SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Apgar, Gary - Illinois; Brumm, Mike - Nebraska; Carlson-Shannon, Marcia - Missouri; Christianson, Les - Illinois; Goodband, Bob - Kansas; Harmon, Jay - Iowa; Jones, Don - Indiana; Richert, Brian - Indiana; Roseboom, Dale - Michigan; Stromberg. Bert - Minnesota - Administrative Advisor; Thaler, Bob - South Dakota

The meeting was held at Purdue University with initial comments being given by Dr. Randy Woodson, Acting Dean of Agriculture and Dr. Alan Grant, Dept. Head of Animal Sciences the afternoon of November 3rd. After comments, the group toured Dr. Al Hebers Odor Lab, and then adjourned for the day. On the morning of November 4th, the meeting was called to order, the agenda adopted, and minutes of the 2003 meeting were approved. Dr. Bert Stromberg, Administrative Advisor gave opening comments, and then brought up the issue of changing the committees name. The options were NCERA or NCCCC. After a discussion, it was decided to delay a vote until later in the year so the members could think about it more. (Official votes were 6 for ERA and 1 for CCC reported on January 19, 2005). Dr. Stromberg also discussed the importance of getting all committee members to attend the annual meeting. If individuals consistently miss the meetings, consideration should be given to removing them from the committee since poor attendance reflects negatively on the future of the committee. Election of officers was held and Bob Thaler was elected Chair and Marcia Carlson-Shannon elected as Secretary. Dr. Bert Stromberg will continue as Administrative Advisor. Plans for the 2005 meeting were discussed. The options were to meet on the campus of South Dakota State University at Brookings on November 2-4, or to go to Utrecht, the Netherlands in 2005 and hold it in conjunction with an international livestock convention. Also there would be the opportunity to tour with Dr. Hans Spooler  Wageningen UR the Netherlands. Considering that more people could attend the meeting if it was held in South Dakota and the concern with getting Experiment Station Directors to fund the international trip, it was decided to hold the 2005 Annual Meeting in Brookings, SD on November 2-4. Station reports were given by all the scientists present and discussion followed. When the station reports were completed, discussion began on future research topics. Dr. Ed Pajor, Purdue University, and Dr. Jeremy Marchant-Forde, USDA-ARS, joined the group and gave a summary of the animal behavior research they were doing. Their presentation stimulated several proposals, and the committee then decided to focus on a study to determine the space requirements for grow-finish pigs under current environmental and weight parameters. Both traditional production parameters and animal well-being indices will be measured. Drs. Richert and Brumm volunteered to put together a grant to the National Pork Board to get funding to do the animal well-being measurements. The title was Using measures of behavior, physiology, and performance to determine the effects of space allocation on grow-finish pig welfare and the amount requested was $79,849. (the grant was submitted but was not funded. However, the committee will still pursue the project measuring mainly the growth and production parameters). The committee then adjourned for the day. The committee reconvened on Friday morning and finalized plans for the space requirement proposal. After that, a tour was given of the new 12-room, swine environmental research facility, hosted by Drs. Hebert and Richert. The group then toured the USDA Behavior facility and closing comments were made. The NCERA 89 Committee also expressed their thanks to Dr. Wayne Singleton, Purdue University, for his many dedicated years of outstanding service to the swine industry upon his retirement.


The main accomplishment was the expansion of the Ventilation Workshop series. It grew from a 2-state effort between SD and NE to educating producers from MN, IA, ND, KS, MO, and WI. This program was so successful it won the 1994 National Pork Boards Excellence in Extension award. Plans were also discussed to create a similar series for IN, OH, IL, and NC.


  1. The ventilation workshop reached over 1,000 producers and was estimated to have impacted over 20% of all hogs produced.
  2. The ventilation workshop was so successful it was awarded the National Pork Board‘s 2004 Excellence in Extension Award.


Brumm, M.C., M. Ellis, L.J. Johnston, D.W. Rozeboom, D.R. Zimmerman and NCR-89 Committee on Swine Management. 2002. Effect of removal and remixing of lightweight pigs on performance to slaughter weights. J. Anim. Sci. 80:1166-1172.
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