SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Roeder, Rick ( - University of Arkansas; Meyer, Rick (; Taylor, David ( - University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Foil, Lane ( - Louisiana State University; Boxler, Dave ( - University of Nebraska, Lincoln; Geden, Chris ( University of Florida, Gainesville; Loftin, Kelly ( - University of Arkansas; Zurek, Ludek ( - Kansas State University; Moon, Roger ( -University of Minnesota; Hogsette, Jerry ( - University of Florida, Gainesville; Li, Andrew (; Guerrero, Felix (; Olafson, Pia (; Ferguson, Holly ( - Washington State University; Zhu, Jerry (; Watson, Wes ( - North Carolina State University; Kaufman, Phil ( - University of Florida; Gerry, Alec ( -University of California, Riverside; Broce, Alberto ( - Kansas State University; Butler, Sarah ( - Louisiana State University; Becker, Mike ( - Louisiana State University.

The meeting was called to order at 8:11 by Wes Watson, Chair Local Arrangements Committee was Lane Foil, Sarah Butler, Mike Becker and Van Hilbun and Lacy Inman A round of self introductions followed. In attendance were Rick Roeder, Rick Meyer, David Taylor, Lane Foil, Dave Boxler, Chris Geden, Kelly Loftin, Ludek Zurek, Roger Moon, Jerry Hogsette, Andrew Li, Felix Guerrero, Pia Olafson, Holly Ferguson, Jerry Zhu, Wes Watson, Phil Kaufman, Alec Gerry, Alberto Broce, Sarah Butler, Mike Becker. Rick Meyer, CSREES representative, presented updates on the new Farm Bill and its impacts on CSREES. CSREES will be replaced by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). NIFA will function under the direction of a politically appointed Director reporting to the US Secretary of Agriculture, Tom Vilsack. NIFA will be established by 10/1/09. Research coordination across agencies in the REE mission area will be through an Office of Research, Education and Extension (REEO). REEO is charged with developing a roadmap for agricultural research, extension, and education. The Road map will be completed by 9/15/09. NIFA will continue the same capacity or formula funding programs (Hatch, Smith-Lever). Funding levels are likely to be about the same in the coming year. The National Research Initiative (NRI) has been replaced with the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) is required to offer >30% of funding for integrated research (research, extension, education)  must have two of the three areas in the proposal. Most proposals that have been received through current integrated programs address research and extension issues with fewer proposals that have a higher education component. The addition of education components may give a proposal an advantage! Funding is broken down as 60% fundamental research, 30% multi-disciplinary teams. An EPSCOR-like program (Experimental Program for Stimulating Competitive Research) will continue under AFRI. Release of AFRI has been delayed by uncertainty caused by the legal definition of a Hispanic Serving Agricultural Program included in the Farm Bill. Almost all of the current programs will continue under the new Farm Bill, including three traditional funding opportunities used by this group; Crops at Risk (CAR), Risk Avoidance and Mitigation Program (RAMP) and Pest Management Alternatives Program (PMAP). Funding levels will, in all probability, be similar to those in the past. Rick Roeder, Administrator for S-1030, provided timelines for completed reports of annual activities by 3/1/09. Minutes are due in 60 days from the meeting date. Rick will work with Wes, Lane and Roger to nominate S-1030 group for award. Nomination letter due by 2/27/09. Objective 1. Characterize dispersal and population biology of stable flies and house flies and develop monitoring methods for use in indoor and outdoor environments. 1. Dennis Berkebile (NE), Taylor presenting - Immature stable fly special distribution was examined around hay bale feeders. Immature habitat was characterized by 3 zones, each being beneath the selected body regions (1) head, (2) belly and (3) rump. Samples were taken with a golf cup cutter. Most larvae/pupae are found in top 5 cm. Most larvae were in the rump zone and pupae were more common in zone 2 and 1. 2. Dave Taylor (NE) - Stable fly dispersal. Diffusion with disappearance model to estimate the proportion of dispersing populations (Turchin & Thoeny 1993). About 50% of flies dispersed less than 2.25 km from the point of origin. Nearly all flies disperse in an area of < 10 km. Direction of dispersal was random. Taylor further described the use of Hemoccult tests to identify the presence of blood in the stable fly gut through 8 days after a single feeding. Hemoccult tests were superior to visual methods which fail to detect the presence of blood in the gut after 2 d post-feeding. Anthrone tests were used to identify sugar feeding by stable flies. Stable flies use nectaries for sustenance in the absence of blood. Valuable information may be acquired by combining physiological age grading using pterin analysis and blood meal and sugar data. Taylor will continue to work on the economic analysis examining the impact of stable flies on the livestock industry. Taylor is seeking feedback on the economic analysis model upon request. 3. Roger Moon (MN) reviewed the project data set examining the first occurrence of stable flies in specific regions from 1986-2001. Using mathematical models of DD development (Lysyk 1998) and NAAPFAST an internet system for the weather based mapping of plant pathogens (Magarey et al. 2007) or the NOAA Hysplit modeling system (Draxler and Hess 1997) using air movement as predictors of first stable fly collections. A handout showing results was distributed. 4. Phil Kaufman (FL) - Presented stable fly sampling data on horse ranches near Ocala, Florida. His student project has been to monitor adult seasonal activity using alsynite traps, identify development sites on the farms and determine blood meal source using PCR (Kent and Norris 2005). Blood meals were identifiable to host up to 48 hr. Additional data was presented on insecticide resistance in the fly populations. Permethrin resistance was noted. 5. Alberto Broce (KS) - stable fly larvae were found to overwinter deep in silage mounds. Stable fly overwintering is moisture dependent, with moisture levels highest in corn silage and lowest in manure. Survival of flies was good in high straw and highest in corn silage. Emerging flies appeared correlated to flies captured on Broce alsynite traps. Further discussion of using neutron activation spectral analysis to identify elemental profiles to determine origins of flies. 6. Jerry Zhu (NE) - Stable fly chemical ecology effort is directed to examining volatile odors as repellent/attractant compounds. Identification of chemoreceptors on the labium and labellum of stable flies and house flies. The goal is to identifiy compounds to employ in push pull strategies to manipulate stable fly behavior. Zhu is currently conducting GC-MS studies of oviposition media in collaboration with Ludek Zurek (KS). Exploring catnip extract for repellents for stable flies and to some extent house flies. Objective 3. Improve management tactics for stable flies and house flies 7. Lane Foil Lab - Sarah Butler, Mike Becker and Van Hilburn presented brief reports ongoing at LSU. Is bigger really better? Determine if the activity of blue/black treated targets developed at LSU is size dependent. A stable fly can see a 1 meter square target from 50 meters distance. Targets improved alsynite trap capture when placed in close proximity. No difference was found in trap catches in large fields with or without cows, but capture was increased when traps were placed very close to cows. Pterin analysis (Mail et al. 1983) was used to help define physiological characteristics of stable fly behaviors; older flies were found to be closely associated with cattle and younger flies were found in areas away from cattle. Permethrin treatment of cattle legs can provide good control. Inclusion of treated targets in push pull strategies with permethrin treatments may be useful. 8. Jerry Hogsette (FL) - Wind damage to treated targets has been a recurrent problem. He examined target shape and blue/black composition for effectiveness against stable flies. Composition (# panels) and shape (cylinders) did not change capture numbers. 9. Dave Boxler (NE) - In remote pastures, mist blower applications for stable fly control on pastured cattle was effective with permethrin providing the best control. Mist blowers mounted in the bed of a pickup truck were considered an efficient and easy application method by Nebraska cattle producers. Blue/black treated targets developed by LSU maintained insecticidal activity for > 110 days. Trap placement is very important. AvengerTM (endosulfan) ear tags did not control stable flies. 10. Jeff Scott (NY) could not attend in his absence Kaufman presented an update on the national house fly resistance survey. House flies from CA, MN, NM, MT and NE were tested in 2008. Variable resistance of flies from different states to cyfluthrin  all collections resistant to Methomyl and Permethrin. In 2009, house fly collections from FL, LA, OK, NC, KS, NY, PA and TX are requested. Pesticide use history is essential for a full understanding of the results. Scott is currently working on genotyping the sodium channel and P-450 genes to identify resistance alleles. 11. Chris Geden (FL) - Molasses and volatile component blend baits were tested in central Florida hotel rooms with 5,000 released house flies. House fly baits comprised of the 5 component blend was as attractive as 7 component blends. Patent application has been filed on blends. Results of Egyptian field trials were poor. Geden presented findings of research in Denmark; located Tachinaephagus zealandicus parasitoids in muscid flies from several locations confirming that this wasp is cosmopolitan and not limited to southern latitudes. He also, confirmed endophilic nature of the parasitoid. Recovered salivary gland hypertrophy virus from numerous Danish flies. He discussed house fly trapping program using blue cloth and alsynite traps with instantaneous fly counts on scudder grid. Cloth targets were treated with imidacloprid. Use of traps was successful at reducing fly numbers, though not as dramatically as was hoped. Objective 2. Establish extent of fly-borne dispersal of human and animal pathogens 12. Ludek Zurek (KS) - Continues work to demonstrate the potential of flies as mechanical vectors of drug resistant Enterococci. Found sewage waste facilities that produce ample flies and may lead to drug resistance. 13. Wes Watson (NC) - stable flies attracted to swine facility volatiles; they accumulate in greatest number near outflow fans. PRRS virus was not transmitted to swine by infected stable flies  virus did not penetrate fly midgut barrier. However PRRSV remained viable for many days following intrathorasic inoculation. Examined repellent effect of geraniol and undecanone for house fly. Efficacy for geraniol was dose dependent for the house fly. Similarly, undecanone repellent was most efficacious at 20% over the 24 hr test period. Lower doses of both repellents lost efficacy over a few hours. May be useful in push-pull fly management program. 14. Andrew Li (TX) - Provided update on resistance studies related to horn flies. Section is moving focus of research to molecular biology and physiology of biting flies. Methods developed in the horn fly resistance studies may be useful in determining resistance mechanisms in the stable fly 15. Alec Gerry (CA) - Presented work on house fly feeding on and attraction to honeydew. Study to examine house fly monitoring at dairies using spot cards, developed spot card reader software (FlySpotter) to have a computer count scanned cards. Insecticide resistance testing showed that house flies from 3 locations (dairy, urban, poultry) were equally resistant to permethrin but variably resistant to imidacloprid with resistance matching pesticide use history. Flies with physiological resistance to imidacloprid were strongly behaviorally resistant. Business Meeting. Next year the agenda will be adjusted with topic species, all stable fly topics together and all house fly topics together to maintain a common thread. Motion by Nancy Hinkle (GA) and Carl Jones (TN) to combine S-1030 meeting with LIWC. Questions about how these meetings might be combined; added to or part of? Some members favored combining the meetings due to limited funding and time. Many opposed due to fear of altering flavor of meeting (informal, small discussion) and problems with integrating into LIWC or making the meeting to long by attaching to the end. Motion tabled to next meeting due to absence of authors and question of combining with LIWC or appending to LIWC. The proposal to combine the meetings will need to be discussed with LIWC membership. Next meeting will be held in Riverside, California. Plan for Jan 13-14 2009. More information to follow from Gerry as dates and costs are confirmed. Meeting adjourned at 10:40 on 1-15-09


Objective 1: Characterize dispersal and population biology of stable flies and house flies and develop monitoring methods for use in indoor and outdoor environments. 1.1: Characterize stable fly origins and dispersal a. Larval habitats of stable flies. Hay rings have been identified as a primary source of stable flies in pastures. Hay rings were divided in three zones, each 2 m wide starting at the edge of the feeder. Although no significant differences were observed in larval density among the zones, a clear trend towards higher densities of larvae in zone 3 and higher densities of pupae in zone 2 was observed. Virtually all larvae and pupae were found in the top 5cm of the core samples and none were found below 10cm. b. Climatic factors affecting stable fly populations. We reanalyzed a 16-yr data set from a beef facility in Iowa to gain insights into mechanisms that determined when flies appeared and how abundant they were during the fly breeding season. Abundance of stable flies on white sticky traps was measured at 1-3 day intervals each year, from late winter until autumn, and indexed as number of flies caught per 10 degree-days above a flight threshold of 5oC. A new program used daily weather records to convert calendar to generation time, assuming a generation required 317 degree-days above a base of 10.8o C. Daily wind trajectories were examined with HYSPLIT 4.8. A day was counted as having a southerly wind event if its 12-hr backwards daytime air parcel trajectory was at least 50 km south of Ames, and its temperature exceeded 15oC for at least 1 h. Alternative definitions were also evaluated. Population growth was analyzed by grouping dates into "slices" of time one-third generation (106 degree-days) wide. Log catch rates averaged within slices, as were matching air temperatures and precipitation rates. We fit mixed regression models with lme in R to analyze growth between successively paired mothers and daughters a generation later. Dates when stable fly adults were first trapped ranged from 4 April (1986) to 25 May (1995), and averaged 25 April (SD = 14 d). Initial numbers were always low. Average accumulated degree-days from 1 Jan to first date was 98.4 (SD = 56). Frequency of days with southerly wind events increased from none 2 or more weeks before first date to ~ 40% during week of first date. Mean no. southerly wind events up to first date was 3.6 (SD = 2.6). First dates were mildly correlated with dates when DDs reached 98.4, but were more strongly correlated with interpolated dates when no. wind events reached 3.6. By both measures, appearance in 1991 was exceptionally late, and careful inspection of daily weather records suggests trapping in that year may have begun too late to detect flies when they actually first appeared. Based on Akiake information criterion (AIC), evidence for southern immigration was stronger than for local overwintering. Hierarchical mixed models indicated population growth depended negatively on density of mothers, positively on rainfall when daughters were pupae, positively on temperatures when daughters were pupae, and negatively on temperatures when daughters were nulliparous females. Temperature and rainfall experienced by mothers and daughters were otherwise uninformative. Trends in growth rates also varied significantly among years. The latter may have reflected variation in supply and quality of larval breeding media, which was not assessed during this study. c. Dispersal of Stable Flies. The statistical analysis of the 2005 mark release study indicate a mean dispersal distance of 1.2 km and a median distance of 0.9 km. The dispersal distances differed among the 3 marking sites but did not differ between male and female flies. Blood fed flies dispersed further than those with no visual indications of having blood fed and females with the initiation of yolk deposition dispersed further as well. Dispersal appeared to be non-directional as the mean dispersal positions did not differ from the origins. Dispersal data were fitted to the Diffusion with Disappearance model of Turchin & Thoeny (1993). Fifty percent of the flies dispersed less than 2.18 km, 95% less than 7.19 km, and 99% less than 10.44 km. Montana State University has an ongoing study of the impact of stable flies on livestock and wildlife. Stable flies were collected between April 13 and October 24, 2008 from four different locations in and around the Medicine Lake National Wildlife Refuge in north east Montana including areas where pelicans have been significantly impacted and nearby cattle ranches. Stable flies were abundant from mid-July through August. The range of stable flies collected on August 14, the peak of stable fly abundance, was from 10 to 1276 flies per card, with the latter collected on cards from the Schmidt Farm. Spatially, stable fly collections were similar among sites. More males were captured than females with a male/female ratio of 7:1 early in the season and 2:1 mid to late season. Less mature flies (physiological age <1.0) were collected from cattle sites and older flies (physiological age >2.0) were captured from the pelican site. Cattle leg counts ranged from 0 to 68 flies per animal. Alsynite trap collections are generally sex biased (approximately 70% males). However, when we collected flies directly from the legs of cattle, the sex ratio was 33% males and 67% females. The age stable flies collected using different techniques was estimated by pterin analysis. For alsynite captures, the mean age of male flies near cattle (6.31 d) and away from cattle (4.0 d) did not differ significantly but mean age of females was significantly higher for females collected on panels near the cattle (6.57 d) compared to females collected away from cattle (1.98 d). Female stable flies netted directly off cattle were significantly older (mean 5.04 d) compared to females collected on the same day from alsynite traps (1.59 d) located in pastures without cattle. Stable fly feeding habits. A cooperative study between the USDA and UF focused on pollen identification recovered from the exoskeletons of stable flies captured at an equine facility. The pollen was identified as Carolina willow, Salix caroliniana. Although pollen on stable flies can be useful for determining their source, S. caroliniana is ubiquitous in the southeastern U.S. Hemoccult method for detecting blood in stable flies. A method, based upon commercially available kits for detecting Fecal Occult Blood, was developed by the USDA (NE), to detect the remnants of blood meals in stable flies beyond the time period that blood meals could be detected visually. Flies are sexed and placed in 48-well-plates. Fifty ¼l of distilled water was added to each well and the flies were crushed. A small (5 mm x 5 mm) piece of Hemoccult paper was placed in each well to absorb the homogenate. Papers were then placed on the lid of the plate in the same pattern as the wells. Three ¼l of developer solution (H2O2) was placed on each and papers were scored for the appearance of blue coloration within 2 min. We were able to detect the remnants of blood meals in more than 90% of the stable flies up to 8 d after blood feeding. Using the visual technique, we were able to see the remnants of blood meals in less than 10% of the flies over 24 hours after blood feeding. In one analysis of field collected stable flies, blood was observed visually in the gut of less than 1% of the flies. The Hemoccult method indicated that over 40% of the flies had blood fed previously. The Hemoccult method is compatible with the Anthrone technique for detecting sugars in stable flies allowing us to rapidly screen large numbers of field collected stable flies for both blood and nectar feeding. Species specific bloodmeal analysis: To support the studies identifying the dispersal of stable flies underway, we (FL, NC) utilized blood meal analysis to determine if adult stable flies are arriving on equine farms from non-equine sources. A successful Polymerase Chain Reaction technique that can identify the blood meal source of stable flies that have fed on humans, horses, cattle, pigs and dogs has been developed at FL and NC. This technique now allows us to test flies to determine where they have obtained their blood meals. The advantage of this is in effectively managing this highly annoying pest by potentially identifying sources of breeding. Flies that have been collected on equine and mixed livestock facilities will be tested for source blood meals. If flies at specific sites have blood from other hosts strongly suggests that the flies originated elsewhere. d. Overwintering dynamics of stable fly throughout the USA. Two proposed hypotheses may explain the appearance of stable flies in early spring in the Midwest: overwintering of immatures in silage/manure mounds or the migration of adults riding southerly winds ahead of approaching cold fronts. To evaluate the possible dynamics of overwintering in silage/manure mounds, a study was initiated by building mounds of silage, manure, and manure mixed with two levels of hay. Temperatures were monitored at various depth within the mounded materials and 1st instars introduced, with plans for adult emergence recording. Temperature at the different depths differed significantly, with silage offering the most insulation whereas pure manure offered the least insulation. By the mid-winter temperatures of manure, and manure/hay mixtures had reached freezing and offered little insulation value to larvae. A proposal to evaluate stable fly emergence in a south to north cline is under development. 1.2. Improve understanding of house fly dispersal and behavior, and develop methods for monitoring them in indoor and outdoor environments. a. Monitoring Methods. Fly spot cards were perhaps the most reliable method for monitoring numbers of house flies at large dairy operations. However, the use of the cards for monitoring fly abundance was limited by the time required for a dairy operator to visually count fly spots on the cards. A computer program (FlySpotter) using face recognition software was developed to count fly spots on a typical white or lined index card. The software ignores spots or marks that fall outside the normal range of size, shape, and color of fly spots deposited by wild flies. The program counts correlate to human counts of spots on the cards, with an approximately 20% loss of total spots counted. Because it is the change in spot numbers not the actual number of spot numbers that is important to a fly monitoring program, this loss of efficiency is unimportant especially considering the time savings provided by the program. Spot cards can now be scanned and counted by computer in just a few minutes, providing real time data that can be used to determine appropriate control efforts. The increased efficiency provided by the automation of the spot counting process will make this monitoring tool more acceptable to dairy operators. b. Dispersal Characteristics. House flies were recognized in the field to be strongly associated with homopteran infested trees and plants in an urban environment. Following colonization of field flies, flies were offered several homopteran honeydew food sources. Flies readily consumed honeydew which increased their survival relative to water alone. Surprisingly, honeydew feeding provided the necessary nutrients for oocyte development and egg laying as well, although development is delayed considerably beyond the normal period for a fly fed on a source of both sugar and protein. Under laboratory conditions, flies were offered numerous food choices and were shown to be strongly attracted to insect honeydew than to other food sources. This attraction is likely to be responsible for the large number of filth flies found in association with urban trees and agricultural crops infested with homopteran pests. Immuno-marking techniques were developed for marking dung-breeding flies. Dung pats were sprayed with egg whites, and flies emerging from these pats were captured on alsynite-style sticky traps. Recaptured flies were analyzed for the presence of egg protein with an Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbant Assay (ELISA). Marker degradation was followed by analyzing marked dung pat crust samples collected over time for the marker. The marker persisted on pats for about 11 days and then degraded rapidly. In laboratory studies, flies also failed to pick up marker on pats older than 11 days. In an enclosed single pat arena, face flies emerging from the dung pat were tested for their ability to pick up marker. About 77% of emerging flies acquired marker. With the cooperation of a local beef producer, we fenced off a small area of his pasture to conduct a small scale mark/recapture experiment with field populations of face fly, spraying fresh dung pats with egg white marker and recapturing flies with sticky traps. We captured 384 flies over three months; two were positive for the marker. In the same pasture, with the herd removed, large, replicated treated and control plots were set up and dung pats of all ages were sprayed. A total of 12 flies were captured; one was positive for marker. The low marking rate in both field experiments was probably due to marker degradation which occurred in the 18-25 day interval between marker application on fresh dung pats and adult face fly emergence from the pats. Objective 2: Establish extent of fly-borne dispersal of human and animal pathogens a. Human Pathogens. Assess the potential of house flies to contaminate ready-to-eat food with antibiotic resistant enterococci. It was shown previously that house flies (HF) in fast-food restaurants commonly carry antibiotic resistant and potentially virulent enterococci. In this study, the potential of field collected house flies to contaminate ready-to-eat-food (RTEF) with enterococci was assessed by laboratory bioassays. House flies were collected with a sweep net in a cattle feedlot and exposed in groups of 5, 10, 20, and 40 to a RTEF beef patty for 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 24 hours. The exposure of RTEF to flies resulted in 100% contamination with enterococci in all bioassays regardless of the number of HF and the length of the exposure time. In addition, increasing number of HF and exposure time, increased the concentration of enterococci in RTEF. Even a short-time exposure (0.5 hour) resulted in food contamination, ranging from 3.1 x 103 CFU/g (5 HF) to 8.4 x 104 CFU/g (40 HF). The analysis of 23 randomly selected enterococcal isolates from RTEF after the fly exposure revealed a single species - Enterococcus faecalis. In contrast, four species including E. faecalis (57.1%), E. gallinarum (19.1%), E. hirae (14.3%), and E. faecium (9.5%) represented 21 randomly selected and identified isolates from HF. Phenotypic screening showed that E. faecalis isolates from RTEF were resistant to ciprofloxacin (17.4%), tetracycline (13.0%), erythromycin (13.0%), and chloramphenicol (4.3%). This study demonstrates a great potential of HF from a cattle feedlot to contaminate RTEF with enterococci in a short period of time. The capacity of adult HF to carry various bacteria, including potential human pathogens has been well established. However, only very few studies have assessed the potential of house flies to transmit pathogens or contaminate food and other substrates and in those cases, flies were artificially inoculated by the specific bacterial strains of interest. In this study, ready-to-eat food (RTEF) - hamburger patties were examined for contamination with enterococci after the exposure to wild house flies collected from a cattle feedlot. Our data show that house flies from a cattle feedlot have a great capability to contaminate RTEF with bacteria. Consequently, this insect likely plays a role in contamination of food and drinks with multi drug-resistant enterococci. IPM approach should be incorporated to post-harvest food-safety strategies, including to facilities where food is stored and consumed. b. Animal Pathogens. Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome (PRRS) is a globally significant swine disease, resulting in pneumonia and late-term abortions in sows. The link between outbreaks on farms within an area despite biosecurity measures remains unclear. We investigated the vectorial potential role of stable flies in the transmission of PRRSV in the field and under laboratory conditions. Stable flies were collected around PRRS-negative boar stud barns in North Carolina and tested for presence of the virus. Significantly more stable flies were collected on traps placed near the exhaust fan of the close-sided buildings, indicating blood seeking flies are attracted by olfactory cues. None of the flies collected were positive for PRRS virus. In direct pig to pig transmission experiments stable flies failed to cause PRRSV infection in naïve pigs. Measurable quantities of PRRSV on the fly mouthparts were below detectable levels 1 hour post exposure. We conclude that the volume of blood contained in the closed mouthparts of the stable fly is insufficient to deliver an infective dose of the virus. Stable flies acquired PRRS virus by feeding on an infective bloodmeal. Active PRRS virus was recovered from the flies up to 24h post-feeding using cell culture. Measurable quantities of virus within the flies declined with time. Our studies indicate that virus does not replicate in fly digestive tissues. Occasionally the midgut barrier may be compromised, allowing the pathogen to enter the insect's circulatory system and increasing the potential of the insect to transmit disease. Adult stable fly bodies were inoculated intrathorasically with a PRRS virus solution and the virus persisted for 10 days. Detectible virus levels were 9,500 times greater in the fly when compared to detectible levels in the digestive tract. Objective 3. Improve management tactics for stable flies and house flies a. Biological Control. This project evaluated commercial pteromalid wasp releases against filth flies. Baseline data indicated that at least 15 pteromalid species occurred naturally on dairies in the southern region. Natural populations were augmented with releases of commercially reared parasitoids. Although the emergence of commercial shipments of parasitoids were low initially (30% Muscidifurax zaraptor and M. raptorellus) an impact on parasitism rates was noted. Data from subsequent commercial parasitoid shipments (M. zaraptor, M. raptorellus and Trichomalopsis sarcophagae) indicated a significant increase in emerging parastioids (75%) resulting in the target release rate (200-250 per cow per week). Studies on the usefulness of freeze-killed house fly pupae to serve as effective, distance parasitoid sampling tool have been completed. The parasitoid Tachinaephagus zealandicus was assumed to be an exotic species to the US and kept under quarantine. However it was determined that this species had entered the US from the southern hemisphere naturally. In 2008 a survey of T. zealandicus was undertaken to determine the range of dispersal. This parasitoid was found in three states in the US, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois and in Northern Europe (DN). Salivary gland hypertrophy virus (SGHV) of house flies is a nonoccluded, enveloped, rod-shaped double-stranded DNA virus, first discovered in fly populations in Florida. Infected flies regardless of sex display enlarged salivary glands and virus particles are thought to be deposited when infected flies feed. Healthy flies acquire the infection when feeding on contaminated substrates. SGHV from Danish house fly populations were submitted for sequencing and virulence testing. Adult house flies of various ages were exposed to three strains of Beauveria bassiana. Flies were exposed to moistened filter paper treated with either a low or high doses (104 or 105 conidia/cm2) of each strain for 6 h. Strain (447) was superior to the two house fly-derived strains in inducing host infection and mortality. Potential applications of these results in integrated house fly management programs are discussed. A fly bait containing B. bassiana was evaluated for the control of house flies on dairies. With application in both conventional and organic dairy farms, fly baits containing entomopathogenic fungi offer an excellent alternative to traditional insecticide baits. b. Chemical control Targets consisting of insecticide treated blue and black fabrics were developed as a tool in the management of stable flies. Studies were conducted to compare attractiveness of 3 configurations of blue/black cloth targets for stable fly control. There was no significant difference in mean numbers of flies attracted to flat or cylindrical targets. Targets in the cylindrical conformation may prove to be better at withstanding higher wind conditions than targets in the flat configuration. We evaluated the effects of target size on the number of stable flies captured with 0.5m2, 1.0 m2, and 1.5 m2 electrified BK targets. Treatments were randomly deployed among the three sites and rotated until 5 rotations were completed. The mean number of flies collected per hour with the large (574), medium (449), and small (171) targets were not significantly different due to location effects. We also measured the effects of the three target sizes on alsynite trap collections. The eight treatments were a small, medium, and large target plus one alsynite; a small, medium, and large target plus two alsynites, an alsynite alone, and two alsynites alone. In Nebraska, applications of 0.05 % permethrin and 0.06 % prolate were applied to cow/calf pairs with a mist blower. Stable fly reductions ranged from 67 to 96 percent with permethrin and 17 to 57 percent with prolate. In year two, stable fly reductions ranged from 46 to 91 percent with applications of 0.05% permethrin. Bird netting treated with insecticides was tested to determine its potential as a barrier technique to reduce fly dispersal into and out of animal facilities. During the summer, samples of bird netting treated with insecticide were hung in the sunlight and shade. Treatments consisted of label-rate concentrations of four pesticides (beta-cyfluthrin, bifenthrin, lambda-cyhalothrin, and pyrethrins) and sun versus shade exposures. Both face flies and house flies were bioassayed on netting samples taken at up to 14 weeks post-deployment. Even after 14 weeks in full sun, the netting treated with beta-cyfluthrin resulted in 100% mortality within for face flies and house flies. For pyrethrins, the greatest mortality was only 40% after 24 hours for the netting that was sun-exposed for 1 week. Other treatments are currently being assayed. Use of treated netting may have utility as a perimeter barrier in beef and dairy operations. Pyrethrin is not a suitable candidate for this barrier technique because of its rapid degradation in the sunlight. A perimeter of imidacloprid-treated visual targets provided partial protection of a Florida calf barn from immigrating flies. c. Resistance Survey A national survey of house fly resistance has been initiated, with standard procedures developed in New York. Studies are currently underway examining the insecticide resistance status of house flies to commercially-available chemicals and fly baits. In CA resistance to imidacloprid is widespread in house flies with significant field failures during 2008. Resistance developed rapidly in CA house flies and was probably due to the almost complete reliance of animal agriculture facility operators on this one product for the last 5 years. We have begun to examine behavioral resistance relative to physiological resistance and are finding that behavioral resistance (avoidance behavior) appears to be the dominant means of resistance for fly populations in the field. In Florida, house flies from four farms have been colonized and studies are nearly complete with imidacloprid, nithiazine, permethrin and beta-cyfluthrin. Resistance is present in house flies from Florida for all insecticides tested. House flies collected from local dairies demonstrate resistance to imidacloprid and nithiazine bait insecticides. To identify the higher levels of resistance, a new technique for presentation of the insecticide has been developed. Resistance to imidacloprid is considerably greater than to nithiazine. This reflects the much greater use-pattern of the imidacloprid baits. Additionally, these flies also are highly resistant to permethrin and beta-cyfluthrin. That beta-cyfluthrin resistance has approached permethrin suggests that this much newer insecticide may no longer be effective on Florida dairies, further straining control efforts and community relations. d. Economic Impact of Stable Flies. An explicit and dynamic model for estimating the economic impact of stable flies on cattle production was developed. Based upon USDA-NAS data from January 2008, commodity prices from May 2008, and injury levels derived from the literature, we estimate the economic impact of stable flies on cattle production systems to be approximately $2 billion per year. A survey of cattle producer pest and pesticide use assessment was conducted at the University of Florida. Despite the widespread distribution of surveys, very few were returned. Responses were obtained from beef cattle producers with operation sizes from 10 animals to 1,000 animals. Most producers (58%) applied pesticides once per season for flies on pastured animals. Approximately 78% of producers treated for cattle grubs and 70% treated for lice. Producers identified flies on pastured animals and fire ants (damaged equipment) as their major pests. Additionally, stable flies have been colonized and determination of Lethal Concentration analysis on these flies has been completed. Selection pressure on the colony is underway.


  1. Stable flies cause $2 billion per year in losses to the industry.
  2. Stable flies arise locally in pastures and regionally from southern immigration.
  3. House flies contaminate foods with multi drug-resistant enterococci, but stable flies are inefficient vectors of viruses.
  4. New biological control agents include exotic parasitoids and viruses of house flies.
  5. Insecticide treated fabrics help manage stable flies and house flies.
  6. A national survey of house fly resistance has been initiated.


Ascunce, M. S., S. Yang, C.J. Geden and D.D. Shoemaker. 2008. Twenty-three new microsatellite loci in the stable fly Stomoxys calcitrans (L.) (Diptera: Muscidae). Mol. Ecol. Resources (in press). Bernier, U. R., D. F. Hoel, J. A. Hogsette, H. A. Hanafi, and D. L. Kline. 2008. Effect of lures and trap placement on sand fly and mosquito traps, pp. 171-175. In W.H. Robinson, W. H. and D. Bajomi, D. [eds.], Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Pests, OOK-Press Kft., Budapest, Hungary. Floate, K.D., Coghlin, P.C. and Taylor, D. B.. 2008. An update on the diversity of Wolbachia in Spalangia spp. (Hymneoptera: Pteromalidae). Biocontrol Science and Technology 18: 733 - 739. Geden, C. J., D. E. Szumlas and T.W. Walker. 2008. Evaluation of commercial and field-expedient baited traps for house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). J. Vector Ecol. (in press). Geden, C. J. and R.D. Moon. 2008. Host ranges of gregarious muscoid fly parasitoids: Muscidifurax raptorellus (Kogan and Legner) (Hymenoptera: Pteromlaidae), Tachinaephagus zealandicus Ashmead (Hymenopter: Encyrtidae), and Trichopria nigra (Nees) (Hymenoptera: Diapriidae). Environ. Entomol. (in press) Geden C. J., V. U. Lietze, and D. G. Boucias. 2008. Seasonal prevalence and transmission of salivary gland hypertrophy virus of house flies (Diptera : Muscidae) J. Med. Entomol. 45: 42-5. Hogsette, J. A., A. Nalli and L. D. Foil. 2008. Evaluation of Different Insecticides and Fabric Types for Development of Treated Targets for Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Control. J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 1034-1038. Hogsette, J. A. 2008. House fly (Diptera: Muscidae) ultraviolet light traps: Design affects attraction and capture, pp. 193-196. In W.H. Robinson, W. H. and D. Bajomi, D. [eds.], Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Urban Pests, OOK-Press Kft., Budapest, Hungary. Hogsette, J.A., H. A. Hanafi, U. R. Bernier, D. L. Kline, E. Y. Fawaz, B. D. Furman and D. F. Hoel. 2008. Discovery of diurnal resting sites of phlebotomine sand flies in a village in southern Egypt. J. Am. Mosq. Cntrl. Assn. 24: 601-603. Jarzen, D. A. and J. A. Hogsette. 2008. Pollen recovered from the exoskeleton of stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans (L.). Palynology 32: 77-81. Kaufmann, P. E., A. C. Gerry, D. A. Rutz, and J. G. Scott. 2008. Monitoring susceptibility of house flies (Musca domestica L.) in the United States to Imidacloprid. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology. 23(4): 195-200. Kaufman, P.E., L.A. Wood, J.I. Goldberg, S.J. Long and D.A. Rutz. 2008. Host age and pathogen exposure level as factors in the susceptibility of Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae) to Beauveria bassiana. Biocontrol Science and Technology, 18: 841-847. Kaufman, P. E. and C. J. Geden. 2009. Development of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenopter: Pteromalidae) on live and freeze-killed house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae. Submitted to Florida Entomologist Dec. 16, 2008. Lietze, V.U., K. Sims, T. Z. Salem, C. J. Geden, and D. G. Boucias. 2009. Transmission of MdSGHV among adult house flies, Musca domestica (Diptera: Muscidae), via salivary secretions and excreta. Submitted to J. Invertebr. Pathol. Dec 2, 2008. Lloyd, A. M., D. L. Kline, J. A. Hogsette, P. E. Kaufman and S. A. Allen. 2008. Evaluation of two commercial traps for the collection of Culicoides (Diptera: Ceratopogonidae). J. Am. Mosq. Cntrl. Assn. 24: 253-262. Linthicum, K., S.A. Allan, D.R. Barnard, J.J. Becnel. U.R. Bernier, D.A. Carlson, G.G. Clark. C.J. Geden, J.A. Hogsette, D.L. Kline. 2008. Overview of the mosquito research programs at the Unites States Department of Agriculture  Agricultural Research Service, Center for Medical, Agricultural and Veterinary Entomology. Wing Beats 19 (1):31-36. Quinn, B. Q., U. R. Bernier and J.A. Hogsette. 2008. Chemical analysis and identification of compounds present in stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans (L.)) feces. Proceedings of the 56th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 1-5, 2008, Denver, CO. Taylor, D. B. and Berkebile, D. R. 2008. Sugar feeding in adult stable flies. Environ. Entomol. Environ. Entomol. 37: 625-629. Wood, L.A. and P.E. Kaufman. 2008. Euoniticellus intermedius (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae: Tribe Coprini): Its presence and relative abundance in cattle pastures in Northcentral Florida. Florida Entomologist, 91: 128-130. Invited Chapters: Hinkle, Nancy C. and Leslie A. Hickle. 2008. External Parasites and Poultry Pests. Chapter 26 in Diseases of Poultry, 12th Edition, Mo Saif, ed., Wiley-Blackwell Publishers, Ames, IA. Hogsette, J. A. and J. Amendt. 2008. Flies, pp. 209-237. In X. Bonnefoy, H. Kampen and K. Sweeney [eds.], Public Health Significance of Urban Pests. World Health Organization Regional Office Europe, Copenhagen, Denmark, xiv + 570 pages, English. Student theses & dissertations: Ferrero, K. M. 2008. "Life history, host choice and behavioral plasticity of Trichopria nigra, a parasitoid of higher Diptera". MS thesis, Department of Entomology and Nematology, University of Florida. Rochon K. 2008. Vector Potential of Stable Flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) for the Transmission of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University. Research Presentations: Berkebile, D. R. and D. B. Taylor. The effect of preservatives in rearing media on stable fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) survival. Poster. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV; November 2008. Butler, Sarah, Roger Moon, Nancy Hinkle, Jocelyn Millar, Steve McElfresh and Brad Mullens. "Age, Gonotrophic State, and Cuticular Hydrocarbon Profiles of Mating House Flies Collected on Dairies." 52nd Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Kansas City, MO, June 15-18, 2008. Doyle, M. A. and C. J. Geden. 2008. Longevity of house flies maintained on food resources collected from dairy farms. Livestock Insects Workers Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, June 2008. Geden, C. J. 2008. Discovery of novel pathogens and parasitoids of muscoid flies. Seminar presented at the Royal Veterinary Institute, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, August 2008. Geden, C. J. 2008. Diapriid and viral natural enemies of stable flies in the U.S. and Denmark. Seminar presented at Aarhus University, Denmark, September 2008. Geden, C. J. 2008. Status of the larval parasitoid Tachinaephagus zealandicus in the U.S. Livestock Insects Workers Conference, Kansas City, Missouri, June 2008. Geden, C. J. 2008. "Dr Richard Axtell some reflections on mentoring, macrochelids, and manure." In symposium "Metamorphosis Through Mentoring in Medical and Veterinary Entomology---Highlights from the Career of R.C. Axtell", ESA national meeting, November 2008, Reno, Nevada. Gerry, A. C. "Nuisance fly identification, control, and resistance management". US Army Center for Health Promotion and Preventive Medicine Professional Training Series, Ft. Lewis, WA. January 31, 2008. Gerry, A. C., S. Butler, B. A. Mullens. "Evaluating and Managing Pesticide Resistance in House Flies". Symposium: Efficacy Validation and Resistance Management. Annual Conference of the Mosquito and Vector Control Association of California. Palm Springs, CA. January 15, 2008. Hinkle, N.C. and P.C. Worley. Horn flies on beef cattle: seasonality and host individual variation. 82nd Annual Meeting of the Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America, Jacksonville, FL, March 2-5, 2008. Hogsette, J. A. Nuisance Fly Biology, Ecology and Management, an International Approach. Koppert Biological Systems International Fly Mini-symposium, February 14-22, 2008. Hogsette, J. A. Flying Insects in the Commercial Environment. Waltham Chemical's Bi-annual Exposition, Waltham, MA, March 10-14, 2008. Hogsette, J. A. Stable fly management. 5th Arbovirus Surveillance and Mosquito Workshop, St. Augustine, FL, March 26-28, 2008. Hogsette, J. A. Comparison of the Attractiveness of Three Different Conformations of Blue-Black Cloth Targets to Stable Flies. 52nd Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Kansas City, MO, June 15-18, 2008. Hogsette, J. A. Ultraviolet Light Traps: Design Affects Attraction and Capture. 6th International Conference on Urban Pests, Budapest, Hungary, July 13-16, 2008. Hogsette, J. A. Fly Traps  Different traps for different situations. 11th Annual Force Health Protection Meeting, Joint Operational Entomology Workshop (JOEW), Albuquerque, NM, August 10-11, 2008. Hogsette, J. A. Impacts of insects on livestock and crops in developing countries. Symposium: An Entomological Perspective Addressing Challenges in the Developing World: New Frontiers in Food and Bio-Security. Entomological Society of America Meeting, Reno, NV, Nov 16-19, 2008. Hogsette, J. A. Increasing Problems with Filth Flies and Small Flies. 73rd Annual Purdue University Pest Management Conference, West Lafayette, IN, January 5-9, 2009. Lietze, V. U., C. J. Geden, and D. G. Boucias. 2008. "Here's spitting at you, kid - Oral transmission of the Musca domestica salivary gland hypertrophy virus (MdSGHV) via salivary secretions", Annual meeting, Society for Invertebrate Pathology, Warwickshire, U.K. July 2008. Loftin, K., T. McKay, J. Pennington, D. Steelman, W. Watson, K. VanDevender, S. Willard and S. Brazil. 2008. Survey and release of Parasitoids (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae of filth flies (Diptera: Muscidae). Annual ESA meeting, Reno, NV. Rochon, K., W. Watson, A. Perez de Leon, I. Gimeno, M. McCaw and R. Baker. 2008. Vector potential of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) for transmission of porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV). International Congress of Entomology, Durban, South Africa. Taylor, D. B., A. Broce, and D. R. Berkebile. Detection of Blood in Stable Flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) with Hemoccult® Test Strips. Poster. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, Reno, NV; November 2008. Taylor, D. B. and D. R. Berkebile. Economic Impact of Stable Flies. Livestock Insect Workers Conference. Kansas City, MO; July 2008. Watson, D. M., J. P. Evans, R. E. Miracle, M. A. Drake, S. P. Washburn, and D. W. Watson. 2008. Presence of geraniol in bovine milk following topical application as a natural insecticide. J. Dairy Sci. 91, E - Suppl. 1: 216 (Abstr.) Watson, D. W. 2008. Flies and Disease: Blind Alleys and Open Roads. NCSU Department of Entomology Seminar Series. Watson, D. W. 2008. Push-pull management of horn fly, Haematobia irritans, using botanically derived insect repellents. Symposium, National ESA Meeting, Reno, NV. Zhu, J. J., D. R. Berkebile, and L. Zurek. Novel approaches using Push-Pull strategy for stable fly control. Livestock Insect Workers Conference. Kansas City, MO; July 2008. Extension publications: Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Animals: Fly Control in Livestock Facilities." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 714-715. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Beef Cattle External Parasite and Grub Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 716-730. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Dairy Cattle External Parasite and Cattle Grub Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 731-744. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Cattle Ear Tags." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 745. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Swine - External Parasite Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 746-748. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Horses - External Parasite Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 749-750. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Fly Control in Horse Facilities." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 751-752. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Sheep and Goats - External Parasite Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 753-754. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Poultry - Fly Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, pp. 755-757. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Poultry External Parasite Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 758. Hinkle, N.C. 2008. "Poultry Housing Pest Control." 2008 Georgia Pest Management Handbook, p. 759. Loftin, K., S. Brazil and J. Pennington. 2008. Fly Control for Organic Dairies. Univ. of Ark. Div. of Ag. Coop. Ext. Service Pub. FSA 7072-PD-2-08N. Stringham, S. M., and D. W. Watson. 2008. Insect control for livestock and poultry. In the North Carolina Agricultural Chemicals Manual. CALS, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC. Waldron, J.K., P.E. Kaufman and D.A. Rutz. 2008. Expanding livestock integrated pest management in the Northeast: An IPM training opportunity for Northeast US Animal Agriculture Industry Personnel. Project Reports 2007-2008, Agricultural and Community IPM, NYS IPM Pub. No. 506. pp. 102-109. Extension Presentations: Gerry, A. C. "Fly management for the pest management professional". Urban Pest Management Conference. Riverside, CA. March 27, 2008. Gerry, A. C. "Biology and control of little house fly (Fannia femoralis)". Yucaipa City Managers Panel on Fly Control at Poultry Operations. Yucaipa, CA. May 28, 2008. Gerry, A. C. "Canyon fly biology and control". San Gabriel Valley Mosquito and Vector Control District. Azusa, CA. August 11, 2008. Hinkle, Nancy C. "Controlling Pests on Cattle and Horses." Franklin County Cattlemens Association, Carnesville, GA, February 11, 2008. Hinkle, Nancy C. "Flies: Biology and Management Update." Target Anaheim Seminar and Exhibit, Anaheim, CA, February 19, 2008. Hinkle, Nancy C. "Flies 101: Biology and Habits." Target Annual Winter Workshop, San Marcos General Pest Workshop, San Marcos, CA, February 21, 2008. Hinkle, Nancy C. "Fly Control on Georgia Beef Herds." Laurens County Cattlemens Association, Dudley, GA, June 19, 2008. Hinkle, Nancy C. "Control Darkling Beetles & Flies in and Around Poultry Houses." Dawson and Lumpkin Counties Extension Offices, Dawson County Rock Creek Park, Dawsonville, GA, August 5, 2008. Hinkle, Nancy C. "Poultry Pests." California Poultry Federation Quality Assurance Seminar, Modesto, CA, Sept. 4, 2008. Loftin, K. 2008. Recognizing Flies Associated with Dairy Production. Regional Dairy Conference. Bee Branch, AR Mar. 13. Loftin, K. 2008. Fly Control for Dairies. Regional Dairy Conference. Bee Branch, AR Mar. 13. Loftin, K. 2008. IPM and manure breeding flies. NWA dairy field day at the Prairie Grove, AR. April 30. Loftin, K. 2008. Pasture Fly Management and Anaplasmosis. Crawford County Cattlemans Association. Chester, AR. May 20. Loftin, K. 2008. Fly IPM in Organic and Convention Dairies. Regional dairy producer meetings/in-service trainings in Beebe, Evansville, Formosa and Green Forest, AR. Oct. 24, Oct. 31, Nov. 5, and Dec. 9. Watson, D.W. 2008. External Parasite and Premise Fly Control. Blue Ridge Stocker Conference. Sept. 11, 2008. Watson, D.W. 2008. Pasture fly management: Innovative research at the Center for Environmental Farming Systems. Dairy Grazing Workshop. July 17, 2008. Watson, D. W. 2008. Novel Fly Management Strategies for 2008. Guilford Co. Cattleman's Association. April 15. Greensboro, NC. Watson, D. W. 2008. Pasture Fly Management Strategies. Rockingham Co. Cattlemans Association. April 10. Reidsville, NC. Watson, D. W. 2008. New Pasture Fly Management Strategies for 2008. Wautaga Co. Cattleman's Association. April 8. Boone, NC. Watson, D. W. 2008. Fly Management Strategies. Johnston Co. Cattleman's Association. March 11. Smithfield, NC. Watson, D. W. 2008. New and Novel Fly Management Strategies. NC Statewide Beef Conference. Jan 3. Statesville, NC. Trade journal articles: Kaufman, P.E., P.G. Koehler and J.F. Butler. 2008. How do external parasites impact dairy cattle? Progressive Dairyman. January, Issue 1. pp. 31-35.
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