SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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" Baker, Susan ( State University; " Barale, Karen( State University; " Betts, Nancy ( State University; " Forsythe, Hazel ( University of Kentucky; " Koszewski, Wanda ( of Nebraska-Lincoln; " McDowell, Joyce ( Ohio State University; " Misner, Scottie ( of Arizona; " Phelps, Josh ( Oklahoma State University; " Procter, Sandy ( State University; " Weatherspoon, David ( State University; " Wilson, Mary ( of Nevada-Reno; " Wong, Siew Sun ( State University; " Yerza, Kate ( of Maine; " Hamernik, Debra ( Administrative Advisor; " Welsh, Susan ( CSREES; " Phelps, Josh ( Oklahoma State University; " McGirr, Katie ( Colorado State University; " Hvalacek, Megan ( University of Nebraska;

NC 1169 Annual Meeting Minutes Summary Version October 14-16, 2010 Dr Deb Hamernik. Welcomed her to the workgroup as the new Administrative Advisor to NC1169. NC1169 will be undergoing a mid-term review in early 2011, completed by NCRA and multi-state research committee. Helen Chipman, National Program Leader for EFNEP. She provided an update on new reporting system to replace NEERS5. Katherine Cason (member of this group) and Clemson have the three year project to develop and implement the new online system. It would be wonderful if what comes from this group helps to guide the system. She met with Joanne Spahn, new division director for CNPP Evidence Analysis Library Division, they are currently undertaking a project focusing on Nutrition Education. Workgroup updates: Objective 1 and 2: Developed a survey based on grid developed at last annual meeting; sent to EFNEP coordinators with 35 responses; article drafted for submission to JOE. Working on the literature review keeps shifting focus. Plan is to set focus and finalize at this meeting. Conducting ASA24 Pilot are EFNEP participants capable at entering a 24-hour recall online (multi-pass method); also comparing online data entered with written 24 hr recall. Six states participating. Developing NIH RFA;focused on how to collect valid and reliable data from low-income individuals. Plan on submitting this summer. Objective 3: QOL survey pilot study completed. EFNEP paraprofessional, professionals, and community partners telephone interviews underway. Thirty-one interviews completed and transcribed to date. Still have to analyze interviews, and still have about 30 more interviews to complete. o 9 states on the original interview list, goal to have 2-3 paraprofessionals, 1-2 professionals, and 1-2 community partners from each state o States chosen based on EFNEP tiers Working on QOL lit review and methods of interview portion. Susan and Garry  have a new graduate student to focus on the QOL instrument for objective 3 and have also found a colleague at CSU who has focused on QOL and is just about to publish a review article that compares QOL instruments. Presentation on QOL Research on EFNEP Qualitative Data: Megan Hlavacek, MS Graduate Student, University of Nebraska presented her thesis project on the qualitative analysis of EFNEP qualitative data. She identified seven major themes. She is working on publication for the Journal of Public Health. The NC 1169 participants practiced with the ASA 24 and provided feedback to the Objective 1 and 2 workgroup. Meeting Accomplishments: Objective 1 and 2: Completed timeline with benchmarks; Reviewed budgets/funding ; Completed Impact Statement ; Develop one pager for R21 by the end of February for Josh to take to program officer at NIH in March; Letter of Intent in September for R21 with October submission; and Planned publications: " Survey of coordinators Jan 15 to JOE " ASA24 Pilot - June 1, 2011 " Lit review focus set and plan for publication in supplement style Objective 3: Time line completed with benchmarks; Developed proposal for session at SNE-finalize and submitted on Oct 21. Session will be cosponsored by KSU and FNEE. Three publications are to be done or submitted by next year. One on pilot, one on qualitative analysis - Feb, and on review of lit late Summer early Fall. Complete interviews by Feb, with analysis Feb-Oct. Proposal for session at EFENP Washington DC conference to share QOL with coordinators and also propose qualitative impact statements for nationwide data collect. Need Coordinator buy-in and suggest questions to consider when collecting data, what quantitative instrument will look like in future. And then collect data and do reliability/validity. Impact statement completed. Budget: Have money; not a lot but has enough to do a few things now: finish interviews, webinars, support grad students, plenary money for SNE and speaker costs. Annual report info completed. Publication guidelines were discussed. Committee to send out document to the NC 1169 committee for feedback. Participants agreed to meet in Nebraska on October 20-22, 2011. Mid-Year Electronic Meeting, March 25, 2011 at 9:00 PT/10:00 MT/11:00 CT/12:00 ET.


Accomplishment: In the past three years, Jan School has located 564 citations related to EFNEP research. The studies are specific to EFNEP though there are many worthy studies related to low-income families and nutrition education. A proposal was made to AgNIC (National Agricultural Library) for funding. Funding was acquired to put the citations on-line. She has met with the librarians at Penn State and the web developer and they are finalizing this effort. Output: An article in the Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal was accepted and will be published in the spring 11. This article outlines the process by which the studies were found and gives an analysis of 13 research questions based on the 564 citations. Accomplishment: Completed a survey of EFNEP Directors examining the challenges of conducting dietary assessments. Output: Survey was administratored and anlayzed. Publication is ready for submission for Spring, 2011. Accomplishment: Refocused and reassigned sections of literature review (objective 1) which will form the basis of an NIH grant proposal. Output: Publication is currently being drafted and will be sumbitted by Summer, 2011. Accomplishment: Developed pilot study with data collection currently underway to determine the feasibility of using electronic dietary assessments with EFNEP clients. Output: Study is in the implementation phase and completion timeline is Spring/Summer, 2011 with publication submission planned for Fall, 2011. Accomplishment: Completed data collection on the QOL Pilot. EFNEP participants on the QOL tool was primarily determined to be in "being" category and the paraprofessionals were in "belonging" category with both demonstrated significance in the "social" category belonging. Output: Masters thesis completed in August, 2010. Publication to be prepared for submission by Spring 2011. Accomplishment: Finished QOL on Success Stories. Thesis results presented at NC1169 annual meeting and shared with the National Office and administrative adviser. Output: Master student thesis completed in December, 2010. Publication to be prepapred for submission by Spring, 2011. Accomplishment: Quality of Life data were shared with National EFNEP office for consideration for potential use in the web-based EFNEP reporting system. Accomplishment: Present project results at the 2010 EFNEP Coordinators Meeting in Washington DC to federal and state EFNEP leaders. Have been invited to present an update of the NC 1169 project at the 2011 EFNEP Conference (February, 2011). Accomplishment: Develop and submitted a proposal on Quality of Life Research to the Society of Nutrition Education as a plenary/concurrent session. Accomplishment: QOL interviews, using instrument we piloted, are currently being conducted with exemplary paraprofessionals, EFNEP state coordinators and partners. Transcription of the interviews is also underway. Data collection (approximately 50% complete) is on schedule to be complete by Summer, 2011, with analysis done by Fall, 2011. Publications are targeted for submission by Winter, 2012.


  1. Quantified participant stories about experiences in and as a result of EFNEP as a measurable tool to determine impact of EFNEP upon participants QOL.
  2. Developed a model to synthesize participant stories about experiences in and as a result of EFNEP to determine impact of EFNEP on participants.
  3. Improved methods of determining dietary intake of low income adults through examination of dietary intake assessments and testing new methods.
  4. Improvements in nutrition education delivery through the EFNEP program due to more accurate and reliable measures of dietary intake and behavior.


Scholl, Jan, Paster, Amy, & Jankowski, Brianne. (2011). Establishing a research based for the Expanded Food and Nutrition Education Program. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal.(in press) Hlavacek, Megan. (2010) Qualitative Study to determine quality of life factors based on reported EFNEP Sucess Stories. University of Nebraska, Master Thesis. Bauer, Laura (2010) Assessment of the Quality of Life (QOL) Profile as an EFNEP evaluation tool. Colorado State University, Master Thesis. Four additional manuscripts are in the preparation stage
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