S1031: Improvement and Sustainability of Channel-Blue Hybrid Catfish Embryo Production and Performance
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Umali, G.M. 2007. The economic significance of aquatic biotechnology in the production of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) female
x blue catfish (I. furcatus) male hybrid (cb hybrid) embryo. Doctoral dissertation. Auburn University, AL.
Dunham, R. A., G. M. Umali, R. Beam, A. H. Kristanto, and M. Trask. 2008. Comparison of production traits of the NWAC103 channel catfish, NWAC103 channel X blue hybrid catfish, Kansas select 21 channel catfish and blue catfish grown at commercial densities and exposed to natural bacterial epizootics. N. Amer. J. Aquacult. 70:98-106
Quintero H.E., A. Hutson, A. Chaimongkol, D.A. Davis, A. Abebe, and R. Dunham. 2008. Effects of varying dietary protein levels and feeding frequencies on condition and reproductive performance of channel catfish to produce hybrid catfish. J. World Aqua. Soc. in press.
Arguello, R. 2011. Satiation feed consumption as an inventory tool to assess biomass of channel X blue hybrid catfish in earthen ponds. Master's of Science thesis, Auburn University.
Arguello, R. and Phelps, R.P. 2011. Satiation feed consumption by hybrid catfish as a function of body weight and water temperature. Electronic conference proceedings (abstract), World Aquaculture Society Meeting, New Orleans LA.
Chatakondi,N.G., R. D. Yant, A. Kristanto, G. M. Umali-Maceina and R. A. Dunham. 2011. The effect of LHRHa (luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analog) regime and stage of gonadal maturity for induced ovulation of channel catfish, Ictalurus punctatus.Journal of the World Aquaculture Society.42: 845-853
Duncan, J. and Phelps, R.P. 2011. Spawning characteristics of blue, channel, and channel x blue catfish when hormone-induced and allowed to spawn naturally. Electronic conference proceedings (abstract), World Aquaculture Society Meeting, New Orleans LA.