SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Beam, Josh ( Sunnyridge Farm Inc.; Black, Brent ( - Utah State University; Bordelon, Bruce ( - Purdue University; Dale, Adam ( - University of Guelph, Ontario Canada; Demchak, Kathleen ( - Penn State University; Fan, Li( AAFC, Quebec, Canada; Finn, Chad ( USDA- ARS; Fisher, Pam ( - Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs, Ontario, Canada; Garcia, Elena ( University of Arkansas; Gosselin, Andre ( Laval University, Quebec, Canada; Hanson, Eric ( - Michigan State University; Hughes, Becky ( University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada; Jamieson, Andrew (andrew.jamieson@AGR.GC.CA) AAFC, Nova Scotia, Canada; Kempler, Chaim (Chaim.Kempler@AGR.GC.CA) - AAFC, British Columbia, Canada: Khanizadeh, Sharokh ( - AAFC, Quebec, Canada; Lewers, Kim - ( USDA-ARS; Marini, Rich ( - Penn State University; Mezzetti, Bruno (B.MEZZETTI@UNIVPM.IT) University of Ancona, Italy; Moore, Patrick ( - Washington State University; Particka, Chrislyn ( Sakuma Bros.; Pattison, Jeremy ( -North Carolina State University ; Perkins-Veasie, Penelope- ( North Carolina State University; Perry, Ron ( - Michigan State University; Pritts, Marvin ( Cornell University; Schooley, Kevin ( North American Strawberr Growers Assn., and Ontario Berry Growers Assn. ; Skirvin, Robert ( -University of Ilinois; Stewart, Philip ( Driscolls Strawberry Associates; Strik, Bernadine ( - Oregon State University; Takeda, Fumiomi ( -USDA-ARS; Thompson, Ellen ( Pacific Berry Breeding; Weber, Courtney ( - Cornell University; Whitaker, Vance ( - University of Florida; Zandstra, John ( University of Guelph, Ontario.


As stated in the project outline, the purpose of this project is to coordinate activities and encourage collaboration in a commodity area in which the number of researchers is relatively few; they need to use their time and resources efficiently. Interaction at the annual meeting allows the researchers to network effectively and identify cooperators with complementary skills and interests, in varying geographical areas with diverse growing conditions which are useful in experimental testing. Numerous joint projects are an outgrowth of the NCCC-22 project. Collaboration and interaction among researchers in various research areas are listed below and are organized by objective and crop. As related to Objective 1 - Develop improved small fruit germplasm through cooperative breeding and evaluation programs: Strawberry: 1. Evaluation of strawberry breeding selections in plasticulture. K. Lewers, USDA-ARS , Beltsville, MD; J. Enns, USDA-ARS , Beltsville, MD; J. Ballington, North Carolina State Univ.; D. Archbold, Univ. of Kentucky. 2. Global strawberry conservation strategy. K. Hummer, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, OR; C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; J.Hancock, Michigan State Univ.; K. Folta, University of Florida; T. Davis, UNH; M. Huffman, CAN; international collaborators. 3. Reconstitution of Fragaria x ananassa. A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph, Ontario; C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; J. Hancock, Michigan State Univ.; and J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota. 4. Wild strawberry cold hardiness evaluation in USDA Zone 3. Shengrui Yao, North Central Research and Outreach Center, University of MN; and J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota. 5. Fruiting patterns of northern-adapted strawberry populations in a mildshort-day environment. A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph; Craig Chandler, Univ. of Florida. 6. Strawberry virus survey in the United States and Canada. R.R. Martin - USDA-ARS Horticultural Crops Research Lab. Corvallis, Oregon; I.E.Tzanetakis, Department of Plant Pathology, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, and numerous NCCC-22 cooperators from all major strawberry production areas in the US and Canada. 7. Evaluation of strawberry cultivars and advanced selections. B. Smith, Univ. of Wisconsin; A. Jamieson, AAFC , Nova Scotia; David Handley-Univ. of Maine. 8. Mapping the genes regulating remontancy in Fragaria x ananassa. K. Lewers, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD; J. Hancock, Michigan State Univ.; Emma Bradford (MS), Michigan State Univ. 9. Resistance to anthracnose fruit rot in strawberry. J. Ballington, North Carolina State Univ.; B. Smith, USDA-Poplarsville, MS; and J. Pattison, Virginia Tech. 10. Physiological basis of dayneutrality in strawberry - Fumi Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph; Craig Chandler, Univ. of Florida, J. Slovin USDA-ARS-Beltsville. 11. Evaluation of strawberry breeding selections and cultivars. C. Finn,USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; C. Kempler, AARC-PARC, Agassiz, BC; P. Moore, Washington State Univ. Puyallup; C. Weber, Cornell Univ. Geneva; A. Jamieson, AAFC, Nova Scotia; K. Lewers, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD; J. Ballington, North Carolina State Univ.; J. Pattison, VA-Teck-Southern Piedmont AREC; B. Mowrey, Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Watsonville, CA.; J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota; Shahrokh Khanizadeh, Quebec. 12. Fragaria genomics. C. Finn,USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; and J. Hancock, Michigan State Univ.; K. Lewers, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD; 13. Remontant strawberry cultivar evaluation. K. Demchak and R. Marini, Penn State Univ.; J. Ballington, North Carolina State Univ. 14. Fall and early winter and early spring fruit production under high tunnel. F. Takeda, USDA-Kearneysville, Maryland (M. Newell), Tennessee (Carl Sams), North Carolina (Jim Ballington/Jeremy Pattison/Barclay Poling), Florida (Craig Chandler), NASA-Kennedy Space Center (Gary Stutte) 15. Analysis of gene expression in flowering and non-flowering short-day strawberries F. Takeda, USDA-Kearneysville, Florida (Kevin Folta) 16. Development of fall-flowering short-day strawberry genotypes, USDA-ARS-Beltsville (Kim Lewers/John Enns) F. Takeda, USDA-Kearneysville Blackberry: 1. Breeding of primocane-bearing blackberry for northern climes. J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota; J. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas; C. Weber, Cornell Univ.; J. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas. 2. Cooperative testing of blackberry genotypes in the US. C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR; J. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas; Eric Hanson, Michigan State Univ. Gail Nonnecke, Iowa State; Marvin Pritts, Cornell Univ.; Fumi Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, and Gina Fernandez, NC State University. 3. Evaluation of floricane-bearing blackberry breeding selections and cultivars. C. Finn USDA-ARS - Corvallis, OR, J. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas, G. Fernandez, N.C. State Univ. and S. Stringer, USDA-ARS Poplarville, MS; G. Sills, Driscoll Strawberry Associates, Watsonville, CA; H. Johnson, Plant Sciences Inc., Watsonville, CA. 4. Evaluation of APF primocane fruiting blackberries in NC. G. Fernandez and JR Clark. 5. Blackberry cultivars and systems. B. Black, Utah State Univ.; F. Takeda, USDA-Kearneysville, WV. (this project is also listed under objective 2). 6. Evaluation of blackberry cultivar compensation for winter injury. T.E. Elkner, K. Demchak, Penn State Univ, and Fumi Takeda, USDA Kearneysville. 7. Performance of primocane-fruiting blackberries in high tunnels. K. Demchak, and C. Rasmussen, Penn State Univ, J. R. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas and F. Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, WV. 8. Fruit quality of blackberries from different production environments and locations USDA-ARS-Corvallis (Chad Finn), USDA-ARS-Winter Haven (Elizabeth Baldwin),North Carolina (Penny Perkins-Veazie), Alabama (Floyd Woods), and F. Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, WV 9. Improving winter survival of blackberries in Maine with trellis systems Maine (David Handley), and F. Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, WV. 10. Modular bramble trellis designs , Trellis Growing System LLC (Fort Wayne, IN), funded by USDA-NIFA-SBIR Phase I (PROJECT NO. INDK-2008-00127and Phase II Award (PROJ NO: INDK-2009-01138), Richard Barnes, F. Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, WV and M. Pritts, Cornell Univ. Raspberry: 1. Test agreements to test NC selections in MD. G.Fernandez, J. Ballington, NCSU: K. Lewers, USDA-ARS Beltsville. 2. Evaluation of raspberry cultivars. B. Smith, University of Wisconsin, River Falls; A. Jamieson, AAFC, Nova Scotia; C. Kempler, AARC-PARC , Agassiz, BC; P. Moore, Washington State Univ.; and C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR. 3. Evaluation of wild black raspberry (Rubus occidentalis) populations for disease resistance, fruit quality and vigor. C. Finn USDA-ARS - Corvallis, OR; K. Hummer, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, OR; D. Handley, Univ. of Maine; other NCCC-22 members in providing Germplasm. 4. Winter hardiness in raspberry breeding - A. Jamieson, AAFC, Nova Scotia; and R. Bors, Saskatchewan. 5. New floricane and primocane-fruiting cultivars for eastern and Midwestern US and Canada- B. Smith, University of Wisconsin, River Falls; and Harry J. Swartz, Five Aces Breeding. 6. Virus responses of raspberries. K. Lewers, USDA-ARS - Beltsville, MD; R. R. Martin, USDA-ARS - Corvallis, OR; G. Fernandez, North Carolina State Univ.; P. Moore, Washington State Univ. ; H.J. Swartz, Univ. of Maryland; C. Weber, Cornell Univ.; Lou and Wang, USDA-ARS - Beltsville, MD. 7. Identifying Root Traits Associated with Root Rot Resistance in Red Raspberry D. Bryla, L. Valenzuela-Estrada, P. Moore, Washington State Univ., W. Hoashi-Erhardt, T. Forge, AARC-PARC 8. Screening red raspberry selections for root rot tolerance. P. Moore, Washington State Univ., W. Hoashi-Erhardt, C. Kempler, AARC-PARC, and C. Finn USDA-. 9. Genetic Mapping of Resistance to Raspberry Bushy Dwarf Virus (RBDV) Using Molecular Markers. C.Weber, Cornell Univ., and P.Moore Washington State Univ. Blueberry & Huckleberry: 1. Blueberry cultivar trial and water management - A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph, Ontario; J. Hancock, Michigan State Univ. 2. Cooperative testing of blueberry cultivars and advanced selections. C.Finn, USDA-ARS - Corvallis, OR; J. Ballington, North Carolina State Univ.; M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; J. Hancock, Michigan State Univ.; S. Stringer, USDA-ARS Poplarville, MS.; Jeanine Rowland, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Beltsville, MD; Nahla Bassil, Geneticist Plants, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, OR; Dr. Paul Lyrene, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. 3. Evaluation of blueberry cultivars and selections. C. Finn USDA-ARS - Corvallis, OR; M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; and J. Hancock, Michigan State U. 4. Blueberry breeding and germplasm development - M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; Dr. Scott NeSmith, University of Georgia, Griffin, Ga. 5. Phylogenetic relationships between species of blueberry - Jeanine Rowland, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Beltsville; James Polashock USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ. 6. Cold acclimation and deacclimation in a range of blueberry germplasm - M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; Jeanine Rowland, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Beltsville. 7. Blueberry Scorch virus resistance, M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; Dr. Bradley Hillman, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, New Jersey. 8. Blueberry breeding and germplasm development - M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; Dr. John Clark. University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, Ark. 9. V. membranaceum germplasm development - M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; Dr. Dan Barney, University of Idaho, Sandpoint, Idaho. 10. Huckleberry germplasm development - M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; Dr. Rob Griesbach, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, Maryland. 11. Evaluation of blueberry cultivars for PA. J. Esslinger, K. Demchak, Penn State Univ., and J. Hancock, Michigan State U. 12. Techniques for assessing spring frost injury. J. Rowland and M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS-Beltsville; and F. Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, WV. Grapes: 1. Cooperative testing of table and wine grapes. B. Bordelon, Purdue Univ.; J. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas; Bruce Reisch, Cornell Univ.; P. Hemstad and J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota; David Cain, International Fruit Genetics; Ed Swanson, Cuthills Vineyards, Pierce, Nebraska. 2. Cooperative testing of muscadine grapes. J. Clark, Univ. of Arkansas; and Patrick Conner, Univ. of Georgia. 3. Cooperative testing of numbered selections and genotypes, P. Read, Univ. Nebraska; B. Reich, Cornell Univ; J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota (this is also a NE-1020 Project). 4. Crown gall free vines - B. Bordelon, Purdue Univ.; Tom Zabadal, Michigan State Univ.; and Tom Burr, Cornell Univ Kiwi: 1. Chilling requirement of hardy kiwi fruits. K. Hummer, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, OR; C. Finn, USDA-ARS - Corvallis, OR, and B. Strik, Oregon State Univ. 2. Evaluation of cold hardiness in Actinidia. J. Luby, Univ. of Minnesota and K. Hummer, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, OR. Elderberry: 1. Elderberry cultivar trial. B. Black, Utah State Univ.; and P. Byers, Missouri State Univ Ribes: 1. White pine blister rust in Ribes. K. Hummer, National Clonal Germplasm Repository, Corvallis, OR; and A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph, Ontario. Edible-fruited honeysuckle, Lonicera caerulea L.: 1. Cultivar development and advanced trial plots with cooperators, Dr. Maxine Thompson, Emeritus Professor at Oregon State University; Dan Barney, Univ. of Idaho. As related to Objective 2 - Develop improved practices for small fruit production: Strawberry: 1. Physiological basis of dayneutrality in strawberry - Fumi Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph; Craig Chandler, Univ. of Florida. (This project is also listed under objective 1) 2. Alternative fumigants for nursery production of fresh dug transplants of strawberry. B. Poling, North Carolina State Univ.; and J. Pattison, Virginia Tech. 3. Day-Neutral Strawberry Production Systems. W. Lantz, Univ. of Maryland; K. Demchak, Penn State University; H.J. Swartz, Univ. of Maryland. 4. High tunnel production, J.R. Ballington, NCSU; F. Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, WV. Blackberry: 1. Blackberry tellis/variety evaluations to improve winter survival - D. Handley, Univ. of Maine; and Fumi Takeda, USDA Kearneysville, WV. 2. Blackberry cultivars and systems. B. Black, Utah State Univ.; F. Takeda, USDA-Kearneysville, WV. (This project is also listed under objective 1). 3. Production systems to optimize yield and quality of new blackberry cultivars. B. Strik, Oregon State University; and C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR. Raspberry: 1. Irrigation method and level of water application on fruit size and yield in red raspberry during the first year of full production. D. Bryla, D. Kaufman and B. Strik, Oregon State University; C. Finn, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR. Blueberry: 1. Weed and fertility management of a newly established organic blueberry field. B. Strik, Oregon State University and D. Bryla, USDA-ARS, Corvallis, OR. 2. Spread of blueberry red ringspot virus - M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ; Bill Cline, Plant Path. Dept. NC State Univ.; Phil Brannen, Plant Path. Dept., UGA. 3. Blueberry cultivar and water management trial. A. Dale, Univ. of Guelph, Ontario; J. Hancock, Michigan State Univ. (This project is also listed under objective 1.) 4. Deacclimation studies - M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ;Dr. Jeannie Rowland, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, Maryland, Dr. Rajeev Arora, University of Iowa, Ames, Iowa. 5. Growth regulator studies - M. Ehlenfeldt, USDA-ARS Fruit Laboratory, Chatsworth, NJ;Dr. Brent Black, Utah State University, Logan Utah. Cranberry: 1. Impact of storing cranberry fruit on the vine and the effect of nitrogen fertilization on fruit quality - B. Strik, Oregon State University; and Joan Davenport, Wash. State Univ., Prosser. Grapes: 1. Crown gall free vines, B. Bordelon, Purdue Univ.; T. Zabadal, Mich. State Univ.; and Tom Burr, Cornell Univ. 2. Impacts of early season fruit zone leaf removal on disease control, fruit size, vine growth and grape and wine quality of Pinot Noir, P. Skinkis and W. Mahaffe, Oregon State University; J. Lee, USDA-ARS Horticultural Crops Research Unit, Parma, ID. As related to Objective 3 - Explore the association between fruit constituents and human health impacts: 1. Effect of refrigeration storage and processing technologies on the nutraceutical benefit of blackberries (Marion and Evergreen) - B. Strik, Oregon State University; R. Wu and y. Zhao, Dept. of Food Sci., OSU.


  1. As related to Objective 1 - Develop improved small fruit germplasm through cooperative breeding and evaluation programs: Developing and testing new small fruit cultivars with improved productivity, quality, and resistance to pests has resulted in grower adoption of numerous new cultivars that were developed by participants in this project. Work on gene mapping, inheritance of various traits, and a better understanding of small fruit genetics is leading to better understanding and utilization of breeding techniques.
  2. As related to Objective 2 - Develop improved practices for small fruit production: Research conducted is continuing to provide information to growers that results in decreased costs, minimized fruit loss, and increased profitability. Work with certain systems such as those using day-neutral cultivars and season extension technologies result in production of high quality fruit during a longer season. Studies on machine harvest of small fruit cultivars are resulting in developments that can reduce labor costs, the biggest production expense. Adoption of these technologies by growers nationwide is resulting in increased profits and improved farm economies.
  3. As related to Objective 3 - Explore the association between fruit constituents and human health impacts: Work continues to identify and characterize valuable phytochemicals in small fruit crops, some of which are not currently commercially produced. These crops could be valuable new commodities for the future, both for growers and consumers.


Refereed/Peer-reviewed Journal Articles Acuna-Maldonado, L.E. and M.P. Pritts. 2009. Carbon and nitrogen reserves in perennial strawberry affect plant growth and yield. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 113:1-8. Barney, D.L., Lopez, O.A., Shafii, B. and Price, W.J. 2009. Effects of stratification and cold storage on seed germination characteristics of dwarf huckleberry. Acta Hort. 810:591-598. Bassil, N., and K. Lewers. 2008. Chapter 3. Genomics Opportunities, New Crops and New Products, In: K.M. Folta and S.E. Gardiner (eds.), R. Jorgensen (series ed). Genetics and Genomics of Rosaceae. Springer, New York, NY. pp 55-70 Bell, D.J., Rowland, L.J., Polashock, J.J., and Drummond, F.A. 2008. Suitability of EST-PCR markers developed in highbush blueberry for genetic fingerprinting and relationship studies in lowbush blueberry and related species. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 133:701-707. Black, B.L., J.W. Frisby, K.S. Lewers, F. Takeda and C. Finn. 2008. A heat unit model for predicting bloom dates in Rubus. HortScience 43(7):2000-2004. Black, B.L., D. Drost, D. Rowley and R. Heflebower. 2008. Constructing a Low-cost High Tunnel. Publication 2008/2009 Carew, R., Kempler, C., Moore, P.P., & Walters, T.W. 2009. Developments in Raspberry Production, Cultivar Releases, and Intellectual Property Rights: A Comparative Study of British Columbia and Washington State. International Journal of Fruit Science 9:54-77. Clark, J.R. 2008. Primocane-fruiting blackberry breeding. HortScience 43:1637-1639. Clark, J.R. and J. N. Moore. 2008. Natchez thornless blackberry. HortScience 43:1897-1899. Debnath, S.C., S. Khanizadeh, A.R. Jamieson and C. Kempler. 2008. Inter Simple Sequence Repeat (ISSR) Markers to Assess Genetic Diversity and Relatedness within Strawberry Genotypes. Canadian Journal of Plant Science. 88(2): 313-322. Demchak, K. 2009. Small Fruit Production in High Tunnels. HortTechnology 19:37-43 Ehlenfeldt, M.K., Rowland, L.J., Ogden, E.L., and Vinyard, B.T. 2009. Cold hardiness of southern-adapted blueberry (Vaccinium x hybrid) genotypes and the potential for their use in northern-adapted blueberry breeding. Plant Breeding 128:393-396. Finn, C.E. and J.R. Clark (eds.). 2008. Register of new fruit and nut cultivars list 44. HortScience 43:1321-1343 Finn, Chad, Patrick P Moore, Chaim Kempler, Brian Yorgey, Bernadine C Strik, Robert R.Martin. 2009. Valley Red Strawberry. HortScience 44:1468-1471 Forge, T.A. and Kempler, C. (2009 submitted). "Organic mulches influence populations of root-lesion nematodes, soil health indicators and root growth of red raspberry." Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology-Revue canadienne de phytopathologie. Garris, A., L. Clark, C. Owens, S.J. McKay, J.J. Luby, K. Mathiason, A. Fennell. 2009. Mapping of photoperiod-induced growth cessation in the wild grape Vitis riparia Michx. using microsatellite markers. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 134:261-272. Hawks, A., G.E. Cardon and B.L. Black. 2009. Comparing strawberry salt tolerance using a low volume near-continuous gradient dosing system. Journal of the American Pomological Society 63(4): in press. Khanizadeh, S., S. Tao, S. Zhang, R. Tsao, D. Rekika, R. Yang and M.T. Charles. 2008. Antioxidant Activities of Newly Developed Day-Neutral and June-Bearing Strawberry Lines. Journal of Food, Agriculture and Environment. 6(2): 306-311. Khanizadeh, S., D. Rekika, B. Ehsani-Moghaddam, R. Tsao, R. Yang, M.T. Charles, J.A. Sullivan, L. Gauthier, A. Gosselin, A.-M. Potel, G. Reynaud and É. Thomas. 2009. Horticultural Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Advanced Raspberry Lines from Quebec and Ontario. LWT - Food Sciences and Technology. 42(4): 893-898. Luby, J.J. and D.V. Shaw. 2009. Plant breeders perspectives on improving yield and quality traits in horticultural food crops. HortScience 44:20-22. Ozgen M, F. J. Wyzgoski , A. Z. Tulio, Jr., A. Gazula , A. R. Miller , and J. C. Scheerens, R. N. Reese , and S. R. Wright, 2008. Antioxidant Capacity and Phenolic Antioxidants of Midwestern Black Raspberries Grown for Direct Markets Are Influenced by Production Site. HortScience 43(7):20392047. Polashock, J.J. and M.K. Ehlenfeldt. 2009. Molecular detection and discrimination of Blueberry Red Ringspot Virus strains causing disease in cultivated blueberry and cranberry. Plant Dis. 93:727-733. Qian M. C., Y. Fang, and K. Shellie, Volatile composition of Merlot wine from different vine water status, J. Agric. Food Chem. 2009, 57, 74597463 Rowland, L.J., Dhanaraj, A.L., Naik, D., Alkharouf, N., Matthews, B., and Arora, R. 2008. Study of cold tolerance in blueberry using EST libraries, cDNA microarrays, and subtractive hybridization. HortScience 43:1975-1981. Rowland, L.J., E.L. Ogden, M.K. Ehlenfeldt, and R. Arora. 2008. Cold tolerance of blueberry genotypes throughout the dormant period from acclimation to deacclimation. HortScience 43:1970-1974. Skinkis, P.A., B.P. Bordelon, K.V. Wood. 2008. The Identification and Quantitative Analysis of Monoterpenes in Traminette, Gewürztraminer and Riesling Grapes. Am. J. Enol. Vitic, 59: 440 445. Stephens M.J., C. Kempler, H.K. Hall. 2008. Moutere Red Raspberry. HortScience 43:1915-1917. Stevens, M.D., B.L. Black, J.D. Lea-Cox, A.M. Sadeghi, J. Harman-Fetcho, E. Pfeil, P. Downey, R. Rowland and C.J. Hapeman. 2009. A comparison of three cold-climate strawberry production systems: Environmental effects. HortScience 44(2):298-305. Strik, B.C. and E. Thompson. 2009. Primocane-fruiting blackberries  Potential for extending harvest season and production regions. HortScience 44(Feb):23-24 Takeda, F., K. Demchak, D. T. Handley, R. Grube, C. Feldhake, and M. R. Warmund. 2008. Row Cover Improves Winter Survival and Production of Western Trailing 'Siskiyou' Blackberry in the Eastern United States. HortTechnology 18:575-582. Thompson, E., B.C. Strik, C.E. Finn, Y. Zhao, and J.R. Clark. 2009. High Tunnel vs. Open Field: Management of Primocane-fruiting Blackberry using Pruning and Tipping to Increase Yield and Extend the Fruiting Season. HortScience, 44:1581-1587. Wang, C.Y., Chen, C.T., and Wang, S.Y. 2009.Changes of flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity in blueberries after illumination with UV-C. Food Chem. 117:426-431. Wang, S.Y., Chen, C.T., Wang, C.Y. The influence of light and maturity on fruit quality and flavonoid content of red raspberries. Food Chemistry 112: 676-684. 2009. Wang, S.Y., and Millner, P. 2009. Effect of compost socks system on antioxidant capacity, flavonoid content, and fruit quality of strawberries. HortScience 44 (4): 1124. Wycislo, A., J.R. Clark, and D.E. Karcher. 2008. Fruit shape analysis of Vitis using digital photography. HortScience 43:677-680. Xiaofen Du, Chad Finn, Michael C. Qian, Volatile composition and odour activity value of thornless 'Black Diamond' and 'Marion' blackberries, Food Chem. 2009 (DOI: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2009.08.024) Yao, S., J.J. Luby, D.K. Wildung. 2009. Strawberry cultivar injury after two contrasting Minnesota winters. HortTechnology 19:803-808. Publications in press Johnson, K. B., and Mahaffee, W. F. 2010. Factors influencing epidemiology and management of blackberry rust in cultivated Rubus laciniatus. Plant Dis. 93:(accepted with minor revision) Kempler C., H.K. Hall and C.E. Finn. (in press). Raspberry. In. Badenes M. L. and Byrne D.H.: editors. Handbook of Plant Breeding vol. 6. Fruit Breeding. Springer NY. Li, D., M.T. Charles, O. Carisse, R. Tsao and S. Khanizadeh. 2009. Changes in Ascorbate-Glutathione pathway Enzymes in response to Mycosphaerella fragariae in Selected Strawberry Genotypes. Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection (accepted) Polashock, J. J., F. L. Caruso, P. V. Oudemans, P. S. McManus, and J. Crouch. 2009. Population structure of the North American cranberry fruit rot complex. Plant Pathology (in press, early view on line at DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3059.2009.02120.x) Tao, T., S. Zhang, C. Beldica, R. Tsao, M.T. Charles, R. Yang and S. Khanizadeh. 2009. In Vitro Antifungal Activity and Mode of Action of Selected Antioxidants on Botrytis cinerea. Archives of Phytopathology & Plant Protection. (In press) Thompson, A.E, B.C Strik, J.R. Clark, and C.E. Finn. 2009. of Primocane fruiting Blackberry using Pruning, Tipping, and High Tunnels. HortScience (accepted for publication). Wang, Q., Y. Hao, D. Rekika, M.T. Charles, X. Wang, R. Tsao, R. Yang and S. Khanizadeh. 2009. Agronomic Characteristics and Chemical Composition of Newly Developed Day-Neutral Strawberry Lines by Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada. International Journal of Food Properties (in press). Books/Chapters/Review Articles Clark, J.R. and R.J. Jondle. 2008. pp. 439-455. Intellectual property rights for fruit crops. In: J.F. Hancock (ed.). Temperate Fruit Crop Breeding: Germplasm to Genomics. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, Netherlands Clark, J.R., A. Brazelton Aust, and R. Jondle. Intellectual Property Protection and Marketing of New Fruit Varieties. In: D. Byrne and M. Bedenes (eds.). Handbook Of Plant Breeding: Fruit Species. Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin (accepted for publication). Ehsani M. B. and Khanizadeh S. An Overview in Antioxidant Properties of Strawberry. In: New Plant Physiology Research Ed: Robert T. Devane, Publisher: Nova Science Publishers, Incorporated - April 01, 2009. Hardcoverience Publishers, Inc. NY. ISBN: 978-1-60741-102-4 Finn, C.E. and J.R. Clark. 200X. p. xx-xx. Blackberry. In: M. Badenes and D. H. Byrne (eds.). Handbook of Plant Breeding: Volume 4: Fruit Species. Springer Science+Business Media, Berlin (accepted for publication). Hall, H.K., Hummer, K.E., Jamieson, A.R., Jennings, S.N., Weber, C.A. 2009. Raspberry breeding and genetics, p.39-353. In: J. Janick (ed.). Plant Breeding Reviews, Volume 32. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Theses Rougoor, C.A. 2008. Plant resistance and alternative management to Lygus lineolaris (Palisot de Beauvois), tarnished plant bug, in strawberry genotypes Fragaria x ananassa, and raspberry Rubus idaeus L. M.Sc. thesis, University of Guelph, Ontario, Canada. Symposia Proceedings Clark, J.R. and C.E. Finn. 2008. New trends in blackberry breeding. Acta Hort. 777:41-48. Dale, A. 2009. How climate change could influence breeding and modern production systems in berry crops. Acta Hort. 838:161-168. Ehlenfeldt, M.K. and R.B. Martin. 2009. Seed set, fruit weight and yield in highbush blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum L.) 'Duke' and 'Bluecrop'. Acta Hort. 810:325-329. Ehlenfeldt, M.K and J.J. Polashock. 2009. Disease resistance in blueberry-steps toward an integrated utilization approach. Acta Hort.810:93-96 Friedrich, H., C.R. Rom, J. McAfee, M.E. Garcia, D.T. Johnson, J.S. Popp, and C. Vincent. 2009. Performance of high tunnel organic blackberry and raspberry. HortSci. 44(4):1114 Hancock, J.F. and J.R. Clark. 2009. Intellectual Property Protection and the Funding of Blueberry Breeding in the Future: the New Paradigm. Acta Hort. 810:43-48 Jamieson, A.R. and C. Kempler. 2009. Strawberry genotypes differ in their ratio of shoots to roots, based on dry weight. Acta Hort. 842:589-592. Khanizadeh, S., S. Tao, S. Zhang, R. Tsao, D. Rekika, R. Yang, M.T. Charles, L. Gauthier and A. Gosselin. 2009. Profile of Antioxidant Activities of Selected Strawberry Genotypes. Acta Horticulturae. 814: 551-555. Khanizadeh, S., M. Deschênes, A. Levasseur, O. Carisse, M.T. Charles, D. Rekika, L. Gauthier, A. Gosselin, R. Tsao, R. Yang, J. DeEll and J.A. Sullivan. 2009. 'St-Jean dOrléans' Strawberry. Acta Horticulturae. 814: 275-276. Khanizadeh, S., R. Tsao, D. Rekika, R. Yang, M.T. Charles and H.P.V. Rupasinghe. 2009. Advances in Fruit Breeding in Eastern Canada - Role of Phytochemicals in Designing Specialty Fruits. Acta Horticulturae. 814: 205-207. Moore, P., P. Perkins-Veazie, C.A. Weber and L. Howard. 2008. Enviromental Effect on Antioxidant Content of Ten Raspberry Cultivars. P. Banados and A. Dale (eds.). Acta Hort. 777:499-504. Rom, C.R., J. McAfee, H. Friedrich, H. Choi, M.E. Garcia, D. Johnson, J. Popp, and M. Savin. 2008. Early performance during establishment of an organic apple orchard in the upper Mid-South. LXVIII Southern Reg. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. HortSci. 43(3):609. Rom, C.R., H. Friedrich, J. McAfee, M.E. Garcia, D. Johnson, J. Popp, C. Vincent, and M. van Iersel. 2008. Potential for high tunnel organic berry production for extended and alternative season. LXVIII Southern Reg. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. HortSci. 43(3):610. Shafii, B., Price, W.J., Barney, D.L. and Lopez, O.A. 2009. Effects of stratification and cold storage on the seed germination characteristics of cascade huckleberry and oval-leaved bilberry. Acta Hort. 810:599-608. Strik, B.C., J.R. Clark, C.E. Finn and M. Pilar Bañados. 2008. Worldwide production of blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:209-218. Strik, B.C., C.E. Finn, J.R. Clark, and G. Buller 2008. Management of primocane-fruiting blackberry to maximize yield and extend the fruiting season. Acta Hort. 777:423-428. Takeda, F. and P. Perkins-Veazie. 2008. The nuts and bolts of high tunnel production and manipulation for specialized applications: Introduction to the workshop. HortScience 44:230. Thompson, E., J.R. Clark, B.C. Strik, and C.E.Finn. 2008. Flowering and fruiting morphology of primocane-fruiting blackberries. Acta Hort. 777:281-288. Wang, C.Y. and Wang, S.Y. 2009. Effect of storage temperatures on fruit quality of various cranberry cultivars. Acta Hort. 810, Vol (1):853-861. Weber, C.A. P. Perkins-Veazie, P. Moore and L. Howard. 2008. Variability of Antioxidant Content in Raspberry Germplasm. P. Banados and A. Dale (eds.). Acta Hort. 777:493-498 Websites Cornell - (one of the most visited in the college) Fruit Chemistry -Jungmin Lee ( High Tunnel Raspberry Production in Minnesota - Horticulture - David Bryla ( Midwest - (small fruit and grape spray guide) MSU Blueberry Website (new fact sheets, weekly scouting report, links to pest management and production information) MSU Grape Website - (weekly vineyard scouting reports, weather, pest management, and viticulture information) MSU Native Plants website the following slide sets as Powerpoint files, and also PDFs of extension bulletins Common Bees in Michigan and An Intro. to Natural Enemies for Bio. Control of Pest Insects) Muscadines - (this site was developed to bring together the latest information from the Research and Extension Specialists at NC State University for muscadine growers throughout the state) Nebraska Viticulture - - Inga Zasada ( Extension Alston, D., B. Black, M. Murray. 2009. Raspberry horntail (Hartigia cressonii). USU Extension Publication ENT-132-09. Black, B., G. Cardon and Ehlenfeldt. 2009. Blueberries in Utah? Black, B., G. Cardon and C. Ransom. 2009. Iron Chlorosis in Berries. Black, B., M. Pace and J. Goodspeed. 2008. Strawberries in the Garden. Black, B., R. Hill and G. Cardon. 2008. Strawberry Irrigation Demchak, K., J.K. Harper, and L.F. Kime. 2009. Agricultural Alternatives: Highbush Blueberry Production. Penn State Coop. Ext. Publ. UA265, 6 pp. (revision). Julian, J.W., C.F. Seavert, C. Kaiser, P.A. Skinkis. 2009. Vineyard Economics: Establishing and Producing Cabernet Sauvignon Wine Grapes in Eastern Oregon. OSU Extension service EM8974-E. Julian, J., C. Seavert, B. Strik, and D. Kaufman. 2009. Berry economics: Establishing and producing Marion blackberries in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. EM 8773, 31pp. Skinkis, P.A., A.J. Dreves, V.M. Walton and R.R. Martin. July 2009. Field Monitoring for Grapevine Leafroll Virus and Mealybug in Pacific Northwest Vineyards. Oregon State University Extension Service EM8985 (English) and EM8985S (Spanish). Skinkis, P., V. Walton, C. Kaiser. 2009. Grape Phylloxera: Biology and Management in the Pacific Northwest. OSU Extension Service EC1463. Skinkis, P. 2009. Establishing a Vineyard in Oregon: A Quick-start Resource Guide. OSU Extension Service EM8973-E. Walton, V., A. Dreves, P. Skinkis, C. Kaiser, M. Buchanan, R. Hilton, R.R. Martin, S. Castagnoli, S. Renquist. Oct 2009. Grapevine Leafroll Virus and Mealybug Prevention and Management in Oregon Vineyards. Oregon State University Extension Service EM8990. Walton, V., P. Skinkis, A. Dreves, C. Kaiser, S. Renquist, S. Castagnoli, R. Hilton. 2009. Grapevine Growth Distortions: A Guide to Identifying Symptoms. OSU Extension Service EM 8975-E.
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