SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Present: University of California, Riverside - Jim Baird, Frank Wong, Jay Gan, Adam Lukaszewski, Darrel Jenerette, Antoon Ploeg, Robert Green, Alea Miehls, Brent Barnes, Vic Gibeault, Steve Cockerham, Steve Ries University of Guam  Greg Wiecko USDA-ARS  Don Suarez and Catherine Grieve (US Salinity Lab); Shaun Bushman (Forage and Range Research Lab) Oregon State University  Rob Golembiewski Colorado State University  Yaling Qian Utah State University  Paul Johnson New Mexico State University  Bernd Leinauer Texas A&M University  Milt Engelke University of Nebraska  Roch Gaussoin and Casey Wegner Iowa State University  Shui-zhang Fei University of Idaho  Tom Salaiz University of Arizona - Dave Kopec, Mary Olsen, and Kai Umeda University of Nevada Las Vegas  Dale Devitt Washington State University  Bill Johnston Industry  Virginia Lehman (Blue Moon Farm LLC); Larry Stowell and Wendy Gelernter (Pace Consulting)


Formal part of 2010 WERA 11 Meeting began with State Reports. The following States presented reports addressing accomplishments in research, extension and instruction: California  Jim Baird and Frank Wong Oregon  Rob Golembiewski Utah  Paul Johnson and Shaun Bushman New Mexico  Bernd Leinauer Texas  Milt Engelke Nebraska  Roch Gaussoin and Casey Wegner Iowa  Shui-zhang Fei Idaho  Tom Salaiz Arizona  Dave Kopec Washington  Bill Johnston Colorado  Yaling Qian Afterwards the group devoted considerable of time discussing most pressing turf management challenges in the West. Salinity and drought seem to continue as the most pressing issues shaping research and extension programs. Salt and drought tolerant turfgrasses for both hot and cool arid west were presented by Shaun Bushman and Paul Johnson and then discussed by the group. Issues of turfgrass breeding & genetics presented by Jim Baird (UC) and Milt Engelke (Texas A&M) Shui-zhang Fei (Iowa S.U.) generated lots of discussion and information exchange especially between scientist involved in turfgrass breeding & genetics program. Pest management issues were discussed under the leadership of turf weed scientist, turf entomologist and turf pathologist. New discoveries and new directions in research programs were shared by Frank Wong who updated the group on disease activity in the West, Kai Umeda on turfgrass entomology, Wendy Gelernter on billbug research, Antoon Ploeg on root knot nematode and Larry Stowell on root knot nematode sampling, distribution, and biocontrol. Mary Olsen updated her colleges on rapid blight research progress and Bernd Leinauer shared his expertise in turf weed control. In addition to research programs an innovative teaching and extension activities were shared by members of WERA 11. Overall, lots of information and interesting topics were discussed during formal and informal meetings. It was evident that WERA 11, Multistate Research and Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group, fulfilled the objectives of the 2010 annual meeting.


  1. Research activities concentrated mainly, but not exclusively, on solving applied problems for turfgrass managers. Recent advances resulting from research programs concentrated will have the most impact mostly on: 1) evaluation of new chemistries for use on turf; 2) genetic improvement and management of turfgrassses 3) work on the resistance to the fungal diseases Research conducted by WERA 11 will likely contribute to label changes for use of new chemistries on turfgrasses. Additional studies with genetical improvement of turfgrasses will result in more cost effective establishment and maintenance of athletic fields. Advanced work to identify plant-generated defense compounds in disease resistant clones will reduce fungicides needs and will also reduce the environmental impact of current disease control strategies.


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