SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Balagtas, Joseph - Purdue University; Chung, Chanjin - Oklahoma State University; Doyon, Maurice - Laval University; Green, Catherine - BC Dairy Foundation; Hargreaves, Paul - BC Dairy Foundation; Kaiser, Harry - Cornell University; Kanter, Chris - Cornell University; Kim, Jonghoon - Oklahoma State University; Kinnucan, Henry - Auburn University; MacDonald, Ian - Dairy Farmers of Canada; Mengel, John - USDA, AMS, Dairy Programs; Miller, Melanie - The Sugar Association; Rusmevichientong, Pimbucha - Cornell University; Suess, Amy - BC Dairy Foundation; Xie, Jinghua - Auburn University; Zheng, Yuqing - Cornell University

See attached minutes.


The theme of the Fall 2007 NECC063 semi-annual meeting was "Branded and Generic Dairy Promotion: New Strategies, New Methods." There were three sessions. The first session, "Dairy Promotion in Canada and the United States," included five paper presentations focusing on location-association quality claims on food labels, generic advertising and promotion, consumer preferences for milk and asymmetric advertising response. The second session, "Export Promotion," included four presentations on economic anaylses of various export promotion programs. The third session was a round table discussion on current checkoff issues led by a panel of industry representatives. The information and discussions from the NECC063 conferences provide valuable input into public and private decision making. Continual participation in the projects by private and public representatives demonstrates the value they place on this activity.



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