SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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William Breffle Michigan Technical University John Bergstrom University of Georgia Craig Bond Colorado State University Bonnie Colby University of Arizona Don Dennis USDA Forest Service Eric English Stratus Consulting, Inc Jerry Fletcher West Virginia University Kelly Giraud Cullen (president) University of New Hampshire Roger von Haefen (treasurer) North Carolina State University Robert Hearne North Dakota State University Joe Herriges Iowa State University John Hoehn Michigan State University Paul Jakus Utah State University Mike Kaplowitz Michigan State University Dan Lew National Marine Fishery Service John Loomis Colorado State University Frank Lupi (vice president) Michigan State University Vishakha Maskey (student) West Virginia University Doug Morris University of New Hampshire Dan McCollum USDA, Forest Service Klaus Moeltner University of Nevada, Reno Mary Riddel University of Nevada, Las Vegas Kim Rollins University of Nevada, Reno Randall Rosenberger Oregon State University Don Snyder (administrative advisor) Utah State University Brent Sohngen Ohio State University

W2133 41st Annual Meeting Hilton Waikoloa Village Resort on the Big Island of Hawaii, Feb 17-20, 2008 Sunday, February 17: Registration Opens Monday, 8:00 AM12:15 PM: W2133 Presidential Address and Welcome Paper Session 1: Choosy Respondents: Choice Experiments and Choice Models Chair: Michael KAPLOWITZ, Michigan State Univ The Optimal Design: A Guide for Choice Experiment Practitioners. William BREFFLE, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI A Discrete-Choice Model of Annual License Demand. Eric ENGLISH, Stratus Consulting Inc, Boulder, CO Valuing Additional Protection of Steller Sea Lions Using a Choice Experiment-Based Stated Preference Method: Preliminary Results. Daniel K. LEW, Alaska Fisheries Science Center, National Marine Fisheries Service, Deattle, WA A Choice Experiments Analysis of Stakeholder Preferences for Water Management Alternative in the Red River Basin. Bob HEARNE, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND Incorporating Random Coefficients and Alternative Specific Constraints into Discrete Choice Models: Implication for In-Sample Fir and Welfare Estimates. Roger H. VON HAEFEN, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh Meta-Analysis and Benefit Transfer: What do we Gain from Using Individual-level Data? Klaus MOELTNER, Univ Nevada Reno Monday, 1:30 5:45 PM: Paper Session 2A ~ W-2133/WRSA Joint Paper Session Chair: Dan MCCOLLUM, U.S. Forest Service, Rocky Mtn Research Station, Ft. Collins, CO A Panel-Mixed Logit Analysis of Colorado Corn Farmers' Stated Preferences for Private-Public Irrigation System Attributes. Craig BOND, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Discussant: Roger VON HAEFEN, North Carolina State Univ., Raleigh A Hybrid Individual-Zonal Travel Cost Model for Estimating the Consumer Surplus of Golfing in Colorado. John LOOMIS, Omer TADJION, Philip WATSON, Josh WILSON, Steve DAVIES, and Dawn THILMANY, Colorado State Univ., Fort Collins. Discussant: Robert HEARNE, North Dakota State Univ., Fargo Selection Effects in Meta-Valuation Function Transfers. Randall ROSENBERGER, Oregon State Univ., Corvallis, and Robert J. JOHNSTON, Univ. Connecticut, Groton. Discussant: John BERGSTROM, Univ. Georgia, Athens Economic Globalization and Resource Use: Do Growth, Investment, and Trade Encourage Water Use or Water Conservation? John P. HOEHN and Kwami ADANU, Michigan State Univ., East Lansing, MI. Discussant: Kim ROLLINS, Univ. Nevada Reno Tuesday, 8:00 AM12:00 PM: Paper Session 3: Paper Presentations Land Use: Recreation, Protection Measures, & Policy Chair: John BERGSTROM, Univ of Georgia, Athens Estimates and Welfare Analysis in a System of Correlated Count Outcomes. Joseph A. HERRIGES, Iowa State Univ, Ames Spatial Limits of the TCM Revisited: Island Effects. John B. LOOMIS, Colorado State Univ, Fort Collins Experiments on Response Rates for Stated Preference Surveys. Michael KAPLOWITZ, Frank LUPI, Michigan State Univ, E. Lansing The Value of Information from Soil Surveys. Jerry FLETCHER, West Virginia University, Morgantown An Analysis of Local Stakeholder Values for Tropical Protected Areas in Madagascar. Don DENNIS, Northern Research Station, USDA Forest Service, South Burlington, VT Montana Challenge: Remaining the Last, Best Place for Fish and Wildlife in the Changing West. Cindy S. SWANSON, Rocky Mountain Research Station, USDA Forest Service, Missoula, MT Building Wealth Through Ownership: Resident Owned Manufactured Housing Communities in New Hampshire. Kelly GIRAUD CULLEN, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH Tuesday 2:30  4:00: Panel Discussion: Publishing in Peer Reviewed Journals Today: A View from the Inside Chair: Roger VON HEAFEN, North Carolina State Univ, Raleigh Paul JAKUS, Utah State Univ, Logan, UT, Associate Editor/Editorial Council of J. Agricultural and Resource Economics, Society and Natural Resources, J. Environmental Economics and Management, Water Resources Research John B. LOOMIS, Colorado State Univ, Fort Collin, Associate Editor/Editorial Council of Water Resources Research, and Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. Published 170+ Peer Reviewed Articles Douglas MORRIS, Univ New Hampshire, Durham, Secretary/Treasurer of Northeastern Agricultural and Resource Economics Association, in charge of Oversight for Agricultural and Resource Economics Review Randy ROSENBERGER, Oregon State Univ, Corvallis, Associate Editor of Journal of Leisure Research Tuesday 4:15  5:45 PM: W2133 Business Meeting: Open to all W2133 Members Chair: Michael Kaplowitz, Incoming W2133 President Wednesday 8:00-12:00: Paper Session 4: Risk, Water, and Water Based Risk Chair: Klause MOELTNER, Univ Nevada Reno Alternative Futures Analysis for the Little Kanawha River Basin in West Virginia. Vishakha MASKEY, West Virginia University, Morgantown Fire, Carbon, Timber, and Trees: Optimal Forest Management with Carbon Sequestration Credits and Endogenous Fire Risk. Brent SOHNGEN, Ohio State University, Columbus Incorporating Protests Responses into Valuation Estimates: Willingness to Pay to Prevent Ecosystem Losses from Invasive Species and Wildfire. Kimberly ROLLINS, Univ Nevada Reno Econometric Analysis of Environmental Water Values in Western U.S. Water Transactions. Bonnie COLBY, University of Arizona, Tuscon Modeling Perceived Distributions of Mortality Risks from Arsenic Concentrations in Drinking Water. Paul JAKUS, Utah State Univ, Logan


Short-term Outcomes: Work continues on developing the best methodologies for valuating nonmarket goods--some from a theoretical perspective and some from a practical or data-based perspective. Outputs: Most of the outputs of this projects include publications of various types and the primary purpose of the project is to allow a cross-fertilization of individuals who are involved in this work, The list of participants is expansive and this work has provided the basis for many of the techniques presently being used to value nonmarket goods. A complete list of outputs is provided under the publication listing. Activities: This project fosters joint research between project participants in the preparation of peer-reviewed manuscripts, but even more importantly, it facilitates discussion between a diverse group of economists whose primary work is in the area of nonmarket valuation. A portion of the meeting is spent discussing theoretical issues surrounding the valuation techniques and part of the meeting is spent dealing with actual data-based issues or problems. Milestones: Data collection methods have been collaboratively designed. Primary and secondary data have been collectged, though this is a continuing milestone (inot and beyond 2009) as new issues arise and new data sets and techniques are identified. Publications have also been realized.


  1. There are many goods and services that are not priced or valued through normal market operatioins and this project has identified theoretical underpinnings for the evaluation of these goods and services. Methodologies from this project have been used to provide value estimates for a variety of nonmarket goods (wildland use, instream flows, fisheries, etc) and these values have been used in administrative resource allocation decisions by the federal government and state governments. They also provide a basis for resource allocation decisions at the local, state, and federal, and international levels related to nonmarket goods. Just as importantly, this work has better defined the limitations of current nonmarket valuation methodologies in order to prevent over- or under-valuing such resources. Actual examples of this work are many and varied and can be found under the publication list and accomplishments portion of this report.


Bell, K.P. 2007. "Session Discussion: Discussant's Response to Preserving Rural Land," Review of Agricultural Economics 29(3): 518-519. Bell, K.P., and T. Dalton. 2007. "Spatial Economic Analysis in Data-Rich Environments," Journal of Agricultural Economics, forthcoming. Bower, J.M., J.C. Bergstrom and J. Gill. "Estimating the Economic Value and Impacts of Recreational Trails: A Case Study of the Virginia Creeper Trail", Tourism Economics. 13, 2 (2007):241-260. Bowker, J.M., D. Murphy, H.K. Cordell, D.B.K. English, J.C. Bergstrom, C.M. Starbuck, C.J. Betz, G.T. Green, P. Reed. "Wilderness Recreation Participation and Consumption: Projections for the Next Half Century." In: Watson, Alan; Dean, Liese; Sproull, Janet, comps. Science and Stewardship to Protect and Sustain Wilderness Values: Eighth World Wilderness Congress Symposium; October, 2005; Anchorage, AK. Proceedings RMRS P 49. Fort Collins, CO: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Service, Rocky Mountain Research Station, November, 2007. Brown, T.C., J.C. Bergstrom and J.B. Loomis. "Defining, Valuing and Providing Ecosystem Goods and Services", Natural Resources Journal. 47, 2, (2007): 329-376. Collins, A.R. and R.S. Rosenberger. 2007. Protest adjustments in the valuation of watershed restoration using payment card data. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review. Costanigro, M., J.J. McCluskey, and R.C. Mittelhammer, 2007. Segmenting the Wine Market Based on Price: Hedonic Regression when Different Prices mean Different Products, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 58(3): 454 - 466. Deaton, B., Hoehn, J. P., Norris, P. E. (2007). Net Buyers, Net Sellers, and Agricultural Landowner Support for Agricultural Zoning.. Land Economics, 83(2), 45-57. Gabe, T.M., Colby, K., and K.P. Bell 2007. "The Effects of Workforce Creativity on Earnings in U.S. Counties," Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 36(1): 71-83. Herriges, J. with Subhra Bhattacharjee and Catherine L. Kling. The Status of Women of Environmental Economics, Review of Environmental Economics and Policy, Vol. 1, No. 2, 2007, pp. 212-227. Kaplowitz, M.D. and R. Levine. 2007. Class Participation: A Major University Surveys Students as Part of Its Watershed Management Efforts. Watershed & Wet Weather Technical Bulletin 12(2):12-16. Kaplowitz, M.D., F. Lupi, and J.P. Hoehn. 2007. What does the public know about wetlands in Michigan? Using focus groups for scoping and exploratory research. Michigan Academician. 37(1-3):19-34. Kim, H., W. Douglass Shaw, and Rich Woodward. The Distributional Impacts of Recreational Fees: A Discrete Choice Model with Incomplete Data, Land Economics ,2007, Vol. 83 , No. 4 (November): 561-74. Kling, C. with Hongli Feng Hennessy, Lyubov Kurkalova, and Philip Gassman Transfer and Environmental Co-benefits of Carbon Sequestration in Agricultural Soils: Retiring Agricultural Land in the Upper Mississippi River Basin, Climatic Change, 80(2007): 91-107. Kling, C. with S. Secchi, P. Gassman, M. Jha, L. Kurkalova, H. Feng, and T. Campbell. The Cost of Cleaner Water: Assessing Agricultural Pollution Reduction at the Watershed Scale, Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 62(2007):10-20. Knoche, S. D. and F. Lupi. Valuing Deer Hunting Services from Farm Landscapes. Ecological Economics, 64(2)313-320. 2007. Loomis, J with Le Trong and Vu Tien Thinh. Comparing Money and Labour Payment in Contingent Valuation: The Case of Forest Fire Prevention in Vietnamese Context. Journal of International Development 19: 173-185. 2007. Loomis, J. Correcting for On-Site Visitor Sampling Bias when Estimating the Regional Economic Effects of Tourism. Tourism Economics 13(1): 41-47. 2007. Loomis, J. With A. Gonzalez-Caban, Hayley Hesseln. A Comparison of CVM Survey Response Rates, Protests and Willingness to Pay of Native Americans and General Population for Fuel Reduction Policies. Journal of Forest Economics 13: 49-71. 2007. Loomis, J. With Pamela Kaval and Andy Seidl. Willingness-to-pay for prescribed fire in Colorado (USA) wildland urban interface. Forest Policy and Economics 9: 928-937. May 2007. Loomis, J. With S. Walker, R. Rideout and R. Reich. Comparing the Value of Fuel Treatment Options in northern Colorados Urban and wildland urban interface areas. Forest Policy and Economics 9: 694-703.. 2007. Menkhaus, D. J., O. R. Phillips, C. T. Bastian, and L. B. Gittings. The Matching Problem (and Inventories) in Private Negotiation, American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 89,4(2007): 1073-84. Messer, K.D., G.L. Poe, and H.M. Kaiser. 2007. Voluntary Funding for Generic Advertising Using a Provision Point Mechanism: An Experimental Analysis of Option Assurance. Review of Agricultural Economics 29(3):612-31. Murray, B.C., B. Sohngen, M.T. Ross. 2007. Economic Consequences of Consideration of Permanence, Leakage and Additionality for Soil Carbon Sequestration Projects. Climatic Change. 80(1-2): 127-143. Nagler, A. M., C. T. Bastian, J. P. Hewlett and R. R. Weigel. Risk Management for Ag Families: Evaluation of an Integrated Educational Program for Producers on the High Northern Plains, Journal of Extension. June, Vol. 45, No.3, Article Number 3RIB3 (2007): 1-9; . Nguyen, T., W. Douglass Shaw, Richard Woodward, Robert Paterson, and Kevin Boyle. An Empirical Study of Option Prices for Moose Hunting Permits: Lotteries and Guarantees Ecological Economics , 2007, Vol. 63 (August): 476-84. Patunru, A.A., J.B. Braden, & S. Chattopadhyay. Who Cares about Environmental Stigmas and Does It Matter? A Latent Segmentation Analysis of Property Values. Amer. J. Agric. Econ., 89(3, 2007): 712-726. Rose, A., Keith Porter, Nicole Dash, Jawhar Bouabid, Charles Huyck, John C. Whitehead, W. Douglass Shaw, Ronald Eguchi, Craig Taylor, Thomas McLane, Thomas Tobin, Phil Ganderton, David Godschalk, Anne Kiremidjian, Kathleen Tierney, and Carol Taylor West. Benefit Cost Analysis of FEMA Hazard Mitigation Grants. Natural Hazards Review (2007), Vol. 8 (November): 97-111. Rosenberger, R.S. 2007. Social and economic issues of global climate change in the western United States. R. Haynes and L. Joyce (eds.). USDA Forest Service, General Technical Report. Sedman, J. N., C. T. Bastian, L. J. Held, F. A. Gray, and D. W. Koch. An Economic Analysis of Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Harvest Methods When Infested with Verticillium Wilt, Agronomy Journal. 99 (2007): 1635-39. Strager, M.P. and R.S. Rosenberger. 2007. Aggregating high priority landscape areas to the parcel level: An easement implementation tool. Journal of Environmental Management 82:290-298. Swain, E., P. Jakus, G. Rice, F. Lupi, P. Maxson, J. Pacyna, A. Penn, S. Spiegel and M. Veiga, Socioeconomic Consequences of Mercury Use and Pollution. AMBIO, 36(1)45-61, 2007. Swinton, S. M., F. Lupi, G. P. Robertson, and S. K. Hamilton, Ecosystem services and agriculture: Cultivating agricultural ecosystems for diverse benefits. Ecological Economics, 64(2)245-252. 2007. von Haefen, Roger H. Empirical Strategies for Incorporating Weak Complementarity into Consumer Demand Models, Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 54(1): 15-31, July 2007.
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