SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Ann Ferguson - APHIS/USDA - Wasilla, AK; Barry Jacobsen - University of Montana; Bill Coli - University of Massachusetts; Carolyn Pickel - University of California-Davis - Yuba City, CA; Charles Knight - Alaska Division of Agriculture - Fairbanks, AK; Corlene Rose - University of Alaska-Fairbanks - Anchorage, AK; Douglas Walsh - Washington State University - Prosser, WA; Ed Bechinski - University of Idaho; Joe DeFrancesco - Oregon State University; Linda Herbst - University of California-Davis; Marion Murray - Utah State University; Mark Schmaedick - American Samoa Community College - Pago Pago, AS; Marty Draper - CSREES/USDA - Fairfax, VA; Milt McGiffen -University of California-Riverside; Ned Tisserat - Colorado State University - Loveland, CO; Peter Ellsworth - University of Arizona - Maricopa, AZ; Peter Goodell - University of California-Davis - Parlier, CA; Rick Melnicoe - University of California-Davis; Robert Mahler - University of Idaho; Robert Schlub - University of Guam - Mangilao, Guam; Tom Holtzer - Colorado State University; Tom Jahns - University of Alaska-Fairbanks - Soldotna, AK;

Brief Summary of Meeting Minutes May 20, 2008 8:00 AM - Chair Tom Jahns called the meeting to order and began the meeting with opening remarks from University of Alaska-Fairbanks Interim Associate Provost and CES Director, Peter Pinney 8:15 AM - Marty Draper gave CSREES Update. * Farm Bill has not been passed, so the budget is still uncertain. * All Hatch Funds will be moved into multi-state competitive funding. All Smith-Lever 3-d funds will change into "Formula Grant Opportunities" with a yearly application required for grant funding. * eXention has federal support and is expected to receive double its current funding. * In the future, IPM must broaden out beyond cropping systems to encompass "Community of Practice" for horticultural Natural Systems and Animal Systems (National Plant Management Systems). * IPM Centers can apply for funds for specific problems through Critical/Emerging Needs for Pests & Disease. There are also NIPMU proposal monies available to assist in non-traditional systems for immediate needs (crops at risk), not long term monies. Apply for Risk Avoidance Mitigation for longer term funding. * To show program accountability the formula funding agency people need to receive success stories. WERA069 success stories should be highlighted quarterly and passed up the chain (one sheet-electronic newsletter). * The presentations from this (WERA-069) Annual Meeting should be posted on the WIPM Center web site with a new WERA069 tab added to this site (as stated in original plan of work). 9:15 AM - Bernie Karl, co-owner of meeting site resort, gave a welcome and a quick over-view of his geo-thermal development efforts. 9:25 AM - Tom Holtzer gave Administrative Advisor Report * Sixty-day window for annual report development * WERA-069 needs 3rd year project review * WERA-069 is doing a good job, keep it up 9:30 AM - Bill Coli gave IPM Logic Model Development Update * Bill chairs the nation IPM Evaluation Working Group * They have created a website to assist in development of standardized impact indicators * Bill requested assistance in supplying indicators for IPM Guidelines for creation of their website * Additional time was requested in the afternoon to continue discussion 10:15 AM - Participant Introductions 10:30 AM - Break 10:45 AM - Peter Ellsworth updated the group on his Spatially Explicit Adoption of IPM Guidelines Work * This worked focused on the use of neoniconids and how resistance develops in crops * Results indicated that the use of insect growth regulators or non-pyrethroid materials help in balancing resistance * Their research also shows that multi crop areas can get by with fewer insecticides while a single cropping area requires constant or consistent use 11:30 AM - Joe DeFrancesco filled in for Paul Jepson in discussing their Group's Weather Data/Phenology Modeling Work * Their work showcased Oregon's degree-day models that can be used to predict insect stage development * Their model is accessible via 12 Noon - Bob Mahler proposed a Western Region Water Quality/WIPM Center Program for 2010 or beyond 12:15 PM - Corlene Rose introduced the group to the Alaska IPM Program Highlights included Alaska's unique relationships with state and federal agencies 12:45 PM - Lunch was served 2:00 PM - Geo-Thermal Greenhouse Tour 4:00 PM - Bill Coli - IPM Logic Model Continuation * Charting Impacts to reduce off-site pesticide movement * Feedback requested for website development * NASS no longer in pesticide surveying business (data 10+ years old). Potential for grants on crop by crop basis to standardize impact list utilized across commodities for reduced pesticide usage. 5:00 PM - Aurora Ice Museum Tour May 21, 2008 8:00 AM - The group reconvened 8:05 AM - State Reports - Verbal reports were given by representatives from each state summarizing their written reports of recent research, Extension and educational activities: (See "Meeting Participants" above) 10:00 AM - Break 10:15 AM - Alaska IPM Partnership Success Stories * USFS - Dr. Steve Patterson (Anchorage Bowl Urban Forestry IPM) * APHIS - Dr. Ann Ferguson (Introduced Species) Alaska Div. of Ag - Dr. Charlie Knight (Gypsy Moth Trapping Program) 11:00 AM - ARS Update - Alaska IPM Activities * Dr. Dennis Fielding: Entomology/Weed Control * Dr. Lori Winton: Plant Pathology 12:00 Noon - Tom Holtzer - WERA-069 Awareness and Meeting the Mission 2009 IPM Symposium offers a great opportunity for involving Ag Experiment Station representation * Annual Report is due in 60 days * 3rd Year Impact Statements need to be filed by July 1, 2008 12:15 PM - Doug Walsh - Plans for 2009 Meeting and Beyond * Our next meeting is tenatively scheduled for the day prior to the start of the National IPM Symposium in Portland, OR - 2009. Details to follow. 12:30 PM - Lunch and Program Closure


(More detailed and extensive information can be found in an attachment to the Minutes.) Alaska The Alaska Integrated Pest Management (IPM) Program is a collaborative, grant funded, statewide outreach program - serving Alaskans for over 25 years. The AK IPM Program supports the CSREES IPM Roadmap and UAF-CES missions and goals through dissemination of knowledge, education and community service both statewide and regionally. A few examples include: * Six funded seasonal IPM Pest Scout positions strategically placed statewide that address the following activities: Gypsy Moth & Exotic Lepidoptera monitoring; WPDN 1st Detectors; Amber-Marked Birch Leaf Miner Biological Control Project and WERA069 Program Participation * Delivery of educational programs to disseminate research-based knowledge to 10,000-14,000 Alaskans annually, including: professional pest-control operators, home gardeners, commercial agriculture and horticulture clients, home & property owners, community groups & organizations, youth & volunteer groups, university departments and the general public * An Alaska IPM & Invasive Weeds Website was developed and brought on-line in FY 2007: to further enhance our IPM outreach for Alaskan clientele. American Samoa IPM efforts in 2007 focused on control of disease-carrying mosquitoes, identification of pest problems through the plant clinic service, monitoring for new occurrences of exotic pests, biological control, and introduction and promotion of disease-resistant taro and banana cultivars. * In response to an outbreak of dengue fever, mosquito control information was disseminated by the college and local government agencies to the general public through television, newspaper, radio, and printed brochures. The control information could be tailored to the local environment and the locally important vector species as a result of IPM research conducted over the last several years with assistance of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the American Samoa Department of Health. Plant clinic services assisted extension agents and residents with pest and disease diagnoses and control recommendations. * At least two important new pest occurrences were detected, however. The Cuban slug, Veronicella cubensis, was found to have spread from Tutuila to Ta'u Island; and the cotton lace bug, Corythucha gossypii, was reported from Tutuila for the first time. Efforts continued towards finding a biological control solution to the Seychelles scale problem on Ta'u Island, and in evaluating efficacy of reduced-risk insecticides for vegetable pests. * The tissue culture and plant pathology laboratories continued evaluation, selection, multiplication, and promotion of disease-resistant taro and banana varieties to improve food security and reduce fungicide inputs in production of these key dietary staples. Arizona All IPM programs at the University of Arizona (UA) are organized within the Arizona Pest Management Center (APMC,, an umbrella organization directed by an IPM Coordinating Committee made up of UA faculty and stakeholders from across the state with expertise in entomology, plant pathology and weed science. Within each focal area (Pest Detection & Diagnostics, Agricultural IPM, Community IPM, IPM Assessment, and Pesticide Education), program teams actively develop, manage, support and implement UA's IPM programs. * The APMC coordinates an internal IPM grants program with 3(d) funds, to help support faculty IPM research and extension activities. 2007 projects (summarized on our website at included seed funding for research on native and invasive pest management, support for stakeholder meetings and communication, IPM education and outreach, and a significant investment into IPM assessment. These projects are leveraged by state-funded working groups and by considerable external grants including APMC operations funds and stakeholder engagement projects through the Western IPM Center (WIPMC). We estimate total competitive funds generated through the APMC organizational structure now exceed $3.5 million. * A major focus of the APMC is IPM Assessment. In 2007, we further developed and refined a pesticide-use reporting (PUR) database and expanded our Crop Insect Losses and Impact Assessment program to collect "real world" pest management and economic data on some of our most important crops. These data sources are essential to tracking our progress in implementation of IPM and reduced-risk pest management strategies in agriculture, and also provide quantitative data for responding to Federal pesticide information requests, a program managed by the APMC and implemented through the Arid Southwest IPM Network (, a multi-state network funded through the WIPMC. * New activities for FY 2007 included a large regional geo-spatial sampling program for Lygus in cotton and surrounding communities and development of a multi-state evaluation of Lygus extension efforts (both linked to a USDA RAMP grant); sampling and research in response to a new disease threat in melons (Cucurbit Yellow Stunting Disorder Virus or CYSDV); hosting the 2007 WERA-069 IPM meeting; and developing plans for a Desert Turf PMSP in 2008. California UC IPM continues to provide high quality, science based information to the citizens of California. * A major accomplishment this year was the launch of our Urban and Community IPM Program and an expansion into a new IPM arena. This outreach provided IPM support to professional clientele including structural pest control operators, landscape maintenance professionals, and maintenance gardeners and many public agencies are involved in managing pests in public parks, golf courses, and buildings. Other groups include retail employees who sell pesticides, pet groomers, commercial building managers, schools, and day care centers. The program trains Master Gardeners, and supports UCCE Environmental Horticulture Advisors, through educational activities, expertise coordination and training. A major accomplishment was the development of IPM Kiosks that can be deployed at fairs, retail nurseries, libraries or CE offices. The kiosk is a self-contained, touch screen computer that provides easy to understand IPM information for the homeowner and can be printed as a "Quick Tip", a short concise abstract on specific pest management approaches. * Educational and reference publications are a main stay of UC IPM. During 2007, a wide variety of print and web-based publications were developed including year-round IPM programs for apricot, avocado, citrus, pear, potato, strawberry, tomato, and walnut, bringing the total to 16. Pest Management Guidelines that were revised in 2007 include strawberries, avocado, potato, citrus, dry beans and tomato. UC IPM's contributions to IPM were recognized by the California Department of Pesticide Regulation's IPM Innovator Awards for Almond IPM and Healthy Lawns and Gardens. UC IPM provided a comprehensive IPM training workshop for NRCS staff in support of the IPM & natural resource conservation program. * Other highlights can be found at Colorado Colorado State University is a leader in research on the ecology and biological control of invasive weeds and in IPM practices to reduce crop losses from insects, weeds and plant pathogens. Faculty in the department of Bioagricultural Sciences and Pest Management are currently training 46 Master's and PhD students in various aspects of IPM and pest ecology. CSU also has a strong outreach program and has initiated novel approaches to reach growers and IPM practitioners. It collaborates with public and private agencies to implement IPM programs. * Diagnostics Four state diagnostic labs identified over 3,000 plant pest and structural pest samples in 2007. CSU implemented a web-based Plant Disease Information System (PDIS) developed for the NPDN to help archive diagnostic records on a national scale. The Colorado Center for Crop Biosecurity, in cooperation with the USDA CAPS program, has conducted surveys for other pests including exotic bark beetles, white pine blister rust, gypsy moth, exotic fruit pests, wheat nematodes, potato cyst nematodeand old world bollworm. A digitized collection of 7,000 agricultural production and pest management images has been compiled for use in agricultural technology transfer products released on CD-ROM and for illustration of integrated pest management and best management practice programs. This image library has now been incorporated into the University of Georgia's Bugwood collection. * Projects Supported by IPM Funds (highlights of 3 of a total of 5) Booklet on identification of weeds in seedling stage, (Dr. Scott Nissen). Dr. Nissen has published a 75-page pamphlet designed to help growers and consultants identify weeds in the seedling stage. IPM funds were provided to help cover the cost of a second addition. Precision GPS Mapping, Monitoring, and Integrated Management of Key Invasive Plants on Riparian Sites in Boulder County, (Dr. Phil Westra, Weed Scientist; Dr. Raj Khosla, GPS Specialist; and Dr. Andrew Norton, Biocontrol Specialist). This project involves creating GPS referenced maps of key invasive plants such as leafy spurge, Russian olive, salt cedar, and Eurasian watermilfoil in riparian areas of Boulder County. We will initiate control and removal activities in key demonstration areas with the goal of creating zones where restoration with desirable plant species can begin. Where possible, integrated management of invasive plants will be initiated with multiple tactics, including use of biocontrol agents. This project will be the first phase of what we view as a long-term project of 3-5 years to commit significant resources from the CSU program to address invasive plant species in Boulder County. IDevelopment of a Multi-access Electronic Key for Identification of Arthropods, Diseases and Abiotic Problems of Small Grains (Dr. N. Tisserat, W. Lanier). Our goal is to provide growers, crop advisors, extension agents, diagnosticians and others associated with crop production with multi-entry, multi-media, commodity-based electronic keys to aid in the diagnosis and management of crop problems. These keys, which differ significantly from dichotomous keys, would facilitate rapid and accurate field/lab identification and provide links to information on IPM strategies for managing the targeted pest. We believe that if a producer is provided with an integrated, easily accessed diagnostic tool that is directly linked to the most up-to-date IPM recommendations, they are more likely to adopt and implement those management practices. * Information Delivery Colorado participated in the development of the High Plains IPM guide. This web-based guide ( is intended to provide current effective management options for insect and other arthropod pests, and for plant pathogens affecting all major field crops grown in Colorado, Montana, Wyoming, and western Nebraska. Chemical and non-chemical control practices, when available, are described in detail for individual pests and pathogens. Several IPM publications were developed in 2004. The publication 'Insects and Diseases of Woody Plants in the Central Rockies' was revised and reprinted in 2004 with 1,500 copies distributed. An IPM handbook entitled 'Pest Problems in the Home Landscape', targeted for homeowners and Green industry is currently being printed. The second edition of the regional 'Dry Bean Production and Integrated Pest Management' was released in 2004. A book, entitled 'Garden Insects of North America' by Dr. Whitney Cranshaw was printed in 2004. A publication on turf diseases was written by Ned Tisserat and Barb Corwin. Guam The Plant Diagnostic and IPM Education Center is now in its second year and is making headway in becoming a comprehensive center with a fully equipped lab and full time diagnostician. This has been accomplished through the leveraging of personal and financial resources of Cooperative Extension, Western Plant Diagnostic Network, and various USDA-CSREES grants. The Center's ability to act as a conduit for pest and disease identification for Guam and the region and its ability to provide environmentally friendly integrated pest management strategies have improved this past year. Many of the Center's activities are also linked to the Western Plant Diagnostic Network, PestNet, and the Pacific Islands Distance Diagnostics and Recommendation System. The Center provided support to University extension agents and 4H Program, farmers, plant nurseries, golf courses, students, instructors, Guam Plant Inspection Station, Guam EPA, and the general public. A few highlights are below: Through the Center's educational and technical support programs, Guam's private citizens, government agencies, farmers, teachers, and schoolchildren are made aware of the common pest problems on Guam and where to turn for advice. * The Center took the lead role in invasive species pest identification by coordinating an annual WPDN First Detector workshop and training session. Fifty participants from various agencies and the public including EPA, Guam Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension, and Plant Inspection Station attended Guam's Third WPDN First Detector Training course. Ninety-five percent of participants passed the test to become First Detectors. Ninety-five percent of the 50 participants surveyed stated that the workshop had increased their capacity to identify plant pests and to follow procedures related to invasive species reporting. The Center's role of technical pest support is perhaps its most important function and enables Guam to rapidly respond to new pests and diseases. * In 2007, approximately 245 plant disease samples were received by the University of Guam plant pathologists - 145 from Guam Plant Inspection Station (PPQ), and 100 from private citizens and University of Guam extension and research professionals. New plant disease records include crown gall of ficus, black leaf spot of breadfruit, leaf spot of tangantangan, rust on sweetsop, and leaf shot hole of noni. Four diseased plant images were submitted to Pacific Islands Distance Diagnostics and Recommendation System (PIDDRS) for evaluation. * The Center also implemented a new program to help local farmers, with the theme "fighting pest problems through improving plant health." Farmers are given on-site instruction through actual demonstrations in their crops on the use of microirrigation equipment including fertigators and tensiometers, plant sap nutrient analysis field kits, and soil fertility field kits. Idaho Statewide outreach in IPM during 2007 at the University of Idaho was conducted through the collaborative efforts of 35 County Extension Educators and 17 State Extension Specialists organized into "Topic Teams," integrated working groups charged with the planning, implementation and evaluation of subject-matter or issue-based research and outreach programs. Teams with IPM objectives and activities during 2007 included Cereals (wheat and barley), Commercial/Consumer Horticulture, Forages, "Other" Commercial Crops (alfalfa seed and hops), Pesticide Safety Education Program, Potatoes, Small Acreage/Emerging Crops, Sugarbeets and Range Management. With the exception of the University of Idaho Extension IPM Coordinator (E. J. Bechinski), teams did not receive direct financial operational support for IPM programming from the USDA-CSREES Smith-Lever 3(d) Extension IPM Program. Together these nine faculty teams delivered statewide IPM training to nearly 11,000 people. Our educational programs included formal conferences, workshops and intensive short-courses as well as in-the-field demonstrations, trials, tours and fields days at 33 of Idaho's 44 counties: Ada, Adams, Bannock, Bear Lake, Benewah, Bingham, Blaine, Bonneville, Boundary, Canyon, Caribou, Cassia, Clark, Custer, Elmore, Franklin, Fremont, Gooding, Idaho, Jefferson, Kootenai, Latah, Madison, Minidoka, Nez Perce, Oneida, Owyhee, Payette, Power, Shoshone, Teton Twin Falls and Washington. News releases, newsletters, articles in popular trade journals, public-access television, websites and other mass media approaches reached hundreds of thousands of Idahoans. University of Idaho Cooperative Extension annually convenes a series of winter commodity schools that provide IPM training opportunities for growers, crop consultants, ag industry field staff and others who advise farmers about pests and pesticides. Significant training venues during 2007 about pest management in cereal crops, forages, potatoes and sugarbeets - our common cropping rotational system - were the UI Potato Conference, UI Snake River Sugarbeet Conference, regional Cereal Schools, and the Idaho Alfalfa and Forage Conference. Subject matter at these conferences included identification and biology of pests and beneficials, field scouting and degree-day forecasting, action thresholds, biological control practices, cultural alternatives to pesticides (such as crop rotations, cover crop systems, pest-resistant varieties and irrigation scheduling), and judicious pesticide use. Major statewide conferences sponsored by other agencies that featured IPM training by University of Idaho extension and research faculty included these: (1) Idaho Crop Production Association - Fertilizer & Chemical Conference; (2) Idaho Horticulture and Nursery Association - Idaho Horticulture Convention; (3) Idaho Weed Control Association - Idaho Weed Symposium. Horticultural IPM training for backyard gardeners as well as for professional landscape and nursery industry staff continued during 2007. County Extension Educators and State Extension Specialists especially provided IPM training about disease, insect and weed problems in home gardens and urban landscapes to statewide Master Gardener volunteers, who in turn consulted one-on-one with literally tens of thousands of homeowners across Idaho. Montana The Montana IPM Program is programmatically based on four objectives: 1. To optimize grower profitability through the use of appropriate pest management techniques; 2. Develop sustainable IPM programs for Montana citizens that consider environmental issues and risks; 3. Demonstrate IPM techniques through on-farm trials and educational programs; and 4. Encourage implementation of IPM strategies. The following 2007-2008 activities support these objectives: To optimize grower profitability through the use of appropriate pest management techniques. A few highlights: * Chick Pea-Damping-off A project was conducted in 2007 to assess the effectiveness of biological and fungicide seed treatments for the management of damping off of kabuli and desi chickpeas. Three biological products (Kodiak, Yield Shield, and T-22) and two fungicides (Apron and Maxim) were field tested at three locations in Montana (Bozeman, Huntley, and Sidney). Apron was the only seed treatment to increase germination relative to the untreated control at more than one location. No seed treatment effects were seen on yield. This research indicates growers wishing to grow chickpeas organically should use best management practices but the biological seed treatments tested were not effective. Conventional chickpea growers should use a fungicide seed treatment using Apron to ensure good plant stands and reduce the need for herbicides for weed control. * Haanchen mealybug The Haanchen mealybug (Trionymus haancheni McKenzie) has been present in Idaho since 2003 when severe outbreaks caused over five million dollars in yield losses on small grains. Since then Montana has been on the lookout for this pest, with low level infestations first appearing in 2006 within Teton County. This outbreak expanded in 2007, with densities present on irrigated barley systems within Teton, Pondera, Glacier, and Flathead counties. This has caused widespread concern of potential yield loss, economic thresholds, and a need for control measures which could reduce populations of this pest definitively. Field research demonstrated that insecticide provided only 60% control whereas spring tillage provided the best control strategy for suppressing and potentially controlling future Haanchen mealybug outbreaks without alternating to a non-susceptible crop. * Sugarbeet Curly Top Because of new virus strains and reduced levels of resistance in varieties available to growers, we applied for a Section 18 clearance for Poncho seed treatment. Research in MT and ID was used to get the emergency permit. This treatment was used on 50% of acreage in our Western Sugar Factory district (15,000 acres) and based on 2007 research this treatment resulted in $280/acre more income to MT producers. In 2008, nearly 100% of seed was treated. Examples of sustainable IPM programs for Montana citizens that consider environmental issues and risks: * Sugarbeet Symposium Twelve hours of pest management training was provided to 475 growers and agribusiness personnel at a 1.5 day meeting that covered sugarbeet pests and pests of crops such as barley, wheat, corn, dry beans, safflower, soybean and alfalfa that are grown in rotation with sugarbeets in MT under irrigation. Topic covered impacts on water quality, worker protection, and implementation of IPM for irrigated crops. * IPM Workshop Thirty-six hours of IPM training were provided to 48 farmers, county agents and agribusiness personnel. Training covered pesticide safety, mycotoxins, water quality and IPM and fertility management for small grains, forage crops, corn and specialty crops such as camellina. Encourage implementation of IPM strategies: * Farmers Market Clinics * Mycotoxin Workshop Oregon The Oregon State IPM Program, housed within the Integrated Plant Protection Center (IPPC), has continued to develop and deliver IPM tools and services and provide funding and other forms of support for IPM stakeholders in Oregon In 2007, some highlights include 1) development of a weather-based IPM decision support system for the 48 contiguous states, in Beta testing form, that provides state of the art forecasts for the Pacific Northwest states, 2) delivery of a new IPM Farm-scale planning and IPM record keeping outreach program to a series of commodities and regions in Oregon, and 3) development and delivery of new decision support tools and outreach programs in conservation biological control and pollinator protection, in partnership with the Xerces Society for Invertebrate Conservation The IPPC provided $552,038 to IPM stakeholders beyond its own programs in FY 2007. Utah The 2007 Utah IPM Extension program reached thousands of clients through efforts in outreach and research. Examples: * The IPM pest advisory service, which has been in existence to help tree fruit growers for almost 10 years, has grown in content and clientele. A new advisory (for landscape pests) was added and the material included in each weekly report was expanded to include images, articles, and other timely information. A self-subscription service was adopted, and in 2007, the number of subscribers to the tree fruit edition expanded from 300 to almost 1,000, while the new landscape pest advisory has almost 300 new subscribers. To generate the information in each advisory, the IPM project leader scouts 7 tree fruit and 6 landscape locations in northern Utah, and manages 11 volunteer scouts for tree fruits, and 2 for landscapes. * The Utah Pests Website and other written publications have also been well-received. The Website continues to be expanded with hundreds of images in its searchable image gallery. "Utah Pests News", a quarterly newsletter launched in 2007, now reaches approximately 3,000 individuals, and is available as a subscription email service, or on the Utah Pests Web site. It features relevant pest news pertinent to citizens of Utah, recent research activities, and spotlights success stories, such as growers practicing IPM. The Utah IPM program has also added approximately 23 new fact sheets in 2007. The fact sheets support the diagnostic information the Utah Plant Pest Diagnostic Lab sends to clientele, are read extensively on-line, are available in garden centers, Extension offices, city offices, and other locations across the state. Washington Agricultural producers and public and private property managers in Washington State face an uncertain future with respect to pest management options. In the ten years since FQPA was enacted, EPA has succeeded in reassessing 99% of the required food tolerances of pesticides that pose the greatest risk to human health; implementation of these reassessment decisions continued through 2007 and beyond. By the beginning of FY 2007, EPA had started a new program called registration review which will re-evaluate each active ingredient regularly every 15 years This legislative mandate and the mandated riparian buffers to protect endangered aquatic species from pesticide exposure have resulted in numerous discontinued or severely restricted pesticide registrations. Despite this regulatory quagmire producers are gaining a better appreciation of the importance of preserving beneficial arthropods and other non-target species. Examples: * IPM extension and research activities include pest monitoring, crop injury assessments, pest identification, studies on alternative control technologies and efficacy studies on alternatives to conventional pesticides. Data from the 2007 WSU Online Review and Query System (WORQS) database indicate that over 126 WSU faculty, administrative/professionals and staff from nine centers or departments were involved in IPM projects. In recent years, WSU IPM activities have placed more emphasis on small farm operations and reaching underserved groups of people, including Southeast Asian and the Hispanic growers and ranchers. * There are other significant sources of funding for WSU-IPM activities besides the Smith Lever 3(d) allocation Washington State receives annually. Many commodity-based groups in Washington State provide resources to support IPM research The Washington State legislature provides funding for research on pesticides, alternatives to pesticides, and other pest management strategies. These funds will go toward IPM outreach and surveys of growers, farm workers, and other stakeholders to document changes in pest management practices, attitudes, and perceptions. These outreach programs are designed specifically to facilitate the growers' transition from high-risk azinphos-methyl-based codling moth control strategies to reduced risk alternative chemicals and alternative technologies. For the cattle IPM projects, additional resources come from special federal initiatives such as the Pest Management Alternatives Program and the Federal Crop Insurance Corporation Risk Management Agency partnership program. * The structure of the Agricultural IPM pages was revamped in 2007 to include more subpages to better reflect the 2006-2008 IPM Plan-of-Action areas of emphasis. Elsewhere on the Internet, virtually all the minor crops of Washington State can be accessed through WSCPR's new Washington Agriculture Project. The Washington Agriculture Project is the new and improved edition of the 1995 Washington Minor Crops Handbook. The PNW Pest Control Handbooks are all online and were updated for 2007. * Multiple commodity IPM educational outreach and demonstration activities were conducted during FY 2007 on local, state, multi-state, national, and international levels. A variety of IPM presentations addressed youth and the urban/suburban sectors. Updated IPM information was also delivered to mass audiences via various trade journals, newspapers, WSU publications, Extension Bulletins, newsletters, and research conferences and journals. The new MasterGardener magazine was launched in late FY 2007; MasterGardener magazine and its companion online version are published by GFG Publishing, a division of the Washington State Fruit Commission. * IR-4 research conducted at the WSU-Prosser station involved conducting magnitude-of-residue studies on specialty crops. In 2007, 15 IR-4 residue trials were completed on ten different crops. Twelve pesticides were tested with two insecticides assigned "reduced risk" status by the EPA in certain commodities. In 2007, several special registration letters of support were submitted and granted including acephate on mint; diflubenzuron on hybrid poplars; generic bifenthrin, bifenazate, acetamiprid and flonicamid on alfalfa seed; and permethrin (British Columbia) on wine grapes.


  1. A School IPM program has been initiated at the regional level partially through participation by WERA-069.
  2. Regional cooperation in IPM efforts have been initiated at WERA-069 meetings.
  3. The sharing of ideas among IPM developers and extenders has increased efficiency in the western US by reducing duplication of efforts across state lines. For example, research on effective school IPM in Arizona is used in other states in the implementation of local programs.
  4. WERA069‘s involvement in prioritization of research and extension IPM needs has contributed to the relevancy of the Western IPM Center‘s regional grants program and has contributed to the inclusion of western US pest management issues in the funding priorities of other federal agencies. Continued involvement is essential because pest management issues and solutions continue to evolve.
  5. Administrators of land-grant universities often use success stories in IPM as tangible examples of why the land-grant university system (a state and federal partnership) is important to their constituents.
  6. WERA members participated actively in a review of logic models of IPM Impact Assessment and committed to provide evaluative comments and suggest improvements to the National IPM Evaluation Group (NIPMEG) in support of its efforts to develop appropriate models for IPM programs.


Fact Sheets: Alston, Diane, and Marion Murray. Greater Peachtree Borer. ENT-103-07. February 2007. Alston, Diane and Marion Murray. Peach Twig Borer. ENT-036-07. April 2007. Alston, Diane and Marion Murray. Pear Psylla. ENT-062-07. August 2007. Evans, Kent, Clark Israelson, and Michael Pace. Alfalfa Stem Nematode. PLP-001. November 2007. Evans, Kent, Clark Israelson, Michale Pace, and James Barnhill. Wheat Stripe Rust. PLP-002. November 2007. Hodgson, Erin. Aphids in Alfalfa. ENT-108-07. July 2007. Hodgson, Erin. Armyworms and Cutworms in Turf. ENT-107-07. June 2007. Hodgson, Erin. Billbugs. ENT-106-07. June 2007. Hodgson, Erin. West Nile Virus in Utah. ENT-105-07. May 2007 Hodgson, Erin. Western Corn Rootworm. ENT-109-07PR. August 2007. Hodgson, Erin. White Grubs. ENT-104-07. March 2007. Hodgson, Erin, Alan Roe, and Jay Karren. Bedbugs. ENT-093-07. February 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Alan Roe. Cranberry Girdler. ENT-042-07. June 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Alan Roe. Hobo Spider. USU Extension Fact Sheet. ENT-086-07. May 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Alan Roe. Sod Webworms. ENT-044-07. June 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Alan Roe. Yellowjackets, Hornets and Paper Wasps. ENT-019-07. May 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Dan Drost. Asparagus Beetle and Spotted Asparagus Beetle. ENT-075-07PR. November 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Edward Evans. Cereal Leaf Beetle. ENT-084-07PR. December 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Michael Pace. Lygus Bug in Alfalfa Seed. ENT-110-07PR. September 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Ron Patterson. Beneficial Insects: Beetles. ENT-114-07. October 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Ron Patterson. Beneficial Insects: Mantids. ENT-112-07. October 2007. Hodgson, Erin and Ron Patterson. Beneficial Insects: True Bugs. ENT-111-07. October 2007. Murray, Marion and Erin Hodgson. Soft Scales in Utah. ENT-113-07. November 2007 Publications and Presentations: Alston, Diane and Thor Lindstrom. Control Trial of Woolly and Green Apple Aphid in Apple Tree Canopies. December 2007. Alston, Diane and Thor Lindstrom. Control Trial of Woolly Apple Aphid Galling in Apple Tree Roots. December 2007. Alston, Diane and Thor Lindstrom. Western Cherry Fruit Fly Control Trial: Attraction of Adults to GF-120 Insecticide Bait Droplets by Addition of Potential Attractants. November 2007. Alston, Diane. Codling Moth Monitoring in Mating Disrupted Apple Orchards: Development of Trap Thresholds and Prediction of Fruit Injury. November 2007. Alston, Diane. Enhancement of Attraction of Western Cherry Fruit Fly (Rhagoletis indifferens) to Yellow Sticky Traps. December 2007. Alston, Diane. Utah Onion Thrips Efficacy Insecticide Trial: Influence of Egg Hatch, Survival, and Immigration on Insecticide Importance in Dry Bulb Onion. November 2007. Anonymous. 2007. IPM Delivers: Integrated Pest Management: Protecting Arizona s Environment, Human Health and Economic Vitality. Arizona Cooperative Extension, Arizona Delivers series, May 2007. Available at Crowder, D. W., A. R. Horowitz, B. E. Tabashnik, T. J. Dennehy, I. Denholm, K. Gorman, and Y. Carrière. Analyzing haplodiploid inheritance of insecticide resistance in whitefly biotypes. Bull. Entomol. Res, in revision. Crowder, D. W., C. Ellers-Kirk, B. E. Tabashnik, and Y. Carrière. Lack of fitness costs associated with pyriproxyfen resistance in the B biotype of Bemisia tabaci. Pest Manag. Sci., submitted. Crowder, D. W., C. Ellers-Kirk, C. Yafuso, T. J. Dennehy, B. A. Degain, V. S. Harpold, B. E. Tabashnik, and Y. Carrière. 2008. Inheritance of resistance to pyriproxyfen in Bemisia tabaci (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) males and females (B biotype). J. Econ. Entomol. 101: 927-932. Crowder, D. W., P.C. Ellsworth, B. E. Tabashnik and Y. Carriere. 200-. Effects of operational factors on evolution of resistance to pyriproxyfen in the sweetpotato whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae). Environmental Entomology, in press. Crowder, D. W., T. J. Dennehy, C. Ellers-Kirk, C. M. Yafuso, P. C. Ellsworth, B. E. Tabashnik and Y. Carrière. 2007. Field evaluation of resistance to pyriproxyfen in Bemisia tabaci (B Biotype). Journal of Economic Entomology 100: 1650-1656. Dennehy, T. J., B. A. DeGain, V. Harpold and R. J. Nichols. Biotype Designations and Insecticide Susceptibility of Southwestern Bemisia tabaci. 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at Dennehy, T. J., G. C. Unnithan, V. Harpold, Y. Carrière, B. Tabashnik, L. Antilla and M. Whitlow. Susceptibility of Southwestern Pink Bollworm to Bt toxins Cry1Ac and Cry2Ab2 in 2005. 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at Ellsworth, P. C. Lygus Management: A Western Perspective. Presented by invitation at the Open Forum - Management of the Sucking Bug Complex across the Cotton Belt, 2008 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, Nashville, Tennessee. January 9, 2008. Presentation available at Ellsworth, P. C. Plant Bug Thresholds in Arizona Cotton. Presented by invitation at the Plant Bug and Stink Bug Management Workshop, 2007 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, New Orleans, Louisiana. January 10, 2007. Presentation available at Ellsworth, P. C., A. Fournier and T. D. Smith. 2007. Based on Ellsworth, P. C. and J. S. Jones. 2000. Arizona Cotton Insect Losses. Publ. No. AZ1183. University of Arizona, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Cooperative Extension, Tucson, Arizona. URL: Ellsworth, P. C., V. Barkley, T. Dennehy, B. DeGain, B. Ellingson, S. Naranjo and M. Sims. Assessment of Knack Field Performance Through Precision Field and Laboratory Bioassays in Cotton 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at Fournier, A., P. C. Ellsworth and V. M. Barkley. Economic Impact of Lygus in Arizona Cotton: A Comparative Approach. 2007 Arizona Cotton Report. Available at Gouge, D. H. 2005. Applications for Social Insects. In P. S. Grewal, R-U. Ehlers, and D. I. Shapiro-Ilan, eds. Nematodes as Biocontrol Agents. CABI Publishing. pp. 317-329. Gouge, D. H., and J. L. Snyder. 2005. Parasitism of bark scorpions Centruroides exilicauda (Scorpiones: Buthidae) by entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 98: 1486-1493. Gouge, D. H., and J. L. Snyder. 2006. Temporal association of entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae and Heterorhabditidae) and bacteria. Journal of Invertebrate Pathology. 91: 147-157. Gouge, D. H., M. L. Lame, and J. L. Snyder. 2006. Use of an implementation model and diffusion process for establishing Integrated Pest Management in Arizona Schools. Amer. Entomol. 52 (3): 190-196. Green, T. A., Gouge, D. H., Braband, L. A., Foss, C. R., and Graham, L. C. 2007. IPM STAR Certification for School Systems: Rewarding Pest Management Excellence in Schools and Childcare Facilities. Amer. Entomol. 53 (3): 168-174. Shapiro-Ilan, D. I., D. H. Gouge, S. J. Piggott, and J. Patterson Fife. 2006. Application technology and environmental considerations for the use of entomopathogenic nematodes in biological control. Biological Control. 38:124-133. Yu, H., D. H. Gouge, and P. Baker. 2006. Parasitism of subterranean termites (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae; Termitidae) by entomopathogenic nematodes (Rhabditida: Steinernematidae; Heterorhabditidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 99: 1112-1119.
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