SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Ira Altman, Southern Illinois University  Carbondale; Kendra Arrington, Purdue University; Gregory Baker, Santa Clara University; Emine Bayar, University of Kentucky; Jennifer Bond, Colorado State University; Elicia L. Chaverest, Alabama A&M University; Duncan M. Chembezi, Alabama A&M University; Aubrey Chineu, University of Florida; Dennis Conley, University of Nebraska  Lincoln; Frank Dooley, Purdue University; W. Scott Downey, Purdue University; Claudia Dumitrescu, Arizona State University; Thorsten Egelkraut, Oregon State University; Wes Harrison, Louisiana State University; Lindsey Higgins, Texas A&M University; Aaron Johnson, University of Idaho; Nathanial Joy, Texas A&M University; Phil Kenkel, Oklahoma State University; Wycliffe Kumwenda, University of Florida; Michael H. Lau, Sam Houston State University; Kerry Litzenberg, Texas A&M University; Tadayoshi Masuda, University of Illinois at Urbana  Champaign; Eric Micheels, University of Illinois; Desmond Ng, Texas A&M University; William Nganje, Arizona State University; Lia Nogueira, University of Illinois; Brent Ross, Michigan State University; Forrest Stegelin, University of Georgia; Ruby Ward, Utah State University; John Wells, USDA Rural Development; Glen Whipple, University of Wyoming; Jared Wolfley, AgriNorthwest; Timothy Woods, University of Kentucky; Allen Wysocki, University of Florida; Pei Xu, New York State University at Morrisville.

Summary of Annual Meeting Faculty and graduate students from twenty two universities, a USDA representative, and an industry executive participated in the 2011 WERA-72 annual meeting, held at the Excalibur Hotel in Las Vegas Nevada, June 12th-14th, 2011. The program agenda, business meeting agenda and treasurers report are attached in appendices A, B and C respectively. The annual meeting featured an industry speaker, eight paper sessions and one panel discussion. The WERA-72 group hosted scientists with the S-1050 regional research project, Assessing the Consumer Behavior, Market Coordination and Performance of the Consumer-Oriented Fruit and Vegetable Sector. Two of the paper sessions were dedicated to joint agribusiness and produce supply chain issues. Mr. Jim Prevor, CEO and Editor-in Chief at Phoenix Media Network, was this years invited industry speaker. His presentation examined the growing retail grocery sector market power, increased demand for supply chain quality assurance and the implications for food firms in the economy. This was a particularly fitting presentation for the WERA-72 group while hosting the S-1050 group, as well. The two S-1050 sessions followed Mr. Prevors presentation, including a total of six papers related to Issues in Produce Marketing Chains. The S-1050 group used the annual meeting forum to capture useful feedback from members of WERA-72 in preparation for publishing these titles in a special issue of the Journal of Agribusiness (Spring 2011  Volume 29.1). A panel discussion followed focused on Framing and Delivering Agribusiness Extension/Outreach Programs. Faculty from five universities with significant extension appointments discussed their own programs and led interactions with the group regarding some of the issues, challenges, changes, and opportunities facing extension and agribusiness. The subsequent paper session included three papers related to instruction in agribusiness. This session has always been of considerable value to WERA-72 attendees as most have teaching appointments. The papers addressed issues of performance evaluation, on-line learning advances, and incorporating student-driven learning objectives into agribusiness courses. The business meeting was conducted along with a meeting of the executive officers. Details of the business meeting are presented in the attached appendix. The second day included a full slate of research paper presentations. The first session focused on themes of Agribusiness Strategy, including two papers market orientation. There has been a long tradition in WERA-72 of linking the agribusiness research with the business strategy research that has emerged primarily in the business school. The second paper session looked at two papers related to Global Agri-Food Industry Competitiveness. Many WERA-72 members have close links to the International Agribusiness Management Association and international research issues. These papers specifically included topics related to price transmission within the Ugandan coffee sector and market segmentation strategies within the Malaysian Halal broiler market. The third paper session examined Alternative Agri-Food Production Models. Agribusiness and short supply chains continuously evolve and increase the need for economists to evaluate structure and competitiveness of smaller-scale enterprises and strategies for differentiation. These papers looked at small scale produce and pork operations both in terms of scale economies and in terms of seeking strategic position. The fourth paper session involved papers targeted to the food and beverage markets. Both papers examined price behavior models  one on cool climate wines (from the S-1050 group) and one involving energy drinks. The energy drinks paper had a particularly interesting twist involving strategies for involving students in upper-level marketing studies and doing field research. The fifth research paper session involved two papers related to Agri-Food Policy and Market Analysis. The papers explored policy and market development issues within the Mexican avocado sub-sector and the U.S. apple industry. Two paper presentations were provided by graduate students. WERA-72 continues to encourage graduate students interested in academic or research careers in agribusiness to not only attend, but participate in the annual meetings. For a full listing of paper sessions, please see Appendix A. Wes Harrison (former WERA-72, 2009 Chair) and Desmond Ng (WERA-72, 2010 Chair), have completed the coordination of a special issue titled the Pluralism of Agribusiness for the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. We have completed our first round of the review process in which 10 paper proposals have been accepted and will be advanced into the next stage of the review process. We anticipate these papers will serve in not only highlighting the frontiers of agribusiness research but also outline some of the defining features of this field. This special issue thereby serves the broader goals of WERA-72 in advancing the research of agribusiness. Eight papers were published in the IFAMR in June 2011, including contributions from WERA-72 and IAMA members. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review Volume 14, Issue 5, 2011 The Scientific Pluralism of Agribusiness A Special Issue on Theory and Practice Editors; R. Wes Harrison and Desmond Ng Minutes for the 2011 WERA-72 Annual Business Meeting June 13-14, 2010 Excalibur Hotel, Las Vegas, NV 2011 Executive Committee Chair: Tim Woods, University of Kentucky Vice Chair: Brent Ross, Michigan State University Secretary: Lindsey Higgins, Texas A&M University Communications Officers: Al Wysocki, University of Florida,; Conrad Lyford, Texas Tech U., Treasurer: Brent Gloy, Purdue University Part 1: Monday, June 13th Chair Tim Woods called the meeting to order at 5:14 pm with the Executive Board and 18 members in attendance. Lindsey Higgins, as secretary, is taking the minutes. - Brent Gloy submitted the a copy of the treasurers report to each member in attendance. o Brent reports that: § We are in a good / adequate financial position § Meeting expenses had to be prepaid " One member said they were coming to the meeting, but backed out at the last minute without paying registration § Travel scholarship funds are now exhausted " Six graduate students came to the meeting for free § Concern was raised about the expenses associated with next years meeting at Purdue (Vegas is an inexpensive meeting location) § Brent would also like to find someone to fill his position as Treasurer after five years in the position o Ruby Ward moves to approve the treasurers report § Al Wysocki seconds the motion § Motion passes and the treasurers report is accepted as submitted - Brent Gloy discusses the possibility of increasing the meeting registration fees for next years conference, indicating that $200 per person does not go very far and it is tough to provide a meeting with those fees o Greg Baker suggests authorizing between $200 and $250 as meeting registration fees and makes a motion to move the decision to the Executive Board § Al Wysocki seconds the motion, but reminds the membership and board that the goal is not to raise the balance of the organization " Brent points out that keeping money in the account is important to be able to fund conferences (since many expenses need to be prepaid) " Al is concerned that the balance doesnt need to go too high § It is determined that the costs of having a meeting at Purdue need to be explored and should be communicated with the Executive Board and then setting the appropriate meeting registration fee o Vote on moving power of setting the meeting registration fees to the Executive Board is taken and the vote passes - Nominations for the secretary position will be taken tomorrow o Kerry Litzenberg and Greg Baker to serve as the nominating committee, but self-nominations will also be accepted o Kerry Litzenberg reminds the membership that this is a regional committee and that serving as a board member is a valuable thing to complete - Tim Woods calls for further business and both the dates for next years meeting and the location for the 2013 meeting is brought up o Dates for the 2012 meeting are determined as being June 24th through June 26th § Motion to accept the dates is made by Scott Downey and it is seconded by Forrest Stegelin o Location for the 2013 meeting is brought up as a point of discussion § Ruby Ward is happy to host a meeting in Utah, however WAEA is having their meeting in Park City that same year § Vegas is suggested as a location and indicated as an inexpensive and easy place to host a meeting " Vegas has previously been discussed as a location to have the meeting every other year and therefore, it was suggested that we continue with that plan and decide on having the 2013 meeting in Vegas - Tim Woods asks for further business and seeing none, adjourns the meeting. Part 2: Tuesday, June 14th Chair Tim Woods called the meeting to order at 10:17 am with the Executive Board and 17 members in attendance. Lindsey Higgins, as secretary, is taking the minutes. - The nominating committee is asked to report on the nominations for filling the treasurers position and for finding a new member of the Executive Board o Kerry Litzenberg nominates Scott Downey to fill Brett Glorys position as Treasurer § Greg Baker seconds that nomination § A request is made for further nominations § No further nominations are made § A verbal vote was taken on making Scott Downey treasurer. The vote passes with no audible dissention. - Kerry Litzenberg nominates Eric Micheels to fill the position of secretary on the Executive Board o Greg Baker seconds that nomination o A request is made for further nominations o No further nominations are made o A verbal vote was taken on making Eric Micheels as secretary. The vote passes with no audible dissention. - A point of discussion is brought up that travel funds made available by former members have now been exhausted (Mark Musumba was the final graduate student to use the travel funds)


Accomplishments (Organized by School) University of Florida Journal Articles: Stanton, John L., James B. Wiley and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2011. Who are the Locavores? Journal of Consumer Marketing. (Accepted) John L. Stanton, James B. Wiley and Ferdinand Wirth. 2011. Marketing Contra to the Trend: Back to Basics. Romanian Distribution Committee Magazine, Scientific Review of the Romanian Distribution Committee, 4(4): 22-27. Wirth, Ferdinand F., John L. Stanton and James B. Wiley. 2011. The Relative Importance of Search versus Credence Product Attributes: Organic and Locally Grown. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 40(1): 48-62. Clark, Jennifer L., Richard N. Weldon, Charles M. Adams and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2010. Risk Assessment of a Shrimp Aquaculture Investment in Florida. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 14(4): 332357. Palma, Marco A., Ferdinand F. Wirth, Charles M. Adams, and Robert L. Degner. 2010. Market Preferences toward Farm-Raised Sturgeon in the Southeastern United States: A Conjoint Analysis. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 14(3): 235-253. Refereed Proceedings: Stanton, John, James Wiley and Ferdinand Wirth. 2010. Locavores: To Target or Not to Target. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2010, November 29  December 1, 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand. Non-refereed Publications: Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2011. Branding M.G. Kailis Exmouth Prawns. Case Study and Instructor Manual submitted to Enhancing Global Competitiveness of the U.S. Seafood Industry: Educational Case Studies in International Trade and Marketing. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), International Science and Education Competitive Grants Program through Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2010. Pennsylvania Dairy Industry Image Study: Consumer Attitudes about Dairy Farmers. Research Report presented to the PA Center for Dairy Excellence and the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. July 15, 2010. Invited Papers and Presentations: Stanton, John. L. and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2010. The Apple Opportunity  Capitalizing on Consumer Preferences Regarding Organic vs. Local. Invited Presentation, New York Produce Show and Conference, New York, New York, November 10, 2010. Selected Presentations and Posters: Ferdinand F. Wirth, John L. Stanton, and James B. Wiley. 2010. Consumer Value for Organic versus Locally Grown. Selected poster presented at Economics of Local Food Markets, Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association Post-Conference Workshop, Atlantic City, New Jersey, June 15-16, 2010. Technical Presentations: Wirth, Ferdinand F., John L. Stanton and James B. Wiley. 2011. Pennsylvania Organic Apple Consumer Market Research Study. Presentation at HSB Research Forum, Haub School of Business, Saint Josephs University, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, March 24, 2011. University of Illinois Urbana Champaign Publications: " Baylis, Kathy, Lia Nogueira and Kathryn Pace. 2011. Food Import Refusals: Evidence from the European Union. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(2): 566-572. " Elepu, Gabriel, and Michael A. Mazzocco. Consumer Segments in Urban and Suburban Farmers Markets. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 13(2): 1-18 (2010). Conference Proceedings: " Busdieker, Nichole, Lia Nogueira, Hayri Onal and David Bullock. 2011. Welfare Effects of New Fire Blight Control Methods on the U.S. Apple Industry. Western Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting Proceedings. Invited Presentations: " Tariff vs. Non-Tariff Barriers in Seafood Trade. Invited Seminar University of Kentucky, June 9th, 2011. Selected Paper Presentations: " Welfare Effects of New Fire Blight Control Methods on the U.S. Apple Industry. Western Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, June 2011, presented by Nichole Busdieker. " Tariff versus non-Tariff Barriers in Seafood Trade. International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting, December 2010, with Kathryn Pace. " Trumping Tortillas: Substituting Away from Poverty. El Impacto de la Crisis sobre la Pobreza y la Desigualdad, Network of Inequality and Poverty, Mexican Chapter, October 2010, presented by Benjamin Wood. Selected Poster Presentations: " Food Import Refusals: Effects and Implications for Seafood Trade. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Poster Tour, July 2011. " The Economic Impact of New Technology Use in the US Apple Industry. Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Annual Meeting, Poster, July 2011, with Nichole Busdieker. University of Kentucky Woods, T., J. Schieffer, and S. Saghaian. (2011). Winery Integration Strategies in the MidSouth and MidAtlantic States. Journal of Agribusiness, 29(1):83-95. Zheng1, Z. and S. Saghaian. (2011). Time Series Analysis of U.S. Pistachios Export Demand in North America. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 124-129. Najarzadeh, R., R. Rezagholizadeh, S. Saghaian, M. Reed, and M. Aghayie. (2011). The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Persian Rugs: A Policy Analysis Matrix Approach. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 91-95. Staley, D. and S. Saghaian. (2011). Government Policy and Ethanol, What does the future hold? Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 111-115. Najarzadeh, R. M. Reed, S. Saghaian, M. Aghayie, and R. Rezagholizadeh. (2011). A Study of Irans Comparative Costs in Saffron. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 5(1): 1-10. Ward, Ruby, Allen Wysocki, and Timothy Woods, Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?, International Food and Agribusiness Review; 14(5):125-140, 2011 Marvin T. Batte, Wuyang Hu, Tim Woods, and Stan Ernst, Assessing the Contribution of Local Production, Organic Certification, Nutritional Claims, and Product Branding on Consumer Food Choices: A Conjoint Experiment forthcoming in European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/erae/jbr039 Hu, W., T. A. Woods, S. Bastin and L. J. Cox, Analyzing the Demand for New Value-Added Product: Case of Pure Blueberry Sweetener Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. 23(1): 56-72, 2011. Hu, Wuyang, Timothy Woods, Sandra Bastin, Linda Cox, and Wen You, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Value-Added Blueberry Products Using a Payment Card Survey, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43(2):243-258, 2011. Published Abstracts: Babool, A.I. and S. Saghaian. (2011). The Recession and its Impact on Foreign Direct Investment Flows into the Food System of Less Developed Countries. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 43, 3 (August), 508. Louisiana State University Journal Publications Gunderson, Michael A., Joshua D. Detre, Christine A. Wilson, and Brian C. Briggeman, Ag Lending: The Next Generation, Agricultural Finance Review. Vol. 71, No. 3, 2011 (280-294). Detre, Joshua D., and Michael A. Gunderson, "The Triple Bottom Line: What is the Short Run Impact on the Returns to Agribusiness Stocks," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 14, No. 4, 2011 (165-178). Detre, Joshua D., Aaron J. Johnson, and Allen W. Gray, " Innovativeness and Innovation: Implications for the Renewable Materials Supply Chain," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 14, No. 2, 2011 (17-34). Paper Presentations Darby, Paul, Tyler B. Mark, Joshua D. Detre, and Michael Salassi, Advanced Biofuel Production in Louisiana Sugar Mills: an Application of Real Options Analysis Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and Northeastern Agricultural Economics and Resource Association Joint Annual Meeting (Pittsburg, PA; July 2426, 2011). Detre, Joshua D., Michael A Gunderson, Whitney Oliver Peake, and Frank J. Dooley, Assistant to Associate: What Is Required to Get Promoted, An International Survey Agricultural and Applied Economics Association and Northeastern Agricultural Economics and Resource Association Joint Annual Meeting (Pittsburg, PA; July 2426, 2011). Michigan State University Ross. R. B. 2011. Entrepreneurial Behavior in Agri-Food Supply Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Partners. Journal of Chain and Network Science 11(1): 19-30. Rich, K.M., R.B. Ross, D. Baker, & A. Negassa. 2011. Quantifying value chain analysis in the context of livestock systems in developing countries. Food Policy 36(2): 214-222. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dennis M. Conley, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission vs. Marketing Advisory Services, Inc.: A Case Study, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2011 North Dakota State University Saleem Shaik and Miljkovic, Dragan: The Impact of Trade Openness on Technical Efficiency in U.S. Agriculture, Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development (2011), 7(2). Rimal, Arbindra, Dragan Miljkovic, and Won Kee Moon: Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of the Relationship between Dietary Knowledge and Behavior, Journal of Food Distribution Research (2011), XLII(3). Miljkovic, Dragan and Renan Zhuang: The Exchange Rate Pass-through into Import Prices: The Case of Japanese Meat Imports, Applied Economics (2011), 43(26): 3745-3754. Miljkovic, Dragan: The Rationale for the Importance of the Rational Choice Theory in Contemporary Economics, Journal of Ideology (2011), 33 ( Miljkovic, Dragan and William W. Wilson: The Impact of Emergence of Chinese International Corn Markets on Chinese and U.S. Corn Prices, Applied Economics Letters (2011), 18: 449-454. Serfling, Matt and Dragan Miljkovic: Time Series Analysis of The Relationships among (Macro) Economic Variables, The Dividend Yield and The Price Level of The S&P 500 Index, Applied Financial Economics (2011), 21: 1117-1134. Nganje, William, Dragan Miljkovic, and Elvis Ndembe: Offsetting Behavior and the Benefits of Food Safety Policies in Vegetable Preparation and Consumption, Agribusiness: An International Journal (2010), 26(4): 557-572. Jin, Hyun and Dragan Miljkovic: Test for Multiple Structural Changes in Relative Farm Prices, Applied Economics (2010), 42: 3253-3265. Shaik, Saleem, and Dragan Miljkovic: Nature of Dynamic Relationships between Farm Real Estate Values and Federal Farm Program Payments, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2010), 35(1): 153-168. Lambert, David, and Dragan Miljkovic: The Sources of Variability in U.S. Food Prices, Journal of Policy Modeling (2010), 32(2): 210-222. Miljkovic, Dragan and Cary Effertz: Analyzing Consumer Behavior and the Demand for Broilers: A Reference Point Approach, British Food Journal (2010), 112(1): 32-43. Conference presentations: Wilson, William and Dragan Miljkovic: Dynamic Inter-relationships in Hard Wheat Basis Markets, NCCC-134 Annual Meetings, April 18-19, 2011, St. Louis, MO. Miljkovic, Dragan, Saleem Shaik, and Dane Braun: The Impact of Ethanol Policies on Livestock Production, SAEA Annual Meetings, February 6-8, 2011, Corpus Christi, TX. Miljkovic, Dragan, Anais Liogier, Saleem Shaik, and Silvia Miranda: Globalization and Obesity, 30 Annual IATRC Meeting, December 12-14, 2010, Berkeley, CA. Miljkovic, Dragan and Saleem Shaik: The Impact of Trade Openness on Technical Efficiency in U.S. Agriculture, SAEA Annual Meetings, February 7-9, 2010, Orlando, FL. University of California Santa Clara Porter, Justin K., Gregory A. Baker, and Narendra Agrawal. 2011. "The U.S. Produce Traceability Initiative: Analysis, Evaluation, and Recommendations." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 14:3. (PRJ, S) Rodrigues, Jon and Gregory A. Baker. Forthcoming. "Grameen Danone Foods Limited (GDF)." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Forthcoming. (PRJ, L) Southern Illinois State University Sanders, Dwight, Ira Altman, and Gary Apgar. Determinants of Profitability in Niche Swine Production. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. 2012. In Press. Texas A&M University Publications Ng, D. 2011. Thinking Outside the Box: An Absorptive Capacity approach to the product development process, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 14, 3, 67-94. Ng, D. 2011. Absorptive link: an absorptive capacity and alliance approach to Biotechnology product success, Journal of Chain and Network Science, 11, 1: 31-47


  1. WERA-72 continues to link university research, teaching and extension faculty with government agency personnel and industry leaders. The program at the annual meeting once again included an invited speaker from industry. The WERA-72 leadership has maintained this practice for many years now, and is committed to continuing to use the annual meeting to facilitate these linkages. Furthermore, as agribusiness continues to mature as a field, an important focus in its development is to maintain and develop teaching, research and extension activities that reflect the interest of agribusinesses. WERA-72 will continue to plays an important role in developing such a focus.
  2. As there are few departments that hold a significant concentration of agribusiness faculty, the coordination and communication of agribusiness faculty interests is thereby of importance. WERA-72 continues maintain and further develop its electronic communication methods, regularly using the organizations listserv to communicate timely announcements, including job postings, research grant opportunities, and calls for paper proposals with an agribusiness focus. Past presentations have also been posted on the organizations webpage, providing an institutional depository of past agribusiness scholarship. It is anticipated that through such communications, it improve the quality and quantity of agribusiness research, teaching and extension that is produced by participating members, as well as fostering integrated and multi-state projects among WERA-72 participants.
  3. WERA-72 continues to facilitate the coordination and development of timely research, extension, and teaching projects among participating faculty, graduate students, government, and industry leaders, creating a pool of shared expertise in general area of agribusiness scholarship. WERA continues to be a critical focal point around the academic relationships to agribusiness. Linkages with other regional research projects (such as S-1050), academic associations (AAEA, IAMA, Food Distribution Research Society), and industry have led to very fruitful collaborations. In addition to help developing a critical mass of agribusiness dialogue and research expertise, WERA-72 has been supportive of graduate student engagement in this field. To encourage greater graduate student engagement, two travel scholarships were offered for this years annual meeting.


Stanton, John L., James B. Wiley and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2011. Who are the Locavores? Journal of Consumer Marketing. (Accepted) John L. Stanton, James B. Wiley and Ferdinand Wirth. 2011. Marketing Contra to the Trend: Back to Basics. Romanian Distribution Committee Magazine, Scientific Review of the Romanian Distribution Committee, 4(4): 22-27. Wirth, Ferdinand F., John L. Stanton and James B. Wiley. 2011. The Relative Importance of Search versus Credence Product Attributes: Organic and Locally Grown. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 40(1): 48-62. Clark, Jennifer L., Richard N. Weldon, Charles M. Adams and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2010. Risk Assessment of a Shrimp Aquaculture Investment in Florida. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 14(4): 332357. Palma, Marco A., Ferdinand F. Wirth, Charles M. Adams, and Robert L. Degner. 2010. Market Preferences toward Farm-Raised Sturgeon in the Southeastern United States: A Conjoint Analysis. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 14(3): 235-253. Refereed Proceedings: Stanton, John, James Wiley and Ferdinand Wirth. 2010. Locavores: To Target or Not to Target. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2010, November 29  December 1, 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2011. Branding M.G. Kailis Exmouth Prawns. Case Study and Instructor Manual submitted to Enhancing Global Competitiveness of the U.S. Seafood Industry: Educational Case Studies in International Trade and Marketing. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), International Science and Education Competitive Grants Program through Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University. Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2010. Pennsylvania Dairy Industry Image Study: Consumer Attitudes about Dairy Farmers. Research Report presented to the PA Center for Dairy Excellence and the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. July 15, 2010. " Baylis, Kathy, Lia Nogueira and Kathryn Pace. 2011. Food Import Refusals: Evidence from the European Union. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(2): 566-572. " Elepu, Gabriel, and Michael A. Mazzocco. Consumer Segments in Urban and Suburban Farmers Markets. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 13(2): 1-18 (2010). . Busdieker, Nichole, Lia Nogueira, Hayri Onal and David Bullock. 2011. Welfare Effects of New Fire Blight Control Methods on the U.S. Apple Industry. Western Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting Proceedings. Invited Presentations: " Trumping Tortillas: Substituting Away from Poverty. El Impacto de la Crisis sobre la Pobreza y la Desigualdad, Network of Inequality and Poverty, Mexican Chapter, October 2010, presented by Benjamin Wood. Woods, T., J. Schieffer, and S. Saghaian. (2011). Winery Integration Strategies in the MidSouth and MidAtlantic States. Journal of Agribusiness, 29(1):83-95. Zheng1, Z. and S. Saghaian. (2011). Time Series Analysis of U.S. Pistachios Export Demand in North America. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 124-129. Najarzadeh, R., R. Rezagholizadeh, S. Saghaian, M. Reed, and M. Aghayie. (2011). The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Persian Rugs: A Policy Analysis Matrix Approach. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 91-95. Staley, D. and S. Saghaian. (2011). Government Policy and Ethanol, What does the future hold? Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 111-115. Najarzadeh, R. M. Reed, S. Saghaian, M. Aghayie, and R. Rezagholizadeh. (2011). A Study of Irans Comparative Costs in Saffron. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 5(1): 1-10. Ward, Ruby, Allen Wysocki, and Timothy Woods, Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?, International Food and Agribusiness Review; 14(5):125-140, 2011 Marvin T. Batte, Wuyang Hu, Tim Woods, and Stan Ernst, Assessing the Contribution of Local Production, Organic Certification, Nutritional Claims, and Product Branding on Consumer Food Choices: A Conjoint Experiment forthcoming in European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/erae/jbr039 Hu, W., T. A. Woods, S. Bastin and L. J. Cox, Analyzing the Demand for New Value-Added Product: Case of Pure Blueberry Sweetener Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. 23(1): 56-72, 2011. Hu, Wuyang, Timothy Woods, Sandra Bastin, Linda Cox, and Wen You, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Value-Added Blueberry Products Using a Payment Card Survey, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43(2):243-258, 2011. Babool, A.I. and S. Saghaian. (2011). The Recession and its Impact on Foreign Direct Investment Flows into the Food System of Less Developed Countries. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 43, 3 (August), 508. Gunderson, Michael A., Joshua D. Detre, Christine A. Wilson, and Brian C. Briggeman, Ag Lending: The Next Generation, Agricultural Finance Review. Vol. 71, No. 3, 2011 (280-294). Detre, Joshua D., and Michael A. Gunderson, "The Triple Bottom Line: What is the Short Run Impact on the Returns to Agribusiness Stocks," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 14, No. 4, 2011 (165-178). Detre, Joshua D., Aaron J. Johnson, and Allen W. Gray, " Innovativeness and Innovation: Implications for the Renewable Materials Supply Chain," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 14, No. 2, 2011 (17-34). Ross. R. B. 2011. Entrepreneurial Behavior in Agri-Food Supply Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Partners. Journal of Chain and Network Science 11(1): 19-30. Rich, K.M., R.B. Ross, D. Baker, & A. Negassa. 2011. Quantifying value chain analysis in the context of livestock systems in developing countries. Food Policy 36(2): 214-222. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Dennis M. Conley, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission vs. Marketing Advisory Services, Inc.: A Case Study, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2011 Saleem Shaik and Miljkovic, Dragan: The Impact of Trade Openness on Technical Efficiency in U.S. Agriculture, Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development (2011), 7(2). Rimal, Arbindra, Dragan Miljkovic, and Won Kee Moon: Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of the Relationship between Dietary Knowledge and Behavior, Journal of Food Distribution Research (2011), XLII(3). Miljkovic, Dragan and Renan Zhuang: The Exchange Rate Pass-through into Import Prices: The Case of Japanese Meat Imports, Applied Economics (2011), 43(26): 3745-3754. Miljkovic, Dragan: The Rationale for the Importance of the Rational Choice Theory in Contemporary Economics, Journal of Ideology (2011), 33 ( Miljkovic, Dragan and William W. Wilson: The Impact of Emergence of Chinese International Corn Markets on Chinese and U.S. Corn Prices, Applied Economics Letters (2011), 18: 449-454. Serfling, Matt and Dragan Miljkovic: Time Series Analysis of The Relationships among (Macro) Economic Variables, The Dividend Yield and The Price Level of The S&P 500 Index, Applied Financial Economics (2011), 21: 1117-1134. Nganje, William, Dragan Miljkovic, and Elvis Ndembe: Offsetting Behavior and the Benefits of Food Safety Policies in Vegetable Preparation and Consumption, Agribusiness: An International Journal (2010), 26(4): 557-572. Jin, Hyun and Dragan Miljkovic: Test for Multiple Structural Changes in Relative Farm Prices, Applied Economics (2010), 42: 3253-3265. Shaik, Saleem, and Dragan Miljkovic: Nature of Dynamic Relationships between Farm Real Estate Values and Federal Farm Program Payments, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2010), 35(1): 153-168. Lambert, David, and Dragan Miljkovic: The Sources of Variability in U.S. Food Prices, Journal of Policy Modeling (2010), 32(2): 210-222. Miljkovic, Dragan and Cary Effertz: Analyzing Consumer Behavior and the Demand for Broilers: A Reference Point Approach, British Food Journal (2010), 112(1): 32-43. Porter, Justin K., Gregory A. Baker, and Narendra Agrawal. 2011. "The U.S. Produce Traceability Initiative: Analysis, Evaluation, and Recommendations." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 14:3. (PRJ, S) Rodrigues, Jon and Gregory A. Baker. Forthcoming. "Grameen Danone Foods Limited (GDF)." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Forthcoming. (PRJ, L) Sanders, Dwight, Ira Altman, and Gary Apgar. Determinants of Profitability in Niche Swine Production. 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