SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Kelli Beldin, (Univ. WY) Alan Blaylock, (Agrium); Neil Christensen, (OR State Univ.); Joan Davenport, (Washington State Univ.); Jonathan Deenik, (Univ. Hawaii); Nat Dellavalle, (Dellavalle Lab); Jason Ellsworth, (Univ. ID); Robert Miller, (North Amer. Prof. Testing); Janice Kotuby-Amacher, (UT State Univ); Robert Mikkelsen, (Potash & Phosphate Institute); Stuart Pettygrove, (Univ. CA, Davis); Bart Stevens, (Univ. WY); Dan Sullivan, (OR State Univ.); Tom Thompson, (Univ. AZ); Terry Tindall, (JR Simplot); Dwayne Westfall, (CO State Univ)

Officers: Chair: Tom Thompson (2003-2004); Past Chair: Nat Dellevalle (2002-2003); Incoming Chair: Dan Sullivan (2004-2005); Secretary: Robert Mikkelsen; Treasurer: Jason Ellsworth; Incoming Secretary: Jonathan Deenik; 2005 Program Planning Chair: Bart Stevens; 2004 Local Arrangements: Stuart Pettygrove.

Western states with no representative in attendance: Montana: Replacement for Jacobsen needs to be identified; Alaska: Invitation will be extended; New Mexico: Invitation will be extended.

Changes in state representatives: Jonathan Deenik has replaced Russ Yost as the Univ. Hawaii representative.

Plans were made for the Western Nutrient Conference (March 2-4, 2005) to be held at the University Park Marriott, Salt Lake City, UT. Reservations have already been made for the conference. Bart Stevens will be the program planning chairman. Rob Mikkelsen will be responsible for publicity when the program gets set. Phyllis Pates (PPI) will be coordinating the conference and proceedings arrangements with Bart. Jason Ellsworth accepted assignment to work on printing the proceedings and providing the poster boards for the meeting. General agenda is: Wednesday (Mar. 2)- WCC103 Committee meeting; Thursday and Friday (Mar 3-4)- Conference program.

Future WCC Meetings: Dr. Jonathan Deenik, University of Hawaii, offered to host the WCC 103 meeting for March 2006. This suggestion was approved.


The WCC group summarized the current university and industry research efforts on nutrient management- including inorganic nutrients and animal by-products. Considerable effort is underway on improving the management of animal wastes for use in crop production. Close cooperation with USDA-NRCS is taking place to assist this agency in making science-based recommendations. The NRCS has also requested considerable help from University faculty for training the field-based practitioners in the western states. This effort is expected to escalate in the future.

Two regional publications were completed during the year as a result of WCC activity:
1. Monitoring Soil Nutrients Using a Management Unit Approach (PNW 570-E) (available at

2. Soil, Plant, and Water Reference Methods for the Western Region publication completed (available at website).

Three new or ongoing publications were discussed and plans were made for completing them as regional efforts during the coming year, including:

Soil Extractant/Interpretation Guide: help users understand the differences in soil extractants, the rationale of different approaches, and how to interpret results of laboratory analysis.

Peppermint Nutrition Guide: Excellent session covered these issues at the 2003 Conference and the resultes are published in the proceedings

Protein Enhancement in Grains: A first draft with figures has been circulated to the committee for review.

Soil Testing Issues: Coordination of soil analysis among the western states is underway. Since soil analysis is becoming the basis for regulation, its accuracy is becoming more critical. North America proficiency test (NAPT) program in existence since 1998. ~160 labs currently enrolled in the program. Quality of soil test information is high priority since many regulatory programs are dependent on this accurate data. Analytical results from a few laboratories are consistently different from most laboratories- which raise issues!

A double-blind study done by Miller and WSU-Pullman on six samples identified wide variation in the results. A Utah NRCS test of 25 samples indicates that some labs are consistently higher than others.

A Performance Assessment Program (PAP) is being organized in cooperation with NRCS to identify laboratories that will be certified to handle NRCS-funded soil samples. Laboratories will have to identify methods, accept double-blind samples (5 to 10 soils), and participate in NAPT program. The likely standard will be +/- 20% of the mean. Of the Western US 38 currently participating labs, approx. 22 of the labs already meet this standard. Labs that pass this standard will be publicized on NRCS and SSSA website and approved for future NRCS work.

Reports were made on topics of regional interest, including vegetable fertilization, cotton management, potato and sugarbeet nutrition, forage production, small grain nutrient requirements, etc.


  1. 1. Concern regarding consistent and accurate soil analysis has led the WCC 103 group to initiate efforts of the NAPT pilot program to certify high-performing laboratories. The issue of proper soil testing has serious implications for farm profitability, nutrient management plans, and environmental quality. This program is being implemented during 2004.
  2. 2. Efforts to coordinate nutrient management for profitability and environmental protection was facilitated through efforts of WCC103. Each state is working on region-specific crops as resources allow. However, where these regions cross state boundaries, the WCC 103 group successfully facilitates research and educational work. This eliminates unnecessary duplication and redundancy.
  3. 3. Coordination of training to promote appropriate nutrient management throughout the Western region was achieved. Sharing case studies of success and failure in individual states is very helpful for all the other states working in this effort. Consistent scientific recommendations for farm production and water quality are possible through WCC 103 efforts.


Thompson, T.L., S.A. White, J. Walworth, and G.J. Sower. 2003. Fertigation frequency for subsurface drip-irrigated broccoli. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:910-918.

Hutmacher, R B, R L Travis, D W Rains, RN Vargas, B.A. Roberts, B.L. Weir, S.D. Wright, D.S. Munk, B.H. Marsh, M.P. Keeley, F.B. Fritschi, D.J. Munier, R.L. Nichols and R. Delgado. 2004. Response of recent Acala cotton varieties to variable nitrogen rates in the San Joaquin Valley of California. Agron. J. 96:48-62.

Fritschi, F., BA Roberts, R.L. Travis, D.W. Rains and R.B. Hutmacher. 2003. Response of irrigated Ac ala and Pima cotton to nitrogen fertilization: Growth, dry matter partitioning and yield. Agron. J. 95:133-146.

Wang, Zhi; Wu, Laosheng; Harter, Thomas; Lu, Jianliang; Jury, William A., 2003. A field study of unstable preferential flow during soil water redistribution, Water Resour. Res. Vol. 39 No. 4, l0.1029/2001WR000903, 01 April 2003.

Minasny, B., J. W. Hopmans, T. Harter, S. 0. Eching, A. Tuli, M. A. Denton, 2004. Neural networks prediction of soil hydraulic functions for alluvial soils using multistep outflow data, Soil Science Soc. Of Am. Journal 68:4 17429

Anon. 2004. Farm Water Quality Planning Short Course. University of California Cooperative Extension and USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service, Salinas, CA. (Contact Mary L. Bianchi, UC Cooperative Extension, 2156 Sierra Way, Suite C, San Luis Obispo CA, 93401)

Gangloff, W. R. 2003. Spatial statistical analysis of soil parameters and crop yields for precision agriculture applications. Ph. D. Dissertation, Department of Soil and Crop Sciences, Colorado State University. Fort Collins, CO 80523

Gangloff, W., R. Reich, D. Westfall, and R. Khosla. 2003. Spatial dependence of soil samples and precision farming applications. Pg 223_228. In Precision Agriculture. J. Stafford and A. Werner (eds) Wageningen Academic Publishers 783 pp. The Netherlands. (Refereed)

Gangloff, W., R. Reich, D. Westfall, and R. Khosla. 2003. Spatial dependence of soil samples and precision farming applications. Pg 204. In Program book of the joint conference of ECPA_ECPLF. A. Werner and A. Jarfe (eds) Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. 846 pp

Westfall, D.G., W.J. Gangloff, R. Khosla, R.M. Reich, A. Hornung, D.F. Heermann, H.J. Farahani, and K. Fleming. 2003. Development of production level management zones for nitrogen fertilization. Pg 332. In Program book of the joint conference of ECPA_ECPLF. A. Werner and A. Jarfe (eds) Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp 846.

Westfall, D. G., W. J. Gangloff, R. M. Riech, R. Khosla, D. F. Heermann, H. J. Farahani, and K. Fleming. 2003. Identification of production level management zones and accuracy level verification. Agron. Abs., CD ROM. Amer. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI. (Invited paper)

Davis, J.G. 2003. Making decisions about application rates. Livestock and Poultry Environmental Stewardship Curriculum. CAFO Fact Sheet series # 25.

Davis, J.G. 2003. Why does manure matter in the Great Plains? Invited paper for Symposium on ?What do we do with all this manure?? Agronomy Abstracts. Annual Meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. 2-6 Nov., 2003 in Denver, CO. Oral.

Davis, J.G., M.F. Vigil, B.R. Jakubowski, and G.M. Smith. 2003. Impact of Manure Characteristics and Management on Nitrogen Mineralization. Proc. of the Western Nutrient Management Conference 5:29-33. March 6-7, 2003 in Salt Lake City, Utah

Elliott, A.L. 2003. Impact of organic phosphorus sources on phosphorus runoff. M.S. thesis. Colorado State University; Fort Collins, CO.

Elliott, A.L., J.G. Davis, R.M. Waskom, D.K. Christensen, and J.R. Self. 2003. Impact of organic phosphorus sources on phosphorus runoff. Agronomy Abstracts. Annual Meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. 2-6 Nov., 2003 in Denver, CO.

Schierer, R.A., J.G. Davis, R.M. Waskom, and A. Schlegel. 2003. Ortho-phosphorus runoff from three Great Plains calcareous soils. Agronomy Abstracts. Annual Meetings of ASA/CSSA/SSSA. 2-6 Nov., 2003 in Denver, CO.

Davis, J.G., R.A. Schierer, R.M. Waskom, and A.J. Schlegel. 2003. Predicting phosphorus runoff from manured cropland on calcareous soils. Western Society of Soil Science. Abstracts of the American Association for the Advancement of Science Pacific Division. June 15-17, 2003, in San Francisco, CA

Daniel, J., J.G. Davis, and L. Grant. 2003. Long-term organic farming impacts on soil fertility. The Second National Organic Tree Fruit Symposium, May 28-30, 2003; Grand Junction, Colorado.

Davis, J.G., and R.J. Zimmerman. 2003. Nutrient availability for apple trees from chicken manure and compost. The Second National Organic Tree Fruit Symposium, May 28-30, 2003; Grand Junction, Colorado

Hornung, A., R. Khosla, R. Reich, and D.G. Westfall. 2003. Evaluation of Site-Specific Management Zones: Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Pg 297-302. In Precision Agriculture. J. Stafford and A. Werner (eds) Wageningen Academic Publishers 783 pp. The Netherlands. (Refereed)

Inman, D.J., R. Khosla, D.G. Westfall, and R.M. Reich. 2003. Spatial variability in nitrogen uptake across site-specific management zones in irrigated corn. Agronomy Abstracts, Western Society of Crop Science Annual Meetings, Fort Collins, CO June 22-24, 2003. pg 4.

Hornung, A., R. Khosla, R. Reich, and D.G. Westfall. 2003. Evaluation of Site-Specific Management Zones: Grain Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. Pg 223. In Program book of the joint conference of ECPA_ECPLF. A. Werner and A. Jarfe (eds) Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands. Pp 846.

Khosla, R., D. G. Westfall, B. Koch, M. Frasier, and K. Fleming. 2003. Production level management zones for fertilizer management: Are they profitable. Agron. Abs., CD ROM. Amer. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI. (Invited paper)

Khosla. R., A. Hornung, R. M. Reich, and D. G. Westfall. 2003. Yield maps and soil properties to delineate site-specific management zones. Agron. Abs., CD ROM. Amer. Soc. of Agron., Madison, WI

Bauder, Troy and Reagan Waskom. 2003. Best Management Practices for Colorado Corn. Colo. State Univ. Coop. Ext. XCM574A

Sharkoff, J.L., R.M. Waskom and T.A. Bauder. 2003. Colorado Nitrogen Leaching Index Risk Assessment Version 1.0. USDA-NRCS Agronomy Technical Note No. 97.

Sharkoff, J.L., R.M. Waskom and J.G. Davis. 2002. Colorado Phosphorus Index Risk Assessment Version 2.0. USDA-NRCS Agronomy Technical Note No. 95

Leytem, A.B. and J.T. Sims. 2004. coefficients for organic phosphorus sources: Laboratory studies. J. Environ. Qual. 33:389-393

Leytem, A.B., B.L. Turner, and V. Raboy. 2004. Phosphorus solubility in soils following incorporation of manure from swine fed a variety of low phytate barley diets. Soil Sci. submitted March 2004.

Leytem, A.B., B.L. Turner, and J.B. Taylor. 2004. Effects of low phytate barleys on manure phosphorus forms in swine. Prof. Anim. Sci. submitted Feb 2004

Hart, J., N. Christensen, M. Mellbye, and G. Gingrich. 2003. Nutrient and biomass accumulation of peppermint. In: Western Nutrient Management Conference Proceedings, Vol. 5, p. 63-70. March 6-7, 2003, Salt Lake City, UT.

Christensen, N.W., J.M. Hart, M.E. Mellbye, and G.A. Gingrich. 2003. Soil nitrogen dynamics in peppermint fields. In: Western Nutrient Management Conference Proceedings, Vol. 5, p. 71-76. March 6-7, 2003, Salt Lake City, UT.

Christensen, N.W., J.M. Hart, M.E. Mellbye, and G.A. Gingrich. 2003. Sulfur influence on peppermint oil quality. In: Western Nutrient Management Conference Proceedings, Vol. 5, p. 190-198. March 6-7, 2003, Salt Lake City, UT.

Mellbye, M.E., G.A. Gingrich, and J.M. Hart. 2003. Response of cool season grass seed crops to boron fertilizer in the Willamette Valley, Oregon. In: Proc. of the 5th International Herbage Seed Conference, November 23-26, 2003, University of Queensland Gatton Campus, Australia.

Hart, J.M., D.A. Horneck, M.E. Mellbye, G.A. Gingrich, W.C. Young, and T.B. Silberstein. 2003. Potassium nutrition of perennial ryegrass. In: Proc. of the 5th International Herbage Seed Conference, November 23-26, 2003, University of Queensland Gatton Campus, Australia.

Young III, W.C., T.B. Silberstein, M.E. Mellbye, G.A. Gingrich, J.M. Hart, and T.G. Chastain. 2003. Spring nitrogen fertilization practices in Oregon?s Willamette Valley grass seed crops. In: Proc. of the 5th International Herbage Seed Conference, November 23-26, 2003, University of Queensland Gatton Campus, Australia.

Davenport, J.R., C.J. DeMoranville, J. Hart, S. Kumidini, K. Patten, A. Poole, and T.R. Roper. 2003. Spatial and temporal variability of cranberry soil pH. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 626:323-336

Hart, J. and B. Strik. 2004. Site Evaluation and Preparation. In: Proc. of the Blueberry Production Course, March 2, 2004, Oregon State University Extension Service, Salem, OR.

Horneck, D., J. Hart, R. Stevens, S. Petrie, and J. Altland. 2004. Acidifying Soil for Crop Production West of the Cascade Mountains (Western Oregon and Washington). In: Proc. of the Blueberry Production Course, March 2, 2004, Oregon State University Extension Service, Salem, OR.

Hart, J., T. Righetti, B. Strik, D. Horneck, and M. Kauffman. 2004. What are my blueberry plants telling me? In: Proc. of the Blueberry Production Course, March 2, 2004, Oregon State University Extension Service, Salem, OR.

Strik, B., J. Hart, P. Bañados, and W. Yang. 2004. Fertilization (what we now know and what we still need to learn). In: Proc. of the Blueberry Production Course, March 2, 2004, Oregon State University Extension Service, Salem, OR.

Hart, J., D. Horneck, R. Stevens, N. Bell, and C. Cogger. 2003 Acidifying Soil for Blueberries and Ornamental Plants in the Yard and Garden, west of the Cascade Mountain Range in Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Extension Service EC 1560-E. April 2003.

Hart, J. M. and M. D. Butler. 2003. Seed carrot above ground biomass and nutrient accumulation, 2001/2002 growing season. In: W.C. Young III (ed.), 2002 Seed Production Research at Oregon State University USDA-ARS Cooperating, Department of Crop and Soil Science Ext/CrS 121, 4/03, Corvallis, OR

Young, W.C. III, M.E. Mellbye, G.A. Gingrich, T.B. Silberstein, T.G. Chastain, J.M. Hart, and S. M. Griffith. 2003. Defining optimum nitrogen fertilization practices for grass seed production systems in the Willamette Valley. In: W.C. Young III (ed.), 2002 Seed Production Research at Oregon State University USDA-ARS Cooperating, Department of Crop and Soil Science Ext/CrS 122, 5/03, Corvallis, OR.

Bell, N., D. M. Sullivan, L. J. Brewer, and J. Hart. May 2003. Improving Garden Soils with Organic Matter. Oregon State University Extension Service EC 1561.

Gingrich, G.A., J.M. Hart, D.A. Horneck, W.C. Young, and T.B. Silberstein. 2003. Fine fescue seed (Western Oregon?West of the Cascades). Oregon State University Extension Service FG 6 (revised). Corvallis, OR.

Mellbye, M.E., J.M. Hart, D.A. Horneck, W.C. Young III, and T. Silberstein. 2003. Annual Ryegrass (Western Oregon). Oregon State University Extension Service FG 5-E (revised). Corvallis, OR.

Hart, J.M., M.E. Mellbye, W.C. Young III, and T. Silberstein. 2003. Nutrient Management for Annual Ryegrass Grown for Seed (Western Oregon). Oregon State University Extension Service EM 8854-E. Corvallis, OR.

Pirelli, G., J. Hart, S. Filley, A. Peters, M. Porath, T. Downing, M. Bohle, and J. Carr. 2004. Early Spring Forage Production for Western Oregon Pastures. Oregon State University Extension Service EM 8852-E. Corvallis, OR

Horneck, D., J. Hart, R. Stevens, S. Petrie, and J. Altland. 2004. Acidifying Soil for Crop Production West of the Cascade Mountains (Western Oregon and Washington). Oregon State University Extension Service EM 8857-E. Corvallis, OR

Hart, J., R. Fletcher, C. Landgren, D. Horneck, S. Webster, and M. Bondi. 2004. Christmas Tree Nutrient Management Guide for Western Oregon and Washington. Oregon State University Extension Service EM 8856-E. Corvallis, OR

Cogger, C.G., Bary, A.I., D.M. Sullivan, and E.A. Myhre. 2004. Biosolids processing effects on first and second year available N. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:162-167.

Davenport, J. R. 2003. Introduction to Workshop: Managing nitrogen and water for production efficiency in potato. HortTechnology 13(4): 592.

Davenport, J.R., DeMoranville, C.J., Hart, J., Kumidini, S., Patten, K., Poole, A. and Roper, T.R. 2003. Spatial and temporal variability of cranberry soil pH. Acta Hort. (ISHS) 626:323-336

Davenport, J. R., J. M. Marden, L. J. Mills, and M. J. Hattendorf. 2003. Concord grape response to variable rate nutrient management. Am. J. Vit. Enol. 54(4):286-293.

Gilmour, J.T., C.G. Cogger, L.W. Jacobs, G.K. Evanylo, and D.M. Sullivan. 2003. Decomposition and plant available N in biosolids: Laboratory studies, field, studies, and computer simulation. J. Environ. Qual. 32:1498-1507.

Sullivan, D.M., A.I. Bary, T.J. Nartea, E.A. Myrhe, C.G. Cogger, and S.C. Fransen. 2003. Nitrogen availability seven years after a high-rate food waste compost application. Compost Sci. Util. 11(3): 265-275.

Whitley, K. M., and J. R. Davenport. 2003. Nitrate leaching potential under variable and uniform nitrogen fertilizer management in irrigated potato systems. HortTechnology 13(4): 605-609.

Pan, W.L., R.G. Stevens, and K.L. Labno. 2003. Cadmium accumulation in wheat and potato from P and waster-derived Zn fertilizers. In W.L. Hall and W.P. Robarge. Environment Impacts of Fertilizers on Soil, Air, and Water. American Chemical Society. Washington, D.C. pg 112-123

Hart, J., D. Horneck, R. Stevens, N. Bell, and C. Cogger. 2003. Acidifying soil for blueberries and ornamental plants in the yard and garden. EC 1560-E. Oregon State University Extension Service.

Sharpley, A.N., T. Daniel, T. Sims, J. Lemunyon, R. Stevens, and R. Parry. 2003. Agricultural Phosphorus and Eutrophication. 2nd Ed. U.S. Department of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Service. ARS-149. pg. 42.

Sullivan, D.M. and C.G. Cogger. 2003. Post-harvest soil nitrate testing for manured cropping systems in western Washington and Oregon. EM 8832-E. Oregon State University Extension Service.

Cogger, C.G., Bary, A.I., D.M. Sullivan, and E.A. Myhre. 2003. Estimating plant available nitrogen from biosolids. Proc. Western Nutrient Management Conf. 5:42-53. Salt Lake City, UT.

Perry, E. M., R. Rupp, J. Davenport, J. Leal, F. J. Pierce, and U. Schulthess. 2003. Crop traceability and remote sensing in tree fruit. In W. Gao and D. R. Shaw (eds.) Proc. SPIE Vol. 5153, Ecosystems‘‘ Dynamics, Agricultural Remote Sensing and Modeling, and Site-Specific Agriculture.

Stevens, W.B., R.G. Hoeft, and W.R. Peterson. 2003. Nitrogen fertilizer requirement for inbred corn following corn or soybean. Online. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2003-1126-01-RS

Taulealea, Sully. 2003. Economics of Variable Rate Vs. Uniform Rate Fertilization with Wyoming Sugar Beet Production. M.S. Thesis.

Vance, G.F., and W.B. Stevens. 2003. Soil characteristics and planning for soil disturbance. p. 12-36. In Sharing Solutions for Successful Plantings in the Northern Great Plains: A Resource Guide. Lake DeSmet Cons. Dist., Wyo. Dept. Agric., EPA Reg. VIII, and Wyo. Assoc. Cons. Dists

Peel J.W., K.J. Reddy, B.P. Sullivan, and J. Bowen. 2003. Electrocatlytic reduction of nitrate in water. Water Research Journal. 37:2512-2519

McBeth, I.H., K.J. Reddy, and Q.D. Skinner. 2003. Chemistry of trace elements in coalbed methane product water. Water Research Journal. 37:884-890.

Reddy, K.J.., and Q.D. Skinner. 2003. Natural attenuation of Ba, Cr, Mn, and Zn in coalbed methane product water disposal ponds. "Natural Remediation-Bioavailability Interactions in Contaminated Ecosystems: Concepts and Applications". G.R. Gobran and N. Lepp (ed.) In Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, Uppsala, Sweden, pp336-337
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