SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Allen, Mike - Michican State University; Combs, David - University of Wisconsin; Dou, Zhengxia - University of Pennsylvania; Fick, Gary- Cornell University; Harrison, Joe - Washington State University; Hashemi, Masoud - University of Massachusetts; Herbert, Stephen - University of Massachusetts; Miller, Rhonda - Utah State University; Tyrell, Henry - USDA; Wangsness, Paul - Penn State University; Zhai, Tong (for Rabi Mohtar)- Purdue University

Minutes of the 2003 Annual Meeting can be found at:


The accomplishments of this multistate project have been summarized in the Annual Report available at


  1. The impacts of this multistate project have been listed, by state, in the Usefulness of Results/Findings sections in the Annual Report available at


The resulting publicactions of this work are summarized by state in the Annual Report at, as well as, in CRIS at
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