SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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Salassi, Michael ( - LSU Agricultural Center; Paxton, Ken ( - LSU Agricultural Center; Deliberto, Michael ( - LSU Agricultural Center; Boucher, Robert ( - LSU Agricultural Center; Gillis, Gail ( - Mississippi State University; Falconer, Larry ( - Texas A&M University; Robinson, John ( - Texas A&M University; Welch, Mark ( - Texas A&M University; Crisp, Nathan ( - NASS, USDA; Gregory, Tommy ( - NASS, USDA; Hood, Ken ( - Mississippi State University; Spurlock, Stan ( - Mississippi State University; Watkins, Brad ( - University of Arkansas; Stark, Robert ( - University of Arkansas; Bryant, Kelly ( - University of Arkansas;

The 2010 Annual Meeting of SERA-35 met at South Toledo Bend State Park in Anacoco, Louisiana - May 26-28, 2010 The general purpose of the annual meeting is to provide opportunities for formal presentations of current research and extension activities, discussion of issues related to the commodity costs and returns budget generator program used by the various states to develop annual production cost estimates, and to provide opportunities for informal discussion on topics of interest to the group. Formal presentations at the 2010 meeting are listed below: (1.) Estimating Rice and Soybean Yield Potential by Planting Date for Whole Farm Management: Utilizing Observed Data from the Arkansas Research Verification Program (Terry Griffin, Brad Watkins, Bob Stark, Stewart Runsick, Ralph Mazzanti, Chris Grimes, Steve Kelley, Charles E. Wilson, II, and Jeremy Ross) (2.) Texas Cotton Harvester Investment Decision Aid (Larry Falconer and Jeanne Reeves) (3.) Update on Cotton Transportation/Flow Modeling (John Robinson) (4.) Impact of Herbicide Resistance on Conservation Tillage: A Whole-Farm Perspective (Kelly Bryant and Terry Griffin) (5.) Examining the Costs and Returns of Hybrid Rice Production in Southwestern Louisiana (Michael Deliberto and Michael Salassi) Next year's meeting will be held in Arkansas in late May, but the location has not been determined at this time.


Accomplishments for the current year include development and publication of projected commodity costs and returns budgets for major crops produced in the region. These reports are published by each state for the major crop enterprises in their region. A listing of these costs and returns reports for the 2010 crop year are listed in the publications section. Work also continued in 2010 on the development of a new version of the commodity budget generator. This work is being lead by the Agricultural Economics Department at Mississippi State University, with advice and input from the other states (Arkansas, Louisiana, Texas). The primary effort here is to move the program to a more up to date computer platform. This work will continue into 2011. Preliminary versions of this program are currently being evaluated by the respective states in SERA-35.


  1. The development and publication of current and reliable production cost estimates for major crop and livestock enterprises in the region serve a variety of purposes. They are used by producers in making farm planning decisions for the coming year. They are used by agricultural financial institutions in evaluating crops loans for producers. They form the foundation data based in a wide variety of agricultural production economics and farm management research and extension. The primary mission of this group is to provide that important information on an annual basis.


Anderson, John, John Byrd, Wayne Ebelhar, Eric Larson, Larry Oldham, and Glover Triplett, Corn, Grain Sorghum and Wheat 2010 Planning Budgets, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, Budget Report 2009-04, December 2009. Boucher, Robert W., and Jeffrey M. Gillespie, 2010 Projected Commodity Costs and Returns - Beef Cattle and Associated Forage Crop Production in Louisiana, LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, A.E.A. Information Series No. 268, January 2010. Boucher, Robert W., and Jeffrey M. Gillespie, 2010 Projected Commodity Costs and Returns - Crawfish Production in Louisiana, LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, A.E.A. Information Series No. 271, January 2010. Boucher, Robert W., Jeffrey M. Gillespie and Charles F. Hutchinson, 2010 Projected Commodity Costs and Returns - Dairy and Associated Forage Crop Production in Louisiana, LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, A.E.A. Information Series No. 269, January 2010. Flanders, Archie, Jeffrey Hignight, Scott Stiles, Tom Barber, Dave Freeze, Chris Grimes, Jason Kelly, Jeremy Ross and Charles Wilson, 2010 Crop Enterprise Budgets for Arkansas Field Crops Planted in 2010, University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture, AG-1259, December 2009. Hinson, Roger A., and James E. Boudreaux, 2010 Projected Commodity Costs and Returns - Louisiana Vegetable Crops, LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, A.E.A. Information Series No. 270, January 2010. Paxton, Kenneth W., 2010 Projected Commodity Costs and Returns - Cotton, Soybeans, Corn, Grain Sorghum and Wheat Production in Louisiana, LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, A.E.A. Information Series No. 267, January 2010. Riley, John Michael, Gordon Andrews, Jason Bond, Angus Catchot, Darrin Dodds, and Dan Reynolds, Cotton 2010 Planning Budgets, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, Budget Report 2009-02, December 2009. Riley, John Michael, Gordon Andrews, Nathan Buehring, and Tim Walker, Rice 2010 Planning Budgets, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, Budget Report 2009-05, December 2009. Salassi, Michael E., and Michael Deliberto, Projected Costs and Returns, Rice, Soybeans, Wheat and Sorghum, Southwest Louisiana, 2010, LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, A.E.A. Information Series No. 265, January 2010. Salassi, Michael E., and Michael Deliberto Projected Costs and Returns, Sugarcane, Louisiana, 2010, LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, A.E.A. Information Series No. 266 January 2010. Spurlock, Stan, Normie Buehring, Angus Catchot, and Trey Koger, Rice 2010 Planning Budgets, Department of Agricultural Economics, Mississippi State University, Budget Report 2009-03, December 2009. Texas A&M University, 2010 Estimated Costs and Returns - Cotton, Dryland, Herbicide Tolerant, Insect Resistant, B-1241(C2). Texas A&M University, 2010 Estimated Costs and Returns - Soybeans, B-1241(C8). Texas A&M University, 2010 Estimated Costs and Returns - Rice, B-1241(C9).
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