SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Buhler, Douglas - Michigan State University; MacAdam, Jennifer - Utah; Barnhart, Steve - Iowa; Volesky, Jerry - Nebraska; Volenec, Jeff - Indiana; Skinner, Howard - Pennsylvania; Dong, Xuejun - North Dakota; Lamp, Bill - Maryland; West, Chuck - Arkansas; Albrecht, Ken - Wisconsin; Leep, Richard - Michigan State University; Sule, Mark - Ohio; Peterson, Paul - Minnesota; Moyer, Joe - Kansas; Tracey, Ben - Illinois/Virginia; Bouton, Joe


" Analysis of Utah alfalfa hay samples shows that digestibility of the fiber fraction typically ranges between 45-55 percent. An example of the potential economic impact of knowing the extent of fiber digestibility for a particular forage source is that an increase of 5 percentage units in fiber digestibility of alfalfa hay fed to dairy cattle can be expected to return an additional daily increment of approximately 150 lb of milk per ton of hay. This value of approximately $20 in milk per ton of hay is not predicted from traditional forage tests that ignore fiber digestibility, and represents previously unrecognized value to the hay purchaser or profit to the hay seller. Given the range of approximately 300 lb of milk production potential per ton of dry matter associated with commonly-observed levels of fiber digestibility in Utah alfalfa hay, analysis of fiber digestibility can improve economic returns in forage markets. " Total ownership costs for cows utilizing a pasture-based forage system have been estimated to be approximately $600/head when pasture comprises at least 45% of the forage year, substantially less than the total cost of $750/head under traditional systems. Milk costs can be reduced by 20% utilizing intensively managed irrigatedf pastures and by providing approximately 16 pounds/day of concentrate. Improved pastures can potentially reduce feed costs by $12.5 million for Utah's dairy producers. Over $42 million in feed costs could be saved in the process of raising dairy heifers. Irrigated pastures can potentially reduce cattle feed costs by $21 to $30 million. " It is estimated that total feed cost for normally weaned calves (including the feed for the mother cow) was approximately $411/hd. Adding non-feed costs (less than $300/hd) results in total ownership costs of less than $700/hd. Cow/calf pairs wintered on a low quality forage (i.e., ammoniated straw, grass hay, standing corn stalks) resulted in earnings in excess of $100/hd relative to traditional alfalfa hay operations (less than $25/hd). Milk costs (on a per cwt basis) could be reduced by approximately 20% by utilizing intensively managed, rotational pastures along with traditional confined feeding using a total mixed ration (TMR). " Annual and perennial warm-season grasses can be successfully integrated into cool-season grazing systems. From a long-term perspective, perennial warm-season grasses will be more sustainable and provide greater ecosystem services (e.g., wild life habitat, carbon sequestration, erosion protection) than annual species. " Continued research interactions with NCC-31 member Mark Sulc on integrated crop-livestock systems. We both presented papers at the International Symposium on Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems. Universidade Federal do Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil, 13-15 August 2007. " Results from on-going, irrigated forages studies have been used in numerous extension programs. The impact of this information is producers making better-informed decisions regarding forage selection and production management. Greater profitability will be realized through higher forage yield and reduced input costs. Stockpiling of irrigated cool-season grasses was found to be a viable management option in this area. Specific management guidelines were developed and the variables affecting cost-effectiveness of this practice were identified as part of the study. Research on stubble height management identified optimal levels which resulted in more than a 40% increase in total annual dry matter yield. This increase could result in an extra 225 to 325 kg of animal gain per ha for most irrigated pastures. " A life cycle analysis ob bioenergy crops compared with gasoline and diesel, suggested that although ethanol and biodiesel from corn rotations reduced greenhouse gas emissions by about 40%, reductions from perennial systems such as reed canarygrass, switchgrass and hybrid poplar, could reduce emissions by 85 to 115%.. " Simulations of dairy systems suggest that for the first 25 years or more after conversion to a perennial grassland system, greenhouse gas emissions can be substantially reduced through soil sequestration, providing net farm emissions from a grass-based system that are substantially less than that of crop-based systems. " Our study on wavelet application may encourage many other eco-physiologists, and biologists in general, to use this novel analytic tool. " Our analysis of rangeland forage production and its environmental and management responses, with several exciting findings, demonstrates the value of long-term ecological studies. " We have done a completely reproducible and repeatable study of rangeland plant root physiology using statistical resampling (with publishing the original data and computer programs), which may provide a positive impact for similar studies. " The database for efficiently handling biological literature and the computer programs for statistical resampling with linear regressions from our studies are potentially useful for other biologists to enhance their scientific research. " The potato leafhopper remains a significant biotic stress on legume production in the eastern half of the US. Our studies highlight the physiological impact of injury on forage legumes in combination with drought stress. In addition, our studies suggest legumes are capable of tolerating leafhopper injury. Identification of the mechanism of injury may lead to improved plant protection through genetic resistance. " The viability of falcata use as a forage crop will be determined by the comparisons of means of yield, forage quality, and persistence. If falcata produces biomass similar in quantity and quality to that of sativa in fewer cuttings, and the growth is upright so that it is harvestable, efforts will be placed on encouraging Michigan producers to incorporate it as a species where appropriate. A reduction in cost of 30% for labor and fuel is expected as well as a reduction in insecticide applications where falcata is utilized. The use falcata in a reduced or delayed harvest system would increase cover for nesting songbirds, upland game birds, and waterfowl. " The greenhouse screening of new endophytes for effects on tall fescue water relations and drought survival indicated that strains do vary in their effects on host water relations, but that analysis of SOD and dehydrins was a time-consuming process that did not facilitate the screening process. * First-year results show that incompletely summer-dormant tall fescues exhibit excellent drought survival traits, even in the absence of endophyte, likely as result of greatly reduce metabolic activity. The endophyte is important in enhancing drought survival of summer-active types. If this result continues in the second year, it means that summer-dormant fescues have potential for extending the adaptation zone of tall fescue into drier regions. Another possibility is that this trait may aid in maintaining tall fescue stands if climate warming exacerbates drought frequency or intensity in the tall fescue zone. * Trials were initiated that will identify legume genotypes and seeding strategies which promote success in legume persistence and enhance the nitrogen status of pastures as low cost.


  1. See "Accomplishments"


B. Patton, X. Dong, P. Nyren and A. Nyren, 2007. Effect of grazing intensity, precipitation, and temperature on forage production. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 60: 656-665. X. Dong, P. Nyren, B. Patton, A. Nyren, J. Richardson and T. Maresca, 2007. Wavelets for agriculture and biology: A tutorial with application and outlook. BioScience (The American Institute of Biological Sciences). In press. X. Dong, P. Nyren, B. Patton, B. Kreft and A. Nyren. Specific leaf area, leaf thickness and density of two range plant species influenced by long-term cattle grazing. The 2007 Joint Congress of American fern Society, American Society of Plant Biologists, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and Botanical Society of America. Chicago, IL. Abstract ID:90 (CD-ROM). X. Dong, P. Nyren, B. Patton, A. Nyren, J. Richardson and T. Maresca, Wavelet analysis: a toolbox for agricultural sciences. The 2007 Joint Congress of American fern Society, American Society of Plant Biologists, American Society of Plant Taxonomists, and Botanical Society of America. Chicago, IL. Abstract ID:1906 (CD-ROM). X. Dong, J. Wang, G. Wang, D. Wang, J. Wang, X. Zhao, B. Patton, S. Wang and P. Nyren. Plant root biomass and respiration on rangelands of south-central North Dakota: Impact from 18 years of cattle grazing. The 2008 Joint Annual Meetings of The American Forage and Grassland Council and The Society for Range Management. Louisville, KY. Jan. 26-31, 2008. Abstract ID:2198. (CD-ROM). X. Dong. Rangeland soil carbon sequestration: The contribution of plant roots. NDSU Central Grasslands Research Extension Center 2007 Annual Report. Pages 9-11. Also available electronically at : Griggs, T.C. 2007. Introduction to the CSSA symposium - Beyond the plant: Biodiversity impacts on the grazing animal. Crop Sci. 47:380-381. Griggs, T.C., J.W. MacAdam, H.F. Mayland, and J.C. Burns. 2007. Temporal and vertical distribution of nonstructural carbohydrate, fiber, protein, and digestibility levels in orchardgrass swards. Agron. J. 99:755-763. Jensen, K.B., B.L. Waldron, M.D. Peel, and R.W. Hill. 2007. Irrigation of Agricultural Crops pp. 363-394 In Forages.. Agronomy Monograph no. 30, Second Edition. MacAdam, J. W. and A. L. Barta. 2007. Irrigation and water management, In pp. 379-394 R. F. Barnes, C. J. Nelson, M. Collins and K. J. Moore (ed.) Forages. An Introduction to Grassland Agriculture, Vol II, 6th Ed, Iowa State Press, Ames. Provenza, F.D., J.J. Villalba, J. Haskell, J.W. MacAdam, T.C. Griggs, and R.D. Wiedmeier. 2007. The value to herbivores of plant physical and chemical diversity in time and space. Crop Sci. 47:382-398. Ralphs, M.H., R.D. Wiedmeier, and J.E. Banks. 2007. Decreasing forage allowance can force cattle to graze broom snakeweed (Gutierrezia sarothrae) as a potential biological control. Rangelend Ecology and Management 60: 487-497. Robins J.G., G.R. Bauchan, and E.C. Brummer. 2007. Genetic mapping forage yield, plant height, and regrowth at multiple harvests in tetraploid alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Crop Science 47: 11-18. Robins, J.G., D. Luth, I.A. Campbell, G.R. Bauchan, C.L. He, D.R. Viands, J.L. Hansen, E.C. Brummer. 2007 Genetic mapping of biomass production in tetraploid alfalfa. Crop Science 47: 1-10. Robins, J.G., B.L. Waldron, K.P. Vogel, J.D. Berdahl, M.R. Haferkamp, K.B. Jensen, T.A. Jones, R. Mitchell, and B.K. Kindiger. 2007. Characterization of testing locations for developing cool-season grass species. Crop Science 47: 1004-1012. Robins, J.G., B.L. Waldron, and P.G. Johnson. 2007. Potential for the improvement of turf quality in crested wheatgrass for low-maintenance conditions. HortScience 42: 1526-1529. Winward. T.W. and R.W. Hill. 2007. Catch-can performance under a line-source sprinkler. Transactions of the ASABE 50: 1167-1175. Renne, I.J. and B.F. Tracy. 2007. Disturbance persistence in managed grasslands: shifts in aboveground community structure and the weed seed bank. Plant Ecol.190:71-80. Tracy, B. F., and Sanderson, M. A. 2007. Decomposition of forage species mixtures in pasture has inconsistent effects on soil nitrogen. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2007-0625-02-RS. Sanderson, M.A., S.C. Goslee, K.J. Soder, R.H. Skinner, B.F. Tracy, and A. Deak. 2007. Plant species diversity, ecosystem function, and pasture management. Can. J. Plant Sci. 87:479-487. Sulc, R.M. and B.F. Tracy. 2007. Integrated crop-livestock systems in the Midwestern USA. Agron. J. 99(2): 335-345. Tracy, B.F. and Y Zhang. 2008. Soil compaction, corn yield response and soil nutrient pool dynamics within an integrated crop-livestock system in Illinois. Crop Science (In Press) Tracy, B.F. 2008. The Ecology of Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems. In: Proceedings of International Symposium on Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems. Universidade Federal do Paraná in Curitiba, Brazil, 13-15 August 2007. (In Press) Reece, P.E., W.H. Schacht, and J.D. Volesky. 2007. Skillful grazing management on semiarid rangelands. University of Nebraska Extension Circular EC-162. Volesky, J.D. and B.E. Anderson. 2007. Defoliation effects on production and nutritive value of four irrigated cool-season perennial grasses. Agronomy Journal. 99:494-500. Volesky, J.D., B.E. Anderson, and M.C. Stockton. 2008. Species and stockpile initiation date effects on yield and nutritive value of irrigated cool-season grasses. Agronomy Journal. (in press). Volesky, J.D. and B.E. Anderson. 2008. Nebraska 2005 - 2006 Orchardgrass Variety Trial Results - North Platte. Forage and Grazinglands. available at: Volesky, J.D. and B.E. Anderson. 2008. Nebraska 2005 - 2006 Cool-season Grass Variety Trial Results - North Platte. Forage and Grazinglands. available at: Volesky, J.D., W.H. Schacht, P.E. Reece, and A.M. Petersen. 2008. Grazing and Hay Records: Spreadsheet Template. University of Nebraska Extension Circular EC-165. Adler, P.R., S.J. Del Grosso, and W.J. Parton. 2007. Life-cycle assessment of net greenhouse-gas flux for bioenergy cropping systems. Ecol. Appl. 17:675691. Corson, M.S., C.A. Rotz, R.H. Skinner, and M.A. Sanderson. 2007. Adaptation and evaluation of the integrated farm system model to simulate temperate multiple-species pastures. Agricultural Systems 94:502-508. Corson, M.S., C.A. Rotz, and R.H. Skinner. 2007. Evaluating warm-season grass production in temperate-region pastures: a simulation approach. Agricultural Systems 93: 252-268. Deak, A., M.H. Hall, M.A. Sanderson, and D.A. Archibald. 2007. Production and nutritive value of grazed simple and complex forage mixtures. Agron. J. 99:814-821. Goslee, S.C., and D.L. Urban. 2007. The ecodist Package for Dissimilarity-based Analysis of Ecological Data. J. Statistical Software Vol. 22, Issue 7, Sep 2007. McFarland, M.J., M.A. Sanderson, and A.M.S. McFarland. 2007. Wastewater and reclaimed irrigation water. p. 754-798. In: Design and operation of farm irrigation systems 2nd ed. American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Penn, C.J., Bryant, R.B., Needleman, B., and Kleinman, P. 2007. Spatial distribution of soil phosphorus across selected New York dairy farm pastures and hay fields. Soil Science. 172:797-810. Rayburn, E.B., J.D. Lozier, M.A. Sanderson, B.D. Smith, W.L. Shockey, D.A. Seymour, and S.W. Fultz. 2007. Alternative methods of estimating forage height and mass in pastures can be cross calibrated. Forage and Grazinglands (online) doi: 10.1094/FG-2007-0614-01-RS. Rayburn, E.B. A.O. Abaye, B.F. Tracy, and M.A. Sanderson. 2007. Assessing species composition and forage quality. P. 1-19. In: Forage utilization for pasture-based livestock production. Natural Resources and Agric. Eng. Service (NRAES) publ. 173. Sanderson, M.A. L. Holden, E.B. Rayburn, K.J. Soder, and W.B. Bryan. Assessing forage mass and forage budgeting. p. 20-42. In: Forage utilization for pasture-based livestock production. Natural Resources and Agric. Eng. Service (NRAES) publ. 173. Sanderson, M.A., S.C. Goslee, R.H. Skinner, K.J. Soder, B.F. Tracy, and A. Deak. 2007. Plant species diversity, ecosystem function, and pasture managementA perspective. Can. J. Plant Sci. 87:479-487. Sanderson, M.A. 2007. Yield and persistence of forage and root-type chicory cultivars. Forage and Grazinglands. (Online) doi:10.1094/FG-2007-1119-01-RS. Sanderson, M.A., S.C. Goslee, K.D. Klement, and K.J. Soder. 2007. Soil seed bank composition in pastures of diverse mixtures of temperate forages. Agron. J. 99:1514-1520. Skinner, R.H. 2007. Winter carbon dioxide fluxes in humid-temperate pastures. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 144:32-43. Skinner, R.H. 2008. Yield, root growth and soil water content in drought-stressed pasture mixtures containing chicory. Crop Sci. 48:380-388. Tracy, B.F., and M.A. Sanderson. 2007. Decomposition of forage species mixtures in pasture has inconsistent effects on soil nitrogen. Forage and Grazinglands (Online) doi: 10.1094/FG-2007-0625-02-RS. Lamp, W.O., L.C. Alexander, and M. Nguyen. 2007. Physiological response of glandular-haired alfalfa to potato leafhopper (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae) injury. Environmental Entomology 36: 195-203. Sulc, M., and W.O. Lamp. 2007. Insect pest management. In Forages: The Science of Grassland Agriculture, R.F. Barnes, D.A. Miller, and C.J. Nelson (eds.), 6th ed., Vol. II, p. 411-424. Iowa State Univ. Press. Lamp, W.O. 2007. Injurious arthropods. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 41-43. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O. 2007. Leafhoppers and planthoppers. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 76-79. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD Lamp, W.O. 2007. Natural enemies of insects. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 129-130. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O., R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.). 2007. Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O., G. Dively, and R. Ochoa. 2007. Mites. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 81-83. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. Lamp, W.O. and L. Higley. 2007. Integrated pest management. In Handbook of Forage and Rangeland Insects, W. Lamp, R. Berberet, L. Higley, and C. Baird (eds.), p. 28-33. Entomological Society of America, Lanham, MD. D. E. Hillger, A. McCordick, R. H. Leep, J. J. Kells. 2007. Establishment Systems for Glyphosate-Resistant Alfalfa. Weed Technology. In Press.Weed Science Society of America. Dietz, T., R.H. Leep. Evaluation of Medicago Falcata in Reduced Hay Harvest Systems. Abstracts. American Forage and Grasslands Meeting. St. Louis, MO. 2008. Hillger, D. E., A. McCordick, R. H. Leep, J. J. Kells. 2007. Establishment Systems for Glyphosate-Resistant Alfalfa. Weed Science Society of America. P.2. Sulc, R. M., and Lamp, W. 2007. Insect Management. p.411-424 In: R.F. Barnes et al. (ed.)Forages, the science of grassland agriculture.Vol. II, 6th ed. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA. Barker, D. J., and Sulc, R. M. 2007. Forage crops and rangeland. p. 335-347 In M.J. McMahon et al. (ed.) Hartmann's plant science: Growth, development, and utilization of cultivated plants.4th ed.Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, NJ. Sulc, R. M., McCormick, J. S., Barker, D. J., and Diedrick, K. A. 2007. Ohio Forage Performance Trials Report for 2007. Horticulture & Crop Science Dept. Series 195, Agdex 141. The Ohio State Univ. 19 pp. (Online at Ariss, J., Rhodes, L. H., Sulc, R. M., and Hammond, R. B. 2007. Potato Leafhopper Injury and Fusarium Crown Rot Effects on Three Alfalfa Populations. Crop Sci. 47:1661-1671. Sulc, R. M., and Tracy, B. F. 2007. Integrated crop-livestock systems in the U.S. Corn Belt. Agron. J. 99:335-345. Chapman, D.F., A.J. Parsons, G.P. Cosgrove, D.J. Barker, D.M. Marotti, K.J. Venning, S.M. Rutter, J. Hill, and A.N. Thompson. 2007. Impacts of spatial patterns in pasture on animal grazing behaviour, intake and performance. Crop Sci. 47:399-415. Zahreddine, H.G., D. J. Barker, M. F. Quigley, K. Sleem and D. K. Struve. 2007. Patterns of woody species diversity in Lebanon as affected by climatic and soil properties. Lebanese Science Journal 8: pp (accepted) Fae, G. S., Sulc, R. M., Barker, D. J., Dick, R. P., and Eastridge, M. L. 2007. Changes in soil carbon and soil physical properties in an integrated crop-livestock system. In Intl. Symp. Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems Proc. 13-15 Aug. 2007. Curitiba, Brazil. [CD-ROM]. Hensler, A., Barker, D. J., Sulc, R. M., Loerch, S. C., and Owens, L. 2007. Comparison of management intensive and continuous grazing in beef cattle pasture. Proc. American Forage and Grassland Council 16:48-50. Diedrick, K. A., Sulc, R. M., Barker, D. J., and McCormick, J. S. 2007. Field performance of alfalfa cultivars selected for resistance to lodging and fast recovery after harvest. Proc. American Forage and Grassland Council 16:100-103. Brown, C.L.; D.J. Barker, and B.K. Slater. 2007. Spatial variation of endophyte distribution in beef and dairy cattle pasture. Proc. American Forage and Grasslands Congress 16: 34-37. Sulc, R. M. 2007. Integrated crop-livestock systems in North American. In Intl. Symp. Integrated Crop-Livestock Systems Proc. 13-15 Aug. 2007. Curitiba, Brazil. [CD-ROM]. Evans, L.S., Z. Kahn-Jetter, C. Marks, and K.R. Harmoney. 2007. Mechanical Properties and Anatomical Components of Stems of 42 Grass Species. J. of the Torrey Botanical Soc. 134:458-467. Harmoney, K.R. 2007. Persistence of Heavily-Grazed Cool-Season Grasses in the Central Great Plains. Online. Forage and Grazinglands doi:10.1094/FG-2007-0625-01-RS. Harmoney, K.R. 2007. Grazing and Burning Japanese Brome (Bromus Japonicus) on Mixed Grass Rangelands. Rangeland Ecology and Management. 60:479-486. Harmoney, K.R., P.W. Stahlman, and K.R. Hickman. 2007. Suppression of Caucasian Old World Bluestem with Split Application of Herbicides. Weed Technology 21:573-577. Harmoney, K., and J. Jaeger. 2008. Modified Intensive-Early Stocking on Shortgrass Rangeland. Society for Range Management Annual Abstracts # 1661. Harmoney, K., F. Lamm, and S. Johnson. 2008. Alfalfa Yield and Quality Above Subsurface Drip Irrigation Lines. Society for Range Management Annual Abstracts # 1667. Leiker, J., R. Nicholson, and K. Harmoney. 2007. Artificial lawns as an attractant to steer foraging behavior. Society for Range Management Annual Abstracts #255. Moyer, J. L., M. D. Schrock, R. R. Price, D. W. Sweeney, and K. W. Kelley. 2007. An apparatus for measuring pasture forage mass. 270-1. In ASA-CSSA-SSSA-CSSS Abstracts 2007 [CD-ROM] ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI. Schmidt, C.D., K.R. Hickman, R. Channell, K. Harmoney, and W. Stark. 2007. Competitive abilities of native grasses and non-native ( Bothriochloa spp.) grasses. Plant Ecology doi: 10.1007/s11258-007-9361-2. Stevenson, Leanne, Walter H. Fick, and Gary Kilgore. 2008. Impact of fertilization on smooth brome production and crude protein concentration. In Abstracts, No. 2378., Building Bridges: Grasslands to Rangelands. AFGC/SRM, Louisville, KY, Jan. 26-31. Sweeney, D. W. and J. L. Moyer. 2007. Nitrogen management affects sorghum grown for grain and forage. Crop Manage. [online] CM-RS-06-0172. Casler, M.D., K.P. Vogel, C.M. Taliaferro, N.J. Ehlke, J.D. Berdahl, E.C. Brummer, R.L. Kallenbach, C.P. West, and R.B. Mitchell. 2007. Latitudinal and longitudinal adaptation of switchgrass populations. Crop Sci. 47:2249-2260. Norman, R.C. W.K. Coblentz, D.S. Hubbell, III, R.K. Ogden, K.P. Coffey, R.T. Rhein, C.P. West, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2007. Effects of bale diameter, storage location, and sampling depth on the nutritive value, ruminal in situ disappearance kinetics of dry matter, and concentrations of ergovaline within endophyte-infected tall fescue hay packaged in large round bales. Crop Sci. 47:1635-1646. Flores, R., W.K. Coblentz, R.K. Ogden, K.P. Coffey, M.L. Looper, C.P. West, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2007. Effects of fescue type, sampling date, and strip-grazing on the nutritive value and in situ ruminal disappearance kinetics of DM and NDF for autumn-stockpiled tall fescue forages. J. Dairy Sci. 90:2883-2896. Jennings, J.A., P. Beck, and C. West. 2007. Tall fescue for forage. Univ. Arkansas Div. Agric., Coop. Ext. Service, FSA2133. 4 pp. Schardl, C.L., K.D. Craven, K.K. Schwer, W. Hollin, S.L. Clement, J. Schmid, C.P. West, and T.D. Phillips. 2007. Endophytes of the tall fescue ploidy series in Europe, North Africa and the Mediterranean. p. 456. In A.J. Popay and E.R. Thom (ed.) Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Endophyte-Grass Interactions. Grassland Research and Practice Series no. 13, NZ Grassland Association, Christchurch, NZ. West, C.P. 2007. Plant influences on endophyte expression. p. 117-121. In A.J. Popay and E.R. Thom (ed.) Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Endophyte-Grass Interactions. Grassland Research and Practice Series no. 13, NZ Grassland Association, Christchurch, NZ. West, C.P., F. Volaire, and F. Lelievre. 2007. Tiller survival after drought of 'Grasslands Flecha' tall fescue as influenced by endophyte. p. 267-269. In A.J. Popay and E.R. Thom (ed.) Proc. 6th Int. Symp. Endophyte-Grass Interactions. Grassland Research and Practice Series no. 13, NZ Grassland Association, Christchurch, NZ.
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