NC1168: Regulation of Photosynthetic Processes (Rev. NC-1142)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Aiken, R. and N.L. Klocke. 2010. Operational characteristics of sap flow heat gauges to quantify transpiration flux in corn. In Proceedings of the ASABE 5th National Decennial Irrigation Conference. Phoenix, AZ. Dec. 5-8, 2010.
Alkayal MF, Albion RL, Tillett RL, Mark S. Lemos, Hernandez-Gomez L, Cushman JC. (2010) Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) profiling in salinity shocked Dunaliella salina reveals high expression of protein synthetic apparatus components. Plant Science. 179: 437-449.
Barta C., Carmo-Silva A. E., and Salvucci, M.E. (2010) Purification of Rubisco activase from leaves or after expression in Escherichia coli. In R. Carpentier (ed.) Photosynthesis Research Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 684. In press.
Barta C., Carmo-Silva A. E., and Salvucci, M.E. (2010) Rubisco activase activity assays. In R. Carpentier (ed.) Photosynthesis Research Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 684. In press.
Barta, C., Dunkle, A.M., Wachter, R. M. and Salvucci, M.E. (2010) Structural changes associated with the acute thermal instability of Rubisco activase. Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 499: 17-25.
Candace Myers, Shawn M. Romanowsky, Yoshimi D. Barron, Shilpi Garg, Corinn L. Azuse, Amy Curran, Ryan M. Davis, Jasmine Hatton, Alice Harmon, and Jeffrey F. Harper (2009) Calcium- Dependent Protein Kinases Regulate Polarized Tip-Growth in Pollen Tubes. The Plant Journal. 59:528-39.
Carmo-Silva A. E., Barta C. and Salvucci, M.E. (2010) Isolation of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase from leaves. In R. Carpentier (ed.) Photosynthesis Research Protocols, Methods in Molecular Biology, vol 684. In press.
Chan, R. Grumet, WH. Loescher Transcriptome analysis indicates that ABA pathway activation, redox quenching, and cell wall strengthening contribute to enhanced salt tolerance of mannitol-producing Arabidopsis Submitted .
Chan, Z, Loescher, W, Grumet , R. Transcriptional variation in response to salt stress in Arabidopsis thaliana Submitted.
Cushman JC, Oliver MJ, (2010) Understanding vegetative desiccation tolerance using integrated functional genomics approaches within a comparative evolutionary framework. In: Ecological Studies: Desiccation Tolerance in Plants. Eds: Ulrich Luttge, Erwin Beck, and Dorothea Bartels. Springer, Heidelberg. Chapter 16, pp. xxx-xxx.
Djanaguiraman M, Prasad PVV, Seppanen M. 2010b. Selenium protects sorghum leaves from oxidative damage under high temperature stress by enhancing antioxidant defense system. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 48: 999-1007.
Djanaguiraman M, Prasad PVV. 2010. Ethylene production under high temperature stress causes premature leaf senescence in soybean. Functional Plant Biology 37: 1071-1084.
Djanaguiraman M, Sheeba JA, Devi DD, Bangarusamy U, Prasad PVV. 2010a. Nitrophenolates spray can alter boll abscission rate in cotton through enhanced peroxidise activity and increased ascorbate and phenolics levels. Journal of Plant Physiology 37: 1-9.
Donahue, JL, Alford, SR, Torabinejad, J, Kerwin, R, Nourbakhsh, A, Ray, WK, Lyons, B, Hein PP, and Gillaspy, GE. (2010) The Arabidopsis thaliana Myo- Inositol 1-Phosphate Synthase1 Gene Is Required for Maintenance of Myo- inositol Synthesis and Suppression of Cell Death. The Plant Cell 22: 888-903.
Dong G, Ma DP, Li J. (2008). The histone methyltransferase SDG8 regulates shoot branching in Arabidopsis. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 373: 659-664
Dong G, Wang Z, Zou J, Peng Z, and Li J. A histone H3 lysine 36 methyltransferase is involved in regulation of flower and grain development in rice. Submitted for review.
Edwards, GE and EV Voznesenskaya. 2011 C4 photosynthesis: Kranz Forms and Single-Cell C4 in Terrestrial Plants. A.S. Raghavendra and R.F. Sage (Eds.) 2011. C4 Photosynthesis and Related CO2 Concentrating Mechanisms. Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration. Volume 32. Springer, Dordrecht, The Netherlands. pp. 29-61.
Feodorova, TA, EV Voznesenskaya, GE Edwards and EH Roalson. Biogeographic patterns of diversification and the origins of C4 in Cleome (Cleomaceae). Systematic Botany, In press.
Genkov T., Meyer, M., Griffiths, H., and Spreitzer, R. J. (2010) Functional hybrid Rubisco enzymes with plant small subunits and algal large subunits: Engineered rbcS cDNA for expression in Chlamydomonas. J. Biol. Chem. 285, 19833-19841 (Paper of the Week).
Genkov, T., and Spreitzer, R. J. (2009) Highly conserved small subunit residues influence Rubisco large subunit catalysis. J. Biol. Chem. 284, 30105-30112.
Gholipoor M, Prasad PVV, Mutava RN, Sinclair TR. 2010. Genetic variability of transpiration response to vapor pressure deficit among sorghum genotypes. Field Crops Research 119: 85-90.
Gillaspy, GE (2010) The Polyphosphoinositide Phosphatases in Lipid Signaling in Plants. Springer; ed: T. Munnik.
Gore, M.A., Coyle, G., Friebe, B., Coffelt, T.A. and Salvucci, M.E. (2010) Complex ploidy level variation in guayule breeding programs. Crop Sci., in press.
Goren, S., Huber, S.C. and Granot, D. 201X. Evidence of developmental coordination of sucrose synthase isozymes in tomato plants. Planta, in revision.
Ho, L-W, T-T Yang, S-S Shieh, GE Edwards, HE Yen. 2010 Reduced expression of a vesicle trafficking-related ATPase SKD1 decreases salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Functional Plant Biol 37:962-973.
Horan K, Jang C, Bailey-Serres J, Mittler R, Shelton C, Harper JF, Zhu JK, Cushman JC, Gollery M, Girke T. (2008) Annotating genes of known and unknown function by large-scale coexpression analysis. Plant Physiol. 147(1): 41-57.
Hozain, M. I., Salvucci, M. E., Fokar, M., and Holaday, A. S. (2010) The differential response of photosynthesis to high temperature for a boreal and temperate Populus species relates to differences in Rubisco activation and Rubisco activase properties. Tree Physiol. 30: 32-44.
Huber, S.C., Kaiser, W.M., and Jain, V. 201X. Posttranslational regulation of nitrate reductase. In: Nitrogen. Narosa Publishers, Delhi., in press.
Hwang, S.-K., N. Crofts, H. Satoh, and T.W. Okita (2010) Biochemical evidence supports a role for the rice endosperm-specific plastidial !-glucan phosphorylase in starch synthesis. Archives Biochem. Biophys. 495:82-92. doi:10.1016/j.abb.2009.12.023
Ing-Feng Chang, Amy Curran, Rebekah Woolsey, David Quilici, John Cushman, Ron Mittler, Alice Harmon, and Jeffrey Harper (2009) Proteomic profiling of tandem affinity purified 14-3-3 protein complexes in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proteomics. 9:2967-85.
Kang, S.G., Price, J., Lin, P.C., Hong, J.C., and Jang, J.C. (2010). The Arabidopsis bZIP1 Transcription Factor Is Involved in Sugar Signaling, Protein Networking, and DNA Binding. Mol Plant 3, 361-373.
Ke Y, Han G, He H, and Li J. (2009). Differential regulation of proteins and phosphoproteins in rice under drought stress. Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 379: 133-138.
Kiirats, O, DM Kramer, GE Edwards. 2010 Co-regulation of dark and light reactions in three biochemical subtypes of C4 species. Photosynthesis Res 105:83-88.
Koch, K.E. (2010) A novel sucrose synthase pathway for sucrose degradation in cultured Sycamore cells COMMENTARY. On: Huber, S.C., and T. Akazawa. Plant Physiol. 81:1008-1013. Classics collection. (plantphysiol.org/misc/classics.dtl).
Lee, S.M., Y.H. Lee, H.-u. Kim, S.-c. Seo, S.-j. Kwon, H.-s. Cho, S.-I. Kim, T. Okita, D. Kim (2010) Characterization of the potato upreg1gene, encoding a mutated ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase large subunit, in transformed rice. Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture 102:171-179. DOI: 10.1007/s11240-010-9718-4.
Leisner, CP, AB Cousins, S Offermann, TW Okita, GE Edwards. The effects of salinity of photosynthesis and growth of the single-cell C4 species Bienertia sinuspersici (Chenopodiaceae). Photosynthesis Res. In press.
Lin, P.C., Pomeranz, M.C., Jikumaru, Y., Kang, S.G., Hah, C., Fujioka, S., Kamiya, Y., and Jang, J.C. (2010). The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 can affect ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress, and gene expression responses. Plant Journal (in press).
Luhua S, Ciftci-Yilmaz S, Harper J, Cushman J, Mittler R. (2008) Enhanced tolerance to oxidative stress in transgenic Arabidopsis plants expressing proteins of unknown function. Plant Physiol. 148(1): 280-92
Miller, R., Wu, G., Deshpande, R.R., Vieler, A., Gaertner, K., Li, X., Moellering, E.R., Zäuner, S., Cornish, A.J., Liu, B., Bullard, B., Sears, B.B., Kuo, M.H., Hegg, E.L., Shachar-Hill, Y., Shiu, S.H., Benning, C. (2010) Changes in transcript abundance in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii following nitrogen-deprivation predict diversion of metabolism. Plant Physiol. Online.
Moellering, E. R. and Benning, C. (2010) RNA interference silencing of a major lipid droplet protein affects lipid droplet size in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Eukaryot. Cell 9:97-106.
Morsy, M, S Gouthu, S Orchard, D Thoneycroft, JF Harper, R Mittler, JC Cushman (2008) Charting plant interactomes: possibilities and challenges. Trends in Plant Sci. 13: 183-191.
Oh, M.-H., Sun, J., Oh, D.H., Zielinski, R.E., Clouse, S.D. and Huber, S.C. 201X. Enhancing photosynthesis and plant growth by engineering the BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE 1 receptor kinase. Plant Physiol., submitted.
Oh, M.-H., Wang, X., Wu, X., Zhao, Y., Clouse, S.D. and Huber, S.C. 2010. Autophosphorylation of Tyr-610 in the receptor kinase BAK1 plays a role in brassinosteroid signaling and basal defense gene expression. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 107: 17827-17832.
Oliver MJ, Cushman JC, Koster KL (2010) Dehydration Tolerance in Plants. Methods in Molecular Biology: Plant Stress Tolerance. 639: 3-24.
Park J, TW Okita, GE Edwards. 2010 Expression profiling and proteomic analysis of isolated photosynthetic cells of the non-Kranz C4 species Bienertia sinuspersici. Functional Plant Biology 37: 1-13.
Parry, M.A.J., Reynolds, M., Salvucci, M.E., Raines, C., Andralojc, P.J., Zhu, X-G., Price, D., Condon, A. G. and Furbank, R. (2010) Raising yield potential of wheat: increasing photosynthetic capacity and efficiency. J. Exp Bot. DOI:10.1093/jxb/erq304
Penning, B.W., C.T. Hunter III, R. Tayengwa**, A.L. Eveland, C.K. Dugard, A.t. Olek, W.E. Vermeris, K.E. Koch, D.R. McCarty, M.F. Davis, S.R. Thomas, M.C. McCann, N.C. Carpita. 2009. Genetic resources for maize cell wall biology. Plant Physiol. 151:1703-1728.
Pomeranz, M., Lin, P.C., Finer, J., and Jang, J.C. (2010). AtTZF gene family localizes to cytoplasmic foci. Plant Signal Behav 5, 190-192.
Pomeranz, M.C., Hah, C., Lin, P.C., Kang, S.G., Finer, J.J., Blackshear, P.J., and Jang, J.C. (2010). The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 traffics between the nucleus and cytoplasmic foci and binds both DNA and RNA. Plant Physiol 152, 151-165.
Reddy KR, Prasad PVV and Singh SK. 2010. Effects of ultraviolet-B radiation and its interaction with climate change factors on agricultural crop growth and yield. In W. Gao (eds). UV Radiation and Global Change: Measurement, Modelling and Effects on Ecosystems. Springer Verlag, USA. pp. 395 437.
Ristic Z, Momcilovic U, Bukovnik U, Prasad PVV, Fu J, DeRidder BP, Elthon TE, Mladenov N. 2009. Rubisco activase and wheat productivity under heat stress conditions. Journal of Experiment Botany 60: 4003-4014.
Rumpho ME, S Pochareddy, JM Worful, EJSummer, D Bhattacharya, KN Pelletreau, MS Tyler, J Lee, JR Manhartand KM Soule 2009Molecular characterization of the Calvin cycle enzyme phosphoribulokinase in the stramenopile alga Vaucheria litorea and the plastid hosting mollusk Elysia chlorotica.Molecular Plant 2: 1384-1396.
Rumpho, ME, Pelletreau, KN , Moustafa, A and Bhattacharya, D. (2010) Making of a photosynthetic animal. Journal of Experimental Biology (in press, Dec. 2010)
Salvucci, M. E., Barta, C., Byers, J. A. and Canarini, A. (2010) Photosynthesis and assimilate partitioning between carbohydrates and isoprenoid products in vegetatively active and dormant guayule: physiological and environmental constraints on rubber accumulation in a semi-arid shrub. Physiol. Plantarum, DOI: 10.1111/j.1399-3054.2010.01409.x
Sanjaya, Durrett, T.P., Weise S.E., Benning, C. (2010) Increasing the energy density of vegetative tissues by diverting carbon from starch to oil biosynthesis in transgenic Arabidopsis. Plant Biotech J. under review
Schlauch KA, Grimplet J, Cushman JC, Cramer GR (2010) Transcriptomics analysis methods: microarray data analysis and visualization using the Affymetrix GeneChip® Vitis vinifera genome array. In: Methods in Grapevine Research. Eds: Serge Delrot. COST Book Chapter xx, pp. xxx-xxx.
Silvera K, Neubig KM, Whitten WM, Williams NH, Winter K, Cushman JC. (2010a) Evolution along the Crassulacan acid metabolism continuum. Function Plant Biology. 37: 995-1010 (Cover article).
Silvera K, Santiago LS, Cushman JC, Winter K. (2009) Crassulacean acid metabolism and epiphytism linked to adaptive radiations in the Orchidaceae. Plant Physiol. 149:1838-1847.
Silvera K, Santiago LS, Cushman JC, Winter K. (2010b) Incidence of Crassulacean acid metabolism in the Orchidaceae derived from carbon isotope ratios: a checklist of the flora of Panama and Costa Rica. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 163: 194-222.
Smith DR, Lee RW, Cushman JC, Magnuson JK, Tran D, Polle JEW. (2010) The Dunaliella salina organelle genomes: large sequences, inflated with intronic and intergenic DNA. BMC Plant Biology. 10:83.
Song, G.-Q, Sink, K.C, Ma, MH, T, Herlache, J.F. Hancock, Loescher 2010. A novel mannose-based selection system for plant transformation using c elery mannose-6-phosphate reductase gene Plant Cell Reports 62: 163-172.
Sun, J., Zhang, J. Larue, C.T. and Huber, S.C. 201X. Decrease in leaf sucrose synthesis leads to increased leaf starch turnover and decreased RuBP-regeneration-limited photosynthesis but not Rubisco-limited photosynthesis in Arabidopsis mutants of SPS. Plant Cell Environ, in press.
Sunagawa H, Cushman JC, Agarie S. (2010) Crassulacean acid metabolism alleviates reactive oxygen species in the facultative CAM plant, the common ice plant, Mesembryanthemum crystallinum. Plant Production Science. 13: 246- 260.
Tillett RL, Cushman JC (2010) Vitis functional genomics: Open systems for transcriptome analysis. In: Encyclopedia of Plant Genomics. Eds: José M. Martinez-Zapater and Anne-Francoise Adam Blondon. Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire. Chapter 11, pp. xxx-xxx.
Ting L, Huang, S, Jiang, WZ, Wright, D, Spalding, MH, Weeks, MH, Yang, B. (2010) TAL nucleases (TALNs): hybrid proteins composed of TAL effectors and FokI DNA- cleavage domain. Nucleic Acids Research 39: 359-372.
Voznesenskaya, EV, NK Koteyeva, GE Edwards, G Ocampo. 2010 Revealing diversity in structural and biochemical forms of C4 photosynthesis and a C3C4 intermediate in genus Portulaca L. (Portulacaceae). J Exp Bot. 61: 3647-3662.
Wang, L, Fan, l, Loescher, W, Duan, W, Cheng, J, Liu, G, Li , S. (2010) Salicylic acid alleviates decreases in photosynthesis under heat stress and accelerates recovery in grapevine leaves BMC Plant Biology 10:34.
Wu, X., Oh, M.-H., Schwarz, E.M., Larue, C.T., Sivaguru, M., Imai, B.S., Yau, P.M., Ort, D.R. and Huber, S.C. 201X. Non-histone lysine acetylation is an abundant protein modification in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol., in revision.
Wu, X., Wang J., Na J.-K., Yu Q., Moore R.C., Zee F., Huber, S.C. and Ming, R. 2010. The origin of the non- recombining region of sex chromosomes in Carica and Vasconcellea. Plant J., 63: 801-810.
Zell, MB, H Fahnenstich, A Maier, M Saigo, EV Voznesenskaya, GE Edwards, C Andreo, F Schliefenbaum, C Zell, MF Drincovich and VG Maurino. 2010 Analysis of Arabidopsis with highly reduced levels of malate and fumarate sheds light on the role of these organic acids as storage carbon molecules. Plant Physiol. 152: 1251-1262.
Zinn, KE, M Tunc-Ozdemir, JF Harper (2010) Temperature stress and plant sexual reproduction: uncovering the weakest links. J Exp Bot 61: 1959-1968.
Publications 2010/2011
1. Ananda, N., P. V. Vadlani, and P. V. V. Prasad. 2011. Evaluation of drought and heat stressed grain sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) for ethanol production. Industrial Crops and Products 33:779-782
2. Buescher, E., T. Achberger, I. Amusan, A. Giannini and others. 2010. Natural genetic variation in selected populations of Arabidopsis thaliana is associated with ionomic differences. PLoS One 5:e11081
3. Carmo-Silva, A. E. and M. E. Salvucci. 2011. The activity of Rubisco's molecular chaperone, Rubisco activase, in leaf extracts. Photosynth.Res. 108:143-155
4. Carmo-Silva, A. E., L. Marri, F. Sparla, and M. E. Salvucci. 2011. Isolation and compositional analysis of a CP12-associated complex of calvin cycle enzymes from Nicotiana tabacum. Protein Pept.Lett. 18:618-624
5. Castruita, M., D. Casero, S. J. Karpowicz, J. Kropat and others. 2011. Systems biology approach in Chlamydomonas reveals connections between copper nutrition and multiple metabolic steps. Plant Cell 23:1273-1292
6. Chan, Z., P. J. Bigelow, W. Loescher, and R. Grumet. 2011. Comparison of salt stress resistance genes in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana indicates that extent of transcriptomic change may not predict secondary phenotypic or fitness effects. Plant Biotechnol.J.
7. Chan, Z., R. Grumet, and W. Loescher. 2011. Global gene expression analysis of transgenic, mannitol-producing, and salt-tolerant Arabidopsis thaliana indicates widespread changes in abiotic and biotic stress-related genes. J.Exp.Bot. 62:4787-4803
8. Cushman, J. C. and M. J. Oliver. 2011. Understanding vegetative desiccation tolerance using integrated functional genomics approaches within a comparative evolutionary framework, p. 307-338. In: U. Luttge, E. Beck, and D. Bartels (eds.), Ecological Studies: Desiccation Tolerance in Plants. Springer, New York, NY.
9. Deluc, L. G., A. Decendit, Y. Papastomoulis, J.-M. Merillon and others. 2011. Water deficit increases stilbene metabolism in Cabernet Sauvignon berries. J.Agric.Food Chem. 59:289-297
10. Dillard, S. R., K. Van, and M. H. Spalding. 2011. Acclimation to low or limiting CO(2) in non-synchronous Chlamydomonas causes a transient synchronization of the cell division cycle. Photosynth.Res 109:161-168
11. Djanaguiraman, M., P. V. V. Prasad, D. L. Boyle, and W. T. Schapaugh. 2011. High-temperature stress and soybean leaves: Leaf anatomy and photosynthesis. Crop Science 51:2125-2131
12. Djanaguiraman, M., P. V. V. Prasad, and K. Al-Khatib. 2011. Ethylene perception inhibitor 1-MCP decreases oxidative damage of leaves through enhanced antioxidant defense mechanisms in soybean plants grown under high temperature stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 71:215-223
13. Duanmu, D. and M. H. Spalding. 2011. Insertional suppressors of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that restore growth of air-dier lcib mutants in low CO(2). Photosynth.Res. 109:123-132
14. Edwards, G. E. and E. V. Voznesenskaya. 2011. C(4) photosynthesis: Kranz forms and single-cell C(4) in terrestrial plants, p. 29-61. In: A. S. Raghavendra and R. F. Sage (eds.), C(4) Photosynthesis and Related CO(2) Concentrating Mechanisms Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration., vol. 32. Springer, Dordrecht.
15. Foudree, A., M. Aluru, and S. Rodermel. 2010. PDS activity acts as a rheostat of retrograde signaling during early chloroplast biogenesis. Plant Signal.Behav. 5:1629-1632
16. Genkov, T., M. Meyer, H. Griffiths, and R. J. Spreitzer. 2010. Functional hybrid rubisco enzymes with plant small subunits and algal large subunits: engineered rbcS cDNA for expression in chlamydomonas. J Biol Chem 285:19833-19841
17. Gibson, K., J. S. Park, Y. Nagai, S. K. Hwang and others. 2011. Exploiting leaf starch synthesis as a transient sink to elevate photosynthesis, plant productivity and yields. Plant Science 181:275-281
18. Gore, M. A., G. Coyle, B. Friebe, T. A. Coffelt and others. 2011. Complex Ploidy Level Variation in Guayule Breeding Programs. Crop Science 51:210-216
19. Goren, S., S. C. Huber, and D. Granot. 2011. Comparison of a novel tomato sucrose synthase, SlSUS4, with previously described SlSUS isoforms reveals distinct sequence features and differential expression patterns in association with stem maturation. Planta 233:1011-1023
20. Gross, J., K. N. Pelletreau, A. Reyes-Prieto, M. E. Rumpho, and D. Bhattacharya. 2011. Secondary and tertiary endosymbiosis: Plastid evolution and loss, plastid protein import, and photosynthesis in the sea slug Elysia chlorotica, In: R. Bock and V. Knoop (eds.), Advances in Photosynthesis and Respiration - Genomics of Chloroplasts and Mitochondria., vol. In press. Springer.
21. Henderson, J. N., A. M. Kuriata, R. Fromme, M. E. Salvucci and others. 2011. Atomic resolution X-ray structure of the substrate recognition domain of higher plant Rubisco activase. J Biol Chem
22. Huber, S. C., W. M. Kaiser, and V. Jain. 2011. Post Translational Regulation of Nitrate Reductase, p. 21-44. In: V. Jain and A. Kumar (eds.), Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Plants. New India Publishing, New Delhi.
23. Kang, S. G., J. Price, P. C. Lin, J. C. Hong and others. 2010. The Arabidopsis bZIP1 transcription factor is involved in sugar signaling, protein networking, and DNA binding. Mol.Plant 3:361-373
24. Kaye, Y., Y. Golani, Y. Singer, Y. Leshem and others. 2011. Inositol polyphosphate 5-phosphatase7 regulates the production of reactive oxygen species and salt tolerance in Arabidopsis. Plant Physiol 157:229-241
25. Koteyeva, N. K., E. V. Voznesenskaya, J. O. Berry, S. D. Chuong and others. 2011. Development of structural and biochemical characteristics of C(4) photosynthesis in two types of Kranz anatomy in genus Suaeda (family Chenopodiaceae). J Exp.Bot. 62:3197-3212
26. Koteyeva, N. K., E. V. Voznesenskaya, E. H. Roalson, and G. E. Edwards. 2011. Diversity in forms of C4 in the genus Cleome (Cleomaceae). Ann.Bot. 107:269-283
27. Li, T., S. Huang, W. Z. Jiang, D. Wright and others. 2011. TAL nucleases (TALNs): hybrid proteins composed of TAL effectors and FokI DNA-cleavage domain. Nucleic Acids Research 39:359-372
28. Li, T., S. Huang, X. F. Zhao, D. A. Wright and others. 2011. Modularly assembled designer TAL effector nucleases for targeted gene knockout and gene replacement in eukaryotes. Nucleic Acids Research 39:6315-6325
29. Lin, P. C., M. C. Pomeranz, Y. Jikumaru, S. G. Kang and others. 2011. The Arabidopsis tandem zinc finger protein AtTZF1 affects ABA- and GA-mediated growth, stress and gene expression responses. Plant J. 65:253-268
30. Liu, X., F. Yu, and S. Rodermel. 2010. An Arabidopsis pentatricopeptide repeat protein, SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION7, is required for FtsH-mediated chloroplast biogenesis. Plant Physiol 154:1588-1601
31. Liu, X., F. Yu, and S. Rodermel. 2010. Arabidopsis chloroplast FtsH, var2 and suppressors of var2 leaf variegation: a review. J.Integr.Plant Biol. 52:750-761
32. Liu, X., S. R. Rodermel, and F. Yu. 2010. A var2 leaf variegation suppressor locus, SUPPRESSOR OF VARIEGATION3, encodes a putative chloroplast translation elongation factor that is important for chloroplast development in the cold. BMC Plant Biol. 10:287
33. Ma, Y., S. V. Pollock, Y. Xiao, K. Cunnusamy and others. 2011. Identification of a novel gene, CIA6, required for normal pyrenoid formation in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii. Plant Physiol 156:884-896
34. McDonald, A. E., A. G. Ivanov, R. Bode, D. P. Maxwell and others. 2011. Flexibility in photosynthetic electron transport: the physiological role of plastoquinol terminal oxidase (PTOX). Biochim.Biophys.Acta 1807:954-967
35. McMaster, G., D. A. Edmunds, W. W. Wilhelm, D. C. Nielsen and others. 2011. PhenologyMMS: A program to simulate crop phenological responses to water stress. Computers and "Electron Agric 77:118-125
36. Moroney, J. V., Y. Ma, W. D. Frey, K. A. Fusilier and others. 2011. The carbonic anhydrase isoforms of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii: intracellular location, expression, and physiological roles. Photosynth.Res 109:133-149
37. Mutava, R. N., P. V. V. Prasad, M. R. Tuinstra, M. D. Kofoid and others. 2011. Characterization of sorghum genotypes for traits related to drought tolerance. Field Crops Research 123:10-18
38. Offermann, S., T. W. Okita, and G. E. Edwards. 2011. Resolving the compartmentation and function of C4 photosynthesis in the single-cell C4 species Bienertia sinuspersici. Plant Physiol 155:1612-1628
39. Offermann, S., T. W. Okita, and G. E. Edwards. 2011. How do single cell C4 species form dimorphic chloroplasts? Plant Signal Behav. 6:762-765
40. Oh, M. H., X. Wu, S. D. Clouse, and S. C. Huber. 2011. Functional importance of BAK1 tyrosine phosphorylation in vivo. Plant Signal.Behav. 6:400-405
41. Oh, M. H., J. Sun, D. H. Oh, R. E. Zielinski and others. 2011. Enhancing Arabidopsis leaf growth by engineering the BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 receptor kinase. Plant Physiol 157:120-131
42. Oliver, M. J., L. N. Guo, D. C. Alexander, J. A. Ryals and others. 2011. A sister group contrast using untargeted global metabolomic analysis delineates the biochemical regulation underlying desiccation tolerance in Sporobolus stapfianus. Plant Cell 23:1231-1248
43. Overstreet, L. F., G. D. Hoyt, and J. Imbriani. 2010. Comparing nematode and earthworm communities under combinations of conventional and conservation vegetable production practices. Soil & Tillage Research 110:42-50
44. Parry, M. A. J., M. Reynolds, M. E. Salvucci, C. Raines and others. 2011. Raising yield potential of wheat: Increasing photosynthetic capacity and efficiency. J.Exp.Bot. 62:453-467
45. Pelletreau, K. N., D. Bhattacharya, D. C. Price, J. M. Worful and others. 2011. Sea Slug Kleptoplasty and Plastid Maintenance in a Metazoan. Plant Physiology 155:1561-1565
46. Pengelly, J. L., S. Kwasny, S. Bala, J. R. Evans and others. 2011. Functional analysis of corn husk photosynthesis. Plant Physiol 156:503-513
47. Pomeranz, M., P. C. Lin, J. Finer, and J. C. Jang. 2010. AtTZF gene family localizes to cytoplasmic foci. Plant Signal.Behav. 5:190-192
48. Pomeranz, M., J. Finer, and J. C. Jang. 2011. Putative molecular mechanisms underlying tandem CCCH zinc finger protein mediated plant growth, stress, and gene expression responses. Plant Signal.Behav. 6:647-651
49. Pomeranz, M., L. Zhang, J. Finer, and J. C. Jang. 2011. Can AtTZF1 act as a transcriptional activator or repressor in plants? Plant Signal.Behav. 6:719-722
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