SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Ira Altman, Southern Illinois University  Carbondale; Kendra Arrington, Purdue University; Gregory Baker, Santa Clara University; Emine Bayar, University of Kentucky; Jennifer Bond, Colorado State University; Elicia L. Chaverest, Alabama A&M University; Duncan M. Chembezi, Alabama A&M University; Aubrey Chineu, University of Florida; Dennis Conley, University of Nebraska  Lincoln; Frank Dooley, Purdue University; W. Scott Downey, Purdue University; Claudia Dumitrescu, Arizona State University; Thorsten Egelkraut, Oregon State University; Wes Harrison, Louisiana State University; Lindsey Higgins, Texas A&M University; Aaron Johnson, University of Idaho; Nathanial Joy, Texas A&M University; Phil Kenkel, Oklahoma State University; Wycliffe Kumwenda, University of Florida; Michael H. Lau, Sam Houston State University; Kerry Litzenberg, Texas A&M University; Tadayoshi Masuda, University of Illinois at Urbana  Champaign; Eric Micheels, University of Illinois; Desmond Ng, Texas A&M University; William Nganje, Arizona State University; Lia Nogueira, University of Illinois; Brent Ross, Michigan State University; Forrest Stegelin, University of Georgia; Ruby Ward, Utah State University; John Wells, USDA Rural Development; Glen Whipple, University of Wyoming; Jared Wolfley, AgriNorthwest; Timothy Woods, University of Kentucky; Allen Wysocki, University of Florida; Pei Xu, New York State University at Morrisville.

Summary of Annual Meeting Faculty and graduate students from twenty four universities, a USDA representative, an industry executive and representative participated in the 2010 WERA-72 annual meeting, held at Santa Clara University in the Leavey School of Business, June 13th-15th, 2010. The program agenda, business meeting agenda and treasurers report are attached in appendices A, B and C respectively. The annual meeting featured an industry speaker, eight paper sessions and one panel discussion. In initiating this years annual meeting, Peter Thor, President of Bellisimo Foods, was this years invited industry speaker. His presentation, titled Emerging Agribusiness Issues for Research and Instruction, examined the strategic challenges raised by the increasing consolidation of the agribusiness industry. As agribusiness supply chains have been subject to increasing concentration over some time, such a topic is particularly relevant. His focus was on the distributional implications of concentration in which an emphasis on cost efficiencies in logistics is primary to their ability in competing with the larger and more established distributors, such as SYSCO foods. In building upon the supply chain aspects of Peters presentation, a paper session titled Renewable Fuel Supply Chains followed. This included three paper presentations that were titled BioFuels, Energy Prices, and Supply Chains (University of Nebraska-Lincoln), The Effect of Ethanol on Transportation Flows and Modes (Purdue University), and Product Willingness and ability to Supply Biomass (Southern Illinois University Cabondale). Each of these presentations introduced various pricing, logistics and consumer related challenges of the alternative fuel market. The subsequent paper session on Agribusiness Economics and Strategy also continued with an alternative fuel theme. In particular, a paper titled, Economic, Marketing, Environmental and Financial Opportunities for Biogas Recovery Systems (University of Georgia) examined the financial and cost related factors impacting the economic viability of Biogas recovery systems. This session was then concluded by a presentation titled, Determinants of Biotechnology Product Performance: Absorptive Capacity and Alliances (Texas A&M University). In this presentation, product innovation has been attributed to biotechnology firms ability to not only assimilate external knowledge experiences, but also to manage different types of alliance partnership. As agribusiness teaching has become increasingly recognized as an important component of agribusiness faculty responsibilities, a panel and paper session on teaching followed. Specifically, in building upon interest from last years meeting, these sessions focused on teaching tools and methods for Millennial students, with a distinct focus on the use of new teaching technologies. The subsequent paper sessions examined various other aspects of agribusiness that included cooperatives, agribusiness and market development in developing economies, and marketing strategies of local food products. The remaining session ended with current issues in agribusiness with a theme on food safety and traceability. For a full listing of paper sessions, please see Appendix A. There are two notable distinction of this years annual meeting. Wes Harrison (former WERA-72, 2009 Chair) and Desmond Ng (WERA-72, 2010 Chair), have completed the coordination of a special issue titled the Pluralism of Agribusiness for the International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. We have completed our first round of the review process in which 10 paper proposals have been accepted and will be advanced into the next stage of the review process. We anticipate these papers will serve in not only highlighting the frontiers of agribusiness research but also outline some of the defining features of this field. This special issue thereby serves the broader goals of WERA-72 in advancing the research of agribusiness. Another distinction in this years meetings is that Greg Baker and Jessica Gagnon of Santa Clara University had coordinated this years winery tour of the Sonoma Valley. The Winery tour was well attended and received. The membership has expressed interest in continuing such activities in future meetings. Minutes for the 2010 WERA-72 Annual Business Meeting June 15th, 2010 Annual Meeting Dates: June 13-15, 2010 Lucas Hall, Santa Clara, CA Chair: Dr. Desmond Ng Vice Chair: Dr. Tim Woods Secretary: Dr. Brent Ross Treasurer: Brent Gloy (absent) 1. Desmond Ng called the business meeting to order at 4:45 pm on Monday, June 14th. Old Business Items 2. Wes Harrison motioned to approve the minutes from the 2009 WERA-72 Business Meeting; seconded by Scott Downey. 3. Desmond Ng (on behalf of Brent Gloy) provided and distributed the 2010 Treasurers Report (see Appendix C). It was noted that a $6000 cash float will be needed for the Las Vegas meetings in 2011. Desmond further noted that the WERA-72 account will be moved from Cornell to Purdue in the coming year. 4. Three student travel scholarships were awarded. The recipients were introduced. New Business Items 5. The dates for the 2011 meeting in Las Vegas (Excalibur) were discussed. Dates proposed included: June 6th-7th, June 9th-10th, and June 13th-14th. Al Wysocki motioned to have the meeting tentatively scheduled for June 13th-14th in Las Vegas; second by Wes Harrison and approved unanimously by membership. 6. The location for 2012 meetings was discussed. Desmond Ng noted that there was interest from IAMA to hold a joint conference in Las Vegas or Cancun. Several pros/cons were considered including the challenges of registration cost differences, potential scale economies in accommodation, and the established working relationship with Excalibur in Las Vegas. It was also suggested that new locations would provide opportunities to see other things on industry tours. Scott Downey expressed that Purdue would be interested in hosting the 2012 meetings. Aaron Johnson motioned that the 2012 meetings be held in West Lafayette, IN; Al Wysocki seconded the motion. The motion was passed unanimously by the membership. 7. Nominations for executive committee. Tim Woods will serve as Chair and Brent Ross as Vice-Chair in the coming year. Lia Nogueira and Lindsay Higgins were nominated for the open secretary position. The nominees were introduced. Lindsay Higgins was elected secretary by the membership. 8. Desmond Ng called the memberships attention to the Call for Papers for the IFAMR Special Issue on Agribusiness Pluralism. Wes Harrison encouraged members to participate and mentioned the consistency of the special issue with the mission of the WERA-72 group. 9. The membership was reminded to send a list of impact activities to Desmond Ng within 60 days after the 2010 annual meeting so that the measurable outcomes of the group could be reported in the annual report. 10. Eric Micheels motioned to adjourn the meeting; seconded by Brent Ross. Meeting adjourned.


Presentations, and Awards " Ng, D., Salin, V., Jones, E. 2010. A Pluralistic View of the Economics and Management of Food Safety, IAMA 2010 Annual Meetings. "Ng, D. 2010. Determinants of Biotechnology Product Performance: Absorptive Capacity and Alliances, WERA-72 2010 Annual Meetings. "Ng, D. 2010. The Value of Strategic Alliances in the Biotechnology Industry, NARIS Network for Applied Research and Innovation in Sustainable Rural Development and Competitiveness  Conference, Olds, Alberta. " Monteiro, N., I. Altman, Sajal Lahiri, Understanding The Link Between Ethanol Production and Food Prices, Presented at the VII International PENSA Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil November, 26-28th, 2009. (Presenter N. Monteiro) " Altman, I., and T. Johnson. Sensitivity Analysis on Financial and Economic Impacts: A Biopower Case Study, Presented at the Electric Utility Environmental Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 1-4, 2009. (Presenter I. Altman) " Altman, I., and T. Johnson. Sensitivity Analysis on Financial and Economic Impacts: A Biopower Case Study Presented at the Electric Utility Environmental Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 1-4, 2009. (Presenter I. Altman) Awards " Baker, G.A. a Fellow of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, 2009. Conley, Dennis M. Corn, Fuel Prices & the Distribution of Distillers Grains from Ethanol Agribusiness Research Emphasizing Competitiveness and Profitability, WERA-72. June 14-15, 2010. Santa Clara, California. "Conley, Dennis M. U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission vs. Risk Management Service Company. Agribusiness Research Emphasizing Competitiveness and Profitability, WERA-72. June 14-15, 2010. Santa Clara, California. Zeng,Y.C., Pei Xu, Yuanyuan Liu and Quentin Fong Do Safety Inspection and Eco-labeling Matter in Predicting Chinese Consumers Preferences for Seafood: Survey Results from Beijing, China? Chinese Economists Society, Annual Conference, selected paper presentation, June 19-21, 2010, Xianmen, China. "Shi Zheng, Pei Xu and Bei Cao Pricing Efficiency of Chinas Soybean Futures Market, selected paper presented at the Chinese Economic Development Forum, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, March 5, 2010. Awards " Xu, Pei, 2010 Outstanding Reviewer, the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2010. " Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow. The Moderating Effects of Channel Trust and Commitment on Market Orientation, Value Discipline Clarity, and Firm Performance. IAMA World Forum and Symposium, Boston, MA, June 19-22, 2010. " Ross, B.R. and Micheels, E.T. "The Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Farm Performance: The Case of the Illinois Beef Industry." Paper Presented at WERA-72 Meetings, Santa Clara, CA, June 13-14, 2010. "Nogueira, L. Revenue and Welfare Effects of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Barriers to Trade on Apples." Selected Paper Session, AAEA Annual Meetings, July 2010. " Nogueira, L., "Food Import Refusals: Evidence from the European Union." Invited Session Paper, AAEA Annual Meetings, July 2010. " Nogueira, L., "Welfare Implications of Washington Wheat Breeding Programs." WERA-72 Annual Meeting, June 2010. " Nogueira, L.,"The Trade Diversion Effects of Food Import Refusals: Are We Exporting Our Food Safety Issues?" Invited Seminar Illinois State University, April 16th, 2010. " Nogueira, L.,"The Trade Diversion Effects of Food Import Refusals: Are We Exporting Our Food Safety Issues?" International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting, December 2009. Awards " Micheels, E.T. Best Paper. 2010 IAMA World Forum and Symposium, Boston, MA, June 19-22, 2010. Johnson, Aaron J. and Rodney Holcomb. "Expanding the Shepherd's Grain Brand: The Crossroads of Economics and Sustainability." Annual Meeting, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Denver, Colorado. July 25-27, 2010. *Detre, Joshua D., Aaron J. Johnson, and Allan W. Gray. "Innovativeness and Innovation: Implications for the Renewable Materials Supply Chain." Agribusiness and Economic Management Section Track Session: "The Nascent Bioeconomy for Industrial Markets: Green Goes from Plant Material to Spandex." Annual Meeting, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Denver, Colorado, July 27, 2010. *Detre, Joshua D., Aaron J. Johnson, and Allan W. Gray. "Innovativeness and Innovation: Implications for the Renewable Materials Supply Chain." 20th Annual World Symposium, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Boston, Massachusetts, June 19, 2010. * Johnson, Aaron J. and Scott Downey. "Transition of Sales Force from Sales Minded to Marketing Minded: Lessons for the Classroom." Western Education/Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness (WERA 72). Santa Clara, California. June 14, 2010. Johnson, Aaron J. Discussant. "Performance Implications of Sustainability Initiatives in Agri-Food Companies." Agribusiness Economics and Management Section Tract Session. Annual Meeting, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. July 25-27, 2010. " Ng, D., Salin, V., Jones, E. 2010. A Pluralistic View of the Economics and Management of Food Safety, IAMA 2010 Annual Meetings. "Ng, D. 2010. Determinants of Biotechnology Product Performance: Absorptive Capacity and Alliances, WERA-72 2010 Annual Meetings. "Ng, D. 2010. The Value of Strategic Alliances in the Biotechnology Industry, NARIS Network for Applied Research and Innovation in Sustainable Rural Development and Competitiveness  Conference, Olds, Alberta. " Monteiro, N., I. Altman, Sajal Lahiri, Understanding The Link Between Ethanol Production and Food Prices, Presented at the VII International PENSA Conference, Sao Paulo, Brazil November, 26-28th, 2009. (Presenter N. Monteiro) " Altman, I., and T. Johnson. Sensitivity Analysis on Financial and Economic Impacts: A Biopower Case Study, Presented at the Electric Utility Environmental Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 1-4, 2009. (Presenter I. Altman) " Altman, I., and T. Johnson. Sensitivity Analysis on Financial and Economic Impacts: A Biopower Case Study Presented at the Electric Utility Environmental Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, February 1-4, 2009. (Presenter I. Altman) Awards " Baker, G.A. a Fellow of the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, 2009. Conley, Dennis M. Corn, Fuel Prices & the Distribution of Distillers Grains from Ethanol Agribusiness Research Emphasizing Competitiveness and Profitability, WERA-72. June 14-15, 2010. Santa Clara, California. "Conley, Dennis M. U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission vs. Risk Management Service Company. Agribusiness Research Emphasizing Competitiveness and Profitability, WERA-72. June 14-15, 2010. Santa Clara, California. Zeng,Y.C., Pei Xu, Yuanyuan Liu and Quentin Fong Do Safety Inspection and Eco-labeling Matter in Predicting Chinese Consumers Preferences for Seafood: Survey Results from Beijing, China? Chinese Economists Society, Annual Conference, selected paper presentation, June 19-21, 2010, Xianmen, China. "Shi Zheng, Pei Xu and Bei Cao Pricing Efficiency of Chinas Soybean Futures Market, selected paper presented at the Chinese Economic Development Forum, Department of Agricultural Economics, Purdue University, March 5, 2010. Awards " Xu, Pei, 2010 Outstanding Reviewer, the Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence 2010. " Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow. The Moderating Effects of Channel Trust and Commitment on Market Orientation, Value Discipline Clarity, and Firm Performance. IAMA World Forum and Symposium, Boston, MA, June 19-22, 2010. " Ross, B.R. and Micheels, E.T. "The Effects of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Farm Performance: The Case of the Illinois Beef Industry." Paper Presented at WERA-72 Meetings, Santa Clara, CA, June 13-14, 2010. "Nogueira, L. Revenue and Welfare Effects of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Barriers to Trade on Apples." Selected Paper Session, AAEA Annual Meetings, July 2010. " Nogueira, L., "Food Import Refusals: Evidence from the European Union." Invited Session Paper, AAEA Annual Meetings, July 2010. " Nogueira, L., "Welfare Implications of Washington Wheat Breeding Programs." WERA-72 Annual Meeting, June 2010. " Nogueira, L.,"The Trade Diversion Effects of Food Import Refusals: Are We Exporting Our Food Safety Issues?" Invited Seminar Illinois State University, April 16th, 2010. " Nogueira, L.,"The Trade Diversion Effects of Food Import Refusals: Are We Exporting Our Food Safety Issues?" International Agricultural Trade Research Consortium Annual Meeting, December 2009. Awards " Micheels, E.T. Best Paper. 2010 IAMA World Forum and Symposium, Boston, MA, June 19-22, 2010. Johnson, Aaron J. and Rodney Holcomb. "Expanding the Shepherd's Grain Brand: The Crossroads of Economics and Sustainability." Annual Meeting, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Denver, Colorado. July 25-27, 2010. *Detre, Joshua D., Aaron J. Johnson, and Allan W. Gray. "Innovativeness and Innovation: Implications for the Renewable Materials Supply Chain." Agribusiness and Economic Management Section Track Session: "The Nascent Bioeconomy for Industrial Markets: Green Goes from Plant Material to Spandex." Annual Meeting, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Denver, Colorado, July 27, 2010. *Detre, Joshua D., Aaron J. Johnson, and Allan W. Gray. "Innovativeness and Innovation: Implications for the Renewable Materials Supply Chain." 20th Annual World Symposium, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association, Boston, Massachusetts, June 19, 2010. * Johnson, Aaron J. and Scott Downey. "Transition of Sales Force from Sales Minded to Marketing Minded: Lessons for the Classroom." Western Education/Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness (WERA 72). Santa Clara, California. June 14, 2010. Johnson, Aaron J. Discussant. "Performance Implications of Sustainability Initiatives in Agri-Food Companies." Agribusiness Economics and Management Section Tract Session. Annual Meeting, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association. July 25-27, 2010.


  1. WERA-72 continues to link university research, teaching and extension faculty with government agency personnel and industry leaders. The program at the annual meeting once again included an invited speaker from industry. The WERA72 leadership has maintained this practice for many years now, and is committed to continuing to use the annual meeting to facilitate these linkages. Furthermore, as agribusiness continues to mature as a field, an important focus in its development is to maintain and develop teaching, research and extension activities that reflect the interest of agribusinesses. WERA-72 will continue to plays an important role in developing such a focus.
  2. WERA72 continues to facilitate the coordination and development of timely research, extension, and teaching projects among participating faculty, graduate students, government, and industry leaders, creating a pool of shared expertise in general area of agribusiness scholarship. For instance, both Desmond Ng (2010 WERA Chair) and Wes Harrison (2009 WERA Chair) have been involved in coordinating the Agribusiness Research Forum; a forum to develop a critical mass of scholars to advance frontiers in agribusiness research. Some of the members in this forum are also members of WERA-72. In addition to help developing a critical mass of agribusiness research expertise, WERA-72 has been supportive of graduate student engagement in this field. To encourage greater graduate student engagement, three travel scholarships were offered for this years annual meeting.
  3. WERA-72 continues maintain and further develop its electronic communication methods, regularly using the organizations listserv to communicate timely announcements, including job postings, research grant opportunities, and calls for paper proposals with an agribusiness focus. Past presentations have also been posted on the organizations webpage, providing an institutional depository of past agribusiness scholarship. It is anticipated that through such communications, it improve the quality and quantity of agribusiness research, teaching and extension that is produced by participating members, as well as fostering integrated and multi-state projects among WERA72 participants.


"Johnson, Aaron J., Heather C. Johnson, Stephen Devadoss, and John Foltz. (2010). "Strategic Group Analysis of U.S. Food Businesses Using the Two-Step Clustering Method." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Forthcoming. "Johnson, Aaron J., Thorsten Egelkraut, and Cyrus Grout. (2010). "Market Intelligence Utilization by Small Food Companies: An Application of Grounded Theory Method in Exploratory Research" Journal of Food Distribution Research. Forthcoming. "Johnson, Aaron J., Clay Dibrell and Eric Hansen. (2009). "Market Orientation and Innovativeness in Agribusiness: Impacts on Performance." Journal of Agribusiness.27(1/2): pp 85-106. " Novotorova, Nadezhda and Michael A. Mazzocco. Impact of Product Attribute Wording on Consumer Acceptance of Biotechnology Applications in Produce. Journal of Food Distribution Research. 40(3):91-104 (2009). " Elepu, Gabriel, and Michael A. Mazzocco. Consumer Segments in Urban and Suburban Farmers Markets. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 13(2): 1-18 (2010). " Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow. 2009. Do Market Oriented Firms Demonstrate Clarity on Their Value Discipline? Evidence from Illinois Beef Producers International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 12 (3): 127-152. " Micheels, E.T. 2010. Market Orientation in Production Agriculture. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller. "Xu, Pei, Shi Zheng, and Mesbah Motamed (2010) Perceived Risks and Safety Concerns about Fluid Milk Among Chinese College Students The journal of Agricultural Economics  Czech, 56 (2):67-78. "Xu, Pei, Shi Zheng, and Song Zhou Family and Western Style Fast Food: Influences on Chinese College Students Dairy Consumption The Journal of Food Products Marketing, forthcoming, 2011, 17(1) "Nganje, W.E., C.J. Wachenheim, and W.C. Lesch. 2009. A Comparison between Perception of Risk and Willingness to Serve GM foods. Journal of Food Distribution Research 40(2), pp. 57-71. [Received the 2009 Food Distribution Research Society Presidential Award for Excellence in Research and Communications.] " Wachenheim, C.J. 2009. Final Exam Scores in Introductory Economics Courses: Effect of Course Delivery Method and Proctoring. Review of Agricultural Economics 31(3), pp. 640-652 Collins, Robert and Gregory A. Baker. 2009. Of Junk Food and Junk Science. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Volume 12, No. 3. Atkinson, R, D. Sanders, K. Jones, I. Altman. An Evaluation of Purebred Bull Pricing: Implications for Beef Herd Management. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers. In Press. " Hambleton Heins, L., J. Beaulieu, I. Altman. The Effectiveness of Women's Agricultural Education Programs: A Survey from Annie's Project. Journal of Agricultural Education. In Press. " Altman, I and T. Johnson. Organization of the Current U.S. Biopower Industry: a Template for Future Bioenergy Industries. Biomass and Bioenergy. 33(5): 799-784. 2009. " Sanders, Dwight, I. Altman, Mark Manfredo, and Rachel Anderson. Using USDA Production Forecasts: Adjusting for Smoothing. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers. 72(1): 134-142. 2009. Ng, D. and Goldsmith, P.G. 2010. Bio Energy Entry Timing from a Resource Based View and Organizational Ecology Perspective, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 13 (2): 69-100. "Ng, D., and Siebert, J. 2010. Toward Better Defining the Field of Agribusiness Management International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 12 (4): 1-20. "Ng, D, Westgren, R., and Sonka, S. 2009. Competitive Blind Spots in an Institutional Field Strategic Management Journal 30 (4): 349-269. (Lead Article)
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