SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Stephen Herbert, U.Mass Amherst; Rick Kohn, Univ. MD, College Park David Combs, Univ. Wisconsin; Rick Muck, USDA, ARS, Madison, WI; Ed Prigge, West Virginia Univ.; Mike Murphy, Univ. of Illinois; Zhengxia Dou, Univ. of Pennsylvania; Henry Tyrrell, USDA/CSREES; Gary W. Fick, Cornell Univ.; Rhonda Miller, Utah State Univ.; Paul Wangsness, Penn State Univ.; Don Horneck, Oregon State Univ.; Joe Harrison, Washington State Univ.; Al Rotz, USDA/ARS, Univ. Park; Dennis Buckmaster, Penn State Univ.; Rabi Mohtar, Purdue University Guests: Chris Palliser, Dexel, Hamilton, New Zeland; ; Brad Joern, Purdue University (AGRY); Al Heber, Purdue (ABE)


The accomplishments have been summarized in the Annual Report available at



The resulting publications of this work are summarized by state in the Annual Report at as well as in CRIS at
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