S1040: Genetic Selection and Crossbreeding to Enhance Reproduction and Survival of Dairy Cattle (S-284)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Peer-reviewed publications:
Bewley, J. M., A. M. Peacock, O. Lewis, R. E. Boyce, D. J. Roberts, M. P. Coffey, S. J. Kenyon, and M. M. Schutz. 2008. Potential for estimation of body condition scores in dairy cattle from digital images. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 3439-3453.
Bohmanova, J., I. Misztal, S. Tsuruta, H. D. Norman, and T. J. Lawlor. Short Communication: Genotype by environment interaction due to heat stress. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 840-846.
Caraviello, D. Z., K. A. Weigel, M. Florent, A. H. Souza, C. Rawson, N. R. Zwald, and M. C. Wiltbank. 2008. Predicting the impact of body condition score on reproductive performance in large commercial dairy herds. Animal Reproduction. (Submitted).
Chang, Y. M., O. Gonzalez-Recio, D. Gianola, and K. A. Weigel. 2008. Genetic analysis of count data using threshold models. Genetics, Selection, and Evolution. (Submitted).
Dechow, C. D. and R. C. Goodling. Mortality, culling by 60 days in milk, and production profiles in high and low survival Pennsylvania herds. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).
Dechow, C. D., H. D. Norman, and C. A. Pelensky. 2008. Short Communication: Variance estimates among herds stratified by individual herd heritability. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1648-1651.
Dechow, C. D., H. D. Norman, N. R. Zwald, C. M. Cowan, and O. M. Meland. 2008. Relationship between individual herd-heritability estimates and sire misidentification rate. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1640-1647.
Heins, B. J., L. B. Hansen, A. J. Seykora, A. R. Hazel, D. G. Johnson, and J. G. Linn. 2008. Crossbreds of Jersey x Holstein compared with pure Holsteins for body weight, body condition score, dry matter intake, and feed efficiency during the first one hundred fifty days of first lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 3716-3722.
Heins, B. J., L. B. Hansen, A. J. Seykora, D. G. Johnson, J. G. Linn, J. E. Romano, and A. R. Hazel. 2008. Crossbreds of Jersey x Holstein compared with pure Holsteins for production, fertility, and body and udder measurements during first lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 1270-1278.
Hoffman, P. C., K. A. Weigel, and R. M. Wernberg. 2008. Our industry today: Evaluation of equations to predict dry matter intake of dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).
Huang, C., S. Tsuruta, J. K. Bertrand, I. Misztal, T. J. Lawlor, and J. S. Clay. Environmental effects on conception rates of Holsteins in New York and Georgia. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 818-825.
Lopez de Maturana, E., D. Gianola, G. J. M. Rosa, and K. A. Weigel. 2008. Predictive ability of models for calving difficulty in U.S. Holsteins. J. Animal Breeding and Genetics. (Accepted).
Lopez de Maturana, E., X. L. Wu, D. Gianola, K. A. Weigel, and G. J. M. Rosa. 2008. Exploring biological relationships between calving traits in primiparous cattle with a Bayesian recursive model. Genetics. (Accepted).
Maltecca, C., K. A. Weigel, H. Khatib, M. Cowan, and A. Bagnato. 2008. Whole genome scan for quantitative trait loci for birth weight, gestation length, and passive immune transfer in a Holstein x Jersey crossbred population. Animal Genetics. (Accepted).
Schlesser, H. N., R.D. Shanks, P.J. Berger, and M. H. Healey. 2008. Graphical approach to evaluate genetic estimates of calf survival. J. Dairy Sci. (Submitted).
Toshniwal, J. K., C. D. Dechow, B. G. Cassell, J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy, and G. A. Varga. 2008. Heritability of electronically recorded daily body weight and correlations with yield, dry matter intake and body condition score. J. Dairy Sci. 91:3201-3210.
Vazquez, A. I., D. Gianola, D. Bates, K. Weigel, and B. Heringstad. 2008. Assessment of poisson, logit and linear models for genetic analysis of clinical mastitis in Norwegian Red cows. J. Dairy Sci. (Submitted).
Wiggans, G. R., J. B. Cole, and L. L. M. Thornton. 2008. Multiparity evaluation of calving ease and stillbirth with separate genetic effects by parity. J. Dairy Sci. 2008 91: 3173-3178.
Wiggans, G. R., S. Tsuruta, and I. Misztal. 2008. Technical Note: Adaptation of an animal-model method for approximation of reliabilities to a sire-maternal grandsire model. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 4058-4061.
Gutierrez, G.A., P. J. Berger, and M. H. Healey. 2008. Joint genetic analysis of conception and maintenance of pregnancy in dairy cattle using a linear-threshold model. A.S. Leaflet R2303.
Gutierrez, G. A., M. H. Healey, and P. J. Berger. 2008. Genetic analysis of days open using a random regression model. A.S. Leaflet R2304.
Shanks, R. D. 2008. A revolution in dairy cattle genetics. IL Dairy Day Report. p. 37-38.
Brown, D. E., Dechow, C. D., Liu, W.-S., Harvatine, K.J., Ott, T. 2012. Hot Topic: Association of telomere length with age, herd and culling in lactating Holsteins. J. Dairy Sci. 95, 6384-6387.
Dechow, C.D., R.C. Goodling, and S.P. Rhode. 2012. The effect of sire selection on cow mortality and early lactation culling in adverse and favorable cow survival environments. Prev. Vet. Med. 103:228233
Dechow, C.D. Genomics and trait selection is in its infancy. Hoard's Dairyman. January 25, 2012. p 52.
Dechow, C.D. Selection for fertility is beginning to pay dividends. Hoard's Dairyman. February 25, 2012. p 125.
Dechow, C.D. Can genetics improve feed efficiency? Hoard's Dairyman. March 25, 2012. p 208.
Dechow, C.D. A three-year checkup on genomics. Hoard's Dairyman. April 25, 2012. p 303.
Dechow, C.D. Domestic comparisons fill in the puzzle on crossbreeding options. Hoard's Dairyman. May 25, 2012. p 374.
Dechow, C.D. Moving beyond the first generation cross. Hoard's Dairyman. July 2012. p 471.
Dechow, C.D. Cooperation has fueled genetic evaluations. Hoard's Dairyman. August 25, 2012. p 557.
Dechow, C.D. Curtail high cull rates with productive life selection. Hoard's Dairyman. September 25, 2012. p 613.
Dechow, C.D. Large cows have greater health costs. Hoard's Dairyman. October 25, 2012. p 727.
Dechow, C.D. Can we select bulls to reduce lameness? Hoard's Dairyman. December 2012. p 797.
Dekleva, M.W., C. D. Dechow, J.M. Daubert, W.S. Liu, G.A. Varga, S. Bauck, and B. W. Woodward. 2012. Short communication: Interactions of milk, fat, and protein yield genotypes with herd feeding characteristics. J. Dairy Sci. 95:15591564.
Heins, B. J., and L. B. Hansen. 2012. Short Communication: Fertility, somatic cell score, and production of Normande × Holstein, Montbeliarde × Holstein, and Scandinavian Red × Holstein crossbreds versus pure Holsteins during their first five lactations. J. Dairy Sci. 95:918-924.
Heins, B. J., L. B. Hansen, and A. De Vries. 2012. Survival, lifetime production, and profitability of Normande × Holstein, Montbeliarde × Holstein, and Scandinavian Red × Holstein crossbreds versus pure Holsteins. J. Dairy Sci. 95:1011-1021.
Heins, B. J., L. B. Hansen, A. R. Hazel, A. J. Seykora, D. G. Johnson, and J. G. Linn. 2012. Short communication: Jersey × Holstein crossbreds compared with pure Holsteins for body weight, body condition score, fertility, and survival during the first three lactations. J. Dairy Sci. 95:4130-4125.
Becker, J. C., B. J. Heins, and L. B. Hansen. 2012. Costs for health care of Holstein cows selected for large versus small body size. J. Dairy Sci. 95:5385-5392.
Hazel, A. R., B. J. Heins, A. J. Seykora, and L. B. Hansen. 2013. Montbeliarde-sired crossbreds compared with pure Holsteins for dry matter intake, production, and body traits during the first 150 days of first lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 96:Accepted
Spurlock, D,M, J.C. Dekkers, R. Fernando, D.A. Koltes, and A. Wolc. 2012. Genetic parameters for energy balance, feed efficiency, and related traits in Holstein cattle. J Dairy Sci. 95:5393-4402.