SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Bradford, Scott USDA-ARS, Salinity Lab, Riverside, CA Dragila, Maria Oregon State University, OR Harter, Thomas Univ. of California, Davis, CA Hopmans, Jan Univ. of California, Davis, CA Horton, Bob Iowa State University, Ames, IA Jacobsen, Jeff (Advisor W-1188) Montana State University, Bozeman, MT Jones, Scott Utah State University, Logan, UT Kelleners, Thijs Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, WY Kluitenberg, Gerard Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS Knighton, Ray CSREES-USDA, Washington, DC McGlynn, Brian Montana State University, Bozeman, MT Nieber, John Univ. of Minnesota, St. Paul, MN Nielsen, Donald R. Univ. of California, Davis Ochsener, Tyson USDA-ARS, St. Paul, MN Schaap, Marcel Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Simunek, Jirka Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Tuli, Atac Univ. of California, Davis, CA Tuller, Marcus Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ van Genuchten, Rien USDA-ARS, Salinity Lab, Riverside, CA Warrick, Art Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Wendroth, Ole Univ. of Kentucky, Lexington, KY Wraith, Jon Montana State University, Bozeman, MT Wu, Laosheng Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Young, Michael Desert Research Institute DRI, Las Vegas, NV Zhang, Fred Batelle Pacific NW National Lab, Richland, WA Guests: Botros, Farag Univ. of California, Davis, CA Arye, Gilboa Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Ochiai, Naoyuki Oregon State University, OR Chief, Karletta Desert Research Institute DRI, Las Vegas, NV Ghezzehei, Teamrat Lawrence Berkeley Natl. Lab., CA Hou, Zhenan Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Iassonov, Pavel Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ Leising, J.F. Southern Nevada Water Authority, NV Segal, Eran USDA-ARS, Salinity Lab, Riverside, CA Siyal, Altaf Ali USDA-ARS, Salinity Lab, Riverside, CA Kamai, Tamir Univ. of California, Davis, CA Torkzaban, Saeed Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Twarakavi, Navin Univ. of California, Riverside, CA Yang, Changbing Utah State University, Logan, UT Zhu, Jianting Desert Research Institute DRI, Las Vegas, NV

The budget was signed by the President on Dec. 26, 2007. The CSREES budget fared pretty well. The Hatch budget stayed the same which means a net decrease of 0.65 % after an across-the-board recission. Approximately $150 M in special grants were added to the budget after being deleted last year. NRI funding will be the same as last year, i.e., $ 190 Mio. The NRI water program will again have $4.5 M, the 406 Integrated water program will have about $12.5 M, the soil program about $4 M, and 5 Mio-$ will be available in the Air Quality program (topics are related to: soil atmosphere exchange with gases). The Air Quality program had a success rate of 26 % in 2007. In order to obtain more focused and problem-specific proposals, there is a tendency in many programs to ask investigators to submit letters of intent prior to the main proposal application. There is no Farm bill, yet. It is proposed that CSREES will undergo changes in the next farm bill. CSREES will probably be renamed to the National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Thomas Harter Chair, Year 2007 Business meeting: Jan Hopmans moves to approve the report for the year 2006 and the minutes of the meeting in 2007, Mike Young seconds, workgroup unanimously approves the annual report for the year 2006 and minutes for the meeting in 2007. Committee nominates two candidates for becoming the next secretary: Marcus Tuller (8), Arizona, and Scott Jones (6), Utah. Markus was approved by the committee, and he accepts. Jeff Jacobsen, Administrative Report: The current project phase will expire in 2009. Therefore, this will be a writing year. In general, one or two year extensions of project would be possible. Plan ahead necessary with core group. The objectives will need to be addressed in project presentations. For reviews of the projects, accomplishments and impacts need to be specifically addressed. Besides publications, investigators should tell the differences, as a result of their research. Other funding than through this project should be identified and clearly mentioned in project reports. Others have access and use the databases, now. In the future, more people will be looking for accountability. A long list of publications may not necessarily be satisfying. Impact statements may in some cases be valued rather than pure numbers of publications. Ray Knighton: An important criterion will be, how many new technologies were developed and adopted besides publications. Currently, Experiment Station Directors think of hiring staff that is able to write those impact statements. Laosheng Wu, Objective is to evaluate fate and transport of pharmaceutical products, especially DBPs and PCCPs in reclaimed water which is used for turfgrass irrigation. A lysimeter was established in the center of each of 12 plots. Water with 11 selected compounds was applied at two rates, approximately 1.15 and 1.55 ET0, irrigation with sprinklers, free drainage bottom boundary, leachate collected and analyzed (solid phase extraction) twice a week. Recovery of compounds in water samples between 75 and 122 %. Future work will be directed towards adsorption of PPCBs and DBPs in soil, and their interception by turfgrass. Tyson Ochsener, Soil heat flux so far has mainly been quantified under unfrozen soil conditions. This study should show whether heat flux sensing is also possible during freezing/thawing processes. This focus is relevant for many locations in the U.S., and its implications regard the surface energy balance, hydrologic processes, gas emissions, and land surface schemes on global climatic models. This leads to the apparent heat capacity equation, and the apparent heat capacity Ca and apparent thermal conductivity »a, the latter including latent heat flux due to thermally-driven liquid water flow. When the ambient temperature approaches the freezing point, the temperature increase will be lower because most of the heat goes into the phase change. The time tm to the maximum temperature increase Tm is determined from heat pulse curves in frozen soils. The heat capacity C is inversely related to Tm, the thermal diffusivity ± is inversely related to tm, and the thermal conductivity is of course the product of C and ±. Michael Young, The pedologic development of desert soils dominated by pavement and dust deposition causes a substantial temporal change of soil hydraulic conductivity K. Hydraulic conductivity in the surface soil decreases by about two orders of magnitude whereas in the subsurface it remains rather constant. As a consequence of decreasing surface layer K, the surface runoff potential increases. The questions underlying this project were whether we can use our knowledge of pedology and hydrology to better predict surface runoff potential on arid alluvial fans, and whether a site-specific characterization approach based on pedo-transfer functions would help predicting runoff from individual alluvial fans or groups of fans. A project was established in the Windmill watershed (Bunkerville, NV) where an example area was mapped and the DEM was established. For dry bulk density (BD) and saturated hydraulic conductivity Ks, four statistical groups were derived from the results: The young soils (Qf1/2) resulted in the largest BD and Ks-values. Dissected and eroded pavements (QTt) yielded the lowest BD but higher Ks-values. The lowest Ks-values were observed in the intact pavements (Qf4). In the future, other alluvial fans will undergo the same analysis, soil surface and geomorphic properties will be applied for water resource management, and regionally relevant PTFs will be developed. Marcel G. Schaap, The motivation of this study was to simulate fluid behavior in porous media at scales between 1 cm to 1 km. Usually, macroscopic transport characteristics such as the water retention curve, hydraulic conductivity function and diffusion-dispersion and partitioning coefficients are applied in the Darcy, Richards, and advection-dispersion equation. The main underlying questions were (referring to the Water Resources Research paper on simulating the soil water retention curve using Lattice Boltzmann model): How applicable is this concept at a larger scale? This problem was addressed in a study at the Hanford site, at which single-walled tanks are stored containing waste material with high pH values. A salt was injected and its migration studied. How are macroscopic properties related to pore-scale physics. Using CT fluid behavior at the pore scale, the pressure-saturation relationship as well as the interfacial area, curvature, and contact angle should be observed. Naoyuki Ochiai, Most of the studies on transport of Phytophtora zoospores (somewhat larger than bacteria) through porous media being conducted in the 1950s and 60s were performed under water-saturated conditions. In this project transport of zoospores should be performed under real-world, i.e., unsaturated soil conditions. The ideal colloid and zoospore transport behavior, and that of motile and immotile zoospores should be investigated in paired column and micromodel column experiments. Results are interpreted that those colloids exploring low-velocity zones become severly retarded and contribute to tailing, while those moving in high-velocity zones move at greater than average velocity and contribute to early breakthrough. Questions addressed by the investigators for the future regard whether 2D models would reflect 3D geometry adequately, whether these pore-scale processes could be upscaled to explain breakthrough behavior at the macro-scale, and what other mechanisms may result in exclusion. Eran Segal, In this study, the transport behavior of nitrate and pathogens at a dairy lagoon application site should be investigated as it is relevant for understanding contaminant and bacterial behavior in the environment. The objectives were to derive experimental site characteristics for being used as input for CDE- and MI-transport models. Solute transport parameters measured at the core scale should be validated at the field plot scale. The impact of channels created by decaying roots on transport parameters should be evaluated. In an undisturbed plot with four access rings (1 m diameter) in each corner, 48 tensiometers, 10 neutron access tubes, 48 solution and microbe samplers, and eight four-probe sensors (ECa) were installed. Soil is characterized as a sandy loam with an undulating sand layer underneath, followed by clay lenses. Scott Bradford, The advectivion-dispersion equation is considered with a first-order deposition and release which can be applied to filtration theory if the release coefficient is considered 0. By solving the flow field using the Navier Stokes equation, the colloid interaction with the solid surface is manifested by the ±-term in the equation which is a chemical interaction term. Alternatively, the DLVO theory describes the chemical interaction between colloids and the solid surface where the magnitude of the energy barrier decreases with decreasing colloid size. Filtration theory neglects the balance of applied and adhesive torques on colloids affecting deposition, and it neglects pore space geometry. The flow field around a single solid grain is considered here: Only a certain fraction of the solid surface will contribute to the retention of the colloid, resulting in a different flow field. The surface area available or favorable for attachment increases with the adhesive force and the resulting torque. Due to the flow field in pore space, a single sphere causes unfavorable conditions for colloid retention, and two spheres unfavorable or even highly unfavorable conditions. Micromodel experiments reveal that the current model does not adequately describe colloid retention. Scott Jones, Over a temperature range between -10 and 30 °C, three TS1 sensors and soil moisture sensors were tested in a sand column and under constant water content conditions in time. These tensiometers are supposed to purge and refill themselves. The purging simply did not work. All 24 of these 1st generation sensors needed a variety of repairs and updates, and all those three that were tested here were repaired and updated. The main motivation behind this project was to tie an EC map of a 41-ha-watershed into the ecohydrology of that watershed and a vegetation map. A mosaic of trees, shrubs and grasses was digitized, and soil texture was sampled at 40 points. An EC map and 312 TDR soil surface water contents were obtained with a portable instrument within one day. The vegetation distribution to a large extent depends on the local moisture conditions and water content distributions, which again depends on soil texture. The coefficient of determination between EC and both clay and water content was 0.73. The question whether the clay and water content on EC could be sorted out, was answered with the suggestion to map EC at different times and water contents during the year. Ole Wendroth, Impact of timing of salt or chemical application relative to subsequent rainfall and rainfall amount and intensity on solute leaching has not been studied intensively at the field scale. A pilot study was performed where a KBr tracer was applied to the soil surface in the field. Soil cores taken every 25 cm in horizontal distance were divided into 10-cm-depth increments and samples analyzed for soil water content and total anion concentration. The objective was to study spatial autocorrelation behavior, and spatial relations across different depths with crosscorrelation. Through prior irrigation, initial soil water content differed systematically in the profile. Except for the uppermost compartment (0-10 cm depth) anion concentrations were spatially autocorrelated to a distance of 1 m down to 40 cm soil depth. Below, anion concentrations were very low, and bromide had probably not moved that deep. Anion concentrations were spatially crosscorrelated across 1 m for subsequent soil depths above 50 cm. Fred Zhang, The motivation for this study was the fact that the soil of the Hanford formation is spatially anisotropic (vertical/horizontal), and this anisotropy is water-saturation dependent. Isotropic soil field-scale hydraulic conductivity can be described using a geometric mean or an upscaled value. Layered soils may be described in the horizontal dimension by the arithmetic mean, and in the vertical dimension with the harmonic mean, whereas stratified soils can be represented in stochastic approaches. In this study, anisotropy should be described using a tensorial connectivity-tortuosity (TCT) concept. The vertical conductivity is user-defined, and the horizontal is the product of the vertical and a connectivity coefficient C. Depending on the degree of anisotropy, C varies. This concept was applied in an injection experiment in a 16 by 16 m experimental field with four transect crossing each other in the central point and having an angle of 45, 90 and 135 ° to each other. For future research, critical knowledge gaps would be upscaling methodologies of the hydraulic conductivity function, and the directional measurement of the hydraulic conductivity function. Saeed Torkzaban, The problem considered in this study is related to transport of pathogenic bacteria in the subsurface, and riverbank filtration. The colloid filtration theory is based on above-mentioned work of Scott Bradford on colloid (or bacteria) retention (DLVO theory). With increasing distance from the solid surface, the interaction energy increases, however, in close proximity to the surface, unfavorable conditions for bacteria retention exist. Mechanisms for bacteria retention under unfavorable conditions should be investigated in column experiments and under different ionic strengths. Breakthrough curves after a pulse input indicated the strongest retention under highest ionic strength. Hence, if the secondary minima are eliminated, deposited bacteria will be released. However, mass balance calculations in elution experiments showed, that deposition in a secondary energy minimum is not the only mechanism. Bacteria retention in porous media strongly depends on solution chemistry, pore structure, and system hydrodynamics. How does the region change with velocity, does it go up with velocity or not? Under laminar flow conditions, the size of the region does not change. However, the assumption of laminar flow may not be valid. Moreover, attention to streaming potential might become necessary. Jianting Zhu, Based on the previous years findings, effective hydraulic parameters can be outside of arithmetic and harmonic mean. Here, the question of interest was, if the effective saturated hydraulic conductivity is assumed to be either arithmetic or harmonic mean, depending on the flow direction, will the arithmetic or harmonic mean still work for unsaturated flow? In the underlying theory for local scale considerations, constant capillary pressure head is assumed on top, and zero capillary pressure head at the bottom. Effective hydraulic properties and the joint log-normal distribution for Ks and ± are given. For coarse textured and more heterogeneous landscapes, the effective hydraulic conductivity would move away from the geometric mean. In vertically heterogeneous soils, the effective hydraulic conductivity is between the geometric and the harmonic mean. Jirka `imonek, New features of the HYDRUS-1D software are coupled water, vapor, and energy transport, support for HP1 (HYDRUS and PHREEQC), nonequilibrium flow and transport including dual permeability, potential evapotranspiration using Penman-Monteith and Hargreaves formula, water content dependence of degradation constants, and full compatibility with Vistas. The options of non-equilibrium solute transport models include uniform flow, mobile-immobile water flow, dual porosity, dual permeability, and dual permeability with mobile-immobile approach within the matrix domain. Chemical nonequilibrium transport includes the options of one-site kinetic model, two-site model (kinetic and instantaneous sorption), two-site kinetic model, dual porosity with one-site kinetic model, and dual permeability with two-site kinetic model. Furthermore, geochemical modeling will soon be possible with two HYDRUS-1D-based programs, i.e., UNSATCHEM, and PHREEQC (HP1). Results obtained in HYDRUS 2D revealed that thermal properties of the HPP needed to be taken into account, as long as thermocouples are installed midway to the heater needle, measurements are less sensitive to experimental setups, and sensor needles can be shorter. For coupled water-vapor-energy transport, larger heat pulses can be used, and flux measurements are more sensitive, i.e., smaller fluxes can be measured. Jan Hopmans, A critical zone observatory should be established in the Sierra Nevada. One of the main objectives is to deploy wireless networks for soil moisture and energy balances. A number of wireless networks have been put out in Sequoia National Park. In this study, three networks were installed, i.e., the Isaacs link (Radio transmitter, receiver and repeater) with water mark resistance meters for soil water potential, the Decagon link with the ECH2O water content sensor and the Crossbow link combined with Isaacs Watermark sensors. The objective was to monitor soil temperature and soil water. For the Isaacs Watermarks, calibration in the lab is necessary prior to the field installation, and the temperature is a critical factor. A sensor transect was established. The Mote Crossbow Systems configuration was presented, with a base station (Omni antennae) with various nodes distributed across the landscape. The different motes interact with each other to guarantee that the signals from the sensors arrive at the base station. The system is extremely energy efficient, and includes solar panels. First results show time series of continuous water potential and temperature data recorded over a time period of approximately two months. Navin Kumar, Soils are usually grouped according to their particle size distributions, hydraulic characteristics, and morphological descriptions or any kind of lab testing. The most commonly used and accepted system is the USDA soil classification which divides soils into 12 groups, presented in the soils textural triangle. Why are there straight lines between the classes, what is the justification for using 12 classes? The objectives of this study were to evaluate whether the USDA soil classification system provides the optimal grouping with respect to soil hydraulic characteristics, and if not, what system would provide a better grouping, and what would be the optimum number of classes with respect to soil hydraulic properties. Moreover, what would be average parameter estimates for each of these hydraulic classes? The optimum number of clusters appeared to be 12 (9-14), which is interestingly the same as the number of textural classes. However, the soil hydraulic classes differ from the textural classes. The differences occur mainly where capillary pressures play a dominant role. In this numerical study, dry bulk density was not entered as an independent parameter to derive soil hydraulic properties, but it was incorporated being a function of sand, silt, and clay content. In the future, probably sand should be divided into more fractions. Gerard Kluitenberg, Especially in Kansas but in many regions of the U.S., low streamflows are an increasing problem in the U.S., caused by consumption of ground water by phreatophytes among other reasons. An approach that is base on daily ground water table fluctuations seems to be applicable for quantifying ground water consumption. The objective of this study was to investigate major controls in phreatophyte-induced ground water table fluctuations, to sue diurnal water table fluctuation measurements to quantify water consumption by phreatophytes, and ground water savings accomplished through control measures. Diurnal fluctuations in the riparian zone and adjacent pasture vary with respect to both amplitude and phase. The heavily vegetated riparian zone can be considered as a strip-sink with finite water use, whereas outside this strip, water use is zero. According to Townley (1955) the strip-sink is solved for, resulting in normalized amplitude of fluctuations, phase lag between ETGp and hp, and head fluctuations and phase lags relative to the position and the period (L2S/(TP). Using the solution presented here, would allow to identify the optimum location for measurements necessary for the procedure presented here. Unlike existing methods, ETG estimation is effectively estimated by the well hydrograph phase-lag information. Storativity and transmissivity will be estimated in the future. In addition, diurnal fluctuations of pressure head in the unsaturated zone will contribute to a better understanding of root water uptake causing diurnal water table fluctuations. The chairman Thomas Harter thanked Mike Young in the name of the entire group for the excellent organization and infrastructure of this meeting as well as the interesting tour to DRIs research facility, the lysimeter station. Brian McGlynn, The objective of this study is to link topography, geomorphic form, and landscape structure to water, energy, solute, and gas fluxes from the plot to watershed scale. A new DEM-driven flow direction algorithm was developed, because topography information steadily improves. Therefore, topographically-driven distribution of water should be evaluated. Area is chosen as a surrogate for water and flow accumulation. The Tenderfoot Creek experimental watershed was intensively instrumented with hydrological measurement facilities (27 transects with wells and piezometers, flumes, 2 Eddy covariance H20/CO2 towers, 600 m2 plot with water content and snow temperature measurements, stream and groundwater sampling facilities) across nested catchments to focus on water and carbon research. The result is that topographically driven lateral distribution of water drives upland-stream connectivity, transient connectivity drives runoff generation, a high degree of heterogeneity remains in spite of adequate time integration of space-time behavior. Watershed carbon distribution and water flux should be studied across environmental gradients in order to determine associations between soil temperature, water content, substrate, and biological controls on CO2 at the watershed scale. Results show that there is a relation between topotgraphy, topology and process patterns. Hydrological and biogeochemical processes reveal an organized heterogeneity. Farag Botros, The objective of this study was to characterize the heterogeneity of a deep alluvial vadose zone, to model nitrate transport in the deep vadose zone, and to compare different modeling approaches to describe soil heterogeneity. The study site wasan orchard with nitrogen fertilizer application varying between 0 and 365 kg N/(ha year). For the modeling, long-term fertilizer records were available, fruit yields were recorded, and in 1997, geologic stratification was obtained from 62 continuous soil cores drilled to the water table. From 120 small cores taken from these drilled cores, 96 hydraulic property data sets were obtained to be good data. Denitrification which was not supported by field measurements, and preferential flow might explain the discrepancy of the N stoage. None of the model approaches managed to explain the small amount of stored N in the deep vadose zone. Preferential flow allowed in the two heterogeneous models did not reflect the differences in the stored N mass sufficiently. Perhaps, the 100 cores being taken were not sufficient to characterize the small scale heterogeneity. Would 3-D modeling help? Perhaps, pruning of trees caused the discrepancy in the mass balance, nitrous gas emissions might have caused nitrogen losses, and perhaps cover crop (grass) between the trees might contribute to the diverging balance. Thomas Harter, This work directly relates to the previously presented. How good is scaling as a simple representation of a hierarchical medium, how well does it represent actual variability of K(h) and q(h), and how well does it contribute to appropriate modeling of q, h, q, c? Miller scaling was applied in this study, based on an algorithm of Clausnitzer et al. (1992). Simultaneous scaling of h and ln K and of ln h and ln K was performed. Two different data quality levels were considered, i.e., high only for 70 samples in multi-step outflow experiments and inverse modeling, and high plus regular with 27 samples form water retention curve. Transient multistep versus steady-state multistep had no significant influence on the quality. Simultaneous scaling of ln h and ln K yielded the best results. Ungrouped scaling caused results comparable to facies scaling, hence scaling across different geological layers does is ok. Ron Amundson, The suggestion was to broaden up the soil physics group, and to include Pedology. Several past discussions and Don Nielsens presentation at the previous meeting Jan. 2007 had resulted in the strong demand, that our group should communicate with pedologists. On the other hand, some pedologists think in the same way that they needed to interact with other soil science disciplines so that the valuable pedologic description of soils compiled in soil data bases could be linked to processes occurring in soils. If both sides can get together , this would be very stimulating for the further progress of our group and the next proposal, led by Mike Young. Initially, Ron and other soil scientists (Jan Hopmans and others) had met on the UC Davis campus with a brainstorming on how the soil science programs in California could be better integrated. An ignition for his presentation was Don Nielsens presentation from last year, and the dilemma of soil science having no reliable quantitative measures of spatially distributed soil properties across the landscape. Pedology and Soil Physics? Many students in pedology have backgrounds in physics, mathematics, ecology, etc.. Why is there not a more visible interface so far? Why is pedology not integrated better? Pedology deals with soil properties, soil physics with processes resulting in soil properties vs. processes, Soil system vs. soil, and observational vs. experimental soil science. But in fact, here exist the real opportunities for process-based, integrated soil science. How soil physics can play a role in pedology? How can observational and experimental science be bridged? In situ geophysical processes and biology are at the cutting edge of earth sciences. Field observations can inspire new experimental approaches. Information in field trips and joint symposia, graduate education in field methods and soil physics. Opportunities for process-based integrated soil science: NSF programs (Low temperature geochemistry and geomicrobiology, critical zone observatories)NASA planetary geology, and Transformative efforts in SSSA. The discussion following up Ron Amundsons presentation was directed towards a vision for future activities of the W1188 group. The discussion of the new project proposal and the next meeting in 2009 were very closely related. Ron Amundsons presentation was received by the group as a great success and igniting contribution to the question what the role soil physics can play in related disciplines and vice versa, and how soil physicists, pedologists and others can start interacting with each other. There is a small group of soil pedologists who began looking at soil processes across landscapes. The next meeting will be held over a 3-day period with beginning on Monday, January 5, 09 at noon time, and the end on Thursday noon, January 8, 09. These 3 days will be divided into two days with presentations, and one day of brainstorming sessions including presentations of invited speakers. The format of sessions will probably be a hybrid type, including think tanks. Sufficient discussion time needs to be provided for invited speakers to discuss and comment our proposal. First suggestions on names for invited speakers were: Ron Amundson, Marc Parlange, Henry Lin, Jon Chorover &(could not catch all names in the short time period and might have missed one or two. Please add any eventually missing ones). The next steps in writing the new proposal for the time period 2009-2014: The new proposal will have to be submitted to the Board of Western Directors in January 2009. The core committee will write a first draft of the proposal during the next 2 to 3 months, circulate it to the group, include comments from the group, and then have a first version of the proposal ready in summer of 2008. At this point it needs clarification whether this first version of the proposal needs further approval. The group writing the proposal will be: Mike Young (head), Scott Jones, John Neiber, Markus Tuller, Marcel Schaap, and Ole Wendroth. The vision documented in this new proposal will have strong impact on the focus and the format of the next meeting in January 2009. The questions of the relevance of soil physics and whether or not to go for esoteric soil physics were discussed. During the discussion, focus on either one or several objectives was debated with no strong opinion on particular objectives but with emphasis on broadening the focus of the group and opening it to related disciplines while not loosing the identity of a soil physics group. The link of soil physics to other disciplines will be a driving force for the coming meeting and project period.


OBJECTIVE 1: To develop and improved understanding of the fundamental soil physical properties and processes governing mass and energy transport, and the biogeochemical interactions these mediate. Interrelated, biotic and abiotic processes were examined at four sites in the northern Mojave Desert by University of Nevada. Infiltration through Av horizons evolves from a matrix-dominated process on the younger soils to a preferential flow-dominated process on older surfaces. USDA Salinitiy Lab worked on models for colloid and microorganism transport and retention in porous media. Experiments and models demonstrated that much greater retention is possible in the smallest regions of the pore space that are associated with lower flow rates. Washington State University showed that transient flow mobilized more colloids than steady-state flow. Mechanical straining of colloids was partly responsible for the smaller colloid mobilization in the fine than in the coarse sands. Larger flow rates led to increased colloid mobilization and europium elution. Wyoming developed a new model based on a noniterative solution of the Richards equation. It calculates soil water flow heat transport, and soil water freezing for grid cells at the watershed level. The fate and transport of 17b-estradiol (E2) and testosterone (T) in soils were investigated by North Dakota. Soil water content and organic matter were significant in explaining hormone distributions in the soil. Soil humic substances can immobilize the majority of hormones. UC Riverside initiated an investigation on the fate of pharmaceutical products applied to turfgrass with reclaimed wastewater. A new equilibrium equation was derived to predict the ion distribution between the exchanger and solution phases. Scientists from the Batelle Pacific Northwest Division compared different model approaches to the saturation-dependent anisotropy. The tensorial connectivity-tortuosity (TCT) model had the smallest average error. Iowa scientists tested diffusion-based coupled soil heat and water transfer theory. Work is planned on coupled water and heat transport under transient conditions. Near-surface soil heat fluxes account for as much as 80% of net radiation as the evaporation zone proceeds below the surface. A lattice-Boltzmann model approach was chosen by Tucson to simulate microscopic liquid-air interphase processes. Moreover, dehydration studies on initiation and evolution of surface crack networks in active clay soils were performed in conjunction with X-Ray Computed Tomography (CT) observations. Mixing bentonite with sand- or silt-like materials reduces susceptibility to formation of desiccation cracks. UC Davis combined field experiments and numerical simulations to study effects of various irrigation and fertigation systems. Soil salinity measurements showed considerable leaching around drip lines due to spatially-varying soil wetting patterns that occur under drip irrigation. Utah State tested water retention and gas diffusion in 3 different particle-sized media. Their focus is on maintaining plant health in the absence of gravity. Highly localized non-uniform water contents may lead to potential problems with oxygen supply to plant roots within zones of higher water content. Oregon proposed a mechanism for enhanced evaporation consisting of thermally driven convective venting of the fractures occurring at night. Salt is depositing in the smaller pores and surface precipitation occurs over the area of small pores. Thus, the surface patchiness is associated with the location of smaller pores. California State University characterized groundwater flow in the fractured granite aquifers in the foothill areas of western Sierra Nevada, Madera County of California. Variations in the results suggested that both the flow patterns and the model parameters were scale-dependent and related to heterogeneity within the aquifer. Montana works on the critical drivers that govern catchment water, carbon, and gas behavior and movement and how they are integrated by larger-scale measurements. This research will address the landscape controls on riparian buffering of the quantity, quality, and timing of water delivered from alpine headwater watersheds. OBJECTIVE 2: To develop and evaluate instrumentation and methods of analysis for characterizing mass and energy transport in soils at different scales Nevada has been examining Raman Spectra Fiber Optic Distributed Temperature Sensing. They analyzed dual-probe heat-pulse (DPHP) data for estimating volumetric water content of near-surface materials. The variability of ET rate for moderately dense desert shrubland contributed to over 78% of the variance in total ground-water discharge. Washington State University determined the effective vapor diffusion coefficients and the diffusive resistances through wheat residue layers. They also evaluated the effect of wildfire on soil water repellency. Remotely sensed hyperspectral imagery was collected to map post-wildfire ground cover and soil condition. An electric circuit model was developed by Wyoming for the Hydra probe sensor measuring real permittivity, imaginary permittivity and temperature. The real permittivity can be converted into soil water content by using a soil-specific calibration. USDA-ARS, Minnesota, contribute to a better understanding of the surface energy balance by measuring apparent thermal conductivity (la) and apparent volumetric heat capacity (Ca) which permits accurate monitoring of soil heat flux under freezing and thawing conditions. UC Riverside found that humic substances and dissolved organic matter reduce the surface tension at the liquid-air interface. Capillary pressure is lowered at the same water content in soils containing DOM. HYDRUS now considers the concentration dependence of surface tension and the contact angle dependence of capillary pressure. Pacific Northwest Division performed experiments to study the behavior of radioactive contaminants that escape from corroded tanks. Experimental installations included continuous soil water content monitoring devices. Iowa state examined the effect of low connectivity of intra-granular pores on diffusion and retardation of an inert conservative tracer. Most of the study of systems is completed, starting from equilibrium, and some follow-up studies on dynamic systems have started. UC Davis used the multi-functional heat pulse probe (MFHPP) for measuring coupled water, heat, and solute transport simultaneously. Neutron computed tomography was applied successfully in a single root water uptake experiment showing spatially-variable soil water content gradients in the rhizosphere. University of Arizona conducted a preliminary image binarization study suitable for CT data. The various methods considerable deviate from each other, some of them underestimating and some of them overestimating measured porosities. Utah State University evaluated the Penta-needle Heat Pulse Probe (PHPP): It can provide good estimation of 2-D soil water fluxes. Evaluation of self filling tensiometers showed that they were not suitable for forest soil application under freeze/thaw conditions. California State University contributed to a better understanding of the San Joaquin River regional hydrology. Stable isotope analysis in different groundwater zones revealed that groundwater collected near to the river showed more depletion than samples taken form the river. Montana developed a software to generate synthetic Time Domain Reflectometry (TDR) waveforms for evaluating probes, and predicting travel time analysis. Montana is evaluating flood generation, streamwater residence times, sources and pathways of runoff, riparian buffering of hillslope runoff, water quality dynamics, and the heterogeneity of CO2 generation and flux across watersheds. Kansas State University contributed to the volumetric characterization of the spatial sensitivity of the DPHP method. Moreover, diurnal water-table fluctuations observed in shallow wells in vegetated riparian zones are a diagnostic indicator of groundwater consumption by evapotranspiration (ETG). OBJECTIVE 3: To develop and evaluate scale-appropriate methodologies for the management of soil and water resources Nevada contributed to the restoration of disturbed lands in the Mojave Desert; particularly re-vegetation of military lands. The optimal macroscopic hydraulic conductivities for both horizontally and vertically heterogeneous soils depended on the pressure head conditions at the land surface. USDA Salinity Lab implemented a nutrient management plan using cyclic and blending irrigation strategies for dairy lagoon water application (interagency project with EPA). Contaminant concentrations (salts, heavy metals, nutrients, hormones, and antibiotics) were quantified in various lagoon water samples. Washington State used DEMs to calculate topographic and hydrologic parameters that served as inputs to WEPP. The model results of sediment yields and runoffs were compared with field observations, and showed that different resolutions cause considerable differences in erosion modeling results. Wyoming scientists initiated a study on the leaching potential of trace elements like Arsenic and Selenium from Coalbed Methane water disposal ponds. Coalbed Methane extraction involves pumping from coal seams to reduce the water pressure and release the gas. The marginal quality water is generally released into streams and surface ponds. Three different methods for delineating nitrogen management zones were tested by North Dakota. Even though this field site had significant variation in soil ECa, topography, and soil color, zone management seemed to result in uniformity of yield across the site. UC Riverside investigated metal uptake of corn in biosolid-treated sand media. The effect of particle-size distribution on uptake of Cu and Ni was less pronounced than that on Cd and Zn, while the uptake of Cr and Pb were dominated by their chemical speciation of the biosolids. Pacific Northwest Division investigated the saturation-dependent anisotropy of unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. The model showed that the anisotropic coefficient of any one of the fluids depends only on the saturation of the fluid being considered but not on saturation of other fluids. Iowa State estimated the distribution and extent of drainage across the U.S. Long-term simulations suggest that at least half of the N loss reduction goal could be met by reducing N application rates. Model simulations demonstrated how to reduce losses of NO3-N in subsurface drainage. No-till practice significantly increased SOC storage and reduced nitrateN leaching rate, but slightly decreased crop yield and increased N2O emissions. Arizona integrated easily obtainable data with hydraulic property data to generate heterogeneous soil hydraulic parameters for a field injection test and 3-D modeling of a contaminant plume. The parameter estimates were used to simulate a field injection experiment. Good agreement was obtained between the simulated and observed moisture contents. UC Davis predicted the water-content dependent soil moisture variability by stochastic analysis of the unsaturated Brooks-Corey flow in heterogeneous soils for eleven textural classes. The b parameter, which describes the pore-size distribution of soils, controls the maximum value of the soil moisture standard deviation. Utah State University developed a methodology to describe the process of obtaining soil properties from maps of electrical conductivity. Correlating vegetation maps with the EMI map to link hydrological properties with vegetation community structure is further pursued. UC Riverside coupled a geochemical modeling code with HYDRUS to simulate a broad range of low-temperature biogeochemical reactions in water, soil and ground water systems. A new module CW2D for biochemical transformation and degradation processes in subsurface flow constructed wetlands has been released. A model that can consider transport of solutes facilitated by the presence of colloids has also been developed. Numerical models were applied to simulate transport of various contaminants. A major upgrade of HYDRUS-2D/MESHGEN-2D software package called HYDRUS (2D/3D) was released. California State University applied remote sensing information and the DEM for estimating spatio-temporal snow depth behavior for the Upper San Joaquin River watershed above Friant Dam. Montana found that a vegetated cap system designed to prevent leaching of meteoric water failed to function as desired during both years of available data. A method was developed to examine the impact of geographic location and spatial distribution of land use/land cover change on the spatial, seasonal, and temporal patterns of streamwater nitrogen (N). Upon KBr tracer application, Kentucky identified spatial correlation lengths for anion concentration of approximately 1 m. At the landscape scale, surface soil water content is spatially closely associated with profile water storage. Relations between soil texture and surface soil moisture strongly vary with spatial scale, support, and distance. Texas A&M adopted a multi-facet approach to field soil hydraulic property characterization including: a bottom-up approach, a top-down approach, and an artificial neural network approach. UC Davis initiated an extensive characterization and geostatistical analysis of the geology, hydraulic properties, and nitrogen distribution in a 16 m deep vadose zone across a nectarine orchard. Unsaturated flow and transport simulations for both types of heterogeneity representations of the vadose zone were implemented with HYDRUS. The flow velocity distribution in the MPHR-based simulations is more variable than in the SFA-based simulations.


  1. *Models for colloid retention, release and transport under unsaturated flow conditions in provide a better understanding of colloid fate in the vadose zone. *Better understanding on the fate of hormones in soils is useful in developing management methods for handling hormones in animal manures or from waste treatment facilities. *Determined crack porosity values indicate that samples saturated with lower concentrated solutions are more susceptible to cracking.
  2. *Under high soil salinity levels caused by saline waters, subsurface drip irrigation of processing tomatoes is highly profitable. *Critical gaps in our knowledge are filled concerning emerging issues of water availability in space and time and watershed processes controlling stream biogeochemistry, carbon cycling, global change ecology, and greenhouse gas emissions. *Ash cover, both measured on the ground and remotely, was the variable most significantly correlated to strong water repellency after the Hayman Fire enabling estimates of sediment load and water quantity.
  3. *A statewide soil moisture network for the State Climatology Office is upgraded by Wyoming scientists creating better estimates for fire, drought and water availability estimates.. *Heat pulse sensors can be used to obtain accurate measurements of apparent thermal conductivity and apparent volumetric heat capacity which, together with soil temperature data and permit accurate monitoring of soil heat flux under freezing and thawing conditions. *Dissolved organic matter acts as a surfactant and facilitates water transport.
  4. *The portable TDR circuit facilitated rapid mapping of water content in rugged terrain and has potential benefit for field use for anyone with TDR100 and datalogging instrumentation. *Integrating field studies and landscape analysis will be valuable for the refinement of hydrological and water quality models on the catchment scale *Accurate estimates of the extent and location of drained land are important for determining the effect of agricultural practices on water quality at local, regional, and national scales.
  5. *Simulation results suggest that if DWM can be practically implemented on a large scale, particularly in the southern states of the region, the amount of NO3-N entering surface waters from agricultural systems can be significantly reduced. *Process-based models can play an important role in quantifying the comprehensive effects of management alternatives on agricultural production and the environment. *Work will lead to improved functionality of disposal pond caps, representing critical inputs to environmental aspects of energy production. *Incorporating land use/land cover and topography data provides critical insight for land managers, planners and consulting agencies is developed to examine the potential impacts of human alteration of natural landscapes on stream water quality.


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Castiglione, P., and J.M. Wraith. 2007. ConvTDR: Software for numerical convolution of time domain signals. ASA abstracts, ASA, Madison, WI. Castiglione, Paolo, Yongping Chen, Jon M. Wraith and Dani Or. 2007. Temperature effects on soil dielectric permittivity. ASA abstracts, ASA, Madison, WI. Conde, K, V. Pacific, B.L. McGlynn, and D. Welsch. 2007. Relationship between soil CO2 concentrations and soil water alkalinity. Posters on the Hill, Counsel for Undergraduate Research and the American Chemical Society. Conference on Capitol Hill, Washington DC. Conde, K., V. Pacific, D. Riveros, B.L. McGlynn, and D. Welsch. 2007. Relationship between soil CO2 concentrations and soil water alkalinity. Undergraduate Scholars Research Conference, Montana State University, Bozeman, Montana. Deng, H, Ye, M, Schaap, M.G., and R. Khaleel, 2007. Uncertainty Assessment of Soil Hydraulic Parameter Estimated From Cokriging and Artificial Neural Network, AGU Fall meeting San Francisco, H23B-1316. Dinwiddie, C., D. Or, S. Stothoff, R. Fedors, J. Pohle, and M. Tuller, 2007. Sensors and Monitoring Techniques for the Deep Unsaturated Zone: Reducing Uncertainty Related to Seepage and Transport in Fractured Rock. Unsaturated Zone Interest Group (UZIG) Meeting, Los Alamos, New Mexico, August 27-30, 2007. Dinwiddie, C.L., D. Or, S.A. Stothoff, R.W. Fedors, J.A. Pohle, and M. Tuller, 2007. Sensors and Monitoring Techniques for the Deep Unsaturated Zone: Reducing Uncertainty Related to Seepage and Transport in Fractured Rock. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10 14, 2007. Dontsova, K., J. `imonek, J. Pennington, and C. Price, Facilitated transport of high explosives in mineral soils, Soil Science Society America annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 283-9, ASA, Madison, 2007. Fayer MJ, and JM Keller. 2007. Recharge Data Package for Hanford Single-Shell Tank Waste Management Areas. 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Cáceres, Mauricio Escudey, Simulacion y modelacion matematica del perfil de temperatura de suelos derivados de materiales volcanicos afectados por un impacto termivo mediante la aplicacion del software HYDRUS -1D, XVII Congreso Latinoamericano de la Ciencia del Suelo, Leon Guanajuato, Mexico, Septiembre 17 al 21, 2007. Gardner, K. and B.L. McGlynn. 2007. Spatio-Temporal Controls of Stream Water Nitrogen Export in a Rapidly Developing Watershed in the Northern Rockies. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007. Gebrenegus, Th., B.E. Lassiter, N. Araki, and M. Tuller, 2007. Evaluation of Global and Local Image Binarization Techniques for Quantitative Analysis of X-Ray CT Images of Geological Materials. SSSA International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007. Guber, A. K., Ya. A. Pachepsky, D. Jacques, M. Th. van Genuchten, J. `imonek, T. J. Nicholson, and R. E. Cady, Multimodel prediction of water flow in field soil using pedotransfer functions, AGU Spring meeting, Acapulco, Mexico, 2007. Hanson, B. R., D. M. May, J. Hopmans, and J. Simunek, Drip Irrigation As A Sustainable Practice Under Saline Shallow Ground Water Conditions, USCID Fourth International Conference, Sacramento, CA, 715-725, September 30- October 6, 2007. Hardelauf, H., M. Javaux, M. Herbst, S. Gottschalk, R. Kasteel, J. Vanderborght, H. Vereecken, and J. `imonek, PARSWMS: a parallelized model for simulating 3-D water flow and solute transport in soils, EGU Annual meeting, April, 2007. Jencso, K, B.L. McGlynn, M.N. Gooseff, S.M. Wondzell, K.E. Bencala, and R.A. Payn. 2007. Topographic controls on hillsloperiparian water table continuity in a set of nested catchments, Northern Rocky Mountains, Montana. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Fall, 2007. Jones, S. B., R. Heinse, J. `imonek, M. Tuller and D. 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American Geophysical Union, Washington, DC. Köhne, J. M. and J. `imonek, Modeling surface runoff and infiltration in soil with mobile and immobile water regions, EGU Annual meeting, April, 2007. Kuroda, S., H. Saito, T. Okuyama, M. Takeuchi, J `imonek, and M. Th. van Genuchten, Quasi 3D model construction of artificial recharge through the vadose zone using time-lapse zero-offset profiling of cross borehole radar, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H41H-06, 2007. M.G. Schaap, M. Porter, and D. Wildenschild, 2007b. Simulating Water Retention Characteristics with Lattice Boltzmann Methods. ASA-CSSA-SSSA meetings in New Orleans, November 4-8, 2007. Poster 183-4, Tuesday November 6, 2007. M.G. Schaap, M. Tuller, A. Guber, and Y. Pachepsky, 2007c. Observing and Simulating Macropore Flow with Computed Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Methods. ASA-CSSA-SSSA meetings in New Orleans, November 4-8, 2007. Poster 184-7, Tuesday November 6, 2007. Martín, M.A., M. Tuller, A. Guber, C. García-Gutiérrez, F. San José, Y. Pachepsky, and J. Caniego, 2007. CT Data and Analysis for Large Soil Columns. International Meeting on X-ray Computed Tomography of Soil, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada August 19-22, 2007. Martin, M.A., M. Tuller, A.K. Guber, C. García-Gutiérrez, F. San Jose Martinez, Y.A. Pachepsky, and J.F. Caniego, 2007. Pore Space Statistics From the X-ray CT of Large Undisturbed Soil Columns. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10 14, 2007. McGlynn, B.L., K. Jencso, R. Payn, M. Gooseff, T. Covino, and J. Seibert. 2007. Conceptualizing, testing, and transferring watershed characteristic-runoff generation relationships. Fall AGU [Invited]. McGlynn, B.L., Riveros-Iregui, D.A., Emanuel, R.E., Muth, D.J., Epstein, H.E., Welsch, D.L., Pacific, V.J., and Wraith, J.M., Diurnal Hysteresis between Soil CO2 and Soil Temperature is controlled by Soil Water Content. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007. McNamara, R., B.L. McGlynn, K. Gardner, and P. Jenkins. 2007. In-Stream Nitrate Immobilization Across Development Gradients and Stream Network Position in a Rapidly Developing Mountain Watershed, West Fork of the Gallatin River, Big Sky, Montana. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007. Muth, D.J., H. Epstein, R. Emanuel, B.L. McGlynn, D. Welsch. 2007. Net Ecosystem Exchange in a Forested Montane Watershed: Trends and Trials in Complex Terrain. Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract B21D-06. Oostrom M, PD Thorne, GV Last, and MJ Truex. 2007. Modeling of Carbon Tetrachloride Flow and Transport in the Subsurface of the 200 West Disposal Sites: Large-Scale Model Configuration and Predicted Future Carbon Tetrachloride Distribution beneath the 216-Z-9 Disposal Site. PNNL-17181, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Pacific, V.J., D.A. Riveros-Iregui, B.L. McGlynn, D.L. Welsch, and H.E. Epstein. 2007. Comparison of soil CO2 concentrations and surface CO2 efflux across riparian-hillslope transitions: wet versus dry growing seasons. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Fall, 2007. Pang, L., M. McLeod, J. Aislabie, J. `imonek, M. Close, and R. Hector, Removal rates of faecal bacteria and phage viruses in 10 NZ soils under dairy-shed effluent irrigation, Proc. of New Zealand Hydrological Society Conference, Rotorua, New Zealand, 20-23 November 2007. Payn, R., M. Gooseff, B.L. McGlynn, K.E. Bencala, and S.M. Wondzell. 2007. Multiple spatial scales of surface water - groundwater exchange in a headwater stream in Montana, USA. 2007 Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver. Payn, R., M. Gooseff, B.L. McGlynn, S. Thomas. 2007. Sensitivity of whole-stream metabolism estimates to fully characterized stream-groundwater exchange. North American Benthological Society Annual Meeting. #497. Payn, R.A., M.N. Gooseff, B.L. McGlynn, K.E. Bencala, S.M. Wondzell, K. Jencso. 2007. Relationships between stream  ground water exchange and topography of the channel, valley, and watershed. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. Fall, 2007. Peterson RE, RJ Serne, PD Thorne, MD Williams, and ML Rockhold. 2007. Uranium Contamination in the Subsurface Beneath the 300 Area, Hanford Site, Washington . PNNL-17034, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Pontedeiro, E. M., J. `imonek, M. van Genuchten, and R. Cotta, Performance assessment modeling of a radioactive mining waste disposal site, Soil Science Society America annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 184-5, ASA, Madison, 2007. Pontedeiro, E., M. Cipriani, M. Th. van Genuchten, and J. `imonek, Evaluation of the transport of natural radioactive materials in large lysimeters using Hydrus-1D, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H53F-1496, 2007. Porter, M.L, D. Wildenschild, and M.G. Schaap, 2007. Investigating Interfacial Area in a Multiphase Porous System Using Computed Microtomography and Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations, AGU Fall meeting San Francisco, H43J-04. Riveros-Iregui, D.A., McGlynn, B.L., Epstein, H.E., Welsch, D.L., Pacific, V.J., Muth, D.J., Emanuel, R.E., Jencso, K.G., Wraith, J.M., 2007. Tenderfoot Creek Experimental Forest, Montana: Measuring and modeling carbon and water fluxes from point to watershed scales (Part I). AmeriFlux Annual Meeting, October 17-19, Boulder, CO. Riveros-Iregui, D.A., McGlynn, B.L., Pacific, V.J., Epstein, H.E., and Welsch, D.L, Soil CO2 Efflux Variability in Complex Terrain: Towards Estimation of Watershed-Level Rates. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, 2007. Riveros-Iregui, D.A., McGlynn, B.L., Pacific, V.J., Epstein, H.E., Welsch, D.L. and Jencso, K.G. Soil CO2 Efflux from a Subalpine Catchment. National Center for Atmospheric Research "Regional Biogeochemistry: Needs and Methodologies." June 2007, Boulder, CO. Saito, H., J `imonek, A. Tuli, and J. W. Hopmans, Improving heat pulse probe sensitivity without changing its geometry, Eos Trans. AGU, 88(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H53F-1477, 2007. Saito, H., J. `imonek, J. W. Hopmans, and A. Tuli, Numerical evaluation of alternative heat pulse probe designs and analyses, 2007 Environmental Sensing Symposium, October 25-26, 2007, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, 119-123, 2007. Saito, H., K. Seki, and J. `imonek. Variably-saturated water flow in kriged hydrological parameter fields, Soil Science Society America annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 282-5, ASA, Madison, 2007. Schaap, M., M. Tuller, A. Guber, and Y. Pachepsky, 2007. Observing and Simulating Macropore Flow with Computed Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Methods. SSSA International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007. Schaap, M.G, M. Tuller, A. Guber, M.A. Martin, F.S. Martinez, and Y. Pachepsky, 2007. Macropore Flow in Soil Columns: Investigations with Computer Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10 14, 2007. Schaap, M.G. 2007. Hydraulic Functions, Lecture in Vadose Zone Modeling Course (Lead J.W. Hopmans), University of California, Davis. April 26, 2007. Schaap, M.G. 2007. Lattice Boltzmann Methods for Interfacial Processes in Porous Media. Invited presentation. Workshop on Modelling, Analysis, and Simulation of Multiscale Nonlinear Systems, Oregon State University, Corvallis, June 25-29, 2007. Schaap, M.G. 2007. Soil Physics and Micro-Meteorology at the Soil-Atmosphere Interface. Invited lecture for the Atmospheric Sciences Department, University of Arizona. October 18, 2007. Schaap, M.G., M. Tuller, A. Guber, M.A. Martin, F.S. Martinez, and Y. Pachepsky, 2007d. Macropore Flow in Soil Columns: Investigations with Computer Tomography and Lattice Boltzmann Simulations. AGU Fall meeting San Francisco, H53E-1457. `imonek, J., K. Dontsova, J. Pennington, and H. Saito, Implementation of new physical and chemical nonequilibrium models into the HYDRUS-1D software package and their application to column experiments with explosives under saturated and unsaturated conditions, Army Research Office Meeting, Springfield, Virginia, January 31-February 1, 2007. Schuh, M. F.X.M. Casey, and H. Hakk. 2007. Farm-scale reconnaissance of Estrogens in subsurface waters. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. Seo, H. S., J. `imonek, and E. P. Poeter, Documentation of the HYDRUS Package for MODFLOW-2000, the U.S. Geological Survey Modular Ground-Water Model, GWMI 2007-01, International Ground Water Modeling Center, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, 96 pp., 2007. `imonek, J., H. Saito, J. W. Hopmans, and A. Tuli, Numerical evaluation of alternative heat pulse probe designs and analyses, Environmental Sensing Symposium, October 25-26, 2007, Boise State University, Boise, Idaho, 35, 2007. `imonek, J., K. Dontsova, and J. Pennington, Implementation of colloid and colloid-facilitated solute transport module into the HYDRUS-1D software package: numerical verification and applications, ARO meetings, September 23-24, 2007, Vicksburg, MS, 2007. Tartakovsky AM, AL Ward, and P Meakin. 2007. Pore-scale Simulations of Drainage of Heterogeneous and Anisotropic Porous Media. PHYSICS OF FLUIDS, vol. 19 (10), pp. NIL 240-NIL 247. Truex MJ, VR Vermeul, PE Long, FJ Brockman, M Oostrom, S Hubbard, RC Borden, and JS Fruchter. 2007. Treatability Test Plan for an In Situ Biostimulation Reducing Barrier . PNNL-16424 Rev. 1, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Tuli, A., T. Kamai, H. Saito, J. Hopmans, and J. `imonek, Experimental and numerical sensitivity analyses of heat pulse probe designs, Soil Science Society America annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 88-8, ASA, Madison, 2007. Tuller, M., and Th. Gebrenegus, 2007. Assessment of the Impact of Physico-Chemical Factors on Initiation and Evolution of Dessication Cracks in Bentonite-Sand Mixtures with X-Ray Computed Tomography. SSSA International Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, November 4-8, 2007. Tuller, M., and Th. Gebrenegus, 2007. Evaluation of Local and Global Segmentation Techniques for Quantitative Analysis of X-Ray CT Images of Geological Materials. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 10 14, 2007. Twarakavi, N. K. C., J. `imonek, and M. Schaap, New pedotransfer functions for estimating soil hydraulic parameters using the Support Vector Machines method, Soil Science Society America annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 180-9, ASA, Madison, 2007. van Genuchten, M., Th., F. J. Leij, N. Toride, and J. `imonek, Analytical solute transport modeling using the STANMOD computer software package, Soil Science Society America annual meeting, Agronomy Abstracts, published on a CD-ROM as abstract 284-2, ASA, Madison, 2007. Vermeul VR, MD Williams, BG Fritz, RD Mackley, DP Mendoza, DR Newcomer, ML Rockhold, BA Williams, and DM Wellman. 2007. Treatability Test Plan for 300 Area Uranium Stabilization through Polyphosphate Injection. PNNL-16571, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Wang, T., V. A. Zlotnik, J. `imonek, and D. Wedin, Using process-based models and pedotransfer functions for soil hydraulic characteristics to estimate groundwater recharge in semi-arid regions: Is this a right approach? Paper #128602, GSA Denver Annual Meeting, 2831 October, 2007. Ward AL, SO Link, CE Strickland, K Draper, and RE Clayton. 2007. 200-BP-1 Prototype Hanford Barrier Annual Monitoring Report for Fiscal Years 2005 Through 2007 . PNNL-17176, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Ward AL. 2007. Geotechnical, Hydrogeologic and Vegetation Data Package for 200-UW-1 Waste Site Engineered Surface Barrier Design . PNNL-17134, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Wellman DM, EM Pierce, M Oostrom, and JS Fruchter. 2007. Experimental Plan: 300 Area Treatability Test: In Situ Treatment of the Vadose Zone and Smear Zone Uranium Contamination by Polyphosphate Infiltration . PNNL-16823, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Winowiecki, L., E. Somarriba, P. McDaniel, J. Johnson-Maynard, M. Tuller, and A. Falen, 2007. Biogeochemical Cycling of Base Cations in a Diverse Cacao Agroforestry System, Cabécar Indigenous Territories, Talamanca, Costa Rica. 2nd International Symposium on Multi-Strata Agroforestry Systems with Perennial Crops: Making Ecosystem Services Count for Farmers, Consumers and the Environment, CATIE, Turrialba, Costa Rica, 17-21 September 2007. Zhang ZF, JM Keller, and CE Strickland. 2007. T Tank Farm Interim Surface Barrier Demonstration--Vadose Zone Monitoring Plan . PNNL-16538, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA. Zhang, Z.F., and R. Khaleel. 2007. Comparison of models of saturation-dependent anisotropy in unsaturated hydraulic conductivity. PNNL-16886, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
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