SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


"Clymer, Bill ( - Ag Training and Technology, Inc."; "Ferguson, Holly ( - Washington State University"; "Foil, Lane ( - Louisiana State University"; "Gerry, Alec ( - UC Riverside"; "Hogsette, Jerome ( - USDA-ARS-CMAVE"; "Kaufman, Phillip ( - University of Florida"; "Kim, Andrew ( - USDA-ARS"; "Li, Andrew ( - USDA-ARS"; "Liu, Samuel ( - USDA-ARS"; "Loftin, Kelly ( - University of Arkansas"; "Meyer, Hendrik ( - National Institute of Food and Agriculture"; "Moon, Roger ( - University of Minnesota"; "Penn, Sinthya ( - Beneficial Insectary, Inc."; "Penn, Tyler ( - Beneficial Insectary, Inc."; "Perez, Adalberto ( - USDA-ARS"; "Pia, Andrew ( - USDA-ARS"; "Pitzer, Jimmy ( - New Mexico State University"; "Roeder, Richard ( - University of Arkansas"; "Rutz, Don ( - USDA-ARS"; "Swiger, Sonja ( - Texas Agrilife Extension Service"; "Taylor, David ( - USDA-ARS Agroecosystem Mgmt"; "Temeyer, Kevin ( - USDA-ARS"; "Watson, Wes ( - North Carolina State University"; "Zhu, Junwei ( - USDA-ARS Agroecosystem Mgmt"; "Zurek, Ludek ( - Kansas State University"

San Antonio, TX. 12-13 January 2011. Hosted by the USDA-ARS Livestocks Insect Research Laboratory. January 12, 2011 Meeting called to order at 0800 by Chair Justin Talley, Thanks to Andrew Li and Beto Perez de Leon for local arrangements. Keynote Speaker -- Dr. Lloyd Wilson, Professor of Entomology, Texas A&M. Intricacies of multidisciplinary and multicenter proposals funded by NIFA. Rick Roeder -- 60 days to get annual report into the system. Email to Pamela Oxford at Arkansas (Ricks assistant). Time to put together a writing committee to start work on a new project for Oct 1st 2012. Needs to be written by January 1, 2012. Dave Taylor -- Objective 1.1 presentation. 1. Zurek/Doud -- biosolid fields are producing stable flies as well as house flies. 2. Taylor/Berkebile -- emergence of SF from hay rings. Significant numbers of SF before emergence from hay rings and after hay ring development is over. No house flies from hay rings. 3. Moon -- SF rearing under field conditions by 19 collaborators to determine development time. Estimated 234 DD for SF Development (according to Lysyk). Moon estimated 369 DD at >3.7 ºC. Seasonal differences probably due to microclimate variation. Modeled SF life history using 16 yrs of data accumulated by Elliot Krafsur. 4. Taylor -- MRR of SF at various ages. Some differences in distance traveled between blood fed and sugar fed or unfed flies. Overall, a similar dispersal pattern. Released flies are moving to where animals are housed. Alec Gerry -- Objective 1.2 presentation 1. Ferguson/Peck -- tested fly marking system using egg white protein sprayed onto fly pats to mark face flies emerging from the pats. Captured flies were tested using ELISA to identify presence of protein. Marked flies were recovered up to 7 days post treatment of manure pats. 2. Gerry -- house flies were monitored at three large dairies using several monitoring techniques. Spot cards and bait traps proved to be the most useful. Software to count spot cards was developed to make this monitoring option more practical and acceptable to producers. A beta version of this software is available at no cost through UC ANR. 3. Kaufman/Burrus -- flies were marked and released at a dairy. Flies were captured using Alsynite traps placed up to 4 km away over the following 7 days. In 2008, flies were captured within 0.5 km of the release site. In 2009, flies were captured up to 2 km from the release site. Ludek Zurek -- Objective 2 presentation 1. Kaufmann/Burrus -- Flies collected from dairy barns and screened for E. coli. Flies were homogenized and plated for screening. 15.8% of flies were carrying E. coli. Did not recover E. coli from manure samples, but Ludek indicates this is likely because samples needed enrichment. Prevalence was higher at dairies than at nearby restaurants. Prevalence can be fairly high with PCR testing. 2. Watson et al. -- stable flies can acquire Staph. aureus up to 12 hrs from an infective food source in the lab. Fly consumption may have resulted in varied concentration of bacteria acquired. Field trials resulted in no SF with Staph bacteria but some Staph recovered from horn flies. 3. Watson et al. -- Salmonella and Campylobacter in house flies. Mark-Release-Recapture studies (MRR)to monitor movement of flies between barns. Flies readily moved between hoop barns (approx. 30 m apart). Prevalence of Campylobacter was 6.5%. A few Salmonella positive house flies collected from one barn. Positive samples where not surface sterilized. More evidence that flies are picking up bacteria from the environment and can then move these pathogens around the environment. 4. Wayadande, Talley -- House flies exposed to E. coli and bacteria is retained on the surface for up to 13 days. Testing by PCR. Conducted SEM to view bacteria on surface of cuticle, mouthparts, tarsi. Examined fly deposition of E. coli onto spinach leaf surface. Flies exposed to E. coli and manure commonly contaminated spinach surface. Bacteria increased on plant surface following regurgitation by house flies. 5. Zurek -- dependence of HF larvae on bacteria. Want to know what the bacteria are providing that HFs require. Single-gene deletions of E. coli K-12 with nearly 4,000 mutants with gene deletions. HF eggs are surface sterilized and larvae transferred to agar with E. coli mutants, then examine for development and survival. Getting adult flies even from E. coli with vitamin production deficiencies. Project is ongoing. 6. Ahmad, Schal, Zurek -- HF and cockroaches collected from swine farms and examined for enterococci. Resistance profiles of HF, cockroaches, and manure isolates are similar. Resistant bacteria recovered routinely. Essentially insects are simply a mirror of the resistance pattern in the swine manure. 7. Zurek -- beginning to examine HF response to pathogens through expression of AMP and lysozyme. Jimmy Pitzer -- Objective 3.1 (for Lane Foil) 1. Pitzer, Kaufman - Evaluated pupal parasitoids of SF. Released parasitoids into rearing cups containing SF larva. Released S. cameroni, S. endius, Muscidifurax. No difference in parasitism between parasitoids in open cups (at surface). When looking at pupae at depth of media, there was a significant difference with Muscidifurax have very low parasitism. Seems to validate field collections where few Muscidifurax where recovered from pupae collected in the field. 2. Foil -- examined the number of target traps are needed to achieve control in cattle pastures. Future studies to compare high/low volume treatments of cattle. 3. Pitzer, Kaufman -- examined SF resistance to insecticides. Selection against wild collected SF, selection every other generation. In 5 generations, selected for highly resistant flies. Field collected SF were found to be 1-10X resistance. Anything over 3X is associated with insecticide failure in the field. Resistance in SF is common from FL to CA. 4. Brewer, Boxler -- ear tags for fly control. New Bayer tags reduced flies 70-90%. Mist blowers used to apply permethrin and spinosad treatments to cattle. Treated animals showed a reduction in flies relative to control animals. Chris Geden -- Objective 3.2 (for Phil Kaufman) 1. Calvo, Gerry -- acidification of manure reduced bacterial concentrations and reduced HF survival. 2. Geden -- pyriproxyfen (JH analog) was topically applied as a liquid. Need a dust product. Mixed diatomaceous earth with liquid to make a dust. When applied to fly rearing media, resulted in reduced HF adults. All pyriproxyfen products worked well when formulated as a dust. Reductions in next generation fly production when gravid females were exposed to pyriproxyfen and then allowed to oviposit. Gravid females can transfer product to media. Goal to develop better application methods. 3. Furgusen, Peck -- netting with pyrethroids was exposed to sunlight. Beta-cyfluthrin and Lambda-cyhalothrin were applied to nets and persisted for some weeks after treatment. BC residue changed very little over time, but LC changed more rapidly in sun. 4. Gerry -- resistance studies documenting behavioral resistance of house flies to imidacloprid. 5. Kaufman, Scott -- national resistance survey. Looking at allele frequencies to examine if resistance alleles can be identified. One genotype (TCT) appears to be primarily responsible for resistance. 6. Geden -- new method for looking for SF parasitoids. Mixing fly larvae and pupae in open trays. Found some new parasitoid species including Spalangia drosophilae group and a diapriid. 7. Geden -- examining the effect of house fly salivary gland hypertrophy virus in stable fly. Has an effect on fly ovaries. Critical Needs Assessment Discussion Alec Gerry -- facilitator 1. Meeting format discussed a. Old format focused on more time on the objective discussions b. New format allows more time for group collaborations 2. House fly monitoring and IPM a. Bring a monitoring system that producers can utilize b. Standardizing methods of sampling for CAFO's c. Provide a recommendation for sampling d. Are techniques of sampling the same across the nation? 3. Current project plan or future plan for the development committee 4. Nuisance threshold verses economic threshold 5. Public health department needs for a sampling technique for sampling house flies 6. Utilizing eXtension since most states do not have strong extension presence for veterinary entomology a. Communities of practice participation 7. Manure/Source reduction as a control technique 8. Marketing pest management for filth flies 9. Extension education for producers 10. Research standpoint on niche partitioning between stable flies and house flies a. Ecology of larval development sites b. Oviposition site selection c. Focus effort on larval habitat reduction 11. Are hay circles the main source for stable fly development? 12. Need for more chemical options a. Contacts for new chemistry development for fly pesticides 13. Environmental issues with CAFO and how they can relate to pest management needs 14. Form collaborations with non-entomologists that are specialists within animal agriculture 15. The need to focus on other fly species i.e. horn flies 16. Disease transmission a. Disease potential for transmission b. Microbial ecology of pathogens within flies c. Modification of microbial community within flies d. How does manure modification affect microbial ecology of pathogens being picked up by flies e. Contamination of food by flies by two broad concepts i. Pre-harvest contamination of food by flies ii. Contamination of ready-to-eat foods at restaurants f. Focus on food safety issues for flies for funding 17. Modeling issues a. Acquisition, dispersal, and retention of pathogens b. Vectorial capacity c. Landscape phenomena affecting dispersal d. What type of models should be utilized 18. Adult fly control with treated targets/traps a. Experimental implementation of utilizing these targets 19. Alternatives of controlling flies without treating animals 20. Develop management techniques for organic livestock programs a. Source reduction b. Point sources that could contribute to a larger impact for fly populations c. Plant source material used as repellents for flies in cattle 21. Things to do for the current project: a. Collaboration with Lane Foil for treated targets i. Conduct a collaborative project with a more systematic approach b. stable fly rearing -- collaboration with Roger Moon to develop a degree day model c. Food safety -- collect flies at CAFO's with steam flaked corn d. Fly distribution from pasture to pasture without treated animals Discussion of Critical Needs Assessment: 1. House Flies a. House fly monitoring -- standardize monitoring system acceptable to public health people and producers. Create an artificial sheltered structure on which to place spot cards to evaluate aspects such as height and directional placement. Several participants agreed to participate in the collaborative effort. b. Fly movement and dispersal -- Justin Talley will continue with this line of inquiry. Justin also will be moving forward with evaluation of artificial corridors or barriers that would affect fly movement/dispersal. c. Control of immatures -- Chris Geden will continue discovery of new parasitoids. Several participants agreed to assist with pan placement to capture parasitoids nationally. Interest in looking into chemical communication with parasitoids. d. Mortality composting -- this is something to discuss for the next 5 year project. Mortality composting is becoming more common, but the effect of this mortality handling on fly production is untested. e. Adult control -- need for new active ingredients (e.g. botanicals). Need for new attractants. Jerry Zhu will provide some leadership in this area. f. Push-pull techniques -- for the next 5 yr project. Examine new methods for developing these management options. Assess new products and novel application techniques. g. Who to send proposals to: WSARE for the fly monitoring grant (or perhaps Regional IPM). h. Effect of feeds on fly production. Plants high in tannins may reduce parasites and fly production in manure. With efforts to evaluate new feeds, piggyback studies on fly production. 2. Stable Flies a. Monitoring -- relating monitoring techniques to pest population. Currently, nothing that involves the entire group. b. Management of Adult and Larvae -- adult insecticide resistance. Pia has identified genes for pyrethroid resistance. Pia would like to get stable flies shipped on dry ice for genetic analysis to examine resistance frequency. Pia will send out a protocol. Also, explore idea of testing efficacy of treated targets for management of adult flies. Larval management  nothing was identified for the group to participate in. c. Larval Habitat and Ecology -- catalog where stable fly larvae are collected. d. For next 5 yr project -- laundry list of ideas. Will need to be developed by writing committee. 3. Microbial Ecology a. Food Safety -- Moon pledged to review data on pathogen prevalence and house fly dispersal to see if some sort of risk analysis could be developed. OSU (Talley and Wayadande) will continue studies to examine how house flies contaminated food crops with bacterial pathogens. b. Contamination of Fresh Steam Flaked Corn -- will examine if this feed is a sink for contamination on the farm by sampling flaked corn over time following steam flaking. c. Fly immunity to microbes -- assess the role of fly immunity to protection from pathogens. Standardize methods for isolation and identification of E. coli. Evaluate mortality composting sites for production of flies contaminated with pathogens. d. These projects will continue into the next 5 yr project cycle. January 13, 2011 Discussion of websites in use by various universities and agencies. Announcement of joint AAVP, LIWC, and ISEP meeting from 16-19 July 2011 to be held in St. Louis, MO. The 2012 S-1030 meeting will be held in Orlando, Fl. Hosted by Jerry Hogsette, Phil Kaufman. Tentatively will plan for 11-12 January 2012. Rick Meyer -- NIFA is undergoing a dramatic reorganization. Most of our veterinary entomology contacts will be housed in the Institute of Food Production and Sustainability. New budgets are unclear -- continuing budget resolution through March 4, 2011. However, funding is unclear for the coming year. Contact the National Program Leader about their programs to see if you fit in their program. Investments at NIFA are focused on 5 areas -- read the NIFA RFA for more information. See website at Craig Wood (eXtension) -- Collaboration, engagement, and networks. For information go to . Start a community at . Call for communities of practice each year with funding for setting this up, annual leadership funds. RFA may come out in March/April -watch for it! Lots of discussion about ways that S1030 members may get involved. Project Development 1. Gerry -- HF monitoring using spot cards to identify a standard spot card placement. Will develop rough draft of project idea and send out to group. 2. Geden -- parasitoid collections. Asked for assistance to deploy pupae for collection of parasitoids. 3. Pia -- Would like to get SF nationally (along with insecticide usage information if possible). Send to Kerrville lab on dry ice or in 90% alcohol for genetic analysis. 4. Kaufman -- still interested in getting SF for resistance testing using a bottle assay. Contact Phil for more information. 5. Brewer, Talley -- pasture studies to examine SF sampling (trap location and sampling effort). Will send out a call for assistance following the meeting. 6. Taylor -- Asked that if you uncover SF larvae, please record the location and report that back to Dave for inclusion in a database. 7. Moon -- SF development at various media depths. Will develop this further and get it out to the group. Next 5 yr Development Committee -- Ludek will volunteer to organize for food safety. Need progression in goals and objectives or new project. Gerry will volunteer as the Chair and project author. Title: Fly Management on Managed Animal Agriculture Systems. Rick Roeder needs a statement of justification and broad outline (next few months). Gerry will send out project outlines over the next few months to develop project ideas and assign leadership to write sections.


Objective 1: Characterize dispersal and population biology of stable flies and house flies and develop monitoring methods for use in indoor and outdoor environments. Subobjective 1: Characterize stable fly origins and dispersal a. Larval habitats of stable flies. Dewatered biosolids (biosolid cake) stored at a wastewater treatment facility supported larval development of numerous Diptera, in particular stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) (80.2% of emerging flies), house flies (Musca domestica) (18.0%) and calliphorid flies (Lucilia spp.) (2.6%). Captures of stable flies and house flies peaked around mid-July each year and a second, smaller peak was observed among stable flies 5-8 weeks later. Total emergence was estimated at 551,404 flies/yr for stable flies and 108,188 flies/yr for house flies; overall fly production in biosolids was estimated at 670 stable flies/m2 and 143 house flies/m2. This study provides valuable insights in to the utility of biosolid cake as a larval development substrate for stable flies and house flies. The structure of the horse manure bacterial community changes over time and likely plays an important role in the oviposition behavior of stable flies (SF). A series of two-choice bioassays were conducted using two-week old horse manure (standard) and aging horse manure (fresh to five weeks old and tested on weekly basis) to evaluate the effect of manure age on SF oviposition. The microbial community structure of all manure samples (fresh to five weeks old) were analyzed by 16S rDNA PCR with universal primers followed by 454 pyrosequencing. Preliminary analysis of comparing ~5,000 good quality sequences from each manure type revealed great differences in the microbial community structure with a major shift from strict anaerobes (Clostridium, Eubacterium, Bacteroides, Ruminococcus, Prevotella spp) in fresh manure to facultative anaerobes or strict aerobes (Bacillus, Stenotrophomonas, Brevundimonas, Sphingomonas, and Pseudomonas, spp.) in 1 to 4 week old manure. Overall diversity of the bacterial community was very high in fresh manure (OTU [3%] =1,458; H=6.2) and greatly declined in aged manure (OTU [3%] = 796; H=4.6). Assessment of the effect of the microbial community structure on SF behavior and further steps to establish a platform for a paratransgenic approach for management of SF are in progress. The temporal and spatial patterns of adult stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.), emergence from six sites where large round baled hay had been provided to pasture cattle as winter feed were studied using emergence traps. The substrate at these sites, consisting of waste hay mixed with bovine manure and urine, provided an excellent developmental habitat for immature stable flies. Stable flies were the most frequently collected fly emerging from these sites with a yearly average of 1,581 emerging per square meter. Stable fly emergence from these sites began in early May (235 annual accumulated Day-Degree 10° C [DD10]), peaked in late June and early July (400-900 DD10) and then dropped to very low levels in late July (>900 DD10). The temporal pattern of stable fly emergence from the hay feeding sites differed from that of adult populations measured with sticky traps. Adult populations increased in the spring before significant emergence from the hay feeding sites was observed, dipped in mid-summer soon after the hay feeding sites became nonproductive, and then rebounded in the late summer when emergence from the hay feeding sites was very low. The drop in productivity of the hay feeding sites appeared to be due to endogenous factors associated with decomposition of the substrate rather than temperature or precipitation. Winter hay feeding sites appear to be primary sources of stable flies during the early summer, however, they are not responsible for late summer and fall stable fly populations. Overall, the inner most 2 meter annulus of the hay feeding sites was the most productive, however, spatial variation among sites was observed. The sex ratio of emerging flies did not differ from 1:1 and the temporal pattern of emergence was similar for males and females. Although several other species of flies were collected emerging from the hay feeding site substrate, house flies (Musca domestica L.) were notably absent. b. Climatic factors affecting stable fly populations. Degree day development of stable flies is currently being examined seasonally at numerous locations across the county in order to model development under varying environmental conditions. This work will continue through summer 2011. c. Dispersal of Stable Flies. Objective completed during the previous year. d. Overwintering dynamics of stable fly throughout the USA. Objective completed during the previous year. Subobjective 2: Improve understanding of house fly dispersal and behavior, and develop methods for monitoring them in indoor and outdoor environments. a. Trapping and Monitoring Methods. Monitoring of house fly activity using spot cards was previously shown to be a preferred method (at least for large dairies in California). Software (FlySpotter ©) to automate the spot card counting process was developed and tested. A beta version of this software is currently undergoing some redevelopment for eventual marketing to private industry. b. Dispersal and Behavior. Immuno-marking techniques were evaluated for marking face flies emerging from dung pats in the field. Flies emerging from dung pats sprayed with egg whites were captured and tested for the marker using ELISA. Although 77% of face flies emerging from treated manure in the lab contained the marker, in the field only 16% of flies emerging from marked pats contained the egg white marker. Bird netting treated with insecticide was assessed as a barrier to fly dispersal. Treated bird netting left in direct sunlight retained toxic concentrations of pesticide when treated with beta-cyfluthrin and lambda-cyhalothrin through 12 weeks of exposure, while pyrethrins and bifenthrin showed rapid loss of toxicity to house flies. Treated netting continues to be tested as a barrier treatment around confined animal operations. A multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technique was used to identify the blood meal source of stable flies that have fed on humans, horses, cattle and dogs. Our results suggest that 64% of flies collected on equine facilities had fed on cattle blood within 24 hr. That cattle were not on or near the premise strongly suggests that the flies originated elsewhere and subsequently moved to the horse farms. The potential of house flies to disperse from rural to urban areas and distribute antibiotic-resistant bacteria was examined by: (i) quantification of the dispersal rate of house flies from farms (rural areas) into a city (urban area) using multilocus DNA fingerprinting and (ii) profiling of the antibiotic resistance patterns of enterococci harbored by house flies collected in rural and urban environments. The population genetic analysis indicated that there was considerable dispersal between rural and urban habitats. Although there was a significant difference in allele frequency between the urban and rural samples, genetic divergence was low (mean FST 5 0.07) and migration rate relatively high (Nm 5 3 individuals per generation). Almost 95% of the genetic diversity occurred within populations, suggesting a nearly panmictic population. Profiling of antibiotic resistance of enterococci isolated from house fly guts showed that house flies collected in all five urban sites carried substantial numbers of antibiotic-resistant enterococci, supporting the results of the population genetic analyses. The results of this study imply that house flies, because of their dispersal behavior and capacity to transport antibiotic-resistant bacteria, pose a serious threat to public health. Objective 2: Establish extent of fly-borne dispersal of human and animal pathogens a. Human Pathogens. Filth flies are known mechanical vectors of human enteric bacteria in hospital and restaurant settings. However, the role of flies in the movement of human pathogens to pre-harvest food plants is largely unknown. The fate of an attenuated strain of E. coli O157:H7 acquired by the house fly, Musca domestica, from contaminated manure and deposited on spinach via regurgitation spots was studied by molecular methods and scanning electron microscopy. Retention of bacteria on fly body parts was studied by relative quantitative PCR analysis of the eae gene, indicating increased bacteria through day 4 followed by decreasing counts in subsequent days. Manure-acquired E. coli O157:H7 was more capable of replication on the spinach surface than bacteria acquired from LB-ampicillin plates. Retention of bacteria on tarsi and labellae of flies exposed to E. coli O157:H7 contaminated manure was determined by microbiological assays and confirmed by end point PCR, with detection of bacteria up to 13 days post-exposure. Olfactometer trials have begun to assess the attraction of homopteran honeydew to house flies. Honeydew collected from laboratory colonies and from field sites has been utilized to develop a two-choice olfactometer which provides a rapid assessment of house fly response to compound volatiles. Initial work on volatile separation and house fly response to extracted volatiles has commenced. Studies with E. coli sampling on dairy farms in Florida suggest that utilization of house flies for sample detection was more reliable than the use of cattle manure and spilled feed. In separate dispersal studies, marked house flies from a farm were collected as far as 3 km distant in a community. Extensive use of antibiotics as growth promoters in the livestock industry constitutes strong selection pressure for evolution and selection of antibiotic resistant bacterial strains. Insects such as house flies (Musca domestica) and German cockroaches (Blattella germanica) can move freely between animal waste and food and may play a significant role in the dissemination of antibiotic resistant bacteria within and between animal production farms and from farms to residential settings. Enterococci from the digestive tract of house flies (n = 162), and feces of German cockroaches (n = 83) and pigs (n = 119), collected from two commercial swine farms were isolated, quantified, identified, and screened for antibiotic resistance and virulence. The majority of samples (93.7%) were positive for enterococci with concentrations 4.2 ± 0.7 x 104 CFU/house fly, 5.5 ± 1.1 x 106 CFU/g of cockroach feces, and 3.2 ± 0.8 x 105 CFU/g of pig feces. Among all the identified isolates (n=639) Enterococcus faecalis was the most common (55.5%), followed by E. hirae (24.9%), E. faecium (12.8%), and E. casseliflavus (6.7%). E. faecalis was most prevalent in house flies and cockroaches, and E. hirae was most common in pig feces. Our data showed that multi-drug (mainly tetracycline and erythromycin) resistant enterococci were common from all three sources and frequently carried antibiotic resistance genes including tet(M) and erm(B) and Tn916/1545 transposon family. E. faecalis frequently harbored virulence factors gelE, esp, and asa1. PFGE analysis of selected E. faecalis and E. faecium isolates demonstrated that cockroaches and house flies shared some of the same enterococcal clones that were detected in the swine manure indicating that insects acquired enterococci from swine manure. b. Animal Pathogens. House flies collected from each of 5 hog barns in North Carolina were examined for the presence of Campylobacter coli and Salmonella. Results indicate that house flies collected from swine barns carried Campylobacter coli and Salmonella was rarely collected. Although the prevalence of these bacteria was relatively low, these data illustrate that house flies may disseminate bacteria from within farm and likely are a source of contamination regardless of biosecurity efforts between farms. Furthermore these experiments suggest that house flies may function as a means to spread pathogenic bacteria between vertebrate hosts, i.e. swine to cattle or swine to poultry. This is particularly a concern for diversified farms that raise a variety of animals. Future studies are going to focus on the potential role of house flies in the dissemination of antibiotic or antimicrobial resistant bacteria among antibiotic free swine herds. Staphylococcus aureus mastitis among horn flies and stable flies collected on NC dairies. The horn fly is closely linked to the harborage and transmission of S. aureus, a common cause of bovine mastitis in North Carolina. The prevalence of mastitis, both clinical and subclinical infections and the difficulty of eradication of S. aureus from dairy herds motivated this inquiry into the stable fly as an alternate vector of S. aureus. Stable flies were readily infected with S. aureus in the laboratory and the bacterium was recovered from stable flies up to 12 hours and occasionally at 24 hrs post exposure. In field studies no S. aureus was isolated from farm collected stable flies, yet S. aureus was isolated from horn flies collected the same day on the same farms. In contrast to the laboratory study, fly collections from local farms displayed a lack of persistence and harborage of S. aureus in the stable fly. Objective 3. Improve management tactics for stable flies and house flies. a. Biological Control. The effect of Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) on selected fitness parameters of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans [L.]) was examined in the laboratory. Virus-injected stable flies of both genders suffered substantially higher mortality than control flies. Fecundity of control flies on days 6-9 was 49-54 eggs deposited per live female per day, whereas virus-injected flies produced 4-5 eggs per female on days 6-7 and <1 egg per female per day thereafter. Infected flies produced about 26% as many fecal spots as healthy flies. Virus-injected stable flies did not develop symptoms of salivary gland hypertrophy. PCR demonstrated virus replication in injected stable flies. MdSGHV in stable flies displayed tissue tropism similar to that observed in house fly hosts, with higher viral copy numbers in fat body and salivary glands compared to ovaries. Virus titers were 100x higher in house fly than in stable fly hosts, and this difference was probably due to the absence of salivary gland hypertrophy in the latter species. An improved method for surveying stable fly and house fly parasitoids was tested on Florida dairies. The method, which involves the use of pans of larvae in medium as well as pupae, was sensitive to species that are rarely collected using sentinel house fly pupae such as diapriids and small Spalangia species in the drosophilae group. b. Chemical control. House flies were shown to be both physiologically and behaviorally resistant to imidacloprid. Behavioral resistance was demonstrated following direct contact with sugar treated with imidacloprid. Resistant flies departed from treated sugar more rapidly than susceptible flies while consuming far less of the sugar-toxicant mix. It is hypothesized that contact with the material results in irritation to the flies which decreases feeding behavior and increases food abandonment behavior. Three new-to-science chemistries were identified and patents were filed. These chemistries (beta-damascone, cyclemone A and melafleur) have been shown to be effective against house flies and stable flies. House fly immatures were found to be highly sensitive to the JH analogue pyriproxyfen. Laboratory tests demonstrated that adult flies could be used as autodissemination vehicles to transfer pyriproxyfen to oviposition sites. To compliment chemical control, attractants and repellents are being evaluated in caged studies and in the field. Tests to determine the active compounds in stable fly feces, shown previously to be a relatively strong attraction to adults, are underway as are tests to determine the effectiveness of the feces when used in conjunction with the blue/black cloth targets. c. Insecticide Resistance Management. Studies have been completed on selection for resistance to imidacloprid, an insecticide used in house fly baits. Following >70% mortality selection pressure for 5 consecutive generations, imidacloprid resistance in a wild-caught, multi-source house fly colony reached 331-fold. Following each selection, survival in flies exposed to the commercial bait product in both choice and no-choice assays increased. A wild-caught stable fly colony was selected for resistance to permethrin over 5 alternate generations reaching 15-fold resistance. This colony was subjected to genetic analysis and the resistance mechanism has been determined as a sodium channel mutation.



Ahmad A, A. Ghosh, C. Schal, and L. Zurek (2010). Insects in confined swine operations carry a large antibiotic resistant and potentially virulent enterococcal community. BMC Microbiology 11:23. Calvo, M.S., Gerry, A., McGarvey, J., Armitage, T.L., Mitloehner, F.M. 2010. Acidification of calf bedding reduces fly development and bacterial abundance. Journal of Dairy Science. Vol. 93: p.1059-1064. Chakrabarti, S, S. Kambhampati, and L. Zurek (2010). Assessment of house fly dispersal between rural and urban habitats in Kansas, USA. Journal of Kansas Entomological Society 83:172-188. Doyle, M. S., B.N. Swope, J.A. Hogsette, H.M. Savage, and R.S. Nasci. 2010. Vector Competence of the Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) for West Nile virus. J. Med. Entomol. (in press). Geden, C. J., T. Steenberg, V.-U. Lietze, and D. G. Boucias. 2010. Salivary gland hypertrophy virus of house flies in Denmark: Prevalence, host range, and comparison with a Florida isolate. J. Vector Ecol. (in press). Geden,C. J., A. G. Maruniak, V.-U. Lietze, J. Maruniak, and D. G. Boucias. 2011. Impact of house fly salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) on a heterologous host, stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans). J. Med. Entomol. (in press). Gerry, A. C., Wayadande, A. C., Talley, J. L., Wasala, L. P. 2010. Protecting food crops from contamination with filth fly transmitted human pathogens. HortScience 45(8). p.S 33. Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Palm Springs, CA. Gerry, A.C., Mullens, B.A.Efficacy of dimilin for control of house flies in poultry and dairy manure. Arthropod Mangement Tests 35. (Submitted 11/15/2010). Gerry, A., Higginbotham, G., Pereira, L., Lam, A., Shelton, C. 2010. Evaluation of Surveillance Methods for Monitoring House Fly (Musca domestica) Abundance and Activity on Large Commercial Dairy Operations. Journal of Economic Entomology. (Submitted 10/20/2010.) Higginbotham, G., Gerry, A., Collar, C., Reed, L. 2010. Nuisance fly production capacity of three types of manure handling systems. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 93, E-Suppl. 1. p.610. Hogsette, J. A., R. Urech, P. E. Green, A. G. Skerman, M. M. Elson-Harris, R. L. Bright, and G. W. Brown. 2010. Nuisance flies on Australian cattle feedlots: Immature populations. J. Med. Vet. Entomol. (in press). Kaufman, P.E., R.S. Mann, and J.F. Butler. 2011. Insecticidal potency of novel compounds on multiple insect species of medical and veterinary importance. Pest Management Science 67: 26-35. Kaufman, P. E., S. Nunez, R. S. Mann, C. J. Geden and M. E. Scharf. 2010. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid insecticide resistance in house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) collected from Florida dairies. Pest Manag. Sci 66: 290294. Kaufman, P.E., S.C. Nunez, C.J. Geden, and M.E. Scharf. 2010. Selection for resistance to imidacloprid in the house fly (Diptera: Muscidae). Journal of Economic Entomology 103: 1937-1942. Lietze, V-U., A. M. M. Abd-Alla, M. Vreysen, C. J. Geden, and D. G. Boucias. 2011. Salivary gland hypertrophy viruses (SGHVs): a novel group of insect pathogenic viruses. Annual Review of Entomol. 56:63-80. Mann, R.S., P.E. Kaufman, and J.F. Butler. 2010. Evaluation of semiochemical toxicity to houseflies and stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Pest Management Science 66: 816-824. Mohr, R., Mullens, B. A., Gerry, A. 2010. Diel Patterns of Female Host-Seeking, Male Swarming, and Sugar Feeding in the Canyon Fly, Fannia conspicua (Diptera: Muscidae) in Southern California. Journal of Medical Entomology. (Accepted 10/13/2010. 27 manuscript pages.) Mohr, R., Mullens, B. A., Gerry, A. 2010. Evaluation of ammonia, human sweat, and bovine blood as attractants for the Canyon Fly, Fannia conspicua (Diptera: Muscidae), in southern California. Journal of Vector Ecology. (Submitted 05/27/2010.) Mullens, B. A. , Gerry, Alec. , Diniz, A. N. 2010. Field and Laboratory Trials of a Novel Metaflumizone House Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Bait in California. Journal of Economic Entomology. Vol. 103: 2 p.550-556. Peck, G. W., H. J. Ferguson, J. T. LePage, V. R. Hebert, S. D. ONeal, and D. B. Walsh. 2011. Evaluation of sunlight-exposed pyrethroid-treated netting for control of face fly (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Econ. Entomol. (submitted) Pitzer, J. B., P. E. Kaufman, C. J. Geden, and J. A. Hogsette. 2011. The ability of selected pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) to locate stable fly hosts in a soiled equine bedding substrate. Environ. Entomol. 40: 88-93. Pitzer, J. B. P. E. Kaufman, J. A. Hogsette, C. J. Geden and S. H. TenBroeck. 2010. Seasonal abundance of stable flies and filth fly pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) at Florida equine facilities. J. Econ. Entomol. (in press). Prompiboon P., V-U Lietze J. S. Denton, C.J. Geden, T. Steenberg and D. Boucias. 2010. Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus, a globally distributed insect virus that infects and sterilizes female houseflies. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 76: 994-998. Rochon, K, R. B. Baker, G. W. Almond and D. W. Watson. 2010. Assessment of Stomoxys calcitrans (Diptera: Muscidae) as a Vector of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. J. Med. Entomol. In Review. Taylor, D.B., and D. R. Berkebile. 2011. Phenology of Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Larvae in Round Bale Hay Feeding Sites in Eastern Nebraska. Environ. Entomol. [in press]. Schole, L.A., D.B. Taylor, and D.R. Brink. 2011. Response of growing calves to stable flies. The Professional Animal Scientist. [in press]. Taylor, D. B., R. D. Moon, J. B. Campbell, D. R. Berkebile, P. J. Scholl, A. B. Broce and J. Hogsette. 2010. Dispersal of stable flies (Diptera: Muscidae) from larval development sites in a Nebraska landscape. Environ. Entomol. 39: 1101-1110. Turell, M. J., D. J. Dohm, C. J. Geden, J. A. Hogsette, K. J. Linthicum. 2010. Potential for stable flies and house flies (Diptera: Muscidae) to transmit Rift Valley fever virus. J. Am. Mosq. Control Assoc. 26:445-448. Wasik, D., Gerry, A. 2010. Behavioral adaptations of house flies (Musca domestica L.) to avoid the insecticide imidacloprid. Undergraduate Research Journal, Vol. IV. . University of California, Riverside. p.39-43. (Refereed) Website: Extension Publications: Ferguson, H. 2010. Estimating horn fly density in your cattle herd. Washington Animal Agricultural Team Round-Up summer e-newsletter and Washington Cattlemens Association September newsletter Ketch Pen. Ferguson, H. J. Livestock: Beef cattle pests. Revised section for 2011 Pacific Northwest Insect Management Handbook, ( (also available in hard-copy) Gerry, A. 2010. New cattle ear tag for horn fly management. California UC Cooperative Extension Newsletters. Golombeski, G., J. Starcevich and R. D. Moon. 2010. Impact of bedding source on calf performance during summer. Dairy Star Newsletter. 1 p. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Animals: Fly Control in Livestock Facilities. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 30-31. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Beef Cattle External Parasite and Grub Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 32-46. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Dairy Cattle External Parasite and Cattle Grub Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 47-61. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Cattle Ear Tags. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 62. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Swine  External Parasite Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 63-66. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Horses  External Parasite Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 67-69. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Fly Control in Horse Facilities. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 69-70. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Sheep and Goats  External Parasite Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 71-72. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Poultry  Fly Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 73-75. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Poultry External Parasite Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 76. Hinkle, N.C. 2010. Poultry Housing Pest Control. 2010 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 77-78. Loftin, K.M. and R.F. Corder. 2010. Arthropod Pests of Equines (MP 484), University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service Pub. MP484-PD-6-10N, 14 pages. ( Loftin, K.M. 2010. Animal Insect Control 2011 Insecticide Recommendations for Arkansas (MP144). Edited by Glenn Studebaker, pp. 27-56. ( Loftin, K.M. 2010. Face Flies Appear on Cattle in North Arkansas. University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Pest Management News May 31, 2010. ( Loftin, K.M. 2010. New Insecticide Ear Tags. University of Arkansas Div. of Ag. Pest Management News July 31, 2010. ( Moon, R. D. 2010. Fly and pest control. 2010 Horse Owners Education Program, St. Paul, MN, 2 October. Thomas E., D. A. Rutz and J. K. Waldron. 2010. Integrated Pest Management Guide for Organic Dairies. NYS IPM Pub # 323, 23pp Presentations: Burrus, R.G., J.A. Hogsette, P.E. Kaufman, J.E. Maruniak, V. Mai, and A.H. Simonne. 2009. House fly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae), dispersal from and Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence on dairy farms in north central Florida. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 14, 2009. Burrus, R.G., J.A. Hogsette, P.E. Kaufman, J.E. Maruniak, V. Mai, and A.H. Simonne. 2010. Detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 on north-central Florida dairies with comparison of prevalence rates from house flies, manure and grain. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. Burrus, R.A., J.A. Hogsette, P.E. Kaufman, J.E. Maruniak, V. Mai, and A.H. Simonne. 2010. House fly, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) dispersal from and Escherichia coli O157:H7 prevalence on dairy farms in North Central Florida. 7th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop. St. Augustine, FL. March 23, 2010. Doyle, M.S., B.N. Swope, J.A. Hogsette, H.M. Savage and R.S. Nasci. 2010. Potential for mechanical and biological transmission of West Nile virus by stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans). 76th Annual meeting of the American Mosquito Control Association, Lexington, KY, March 28- April 1, 2010. Ferguson, H., D. Walsh, S. ONeal. Estimation of horn fly abundance with digital photography. Symposium paper. Annual Meeting of the Pacific Branch Entomological Society of America. Boise, ID, April 13, 2010. Ferguson, H. Integrated pest management for livestock on the small farm. Fair University, Central Washington State Fair, September 24 and October 2, 2010. Ferguson, H. IPM for cattle in Washington State: Summary of research and extension programs 2005-2010. Annual Meeting of the Washington Cattlemens Association. Cle Elum, WA, November 11, 2010. Ferguson, H., G. Peck, D. Walsh, and S. ONeal. Estimation of horn fly abundance with digital photography. Poster at the Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA, December 15, 2010. Geden, C. J. 2010. House fly SGHV: Prevalence in Denmark, host range, comparison of Florida and Danish isolates, and update on transmission. IAEA Workshop Improving SIT for Tsetse Flies through Research on their Symbionts and Pathogens, July 26-30, 2010, Nairobi, Kenya. Geden, C. J. 2010. Traps, attractants, targets and insecticides for house flies. DoD Pest Management Workshop, February 2010, Jacksonville, FL. Geden, C. J., T. Steenberg, V-U. Lietze, and D. G, Boucias. 2010. Salivary gland hypertrophy virus of house flies in Denmark: prevalence, host range, and comparison with a Florida isolate. Livestock Insects Workers Conference, June 2010, Knoxville, TN. Geden, C. J. and M. A. Doyle. 2010. Feeding ecology of house flies on dairies. Society of Vector Ecology Annual Meeting, Sept 26-30, 2010, Raleigh. NC. Geden, C. J. 2010. Impact of salivary gland hypertrophy virus on higher Diptera of medical and veterinary importance. Society of Vector Ecology Annual Meeting, Sept 26-30, 2010, Raleigh. NC. Gerry, A. C. "Waiter there is a fly in my soup". 19th Annual Urban Pest Management Conference. Riverside, CA. March 2010. Gerry, A. C., G. E. Higginbotham, and C. Collar. Nuisance fly production in dairy wastewater holding systems. Livestock Insect Workers Conference. Knoxville, TN. June 2010. Gerry, A. C., Wayadande, A. C., Talley, J. L., Wasala, L. P. Protecting food crops from contamination with filth fly transmitted human pathogens. Annual Conference of the American Society for Horticultural Science. Palm Springs, CA. August 2010. Gerry, A. C. Research update on arthropod pests of poultry. California Poultry Federation. Tulare, CA. September 2010. Gerry, A. C. Management of nuisance flies at confined animal facilities. San Joaquin Co. Environmental Health Dept. Stockton, CA. October 2010. Gerry, A., J. Talley, and A. Wayadande. Filth fly attraction to honeydew increases risk of pathogen contaminated food crops. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA. December 2010. Gerry, A. C. IPM of house flies on commercial dairies: monitoring changes in house fly activity. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA. December 2010. Guisewite, L., D. Bermudez, E. Susick, S. Thakur, and D. W. Watson. 2010. Potential of houser flies to transmit Salmonella and Campylobacter in an antibiotic free swine system. SOVE Meeting, Sept. 26, Raleigh, NC. Higginbotham, G. E., L. Periera, and A. C. Gerry. Nuisance fly production capacity of three types of manure handling systems. American Dairy Science Association. Denver, CO. July 2010. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. Poultry Ectoparasites and Environmental Pests. Georgia International Poultry Course, Athens, GA, February 3, 2010. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. Flies and Other External Parasites of Livestock in Georgia. 2010 Southeast Georgia Master Cattlemens Program, Douglas, GA, February 22, 2010. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. What Can I Do About Flies on My Cattle This Year? Lexington County Cattlemens Association, Gilbert, SC, May 17, 2010. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. What Can I Do About Flies on My Cattle and Horses This Summer? Richland County Cattlemens Association, Hopkins, SC, May 18, 2010. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. Fly Control. Pasture and Hay Land Management Educational Field Day, Lilburn, GA, September 7, 2010. Hinkle, Nancy C. 2010. Flies and External Parasites. 2010 Northwest Georgia Master Cattlemens Program, Newnan, GA, October 19, 2010. Hinkle, N.C. Not Just for the Birds: Poultry Pests and Community Consternation. Twenty-first Annual Meeting of the Alabama Vector Management Society, Auburn, AL, March 17-18, 2010. Hinkle, Nancy C. and Tanya McKay. The Future of Cooperative Extension and its Relationship with the Agricultural Experiment Station Scientist as Related to Control of Arthropods Affecting Livestock. 54th Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN, June 27-30, 2010. Hinkle, N.C. Houseflies May Contribute to Cases of Foodborne Illness. April Reese Sorrow, FACES, April 12, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. What are the best traps and methods to kill a fly? in the Armed Forces Pest Management Board Equipment Committee Symposium: Evaluation of fly traps under desert conditions. 2010 DoD Pest Management Workshop (Tri-Service Meeting), Jacksonville Naval Air Station, February 8-12, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Fly Biology (1 hr lecture), and Fly Management (1-hr lecture). Rose Pest Solutions Conference, Eagle Crest Conference Resort, Ypsilanti, MI, March 3-5, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Update on blue-black cloth targets for stable fly management: Size matters, or does it? 7th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop, St. Augustine, FL, March 23- 25, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Consultation Report for the Equipment, Pesticides and Medical Entomology Committees. 190th Armed Forces Pest Management Board Meeting, Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, Forest Glen Annex, Silver Spring, Maryland, April 20-22, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Survey and Management of Stable Flies at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. 54th Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, Tennessee, June 27-30, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Survey and Management of Stable Flies at the Smithsonian National Zoological Park. 7th International Congress of Dipterology, San Jose, Costa Rica, August 8-13, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Co-organized (with Chris Geden) the symposium Ecology of Higher Diptera in relation to Emerging Human and Animal Health Issues and presented the paper Complex of higher Diptera associated with livestock and poultry in Europe and the US and implications for transmission of zoonotic diseases in the symposium. Society for Vector Ecology, 42nd Annual Conference, Raleigh, NC, Sept 26-30, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Biology, ecology and control of Stomoxys calcitrans in the agricultural environment. XVI Congresso Brasileiro de Parasitologia Veterinária, Campo Grande, Brazil, October 8-18, 2010. Hogsette, J. A. 2010. Co-organized (with Justin Talley) the Section Symposium Tapping into the Diversity of Universities and USDA to Collaboratively Tackle Formidable Pests of Livestock through a Regional Project and presented the Summary and Conclusions for the symposium. Entomological Society of America, Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, December 12-15, 2010. Kaufman, P.E. 2009. Integrated pest management of house flies, Musca domestica L., on livestock facilities. 6th Asian-Pacific Congress of Entomology, Beijing, China. October 19-21, 2009. Kaufman, P.E. 2010. The role and future of universities in animal health product evaluations. 54th Annual Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. June 27, 2010. Kaufman, P.E., and J.B. Pitzer. 2009. Celebrating a lack of insecticide resistance in stable flies! 2009 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. December 15, 2009. Kaufman, P.E., S.C. Nunez, R.S. Mann, C.J. Geden, and M.E. Scharf. 2010. Nicotinoid and pyrethroid resistance in house flies from Florida dairies. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. June 29, 2010. Kaufman, P.E., S.C. Nunez, C.J. Geden, and M.E. Scharf. 2010. Selection for resistance to imidacloprid in the house fly. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. June 29, 2010. Kaufman, P. 2010. Insecticide resistance and management of house flies. 7th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Control Workshop, St. Augustine, FL. March 23, 2010. Kaufman, P.E. 2010. Dung beetle diversity and ecology on Florida cattle pastures following the introduction of several exotic species. Departmental Seminar, Entomology and Nematology Department, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL. March 18, 2010. Loftin, K.M. Horn Flies: Importance, Biology and Management. Four-States Agriculture Expo. Texarkana, AR. Feb. 11, 2010. Loftin, K.M. Management of Pasture and Premise Breeding Flies. University of Arkansas  Monticello. Monticello, AR Feb. 16, 2010. Loftin, K.M. Arthropod Pests of Beef Cattle. Hempstead County Cattlemens Association. Hope, AR. April 26, 2010. Loftin, K.M. Identification and Management of Cattle Pests. New Agriculture Agent Core Training. Pottsville, AR. May 2010. Loftin, K.M. Organic Fly Control Options. Southern Region SARE PDP Organic Dairy Study Tour. Beebe, AR. June 21, 2010. Loftin, K.M. Management of Pasture Breeding Flies. Sebastian County Conservation District. Mansfield, AR. July 19, 2010. Loftin , K/M. Horn Flies, Face Flies and Pinkeye. Carroll County Cattlemens Association. Berryville, AR. July 26, 2010. Moon, R. D. 2010. Process-based approaches to analysis of population dynamics data. Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Moon, R. D., D. B. Taylor and J. A. Hogsette. 2010. Dispersal of adult stable flies on a Nebraska landscape. Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Olafson, P., P.E. Kaufman, and J.B. Pitzer. 2009. Selecting for pyrethroid resistance in stable flies: screening the sodium channel for mutations associating with the resistant phenotype. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. December 15, 2009. Olfson, P.U., J.B. Pitzer, and P.E. Kaufman. 2010. Identification of a mutation associated with permethrin resistance in the para-type sodium channel of the stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. Periera, L., G. E. Higginbotham, and A. C. Gerry. Improving IPM of house flies at commercial dairy operations through pest monitoring and determination of nuisance threshold. 31st Annual Central California Research Symposium. Fresno, CA. April 2010. Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, J.A. Hogsette, C.J. Geden, and S.A. TenBroeck. 2010. Seasonal abundance of stable flies and filth fly pupal parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) at Florida equine facilities. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, and S.A. TenBroeck. 2010. Permethrin resistance status of the stable fly in Florida. Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Knoxville, TN. Pitzer, J.B., P.E. Kaufman, and C.J. Geden. 2009. Hymenopteran pupal parasitoids attacking filth flies in Florida. Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America. Indianapolis, IN. December 14, 2009. Rutz, D.A., P.E. Kaufman, and J.K. Waldron. 2009. Delivering scientific information in applied terms to our stakeholder colleagues. 2009 Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, Indianapolis, IN. December 15, 2009. Rutz, D. A. Fly Control in and around Animal Facilities: Current Challenges and Solutions to an Age Old Problem. Regional Spring Dairy Producer Meeting. Penn Yan, NY. March 10, 2010. Rutz, D. A. Fly Control in and around Animal Facilities: Current Challenges and Solutions to an Age Old Problem. Regional Spring Dairy Producer Meeting. Geneva, NY. March 17, 2010. Schuster, G., K. E. Moulton, P. R. Broadway, S. Willard, J. Behrends, and T. B. Schmidt. 2010. Use of a biophotonic E. coli XEN-14 to determine time of contamination in the life cycle of the house fly, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). 2010 ADSA®-PSA-AMPA-CSAS-ASAS Joint Annual Meeting, July 11-15, 2010, Denver, CO. Starcevich , J., R. Moon, B. Clymer, H. Chester-Jones and D. Ziegler . 2010. Choice of bedding material affects production of pestiferous stable flies and house flies in replacement heifer housing. 21st Annual (MOSES) Organic Farming Conference, 25-27 February, LaCrosse, WI. Waldon, J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Fly Camp I Video Conference with Penn State University. April 20, 2010. Waldron, J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Fly Camp II Webinar with Penn State University. June 18, 2010. Waldron. J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Pasture Fly IPM on Organic Dairies. Sherman Farms, Dryden, NY. Sponsored by the Northeast Organic Farming Association. June 11, 2010. Wasik, D. and A. C. Gerry. Behavioral adaptation of house flies (Musca domestica L.) to avoid the insecticide imidacloprid. Fourth Annual UCR Symposium of Undergraduate Research. Riverside, CA. May 2010. Watson, D. W., S. Denning, R. Lyman, and K. Anderson. 2010. Mastitis in dairy heifers: Prevalence of Staphyloccus aureus genotypes among NC horn fly (Haematobia irritans) populations. SOVE Meeting, Sept. 26, Raleigh, NC Watson, D. W. 2010. Pest management for goats and sheep. Feb. 27. NC Goat Producers, CVM. Watson, D. W. 2010. Fly Management in the Piedmont of NC. Lee Co. Cattlemans Assoc. Sanford, NC. Nov. 9, 2010.
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