SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Barker, Bill ( - North Dakota State University; Brown, Joel ( - NRCS; Bunting, Steve ( - University of Idaho; Hall, Robert ( - US EPA; Holochek ( - New Mexico State University; Jacobs, Jim ( - University of Wyoming; Krueger, Bill ( - Oregon State University; Marlow, Clay ( - Montana State University; Perryman, Barry ( - University of Nevada Reno; Pyke, David ( - USGS; Tueller, Paul ( - University of Nevada Reno; West, Neil ( - Utah State University;

At this year‘‘s meeting, WCC-40 and WCC-55 met jointly. The focus of the joint meeting was a trial run of six papers for the upcoming symposium, "Rangelands in Transition: The Changing Faces of Rangeland Users, Implications for Management and Rangeland Sustainability," at the Society of Range Management annual meeting in Salt Lake City. John Tanaka reported on the Sustainable Rangeland Roundtable projects and Neil Rimbey reported on the W-192 regional project. That group is studying the impact on rural communities from changes in public policies. Reports were given for each state and agency with participants at the meeting. Reports focused on personnel and the educational and research programs of the states and agencies followed by discussion and updates on SRM Rangeland Assessment and Monitoring Committee, Sustainable Rangeland Roundtable, Rangeland Environmental Assessment Program, Heinz Center and The Nature Conservancy activity. The committee has been concerned about representation from NRCS and BLM on WCC-40. At this year‘‘s meeting Joel Brown participated as a representative for NRCS and Sherm Karl has agreed to join WCC-40 to represent BLM. Members of WCC-40 and WCC-55 spent a day touring rangeland research in Nevada. The next meeting of WCC-40 will be in Boise, Idaho, October 4-6, 2004. Officers will be Bill Barker, chair and Bruce Jones, secretary/chair-elect.


Select members of WCC-40 have participated in the joint symposium of WCC-55 and WCC-40 entitled, "Rangelands in Transition: The Changing Faces of Rangeland Users, Implications for Management and Rangeland Sustainability."

Results of grazing effects on carbon dynamics are in press. Data collection was completed and preliminary analyses were conducted for a study evaluating seven grazing strategies over six treatment years with pre- and post-treatment year measurements. Analyses are being conducted on two years of data on varied seasons of calving relative to nutrient dynamics on native pastures. The tenth year of data has been collected for the comparison of paired, native rangeland sites grazed by or excluded from cattle.

Research initiated in 2003 or planned for 2004 includes: 1) Effects of spring drought followed by record summer precipitation; 2) Grazing and fire effects on carbon dynamics; 3) Summer fire effects on northern mixed prairie plant communities; 4) Summer fire effects on grasshopper communities; and summer-burned mixed prairie response to 5) post-fire stocking rate; and 6) post-fire deferment period.

State reports for Oregon, Montana, and New Mexico that summarize research and publications are attached as part of the annual report minutes.



Emmerich, W.E. and Heitschmidt, R.K. 2002. Drought and grazing: II. Effects on runoff and water quality. J. Range Manage. 55:229-234.

Eneboe, E.J., Sowell, B.F., Heitschmidt, R.K., Karl, M.G., and Haferkamp, M.R. 2002. Drought and grazing: IV. Blue grama and western wheatgrass. J. Range Manage. 55:197-203.

Grings, E.E., Heitschmidt, R.K., Short, R.E., and Haferkamp, M.R. 2002. Intensive-early stocking for yearling cattle in the Northern Great Plains. J. Range Manage. 55:135-138.

Haferkamp, M.R., Grings, E.E., Heitschmidt, R.K., and MacNeil, M.D. 2002. Quality and persistence of forages in the Northern Great Plains. J. Range Manage. 55:482-487.

Heitschmidt, R.K. and Haferkamp, M.R. 2003. Northern mixed grass prairie case study. p. 107-126. In: J.F. Weltzin and G.R. McPhearson (eds.). Precipitation and terrestrial ecosystems. Johns Hopkins University Press.

Kruse, R.E., Tess, M.W., Heitschmidt, R.K., Paterson, J.A., and Klement. K. 2002. Evaluation of drought management strategies for cow-calf enterprises: A practical predictor of growing season forage production. Proc. West. Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 53:212-215.

Manoukian, M. and C.B. Marlow. 2002. Historical trends in willow cover along streams in a southwestern Montana Cattle Allotment. Northwest Sci. 76(3):213-220.

Vermeire, L.T. and T.G. Bidwell. 2002. Fire prescriptions for vegetation management in Oklahoma. p. 229-239. In: L.T. Vermeire and J. Eckroat (eds.). Rangeland and Pasture Management Handbook for Western Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Service, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater.

Vermeire, L.T., A.C. Ganguli, and R.L. Gillen. 2002. A robust model for estimating standing crop across vegetation types. Journal of Range Manage. 55(5):494-497.
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