SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Participants: Roll Call Present, except as noted: Kattelman Guests: Melissa Olfert  West Virginia; Lisa Castle  Nebraska  Lincoln Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Rutgers Ginger Quick Susan Welsh, CSREES, USDA via polycom Sarah Colby, East Carolina University Ashley Person absent Tanda Kidd, Kansas State University Carrie Snyder Andrea Schrage Onikia Esters, Purdue University Kendra Kattelmann, South Dakota Tara Larson absent Geoff Greene, University of Rhode Island Jennifer Asslin absent Susan Nitzke, University of Wisconsin-Madison Michelle Johnson via polycom Mallory Koenings Sharon Hoerr, Michigan State University Megumi Murashima absent Wen Guo Melissa Reznar Beatrice Phillips, Tuskegee, Alabama Emma Owens Tanya Horacek, Syracuse, NY via polycom Katherine Deieso absent Adrienne White, University of Maine Jennifer (Roy) Walsh Gale Carey, University of New Hampshire Jesse Morrell Karla Shelnutt, University of Florida Ali Alrajhi Dennis SaviainoProgram administrator

Overview: This is the fourth year of a 5-year NC1028 multi-state project that focuses on college and non-college populations. The long-range goal is to develop a model based on a community-based participatory (CBPR) approach that integrates research, extension, and communities of the targeted population. We are currently in Phase 4 of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model and have completed Phases 2 & 3 this year. The long-range goal is to develop a Community Based Participatory Research (CBPR) model that integrates research, extension, and communities of the targeted population. Using the PRECEDE-PROCEED model of participatory research will help us to work with our target population to identify and prioritize the problems of significance to them, i.e. quality of life (Social Diagnosis); health/environmental/behavioral determinants (Health, Behavioral and Environmental Diagnosis); and predisposing, enabling and reinforcing factors (Educational and Ecological Diagnosis) which can then be connected to the most appropriate nutrition issues. We are in the process of developing an intervention desired by the target population and thus one that is sustainable. Participants: Roll Call Present, except as noted: Kattelman Guests: Melissa Olfert  West Virginia; Lisa Castle  Nebraska  Lincoln 1. Carol Byrd-Bredbenner, Rutgers Ginger Quick 8.Susan Welsh, CSREES, USDA via polycom 2. Sarah Colby, East Carolina University Ashley Person absent 9. Tanda Kidd, Kansas State University Carrie Snyder Andrea Schrage 3. Onikia Esters, Purdue University 10. Kendra Kattelmann, South Dakota Tara Larson absent 4. Geoff Greene, University of Rhode Island Jennifer Asslin absent 11. Susan Nitzke, University of Wisconsin-Madison Michelle Johnson via polycom; Mallory Koenings 5. Sharon Hoerr, Michigan State University Megumi Murashima absent , Wen Guo, Melissa Reznar 12. Beatrice Phillips, Tuskegee, Alabama Emma Owens 6. Tanya Horacek, Syracuse, NY via polycom Katherine Deieso absent 13. Adrienne White, University of Maine Jennifer (Roy) Walsh 7. Gale Carey, University of New Hampshire Jesse Morrell 14. Karla Shelnutt, University of Florida Ali Alrajhi 8. Dennis SaviainoProgram administrator Brief summary of meeting minutes: State PIs provided updates on activities. Update from Susan Welsh on USDA reorganization and programs. Committee Reports: Environmental audit update All training complete. States collecting data. Carol suggested looking at NIH RFA for environmental assessment. Melissa would like a copy of environmental assessment manual: NC1028 Renewal Committee (Kattelmann, Colby, Kidd, Shelnutt, Carey, Greene, Philips) Deadlines for new NC1028 project: Sept 15, 2010  request to submit proposal Oct 15, 2010  objectives Nov 15, 2010  completed Appendix E Dec 1, 2010  completed proposal Dec 15, 2010  review forms in NIMMS New objectives in last months minutes. Sarah sent out draft to writing committee. Melissa Olfert would like copy of draft to review. Partnership committee (Greene, Bredbenner, Walsh) No report; Publications/Roots& Shoots (Nitzke, Horacek, Walsh, Phillips) Walsh to submit BECS abstract to SNE not ISBNPA. Policy committee (Kattelmann,, White, Welsh, Nitzke) Savaiano and Welsh want to nominate our group for a multistate award. NIH Resubmit (Kattelmann) Kattelmann will resubmit at some point but not this semester. Needs to decrease # of pages to 12 and address reviewer comments. If it doesnt get scored or funded will resubmit to a different agency. Personality Grant (Colby, Shelnutt) Grant submitted successfully. BECS validation (White) Data collection for BECS validation complete. Have data from ~1283 respondents. Have large enough number to exclude incomplete data. Greene suggested randomly splitting sample and doing exploratory factor analysis with half and validate with the other. Used SPSS to analyze data. Walsh would like help interpreting data. Will send results to Greene, Esters, Kattelman, Koenings, Shelnutt NRI Intervention (Kattelmann) IRB Issues: " Esters needs NRI approval letter from all states. Missing Horaceks letter " Wisconsin needs approval letters for IRB approval for pilot. Messages (nudges): " All messages have been developed and cognitively tested. Precontemplators did not like messages. " Hard to engage precontemplators. Good to use humor. PA messages already finalized and sent to Sarah. Stress messages? Lessons: " Eating lessons have been started. Sent to committee for review. " PA & stress lessons will be done by Christmas. Make sure all the links work and they look like you want them to. " Kendra has written lesson one. Will guide participants through portal page. Messages (nudges) will take participants to portal page where they can view videos. Need link to activity with further info about message. Messages were originally taken from lessons. Instruments: " Need to finalize instruments to use " Would like to stage participants in lesson one. If this doesnt work will stage in surveys taken before the lesson. " Greene recommends to stage in one sitting and cut instruments.Quality of Life Instrument would be removed as a possible change to the stress instrument. Business: Lisa Franzen and Melissa Olfert were accepted into the group. A moratorium was placed on accepting new members. The group is getting too large for productive group work.


Activities and Accomplishments: Greene, White, Kattelmann, Horacek, Phillips, & Hoerr (NC1028 members) and Lohse & Shoff completed work on Project Webhealth, the web-based intervention developed on the on diet approach to prevent excessive weight gain in young adults. Kattelmann, Hoerr, Greene, White, Esters, Nitzke, Colby, Kidd, Byrd Bredbenner, Horacek, Phillips, and Shellnut started work (August 09-July 2012) Development of a Randomized Trial Guided by the Process of PRECEDE-PROCEED for Prevention of Excessive Weight Gain in Communities of Young Adults. Funded by USDA/CREES/NRI Integrated. Colby, Shellnut et al submitted Tailoring weight management behavior strategy recommendations for differing personality types to NIH. Environmental audit of campus for bikeability, walkability, grocery stores, eating establishments on and off campus, wellness facilities and availability of practices supporting healthful lifestyle practices were developed and implemented on each campus. A survey assessing for changeability and importance of the behaviors supporting healthful decisions was developed and implemented on each of the campuses. Analysis continues. Information from the survey was used in the development and tailoring of the intervention developed for NRI. Renewal committee is in process of drafting renewal.


  1. Twelve institutions conducted environmental audits measuring the campus infrastructure and support of physical activity and availability of healthful food choices for prevention of excessive weight gain.
  2. A survey was developed and implemented with greater than 1200 respondents assessing knowledge, desire to change, and importance to change their behaviors of physical activity and healthful food choices.
  3. A web-based curriculum supporting prevention of excessive weight gain through Health at Any Size paradigm was validated with greater than 2000 young adult participants for eight institutions.
  4. The development of a tailored, web-based curriculum to prevent excessive weight gain in young adults was initiated by thirteen institutions using the community based participatory research process of PRECEDE-PROCEED.


Publications: Refereed Journal Articles (2009)note those marked with * are graduate or undergraduate students that were mentored in manuscript submission. " Anderson, J.A., Kennedy-Hagan, K., Steiber, M.R., Hollingsworth, D.S, Kattelmann, K., & Stein-Arnold, C.L. Dietetics Educators of Practitioners and American Dietetic Association Standards of Professional Performance for Registered Dietitians (Generalist, Specialty/Advanced) in Education of Dietetics Practitioners. J. Amer. Dietetic Assoc. 2009;104:747-754.e14. " *Jensen R, Kattelmann K, Ren C, Wey H. The Efficacy of KidQuest: A Nutrition and Physical Activity Curriculum for 5th and 6th Grade Youth. J. Extension. 2009;43:article number 3FEA4 ( " *McCormick A, Kattelmann K, Ren C, Richards A, Wells K. Fun fruit and veggie event enhances acceptance of fruits and vegetables in school-aged children. Top. Clin. Nutr. 2009;3:252-261. " Kattelmann. K., Conti K, & Ren C. The Medicine Wheel Nutrition Intervention: A Diabetes Education Study with the Cheyenne River Sioux Tribe. J. Am. Dietetics Assoc. 2009:1532-1539. " Greaney, M.L., Lees, F.D., White, A.A., Dayton, S.F., Riebe, D., Blissmer, B., Shoff, S., Walsh, J., Greene, G.W. 2009. College Students' Barriers and Enablers for Healthful Weight Management: A Qualitative Study. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41:281-286. " Walsh, J.R., White, A.A., Greaney, M.L. 2009. Using focus groups to identify factors affecting healthy weight maintenance in college males. Nutr. Res.29:371-378. " Cole R and Horacek T. Effectiveness of My Body Knows When Non-Dieting Weight Management. Pilot Program Am J Health Behav. 2010;34(3):286-297 " Cole R and Horacek T. Applying PRECEDE PROCEED to develop an Intuitive Eating Non-Dieting Approach to Weight Management. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, Volume 41, Issue 2, March-April 2009, Pages 120-126 " Colby, S.E., Johnson, L., Eickhoff, A., & Johnson, A. Promoting Community Health Resources: Preferred Communication Strategies. Health Promotion Practice. April,2009. " Colby, S.E., Johnson, L., Cutrell, S., & Haldeman, L. Portion Size Estimation Error Among Newly Arrived Latino Immigrants. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. April-June, 2009; 24(2):139-144. " Colby, S.E., Morrison, S., Haldeman, L., What Changes as We Move? A Transnational Exploration of Dietary Acculturation. Ecology of Food and Nutrition. July, 2009; 48(4):327-343. " Pawlak, R. & Colby, S.E. (in press, 2009). Benefits, barriers, self-efficacy, and knowledge regarding healthy foods: Perceptions of African Americans living in eastern North Carolina. Journal of Nutrition Research. " Pawlak, R & Colby, S.E. Beliefs, benefits, barriers, attitudes, intakes and knowledge about peanuts and tree nuts among WIC participants in eastern North Carolina. Nutrition Research and Practice. 3:3 Autumn, 2009, p,220-225. " Burke JD, Reilly RA, Lofgren IE, Morrell JS. The University of New Hampshire's Young Adult Health Risk Screening Initiative. J Am Diet Assoc. 2009;109:1751-8. " Carey, Gale B (2010) Integrative Metabolism: An interactive learning tool for nutrition, biochemistry and physiology. Journal of College Science Teaching, in press. " Dunn, Rebecca L. and Carey, Gale B. (2010) Developing a biomonitoring educational pamphlet for potential participants in a breast milk biomonitoring study. J. Human Lactation, in press. " Kakarala M, Keast DR, Hoerr SL. School childrens consumption of competitive foods and beverages, excluding a la carte. Journal of School Health. (Accepted) " Hoerr SL, Hughes S, Fisher J, Nicklas T, Liu Y, Shewchuk RM. Associations between parental feeding styles and childrens food intake in families with limited incomes. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. 2009;6:55. " Hoerr SL, Nicklas T, Liu Y, Franklin F. Predictors of calcium intake in mother-child dyads from ethnically diverse families with limited incomes. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 2009:109:1744-1750. " Shelnutt KP, Bobroff LB and Diehl DC. MyPyramid for Older Adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 2009;41(4):300-2. Publications: Abstracts/Proceedings/Book Chapters/Professional meeting presentations/Other " Shoff, S.M., Nuss, E., Horacek, T., Boyle, C., Lohse, B., Patterson, J., Krall, J., White, A., Mathews, D., Schembre, S., and Greene, G. 2009. Sleep quality is associated with eating behavior in 18-24 year old college students. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41: S8-S9. " Mathews D, White A, Shoff S. 2009. Effect of Sleep Quality on Quality of Life and Anthropometrics in 18-24 Year Old University of Maine College Students. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41:S34. " Herrick, M, Kattelmann, K., Wey, H., Greene,G., White,A., Hoerr, S., Horecek, T., Lohse, B., Patterson, J., Phillips, B., Shoff, S., Boyle, C. 2009. Association between participant baseline characteristics and time spent on WebHealth Lessons. J. Nutr. Educ. Behav. 41:S32-S33. " Lohse, B., Stotts, J.L., Patterson, J., Horacek, T., Do, M, White, A., Greene, G. 2009. Development of a web-based module about eating competence for low-income audiences. FASEB J. 23:550.7. " Griffith, L., Anderson, J., Betts, N., Brunt, A., Campbell, C., Canter, D., Harris, M., Kattelmann, K., & Schnepf, M. Multi-institutional delivery of internet-based graduate education to dietetics professionals. J. Amer. Dietetics Assoc. 2009:109;A17 " Herrick, M., Kattelmann, K., Wey, H., White, A.,Hoerr, S., Horacek, T., Lohse, B., Patterson, J., Phillips, B., Schoff, S., Boyle, C., & Greene, G.l Association between participant baseline characteristics and time spent on WebHealth lessons. J Nutr Educ. & Behavior 2009;41:S33-34. Poster presentation, Society for Nutrition Education, July 2009. " McCormick, A., Kattelmann, K., Ren, C., Richards, A., & Wells, K. Fun fruit and veggie event enhances acceptance of fruit and vegetable in school aged children. J. Amer. Dietetics Assoc. 2009:109;A83. " Horacek T, Byrd-Bredbenner C, Colby SE, Hoerr S, Johnson M, Kidd T Phillips B, Walsh J. Healthy Vending Snacks on 10 College Campuses: A Comparison of Nutrient Density Scores Experimental Biology 2010 (Abstract in Review) " Boyle-Dour C, Horacek T, Brann L, Raj S, Shoff S. Process Evaluation of Project WebHealth: Behavior Change Intervention for Obesity Prevention in Young Adults American College of Sports Medicine 2010 (Abstract in Review) " Herrick M, Kattelmann K, Wey H,White A, Hoerr S, Horacek T, Louse B, Paterson J, Phillips B, Shoff S, Boyle C, and Greene G. Association Between Participant Baseline Characteristics and Time Spent on WebHealth Lessons. Society for Nutrition Education, New Orleans LA, July 11-15, 2009. " Lohse B , Krall JS , Patterson J , Horacek T , Do M , White A , Greene G Development of a web-based module about eating competence for low-income audiences . Society for Nutrition Education, New Orleans LA, July 11-15, 2009. " Horacek T, and Bower K Description and Evaluation of ORANGE WRAP: Peer Nutrition Education Program . New York State Dietetic Association Meeting Rye, NY May 4-5, 2009. " Erdman M and Horacek T, An Assessment Of The Eating And Food Environment Of College Students Using Modified Nutrition Environment Measures Surveys. New York State Dietetic Association Meeting Rye, NY May 4-5, 2009. " Horacek T, and Marco, A. Vending Machines on Campus: Are there healthy options? New York State Dietetic Association Meeting Rye, NY May 4-5, 2009. " Colby, S.E., Gross, K., Heidal, K. Consumer Attitudes and Practices with Nutrition Labeling in Grocery Stores and on Menus Society for Nutrition Education Annual Symposium, July 2009. " Colby, S.E., Heidal, K., Johnson, C., Taft, S., Gross, K., Influence of Differing Types and Formats of Menu Labeling Experimental Biology, April 2009. " Pawlak, R. & Colby, S.E. Perception of eating nuts by WIC participants from rural North Carolina. Experimental Biology. April 2009 " Colby, S.E. Emerging Menu Labeling Policies and the Obesity Epidemic Healthy Weight Pediatric Obesity Summit. March 2009 " Colby, S.E. Nutrition Labeling on Restaurant Menus North Carolina Dietetic Association Conference. March 2009 " Pace, RD, Eaves, DH, Dawkins, NL, Bovell-Benjamin, A., Huang, Z, Phillips, BW, Oh, J-H, Bromfield, E., and Sohail, S. 2009. Nutrition Awareness, Education and Action to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease. 42nd Annual Meeting Society for Nutrition Education,New Orleans, LA, July, 2009. " Dawkins, NL. Pace, RD, Phillips, BW. 2009. The use of herbal supplements among rural African-Americans participating in a cardiovascular disease prevention program. FASEB Annual Meeting, New Orleans, April, 2009. " Colinet, D, Phillips, B, Durazo, R, Cao, G, Luke, A, Dawkins, NL, Siaway, A., 2009. The Impact of Food Stamp Usage on Mortality Rates in the United States, UAB Health Disparities Symposium, Birmingham, AL April, 2009. " Morrell JS, Burke JD, Reilly RA, Lofgren IE. Metabolic syndrome risk is associated with higher CRP levels in young adults. Oral presentation. Experimental Biology 2009, New Orleans, LA. " Hoerr SL, Long K, Guo W, Reznar M, Murashima, M. How well does Michigan State Universitys campus support physical activity? International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity annual meeting 2009. Lisbon, Portugal, July 2009 " Guo W, Long K, Reznar M, Murashima, M, Hoerr SL. How well do campus buildings support healthy eating? Society of Nutrition Education annual meeting 2009. New Orleans, LA. Jun 2009; Michigan Dietitian Association annual meeting 2009. Grand Rapids, MI. May 2009. " CJ, Hoerr SL, Abdulkadri A, Miller S, LaShore M, Martin K, Newkirk C. Factor analysis of EFNEP Behavior Checklist reveals six constructs. Society for Nutrition Education, New Orleans, LA, 2009. " Hoerr SL. Grow your Kids with fruit and veggies, 12 postcard size, full color notecards for parents of preschool children on appropriate feeding control for good health based on USDA, FNSs Maximizing the Message, 2008. Reading level is grade 4.4. Published by MSU Extensions, Michigan Nutrition Network in 2009, 18,000 first printing. " Hoerr SL. Pediatric Nutrition Screening Form, a one page nutrition assessment form for limited income parents of preschool children to complete in well child visits. Developed in response to need and in collaboration with local pediatricians. Reading level is grade 2.2. Published by MSU Extensions Michigan Nutrition Network in 2009, 6,000 first printing. " Quick, V., Weiner, A., Shu, E., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2009) Promotion of Physical Activity: An Evaluation of Buildings Frequently Used By Students at Rutgers University New Brunswick. New Jersey Dietetic Association, New Brunswick, May. " Quick, V., Weiner, A., Shu, E., Johnson, E., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2009) Rutgers University (New Brunswick) Support for Physical Activity and Obesity Prevention: An Assessment of Campus Walk-Ability and Bike-Ability. New Jersey Dietetic Association, New Brunswick, May. " Quick, V., Weiner, A., Shu, E., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2009) Physical Activity: Do Rutgers University New Brunswick Campus Buildings Promote It? Rutgers University Nutritional Sciences and Animal Sciences Graduate Student Annual Conference, New Brunswick, April. " Quick, V., Weiner, A., Shu, E., Johnson, E., and Byrd-Bredbenner, C. (2009) The Walk-Ability and Bike-Ability of Rutgers University New Brunswick. Rutgers University Nutritional Sciences and Animal Sciences Graduate Student Annual Conference, New Brunswick, April. " Chester, D.N., Weatherpoon, L., Kidd, T. (2009). African American Food Practices. In: Goody, C.M., Drago, L. Cultural Food Practices/Diabetes Care and Education Dietetic Practice Group. Chicago, IL. American Dietetic Association. p. 28-41. " Kattelmann K, Greene G, Hoerr S, Welsh S, White A. A Non-Diet Curriculum for Obesity Prevention in Young Adults: Design and Outcomes. 42nd Annual Conference. New Orleans, LA. July 11  15, 2009 Thesis " Mia Jill Courtemanche, Assessment of Change in Fruit and Vegetable Intakes and Exercise Behavior of College Students Following an Online Intervention. 2009. " Becky JensenThesis, Efficacy of Kid Quest in promoting healthful diet and activity in 5th and 6th grade children. May 2009. " Jennifer MayThesis, Use of ARCS Model to evaluation of web-based lifestyle lessons for 18-24 year olds. December 2009. " Jessica RemingtonThesis, Effects of NICU environment on nutrition outcomes in neontates. May 2009. " Kelsey LiknessThesis, Quality of life issues and their influence in maintaining a healthful diet in the 18-24 year. December 2009. " Minette HerrickThesis, Effect of dose from web-based curriculum in influencing healthful lifestyle patterns. May 2009. " Kathryn DeIeso, Validation of campus wellness scoring tool. 2009- " Maria Erdman, Evaluation of the campus food/dining environment 2007-2009 " Colleen Dour Effectiveness Evaluation of WEBHEALTH 2007-2009 Publications: Refereed Journal Articles Submissions in Review " Greene, G., White, A., Schembre, S., Shoff, S., Riebe, D., Patterson, J., Lohse, B., Phillips, B., Kattelmann, K., & Hoerr, S. College Students Differ in Weight Related Behaviors and Cognitive Variables by Gender and Relative Weight Status. Submitted to J. Am. Dietetic Assoc. " Colby, S.E., Wall-Bassett, E., Paulson, M., & Johnson, L. (in press, March 2010). Reaching North Dakota's Food Insecure. Journal of Hunger & Environmental Nutrition. " Colby, S.E., LuAnn, J., Scheet, A., & Hoverson, B. (in press, Spring 2010). Nutrition Marketing on Food Labels. Journal of Nutrition Education & Behavior. " Colby, S.E., Johnson, L. (in press, Spring 2010) Macronutrient Intakes and Waist Circumference. Topics in Clinical Nutrition.
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