SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Tom Fernandez (Michigan State); Doug Buhler (Michigan State); John Lea-Cox (University of Maryland); Gladis Zinati (Rutgers University); Marc van Iersel (University of Georgia); Don Merhaut (University of California, Riverside); Joe Albano (USDA-ARS; Ft. Pierce, FL); Tom Yeager (University of Florida); Chuan Hong (Virginia Tech); Sarah A. White (Clemson University); Winston Dunwell (University of Kentucky); Jim Owen (Oregon State University); Bert Cregg (Michigan State University); Yan Chen (Louisiana State University); James Altland (USDA-ARS; Wooster, OH); Robert Polomski (Clemson University); Frank Henning (University of Georgia); Julie Newman (University of California, Davis); Michael Mickelbart (Purdue University); Salvatore Mangiafico (Rutgers University); Anthony LeBude (North Carolina State University); Eugene Blythe (Mississippi State University); Daniel Struve (Ohio State University); Yan Chen (Louisiana State University); Andrew Ristvey (University of Maryland); Paul Fisher (University of Florida); Connie Johnson (University of Florida); Rosa Raudales (University of Florida); Dustin Mendor (University of Florida); Lorelly Solano (University of Maryland)

NCDC-216  WATER MANAGEMENT AND QUALITY FOR ORNAMENTAL CROP PRODUCTION AND HEALTH MINUTES OF 2010 ANNUAL MEETING FEBRUARY 20, 2010 1:00  5:00PM FEBRUARY 21, 2010 9:00AM  5:00PM VENUE: 2010 NATIONAL WATER CONFERENCE, HILTON HEAD, SC. ATTENDEES: Chair: Tom Fernandez (Michigan State) Group Administrator: Doug Buhler (Michigan State) Secretary: John Lea-Cox (University of Maryland) Steering Committee members: Gladis Zinati (Rutgers University), Marc van Iersel (University of Georgia), Don Merhaut (University of California, Riverside), Joe Albano (USDA-ARS; Ft. Pierce, FL), Tom Yeager (University of Florida); Chuan Hong (Virginia Tech) Other Attendees: Sarah A. White (Clemson University), Winston Dunwell (University of Kentucky), Jim Owen (Oregon State University), Bert Cregg (Michigan State University), Yan Chen (Louisiana State University); James Altland (USDA-ARS; Wooster, OH), Robert Polomski (Clemson University); Frank Henning (University of Georgia); Julie Newman (University of California, Davis); Michael Mickelbart (Purdue University); Salvatore Mangiafico (Rutgers University); Anthony LeBude (North Carolina State University); Eugene Blythe (Mississippi State University); Daniel Struve (Ohio State University); Yan Chen (Louisiana State University); Andrew Ristvey (University of Maryland); Paul Fisher (University of Florida); Connie Johnson (University of Florida); Rosa Raudales (University of Florida); Dustin Mendor (University of Florida); Lorelly Solano (University of Maryland) 1. Welcome and Introductions: " Tom Fernandez welcomed everyone to the first official meeting of the NC-Temp 1186 Multistate group " Attendees briefly introduced themselves and their interests for attending the meeting 2. Administrators Comments " Dr. Buhler started the meeting with an introduction to the project, an update on the status of the proposal (currently being reviewed; Final review in April, 2010). " Funding is at the discretion of the individual Experiment Station Directors " Set personal expectations for participating in the group  opportunity for state members to meet and collaborate on research and developing proposals. Lot of current opportunities in current RFPs. " Doug Buhler commented that the group might want to choose an Advisor that is more aligned with the groups specific research interests (Head of Department etc). Doug is very happy to continue as the Groups Advisor. Marc van Iersel asked if the groups administrator had to come from the NC region. Doug replied that no, the advisor could come from any region. John Lea-Cox asked if Doug considered this administrative burden, considering Doug administers 6 or 7 groups. Doug said that it was not a burden, as it was part of his job expectations. He also has a very good administrator who helps with the NIMMS system and other Multi-state issues. 3. Secretarys Report " John Lea-Cox passed out copies of the ASHS meeting minutes in from the July, 2009 meeting in St. Louis, MO. " He also mentioned the ning site for the group and asked if any people need access to see him and he would send them an invitation to that site. " Marc van Iersel made a motion to let all members present be voting members. There was some discussion as to voting members from each State. Yan Chen seconded the motion - All state members approved the motion (all in favor). " Gladis Zinati made a motion to approve the minutes, as read; Sarah White seconded the motion. 4. Group Introductions: Members introduced themselves and their research and extension interests. 5. Nomination and Election of Officers: The structure of the executive committee was discussed. John Lea-Cox made the motion that the Executive would have a one-year election cycle, initiated by the election of the secretary every year. The positions would then cycle though the following " Past Chair: Tom Fernandez " Chair: John Lea-Cox; Nominated by Tom Fenandez; Seconded by Frank Henning " Vice-Chair: Jim Owens; Nominated by Joe Albano " Secretary: Sarah White; Nominated by Gladis Zinati; Seconded by Winston Dunwell All nominations were unanimously approved. Bert Cregg asked if all eligible members were able to be nominated and if their research stations would support more than one representative, if they held office. Doug responded that only in exceptional circumstances would an experiment station support two people on the project. This consideration would have to be taken into account when a person accepted a nomination. 6. OLD BUSINESS: Proposal Subject Area Descriptions (see Proposal) " Each subject area leader gave a brief overview of the areas identified in the proposal and areas that could be developed as part of the five year plan for the group. " Julie Newman asked where pesticides fit into the picture. Tom answered -- under surface water runoff and remediation. " Gladis Zinati asked if there was a need for an additional group to focus on plant nutrient use efficiency and physiology. " Joe Albano: Background on Floricultural Initiative Research group  holistic view of production  Three focus areas: prevention, containment and remediation. Helps to tell the story effectively to stakeholders. " Yan Chen: Asked about post-harvest / landscape issues. John Lea-Cox mentioned Amy Wrights interest in post-transplant issues; felt that many big-picture issues could be used as a overarching strategy for the group. " Joe Albano gave an update about the EPA Water Quality Standards for FL lakes and flowing waters. 7. NEW BUSINESS: Saturday 02/20/2010 Break-Out Group Discussions: A. Irrigation Management Group  (Marc van Iersel, Jim Owen, Mike Mickelbart, John Lea-Cox, Tom Fernandez, Win Dunwell, Dan Struve, Lorelly Solano) Potential areas for cooperation in the area of Irrigation and Nutrient Management. " Determine the water requirements of a variety of ornamental plants and how these water requirements are affected by plant size and environmental conditions. " Compare different irrigation methods (overhead, spray stakes, drip irrigation, subirrigation) to determine how they affect total water use, plant growth and quality, and runoff water quality. " Quantify reductions in water use, leaching, and runoff that result from more efficient irrigation techniques " Develop new methods to provide growers with real time information regarding the water requirements of their crops, including crop water use models and sensor networks that can be easily deployed in greenhouses and nurseries. " Determine the economic impact of more efficient irrigation practices (cost/benefit analyses). Opportunities are not limited to these areas, and can include anything that is of interest of group members. B. Water Source Quality  (Joe Albano, Bob Polomski, Don Merhaut, Yan Chen) " Survey of Regulatory issues within each State. This information could be used for assessing existing technologies and identifying gaps " Assessment of natural sources of contaminants, N and P " Develop a Toolbox of different technologies that could be combined to resolve specific water quality issues. Both influent and effluent water quality issues. " Develop Standard Protocols for Analysis  Comparison of data between research groups to increase the value of that data. Issues include frequency of sampling, diurnal issues, sample treatment, storage etc. " Pathology issues " Develop Stakeholder Advisory Committees to address priorities. Industry members can be part of the group  Could add a day to the annual meeting to reach out to growers (workshop) " SCRI proposal Development  fits into the bigger picture. Connect SCRI proposals Planning Grants C. Surface Water Management  (Tom Yeager, Julie Newman, Sal Mangiafico, Sarah White, Frank Henning) Evaluate: " impact of various high-profile BMPs to improve surface water quality  paper mini-review ü environmental & compliance benefits of the BMPs ü economics of implementing BMPs (i.e. return on investment) " Review of surface water runoff literature " Survey instrument (teamed with other survey group  but regarding BMP implementation to protect/preserve surface water quality " Grower education based on survey results  resurvey for BMP application & use D. Substrate Management and Crop Health  (Gladis Zinati, Chuan Hong, Andrew Ristvey, Bert Cregg, Gene Blythe, James Altland) " Current State of substrates, amendments, and fertilizers  A power point presentation on substrate media and its impact on nutrient and water management will be given at the National Water Quality, February 22 in Symposium 1. Additionally a paper is drafted and will be communicated with the subgroup for their input for publishing. " Examine present sources for sustainable production per region  survey " Logic model  to demonstrate positive influence of substrates in nutrient retention and water availability for plants, reduction of leachates and effects on crop health. " The intent is to develop guidelines for ornamental growers on effective substrate sources, their properties and their economic impact. The guidelines will be geared towards effective management of water, nutrients and the suppression of root diseases. E. PRIORITIZATION OF ISSUES  Summary of Whole Group Discussion " Quantification of Benefits " Groundwater Issues " Regulations for each state " Lack of adoption of non-regulated practices (FL) " Sociological / Behavioral analysis  barriers to adoption " Agency role and conflicts  Hindrance to adoption " Review paper on each topic " Extension and Outreach " Discussion on containment and practices 8. NEXT STEPS: " Discussion of Ning Website (; John Lea-Cox will send invites to all new members. " A special note was made of the Symposium that was held at the National Water Conference and organized by John Lea-Cox and the Steering Committee members. The Symposium Abstract and Presentations are online at " Kentucky will be hosting the next NC-1186 Meeting on January 24-25, 2011. The meeting will be held before and in conjunction with the 2011 ANLA Management Clinic. January 26 - 29, 2011. Meeting Venue: Galt House Hotel & Suites, Louisville, KY. Contact: ANLA 202.789.2900, e-mail,; url, and the Mid-States Horticultural Expo. January 28-29, 2011, . A motion was made by Tom Fernandez to adjourn the meeting. The motion was seconded by Daniel Struve. The meeting adjourned at 5:10PM Draft Minutes submitted by John Lea-Cox (Outgoing Secretary) 03/15/2010 Revised Final Minutes respectfully submitted by John Lea-Cox 04/08/2010 Sunday 2/21/2010 Break-Out Group Discussion Notes A. Irrigation Management Group  Further Discussion Participating: Lorelly Solano, Jim Own, Mike Mickelbart, John Lea-Cox, Tom Fernandez, Win Dunwell, Dan Struve, Marc van Iersel " There is a need to get better information (preferably quantitative) on the benefits of more efficient irrigation. Such benefits include, but are not limited to: disease management, labor, water withdrawals, fertilizer use, leaching and runoff, shorter production periods. " Better information would also help with developing water conservation plans. " Much of the lack of efficient irrigation in the ornamental industry is related to much simpler issues: lack of appropriate irrigation systems, poor management decisions, poor uniformity, etc. " The group lacks expertise in the areas of economics and pest management. " One suggestion: Every member in the group could pull together a PowerPoint with about 10 high-impact slides, including a description of what the slide shows. Include the funding agency/agencies on these slides. " The group had some discussion about possibly trying to come up with a certification system for greenhouse and nursery irrigation practices, but that likely is too ambitious for right now. Among the most important research topics identified are: " Developing tools for growers to make their irrigation practices more efficient and sustainable. Such tools should help growers to determine when to irrigate and how much water to apply. " Quantify the water requirements of a variety of greenhouse and nursery crops. " Simply, and automated, measurements of substrate EC would be another extremely valuable tool. B. Water Source Group Discussion  (Joe Albano, Bob Polomski, Don Merhaut, Yan Chen and Tom Fernandez) " Identified Five Sources of Water: A) Reclaimed B) Recycled C) Groundwater D) Surface water E) Natural ? Plan to pull a literature review together for these sources " Explore multiple water systems e.g. rain harvested water blended with recycled water to meet minimum crop water quality requirements C. Surface Water Management Participating: Frank Henning, Anthony LeBude, Sal Mangiafico, Julie Newman, Sarah White, Tom Yeager Summary of morning discussion resulted in the following plan. 1. Establish communication with nurseries that will participate in national survey. 2. Conduct survey to determine BMPs/runoff/remediation practices used and practices that might be implemented. Integrate watershed information where possible, 3. Conduct educational programs. 4. Follow-up with survey conducted to determine changes or practices adopted by participants. 5. Publish results Summary of afternoon discussion (Same participants) The following were identified as high impact BMPs from perspective of producers because of compliance and/or environmental benefits. " Recycling or reusing irrigation water " Collection basins or impoundments " Vegetative buffers and filters Discussion followed to identify research (including economic analysis) that supports current and future BMPs. The following approach to a literature review was developed for each of the high impact BMPs above with completion scheduled for May 1. 1. Summarize research focused on compliance and environmental benefits 2. Determine economics of implementation and benefits 3. Identify gaps in data Persons responsible for executing the literature review for each high impact BMP are the following. " Tom and Frank  Recycling or reusing irrigation water " Sal and Julie  Collection basins or impoundments " Sarah and Anthony  Vegetative buffers and filters After literature reviews are complete, initiate plan outlined in the morning discussion. D. Substrate Management and Crop Health Participating: Gladis Zinati, Chuan Hong, Andrew Ristvey, Bert Cregg, Gene Blythe, James Altland This subgroup met again and discussed the items listed in New Business section D and elaborated on the sourcing for survey and paper content for their priority of the to-do list. E. Survey Group Report Participating: Tom Fernandez, Don Merhaut, Gene Blythe, Win Dunwell, Bert Cregg, Frank Henning, Andrew Ristvey, John Lea-Cox, Anthony LeBude, Tom Yeager, Julie Newman, Salvatore Mangiafico Sal Mangiafico sent an email out to interested participants with links to Julie Newman's BMP survey tool and her California Agriculture article. Resources can be downloaded from Julie Newman followed up with a later email explaining the plans for a National survey: I am working with Sal Mangiafico to update our California BMP survey for possible use on a national level. The revised BMP survey will be sent out to you soon. The plan we discussed at the meeting was to eventually post the survey on an interactive site for the project to be set up by John Lea-Cox where we will collect comments from the group for further revision before potential implementation in the national project. In the meantime, the original California survey will be removed from Sal's website. Those of you who were anxious to start using it, we request your patience in holding off a little longer for the preliminary revisions. Thanks so much. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me. Further update from Julie Newman Monday, March 29, 2010 8:47 PM Sal Mangiafico and I have been working on an updated version and modifying it for potential use for the multi-state project. The survey is now ready for your review and can be downloaded from my website by clicking on "Draft Checklist for Assessing and Mitigating Runoff in Greenhouses and Nurseries" at: Julie P. Newman Floriculture & Nursery Crops Advisor University of California Cooperative Extension 669 County Square Drive Ste 100 Ventura, CA 93003-5401 805/218-5127 (phone) 805/645-1474 (fax)


NCDC216 is a development committee whose primary objective was to develop, submit, and have approved a proposal for a new multi-state project. This has been accomplished. In addition, several other outputs were achieved: 1. The project proposal has been submitted and reviewed. Some minor corrections were requested and will be made before June 1, 2010. The revised proposal will be submitted to the NIMSS site before June 1, 2010 at which time the project will become NC1186. 2. Project members presented a symposium entitled Water Issues in the Production of Ornamental Crops in the United States at the 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference with the following presentations: Fernandez, R.T. Moving towards sustainable low impact ornamental production  Industry water management practices. Hong, C. Water recycling and its implications for crop health management. Lea-Cox, J. Water conservation and irrigation management in nursery production systems. Merhaut, D. Water sources- A West Coast perspective. Parker, D. The economics of water use. van Iersel, M. Integrated water and nutrient management in greenhouse production systems. Yeager, T. Surface water management and remediation- An East Coast perspective. Zinati, G. Managing the root environment to optimize water and nutrient management in container-ornamental production.


  1. The proposal for this multi-state project has been completed, reviewed, and approved with minor requested revisions. Thirty scientists from all regions are currently participating in the new NCTemp 1186 that originated with this development committee.


Fernandez, R.T. Moving towards sustainable low impact ornamental production  Industry water management practices. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Hong, C. Water recycling and its implications for crop health management. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Lea-Cox, J. Water conservation and irrigation management in nursery production systems. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Merhaut, D. Water sources- A West Coast perspective. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Parker, D. The economics of water use. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. van Iersel, M. Integrated water and nutrient management in greenhouse production systems. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Yeager, T. Surface water management and remediation- An East Coast perspective. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Zinati, G. Managing the root environment to optimize water and nutrient management in container-ornamental production. 2010 Land Grant and Sea Grant National Water Conference. Fernandez, R.T., J. Lea-Cox, G. Zinati, C. Hong, R. Cabrera, D. Merhaut, J. Albano, M. van Iersel, T. Yeager and D. Buhler. 2009. NCDC216: A new multistate group for water management and quality for ornamental crop production and health. In: Proc. Southern Nursery Association Research Conference. 54:35-38. Fernandez, R.T., J. Lea-Cox, G. Zinati, C. Hong, R. Cabrera, D. Merhaut, J. Albano, M. van Iersel, T. Yeager, D. Buhler. 2009. NCDC216: A new multistate group for water management and quality for ornamental crop production and health. HortScience 44:962. Lea-Cox, J., R.T. Fernandez, G. Zinati, C. Hong, R. Cabrera, D. Merhaut, J. Albano, M. van Iersel, and D. Buhler. 2009. NCDC216: A new multistate group for water management and quality for ornamental crop production and health. 2009 CSREES National Water Conference.
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