SAES-422 Multistate Research Activity Accomplishments Report

Status: Approved

Basic Information


M. Bennett  Ohio State University; J. Juvik  University of Illinois; K. Mohan  University of Idaho; J. Myers  Oregon State University; G. Pataky  University of Illinois; B. Scully  University of Florida; M. Smith  Cornell University; D. Wolfe  Cornell University; W. Tracy  University of Wisconsin; J. Burris  Midwest Seed Testing; K. Christensen  Harris Moran Seed Company; D. Courtier; G. Crookham  Crookham Company; D. Fisher  Seminis Vegetable Seed Inc.; M. Frobish  Illinois Foundation Seeds Inc.; M. Gardiner  Syngenta Seeds; S. Grier  Syngenta Seeds; B. Hobdey  Crookham Company; W. Houghton  Syngenta Seeds; L. Johnson  General Mills; M. Jones  Crookham Company; S. Marshall  Seminis Vegetable Seed Inc.; G. McKay  Harris Moran Seed Company; Ian Martin  Australia; T. Moran  Mesa Maize Company; P. Mosely  Illinois Foundation Seeds Inc.; M. Murua  Syngenta Seeds; T. Natti  Harris Moran Seed Company; G. Oswald  Crookham Company; S. Otto  Del Monte Foods; D. Plaisted  Syngenta Seeds; E. Snyder  Harris Moran Seed Co.; R. Teyker  Del Monte Ag Research; K. Thalacker  Seminis Vegetable Seed Inc.; J. Wegner  Illinois Foundation Seeds Inc.; D. Wilson  Pioneer Hi-Bred; M. Pfeffer, Administrative Advisor  Cornell University; A.M. Thro  USDA-CSREES Representative




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