SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


"Roeder, Richard ( of Arkansas Division of Agriculture"; "Taylor, David ( USDA"; "Foil, Lane ( Louisiana State University"; "Watson, Wes ( North Carolina State University"; "Martin, Gregory ( - Penn State University"; "Hinkle, Nancy ( University of Georgia"; "Berkebile, Dennis ( University of Nebraska-Lincoln"; "Geden, Chris ( USDA"; "Rutz, Don ( Cornell University"; "Brewer, Gary ( of Nebraska-Lincoln"; "Johnson, Greg ( University of Montana"; "Lofton, Kelly ( University of Arkansas Cooperative Extension"; "Zurek, Ludek ( Kansas State University"; "Olafson, Pia ( USDA"; "Moon, Roger ( University of Minnesota"; "Gerhardt, Reid ( University of Tennessee-Knoxville"; "Strickman, Daniel ( USDA"; "Kaufman, Phil ( University of Florida"; "Broce, Alberto ( Kansas State University"; "Hogsette, Jerry ( USDA, University of Florida".

Meeting called to order at 8:30 by Wes Watson, Chair. Minutes of SDS-322 were approved. A round of self-introduction followed. In Attendance: David Taylor, Lane Foil, Wes Watson, Gregory Martin, Nancy Hinkle, Dennis Berkebile, Chris Geden, Don Rutz, Gary Brewer, Greg Johnson, Kelly Loftin, Ludek Zurek, Pia Olafson, Roger Moon, Reid Gerhardt, Daniel Strickman, Phil Kaufman, Alberto Broce, and Jerry Hogsette. Opening comments were made by Rick Roeder, Administrative Advisor. Local arrangements were outlined. There was a reminder that the minutes are due within 60 days. Directors have requested impact statements within the annual report which is due within 60 days. Reports from participants are due to objective leaders by 1 Feb. and objective leaders will compile reports due to Wes Watson on 15 Feb. The final report will be sent to Dr. Roeder before 1 Mar. Dan Strickman, ARS National Program Staff, made some general remarks about funding potentials. DOD is proposing to have a workshop on fly control. Active requests for applications include: Integrated Organic (IO), Pest Management Alternatives (PMAP), Crops at Risk (CAR), Risk Avoidance Mitigation Program (RAMP), and Biotechnology Risk Assessment (BRAG). All listed have application to animal agriculture and submissions are welcomed. Dave Taylor started the meeting on Objective 1. Characterize stable fly origins and dispersal. Dennis Berkebile is using emergence cages and Alsynite traps to locate larval habitats in Nebraska. Reported capture in mid April for 2004-7 for Alsynite traps with two peaks per year. Emergence traps were deployed in March and had first emergence in May following egg laying in early April. No overwintering flies were found. Alternate developmental larval habitats around mineral stations and waterers were sampled but no developmental sites were found. Roger Moon presented a 16 year stable fly trapping study in Iowa and there was no pattern consistent among years. Using a day degree model to predict generation times and southerly wind fronts to question whether the first flies were from overwintering larvae or immigrating adults. The analysis showed evidence for immigration of adult flies. The random patterns of adult catches is being probed to determine if climatic data is correlated to population levels and generation times. Dave Taylor presented data on stable fly mitochondrial DNA variability. Taylor is finding lower variability than Krafsur recently found. Microsatellite loci have also been described and there is high variability in 8 loci, which indicates that microsatellites will be a good tool to identify populations. X-ray fluorescence was used for elemental analysis and the technique was able to differentiate flies from different States using sulfur, chlorine, potassium, zinc, and calcium. Alberto Broce talked about how to determine overwintering sites by filling railroad tie frames with different media. Larvae were added and the media will be examined next spring. Future plans: Alberto Broce talked about using neutron activation spectral analysis to determine if elemental profiles can be used to determine origins of flies. This study will be conducted in at least six states. Dave Taylor has need for flies from different states for genetic studies and also plans more work on finding alternate larval habitats. Objective 1.2 Improve understanding of house fly dispersal and behavior, and develop methods for monitoring them in indoor and outdoor environments. Chris Geden compared 9 different house fly traps in 2006 and found that the Terminator was superior. In 2007, Terminator was compared to Flies-be-gone and each trap was best with the attractant that was provided with the trap, but the Terminator was better. Molasses was found to be a good fly attractant and a modification of a bottle trap that could be used by the military was presented. Nancy Hinkle presented information on control of house flies using traps in three states. The Z-9-tricocene levels of flies in the states were different, which indicated that commercial traps might work differently in different areas. Age structure of flies was compared to control efficacy. Control was achieved in California and younger flies were collected during that period of control. Future research plans: Greg Martin will be looking at dispersal of house flies among poultry houses and between dairies, possibly using mark-release-recapture techniques and commercial fly traps. There was considerable discussion about techniques for marking and capturing house flies. Greg also will be comparing traps for monitoring house fly populations. Objective 2. Establish extent of fly-borne dispersal of human and animal pathogens. Chris Geden fed glowing bacteria to flies and looked at the flies in a flat bed scanner. The green fluorescent bacteria were rapidly transferred to the eyes and guts, and this technique could be used as a method to show movement of pathogens in confined experiments. Gregory Johnson presented information on WNV in pelicans in Montana. Stable flies were found feeding on moribund chick pelicans, particularly on the head and around the eyes. The stable flies also were shown to be WNV positive by culture. Wes Watson presented information on porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRS) transmission by stable flies. Stable flies were fed active and inactivated virus and virus isolation and RT-PCR were used for virus detection. Live virus was detected by PCR and culture at 24 hrs but only by PCR after 24 hours. Flies were fed virus and did not transmit the virus nor was mechanical transmission demonstrated. Ludek Zurek presented studies on ecology of food-borne pathogens E coli, MRSA, and enterococci. The program deals with habitats of house flies that contribute to pathogen dispersal. Ready to eat food was evaluated for enterococci and whether the bacteria were antibiotic resistant. Prevalence of bacteria was higher in the summer rather than in the winter. Antibiotic resistance was up to 60% for tetracylines. Approximately 97% of collected house flies were positive for bacteria and up to 60% of the flies had antibiotic resistant strains. Future studies: Ludek will be collecting flies at dairies and screening flies for antibiotic resistant bacteria. Wes will be examining fly specs for bacteria using PCR techniques. He will focus on antibiotic resistant bacteria movement. Chris Geden will release flies with Salmonella contaminated chickens and transfer to control birds to determine the number of flies required to transmit the bacteria. Gregory Johnson will follow the survival of WNV in stable flies. Objective 3. Improve management tactics for stable flies and house flies. Objective 3.1 Stable flies Control of immature flies: Don Rutz talked about stable fly management in calf coveralls using parasitoids and showed successful M. raptor and M.raptorellus parasitism of stable flies and reduction of stable fly populations. Lane Foil talked about larval habitat control using nematodes and permethrin. The nematodes were not effective, but permethrin was effective at the appropriate volume and concentration. Adult control: Lane Foil presented information on development of treated targets for adult stable fly control. This technology appears promising for integration into IPM of stable flies. Don Rutz showed data indicating a rapid impact on stable flies feeding on cattle after deployment of treated targets but no change in the number of flies on alsynite traps. A general discussion followed about the possibility that female flies feeding on cattle were not sampled by alsynite traps. Future studies: The use of treated targets to control stable flies feeding on cattle shows promise, but the correct placement of targets relative to the location of cattle remains an area that needs development. Participants for testing targets were solicited. Objective 3.2 House flies Biological control: Ptreromalid parasitoids. Kelly Loftin reported on releases in 3 states. In 2006, emeregence was low, but in 2007 emergence was up to 75%. The 2006 problem was commercial quality control. The follow up surveillance with sentinels is underway. Considerable discussion about techniques for parasitoid release and quality control issues followed. Chris Geden talked about using other parasitoids specifically T. zealandicus, a larval parasitoid introduced from New Zealand. Recent surveys show this parasitoid widely distributed in the eastern U.S. Don Rutz reported parasitoid releases in calf coveralls and showed successful parasitism rates in three different years. The fly control levels were promising and producer acceptance was high. This should be a good application for organic farmers. Considerable discussion followed regarding selection of appropriate parasitoid species. Chemical control: Chris Geden talked about treated targets for house fly control. Imidicloprid treated blue fabric with an olfactory lure were developed. Targets were placed at two farms and olfactory lures tripled the number of flies killed. Future studies are planned to try to establish if the targets can be used as interception devises. Don Rutz reported on baits with B. bassiana. Average spot counts showed that the baits were having an effect on fly populations. This should be a good product for use with resistant flies and for organic farm use. Phil Kaufman followed up on the Beuvaria studies using 2 strains and found promise for a new second strain other than the Cornell strain. Nationwide survey surveillance is going to be coordinated by Don Rutz. Phil Kaufman has some funding for baseline studies for imidicloprid resistance and has found 30-fold resistance for flies in poultry house. Also Phil has found that 10% of the flies are resistant to field applications. Don indicated that the survey is possible. The protocol has been provided for the participants and those who would like to participate should contact Don. There were several volunteers for the project. Future studies: Dave Taylor would like to have parasitoids from different areas. There will be several follow up studies on parasitoids. Business meeting: the next meeting will be in LSU Baton Rouge, La. Jan 14 and 15, 2009. Meeting adjourned on time.


Objective 1: Characterize dispersal and population biology of stable flies and house flies and develop monitoring methods for use in indoor and outdoor environments. Subobjective 1: Characterize stable fly origins and dispersal. a. Larval habitats of stable flies. Adult stable fly emergence was monitored at five feeding sites over three fly seasons with emergence traps. At the base of each trap, a metal barrier was inserted into the waste hay to restrict the movement of stable fly larvae into the sample plots. Stable flies begin laying eggs at these sites in April, soon after the first adult flies are observed in the spring. Adult stable flies begin to emerge in May. The number of stable flies emerging from this material varies between years and between sites. Numbers produced may be dependent upon the length of time cattle are fed at the location, the proximity of the site to cattle later in the season, and the type of hay fed to the cattle. Few stable flies arise from these sites after July 1st. It takes over 50 days for the first oviposited eggs at these sites to develop to the adult stage. As temperatures increased, developmental time decreased to less than 2 weeks. An increase in developmental time was observed in July at 4 of the 5 sample sites, a possible response to the changing habitat. Potential larval development habitats in the pasture were examined and sampled early to mid-June. Areas where cattle congregated and manure accumulated (e.g around mineral feeders and watering stations), and low areas with moisture and decaying vegetation were examined. No immature stable flies were found. b. Climatic factors affecting stable fly populations. We analyzed a 16-year data set from a beef facility in Iowa to gain insights into whether founding stable fly populations overwinter locally or immigrate from the south, and if density dependence and weather could account for variation in population growth during the breeding season. Abundance of stable flies was measured with white sticky traps operated continuously at fixed stations. Trapping each year was done at 1-3 d intervals from late winter until autumn when weather became too cold. Abundance was indexed as no. flies caught per 10 day-degrees (DDs) above a flight threshold of 5 C. A grand total of 56,550 flies were trapped on the 10 traps during 2,233 trapping intervals spanning the 16 years. Dates when adults were first trapped ranged from 4 April (1986) to 25 May (1995), and averaged 25 April (SD = 14 d). Initial numbers were always low. Average DD from 1 Jan to first date was 98.4 (SD = 56). Frequency of days with southerly wind events increased from none 2 or more weeks before first date to ~ 40% during week of first date. Mean no. southerly wind events up to first date was 3.6 (SD = 2.6). First dates were mildly correlated with dates when DDs reached 98.4, but were more strongly correlated with interpolated dates when no. wind events reached 3.6. By both measures, appearance in 1991 was exceptionally late. Evidence for southern immigration was stronger than for local overwintering. Hierarchical mixed models indicated population growth depended negatively on density of mothers, positively on rainfall when daughters were pupae, positively on temperatures when daughters were pupae, and negatively on temperatures when daughters were nulliparous females. Temperature and rainfall experienced by mothers and daughters were otherwise uninformative. Trends in growth rates also varied significantly among years. The latter may have reflected variation in supply and quality of larval breeding media, which was not assessed during this study. To the extent results from Iowa can be generalized regionally, livestock managers can expect stable flies to be continuously present from date of appearance to late autumn every year. Date of first appearance can be predicted to occur when southerly wind events exceed three. Densities thereafter will rise most quickly and remain high when spring and summer weather is relatively warm and wet. c. Dispersal of Stable Flies. Thirty microsatellite loci were identified, fifteen of which appear to be polymorphic. Preliminary analysis of flies from Florida, California, New York, Minnesota and Nebraska with 8 loci have revealed moderate levels of variation within populations and low levels of differentiation between populations. Mean number of alleles per locus was 7.5 and global Fst was 0.065. In a preliminary study to determine the potential for using X-ray Fluorescence to develop elemental composition fingerprints for geographically isolated stable fly populations, 8 flies from each of 7 populations (California, Florida (2 populations), Georgia, Kansas and Texas) were analyzed. X-ray Fluorescence was able to quantify 27 elements. The technique can do non-destructive analysis of individual stable fly heads. Concentrations of 14 elements differed significantly in 1 or more populations. d. Overwintering dynamics of stable fly throughout the USA. Two hypotheses have been proposed to explain the appearance of stable flies in early spring in the Midwest USA: the overwintering of immatures in silage/manure mounds versus the migration of adults riding southerly winds ahead of approaching synoptic cold fronts. Answer to this question is essential to developing managing programs for the early populations that will eventually become economically important. To evaluate the possible dynamics of overwintering in silage/manure mounds, a study was initiated by building mounds of silage, manure, and manure mixed with two levels of hay. Temperature at various depth levels of the mounded materials was recorded and 1st instars introduced, with plans for adult emergence recording. Temperature of mounded materials was monitored and compared to that of the ambient air. Temperature at the different depths differed significantly, with silage offering the most insulation whereas pure manure offered the lowest insulation. By the middle of Dec. 2007, temperatures of manure, and manure/hay mixtures had already reached that of soil, indicating the mounds were frozen throughout, thus offering little insulation value to larvae. These results might be indicative of an unexpected and not accounted for factor: The compaction of mounded materials. These findings will be used as basis for further study in 2008. Subobjective 2: Improve understanding of house fly dispersal and behavior, and develop methods for monitoring them in indoor and outdoor environments. a. Trapping Methods. Nine different house fly traps were compared in 2006 with the Terminator" proving to be the superior trap. In 2007, the Terminator trap was compared to a Flies-be-gone" trap with each trap having various attractant substances, including the attractants provided with each trap. Each trap worked best with the attractant that was provided with the trap, while overall the Terminator was the better trap design and collected the greatest number of flies. Molasses was found to be a good fly attractant and a modified bottle trap using molasses has peaked the interest of the military. b. Dispersal and Behavior. House flies in three states (CA, GA, and MN) were captured at resting, feeding, and oviposition sites on diaries to determine age and sex specific behavior of the flies. House flies were shown to spend pre-dawn hours primarily in easily identified overnight resting sites. During the day, males and females were equally abundant at feeding sites, while females were more abundant than males at immature development sites (especially in late afternoon). Age structure of flies was compared to control efficacy. Control was achieved in CA and younger flies were collected during that period of control. Mating pairs of house flies were also collected at all three states. The median age of mating females ranged from 2.5-4 days, while mating male flies were estimated to be much younger (<2 days old). Also, 99.2% of female flies were mating for the first time as evidenced by analysis of their ovaries and spermathecae. The total hydrocarbon profile of mating flies differed regionally, with flies in California having the greatest concentration of hydrocarbons despite being the smallest flies. Of particular note, the concentration of the female house fly sex pheromone (Z-9-tricosene) found on an individual fly varied considerably even with a site. The California collection sites had the greatest proportion of flies with detectable levels of Z-9-tricosene. However, there were mating female flies at all locations lacking detectable levels of this pheromone. This might have implications for control as this hydrocarbon is routinely added to fly baits to increase attraction. Objective 2: Establish extent of fly-borne dispersal of human and animal pathogens a. Human Pathogens. The main reservoir of Escherichia coli O157:H7 is the digestive tract of cattle; however, the ecology of this food-borne pathogen is poorly understood. House flies (Musca domestica L.) might play a role in dissemination of this pathogen in the cattle environment. Eight calves were individually exposed to house flies that were orally inoculated with a mixture of four strains of nalidixic acid-resistant Escherichia coli O157:H7 (NalREcO157) for 48 hours. Another eight calves were individually exposed to uninoculated flies and served as the control. Fresh cattle feces (rectal sampling) and drinking water were periodically sampled and screened for NalREcO157 up to 19 days after the exposure. At the end of the experiment, all calves were euthanized and the lumen contents of rumen, cecum, colon, and rectum as well as swab samples of gall-bladder mucosa and the recto-anal mucosa were screened for NalREcO157. On day 1 after the exposure, fecal samples of all 8 calves and drinking-water samples of 5 of 8 calves exposed to inoculated flies tested positive for NalREcO157. The concentration of NalREcO157 in feces ranged over time from detectable only by enrichment (< 102) to up to 1.1 x 106 CFU per gram. Feces of all calves remained positive for NalREcO157 up to 11 days after the exposure and 62% were positive until the end of experiment. Contamination of drinking water was more variable and all samples were negative on day 19. At necropsy, the highest prevalence of NalREcO157 was in the recto-anal mucosa region, followed by rectal and colonic contents. House flies are likely to play a role in the ecology of this organism in the cattle environment. Recent studies strongly indicate that house flies carry a large population of antibiotic resistant enterococci in the agricultural as well as residential environment and therefore may play a major role in the ecology of antibiotic resistant strains and resistance genes. Laboratory bioassays showed that very few house flies can greatly contaminate ready-to-eat food with enterococci within a short period of time. In this study, the potential of field collected house flies to contaminate ready-to-eat-food (RTEF) with enterococci was assessed by laboratory bioassays. House flies were collected in a cattle feedlot and exposed to a beef patty for 0.5, 1.0, 3.0, and 24 hours. The exposure of RTEF to flies resulted in 100% contamination with enterococci in all bioassays regardless of the number of HF and the length of the exposure time. Even a short-time exposure (0.5 hour) with 5 HF resulted in heavy food contamination. In another study, three RTEFs were sampled from five fast-food restaurants five-times in summer and winter. The prevalence of enterococci was significantly higher in summer (92.0% salad and 64.0% burger) when HF are commonly present than in winter (64.0% salad and 24.0% burger). In these studies, ready-to-eat food was frequently contaminated with antibiotic resistant and potentially virulent enterococci. House fly management should be integrated into pre-harvest as well as post-harvest food safety strategies. Enterobacter sakazakii is an opportunistic food-borne pathogen causing meningitis, enterocolitis, and sepsis, primarily in immunocompromised infants. It has been suggested that stable flies, Stomoxys calcitrans L., are a vector/reservoir of this pathogen. Studies assessed the a) vector competence of adult stable flies (SF) for E. sakazakii, b) effect of E. sakazakii on SF development, and c) survival of E. sakazakii during SF development and colonization of the digestive tract of newly emerged flies. Results indicated that in the colony, adult SF can maintain E. sakazakii for at least 20 days regardless of the food source (blood or sugar) and contaminate the food source. The concentration of the pathogen per individual SF ranged from 1.8 x 105 to 6.4 x 106 CFU. E. sakazakii supported development of immature SF in sterilized cattle manure and sterilized artificial medium (78.3 and 76.7% SF survival to adult stage, respectively). In addition, E. sakazakii survived during SF development and colonized the gut of emerging adult SF. This study shows that SF adults have a potential to carry E. sakazakii for an extended period of time. E. sakazakii supports SF development, and can survive during SF pupation and then colonize the gut of newly emerged flies. This research also indicated that the vertical transfer of bacterial symbionts plays an important role in the oviposition behavior and new habitat selection for stable flies. b. Animal Pathogens. House flies (Musca domestica) and little house flies (Fannia canicularis) were examined for their ability to take up and harbor a velogenic strain of exotic Newcastle disease virus (family Paramyxoviridae, genus Avulavirus, ENDV). Laboratory reared flies were allowed to feed on evaporated milk containing ENDV at a virus concentration of 108.3 egg infectious dose (EID)50/0.1 ml or poultry feces containing an ENDV titer of 105.8EID50/0.1 g . Flies exposed to either infectious food source for 24 h became transiently infected with virus. Virus persisted predominantly in the mid- and hindgut with relatively little virus isolated from the remainder of the fly body. Virus persisted similarly in both fly species fed evaporated milk containing ENDV, with a maximum ENDV titer of 105.98EID50/fly for house fly and 104.78EID50/fly for little house fly at 1 d post-exposure with titers decreasing on subsequent days to 102.38EID50/fly for house fly and e1EID50/fly for little house fly at 5 d post-exposure. Both fly species acquired viral titers greater than the infective dose for a susceptible chicken (103.0EID50 - 104.0EID50) and flies fed evaporated milk containing a high titer of ENDV maintained viral titers above the infective dose for up to 4 days post-exposure to the infectious food source. Flies fed on infective feces retained a chicken infective dose for only one day. The decrease in viral titer over time was significantly explained by logistic regression for both fly species (p<0.05). The slope of the regression line was not different for the two fly species (p< 0.05) indicating a similar rate of virus loss. To assess the impact of a 2007 WNV epizootic in an American white pelican colony Medicine Lake NWR in northeast Montana, counts of dead pre-fledged pelicans were being made twice weekly from July through mid-August. During a mid-July assessment, flies were observed feeding on moribund pre-fledges and were collected from the birds and identified as stable flies. A total of 1,291 stable flies (83% male, 17% female) were collected. Eight percent of the flies were blood fed (i.e., had visible blood in their abdomen). Flies without visible blood were pooled (60 pools each containing up to 20 flies) and assayed for WNV. Eighteen of 60 pools were positive for WNV. This represents the first report of stable flies feeding on pelicans and first detection of WNV in stable flies. Nucleic acid of PRRS virus, the causative agent of Porcine Respiratory and Reproductive Syndrome in pigs, was detected by RT-PCR in stable flies fed blood treated with live or chemically inactivated virus. Detectable virus declined over time suggesting that virus was not replicating in the fly. Active virus was detected up to 96h after a single feeding. Although live virus was isolated from insect mouthparts, stable flies did not transmit PRRS virus to pigs. These results suggest the mouthparts carried insufficient quantities of virus to cause an infection without an infusion of macrophage cells to the feeding area. Objective 3. Improve management tactics for stable flies and house flies. a. Biological Control. A multi-state (Arkansas, Mississippi and North Carolina) southern region SARE project to evaluate commercial pteromalid wasp releases against filth flies will be completed in 2008. Baseline data indicate that 12, 13 and 15 pteromalid wasp species occur naturally in Arkansas, Mississippi and North Carolina dairies, respectively. Despite the low percent (<30% Muscidifurax zaraptor and M. raptorellus) emergence of commercial parasitoid shipments released in 2006, positive impact on parasitism rates was noted. Although preliminary, 2007 data from commercial parasitoid shipments (Muscidifurax zaraptor, M. raptorellus and Trichomalopsis sarcophagae) indicate an emergence rate of ca. 75%, resulting in the target release rate (200-250 per cow per week). Also in 2007, house fly abundance was lower in Arkansas dairies receiving releases. Processing and dissection of 2007 sentinel and naturally occurring pupae are too preliminary to discuss. Parasitoids are an essential component of a successful dairy calf coverall house and stable fly IPM program in New York. In the first year of this three-year study, individual species parasitoid releases were compared. During years 2 and 3, the best individual parasitoid from Year 1 (M. raptorellus) was compared to a 50:50 ratio of M. raptor and M. raptorellus. Overall successful parasitism averaged 2% on the no-release farms, 54% on M. raptorellus farms and 44% on M. raptor/M. raptorellus farms during the release period. While total parasitism averaged 15% on no-release farms, 67% on M. raptorellus-release farms and 53% on M. raptor/M. raptorellus-release farms. Based on the results from this three year study, releases of M. raptorellus alone when compared to a 50:50 mix with M. raptor consistently provided better control of house and stable fly populations in dairy calf coveralls in New York State. In addition, when releasing only M. raptorellus, it costs less than half of what it would to release a 50:50 mix with M. raptor. A new commercially-available Beauveria bassiana bait was tested in dairy stanchion barns in New York. This bait provided excellent house fly control and, therefore, holds considerable promise as a greatly needed additional insecticide in our house fly IPM arsenal. Furthermore, this bait is also currently being reviewed for an organic label which would have tremendous application as the number of our dairies converting from conventional to organic continues to greatly increase. b. Chemical control Treated targets consisting of imidacloprid treated blue fabric with an olfactory lure were developed. Targets were placed at two farms and olfactory lures tripled the number of flies killed. Future studies are planned to try to establish if the targets can be used as interception devises to control dispersing flies. A nationwide survey of house fly resistance has been initiated, with standard procedures developed in New York. Baseline studies for imidacloprid resistance have shown 30-fold resistance for flies in some Florida poultry houses. Additionally, 10% of field flies in Florida are resistant to field applications. In California, imidacloprid resistance is also increasing due to overuse; with resistance being highest at a dairy that has used fly bait with imidacloprid continuously for the past three years and lowest at a poultry operation about 2 miles away from the dairy. Flies collected from residential areas between these two locations showed intermediate levels of resistance.


  1. Characterize dispersal and population biology of stable flies (SF) and house flies (HF) and develop monitoring methods for use in indoor and outdoor environments. Our studies indicate SF populations arise locally and by immigration. Local SF emergence from animal feeding sites occurs from May to July. Date of 1st appearance of migrating SF can be predicted to occur after three southerly wind events. SF densities will rise quickly and remain high with favorable spring and summer weather. Mating and age structure analysis indicates 99% of the female HF had mated once and most flies were <4 days of age. The fly pheromone, Z-9 tricosene, was highly variable among wild HF populations. More work is needed to fully understand HF chemical ecology.
  2. Establish extent of fly-born dispersal of human and animal pathogens. Our studies indicate the HF and SF contribute to the transmission of enteric bacteria including E. coli O157H7, antibiotic resistant enterococci and Enterobacter sakazakii; and animal viruses causing; Exotic Newcastle, West Nile and Porcine Respiratory Reproductive Syndrome. Prevalence of enterococci was higher on ready to eat foods during the summer when flies were more abundant. Data indicated flies carry virus over time and may disseminate animal viruses in the environment. These studies stress the role of flies in human and animal health.
  3. Improve Management tactics for SF and HF. Biological and chemical control plays an integral role in the integrated management of flies. Augmentative release of parasitoids from commercial sources is a common practice. Cost effective biological control can be achieved by releasing the parasitoid, Muscidifurax raptorellus. The entomopathogenic fungus, Beauveria bassiana is a promising biocontrol agent for use in organic livestock production. Novel use of insecticide treated targets reduced flies and may limit dispersal. A nationwide survey of insecticide resistance to existing chemistries is planned.


Ahmad, A., T. G. Nagaraja, and L. Zurek. 2007. Transmission of Escherichia coli O157:H7 to cattle by house flies. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 80: 74-81. Butler, S. M., A. C. Gerry, and B. A. Mullens. 2007. House fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Activity near Baits Containing (Z)-9-tricosene and Efficacy of Commercial Toxic Fly Baits on a Southern California Dairy. Journal of Economic Entomology. 100(4): 1489 1495. Chakrabarti, S., D. J. King, C. Afonso, D. Swayne, C. J. Cardona, D. R. Kuney, and A. C. Gerry. 2007. Detection and Isolation of Exotic Newcastle Disease Virus from Field-Collected Flies. Journal of Medical Entomology 44(5): 840-844. Deacutis, J. M., C. A. Leichter, A. C. Gerry, D. A. Rutz, W. D. Watson, C. J. Geden, and J. G. Scott. 2006. Susceptibility of field collected house flies to spinosad before and after a season of use. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology 23(2): 105-110. Geden, C.J. and P.E. Kaufman. 2007. Development of Spalangia cameroni and Muscidifurax raptor (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) on live house fly (Diptera: Muscidae) pupae and pupae killed by heat shock, irradiation and cold. Environmental entomology. Environmental Entomology 36: 34-39. Geden C. J., V. Lietze, and D.G. Boucias. 2008. Seasonal prevalence and transmission of salivary gland hypertrophy virus of house flies (Diptera:Muscidae). Journal of Medical Entomology 42-51. Holt, P. S., C. J. Geden, R. W. Moore, and R. K. Gast. 2007. Isolation of Salmonella enterica serovar enteriditis from houseflies (Musca domestica) found in rooms containing Salmonella serovar enteriditis-challenged hens. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 6030-6035. Kaufman, P.E., A. C. Gerry, D.A. Rutz, and J.G. Scott. Monitoring house fly susceptibility to imidacloprid in the United States. Journal of Agricultural and Urban Entomology (Accepted 10/07). Kaufman, P. E., C. Strong, and D.A. Rutz. 2008. Susceptibility of lesser mealworm (Coleoptera:Tenebrionidae) adults and larvae exposed to two commercial insecticides on unpainted plywood panels. Pest Management Science 64: 108-111. Lietze, V., C. J. Geden, P. Blackburn, and D G. Boucias. 2007. Effects of salivary gland hypertrophy virus on the reproductive behavior of the housefly, Musca domestica. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 6811-6818. Macovei, L. and L. Zurek. 2007. Influx of enterococci and associated antibiotic resistance and virulence genes from ready-to-eat food to the human digestive tract. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 73: 6740-6747. Mramba F., A. Broce, and L. Zurek. 2007. Vector competence of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans L.) for Enterobacter sakazakii. Journal of Vector Ecology 69: 671-673. Macovei, L., B. Miles, and L. Zurek. 2008. The potential of house flies to contaminate ready-to-eat food with antibiotic resistant enterococci. Journal of Food Protection (in press). Quinn, B., U. R. Bernier, C. J. Geden, J. A. Hogsette, and D. A. Carlson. 2007. Analysis of extracted components in blackstrap molasses. Journal of Chromatography, Series A. 1139: 279-284. Rinkevich, F.D., R.L. Hamm, C.J. Geden and J.G. Scott. 2007. Dynamics of insecticide resistance alleles in house fly populations from New York and Florida. Insect Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 37:550-558. Taylor, D. B., D. R. Berkebile, and P. J. Scholl. 2007. Stable fly population dynamics in eastern Nebraska in relation to climatic variables. Journal of Medical Entomology 44: 765-771. Watson, D. W., C. K. Boohene, and S. S. Denning. 2007. Tank Mixes: Reducing fly and bacteria populations using insecticide and disinfectant mixtures. Journal of Applied Poultry Research (Accepted). Watson, D. W., E. Lastro, K. Rochon, S. Denning, L. Smith and J. Guy. 2007. Role of house flies in the transmission of Newcastle disease virus. Journal of Medical Entomology 44: 666-671. Extension Publications: Gerry, A. C. and N. G. Peterson. 2007. Stable Flies and March Rains. Progressive Dairyman Magazine. March Issue. pp. 1-2. Gerry, A. C., B. A. Mullens, and N. G. Peterson. 2007. Predicting and Controlling Stable Flies on California Dairies. Oakland: University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8258. pp. 1-11. Tomberlin, J.K. and G.L. Schuster. 2004. Suppression of arthropod pests on small flocks of domestic fowl in Texas. Texas Cooperative Extension, September 1, 2204, EEE-00011. Presentations: Berkebile, D. R., and D.B. Taylor. Emergence of stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans) from winter feeding sites of hay during the spring and summer. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; Dec. 2007. Butler, S. M., R. D. Moon, N. C. Hinkle, J. G. Millar, J. S. McElfresh and B. A. Mullens. "Age distribution and amount of (Z)-9-tricosene on wild house flies collected from dairies." Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Lexington, KY, Jun. 10-14, 2007. Chakrabarti, S., D. J. King, C. J. Cardona, C. L. Afonso, D. W. Swayne, and A. C. Gerry. "Flies and exotic Newcastle disease virus (ENDV)". Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Lexington, KY. Jun. 14, 2007. Dennis J. and D. A. Rutz. Confinement dairy fly IPM. Amish Farmer Training Program Eden, NY. Jul., 2007. Ferrero, K. M. and C. J. Geden. 2007. The effect of behavioral conditioning on determining host choice in a parasitoid of filth flies, Trichopria nigra. 51st Livestock Insect Workers' Conference and 9th International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, Lexington, Kentucky, Jun. 10-14, 2007. Ferrero, K.M. and C. J. Geden. 2007. Learning and host preference in a parasitoid of filth flies, Trichopria nigra. ESA National Meeting, Dec. 2007, San Diego, CA. Geden, C. J. 2007. New attractants in fly trapping and control, in Filth Flies session, Department of Defense Pest Management Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida, Feb. 2007. Geden, C. J. 2007. Fly traps and treated targets, in Deployed WarFighter Protection Research Program session, Department of Defense Pest Management Workshop, Jacksonville, Florida, Feb. 2007. Geden, J. J., B. A. Quinn, U. R. Bernier and J. A. Hogsette. 2007. An attractant for house flies based on components identified in blackstrap molasses. 51st Livestock Insect Workers' Conference and 9th International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, Lexington, Kentucky, Jun. 10-14, 2007. Geden, C. J. 2007. Attractants, visual targets and traps for fly control. In symposium Deployed War Fighter Protection Program Research Activities at the Mosquito and Fly Research Unit, USDA, ARS, CMAVE, Gainesville, FL. Annual meeting of the Florida Entomological Society, Sarasota, Florida, Jul. 2007. Geden, C. J. 2007. Impact of protozoans on parasitic Hymenoptera, in symposium Effect of Infection on Infection,ESA National Meeting, Dec. 2007, San Diego, CA. Geden, C. J. 2007. Update on fly traps, targets, and baits, DWFP Research Program Review, Nov. 27-28, 2007, Oxford, Mississippi. Gerry, A. C. and B. A. Mullens. "Canyon Flies: An emerging problem". Mosquito and Vector Control Association Continuing Education Series. Visalia, CA. Mar. 7, 2007. Gerry, A. C. "Nuisance Flies as Mechanical Vectors of Animal Pathogens". Mosquito and Vector Control Association Continuing Education Series. Visalia, CA. Mar. 7, 2007. Gerry, A. C. "Vector management at poultry facilities: Current practices and future directions", California Poultry Federation Annual Quality Assurance Seminar Series, Modesto, CA. Aug. 16, 2007. Hambley, J., G. Schuster, M. Brown, C. Pouce, J. Talley, D. Britten, and J. Tomberlin. 2006. Efficacy of Diflubenzuron, an Insect Growth Regulator, for Control of Stable Flies (Diptera: Muscidae) in Confined Feeding Dairy Facilities. TAMU Agriculture Program, College Station. Hinkle, Nancy C. "Food Animal Health and Safety: the Georgia Experience." University of California, Riverside, Department of Entomology, departmental seminar, Nov. 5, 2007. Hinkle, N. C. "Animal Pests: Insects and Their Eight-Legged Relatives that Affect Livestock, Poultry, and Pets." Winter School, Rock Eagle 4-H Center, Putnam Co., Georgia, Jan. 16-18, 2007. Hinkle, N. C. "Fly Control." Southeast Georgia Master Cattlemen's Program, Screven County, Feb. 27, 2007. Hinkle, N. C. "Cattle and Horse Pests - Flies." White County Cattlemen's Association, Cleveland, GA, Mar. 22, 2007. Hinkle, N. C. "Effective Fly Control." Saluda County Cattlemen's Association, Hollywood, SC, Apr. 26, 2007. Hinkle, N. C. "External Parasites." Northwest Georgia Master Cattlemen's Program, Walker County, Nov. 1, 2007. Hinkle, N. C. and T. W. Wilson. "Livestock and Poultry Pest Management Options." Southeastern Branch of the Entomological Society of America 81st Annual Meeting, Knoxville, TN, Mar. 4-7. 2007. Hinkle, N. C., T. W. Wilson, and P. C. Worley. "Comparison of Endosulfan (Avenger) and Diazinon-Chlorpyrifos Combination (Warrior) Cattle Ear Tags for Horn Fly Control." Georgia Entomological Society annual meeting, Athens, GA, May 17-18, 2007. Hinkle, N. C., T. W. Wilson and P. C. Worley. "Horn fly suppression: Field comparison of Avenger (endosulfan) and Warrior (diazinon-chlorpyrifos) ear tags." Livestock Insect Workers Conference, Lexington, KY, Jun. 10-14, 2007. Kaufman, P. E. and L. A. Wood. 2007. Diversity of Dung Beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae and Geotrupidae) in North Central Florida Cattle Pastures. 55th Annual Meeting of the Entomological Society of America, San Diego, CA. Kaufman, P.E. Techniques for Evaluating Insecticide Resistance in Filth Flies. 2007 DoD Pest Management Workshop, Jacksonville, FL. February 14, 2007. Kaufman, P. E., J. K. Waldron and D. A. Rutz. Dairy Fly IPM  National Webcast. May 2007. Kaufman, P. E., D. A. Rutz and C. Strong. Susceptibility of lesser mealworm (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) adults and larvae exposed to two commercial insecticides on unpainted plywood panels. Joint Meeting of the LIWC and the ISEP, Lexington, KY. Jun. 10, 2007. King, D. J., S. Chakrabarti, C. Cardona, C. L. Afonso, D. E. Swayne, and A. C. Gerry. Isolation of Exotic Newcastle Disease Virus (ENDV) from Field Collected Flies and Experimental ENDV Infections of Three Arthropod Species". American Association of Avian Pathologists, Washington, D. C. Jul. 14, 2007. Loftin, K., Sheri Brazil , Tanja McKay, Wes Watson , Justin Edwards, Dayton Steelman, Allen Szalanski, Jodie Pennington, Kark VanDevender and Scott Willard, House fly (Musca domestica) parasitism following sustained releases of pteromalid wasps in southern dairies Entomological Society of America  Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, Dec. 9-12, 2007. Loftin, K., J. Pennington, S. Brazill, D. Steelman, A. Szalanski, K. VanDevender. T. McKay, W. Watson, S. Willard and J. Edwards. 2007. Using parasitic wasps as an IPM approach to manage filth flies in southern dairies. LIWC ISEP Meeting Lexington, KY. Jun. 10-14. Loftin, K. 2007. Managing Flies in Organic Milk Production. Organic Milk Production Meetings. Fayetteville, Damascus, Cane Hill and Siloam Springs, AR. Loftin, K. 2007 Using a Walk-through Trap to Control Horn Flies. Organic Milk Production Meetings. Fayetteville, Damascus, Cane Hill and Siloam Springs, AR. Loftin, K. 2007 Project Update: Using Parasitoids in an IPM Approach to Control Flies on Dairies Dairy field day in Beebe, AR. Loneragan, S., G. Schuster, G. H. Loneragan, L. M. Chichester , and D.J. Kunze 2006. Flies as Potential Vectors of Antimicrobial Resistant Bacteria in Feedlots. TAMU Agriculture Program, College Station. Moon, R. D. and E. S. Krafsur. Overwintering, density dependence and weather effects in dynamics of stable fly in Iowa. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; Dec. 2007. Pennington, J., S. Brazil, K. Loftin, D. Steelman, A. Szalanski, K. VanDevender, T. McKay, W. Watson and S. Willard , Using parasitic wasps as an IPM approach to manage filth flies in southern dairies Southern Dairy Conference, Atlanta, GA, Jan. 29-31, 2007. Roberts, J., J. Ward, J. Foltz, P. Kaufman, C. Daniels, J. Donahue, C. Schuman and L. Harrison. Fall equine abortion associated with exposure to walnut caterpillars, Datana integerrima (Lepidoptera: Notodontidae) in Pasco County Florida. Joint Meeting of the Livestock Insect Workers Conference and the International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, Lexington, KY. Jun. 13, 2007. Rutz, D.A. Biological control of house flies and stable flies through releases of Muscidifurax raptor and Muscidifurax raptorellus in dairy calf coveralls. NOFA-NY Teleconference, Dec., 2007. Rutz, D. A., P. E. Kaufman, C. Strong and J. K. Waldron. A self-contained automated sprayer system for control of flies on pastured dairy cattle. Joint Meeting of the LIWC and the ISEP, Lexington, KY. Jun. 10, 2007. Schuster, G. L., S. J. Loneragan, L. M. Chichester, D. J. Kunze, and G. H. Loneragan. 2006. Flies as potential vectors of resistance determinants in feedlots International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) Conference, Cairns, Australia, Aug. 6-11, 2006, Pg. 453. Schuster, G., K. McDonald, and S. Presley. 2006. Impact of coat color, gender, and weather on the attack rate of mosquito populations on horses in the Texas Panhandle. International Symposium on Veterinary Epidemiology and Economics (ISVEE) Conference, Cairns, Australia, Aug. 6-11, 2006, Pg. 439. Talley, J. A. Wayadande, J. Fletcher, S. Gililand, and A. C. Gerry. "Survey of insect fauna in leafy green production areas near livestock pastures". Entomological Society of America. San Diego, CA. Dec. 11, 2007. Taylor, D. B. D. Marx, and D. R. Berkebile. Spatial dynamics of a Stable Fly (Stomoxys calcitrans) population in eastern Nebraska. Poster. Entomological Society of America Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA; Dec. 2007. Waldron, J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Dairy pasture fly IPM. NOFA-NY Meeting, Warsaw, NY Aug., 2007. Waldron, J. K. and D. A. Rutz. Dairy pasture fly IPM. NOFA-NY Meeting, Oneonta, NY. Sep., 2007. Waldron, J. K., P. E. Kaufman, C. Strong and D. A. Rutz. Comparison of trap efficacy to enhance management of horse, deer and stable flies affecting dairy animals on northeast US pastures. Joint Meeting of the Livestock Insect Workers Conference and the International Symposium on Ectoparasites of Pets, Lexington, KY. Jun. 10, 2007. Watson, D. W. 2007. Fly-borne mechanical transmission of Newcastle and Turkey Corona Viruses. Invited speaker. Symposium: Vector-borne Pathogens of Livestock and Wildlife. SOVE Sep. 16-20. Springfield, IL. Watson, D. W., MaryAnne Drake, Steve Washburn, and Jerry Butler. 2007. Detection and quantification of an insect repellent in bovine milk. LIWC ISEP Meeting Lexington, KY. Jun. 10-14. Media Contacts: Hinkle, N. "Be a Good Neighbor." Alaina Burt, Beef Magazine, Apr. 1, 2007. ( Gerry, A. C. "Why did the chicken cross the road? - To escape deadly exotic disease" (article on END isolation from flies associated with poultry manure). UCANR News. Jun. 20, 2007. Gerry, A. C. "Flies suspected in transmitting deadly poultry disease." Central Valley Business Times. Jun. 20, 2007. Gerry, A. C. "Fly management strategies on dairies." Ag Alert Weekly Newspaper, California Farm Bureau. Aug. 29, 2007.
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