SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


"Domier, Leslie ( USDA-ARS Dept. Crop Science, Univ. of Illinois "Esker, Paul ( Dept. Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin "Grau, Craig ( Dept. Plant Pathology, University of Wisconsin "Hajimorad, Reza ( Dept. of Entomology & Plant Pathology, University of Tennessee "Hill, John ( Dept. Plant Pathology, Iowa State University "Hobbs, Houston ( Dept Crop Sciences, University of Illinois "Langham, Marie ( Dept. of Plant Crop Science, South Dakota State University "Phibbs, Anette ( Wisconsin Department of Trade and Consumer Protection, Madison, WI "Redinbaugh, Margaret ( USDA/ARS, Wooster, Ohio "Slack, Steven (,,) Director of the Ohio Agricultural Research Station, Wooster, Ohio "Tolin, Sue ( ) Dept. Plant Pathology, Virginia Tech "Wright, David ( ) Iowa Soybean Association

NCERA200 met November 1 and 2 at the Concourse Hotel, Madison, Wisconsin. Steven Slack, Administrative Advisor, presented a report and provided guidance to the committee on the impact section as to importance of relating goals and whether they have been advanced, expand on accomplishments and their impact. NCERA200 President, Les Domier, welcomed the group and presented an overview the meeting program. Marie Langham and Sue Tolin reported on the Legume Integrated Pest Management Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education (IPM PIPE). Twenty-seven states with insured legume acreages were requested to collaborate in the Legume IPM PIPE by establishing legume sentinel plots for monitoring and assay of disease in legumes. Legume sentential plots were established to parallel the size and profile of soybean rust plots. A total of 158 legume sentinel plots have been established in 2007. States were divided into Eastern and Western regions with Howard Schwartz coordinating the Western region and Marie Langham coordinating the Eastern region. Additionally, in order to expand monitoring for viral diseases into soybeans, 29 states with already established SBR sentinel plots were requested to complete virus assays in two of their SBR plots. Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) (Genus: Comovirus; Family: Comoviridae) and Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) (Genus: Potyvirus; Family: Potyviridiae) were selected for testing in SBR plots during 2007. Bean yellow mosaic virus (BYMV) (Genus: Potyvirus; Family: Potyviridiae), Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) (Genus: Cucumovirus; Family: Bromoviridae), Bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) (Genus: Potyvirus; Family: Potyviridiae), Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV) (Genus: Alfalfamovirus Family: Bromoviridae), and Beet curly top virus (BCTV) (Genus: Curtovirus Family: Geminiviridae) were selected for testing in legume plots. State representatives from Illinois, Iowa, Ohio, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia and Wisconsin represented state reports. Information ranged from surveys for soybean viruses to epidemiology and management of soybean viruses. Surveys were conducted in several states to monitor the occurrence and frequency of several soybean viruses. In general, detection of soybean viruses was relatively low in 2007. A partial explanation of this result is that methods to detect viruses may not be adequate. A critical need is more accurate means to detect viruses in soybean. One target is to develop a reliable and sensitive immunological assay for detection of Alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV in soybean (Tennessee). Efforts continue to monitor the distribution and frequency of Soybean dwarf virus (Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin). The nucleotide sequences encoding major and minor coat proteins of 9 SbDV isolates collected from Illinois and Wisconsin soybean fields were determined and compared to those of 12 SbDV isolates from clover from Illinois and Wisconsin. The minor coat proteins, putative aphid transmission determinants, of 4 of 9 soybean isolates contained an NVP amino acid sequence motif compared to only 2 of 12 for clover isolates. In transmission assays using A. glycines, a SbDV isolate with an NVP motif was reproducibly transmitted among two Japanese soybean lines (Itachi and Koganejiro). Transmission of SbDV to Williams 82 by A. glycines has not been detected. Current management recommendations for BPMV are based upon bean leaf beetle suppression by foliar application of an insecticide at the F0 and F1 generation of the bean leaf beetle. Insecticide seed treatments were tested over three years for efficacy and data suggested seed seed treatment insecticide may substitute and be superior for the F0 foliar application. Studies reveal that integrated management of both BPMV and soybean mosaic virus (SMV) by vector suppression is not possible, probably because of different phenologies of the vectors that transmit the disease (BPMV  beetles; SMV  aphids). The recent introduction of the soybean aphid does not seem to have a large impact on SMV management. For both BPMV and SMV, identification and incorporation of disease resistance appears to be the best disease control tactic. Virginia reported on pyramiding SMV resistance genes and use of marker assisted selection to stack Rsv1, Rsv 3, and Rsv 4 into the susceptible cultivar Essex, creating one, two or three Rsv1 loci for observing background and epistatic effects. In two and three gene isolines, Rsv1Rsv3, Rsv1Rsv4, and Rsv1Rsv3Rsv4 acted in a complementary manner and conferred a high level of resistance to all strains of SMV tested. However, isolines of Rsv3Rsv4 displayed late susceptibility to some strains of SMV. Research was continued to determine how Soybean mosaic virus (SMV) escapes detection by the Rsv1 gene. A number of mutations in HC-Pro that in conjunction with P3 from virulent strains allow for adaptation of avirulent SMV-N derived chimeras to Rsv1-genotype soybeans. This research will contribute to understanding and prediction of durability of the naturally occurring Rsv1 and Rsv3 disease resistance genes to SMV. , Seed transmission of SMV and AMV were studied in Illinois and Wisconsin, respectively. SMV is transmitted differing among soybean germplasm. Full-length infectious clones were constructed and sequenced of SMV 413. The transmission phenotypes of the SMV 413 clones were indistinguishable from the parent virus. Experiments have been initiated to identify viral determinants of seed transmission of SMV. Isolates of AMV differed in the degree of seed transmission in a common soybean variety. Several states are involved with methods to evaluate soybean germplasm for response to BPMV and SMV in field and greenhouse environments. Criteria are disease symptoms, pod number and seeds/pod and analysis of BPMV titer (Ohio and South Dakota). Using relative antigen content of seed as determined by ELISA and seed coat mottling, virus incidence was shown to be highly correlated with relative antigen content (R2 = 0.77). Field tolerance was identified in several soybean lines (Iowa and Wisconsin). Preliminary experiments were conducted to determine whether soybean mRNAs could be targeted for degradation by small RNAs produced during degradation of BPMV by soybean innate resistance responses. The accumulation of a subset of these mRNAs was significantly reduced in BPMV-infected plants. In addition, cleavage proximal to regions of BPMV complimentarily was detected in six of 19 downregulated soybean mRNAs. (Illinois). Alternative approaches are necessary to identify resistance genes for which traditional methods have been difficult. One method is the development and utilization of efficient reverse genetic tools. In this approach, the expression of a known gene or gene sequence is altered and the plant appearance resulting from the altered gene expression is investigated. The approach is being investigated for identification of resistance pathways in soybean (Iowa). Studies were conducted on soybean accessions resistant to the two known biotypes of the soybean aphid (Ohio). Three plant introductions (PIs) (PI 243540, PI 567301B, and PI 567324) were identified as resistant while six PIs were identified as moderately resistant. PI 243540 displayed strong antibiosis resistance such that SA was unable to survive on this PI in a no-choice test. The other two resistant PIs possessed mainly antixenosis type resistance. PI 243540 and PI 567301B were also resistant to the SA isolate from Illinois. NCERA 200 Business Meeting: The next NCERA200 meeting is scheduled for October 30 and 31, 2008 in Ames, Iowa. A location will be named later. David Wright was elected secretary. NCERA200 officers for 2008 will be Craig Grau, president, Loren Giesler, vice-president, and David Wright, secretary. See attachment for full annual report


Accomplishments: During 2007, the NCERA200 project facilitated the collaboration of scientists in the North Central region in the analysis of soybean-virus-vector bilateral and trilateral interactions. For example, the structure established by NCERA200 allowed M. R. Hajimorad (University of Tennessee) to finalize the assembly of a large set of AMV isolates that included isolates from Illinois, Indiana, Ohio, Wisconsin, Tennessee and Virginia. The AMV isolates will be used to test and develop diagnostic reagents that will be used by other scientist in the region. In addition, the structure afforded by NCERA200 facilitated the exchange of data generated by a grant that was funded by the North Central Soybean Research Program. Plans for coming year: The next NCERA 200 meeting is scheduled for October 30 and 31, 2008 in Ames, Iowa. A location will be named later. The officers of NCERA 200 will plan for a soybean virus symposium. Efforts will be made to publicize the symposium among a wider range of potential attendees. The NCERA 200 committee will continue to coordinate research on virus and their vectors for management of pest and disease in the North Central region. Where appropriate, the committee will work to develop consistent information sets for distribution through print and electronic media.


  1. Enhance interaction among scientists in the North Central region who are engaged in fundamental and applied soybean virus research
  2. Establish media for effective dissemination & communication of information about the incidence, identification, and management of soybean virus diseases in the N.C. region. A three-year grant from the N.C. Soybean Research Program entitled Mitigating the effects of soybean virus disease in the North Central States was funded. Investigators on the project are John Hill, Craig Grau, Reza Hajimorad, Said Ghabrial, Marie Langham, Leslie Domier, Glen Hartman, Peg Redinaugh and Vern Damsteegt. Total budget is $180,000. Objectives are to: (1) improve diagnostic capabilities for selected soybean viruses, (2) determine source, movement, and risk of Soybean dwarf virus, and (3) identify sources of tolerance/resistance to important soybean viruses.


Bradshaw, J., Rice, M., and Hill, J. 2007. Digital analysis of surface area: effects of shape, resolution, and size. J. Kan. Ent. Soc. 80:339-347.. Bradshaw, J., Rice, M., and Hill, J. 2007. No-choice preference of Cerotoma trifurcata (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) to potentially perennial host plants of Bean pod mottle virus (Comoviridae) in Iowa. J. Econ. Ent. 100:808-814. Bradshaw, Jeffrey D., Marlin E. Rice, and John H. Hill. 2007. Seed treatments in soybean: Managing bean beetles. ICM-498:123-124. Bradshaw, Jeffrey D., Marlin E. Rice, and John H. Hill. 2007. Seed treatments in soybean: Managing bean pod mottle virus. ICM-498:133-134. Domier, L. L., Hobbs, H. A., Wang, Y., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Genetics of seed transmission of Soybean mosaic virus. Phytopathology 97:S29. Domier, L. L., Steinlage, T. A., Hobbs, H. A., Wang, Y., Herrera-Rodriguez, G., Haudenshield, J. S., McCoppin, N. K., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Similarities in seed and aphid transmission among Soybean mosaic virus isolates. Plant Disease 91:546-550. Eggenberger, A. L., M. R. Hajimorad, and J. H. Hill. 2007. Gain of virulence by an avirulent strain of Soybean mosaic virus on Rsv1-genotype soybean requires concurrent mutations in both P3 and HC-Pro. Phytopathology 97:S31. Hill, John H., Grau, Craig, R., and Cullen, Eileen. 2007. Recent study brings good news about the soybean aphid. ICM-498:84. Hill, J.H., Koval, N.C., Gaska, J.M., and Grau, C.R. 2007. Identification of field tolerance to Bean pod mottle and Soybean mosaic viruses in soybean. Crop Sci. 47: 212-218 Kim, K. S., Hill, C. B., Hartman, G. L., Mian, M. A., and Diers, B.W . 2007. Discovery of soybean aphid biotypes. Crop Science (in press). Kopisch-Obuch, F.J., Koval, N.C., Mueller, E.M., Paine, C., Grau, C.R., and Diers, B.W. 2007. Inheritance of resistance to Alfalfa mosaic virus in soybean plant introduction PI 153282. Crop Sci. Accepted for publication Langham, M., Tolin, S., Sutula, C. Schwartz, H., Wisler, G., Karasev, A., Hershman, D., Gisler, L., Golod, J., Ratcliffe, S., Cardwell, K. 2007. Legume/Virus PIPE - A new tool for disease management in legumes. (Abstr.) Phytopathology 97:S61. Li, Y., Hill, C. B., Carlson, S. R., Diers, B. W., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. Soybean aphid resistance genes in the soybean cultivars Dowling and Jackson map to linkage group M. Molecular Breeding 19:25-34. Lim, H. S., Ko, T. S., Hobbs, H. A., Lambert, K. N., Yu, J. M., McCoppin, N. K., Korban, S. S., Hartman, G. L., and Domier, L. L. 2007. Soybean mosaic virus helper component-protease alters leaf morphology and reduces seed production in transgenic soybean plants. Phytopathology 97:366-372. Mueller, E.E., and Grau, C.R. 2007. Seasonal progression, symptom development, and yield effects of Alfalfa mosaic virus epidemics on soybean in Wisconsin. Plant Dis. 91:266-272 Pedersen, P., Grau, C., Cullen, E., Koval, N., and Hill, J.H. 2007. Potential for integrated management of soybean virus disease. Plant Dis. 91:1255-1259. Rice, Marlin E., Bradshaw, Jeffrey, D., and Hill, John H. 2007. Revisiting an integrated approach to bean leaf beetle and bean pod mottle virus management. ICM-498:87-88. Saghai Maroof, M. A., Jeong, S. C., Gunduz, I., Tucker, D. M., Buss, G. R., and Tolin, S. A. 2008. Pyramiding of Soybean mosaic virus resistance genes by marker-assisted selection. Crop Science (in press). Thekkeveetil, T., and Domier, L. L. 2007. Sequence diversity of read through protein of Midwestern isolates of Soybean dwarf virus. Phytopathology 97:S114. Thekkeveetil, T., Hobbs, H. A., Wang, Y., Kridelbaugh, D., Donnelly, J., Hartman, G. L., and Domier, L. L. 2007. First report of Soybean dwarf virus in soybean in northern Illinois. Plant Disease (in press). Zhang, C., A. L. Eggenberger, M. R. Hajimorad, S. Tsang, and J. H. Hill. 2007. The N terminal Soybean mosaic virus (CI) is required for SMV virulence and is a symptom determinant on Rsv3 genotype soybean. Phytopathology 97:S129. Zhang, C., S. Whitham, and J. Hill. 2007. Development of a high throughput Bean pod mottle virus (BPMV) based gene expression and VIGS vector for soybean host pathogen interaction study. Phytopathology 97:S129.
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