SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


Tom Beans (OH; Leslie Backer (ND; Vincent Bralts (IN); Bernie Engel (IN); Bob Gustafson (ASAE, OH); Kevin Janni (MN); Ramesh Kanwar (IA); Van Kelley (SD); Jim Koelliker (KS); Brad Rein (USDA-CSREES); Ajit Srivastava (MI); Patrick Walsh (WI); Mike Walter (NY); Wendy Wintersteen (IA-Administrative Advisor); K.C. Ting (OH/IL); Ron Yoder (NE/TE); and Roy Young (PA).


NCA-16 reviewed two multi-state projects (NCR136 and NCR197) in detaila and provided recommendations to the MRC. In addition, the committee review the progress of NCR101, NCR180, NCR207 and NCT201.



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