S1032: Improving the Sustainability of Livestock and Poultry Production in the United States (OLD S1032)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Refereed Publications
Agudelo, J.H., M.D. Lindemann, G.L. Cromwell, M.C. Newman, and R.D. Nimmo. 2007. Virginiamycin improves phosphorus digestibility and utilization by growing-finishing pigs fed a phosphorus-deficient corn-soybean meal diet. J. Anim. Sci. 85:2173-2182.
Angel, R., 2007. Metabolic disorders: Limitations to growth of and mineral deposition into the broiler skeleton after hatch and potential implications for leg problems. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 16:138-149.
Applegate, T.J., W. Powers, and R. Angel. 2007. Protein and amino acid nutrition in poultry: impacts on performance and the environment. In: Gaining the Edge in Pork and Poultry Production. Edit. J.A. Taylor-Pickard and P. Spring, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, Netherlands. Pg. 139-151.
Blunden, J., V. P. Aneja and P. W. Westerman. 2008. Measurement and analysis of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions from a mechanically ventilated swine confinement building in North Carolina. Atmospheric Environment 42:3315-3331.
Chen, J., Y. Zhongtang, F.C. Michel Jr., T. Wittum and M. Morrison. 2007. Development and application of real-time PCR assays for quantification of erm genes conferring resistance to macrolides-Lincosamides-Streptogramin B in livestock manure and manurement systems. Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 73(14):4407-4416
Classen, J.J., J.M. Rice, and R. Sherman, 2007. The Effects of Vermicompost on Field Turnips and Rainfall Runoff. Compost Science and Utilization 15(1): 34-39.
Costantini, V.P., A.C., Azevedo, L. Xin, M.C. Williams, F.C. Michel Jr.,L.J. Saif. 2007. Effects of different animal waste treatment technologies on detection and viability of porcine enteric viruses. Applied & Environmental Microbiology. 73(16):5284-5291
Cromwell, G.L., M.D. Lindemann, and H.J. Monegue. 2007. Bioavailability of iron in an organic iron source for young pigs. J. Anim. Sci 85(Suppl. 1):646.
Grewal, S., S. Sreevatsan and F.C. Michel Jr. 2007. Persistence of Listeria and Salmonella during swine manure treatment. Compost Science & Utilization. 15(1): p53-62
Haan, M. M., J. R. Russell, W. J. Powers, J. L. Kovar, and J. L. Benning. 2007. Effects of forage management on pasture productivity and phosphorus content. Rangeland Ecology and Management 60:311-318.
Hubbard, R.K., G.L. Newton, and J. Ruter. 2007. A farm-scale test of nitrogen assimilation by vegetated buffer systems receiving swine lagoon effluent by overland flow. TRANS of ASAE. 50(1):53-64.
Keener, H.M., B. Faucette, and M.H. Klingman. 2007. Flow-Through Rates and Evaluation of Solids Separation of Compost Filter Media vs. Silt Fence in Sediment Control Applications. J. Environ. Qual. 36:742-752
Mukhtar, S., L. A. Lazenby, S. Rahman. 2007. Evaluation of a synthetic tube dewatering system for animal waste pollution control. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(5): 669-675
Powers, W.J., S. Zamzow, and B.J. Kerr. 2007. Reduced crude protein effects on aerial emissions from swine. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 23(4): 539-546.
Shah, S. B., P. W. Westerman, R. D. Munilla, M. E. Adcock, and G. R. Baughman. 2008. Design and evaluation of a regenerating scrubber for reducing animal house emissions. Transactions of the ASABE 51(1):243-250.
Sigua, G. C. and S.W. Coleman. 2007. Sustainable management of nutrients in forage-based pasture soils: effect of animal congregation sites. J Soils & Sediments 6(4): 249-253.
St-Hilaire, S., C. Sheppard, J. K. Tomberlin, S. Irving, L. Newton, M. A. McGuire, E. E. Mosley, R. W. Hardy and W. Sealey. 2007a. Fly prepupae as a feedstuff for rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss. J. World Aquaculture Soc. 38:59-67.
St-Hilaire, S., K. Cranfill, M. A. McGuire, E. E. Mosley, J. K. Tomberlin, L. Newton, W. Sealey, C. Sheppard, and S. Irvin. 2007b. Fish ofal recycling by the black soldier fly produces a foodstuff high in Omega-3 fatty acids. J. World Aquaculture Soc. 38:309-313.
Tyndall, J.C. and J.P. Colletti. 2007. Mitigating Swine Odor with Strategically Designed Shelterbelt Systems: A Review. Agroforestry Systems. Volume 69, Number 1/January, 2007.
Wortmann, C.S. and C.A. Shapiro. 2007. The effects of manure application on soil aggregation. J. Nutr. Cycling Agroecosystems. Published online: 21 Sep 2007.
Wortmann, C.S. and D.A. Walters. 2007. Residual effects of compost and plowing on phosphorus and sediment in runoff. J. Envir. Qual. 36:1521-1527.
Wu-Haan, W., W.J. Powers, C.R. Angel, C.E. Hale, III, and T.J. Applegate. 2007. Effect of an acidifying diet combined with zeolite and slight protein reduction on air emissions from laying hens of different ages. Poult. Sci. 86:182-190.
Wu-Haan, W., W.J. Powers, C.R. Angel, C.E. Hale, III, and T.J. Applegate. 2007.Nutrient digestibility and mass balance in laying hens fed a commercial or acidifying diet. Poult. Sci. 86: 684-690.
Xiao, J., J. Zhu, S. Chen, W. Ruan, and C. Miller. 2007. A Novel Use of Anaerobically Digested Swine Manure to Potentially Control Soybean Cyst Nematode. J. Environ. Sci. & Health Part B B42(6): 749-757.
Yan, F., R. Angel, C.M. Ashwell, 2007. Characterization of the chicken small intestine type IIb sodium phosphate cotransporter. Poult. Sci. 85: 1200-1211.
Zhu, J., C. F. Miller, C. Dong, X. Wu, L. Wang, S. Mukhtar. 2007. Aerator Module Development Using Venturi Air Injectors to Improve Aeration Efficiency. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 23(5): 661-667.
Zhu, J, X. Wu, C. Miller, F. Yu, P. Chen, and R. Ruan. 2007. Biohydrogen Production through Fermentation Using Liquid Swine Manure as Substrate. J. Environ. Sci. & Health B42 (4): 1-9.
Angel, R., and C.M. Ashwell. 2007. Improved phosphorus utilization in broilers fed phosphorus deficient diets early in life. Poult. Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):72.
Angel, R., W. Powers, S. Zamzow, T. Applegate and D. Hoehler. 2007. Impact of feeding reduced protein diets on performance, breast yields and nitrogen emissions in broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 86 (suppl):766.
Applegate, T., W. Powers and R. Angel. 2007. Effect of amino acid formulation and synthetis amino acid supplementation on turkey tom performance. Poult. Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):153.
Ashwell, C.M., and R. Angel. 2007. Long-term effects on the expression of the intestinal Na-P type IIb contransporter in broilers fed phosphorus deficient diets early in life. Poult. Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):481.
Fortuna, Ann-Marie, C.Wayne Honeycutt, Terrence L. Marsh, Timothy Griffin, Robert Larkin, Zhongqui He, Brian Wienhold, Karamat Sistani, Stephan Albrecht, Bryan Woodbury, H. Allen Torbert, J. Mark Powell, Robert K. Hubbard, Roger A. Eigenberg and Robert Wright. 2007. Linking process level function and beta-ammonia oxidizer community dynamics across varying soils following manure application. Agronomy Abstracts #289-6.
Hubbard, Robert K., David Bosch, Laura Marshall, Timothy C. Strickland, Diane Rowland, Timothy Griffin, C.Wayne Honeycutt, Stephan Albrecht, Karamat Sistani, H. Allen Torbert, Brian Wienhold, Bryan Woodbury, and J. Mark Powell. 2007. Mineralization of broiler litter as affected by soil texture in the southeastern coastal plain. Agronomy Abstract 99-6.
Powers, W., R. Angel, and T. Applegate. 2007. Effect of diet on air emissions from broiler chickens. Proceedings of the International Ammonia Conference in Agriculture. March 19-21, Ede, The Netherlands.
Proszkowiec-Weglarz, M., B.D. Humphrey, M.P. Richards, R.W. Rosebrough, J.P. McMurtry and R. Angel. 2007. Expression of the carbohydrate response element binding protein gene and related genes involved in hepatic lipogenesis during post-hatch development of broiler chickens. Poult. Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):390.
Puttress, J., W.W. Saylor, R. Angel, A.D. Mitchell and M.E. Persia. 2007. Effects of mega doses of phytase on broiler chick body composition. Poult. Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):397.
Xiao, J., J. Zhu, S. Chen, W. Ruan, and C. Miller. 2007. Control of the Soybean Cyst Nematode Using Anaerobically Digested Liquid Swine Manure. Journal of Nematology 39(1): 73-73 (Abstract).
Zimmermann, N.G., R. Angel and W. Saylor. 2007. Effect of Pro-Agri" amendment, before and after cleanout, on broiler litter moisture, calcium, nitrogen, and total and soluble phosphorus. Poult. Sci. 86(Suppl. 1):90.
Conference Preceedings
Angel, R. 2007. Phosphorus and calcium needs for skeletal development in the young broiler. California Nutrition Conference Proceedings, Fresno, May 9 & 10, 2007. Pp 150-159.
Chaoui, H., M. Brugger. 2007. Comparison and Sensitivity Analysis of Setback Distance Models . CD-Rom of the International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture. Proceedings: International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture. September 16-19, 2007.
Classen, J.J., J.M. Rice, S.K. Liehr, K.D. Zering. 2007. Engineering and Economic Approaches to Technology Evaluations: A Call for a New Approach. Proceedings: International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture. September 16-19, 2007.
Henderson, E.M., and Safferman, S. I. 2007. Anaerobic Digestion Feasibility Protocol for Fruit and Vegetable Processors. ASABE Annual International Meeting, ASABE, Minneapolis Convention Center, 17 - 20 June 2007.
Hsu-Ya Kang, Ping Yi Yang, Warren G. Dominy, and Cheng-Sheng Lee 2007. CIGR Section VI International Symposium in Food and Agricultural Products: Processing and Innovations, Naples, Italy.
I. Khanijo, R. Burns, L. Moody, M. Helmers, J. Lawrence, C. Pederson, D. Anderson. Vegetated Treatment System Models: Modeled vs. Measured Performance. 2007. Proceedings: International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture. September 16-19, 2007.
Jacobson, L.D., B.P. Hetchler, and D.R. Schmidt. 2007. Sampling pit and wall emission for H2S, NH3, CO2, PM, & odor from deep-pit pig finishing facilities. Proceedings: International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture. September 16-19, 2007.
L. Moody, N. Heithoff, R. Burns, C. Pederson, I. Khanijo. Settling Basin Design and Performance for Runoff Control from Beef Feedlots. 2007. Proceedings: International Symposium on Air Quality and Waste Management for Agriculture. September 16-19, 2007.
R. Angel. 2007. Nutricion y contaminacion ambiental: El punto de vista del sector avicola en EEUU. Procedings XXIII Curso de Especialización FEDNA, Madrid October 25 and 26, 2007.
W. Powers, R. Angel, and T. Applegate. 2007. Dietary strategies to reduce emissions from broilers. Proceedings of the MultiState Poultry Conference, Indianapolis, May 22-24, 2007.
Zhao, L.Y., M. Darr, X. Wang, R. Manuzon, M. Brugger1, E. Imerman, G. Arnold, H. Keener, and A. J. Heber. 2007. Temporal Variations in Gas and Odor Emissions from a Dairy Manure Storage Pond. Electronic -only Sixth International Dairy Housing Conference Proceedings of the 16-18 June 2007, (Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA), eds J. Zulovich, B. Holmes, J. Harner. St. Joseph Michigan: ASABE. ,16-18 June 2007 . ASAE Pub #701P0507e
Non-refereed papers and poster presentations
Yang, X., Koziel, J.A., Cai L., Hoff, S. et al. Novel treatment of VOCs and odor using photolysis. ASABE Annual International Meeting, 2007, Minneapolis, MN, paper No. 074139.
Zhu, J., C. Miller, C. Dong, X. Wu, L. Wang, and S. Mukhtar. 2007. Development of an Aerator Module to Control Odor from Liquid Manure Storage Facilities. ASABE paper#: 074054. Minneapolis, MN, June 18-20, 2007.
Andersen, D., R. Burns, L. Moody, C. Pedersen. The Use of Soil-Plant-Air-Water Model to Predict the Hydraulic Performance of Vegetative Treatment Areas for Controlling Open Feedlot Runoff. 2008. Proceedings of the 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting. June 29-July 2, 2008.
Andersen, D., R. Burns, L. Moody, M. Helmers. Comparison of the Soil-Plant-Air-Water Model and the Iowa State University Effluent Limitation Guidlines Model to Replicate Holding Basin Performance. 2008. Proceedings of the 2008 ASABE Annual International Meeting. June 29-July 2, 2008.
Applegate, T.J., C. Troche, Z. Jiang, and T. Johnson. 2009. The nutritional value of high-protein corn distillers dried grains for broiler chickens and its effect on nutrient excretion. Poultry Science 88:354-35.
Centner, T.J. and G.L. Newton. 2008. Meeting environmental requirements for land application of manure. J. Anim. Sci. 86:3228-3234.
Dong, R. 2009. Hydrothermal process for bioenergy production from corn fiber and swine manure. PhD diss. Urbana, Ill.: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Harrigan, T.M. , R. Leep and T. Dietz. Improving Pasture and Hay Ground with Manure Slurry-Enriched Seeding. ASABE Paper No. 096719. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE
Hubbard, R.K. 2009. Using floating vegetated mats to treat fishery wastewater. Agricultural Research Magazine. January 2009. p. 17.
Koziel, J.A, X. Yang, S. Zhang, L. Cai, S. J. Hoff, H. J. Leeuwen, T. Cutler, J. Zimmerman, W. S. Jenks, Y. Laor, U. Ravid, R. Armon. 2008. Treatment of livestock odor and pathogens with ultraviolet photocatalysis. In the proceedings of The 3rd IWA Odour and VOCs Conference, Barcelona, Spain, October 2008.
Mukhtar, S., K. Wagner, and L. Gregory. 2009. Field Demonstration of the Performance of a Geotube® Dewatering System to Reduce Phosphorus and Other Substances from Dairy Lagoon Effluent. TWRI Report No. TR-345. College Station: Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas A&M System.
Mukhtar, S., K. Wagner, and L. Gregory. 2009. Field Demonstration of the Performance of and Electrocoagulation System to Reduce Phosphorus and Other Substances from Dairy Lagoon Effluent. TWRI Technical No. TR-346. College Station: Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas A&M System.
Mukhtar, S., S. Rahman, and L. Gregory. 2009. Field Demonstration of the Performance of the L4DB® Microbial Treatment System to Reduce Phosphorus and Other Substances from Dairy Lagoon Effluent. TWRI Report No. TR-344. College Station: Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas A&M System.
Mukhtar, S., S. Rahman, and L. Gregory. 2009. Field Demonstration of the Performance of Wastewater Treatment Solution (WTS®) to Reduce Phosphorous and other Substances from Dairy Lagoon Effluent. TWRI Report No. TR-342. College Station: Texas Water Resources Institute, Texas A&M System.
Sheppard, D.C., G.L. Newton, and G. Burtle. 2008. Black soldier fly prepupae - a compelling alternative to fish meal and fish oil. NOAA National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA-USDA Alternative Feeds Initiative. (http://aquaculture.noaa.gov/pdf/comment_pdf/sheppard.pdf)
Westerman, P., K. Bowers, K. Zering, and M. Adcock. 2008. Phosphorus Recovery from Covered Digester Effluent with a Continuous-Flow Struvite Crystallizer, ASABE Annual Meetings Presentation Paper No. 083892, 2008.
Wortmann, C. and C. Shapiro. 2007. The effects of manure application on soil aggregation. J. Nutr. Cycling Agroecosystems. Published online: 21 Sep 2007.
Yang, X., J.A. Koziel, T. Cutler, S. Zhang, J. Zimmerman, S.J. Hoff, W. Jenks, J (Hans) van Leeuwen, J. Harmon, C. Faulhaber, Y. Laor, U. Ravid, R. Armon. 2008. Treatment of livestock odor and pathogens with ultraviolet light. ASABE Paper # 085198. ASABE Annual International Meeting. Providence, RI, June, 2008.
Zhu, J., Z. Zhang, and C. Miller. 2008. Odor and Aeration Efficiency Affected by Solids in Swine Manure during Post-Aeration Storage. Transactions of ASABE 51(1): 293-300.
Zhu, J, C. Dong, C. Miller, L. Wang, X. Wu, S. Mukhtar. 2008. A Surface Aeration Unit for Odor Control from Liquid Swine Manure Storage Facilities. CO-ROM in Proc. Mitigating Air Emissions from Animal Feeding Operations. May 19-21, Des Moines, IA.
S-1032 2010 Alphabetical Listing of References
Adedokun, S.A., C.M. Parsons, M.S. Lilburn, O. Adeola, and T.J. Applegate. 2009. Comparison of amino acid digestibility of feed ingredients in broilers, laying hens, and caectomised roosters. Brit. Poult. Sci. 50:350-358.
Applegate, T.J., C. Troche, Z. Jiang, and T. Johnson. 2009. The nutritional value of high-protein corn distillers dried grains for broiler chickens and its effect on nutrient excretion. Poult. Sci. 88:354-359.
Applegate, T.J., G. Schatzmayr, K. Prickel, C. Troche, and Z. Jiang. 2009. Effect of aflatoxin culture on intestinal function and nutrient loss in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88:1235-1241.
Applegate, T.J., E. Onyango, R. Angel, and W.J. Powers. 2009. Effect of amino acid formulation and dietary probiotic supplementation on egg production and egg characteristics in laying hens. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 18:552-561.
Applegate, T.J., G. Schatzmayr, K. Prickel, C. Troche, and Z. Jiang. 2009. Effect of aflatoxin culture on intestinal function and nutrient loss in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):145.
Applegate, T.J., E. Onyango, R. Angel, and W. Powers. 2009. Effect of amino acid formulation and dietary probiotic supplementation on egg production and characteristics of laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):159-160.
Borhan. S., S. Capareda, S. Mukhtar, W.B. Faulkner, R. McGee, and C.B. Parnell, Jr. 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions from ground level area sources in a dairy operation. ASABE International meeting, Pittsburgh, PA. ASABE paper No. 10-08659.
Borhan. S., S. Capareda, S. Mukhtar, W.B. Faulkner, R. McGee, and C.B. Parnell, Jr. 2010. Measurements of volatile organic compound and greenhouse gas emissions
from ground level area sources in a beef feedyard using isolation flux chamber. ASABE paper No. 10-08657. ASABE International meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.
Davis, S., Cleary, S. Safferman, Rathbun, D. Ledebuhr, and G. Fritz. 2009. Milking center wastewater management - bark filter mounds. Michigan Dairy Review. 14(2):11-13.
de Beer, M., T.J. Applegate, K.A. Walter, and D. Burnham. 2009. Effect of diet formulation on a total or digestible amino acid basis and amino acid concentration on broiler performance and carcass yield. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):159.
Del Nero Maia, G., G.B. Day, J.L. Taraba, R.S. Gates, and L. Dutra de Melo. 2010. Relation of ammonia biofiltration and nitrous oxide generation affected by moisture. ASABE Paper No: 1009189. Pittsburgh PA, St. Joseph, MI.
Dutra de Melo, L., G.B. Day, J.L. Taraba, and G. Del Nero Maia. 2010. Assessment of a moisture application system for compost biofilters. ASABE Paper No: 1009176. Pittsburgh PA, St. Joseph, MI.
Burtle, G.J., G.L. Newton, and D.C. Sheppard. 2009. Soldier fly instead of fish in fish feed. Hatchery International. Vol. 10, no. 4.
Giri, S., S. Mukhtar and R. Wittie. 2010. Vegetative covers for sediment control and phosphorus sequestration from dairy waste application fields. Transactions of the ASABE. 52 (3), 803-811.
Green Foodservice Alliance. 2009. Processing of manure and other perishable organics and waste into valuable feed nutrients and other components: value added waste management with black soldier fly. http://www.greenfoodservicealliance.org/POWER.
Green Foodservice Alliance. 2009. The black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, as an organic waste resource recovery tool. http://www.greenfoodservicealliance.org/POWER.
Hubbard, R.K. 2010. Impacts of agriculture on nitrates in soil and groundwater in the southeastern coastal plain. Seventh International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds. (Batelle), Monterey, CA.
Hubbard, R.K., W. Anderson, G.J. Burtle, G.L. Newton, J.M. Ruter, and J.P. Wilson. 2010. Treatment of aquaculture wastewater using floating vegetated mats. ASABE International Symposium on Air Quality and Manure Management for Agriculture, Dallas, TX.
Jiménez-Moreno, E., R. Angel, J. García, W. Powers, T. Applegate. 2009. Effect of inclusion of adipic acid, calcium chloride and a protease in broiler diets differing in protein concentration on performance, N retention, excreta pH and nitrogen loss from stored excreta. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):85.
Jiménez-Moreno, E.R. Angel, J. García, W. Powers, T. Applegate. 2009. Effect of diet protein, protein source, and protease inclusion on broiler performance, excreta pH and nitrogen loss from excreta during storage. Poult. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1):85-86.
Knoll, Joseph E., William F. Anderson, Tim Strickland and Bob Hubbard. 2010. Field performance of potential biomass feedstocks under no inputs in south Georgia. 32nd symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals.
Koelsch, Richard, Alan Sutton, Joe Lally. 2010. Nutrient planning on swine farms.
Larson, R., S.I. Safferman. 2009. Stormwater runoff characterization from animal feeding operations. 2009 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno, NV.
Li, Y., J. Zhu, X. Wu, C. Miller, L. Wang. 2010. The effect of pH on continuous biohydrogen production from swine wastewater supplemented with glucose. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, in press. DOI: 10.1007/s12010-010-8914-3.
Maia, G.D.N., G.B. Day, R.S. Gates, J.L. Taraba. 2010. Method for characterization of sieved media in compost biofilters with water sorption isotherms. Transactions of the ASABE, in preparation.
Mukhtar, S., S. Borhan, S. Rahman and J. Zhu. 2010. Evaluation of a field-scale surface aeration system in an anaerobic poultry lagoon. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(2):307-318.
Rahman, S and S. Mukhtar. 2010. On-farm turkey carcass composting using sunflower hulls-based turkey litter in North Dakota climatic conditions. ASABE paper No. 10-09022. Pittsburgh, PA.
Rathbun, J., S. Safferman, S. Davis, T. Cleary, K. Foight. 2010. Performance evaluation of a filter mound for treating milking center wastewater from a small dairy. Transactions of the ASABE, in preparation.
Safferman, S.I., L. Faivor, and D. Wall. 2009. Waste biomass anaerobic digestion biogas potential. WEFTEC 2009, Orlando FL.
Safferman, S., W. Liao, and C. Saffron. 2009. Engineering the bioeconomy. Journal of Environmental Engineering, Vol. 135, No. 11, 1085.
Schneemann, J., S. Miller, Y. Liu, S. Safferman. 2009. Waste biomass energy inventory to support renewable energy development. 2009 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno, NV.
Shah, S.B., B.K. Balla, G.L. Grabow, P.W. Westerman and D.E. Bailey. 2009. Impact of land application method on ammonia emission from hog lagoon effluent. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 25(6):963-973.
Souza, C.F., G.B. Day, J.L. Taraba, R.S. Gates, and W.P.M. Ferreira. 2010. BIOG-C: Modeling the volumetric methane production in the anaerobic digestion process applied to swine wastes. ASABE Paper No: 1009181. June 20-23, Pittsburgh PA., St. Joseph, MI.
Troche, C., Z. Jiang, and T.J. Applegate. 2009. Zinc amino acid complex supplementation improves performance and influences intestinal immune response after coccidial vaccine challenge. Poult. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1):15-16.
Wang, L., Y. Li, P. Chen, M. Min, Y. Chen, J. Zhu, R. R. Ruan. 2010. Anaerobic digested dairy manure as a nutrient supplement for cultivation of oil-rich green microalgae Chlorella sp. Bioresource Technology 101(8):2623-2628.
Westerman, P., K. Bowers, K. Zering, and M. Adcock. 2009. Phosphorus recovery from covered digester effluent with a continuous-flow struvite crystallizer, applied engineering in agriculture 26(1):153-161.
Westerman, P., K. Zering, and D. Rashash. 2009. Struvite crystallizer for recovering
phosphorus from lagoon and digester liquid. AG-724W. NC Cooperative Extension Service. NC State University, Raleigh, NC. http://www.bae.ncsu.edu/programs/extension/manure/lagoon/ag-724w_struvite_crystallizer.pdf.
Westerman, P., K. Zering, and D. Rashash, 2009. Struvite crystallizer for
recovering phosphorous from lagoon and digester liquid, Extension fact sheet AG-724w, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University.
Wu-Haan, W., W. Powers, R. Angel, and T.J. Applegate. 2009. The use of distillers dried grains plus solubles as a feed ingredient on nutrient excretion and air emissions from laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):49.
Wu, X., W. Yao, J. Zhu, C. Miller. 2010. Biogas and CH4 productivity by co-digesting swine manure with three crop residues as an external carbon source. Bioresource Technology 101(11): 4042-4047.
Wu, X., W. Yao, J. Zhu. 2010. Effect of pH on continuous biohydrogen production from liquid swine manure with glucose supplement using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, In press.
Wu, X., J. Zhu. 2010. The effect of milk co-digested with dairy manure on biogas production and COD removal in batch processes. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, In press.
Yao, W., X. Wu, J. Zhu, B. Sun, C. F. Miller. 2010. Utilization of protein extract from dairy manure as a nitrogen source by Rhizopus oryzae NRRL-395 for L-lactic acid production. Bioresource Technology 101(11):4132-4138.
S-1032 2010 Listing of references by Objective, Task and Sub-Task
Objective 2. Continue the development and performance evaluation of process-level strategies and tactics to reduce environmental pollution at the process level from confined animal feeding operations.
Task A. Develop management tools, strategies and systems for land application of animal manures and effluents that optimize efficient, environmentally friendly utilization of nutrients and are compatible with sustained land, air and water quality.
Sub-Task ii. Quantify gaseous emissions into the air from land application sites.
Hubbard, R.K. 2010. Impacts of agriculture on nitrates in soil and groundwater in the southeastern coastal plain. Seventh International Conference on Remediation of Chlorinated and Recalcitrant Compounds, (Batelle). Monterey, CA.+, ++
Shah, S.B., B.K. Balla, G.L. Grabow, P.W. Westerman and D.E. Bailey. 2009. Impact of land application method on ammonia emission from hog lagoon effluent. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 25(6):963-973.*
Westerman, P., K. Zering, and D. Rashash. 2009. Struvite crystallizer for recovering phosphorus from lagoon and digester liquid. AG-724W. NC Cooperative Extension Service. NC State University, Raleigh, NC.
Task B. Development, evaluation, and implementation of methodology, technology, and management practices to reduce water pollution potential from animal production systems.
Sub-Task i. Develop and evaluate innovative applications of engineered biological treatment processes to stabilize waste, reduce odor, and manage nutrients.
Davis, S., Cleary, S. Safferman, Rathbun, D. Ledebuhr, and G. Fritz. 2009. Milking center wastewater management - bark filter mounds. Michigan Dairy Review. 14(2): 11-13.***
Del Nero Maia, G., G.B. Day, J.L. Taraba, R.S.Gates, L. Dutra de Melo. 2010. Relation of ammonia biofiltration and nitrous oxide generation affected by moisture. Paper No: 1009189. Pittsburgh PA., St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.+
Maia, G. D. N., G.B. Day, R.S. Gates, J.L. Taraba. 2010. Method for characterization of sieved media in compost biofilters with water sorption isotherms. Transactions of the ASABE, In preparation.*
Rathbun, Joseph, S. Safferman, S. Davis, T. Cleary, K. Foight. 2010. Performance evaluation of a filter mound for treating milking center wastewater from a small dairy. Transactions of the ASABE, in preparation.*
Sub-Task ii. Develop and evaluate vegetated or aquaculture-based treatment systems for treating wastewater or runoff from concentrated feeding operations or land application sites.
Giri, S., S. Mukhtar and R. Wittie. 2010. Vegetative covers for sediment control and phosphorus sequestration from dairy waste application fields. Transactions of the ASABE. 52 (3):803-811.*
Hubbard, R.K., W. Anderson, G.J. Burtle, G.L. Newton, J.M. Ruter, and J.P. Wilson. 2010. Treatment of aquaculture wastewater using floating vegetated mats. ASABE International Symposium on Air Quality and Manure Management for agriculture. Dallas, TX.+, ++
Larson, R., S.I. Safferman, 2009. Stormwater Runoff Characterization from Animal Feeding Operations. 2009 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno, Nevada.+
Sub-Task iii. Develop and evaluate physical and chemical treatments for recovering or stabilizing manure solids or manure treatment by-products for improved utilization alternatives.
Green Foodservice Alliance. 2009. Processing of manure and other perishable organics and waste into valuable feed nutrients and other components: value added waste management with black soldier fly. http://www.greenfoodservicealliance.org/POWER.+++
Green Foodservice Alliance. 2009. The black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, as an organic waste resource recovery tool. http://www.greenfoodservicealliance.org/POWER.+++
Wallace, J.M. and S.I. Safferman. 2010. Anaerobic membrane bioreactor for the treatment of liquid dairy manure. Transactions ASABE. In preparation.*
Westerman, P., K. Bowers, K. Zering, and M. Adcock. 2009. Phosphorus
recovery from covered digester effluent with a continuous-flow struvite crystallizer. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 26(1):153-161.*
Westerman, P., K. Zering, and D. Rashash. 2009. Struvite crystallizer for
recovering phosphorous from lagoon and digester liquid, extension fact sheet AG-724w, Dept. of Biological and Agricultural Engineering, North Carolina State University.**
Sub-Task iv. Develop and evaluate biological or thermochemical treatment of animal manures and mortalities for conversion into renewable energy and/or value-added products.
Dutra de Melo, L., G.B. Day, J.L. Taraba, and G. Del Nero Maia. 2010. Assessment of a moisture application system for compost biofilters. ASABE Meeting Presentation. Paper No: 1009176. Pittsburgh PA, St. Joseph, MI.+
Knoll, Joseph E., William F. Anderson, Tim Strickland, and Bob Hubbard. 2010. Field performance of potential biomass feedstocks under no inputs in south Georgia. 32nd symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. April 2010.++
Li, Y., J. Zhu, X. Wu, C. Miller, L. Wang. 2010. The effect of pH on continuous biohydrogen production from swine wastewater supplemented with glucose. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, in press. DOI: 10.1007/s12010-010-8914-3.*
Rahman, S and S. Mukhtar. 2010. On-farm turkey carcass composting using sunflower hulls-based turkey litter in North Dakota climatic conditions. ASABE paper No. 10-09022. ASABE International meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.+
Souza, C.F., G.B. Day, J.L. Taraba, R.S. Gates, and W.P.M. Ferreira. 2010. BIOG-C: modeling the volumetric methane production in the anaerobic digestion process applied to swine wastes. Paper No:1009181. Pittsburgh PA., St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.+
Wang, L., Y. Li, P. Chen, M. Min, Y. Chen, J. Zhu, and R. R. Ruan. 2010. Anaerobic digested dairy manure as a nutrient supplement for cultivation of oil-rich green microalgae Chlorella sp. Bioresource Technology. 101(8):2623-2628.*
Wu, X., W. Yao, J. Zhu. 2010. Effect of pH on continuous biohydrogen production from liquid swine manure with glucose supplement using an anaerobic sequencing batch reactor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, In press.*
Wu, X., W. Yao, J. Zhu, C. Miller. 2010. Biogas and CH4 productivity by co-digesting swine manure with three crop residues as an external carbon source. Bioresource Technology 101(11):4042-4047.*
Wu, X., J. Zhu. 2010. The effect of milk co-digested with dairy manure on biogas production and COD removal in batch processes. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A, In press.*
Yao, W., X. Wu, J. Zhu, B. Sun, C. F. Miller. 2010. Utilization of protein extract from dairy manure as a nitrogen source by Rhizopus Oryzae NRRL-395 for L-lactic acid production. Bioresource Technology. 101(11):4132-4138.*
Sub-Task v. Develop and evaluate feeding strategies as a means of reducing water quality impacts and transfer findings to industry for implementation.
Burtle, G.J., G.L. Newton, and D.C. Sheppard. 2009. Soldier fly instead of fish in fish feed. Hatchery International. Vol. 10, no. 4.***
Koelsch, Richard, Alan Sutton, Joe Lally. 2010. Nutrient planning on swine farms.
Safferman, S.I., L. Faivor, and D. Wall. 2009. Waste biomass anaerobic
digestion biogas potential. WEFTEC 2009, Orlando FL.+
Safferman, S., W. Liao, and C. Saffron. 2009. Engineering the bioeconomy. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 135(11):1085.+
Schneemann, J., S. Miller, Y. Liu, S. Safferman. 2009. Waste biomass energy inventory to support renewable energy development. 2009 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Reno, NV.+
Task C. Develop and evaluate methodology, technology, and management practices to reduce odors, gases, airborne microflora, particulate matter, and other airborne emissions from animal production systems.
Sub-Task i. - Develop standard methods of collection, measurement, and mitigation of airborne emissions (odors, gases, particulates, endotoxins, pathogens, and other materials) from animal production operations.
Borhan. S., S. Capareda, S. Mukhtar, W.B. Faulkner, R. McGee, and C.B. Parnell, Jr. 2010. Greenhouse gas emissions from ground level area sources in a dairy operation. ASABE paper No. 10-08659. ASABE International meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.++
Borhan. S., S. Capareda, S. Mukhtar, W.B. Faulkner, R. McGee, and C.B. Parnell, Jr. 2010. Measurements of volatile organic compound and greenhouse gas emissions
from ground level area sources in a beef feedyard using isolation flux chamber. ASABE paper No. 10-08657. ASABE International meeting, Pittsburgh, PA.++
Mukhtar, S., S. Borhan, S. Rahman and J. Zhu. 2010. Evaluation of a field-scale surface aeration system in an anaerobic poultry lagoon. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(2):307-318.*
Sub-Task iii. Develop and evaluate feeding strategies as a means of reducing water quality impacts and transfer findings to industry for implementation.
Adedokun, S.A., C.M. Parsons, M.S. Lilburn, O. Adeola, and T.J. Applegate. 2009. Comparison of amino acid digestibility of feed ingredients in broilers, laying hens, and caectomised roosters. Brit. Poult. Sci. 50:350-358.*
Applegate, T.J., S. Adedokun, O. Adeola, C. Parsons, and M.S. Lilburn. 2009. Application of digestible amino acids in poultry nutrition. Western Nutr. Conf. 211-220.+
Applegate, T.J., S. Adedokun, O. Adeola, C. Parsons, and M.S. Lilburn. 2009. Digestible amino acid formulations for poultry. Minnesota Nutr. Conf. 255-265.+
Applegate, T.J., E. Onyango, R. Angel, and W.J. Powers. 2009. Effect of amino acid formulation and dietary probiotic supplementation on egg production and egg characteristics in laying hens. J. Appl. Poult. Res. 18:552-561.*
Applegate, T.J., E. Onyango, R. Angel, and W. Powers. 2009. Effect of amino acid formulation and dietary probiotic supplementation on egg production and characteristics of laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):159-160.++
Applegate, T.J., J.A. Patterson, and V. Klose. 2009. Use of pre- and probiotics in broiler nutrition. Proceedings of AveExpo, Iguaçu Falls City - Paraná State, Brazil. 148-160.+
Applegate, T.J., G. Schatzmayr, K. Prickel, C. Troche, and Z. Jiang. 2009. Effect of aflatoxin culture on intestinal function and nutrient loss in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88:1235-1241.*
Applegate, T.J., G. Schatzmayr, K. Prickel, C. Troche, and Z. Jiang. 2009. Effect of aflatoxin culture on intestinal function and nutrient loss in laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):145.++
Applegate, T.J., C. Troche, Z. Jiang, and T. Johnson. 2009. The nutritional value of high-protein corn distillers dried grains for broiler chickens and its effect on nutrient excretion. Poult. Sci. 88:354-359.*
de Beer, M., T.J. Applegate, K.A. Walter, and D. Burnham. 2009. Effect of diet formulation on a total or digestible amino acid basis and amino acid concentration on broiler performance and carcass yield. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):159.++
Jiménez-Moreno, E.R. Angel, J. García, W. Powers, T. Applegate. 2009. Effect of diet protein, protein source, and protease inclusion on broiler performance, excreta pH and nitrogen loss from excreta during storage. Poult. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1):85-86.++
Jiménez-Moreno, E., R. Angel, J. García, W. Powers, T. Applegate. 2009. Effect of inclusion of adipic acid, calcium chloride and a protease in broiler diets differing in protein concentration on performance, N retention, excreta pH and nitrogen loss from stored excreta. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):85.++
Troche, C., Z. Jiang, and T.J. Applegate. 2009. Zinc amino acid complex supplementation improves performance and influences intestinal immune response after coccidial vaccine challenge. Poult. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 1):15-16.++
Wu-Haan, W., W. Powers, R. Angel, and T.J. Applegate. 2009. The use of distillers dried grains plus solubles as a feed ingredient on nutrient excretion and air emissions from laying hens. Poult. Sci. 88(Suppl. 1):49.++
*refereed journal article +conference proceeding
**extension article ++conference abstract
***nonrefereed journal article +++website
Wheeler, E.F., D. Meyer, P. Martin, D. Schnidt, W. Powers. 2010. Recommended Units and Supporting Data for Standardized Reporting of Air Emissions from Animal Agriculture White Paper USDA NRCS Agricultural Air Quality Task Force. 21 September 2010. Livestock and Poultry Sub-Committee. Raleigh, North Carolina.
McCaskey, T.A. 2010. A process to enhance crude protein content and microbial safety of broiler poultry litter. Proceedings 2010 National Poultry and Animal Waste Management Symposium . Greensboro, NC October 26-28, 2010.
Fonner, R., T.L. Funk. 2010. The challenge of providing manure management education and keeping it fresh. In, Proceedings of International Symposium on Air Quality and Manure Management for Agriculture, 13-16 September 2010, Dallas, TX. 711P0510cd. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
Yu, G., Y. Zhang, L. Schideman, T. L. Funk, Z. Wang. 2011. Hydrothermal liquefaction of low lipid content microalgae into bio-crude oil.Transactions of the ASABE. 54(1): 239-246.
Yang, L., X. Wang, T. L. Funk, R. S. Gates, N. Jiang. 2010. Optimization of livestock air pollutants removal biofilter, Part I: Media Selection. Paper No. 1009802. 2010 Pittsburgh, PA, June 20 - June 23, 2010. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
Wu-Haan, W., W. Powers, R. Angel, and T. J. Applegate. 2010. Dried grains plus solubles as a feed ingredient on air emissions and performance from laying hens. Poult. Sci. 89:1355-1359.
Horn, N.L., J.S. Radcliffe, T.J. Applegate, and O. Adeola. 2010. Gut morphology and nutrient retention responses of broiler chicks and white pekin ducklings to dietary threonine deficiency. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 90:513-520.
Applegate, T.J., W. Powers, R. Angel, and D. Karcher. 2010. Dietary impacts on air emissions from poultry. Multi-state Poult. Feeding Nutr. Conf. 13 pages.
Applegate, T.J. 2010. Gut health: physiological responses, nutrient availability, and endogenous losses. European Poultry Conf. Proc.13:in press.
Applegate, T.J. 2010. Cost benefit analyses of maintaining the gut barrier. Ark. Nutrition Conf. 8 pages.
Adeola, O. and T.J. Applegate. 2010. Phosphorus and calcium equivalency of phytase. Intl. Phytase Summit. 23-43.
Dutra de Melo, L., G.B. Day V, J.L. Taraba, and G. Del Nero Maia. 2010. Assessment of a Moisture Application System for Compost Biofilters. ASABE Paper No: 1009176. June 20-23, Pitts. PA., St. Joseph, MI.
Souza, C.F., G.B. Day V, J.L. Taraba, R.S. Gates, and W.P.M. Ferreira. 2010. BIOG-C: Modeling the Volumetric Methane Production in the Anaerobic Digestion Process Applied to Swine Wastes. Paper No:1009181. June 20-23, Pittsburgh PA., St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Del Nero Maia, G., Day, G.B.; Taraba, J. L.; Gates, R. S.; Dutra de Melo, L. 2010. Relation of Ammonia Biofiltration and Nitrous Oxide Generation Affected by Moisture. Paper No: 1009189. June 20-23, Pittsburgh PA., St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
J.L. Taraba, J M Bewley GB Day, FA Damasceno, and R Black. 2010. Winter Management of Dairy Compost Bedded Pack Barns. Kentucky Dairy Notes December. Cooperative Extension Service, College of Agriculture, Univ. of KY, Lexington.
Lindemann, M.D., A.D. Quant, J.S. Monegue, M.Wang, G.L. Cromwell, and M.C. Newman. 2010. Evaluation of antibiotic effects on phosphorus digestibility and utilization by growing-finishing pigs fed a phosphorus-deficient, corn-soybean meal diet. J. Anim. Sci. 88:1752-1758.
Agudelo, J.H., M.D. Lindemann, and G.L. Cromwell. 2010. A comparison of two methods to assess nutrient digestibility in pigs. Livest. Prod. Sci. 133:74-77.
Agudelo-Trujillo, J.H., M.D. Lindemann, and G.L. Cromwell. 2010. Phosphorus utilization in growing pigs fed a phosphorus deficient diet supplemented with a rice bran product and amended with phytase. Revista Colombiana de Ciencias Pecuarias 23:429-443.
Ma, Y.L., M.D. Lindemann, G.L. Cromwell, and G. Rentfrow. 2010. Effect of organic and inorganic mineral source and preslaughter deletion on tissue mineral content of pigs. J. Anim. Sci. 88:(E-Suppl. 2):499.
Theegala, C.S. Value Added Options for Poultry Litter and Dairy Manure, Louisiana Agriculture Magazine, pp. 21-22, July 2010.
Wu-Haan, W., W. J. Powers, C. R. Angel, and T. J. Applegate. 2010. The use of distillers dried grains plus soluble as a feed ingredient on performance and air emissions from laying hens. Poult. Sci. 89:1355-1359.
Sanders, J.O., D.W. Rozeboom, T.L. Loudon, W.J. Northcott, H.L. Person. 2010. Quantifying nutrients in effluent from uncovered, intact mature bovine carcass compost piles subjected to storm events. Compost Sci. & Utilization 18(4):216-231.
Webber, D.F., S.K. Mickelson, S.I. Ahmed, J.R. Russell, W.J. Powers, R.C. Schultz, and J.L. Kovar. 2010. Livestock grazing and vegetative filter strip buffer effects on sediment, nitrate, and phosphorus losses with runoff. J Soil Water Cons. Soc.65(1):34-41.
Sanders, J.O., D.W. Rozeboom, T.L. Loudon, W.J. Northcott, H.L. Person. 2010. Quantifying nutrients in effluent from uncovered, intact mature bovine carcass compost piles subjected to storm events. Compost Sci. & Utilization 18(4):216-231.
Safferman, S.I. (2010). Feedstocks Available for Use in a Bio-Based Economy. Michigan Biomass Waste to Energy Summit. East Lansing, MI. MSU December 7, 2010.
Kirk, D., Faivor, L., Wu-Haan, W., Safferman, S. (2010). Anaerobic Digestion Performance on Blended Feedstorcks. Biogas Summit. Flint, MI. Kettering University, Friday, October 29, 2010.
Safferman, S., Kirk, D., Faivor, L., Liu, Y. (2010). Holistic Anaerobic Digester Development-Michigan State University Anaerobic Digestion Research and Education Center. Biogas Summit. Flint, MI. Kettering University, Friday, October 29, 2010
Wu, X., J. Zhu. 2010. The effect of milk co-digested with dairy manure on biogas production and COD removal in batch processes. J. Environ. Sci. Health, Part A 45(12): 1543-1549.
Kassem, I.J., Y. Sanad, D. Gangaiah, M. Lilburn, J. LeJeune, G. Rajashekara. 2010. Use of Bioluminesence Imaging to Monitor Campylobacter Survival in Chicken Litter. Journal of Applied Microbiology Vol. 109, Issue 6, pp 1988-1997.
Lansing, S., Martin, J.F., Botero, R.B., Da Silva, T.N., Da Silva, E.D. 2010. Methane Production in Low-Cost, Co-Digestion Systems Treating Manure and Used Cooking Grease. Bioresource Technology. 101: 4362-4370.
Wen, L.V., F.L. Schanbacher, ZT Yu. 2010. Putting microbes to work in sequence: Recent advances in temperature-phased anaerobic digestion process. Bioresource Technology 101(2010) 9409-9414.
Gomez, E., J. Martin, F.C. Michel. 2010. Effects of organic loading rate on reactor performance and archaeal community structure in mesophilic anaerobic digesters. Proceedings of the 2010 International ORBIT conference, June 29 to July 3. Heraklion Crete, Greece."
Rhoades, M.B., D.B. Parker, N.A. Cole, R.W. Todd, B.W. Auvermann, E.A. Caraway, D. Topliff, G. L. Schuster. 2010. Continuous ammonia emission measurements from a commercial beef feedyard in Texas. Transactions of the ASABE 53(6):1823-1831.
Adedokun, S.A., O. Adeola, C. Parsons, M.S. Lilburn, and T.J. Applegate. 2011. Factors affecting endogenous amino acid flow in chickens and the need for consistency in methodology (review). Poult. Sci. 90:1737-1748.
Adedokun, S.A., P. Jaynes, R.L. Payne, and T.J. Applegate. 2011. Determination of ileal digestibility of amino acids from feed ingredients for laying hens and broilers. Poult. Sci. 90(Suppl. 1): 85.
Auvermann, B. W., T. Applegate, J. Classen, K. Heflin, G. W. Marek, D. Meyer, W. Powers-Schilling, and K. Zering. 2011. A conceptual framework for dynamic modeling of stocks and flows of mass and energy in livestock- and poultry-intensive agro-ecosystems. Draft unpublished manuscript.
Auvermann, B. W., and K. D. Casey. 2011. Feedyard dust control in an epic Panhandle drought, 2010-2011. Bulletin SP-417, Texas AgriLife Extension Service, College Station, TX.
Bonifacio, H., R. G. Maghirang, E. B. Razote, B. W. Auvermann, J. P. Harner III, J. P Murphy, L. Guo, J. M. Sweeten, and W. L. Hargrove. 2011. Particulate control efficiency of a water sprinkler system at a beef cattle feedlot in Kansas. Transactions of the ASABE 54(1):295-304.
Borhan, M. S., S. C. Capareda, S. Mukhtar, W. B. Faulkner, R. McGee and C. B. Parnell, Jr. 2011. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ground Level Area Sources in Dairy and Cattle Feedyard Operations. Atmosphere (2) 303-329.
Borhan, M. S., S. C. Capareda, S. Mukhtar, W. B. Faulkner, R. McGee and C. B. Parnell, Jr. 2011. Determining Seasonal Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Ground-Level Area Sources in a Dairy Operation in Central Texas. Journal of the Air & Waste Management Association. 61: 786-795.
Classen, J.J., Rice, J.M, McNeill, J.P. and Simmons, O.D. III., 2011. Design and evaluation of a discreet sampler for waste treatment lagoons. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 27(6):1007-1014.
DeOtte, R. E., B. W. Auvermann, W. Powers-Schilling, J. Classen, K. Zering, T. Applegate, and D. Meyer. 2011. A national research network for environmentally, economically, and socially sustainable production of animal protein using information-theoretic and dynamic modeling tools. Preproposal submitted to the National Science Foundation Sustainablility Research Network program. $12,000,000. (not funded)
Game theory, the Joker, and eBay: an introduction to heuristic modeling, WTAMU guest lecture, July 7 (Drs. B. A. Stewart and David Lust, instructors).
Guo, L., R. G. Maghirang, E. B. Razote, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. Laboratory evaluation of the dust control effectiveness of pen surface treatments for cattle feedlots. Journal of Environmental Quality 40(5):1503-1509.
Hiranuma, N., S. D. Brooks, J. Gramann, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. High concentrations of coarse particles emitted from a cattle-feeding operation. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 11(16):8809-8823.
Jacobson, L.D., Schmidt, D.R., Lazarus, W.F. and Koehler, R. 2011. Reducing the Environmental Footprint of Pig Finishing Barns. Paper #1110589. Presented at Annual International Meeting of American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE), August 7-10, 2011 in Louisville, KY.
Jacobson, L., A. Sutton, H. Xin, R. Massey, F. Mitloehner, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. Air issues associated with animal agriculture: A North American perspective. Ames, IA: Council on Agricultural Science and Technology (CAST) (published 05 May 2011).
Kim, E.J., P.L. Utterback, T.J. Applegate, and C.M. Parsons. 2011. Comparison of amino acid digestibility of several feedstuffs determined with the precision-fed cecectomized rooster assay and the ileal amino acid digestibility chick assay. Poult. Sci. 90:25112519.
Kim, Y. I., J.S. Bae, K.S. Jee, T. A. McCaskey and W.S. Kwak. 2011. Effects of feeding a dry or fermented restaurant food residue mixture on performance and blood profiles of rats. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 24 (12):1744-1751.
Larson, R.; S.I. Safferman. (2011). Vegetative Filter Stripes: Surface and Subsurface Water Quality (Paper No. 096542). Annual ASABE Conference, Louisville, KY.
Liu, Z. and W. Powers. 2011. Meta-Analysis of Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Swine Operations. ASABE Paper No. 1111369. ASAE Annual International Meeting, Louisville, KY, Aug 7 10. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Liu, Z., W. Powers, D. Karcher, R. Angel, and T. Applegate. 2011. Effect of amino acid formulation and supplementation on air emissions from turkeys. Trans. ASABE 54:617628.
Liu, Z., W. Powers, D. Karcher, R. Angel, and T. Applegate. 2011. Effect of amino acid formulation and supplementation on nutrient mass balance in turkeys. Poult. Sci. 90: 1153-1161.
Li, W., W. Powers, and G. M. Hill. 2011. Feeding DDGS to swine and resulting impact on air emissions. J. Anim. Sci. 89:3286-3299.
Love, C.D., Kolar, P., and Classen, J.J., 2011 Adsorption of ammonia on ozonated activated carbon. Transactions of the ASABE 54(5): 1931-1940.
Marek, G. W. 2011. Modeling manure flows in the Texas Panhandle in response to fertilizer prices, biofuel demand, and other externalities. Ph. D. dissertation in Systems Agriculture, West Texas A&M University, Canyon, TX.
Meyer, D. and T. Powers. 2011. Manure treatment technologies: anaerobic digesters. University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources. Publication 8409. http://anrcatalog.ucdavis.edu/pdf/8409.pdf.
Meyer, D., P.L. Price, H.A. Rossow, N. Silva-del-Rio, B. Karle, P.H. Robinson, E.J. DePeters, and J. Fadel. 2011. Survey of dairy housing and manure management practices in California. Journal Dairy Sci. 94: 4744-4750.
Mukhtar, S., S. Borhan and J. Beseda II. 2011. Evaluation of a Weeping Wall Solid-Liquid Separation System for Flushed Dairy Manure. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 27(1): 135-142.
Palumbo, N., M. Barbosa-Chiavegato, W. Powers. 2012. Effect of dietary crude protein on nitrogen emissions from beef cattle. Vol. 90, E-Suppl. 2. Abstract 203.
Powers-Schilling, W., et al. 2011. National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool (NAQSAT), Version 1. Available at http://naqsat.tamu.edu.
Rahman, A., and S. Rahman. 2012. Efficacy of vegetative filter strip to minimize solids and nutrients from feedlot runoff. CIGR Journal (Under review).
Rahman, S., T. DeSutter, Q. Zhang. 2011. Efficacy of a microbial additive in reducing odor, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide emissions from farrowing-gestation swine operation. CIGR Journal, 13(3): Manuscript #1940.
Reganold, J.P., D. Jackson-Smith, S.S. Batie, R.R. Harwood, J.L. Kornegay, D. Bucks, C.B. Flora, J.C. Hanson, W.A. Jury, D. Meyer, A. Schumacher Jr., H. Sehmsdorf, C. Shennan, L.A. Thrupp, P. Willis. 2011. Transforming U.S. Agriculture. Science 332: 670-671.
Romero, C., M.E. Abdallah, W. Powers, R. Angel, and T. J. Applegate. 2012. Effect of dietary adipic acid and corn dried distillers grains with solubles on laying hen performance and nitrogen loss from stored excreta with or without sodium bisulfate. Poult. Sci. 91:1149-1157.
Safferman, S.I.; Kirk, D.M.; Faivor, L.L.; Wu-Haan, W. 2011. Anaerobic Digestion Processes in Bioremediation and Sustainability, eds. Moee, R. ; Mudhoo, A., Scriveener Publishing LLC. In press.
Sakirkin, S. L. P., K. D. Casey, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. Hydrogen sulfide emissions from open/drylot cattle-feeding operations. Accepted for publication in the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center.
Sakirkin, S. L. P., N. A. Cole, R. Todd, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. Ammonia emissions from cattle-feeding operations, part 1: issues and emissions. Accepted for publication in the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center (http://www.extension.org/animal_manure_management).
Sakirkin, S. L. P., N. A. Cole, R. Todd, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011b. Ammonia emissions from cattle-feeding operations, part 2: abatement. Accepted for publication in the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center.
Sakirkin, S. L. P., R. Maghirang, S. Amosson, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. Particulate matter emissions from cattle feeding operations, part 1: issues and emissions. Accepted for publication in the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center.
Sakirkin, S. L. P., R. Maghirang, S. Amosson, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. Particulate matter emissions from cattle feeding operations, part 2: abatement. Accepted for publication in the Livestock and Poultry Environmental Learning Center.
Sakirkin, S. L. P., C. L. S. Morgan, J. C. MacDonald, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. Effect of organic carbon source on the predictive ability of visible near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy in characterizing solid cattle manure. Applied Spectroscopy 65(9):1056-1061.
Todd, R. W., N. A. Cole, K. D. Casey, R. Hagevoort, and B. W. Auvermann. 2011. Methane emissions from southern High Plains dairy wastewater lagoons in the summer. Animal Feed Science and Technology 167(1):575-580.
Vanderlick, F., R. McGee, C. B. Parnell, Jr., B. W. Auvermann, B. Lambeth, S. Skloss, and D. Roark. 2011. Comparison of TEOM and gravimetric methods of measuring PM concentrations. Journal of Natural and Environmental Sciences 2(1):19-24.
Wu, X., C. Dong, W. Yao, J. Zhu. 2011. Anaerobic digestion of dairy manure influenced by the wasted milk from milking operations. Journal of Dairy Science 94(8): 3778-3786.
Yang, L., Wang, X., T. L. Funk, R. S. Gates. 2011. Biofilter media characterization and airflow resistance test. Trans. ASABE 54(3): 1127-1136.
Yang, L., Wang, X. and Funk, T.L. 2011. NH3 removal biofilter kinetic study: The role of nitrate, nitrite and ammonium. ASABE Annual International Meeting. August 7-10, Louisville, KY. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI.
Akdeniz, N., L.D. Jacobson, B.P. Hetchler. 2013. Health risk assessment of occupational exposure to target hazardous volatile organic compounds at swine farms. Environmental Science: Process & Impacts (previously Journal of Environmental Monitoring), 15(3):563-572 [http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlepdf/2013/em/c2em30722g].
Aly, S. S., H. A. Rossow, G. Acetoze, T. W Lehenbauer, M. Payne, D. Meyer, J. Maas, and B. Hoar. 2013. Survey of Beef Quality Assurance on California Dairies. J. Dairy Science in press.
Auvermann, B. W. 2013. Development and implementation of an environmental training program for manure contractors. Presented to the NCBA Environmental Management and Property Rights Committee, Denver, CO, 09 Aug 2013.
Auvermann, B. W. 2013. Composting livestock carcasses. Presented at the annual CAFO training, EPA Region 6, Dallas, TX, 3 Apr 2013.
Auvermann, B. W. 2013. The state of the art: PM emissions from open-lot dairies. Presented at the Western States Dairy Air Quality Symposium, Boise, ID, April 16-17.
Brown, D., Li, Y. B. 2012. Solid state anaerobic co-digestion of yard waste and food waste for biogas production. Bioresource Technology. 127:275-280. IF: 4.98
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