W2177: Enhancing the Competitiveness and Value of U.S. Beef
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Publications and Output Pertaining to Objective 1
Anderson, M. J., K. Mou, E. Steadham, C. Fedler, K. Prusa, S. M. Lonergan and E. Huff-Lonergan. 2007. Round Muscle Profiling: Influence of aging on palatability of specific wholesale round cuts. Proceedings, 60th Reciprocal Meat Conference, June 17-20, 2007 South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota.
*Heller, C. E., J. A. Scanga, J. N. Sofos, K. E. Belk, W. Warren-Serna, G. R. Bellinger, R. T. Bacon, M. I. Rossman, and G. C. Smith. 2007. Decontamination of beef subprimal cuts intended for blade-tenderization or moisture-enhancement. J. Food Prot. 70:1174-1180.
Shook, J. N., D. L. VanOverbeke, J. A. Scanga, K. E. Belk, J. W. Savell, T. E. Lawrence, J. B. Morgan, D. B. Griffin, D. S. Hale, and G. C. Smith. 2008. The National Beef Quality Audit 2005, Phase I: Views of Producers, Packers, and Merchandisers on Current Quality Characteristics of the Beef Industry. The Prof. Anim. Scientist. (In Press).
*Bass, P. D., J. D. Tatum, J. A. Scanga, P. L. Chapman, G. C. Smith, and K. E. Belk. 2008. Adding value to dark-cutting carcasses. J. Anim. Sci. (In Press).
Garcia, L.G., K.L. Nicholson, T.W. Hoffman, T.E. Lawrence, D.S. Hale, D.B. Griffin, J.W. Savell, D.L. VanOverbeke, J.B. Morgan, K.E. Belk, T.G. Field, J.A. Scanga, J.D. Tatum and G.C. Smith. 2008. National Beef Quality Audit 2005: Survey of targeted cattle and carcass characteristics related to quality, quantity, and value of fed steers and heifers. J. Anim. Sci. (Submitted).
Behrens, S.M., R.K. Miller, J.W. Holloway, F.M. Rouquette, Jr., R.D. Randel, B.G. Warrington, T.D.A. Forbes, and H. Lippke. . 2007. Relationship of temperament, growth, carcass characteristics and tenderness in beef steers. Beef Cattle Research In Texas.
Gomez, R.R., B.M. Bourg, Z. Paddock, G.E. Carstens, P.A. Lancaster, R.K. Miller, L.O. Tedeschi, D.K. Lunt, S.A. Moore, D.S. DeLaney. 2007. Evaluation of feed efficiency in Santa Gertrudis steers and relationships with temperament and feeding behavior traits. J. Anim. Sci. 85 (Suppl. 1):454
Hawks, K.R., R.K. Miller, T.D.A. Forbes, F.M. Rouquette, Jr., J.W. Holloway and B.G. Warrington. 2007. Grass and limited grain feeding production systems with post-harvest treatment to maximize carcass and tenderness characteristics of Bonsmara steers. Proceeding of Reciprocal Meat Conference.
Hawks, K.R., R.K. Miller, T.D.A. Forbes, F.M. Rouquette, Jr., J.W. Holloway and B.G. Warrington. 2007. Maximizing carcass characteristics of Bonsmara steers produced on grass- or grain-based production s systems using electrical stimulation. J. Anim ASci. 85 (Suppl. 1):601.
Ribeiro, F.R.B., G.E. Carstens, R.K. Miller, E.G. Brown and P.A. Lancaster. 2007. Relationships between temperament, carcass traits and tenderness in finishing steers. Proceeding of Reciprocal Meat Conference.
Rouquette, Jr., F.M., I.T. Brigman, G.E. Castens and R.K. Miller. 2007. Winter pasture stocking rate effects on carcass composition and meat tenderness of two breedtypes. Beef Cattle Research in Texas.
Voges, K.L., C.L. Mason, J.c. brooks, R.J. Deimore, D.B. Griffin, D.S. Hale, W.R. Henning, D.D. Johnson, C.L. Lorenzen, R.J. Maddock, R.K. Miller, J.B. Morgan, B.E. Baird, B.L. Gwartney and J.W. Savell. 2007. National Beef Tenderness Survey 2006: Assessment of Warner-Bratzler shear and sensory panel ratings for beef from US retail and foodservice establishments. Meat Sci. 77:357-364.
Publications and Output Pertaining to Objective 2
Schroeder, T.C., G.T. Tonsor, J.M.E. Pennings, and J. Mintert (2007). Consumer Food Safety Risk Perceptions and Attitudes: Impacts on Beef Consumption across Countries. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. Vol. 7: Iss. 1(Contributions): Article 65.
Rovira, P. J., J. A. Scanga, T. Grandin, K. L. Hossner, R. S. Yemm, K. E. Belk, J. D. Tatum, J. N. Sofos, and G. C. Smith. 2007. Central nervous system tissue contamination of the circulatory system following humane cattle stunning procedures. Food Prot. Trends. 27:524-529.
Bowling, M.B., R.S. Yemm, K.E. Belk, J.N. Sofos, G.C. Smith and J.A. Scanga. 2008. An evaluation of central nervous system cross-contamination due to carcass splitting in commercial beef-packing plants. J. Food Prot. 71:83-92.
Carlson, B.A., I. Geornaras, Y. Yoon, J.A. Scanga, K.E. Belk, J.N. Sofos and G.C. Smith. 2008. Studies to evaluate chemicals/condition ns for reducing microbial counts on cattle hides. J. Food Prot. (In Press).
Dewell, G., C. Simpson, R. Dewell, D. Hyatt, K. Belk, J. Scanga, P. Morley, T. Grandin, G. Smith, D. Dargatz, B. Wagner, and M. Salman. 2008a. Impact of transportation and lairage on hide contamination with Escherichia coli O157 in finished beef cattle. J. Food Prot. (In Press).
Dewell, G.A., C.A. Simpson, R.D. Dewell, D.R. Hyatt, K.E. Belk, J.A. Scanga, P.S. Morley, T. Grandin, G.C. Smith, D.A. Dargatz, B.A. Wagner and M.D. Salman. 2008b. Impact of transportation and lairage on hide contamination with Salmonella enterica in finished beef cattle. J. Food Prot. (Submitted).
Bowling, M.B., R.S. Yemm, K.E. Belk, J.N. Sofos, and J.A. Scanga. 2007. An Evaluation of Central Nervous System Cross-Contamination Due to Carcass Splitting in Commercial Beef Packing Plants. 3rd place poster at Reciprocal Meats Conference, Brookings, SD.
Carlson, B.A., K.K. Nightingale, J.N. Sofos, J.A. Scanga, G.C. Smith, and K.E. Belk. 2007a. Pre-Harvest Carriage and Diversity of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Feedlot Cattle. 94th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Food Protection, July 8-11, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Abstract No. T6-06.
Carlson, B.A., K.K. Nightingale, J.N. Sofos, J.A. Scanga, G.C. Smith and K.E. Belk. 2007b. Pre-Harvest Investigation and Characterization of Escherichia coli O157:H7 Persistence in a Population of Feedlot Cattle. 107th General Meeting of the American Society of Microbiology, May 21-25, Toronto, ON, Canada. Abstract No. Z-056.
Bowling, M.B., K.E. Belk, K.K. Nightingale, L.D. Goodridge, J.A. Scanga, J.N. Sofos, J.D. Tatum, and G.C. Smith. 2007 (peer reviewed). Chapter 2. Central nervous system tissue in meat products: An evaluation of risk, prevention strategies, and testing procedures. In: Advances In Food And Nutrition Research. Elsevier Inc., Oxford, U.K. ISSN 1043-4526, pp. 39-64.
Ackleson, J., and Kastner, J. Regions, Borders and Regulation: The Food Safety & Security Case. Paper for the Border Regions in Transition (BRIT IX) conference, North American and European Border Regions in Comparative Perspective: Markets, States, Border Communities and Security, to be held 12-15 January 2008 in Victoria, British Columbia, and Bellingham, Washington. Webposted at http://frontier.k-state.edu, and under review for publication in conference proceedings.
J. Ackleson and J. Kastner. Routinising Cooperation and Changing Narratives: The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Journal of Borderlands Studies (2008, in press).
R. Kassatly and J. Kastner. Technical Barriers to Trade, Agricultural Protectionism, and Political Economy. 2008. Podcasted audio commentary, archived at http://frontier.k-state.edu.
E. Nyambok and J. Kastner. Phytosanitary measures and international trade: the case of wood packaging material. 2007. Podcasted audio commentary, archived at http://frontier.k-state.edu.
E. Nyambok. Rift Valley Fever, Regionalization, and Trade. 2007. Podcasted audio commentary, archived at http://frontier.k-state.edu.
J. Kastner. Compartmentalization and International Trade.2007. Podcasted audio commentary, archived at http://frontier.k-state.edu.
J. Kastner and J. Ackleson. Regionalization in History: International Trade Policy. 2007. Podcasted audio commentary, archived at http://frontier.k-state.edu.
Julianne Jensby, Steve Toburen, Justin Kastner, and Abbey Nutsch. Bioterrorism Act Reference Tool: Overlap Agents, 27 November 2007, http://frontier.k-state.edu/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=104&Itemid=33 The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, trade, and food safety and security, 13 November 2007. Presentation at the Kansas-Mexico Food Safety Forum, organized by the Kansas Department of Commerce, Mexico City, Mexico (invited).
Justin Kastner, 30 July 2007, Food Safety and Food Security Initiatives at K-State. Presentation to faculty and administrators visiting K-State from Tianjin University, China.
Justin Kastner, 21 June 2007, Opportunities for Kansas at the State-Market Interface. Presentation and planning session to the leadership of Kansas State University food safety & security and trade officials from the Kansas Department of Commerce.
Justin Kastner, Interview, 19 June 2007, Mens Health magazine. With regard to trade-related aspects of BSE, BSE testing, and other food safety and security issues, interviewed by writer Tom Groneberg for magazine article.
Justin Kastner, Interview, 7 June 2007, National Public Radio. With regard to trade- and history-related perspectives on biosecurity, and with other K-State faculty members, interviewed by reporter Laura Ziegler of NPR-affiliate UMKC KCUR-FM.
Publications Pertaining to Objective 3
Schroeder, T.C., G.T. Tonsor, J.M.E. Pennings, and J. Mintert (2007). Consumer Food Safety Risk Perceptions and Attitudes: Impacts on Beef Consumption across Countries. The B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy. Vol. 7: Iss. 1(Contributions): Article 65.
Tonsor, G.T. and T.L. Marsh. Comparing Heterogeneous Consumption in US and Japanese Meat and Fish Demand. Agricultural Economics. 37:1(July 2007):81-91.
Hahn and Mathews. Characteristics and Hedonic Pricing of Differentiated Beef Demands. Agricultural Economics, May 2007 volume 36 pages 377-393.
Pritchett, Johnson, Thilmany, and Hahn. Consumer Response to Recent BSE Events. Journal of Food Distribution Research July 2007, Volume 38, number 2, pages 57-68. The Food Distribution Research Societys 2006-07 Presidential Award for Excellence in Research and Communication.
Huerta-Montauti, D., A. Rodas-González, K. E. Belk, L. Arenas de Moreno, N. Huerta-Leidenz. 2008. Comparison of U.S. versus Venezuelan beef cuts on cookery traits, consumer impressions and shear force. J. Musc. Foods. 19:140-156.
Publications Pertaining to Objective 5
*Bass, P.D., D.L. Pendell, D.L. Morris, J.A. Scanga, K.E. Belk, T.G. Field, J.N. Sofos, J.D. Tatum and G.C. Smith. 2008. Review of sheep traceability systems in countries outside of North America. The Prof. Anim. Scientist (In Press).
*Murphy, R. G. L., D. L. Pendell, J. A. Scanga, K. E. Belk, and G. C. Smith. 2008. Evaluation of Animal Identification Systems in the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The Prof. Anim. Scientist (In Press).
*Meisinger, J.L., D. L. Pendell, K. E. Belk, G. C. Smith. 2008. Review of swine traceability systems in countries outside of North America. Prof. Anim. Scientist (Submitted).
Hoffman, T.W., K.E. Belk, J.A. Scanga, J.D. Tatum, T.G. Field and G.C. Smith. 2007. Economic Impacts of Dairy Cows Affected by DBQA. Fact Sheet prepared for the Dairy Beef Quality Assurance program of the National Cattlemens Beef Association.
Belk, K.E. 2007. Biosecurity for animal health and food safety. In: Temple Grandin (Ed.) Livestock Handling and Transport, 3rd Edition. CAB International, Cambridge, MA. ISBN-13: 978-1-84593-219-0 (book).
Fausti, S.W., Qasmi, B.A., Lanblom, D.G., Beutler, M.A., Johnson, P., Gates, R., Patterson, H., and Salverson, R., Spring 2007, "Public Price Reporting, Marketing Channel Selection, and Price Discovery: The Perspectives of Cow/Calf Producers in the Dakotas." Journal of Agribusiness: Volume 25, No. 1, pp. 59-76.
Fausti, S.W., Diersen, M., and Qasmi, B.A., 2007, "Public Price Reporting in the Cash Market for Live Cattle: A Spatial Market Approach." Agricultural and Resource Economics Review: Vol. 36, No. 2, pp. 336-348.
Fausti, S.W., Lanblom, D.G., Beutler, M.A., Johnson, P., Gates, R., Patterson, H., S. I. Paisley and Salverson, R., 2007,"The Effect of Early Vs. Normal Calf Weaning on Feedlot Performance and Herd Management: A Northern Plains Case Study." Journal of ASFMRA, Vol.70, No.1, pp.128-132.
Fausti, S.W., Lanblom, D.G., Beutler, M.A., Johnson, P., Gates, R., Patterson, H., and Salverson, R., 2007, "The Effect of Early Vs. Normal Calf Weaning on Feedlot Performance and Herd Management: A Cross-Discipline Case Study." Abstract in the Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol.39, No.2, p.414.
Marty Beutler, S. Fausti, & B. Qasmi, January 2007,"Perspectives of Cow/Calf Producers in the Dakotas on the Price Discovery Process", Economics Commentator, No.482, South Dakota State University.
Marty Beutler, S. Fausti, & B. Qasmi, July 2007, "The Perspective of Cow/Calf Producers in the Dakotas: Mandatory Price Reporting for Slaughter Cattle" Economics Commentator, No.490, South Dakota State University.
Fausti, S.W., Qasmi, B.A., and Diersen, M., April 2007,"Public Reporting of Fed Cattle Grid Prices: Policy Reform Consequences" Economics Staff Paper 2007-1, Department of Economics, South Dakota State University.
Ackleson, J. and J. Kastner. Routinising Cooperation and Changing Narratives: The Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America. Journal of Borderlands Studies 23, no. 1 Spring 2008.
Ackleson, Jason, Julianne Jensby, and Justin Kastner Factors that Influence Cross-Border Cooperation: A Preliminary Inductive Analysis. Paper for the 2009 International Studies Association Annual Convention (Panel: The Future of North American Integration), 15 January 2009 in New York City. Webposted at http://frontier.k-state.edu.
Anderson, M. J., E. Steadham, C. Fedler, K. Prusa, S. M. Lonergan,
E. Huff-Lonergan. 2008. Influence of fiber type on palatability of beef
round muscles. J. Anim. Sci. 86 (Suppl. 2): 43.
Babcock, Bruce A., Dermot J. Hayes, John D. Lawrence, and Roxanne L. Clemens. Creating a Geographically Linked Collective Brand for High-Quality Beef: A Case Study. Journal of Innovative Marketing. Vol. 4, issue 2, 2008.
Bass, P. D., J. A. Scanga, P. L. Chapman, G. C. Smith, J. D. Tatum, and K. E. Belk. 2008. Recovering value from beef carcasses classified as dark cutters by United States Department of Agriculture graders. J Anim. Sci. 86: 1658-1668.
Bass, P.D., D.L. Pendell, D.L. Morris, J.A. Scanga, K.E. Belk, T.G. Field, J.N. Sofos, J.D. Tatum and G.C. Smith. 2008. Review: Sheep traceability systems in selected countries outside of North America. The Prof. Anim. Scientist. 24:302-307.
Bowling, M.B., R.S. Yemm, K.E. Belk, J.N. Sofos, G.C. Smith and J.A. Scanga. 2008. An evaluation of central nervous system cross-contamination due to carcass splitting in commercial beef-packing plants. J. Food Prot. 71:83-92.
Bowling, M.B., D.L. Pendell, D.L. Morris, Y. Yoon, K. Katoh, K.E. Belk and G.C. Smith. 2008. Review: Identification and traceability of cattle in selected countries outside of North America. The Prof. Anim. Scientist. 24:287-294.
Bulut, Harun and John D. Lawrence. Meat Slaughter and Processing Plants Traceability Levels: Evidence From Iowa. ISU Economics Working Paper #08015, April 24, 2008
Byelashov, O. A, P. A. Kendall, K. E. Belk, J. A. Scanga, and J. N. Sofos. 2008. Control of Listeria monocytogenes on vacuum-packaged frankfurters sprayed with lactic acid alone or in combination with sodium lauryl sulfate. J. Food Prot. 71:728-734.
Carlson, B.A., I. Geornaras, Y. Yoon, J.A. Scanga, J.N. Sofos, G.C. Smith and K.E. Belk. 2008. Studies to evaluate chemicals and conditions with low-pressure applications for reducing microbial counts on cattle hides. J. Food Prot. 71:1343-1348.
Carlson, B. A., J. Ruby, G. C. Smith, J. N. Sofos, G. R. Bellinger, W. Warren-Serna, B. Centrella, R. A. Bowling, and K. E. Belk. 2008. Comparison of antimicrobial efficacy of multiple beef hide decontamination strategies to reduce levels of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella. J. Food Prot. 71:2223-2227.
Dewell, G. A., C. A. Simpson, R. D. Dewell, D. R. Hyatt, K. E. Belk, J. A. Scanga, P. S. Morley, T. Grandin, G. C. Smith, D. A. Dargatz, B. A. Wagner and M. D. Salman. 2008. Risk associated with transportation and lairage on hide contamination with Salmonella enterica in finished beef cattle at slaughter. J. Food Prot. 71:2228-2232.
Dewell R.D., T.W. Hoffman, D.R. Woerner, K.E. Belk, L.R. Whalen, A.D. Fails, J.A. Scanga, G.C. Smith, and M.D. Salman. 2008. Estimated compliance for removal of specified risk materials from 18 U.S. beef packing plants. J Food Prot. 71:573-577.
Dewell, G. A., C. Simpson, R. Dewell, D. Hyatt, K. Belk, J. Scanga, P. Morley, T. Grandin, G. Smith, D. Dargatz, B. Wagner, and M. Salman. 2008. Impact of transportation and lairage on hide contamination with Escherichia coli O157 in finished beef cattle. J. Food Prot. 71:1114-1118.
Fausti, S.W., B.A. Qasmi, and M.A. Diersen, 2008. the Efficacy of the Grid Marketing Channel for Fed Cattle. Abstract I nthe Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 40, No. 2, 2008: p. 724.
Fausti, S.W., B.A. Qasmi, J. Li, and M.A. Diersen, 2008. Mandatory Livestock Price Reporting, Market Transparency and Price olatility. Abstract in the Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 33, no. 3, p. 491-92.
Fausti, S.W., B.A. Qasmi, and M.A. Diersen, Grid Marketing and Beef Carcass Quality: A Discussion of Issues and Trends, Economics Staff Paper 2008-3, April 2007. Department of Economics, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
Garcia, F., R.D. Sainz, J. Agabriel, L.G. Barioni and J.W. Oltjen. 2008. Comparative analysis of two dynamic mechanistic models of beef cattle growth. Animal Feed Science and Technology 143:220-241.
Garcia, L. G., K. L. Nicholson, T. W. Hoffman, T. E. Lawrence, D. S. Hale, D. B. Griffin, J. W. Savell, D. L. VanOverbeke, J. B. Morgan, K. E. Belk, T. G. Field, J. A. Scanga, J. D. Tatum and G. C. Smith. 2008. National Beef Quality Audit2005: Survey of targeted cattle and carcass characteristics related to quality, quantity, and value of fed steers and heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 86:3533-3543.
Haque and L.J. Butler. 2008. Management simulation tool for estimating value of individual identification of beef cattle. In: Proceedings of Western Sec. American Society of Animal Science 59:140-141.
Huerta-Montauti, D., A. Rodas-González, K. E. Belk, L. Arenas de Moreno, N. Huerta-Leidenz. 2008. Comparison of U.S. versus Venezuelan beef cuts on cookery traits, consumer impressions and shear force. J. Musc. Foods. 19:140-156.
Huerta-Montauti, D., R.K. Miller, C.E. Schuehle Pfeiffer, K.D. Pfeiffer, K.L. Nicholson, W.N. Osburn and J.W. Savell. 2008. Identifying muscle and processing combination suitable for use as beef fajitas. Meat Sci. 80:259-271.
Kassatly, Raymond, Andrew Long, and Justin Kastner. The Political Economy of Sanitary and Phytosanitary Regulatory Notifications of World Trade Organization Members, The World Economy (submitted December 2008, in review).
Kastner, Justin and Cobus Block. The Global Food Supply Chain. In Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security, edited by John Voeller. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (submitted October 2008, accepted December 2008, in press).
Kastner, Justin, Abbey Nutsch, and Curtis Kastner. The Role of Food Safety in Food Security/Defense. In Wiley Handbook of Science and Technology for Homeland Security, edited by John Voeller. John Wiley and Sons, Inc. (submitted September 2008, accepted December 2008, in press).
Kastner, Justin, Jason Ackleson, and Abbey Nutsch. Frontier Interdisciplinary eXperiences in Border Security, Food Protection, Food Defense, Food Security, and Trade. Abstract prepared for the National Center for Food Protection and Defense Annual Meeting, Chaska, Minnesota, September 2008.
Landblom, S.I. Paisley, K.C. Olson, P.S. Johnson, .N. Gates, M.K. Beutler, S.W. Fausti, G.A. Perry, A. Smart, R.R. Salverson, and H.H. Patterson, Alernative Beef Systems Grazing Strategies, Dickson Research Station, Noth Dakota State University:
Landblom, D.G., S.I. Paisley, K.C. Olson, P.S. Johnson, R.N. Gates, M.K. Beutler, S.W. Fausti, G.A. Perry, A. Smart, R.R. Salverson, and H.H. Patterson, Beef Systems Research: Effect of Weaning Date, Weaning Method, and Cow Wintering Method on Beef Cow and Calf Performance, Dickson Research Station, North Dakota State University:
http://www.ag.ndsu, nodak. Edu/dickinso/research/2007/tocweb.htm#g
Laster, M.A., R.D. Smith, K.L. Nicholson, J.D.W. Nicholson, K.B. Harris, R.K. Miller, D.B. Griffin and J.W. Savell. 2008. Tenderness, flavor and yield assessment of dry-aged beef. Meat Sci. 80:795-804.
Lawrence, John D,. James Mintert, John D. Anderson and David P. Anderson. Feed Grains and Livestock: Impacts on Meat Supplies and Prices. Choices 2nd Quarter 2008 " 23(2). Pp. 11-15
McPhee, M. J., J. W. Oltjen, J. G. Fadel, D. Perry, and R. D. Sainz. 2008. Development and evaluation of empirical equations to interconvert between twelfth-rib fat and kidney, pelvic, and heart fat respective fat weights and to predict initial conditions of fat deposition models for beef cattle. J. Anim Sci. 86: 1984-1995.
McPhee, M.J., Oltjen, J.W., Fadel, J.G., Mayer, D.G., Sainz, R.D. (2008). Parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis of fat deposition models in beef steers using acslXtreme. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. doi: 10.1016/j.matcom.2008.08.011
Meisinger, J.L., D. L. Pendell, D.L. Morris, K. E. Belk and G. C. Smith. 2008. Review: Swine traceability systems in selected countries outside of North America. Prof. Anim. Scientist. 24:295-301.
Menkhaus, D.J., O.R. Phillips, and A.V. Yakunina. 2009. Inventories and Public Information in Private Negotiation: A Laboratory Market Study, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 91, In Press.
Mukherjee, A., Y. Yoon, K. E. Belk, J. A. Scanga, G. C. Smith, and J. N. Sofos. 2008. Thermal inactivation of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in beef treated with marination and tenderization ingredients. J. Food Prot. 71:1349-1356.
Murphy, R. G. L., D. L. Pendell, D.L. Morris, J. A. Scanga, K. E. Belk and G. C. Smith. 2008. Review: Animal Identification Systems in North America. The Prof. Anim. Scientist. 24:277-286.
Murphy, R.G.L., D.L. Pendell, G.C. Smith. Lessons from the Canadian Cattle Industry for Developing the National Animal Identification System. In Press: International Food and Agribusiness Management Review.
Muth, Mary K. Yanyan Liu, Stephen R. Koontz, and John D. Lawrence Evidence of the Role of Marketing Arrangements and Valuation Methods in Improving Beef Quality. Forthcoming Agribusiness: An International Journal, Vol. 25, Issue No. 2, Spring 2009. April 2009.
Muth, Mary K. Yanyan Liu, Stephen R. Koontz, and John D. Lawrence, "Differences in Prices and Price Risk Across Alternative Marketing Arrangements Used in the Fed Cattle Industry," Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, Vol. 33, No.1, pp. 118-135, April 2008
Nyambok, E., J. Kastner, and T. Sabo. CREMe Case Study: Aquaculture Chemical Contaminants and Import Risk Analysis. Abstract for the CREMe Software Ltd. Conference, Dublin, Ireland. September 2008.
Oddy, V. H., R.C. Dobos, M. J. McPhee, W. McKiernan, J. W. Oltjen and R. D. Sainz 2008. A new tool to predict beef cattle fatness in the field. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 88[4], 735.
Oltjen, J.W., A. Ahmadi, A.J. Romera, D.J. Drake and S.J.R.Woodward. 2008. PRANCH: Cow-calf herd simulation system. In: Agricultural Information and Information Technology Proceedings of IAALD AFITA WCCA (T. Nagatsuka and S. Ninomiya, Eds.) pp. 123-126.
Oltjen, J.W., D.J. Drake, A.B. Ahmadi, A.J. Romera, S.J.R. Woodward, L.N. Bennett, F. Haque and L.J. Butler. 2008. Management simulation tool for estimating value of individual identification of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 86(E-Suppl. 3):139.
Patton, B.S., S.M. Lonergan, S. A. Cutler, C. H. Stahl, and J. S.
Dickson. 2008. Application of Colicin E1 as a pre-fabrication intervention
strategy. Journal of Food Protection 71:2519-2522.
Phillips, O.R. and D.J. Menkhaus. 2009. Maintaining Tacit Collusion in Repeated Ascending Auctions, Journal of Law and Economics, Vol. 52, In Press.
Schulz, L. and G.T. Tonsor. Cow-Calf Producer Perceptions Regarding Individual Animal Traceability. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics. First Submission, November 2008. (primarily tied to objective 4)
Schulz, L. and G.T. Tonsor. Cow-Calf Producer Preferences for Voluntary Traceability
Systems. American Journal of Agricultural
Shook, J. N., D. L. VanOverbeke, J. A. Scanga, K. E. Belk, J. W. Savell, T. E. Lawrence, J. B. Morgan, D. B. Griffin, D. S. Hale, and G. C. Smith. 2008. The National Beef Quality Audit 2005, Phase I: Views of Producers, Packers, and Merchandisers on Current Quality Characteristics of the Beef Industry. The Prof. Anim. Scientist. 24:189-197.
Smith, G. C., D. L. Pendell, J. D. Tatum, K. E. Belk, J. N. Sofos. 2008. Post-slaughter traceability. Meat Sci. 80:66-74.
Smith, G. C., J. D. Tatum and K. E. Belk. 2008. International perspective: characterization of United States Department of Agriculture and Meat Standards Australia systems for assessing beef quality. Aust. J. Exp. Agric. 48:1465-1480.
Smith, R.D., K.L. Nicholson, J.D.W. Nicholson, K.B. Harris, R.K. Miller, D.B. Griffin, and J.W. Savell. 2008. Dry versus wet aging of beef: Retail cutting yields and consumer palatability evaluations of steaks from U.S. Choice and U.S. Select short loins. Meat Sci. 79:631-639.
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Tonsor, G.T., T.C. Schroeder, and J.M.E. Pennings. Factors Impacting Food Safety Risk Attitudes and Perceptions. Journal of Agricultural Economics. Forthcoming. (primarily tied to objective 2)
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L. S. Senaratne, C. R. Calkins, A. S. de Mello Jr., T. P. Carr, and G. A. Sullivan. 2009. Effects of wet distillers grains feeding supplemented with vitamin E on fatty acid composition and sensory attributes of beef steaks. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Supp. 2):245.
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Tarrie Crnic and Justin Kastner. Veterinary Capacity Analysis: Taiwan. Report prepared for Dr. Barry Erlick for U.S. Department of Defense and National Agricultural Biosecurity Center project, Development of Veterinary Response Capacity Templates for Intelligence Analysts (30 September 2009).
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