crop production: state of the art and ways of development / Materials of multinational theoretical and practical conference. Gorki. P.193-197.
Lisovskaja, V.M., N.V. Pavlyuchuk, E.V. Voronkova, and A.P. Yermishin. 2010. Resistance against PVX of diploid interspecific hybrids between Solanum acaule Bitt. And dihaploids of S. tuberosum. Vesti NAN Belarusi Ser Biol Navuk 1:24-19.
Luksha, V.I., A.V. Savchuk, E.V. Voronkova, and A.P. Yermishin. 2010. Gene-cytoplasmic male sterility of hybrids between dihaploids of Solanum tuberosum and diploid potato species. Vesti NAN Belarusi Ser Biol Navuk 4:65-70.
Manrique-Carpintero, N., S.M. Piovano, J. Tokuhisa, I. Ginzberg, and R.E. Veilleux. 2010. SNP discovery at candidate genes in the glycoalkaloid biosynthetic pathway of potato. Am J Pot Res 88:54. (Abstract)
Mayton, H., H. Griffiths, I. Simko, S. Cheng, J. Lorenzen, W. De Jong, and W.E. Fry. 2010. Foliar and tuber late blight resistance in a Solanum tuberosum breeding population. Pl Breed 129:197-201.
Mukherjee, Ananya, Andrei Alyokhin, Gary Sewell, and Benildo G. de los Reyes. 2010. Sources of aphid resistance mechanisms from the tuber-bearing Solanum germplasm. CSSA Annual Meeting, November 3, 2010. (Abstract)
Nitzan, Nadav, K.G. Haynes, J.S. Miller, D.A. Johnson, T.F. Cummings, D.L. Batchelor, C. Olsen, and C.R. Brown. 2010. Genetic stability in potato germplasm for resistance to root galling caused by the pathogen Spongospora subterranean. Am J Pot Res 87:497-501.
Novy, Rich and D. Douches. 2010. Breeding and Genetics: Contributing to increased sustainability in potato production. Am J Pot Res 88:58. (Abstract)
Novy, R. G., J.L. Whitworth, J.C. Stark, S.L. Love, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, T.L. Brandt, S. Gupta, and N. Olsen. 2010. Clearwater Russet: A dual-purpose potato cultivar with cold sweetening resistance, high protein content, and low incidence of external defects and sugar ends. Am J Pot Res 87:458-471.
Ono, Seijiro and Kazuyoshi Hosaka. 2010. Efficient chromosome number estimation using flow cytometry in the backcross of Solanum demissum (2n=6x=72) to S. tuberosum (2n=4x=48). Am J Pot Res 87:553-556.
Ortega, J., S. Yilma and M.I. Vales. 2010. Premier Russet: A source of strain-specific resistance to potato virus Y (PVY) and identification of molecular markers associated with PVY resistance. Am J Pot Res 88:59-60. (Abstract)
Pelletier, Y., J. Pompon, P. Dexter, and D. Quiring. 2010. Biological performance of Myzus persicae and Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Homoptera: Aphididae) on seven wild Solanum species. Annals of Appl Bio 156(3):329-336.
Polyukhovich, Y.V., E.V. Voronkova, A.V. Savchuk, and A.P. Yermishin. 2010. Use of S. verrucosum and diploid bridge lines produced in participation of S. verrucosum for introgression into breeding of 1EBN potato species from Mexico. Kartofelevodstvo 17:149-158.
Polyukhovich, Y.V., O.V. Makhanko, A.V. Savchuk, E.V. Voronkova, and A.P. Yermishin. 2010. Production of bridge lines for overcoming interspecific incompatibility in potato. Vesti NAN Belarusi Ser Biol Navuk 2:51-58.
Pompon, J., D. Quiring, P. Giordanengo, and Y. Pelletier. 2010. Role of xylem consumption on osmoregulation in Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas). J Insect Physio 56:610-615.
Pompon, J., D. Quiring, P. Giordanengo, and Y. Pelletier. 2010. Characterization of Solanum chomatophilum resistance to Macrosiphum euphorbiae (Thomas) and Myzus persicae (Sulzer). Crop Pro 29:891-897 .
Pudota, B. Bhaskar, Lei Wu, J.S. Busse, B.R. Whitty, A.J. Hamernik, S.H. Jansky, C.R. Buell, P.C. Bethke, and Jiming Jiang. 2010. Suppression of the vacuolar invertase gene prevents cold-induced sweetening in potato. Pl Physio 154:939-948.
Rondon, Silvia I. 2010. The Potato Tuberworm: A literature review of its biology, ecology, and control. Am J Pot Res 87:149-166.
Sanetomo, Rena and Kazuyoshi Hosaka. 2010. Difference in the pollen DNA of reciprocal F1 hybrids between the common potato and a wild hexaploid species, Solanum demissum. Am J Pot Res 88:64. (Abstract)
Sanetomo, Rena and Kazuyoshi Hosaka. 2010. Factors affecting unilateral compatibility in Solanum demissum x S. tuberosum. Am J Pot Res 88:64. (Abstract)
Stark, J.C., R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, N.R. Knowles, M.J. Pavek, S.L. Love, M.I. Vales, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, C.R. Brown, B.A Charlton, D.L. Corsini, J.J. Pavek, N. Olsen, and T. Brandt. 2010. Classic Russet: A potato cultivar with excellent fresh market characteristics and high yields of U.S. no. 1 tubers suitable for early harvest or full-season production. Am J Pot Res 87:360-373.
Tai, H., Y. Pelletier, K. Worrall, L. Calhoun, and D. DeKoeyer. 2010. Comparative metabolite profiling of S. tuberosum and CPB-resistant Solanum species. Am J Pot Res 88:66. (Abstract)
Thill, C.A. and J. Miller. 2010. Minnesota potato breeding program report. 2010. Proc. of the 41st Annual Meeting, NCCC-84 Potato Breeding and Genetics Technical Committee, December 2010, Chicago, IL.
Vales, M.I., C.R. Brown, D.C. Hane, S.R. James, C.C. Shock, B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma, A.R. Mosley, D. Culp, E. Feibert, J.C. Stark, M.J. Pavek, N.R. Knowles, R.G. Novy, J.L. Whitworth, and S. Jansky. 2010. Purple Pelisse: A tri-state specialty fingerling potato with purple skin and purple flesh. Am J Pot Res 88:67-68. (Abstract)
Wanner, Leslie A. 2010. Relative rankings of common scab severity in potato varieties and breeding material at high disease pressure in the greenhouse. In: Potato Association of America Abstracts, August 15-19, 2010. Corvallis, OR, USA. (Abstract)
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, J.S. Miller, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S. Yilma, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, and M.J. Pavek. 2010. Yukon Gem: A yellow-fleshed potato cultivar suitable for fresh-pack and processing with resistances to PVY° and late blight. Am J Pot Res 87:327-336.
Whitworth, J.L., R.G. Novy, J.C. Stark, J.J. Pavek, D.L. Corsini, S.L. Love, J.S. Miller, M.I. Vales, A.R. Mosley, S. Yilma, S.R. James, D.C. Hane, B.A. Charlton, C.R. Brown, N.R. Knowles, and M.J. Pavek. 2010. Yukon Gem: A new yellow-fleshed variety with late blight resistance and differential resistance to PVY strains. Am J Pot Res 88:69. (Abstract)
Yermishin, A.P., E.V. Voronkova and V.A. Kozlov. 2010. Genetic bases of plant selection. V.2. Particular plant genetics. Chapter 4. Potato/ed. By A.V. Kilchevsky, L.V. Chotilevoi. -Minsk. Belorussian Sci. P.156-234.
Zhang, L., C.R. Brown, D. Culley, B. Baker, E. Kunibe, H. Denney, C. Smith, N. Ward, T. Beavert, J. Coburn, J.J. Pavek, N. Dauenhauer, and R. Dauenhauer. 2010. Euphytica 174:15-29.
C. Theses Reporting Research with NRSP-6 Stocks
Kittipadakul, P. 2010. Genetic dissection of tuberization in response to photoperiod in potato. PhD Thesis, University of Wisconsin, Plant Breeding and Plant Genetics, Madison, WI.
Pompon, J. 2010. Performance influenced by host-plant selection and feeding behavior in potato colonizing aphids. PhD Thesis, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada.
Vunnam, Rakesh. 2010. Antioxidant capacity and polyphenolic content of potato tubers are affected by cultivar and hermetic treatment. MS Thesis, McGill University, Plant Science Dept., Ste Anne de Bellevue, QC, Canada.