SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

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NAME AFFILIATION James Caudill USDOI, Fish and Wildlife Service Jerry Fletcher West Virginia University Kelly Giraud (vice president) University of New Hampshire Roger von Haefen North Carolina State University Michael Hand University of New Mexico LeRoy Hansen USDA, Economic Research Service Robert Hearne North Dakota State University Daniel Hellerstein USDA, Economic Research Service Sandra Hoffmann Resources for the Future Tom Holmes USDA, Forest Service Fen Hunt USDA, Cooperative State Research, Education and Extension Service Robert Johansson US Office of Management and Budget Robert Johnston University of Connecticut Mike Kaplowitz Michigan State University Joe Kerkvliet Oregon State University Alan Krupnick Resources for the Future Andreas Lange University of Maryland Linda Langner USDA, Forest Service Douglas Lawrence USDA, Natural Resource Conservation Service Bob Leeworthy USDC, NOAA John Loomis Colorado State University Frank Lupi Michigan State University Vishakha Maskey West Virginia University Dan McCollum USDA, Forest Service Don McLeod University of Wyoming Klaus Moeltner University of Nevada, Reno Ricarda Moser IASMA Lara Platt Cornell University Greg Poe Cornell University Alan Randall The Ohio State University Richard Ready Penn State University Kim Rollins University of Nevada, Reno Randall Rosenberger (president) Oregon State University Don Snyder (administrative advisor) Utah State University Laura Taylor Georgia State University Will Wheeler US Environmental Protection Agency Wuyang Hu University of Kentucky Vishakha Maskey WVU grad student Archana Pradhan WVU grad student Lui Xiangph Grad student Joan Poor St. Marys College

1. Call to Order (4:30 p.m.) (5-minutes) 2. Nomination and Election of Secretary-Treasurer and Vice President (10-minutes) a. Michael Kaplowitz of Michigan State University was nominated and unanimously elected as the Vice President b. Roger von Haefen of North Carolina State University was nominated and unanimously elected as the Secretary-Treasurer 3. Location and Date of 2007 Meeting (20-minutes) a. First option: Hilton Waikoloa Village in Hawaii, February, 2008. Joint with WRSA, W-1192 b. Second option: San Diego, CA c. Third option: Albequeque, NM After a discussion of benefits of joining a larger groups for a joint meeting vs. holding a meeting in a location closer to members, it was decided that it would be best to put this question to a vote to the entire membership of W-1133. [A vote was taken after the meeting and 87.5% of respondents voted for a joint meeting with the WRSA] 4. Don Snyder Rechartering Status (15-minutes) a. The attendees were delighted to hear of the approval to recharter W-1133 as W-2133. 5. Adjourn (5:30pm) PAST PROJECT OBJECTIVES: 2002-2006 " Estimate the Economic Benefits of Ecosystem Management of Forest and Watersheds; " Calculate the Benefits and Costs of Agro-Environmental Policies; " Estimate the Economic Value of Changing Recreational Access for Motorized and Non-Motorized Recreation; and " Estimate the Economic Values of Agricultural Land Preservation and Open Space. 1997-2001 " Valuing Ecosystem Management of Forests and Watersheds; " Benefits and Costs of Agro-Environmental Policies; " Valuing Changes in Recreational Access; and " Benefits Transfer for Groundwater Quality Programs. 1992-1996 " Provide Site-Specific Use and Non-Use Values of Natural Resources for Public Policy Analysis; and " To Develop Protocols for Transferring Value Estimates to Unstudied Areas. 1987-1991 " To Conceptually Integrate Market and Nonmarket Based Methods for Application to Land and Water Resource Base Services; " To Develop Theoretically Correct Methodology for Considering Resource Quality in Economic Models and for Assessing the Marginal Value of Competing Resource Base Products; and " To Apply Market and Nonmarket Based Valuation Methods to Specific Resource Base Outputs. A complete list of activities/presentations is given in the attachment.


Short-Term Outcomes: Continued Development and testing of economic models of nonmarket value estimation. Outputs: Numerous journal articles and similar reports as per publication list. Activities: In addition to presentations, etc., participated in many local, regional, and national meetings. There is substantial connection to other groups including federal and state agencies, external peer groups, and others. Plan: Continued development of economic models for valuing nonmarket economic resources; Meet jointly with Western Regional Scince Association and W-1192 (Economic, Social, and Ecological Issues of Rangeland Fragmentation that Affect Rangeland Sustainability and Rural Communities in spring of 2008.


  1. The results from this multistate research committee have been shared with many state, regional, and national agencies, as well as with other peer groups. The literature generated as a part of this project has impacted public policy and assisted in the determination of optimal resource allocation between market and nonmarket economic resources.


Braden, J.B., Taylor, L.O., Won, D., Mays, N., Cangelosi, A. and Patunru, A.A. 2006. Economic benefits of sediment remediation. Final Report under USEPA Project GL96553601, 113+ pp. Johnston, R.J. and Duke, J.M. 2006. Welfare Implications of the Policy Process: Estimating Context-Sensitive Values for Agricultural and Open Space Conservation. (Abstract) Agricultural and Resource Economics Review 35(2). Eom, Y.-S. and D. M. Larson. 2006. Improving environmental valuation estimates through consistent use of revealed and stated preference information. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 501-516. Eom, Y.-S. and D. M. Larson. 2006. Valuing housework time through giving and volunteering for environmental quality improvements. Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 4, pp. 223-245. Kipperberg, G. and D. M. Larson. 2005. Paying for a public good in money or time: Is there a fundamental difference? An investigation of consumers' preferences for community-wide recycling. Working paper, Dept. of Ag. and Resource Economics, University of California. Kovacs, K. F. and D. M. Larson. 2006. Identifying individual discount rates and valuing public open space. Working paper, Dept. of Ag. and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis. Kovacs, K. F. and D. M. Larson. 2006. Extracting recreation preferences from the housing market with hedonic property price and the travel cost methods. Working paper, Dept. of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis. Kovacs, K. F. and D. M. Larson. 2006. The influence of recreation and amenities on residential development. Working paper, Dept. of Ag. and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis. Onozaka, Y., D. Bunch, and D. Larson. 2006. What exactly are they paying for? Explaining the price premium for organic fresh produce. ARE Update, Dept. of Ag. and Resource Economics, University of California, Davis, Vol. 9, no. 6, pp. 1-4. Brewer, Jed, Robert Glennon, Alan P. Ker, Gary Libecap Transferring Water in the American West: 1987-2005 University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform and Policy, forthcoming. Brewer, Jed, Robert Glennon, Alan P. Ker, Gary Libecap Water Markets in the West: Extent, Property Rights, and Regulatory Issues. Economic Inquiry, forthcoming. Hite, Diane. 2006. Book review of Recycling the City: The Use and Reuse of Urban Land, edited by Rosalind Greenstein and Yesim Sungu-Eryilmaz. Journal of Regional Science 46 (2): 410-412. Hite, Diane, and Brent Sohngen. 2006. Capitalization of Environmental Amenities at the Rural-Urban Fringe. Book chapter in Environmental Valuation: Interregional and Intraregional Perspectives, John I. Carruthers and Bill Mundy eds., Ashgate Publishing, Hampshire, UK. Templeton, Josh, Diane Hite, and Brent Sohngen. 2006. Forecasting Development at the Suburban Fringe. Book chapter in Economics and Contemporary Land Use Policy: Development and Conservation at the Rural-Urban Fringe, R.J. Johnston and S. K. Swallow Eds. Resources for the Future, Washington. Hite, Diane. 2006. Property Value Impacts of Gravel Pits in Delaware County, Ohio. Report for Upjohn Institute, Kalamazoo, MI. Ho, S-C, C. de Parisot and D. Hite. Determinants of Risk Perception Associated with the Anniston, AL: Results of a Direct Mail Survey, and Property Value Impacts of the Anniston, AL Chemical Warhead Incinerator. Proceedings of May 2006 SERA 30 Meeting. Jauregui, A., D. Hite, B. Songhen and G. Traxler. 2006. The value of open space in rural and suburban areas: a spatial hedonic approach. Proceedings of May 2006 SERA 30 Meeting. Burton, Diana M. and H. Alan Love. Entry Effects on Strategic Input Procurement Competition. INFORMS Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 2006. Burton, Diana M. and H. Alan Love. Measuring the Effect of Processor Entry on Strategic Input Procurement Price, 2006, submitted. Caffey, R.H., Diop, H., Keithly, Jr., W.R. and Kazmierczak, Jr., R.F. 2006. The Economics and Politics of Fisheries Disaster Recovery - Louisiana Response to Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. In Proceeding of the International Institute of Fisheries Economics and Trade Biennial Conference, Portsmouth, United Kindom, July. Henderson, J., Willson, T., Dunn, M., Kazmierczak, Jr., R.F. and Niu, H. 2006. Impact of Forestry-Related Ordinances on Timber Harvesting. In Proceedings of the Society of American Foresters National Convention, S.J. Chang (ed.). Fort Worth, Texas, October. Bergstrom, J.C. 2005. Comments on Sustainable Coastal Management. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 37, 2. Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Editors) Land Use Problems and Conflicts: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. Frontiers in Environmental Economics, Routledge: London and New York, Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker. 2005. (Principal Authors and Editors), The Multiple Values of Wilderness. Venture Publishing: State College, PA. Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Contemporary Land Use Problems and Conflicts, Chapter 1 in Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom (Editors) Land Use Problems and Conflicts: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. Frontiers in Environmental Economics, Routledge: London and New York. Bergstrom, J.C. 2005. Postproductivism and Changing Rural Land Use Preferences and Values, Chapter 6 in Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom (Editors) Land Use Problems and Conflicts: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. Frontiers in Environmental Economics, Routledge: London and New York. Paterson, R.W., K.J. Boyle, M. Ahearn, A. Alberini, J.C. Bergstrom, L.W. Libby and M.P. Welsch. 2005. Public Preferences for Farmland Attributes in Conservation Easement Programs, Chapter 12 in Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom (Editors) Land Use Problems and Conflicts: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. Frontiers in Environmental Economics, Routledge, London and New York. Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Future Research Needs For Rational Land Use Decision Making, Chapter 21 in Goetz, S.J., J.S. Shortle and J.C. Bergstrom (Editors) Land Use Problems and Conflicts: Causes, Consequences and Solutions. Frontiers in Environmental Economics, Routledge, London and New York. Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker, 2005. The Multiple Values of Wilderness, Chapter 1 in Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (Principal Authors and Editors.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness. Venture Publishing: State College, PA. Bergstrom, J.C., J.M. Bowker and H.K. Bowker. 2005. An Organizing Framework for Wilderness Values, Chapter 4 in Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (Principal Authors and Editors.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness. Venture Publishing: State College, PA. Johnson, C., J.M. Bowker, H.K. Cordell, and J.C. Bergstrom. 2005. Wilderness Value Differences by Immigration, Race/Ethnicity, Gender and Socioeconomic Status, Chapter 8 in Cordell, H.K. J.C. Bergstrom and J.M. Bowker (Principal Authors and Editors), The Multiple Values of Wilderness. Venture Publishing, State College, PA. Bowker, J.M. J.E. Harvard III, J.C. Bergstrom, H.K. Cordell, D.B.K. English, and J.B. Loomis, 2005. The Net Economic Value of Wilderness, Chapter 9 in Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (Principal Authors and Editors.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness. Venture Publishing: State College, PA. Cordell, H.K., J.C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker, 2005. The Multiple Values of Wilderness and the Future of the National Wilderness Preservation System, Chapter 13 in Cordell, H.K., and J.C. Bergstrom, and J.M. Bowker (Principal Authors and Editors.). The Multiple Values of Wilderness. Venture Publishing: State College, PA. Bergstrom, J.C. and R.C. Ready. 2005. What Have We Learned from 20 Years of Farmland Amenity Valuation Research? W-1133 Regional Project(Benefits and Costs of Resource Policies Affecting Public and Private Land) Annual Meeting Proceedings, July. Poe, G.L. 2006. Valuing Reductions in Health Risks from Drinking Water: Discussion. Paper presented at EPA/NCEE/NCER conference Morbidity and Mortality: How Do We Value the Risk of Illness and Death? Washington, D.C. April 2006. (Conf. Proc. publication$File /EE-0497-06.pdf). Pagoulatos, A. and Fleming, R. A. The Environmental Quality Incentives Program In Kentucky: Does It Address Environmental Quality Problems? Journal of Applied Economics and Policy. 24(2005): 33-61. Winfree, J.A., J.J. McCluskey, and R.C. Mittelhammer. 2006. Buyer-Type Effects in Conservation and Preservation Property Values. The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. 33(2):167-179. Samnaliev,M., Stevens,T., and More, T. 2006. A comparison of alternative certainty calibration techniques in contingent valuation. Ecological Economics. 57: 507-519. Urdaneta, Bernardo. 2006. Evaluating alternative funding mechanisms for acadia national park using stated preference methods. MS Thesis. University of Ma-Amherst. Samnaliev, M., Stevens, T., and More, T. 2006. Financing public recreation lands. Journal of Park and Recreation Administration Allen, B. and Loomis, J. 2006. Deriving Values for the Ecological Support Function of Wildlife: An Indirect Valuation Approach. Ecological Economics 56: 49-57. Loomis, J. 2006a. Use of Survey Data to Estimate Economic Value and Regional Economic Effects of Fishery Improvements. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 26: 301-307. Loomis, J. 2006b. A Comparison of the Effect of Multiple Destination Trips on Recreation Benefits as Estimated by Travel Cost and Contingent Valuation Methods. Journal of Leisure Research 38(1): 46-60. Loomis, J. and Caughlan, L. 2006. The Importance of Adjusting for Trip Purpose in Regional Economic Analyses of Tourist Destinations. Tourism Economics 12(1): 33-43. Loomis, J and Richardson, R. 2006. A External Validity Test of Intended Behavior: Comparing Revealed Preference and Intended Visitation in Response to Climate Change. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 49(4): 621-630. Loomis, John, Ellingson, L., Gonzalez-Caban, A. and Seidl, A. 2006. The Role of Ethnicity and Language in Contingent Valuation Analysis: A Fire Prevention Policy Application. American Journal of Economics and Sociology 65(3): 559-586. Loomis, J and Rosenberger, R. 2006. Reducing Barriers in Future Benefit Transfers: Needed Improvements in Primary Study Design and Reporting. Ecological Economics 60: 343-350. Ready, R.C. and Navrud, S. 2006. International Benefit Transfer: Methods and Validity Tests. Ecological Economics 60(1):429-434. Ready, R.C., Fisher, A., Guignet, D., Stedman, R., and Wang, J. 2006. A Pilot Test of a New Stated Preference Valuation Method: Continuous Attribute-Based Stated Choice. Ecological Economics 59(20):247-255. Wang, Li. 2006. Spatial Econometric Issues in Hedonic Property Value Models: Model Choice and Endogenous Land Use. Ph.D. Dissertation, The Pennsylvania State University. University Park, PA. 134 pp. Lawton, J. 2006. Stated Respondent Uncertainty And Mitigation Of Hypothetical Bias In Choice Experiments. M.S. Thesis, The Pennsylvania State University. University Park, PA. 97 pp. Borisova-Kidder, A. 2006. Meta-Analytical Estimates of Values of Environmental Services Enhanced by Government Agricultural Conservation Programs. Ph.D. dissertation. The Ohio State University. Randall, A. 2006. Discounting Future Prospects, and the Quest for Sustainability, in D. Pannell and S. Schilizzi (eds), Economics and the Future: Time and Discounting in Public and Private Decision Making, Cheltenham, UK, and Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar, pp. 97-120. Sohngen, B. and S. Brown. 2006. The Influence of Conversion of Forest Types on Carbon Sequestration and other Ecosystem Services in the South Central United States. Ecological Economics. 57: 698-708. Yeh,C. T. Haab., B. Sohngen. 2006. Modeling Multiple-Objective Trips with Choices over Trip Duration and Alternative Sites. Journal of Environmental and Resource Economics. 34: 189-209. Kelch, D., F. Lichtkoppler, B. Sohngen, and A. Daigneault. 2006. Un-Tapped Resources? The Value of Steelhead Angling in Lake Erie Tributaries. Journal of Great Lakes Research, 32(3): 424-433. Hite, D. and B. Sohngen. 2006. Capitalization of Environmental Amenities at the Urban-Rural Fringe. In Environmental Valuation: Interregional and Intraregional Perspectives. Edited by J.I. Carruthers and B. Mundy (eds.). Ashgate Publishing, Ltd. Templeton, J., D. Hite, and B. Sohngen. 2006. Forecasting Development at the Suburban Fringe. Economics and Contemporary Land Use Policy: Methods, Applications, and Practical Perspectives Edited by R.J. Johnston and S.K. Swallow. Resources For the Future Press. Sohngen, B. and M. Taylor. Developing Contracts For Pollution Trading: Performance Considerations for PS-NPS. Plenary Presentation at Conference: Innovations in Reducing Nonpoint Source Pollution. Indianapolis, IN. November 28, 2006. Strager, M. P. and R. S. Rosenberger. 2006. Incorporating Stakeholder Preferences for Land Conservation: Weights and Measures in Spatial MCA. Ecological Economics. 57, pp. 627-639. John P. Hoehn, Methods to Address Selection Effects in the Meta Regression and Transfer of EcosystemValues, Ecological Economics, 60:389-398, 2006. Kotchen, M., Moore, M., Lupi, F., and Rutherford, E. 2006. Environmental constraints on hydropower: An ex-post benefit-cost analysis of dam relicensing in Michigan. Land Economics 82(3):384-403. Swinton, S., Lupi, F., Robertson, P. and Landis, D. 2006. Ecosystem services from agriculture: looking beyond the usual suspects. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 88(5): 1160-1166. Racevskis, L. and Lupi, F. 2006. Comparing urban and rural perceptions of and familiarity with the management of forest ecosystems. Society and Natural Resources 19(6):479-495. Matthew A. Wilson and John P. Hoehn, Valuing Environmental Goods and Services Using BenefitTranfer: The State-of-the-Art-and-Science, Ecological Economics, 60:335-342, 2006. Steltzer, Eric. CAPE WIND- PUBLIC VALUES AND PERCEPTIONS: APPLICATION OF CONTINGENT VALUATION METHOD. Master of Science Thesis, University of New Hampshire, 2006. 151 pp. Shultz. S. 2006. Differences between agricultural land value surveys and market sales. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, 69(1): 8-16. Devanney, M. 2005. The Effect of Arsenic Contamination of Private Wells on Residential Property Values. Unpublished Masters Thesis. Department of Resource Economics and Policy, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Huang, Shan. 2005. The Effect of Mass Media Risk Communication on Averting Behavior. Unpublished Masters Thesis. Department of Resource Economics and Policy, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Neumann, Bradley. 2005. Is all open space created equal? A hedonic application within a data-rich GIS environment. Unpublished Masters Thesis. Department of Resource Economics and Policy, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Walker, Judith. 2006. Length of Residency and the Importance of Environmental Amenities to Residential Location Decisions. Unpublished Masters Thesis. Department of Resource Economics and Policy, University of Maine, Orono, Maine. Schlenker, W., W. M. Hanemann, and A. C. Fisher. 2006. The Impact of Global Warming on US Agriculture: An Econometric Analysis of Optimal Growing Conditions, Review of Economics and Statistics 88(1) 113-125. W. Michael Hanemann and Alexander E. Farrell eds. 2006. Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California. California Climate Change Center at UC Berkeley. Hanemann, M., L. Dale, S. Vicuna, D. Bickett and C. Dyckman. 2006. The Economic Cost of Climate Change Impact on California Water: A Scenario Analysis. California Energy Commission PIER Project Report, CEC-500-2006. Vicuna, S., M. Hanemann, and L. Dale. 2006. Economic Impacts of Delta Levee Failure in California Due to Climate Change: A Scenario Analysis. California Energy Commission PIER Project Report CEC-500-2006-004. Cayan, D., A. L. Luers, M. Hanemann, G. Franco, and B.Croes. 2006. Scenarios of Climate Change in California: An Overview. California Energy Commission, Sacramento, Report # CEC-500-2005-186-SF. Joyce, B., S. Vicuna, L. Dale, J. Dracup, M. Hanemann, D. Purkey and D. Yates. 2006. Climate Change Impacts on Water for Agriculture in California: A Case Study in the Sacramento Valley California Energy Commission, Sacramento, Report # CEC-500-2005-194-SF. Sebastian Vicuna, Rebecca Leonardson, John A. Dracup, Michael Hanemann and Larry Dale. 2006. Climate Change Impacts on High-Elevation Hydropower Generation in California's Sierra Nevada: A Case Study in the Upper American River. California Energy Commission, Sacramento, Report # CEC-500-2005-199-SF. Amy Lynd Luers, Daniel R. Cayan, Guido Franco, Michael Hanemann, and Bart Croes. 2006. Our Changing Climate: Assessing the Risks to California, The California Climate Change Center. Hanemann, W. Michael. 2006. The Economic Conception of Water in P. Rogers & R. Llamas (eds.) Water Crisis: Myth or Reality. Taylor & Francis. Carson, Richard T., and W. Michael Hanemann. 2006. Contingent Valuation in Karl-Goran Maler and Jeffrey R. Vincent (eds) Handbook of Environmental Economics. Amsterdam: North-Holland. Hanemann, W. Michael. 2006. Consumer Demand with Several Linear Constraints: A Global Analysis. Theory and Practice in Environmental Economics: Essays in Honour of Karl-Gustaf Lofgren, Thomas Aronson and Runar Brannlund (eds.) Edward Elgar. Mohn, Craig and W. Michael Hanemann. 2006. Caught in a Corner: Using the Kuhn Tucker Conditions to Value Montana Sportfishing, Explorations in Environmental and Resource Economics: Essays in Honor of Gardner Brown, Robert Halvorsen and David Layton (eds), Edward Elgar. Alexander E. Farrell; W. Michael Hanemann, and David Roland-Holst. 2006. Executive Summary. Alexander E. Farrell, W. Michael Hanemann, Christopher Busch, and Eric Hallstein. 2006. Chapter 1: Introduction. W. Michael Hanemann and Alexander E. Farrell (eds), Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California. California Climate Change Center at UC Berkeley. Alan H. Sanstad, W. Michael Hanemann, and Maximilllian Aufhammer. 2006. Chapter 6: End-use Efficiency in a Post-Carbon California Economy: Policy Issues and Research Frontier. W. Michael Hanemann and Alexander E. Farrell (eds), Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California. California Climate Change Center at UC Berkeley. Maximillian Auffhammer, W. Michael Hanemann, and Sarah Szambelan. 2006. Chapter 8: Transportation. W. Michael Hanemann and Alexander E. Farrell (eds), Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California. California Climate Change Center at UC Berkeley. Alexander E. Farrell, W. Michael Hanemann and Christopher Busch. 2006. Chapter 10: Synthesis. in W. Michael Hanemann and Alexander E. Farrell (eds), Managing Greenhouse Gas Emissions in California. California Climate Change Center at UC Berkeley. Analytical Arsenic Consumption and Health Risk Perceptions in a Rural Western U.S. Area,* M. Walker, W.D. Shaw, and M. Benson. Journal of the American Water Resources Association, 2006, 42 (5/October): 1363-70. Rosenberger, R.S. and T.D. Stanley. 2006. Measurement, generalization, and publication: Sources of error in benefit transfers and their management. Ecological Economics 60:372-378. Rosenberger, R.S. and T.D. Stanley. 2006. Measurement, generalization, and publication: Sources of error in benefit transfers and their management. Ecological Economics 60:372-378. K. Moeltner, K.J. Boyle, R. W. Paterson (2007). Meta-Analysis and Benefit-Transfer for Resource Valuation: Addressing Classical Challenges with Bayesian Modeling. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 53 (2), p.250 - 269. Joseph Herriges and Kevin Egan, "Multivariate Count Data Regression Models with Individual Panel Data from On-Site Sampling," Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, Vol. 52, No. 2, 2006, pp 567-581. Joseph Herriges and Catherine Kling, "The Benefits From Water Quality Improvements In Iowa's Lakes," prepared for the Iowa Department of Natural Resources, October 2006. Biénebe, E. and R. Hearne. 2006. Public Preferences For Biodiversity Conservation and Scenic Beauty Within A Framework Of Environmental Services Payments. Forest Policy and Economics. 9: 335-348. Hearne, R., B. Barbier, and J. Gonzalez. 2006. Small-Scale Agroindustry and the Environment: Coffee Processing in Honduras. In Small Firms and the Environment in Developing Countries Allen Blackman ed. Resources for the Future Press. Washington, D.C.
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