NC_OLD170: Personal Protective Technologies for Current and Emerging Occupational Hazards
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
NC-170 Compilation of Publications from 2003-2007
Objective 1. To improve protection and human factor performance of PPE through product development.
Refereed Publications:
In Print Full Length Articles:
Ashdown, S. P. & Dunne, L., (2006) A study of automated custom fit: Readiness of the technology for the apparel industry, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, Focused Issue on Fit, 24(2), 121-136.
Ashdown, S. P., Loker, S., Schoenfelder, K. A., and Lyman-Clarke, L. Using 3D Scans for Fit Analysis. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 4,(1) www.tx.ncsu.edu/jtatm/volume4issue1/articles/Loker/Loker_full_103_04.pdf (2004)
Ashdown, S. P. & OConnell, E. K., (2006) Comparison of test protocols for judging the fit of mature womens apparel, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, Focused Issue on Fit, 24(2), 137-146.
Ashdown, S. P., Slocum, A., & Lee Y. A., (2005) The third dimension for apparel designers: Visual assessment of hat designs for sun protection using 3-D scan images, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 23 (3), 151-164.
Branson, D.H., Farr, C.A., Peksoz, S., Nam, J., and Cao, H., (2005). Development of a prototype personal cooling system for the first responders: User Feedback. Journal of ASTM International, 2(2), 1-11.
Bye, E. & LaBat, K. (2005). An analysis of apparel industry fit session. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology Management, 4(3). 1-5.
Bye, E., LaBat, K., & DeLong, M. (2006). Analysis of body measurement systems for apparel. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal , 24(2), 66-79.
Cai, Z. and Gang Sun, (2004). Antimicrobial Finishing of Acrilan Fabrics with Cetylpyridinium Chloride, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Vol. 94. 243-247.
Cai, Z. and Gang Sun, (2005). Antimicrobial Finishing of Acrilan Fabrics with Cetylpyridinium Chloride, Affected Properties and Structures submitted to Journal of Applied Polymer Science. V97, No. 3, 1227-1236
Cao, H. Branson, D.H., Nam, J., Peksoz, S. and Farr, C.A. (2005). Development of a cooling capability test method for liquid-cooled textile systems. Journal of ASTM International, 2(1), 1-10.
Cao, H., Branson, D. H., Peksoz, S., Nam , J., & Farr, C. A. (2006). Fabric selection for a liquid cooling garment. Textile Research Journal, 76(7), 587-595.
Cao, H., Nam, J., Harmon, H. J., & Branson, D. H. (2007). Spectrophotometric detection of organophosphate diazinon by porphyrin solution and porphyrin-dyed cotton fabric. Dyes and Pigments, 74(1), 176-180.
Chinnasami, S., and Ramkumar, S. S., (2003), Development of a Fabric Friction Calculator, AATCC Review, 3 (11), 20-23.
Dunne, L. E., Ashdown, S. P., & Smyth, B. Expanding Garment Functionality through Embedded Electronic Technology, Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management 4(3). 2005.
Gaan, S. and Sun, G. (2007) Effect of Phosphorus and Nitrogen on Flame Retardant Cellulose: A Study of Phosphorus Compounds, Journal of Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis, 78, 371-377
Gao, J., Pan, N., and Yu, W. (2007).Golden Mean and Fractal Dimension of Goose Down. International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. 8 (1), 113-116.
Griffey, J. V. & Ashdown, S. P., (2006) Development of an automated process for the creation of a basic skirt block pattern from 3D body scan data, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal Focused Issue on Fit, 24(2), 112-120.
Haise, C. L., & Rucker, M. (2003). The flight attendant uniform: Effects of selected variables on flight attendant image, uniform preferences and employee satisfaction. Social Behavior and Personality, 31 (6), 565-576.
Hermann, D., Ramkumar, S. S., Seshaiyer, P. Parameswaran, S. (2004), Frictional Study of Woven Fabric: Relationship Between Friction and Velocity of Testing, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 92 (4), 2420-2424.
Hild, D. N., Obendorf, S. K., and Fok, W. Y. Mapping of Spin Finish Oils on Nylon 66 Fibers, Textile Research Journal 74 (3):187-192 (2004)
Huang, L.K. and Sun, G. (2003) Durable and Oxygen Bleach Rechargeable Antimicrobial Cellulose: Sodium Perborate as an Activating and Recharging Agent, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 42. No. 22, 5417-5422.
Huang, L.K. and Sun, G. (2003), Durable and Regenerable Antimicrobial Cellulose with Oxygen Bleach: Concept Proofing, AATCC Review, V. 3, No. 10, 17-21.
Jain, R. and Raheel, M. (2003). Barrier Efficacy of Woven and Non-woven Fabrics Used for Protective Clothing: Predictive Models. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology, 71: (3), 437-446.
Kim, J., Stone, J., Crews, P., Shelley II, M., & Hatch, K.L., (2004) Improving Knit Fabric UPF Using consumer Laundry Products: A Comparison of Results Using Two Instruments. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33: 141-158.
Kline, A.A., Landers, A.J., Hedge, A., Lemley, A.T., Obendorf, S.K., and Dokuchayeva, T. (2003). Pesticide Exposure Levels on Surfaces within Sprayer Cabs. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 19(4):397-404
Krenzer, G., Starr, C., and Branson, D. (2005). Development of a sports bra prototype: Patternworks international best solution to a patternmaking problem. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 3; vol. 23: pp. 131 - 134.
LaBat, K. DeLong, M., Gahring, S. (2005). A longitudinal study of sun-protective attitudes and behaviors, Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal, 33(3), 240-254.
LaBat, K., Salusso-Deonier, C., & Rhee, J. (2007). Home sewers satisfaction with fit of apparel patterns. Journal of Fashion Marketing and Management, 11(3).
Lee, J. & Ashdown, S. P., (2005) Upper body change analysis using 3-D body scanner, Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles, English Edition 29 (12), 1595-1607.
Lee, Y. A., Ashdown, S. P., Slocum, A. C. (2006) Measurement of surface area of 3-D body scans to assess the effectiveness of hats for sun protection. Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal 34(4), 366-385. Available at http://fcs.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/34/4/366.
Lee, Seungsin and Obendorf, S. Kay. Barrier Effectiveness and Thermal Comfort of Protective Clothing Materials, Journal of the Textile Institute, 98:87-97 (2007).
Lee, Seungsin and Obendorf, S. Kay. Developing Protective Textile Materials as Barriers to Liquid Penetration Using Melt-Electrospinning, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 102: 3430-3437 (2006).
Lee, Seungsin and Obendorf, S. Kay. Statistical Model of Pesticide Penetration through Woven Work Clothing Fabrics, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 49. 2005.
Lee, Seungsin and Obendorf, S. Kay. Transport Properties of Layered Fabric Systems Based on Electrospun Nanofibers, Fibers and Polymers 2007, Vol.8, No.3,.
Liu, S. and Sun, G. (2006). Durable and Regenerable Biocidal Polymers: Acyclic N-halamine Cotton Cellulose, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 45 (19), 6477-6492
Liuyang Wang, Xie J, Gu LX, & Gang Sun (2006). Preparation of antimicrobial polyacrylonitrile fibers: Blending with polyacrylonitrile-co-3-allyl-5,5-dimethylhydantoin , Polymer Bulletin , 56 (2-3): 247-256.
Loker, S., Ashdown, S. P., & Schoenfelder, K. Size-specific Analysis of Body Scan Data to Improve Apparel Fit, Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 4(3). 2005.
< http://www.tx.ncsu.edu/jtatm/volume4issue3/articles/Loker/Loker_full_136_05.pdf>
Loker, S., Cowie, L. S., Ashdown, S., and Lewis, V. D. Consumer Reactions to Body Scanning. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 22 (4): 151-160. (2004)
Lukas, D. & Pan, N. (2003). Wetting of a fiber bundle in fibrous structures. Polymer Composites, 24, 314-322.
Lukas,D., V. Soukupova, Ning Pan and D. V. Parikh, (205) Computer Simulation of 3-D Liquid Transport in Fibrous Materials, SIMULATION: Transactions of SMS, 80, 547 - 557.
Ma, M., Sun, Y., & Sun, G. (2003). Antimicrobial cationic dyes: Part 1: synthesis and characterization. Dyes and Pigments, 58, 27-35.
Ma, M. and Sun, G. (2004), Antimicrobial Cationic Dyes: Part 2: Thermal and Hydrolytic Stability, Dyes and Pigments, 63, No. 1, 39-49
Ma, M. and Gang Sun, (2005) Antimicrobial Cationic Dyes: Part 3: Simultaneous dyeing and antimicrobial finishing of acrylic fabrics, Dyes and Pigments, V66, No. 1, 33-41
Matic, Peter, and Habler, G. (2005). Extreme Armor. Armed Forces Journal. 2, 49-50.
Moran Wang, Jinku Wang, Ning Pan, and Shiyi Chen, ( 2007). Mesoscopic predictions of the effective thermal conductivity for microscale random porous media, Physical Review E, 75, 036702-036710.
Nam , J., Branson, D.H., Ashdown, S., Cao, H., Jin, B., Peksoz, S., and Farr, C. (2005). Fit analysis of liquid cooled vest prototypes using 3D body scanning technology. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management , 4(3).
Nicas, M., and Sun, G. (2006). An Integrated Model of Infection Risk in a Health-Care Environment, Risk Analysis, 26(4), 1185-1096
Obendorf, S. Kay. Microscopy to Define Soil, Fabric and Detergent Formulation Characteristics that Affect Detergency: A Review, AATCC Review 4 (1):17-23 (2004)
Obendorf, S.K., Csiszar, E., Maneefuangfoo, D., Borsa, J. (2003). Kinetic Study of Transport of Pesticide from Contaminated Fabric Through a Model Skin. Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 45(2): 283-288.
Obendorf, S. K., Kim, J., and Kuniz, R. Measurement of Odor Development Due to Bacterial Action on Antimicrobial Polyester Fabrics, AATCC Review, 7(7):35-40 (2007).
Obendorf, S.K., Lemley, A.T., Hedge, A., Kline, A.A., Tan, K., Dokuchayeva, T., Distribution of Pesticide Residue within Homes in Central New York State, Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology , 50:31-44 (2006).
Peksoz, S., Branson, D., Cao, H., Jacobson, B., Farr, C., Nam, J. (2006). Evaluation of two liquid cooled prototype vests through human subject testing. Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 10(3), 17-27.
Qian, L. and Sun, G. (2003), Durable and Regenerable Antimicrobial Textiles: Synthesis and Applications of 3-Methylol-2,2,5,5-tetramethyl-imidazolidin-4-one (MTMIO), Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 89, 2418-2425.
Qian, L. and Gang Sun, (2005). Durable and Regenerable Antimicrobial Textiles: Chlorine Transfer among Halamine Structures, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. V44, No. 4, p853-856
Qian, L. and Sun, G. (2004), Durable and Regenerable Antimicrobial Textiles: Improving Efficacy and Durability of Biocidal Functions, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 91, 2588-2593.
Qian, L., Williams, J., Chen, J., and Sun, G. (2006). Durable and Regenerable Antimicrobial Textiles: Thermal Stability of Halamine Structures, AATCC Review, V(9), 55-60
Ramkumar, S. S., Rajanala, R., Parameswaran, S., Paige, R., Shaw, A., Shelly, D. C., Anderson, T. A., Cobb, G. P., Mahmud, R., Roedel, C., and Tock, R.W. (2004), Experimental Verification of Failure of Amontons Law in Polymeric Textiles, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, Vol. 91 (6), pp. 3879-3885.
Ramkumar, S.S., Rajanala, R., Parameswaram, S., Sarkar, A.K. and Sawhney, A.P.S., Friction Characterization of polymeric materials-A review, AATCC Review, 2005 5(2), 17-20
Ramkumar, S. S., and Roedel, C., (2003), A Study of the Needle Penetration Speeds on the Frictional Properties of Nonwoven Webs: A New Approach, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 89 (13), 3626-3631.
Ramkumar, S. S., Umrani, A., Shelly, D. C., Tock, R. W., Parameswaran, S. and Smith, M. L., (2004), Study of the Effect of Sliding Velocity on the Frictional Properties of Nonwoven Substrates, Wear, 256, 221-225.
Rucker, M. (2006). The effects of silk screened emblems on thermal protection of wildland fire fighter protective clothing systems under two moisture conditions. Report to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection.
Rucker, M., Crown, E. and Haise, C. (2006). The Effects of Silk Screened Emblems on Thermal Protective Performance of Wildland Fire Fighter Protective Clothing Systems under Two Moisture Conditions, Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 10(4), 55-60.
Sandstrom, A., and Sun, G. (2006), Durability of Biocidal Nomex Fabrics for Multi-functional Firefighter Uniforms, Research Journal of Textile and Apparel, 10(4), 13-18.
Sarkar, A.K. (2004). An evaluation of UV protection imparted by cotton fabrics dyed with natural colorants. BMC Dermatology, 4 :15 , Paper doi:10.1186/1471-5945-4-15. Retrieved July 26, 2005, from http://www.biomedcentral.com/1471-5945/4/15.
Schofield, N., Ashdown, S., Hethorn, J., LaBat, K., & Salusso, C. (2006). Improving apparel fit for women 55 and older through an exploration of two pant shapes. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 24(2), 147-160.
Schofield, N. & LaBat, K. (2005) Defining and testing the assumptions used in current apparel grading practice. Clothing and Textile Research Journal. 23(3), 135-150
Schofield, N. & LaBat, K. (2005). Exploring the relationships of grading, sizing and anthropometric data. Clothing and Textile Research Journal, 23(1), 13-27.
Shastri, L., Ramkumar, S. S., Sarkar, A., Shelly, D. C., and Tock, R. W., Frictional Studies of a Novel Antiballistic Chest Shield, AATCC Review, 5 (4): 25-29 APR 2005.
Song, K. & Stone, J.F. (2005) J.F. Shirt Designs for Sun Protection, Journal of Environmental Health, 67 (10), 50-56.
Starr, C., Branson, D.H., Shehab, R., Farr, C., Ownbey, S., and Swinney, J. (2005). Biomechanical analysis of a prototype sports bra. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Managament, 4(3).
Stone, J. F., Coffman, C. W., Imerman, P. M., Song, K. and Shelley, M. Cotton Liners to Mediate Glove Comfort for Greenhouse Applicators, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 48: 1-9. 2005.
Stone J.F., Kim J., Branson, D.H., Peksoz, S. (2003) An exploratory wear study of experimental sun hat designs. Journal of the Korean Society for Clothing Industry, 5(6)565-573. December.
Sun, G. and S. Dave Worley, (2005). Chemistry of Durable and Regenerable Biocidal Textiles. Journal of Chemical Education, V82, No. 1 p60-64
Sun, Y. and Sun, G. (2003), Novel Refreshable N-Halamine Polymeric Biocides: Grafting Hydantoin-Containing Monomers onto High-Performance Fibers by a Continuous Process, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. V88, 1032-1039.
Sun, Y. and Gang Sun, (2004). Novel Refreshable N-Halamine Polymeric Biocides: N Chlorination of Aromatic Polyamides, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, Vol. 43, 5015-5020.
Tan, Kuitian and Obendorf, S. K. Development of an antimicrobial microporous polyurethane barrier membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 289:199-209 (2007).
Tan, Kuitian and Obendorf, S. K. Surface Modification of Micro-porous Polyurethane Membrane with Poly (ethylene glycol) to Develop a Hybrid Membrane, Journal of Membrane Science, 274:150-158 (2006).
Thandavmoorthy Subbiah, Bhat, G. S., Tock, R. W., Parameswaran, S. and Ramkumar, S. S. (2005), Electrospinning of Nanofiber, Journal of Appl. Polym. Sci., Vol. 96(2), 557-569.
Thanikavelan, P., Krishnaraj, K., Chandrasekaran, B., Shelly,D.C., Ramkumar, S.S. Influence of test length on the tensile properties of upholstery leather: Relation to weak link theory, Journal of the American Leather Chemists Association 102 (1): 10-15 Jan 2007.
Wang, M., He,J., Wang, J., Chen, S. and Pan, N. (2007). Three dimensional influences on the effective thermal conductivity of porous media, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 40, 260-265.
Wen Zhong, Malcolm MQ Xing, Ning Pan & Howard I Maibach, Textiles and human skin, microclimate, cutaneous reactions: An overview, Journal of Toxicology : Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology , 25 (1): 23-39.
Wu, J. and Ning Pan, Grab and Strip Tensile Strengths for Woven Fabrics: An Experimental Verification, Textile Research Journal, 11 2005; vol. 75: pp. 789 - 796.
Xin Fei, T. Shibamoto, Pengfei Gao, & Gang Sun (2006). Pesticide detoxifying functions and N-halamine fabrics, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology , available online.
Xing, M.M.Q., Zhiguo Sun, Wen Zhong, Ning Pan & Howard Maibach, An EFE model on skin - sleeve interactions during arm rotation , ASME Journal of Biomechnical Engineering , 128, 872 (2006) .
Zhang, X. and Raheel, M. (2003). Statistical Model for Predicting Pesticide Penetration in Woven Fabrics Used for Chemical Protective Clothing. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination & Toxicology. 70: (4), 652-659.
Zhang, Y., Wang, X. and Pan, N, (2003), An Experimental Examination of Fiber Reinforcing Effect in a Novel Composite, Composites Part B: Engineering, Vol 34, 499-505.
Zhao, T. and Sun, G. (2007). Antimicrobial Finishing of Wool Fabrics with Quaternary Aminopyridinium Salts, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 103, 482-486
Zhao, T. and Sun, G. (2006). Synthesis and application of Quaternary Aminopyridinium Salts, Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, 9(4), 325-330
Zhong, W. and Pan, N. (2003), A Computer Simulation of Single Fiber Pull Out Process in a Composite, Journal of Composite Materials, Vol. 37, 1951-1969.
Zhu, P. and Sun, G. (2004), Antimicrobial Finishing of Wool Fabrics: Using Quaternary Ammonium Salts, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 93. 1037-1041.
In Press Full Length Articles:
Ashdown. S.P., Choi, M.S. & Milke, E. Automated side seam placement from 3-D body scan data. in press, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology.
Ashdown, S. P. & Loker, S. Target market sizing: A new paradigm for improved apparel fit Proceedings from the 2007 World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization
Lee, Seungsin and Obendorf, S. Kay. Use of Electrospun Nanofiber Web for Protective Textile Materials as Barriers to Liquid Penetration, Textile Research Journal (in press)
Na, H. & Ashdown, S.P. Comparison of 3-D body scan data to quantify upper body postural variation in older and younger women Submitted to Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. (in press)
Petrova, A. & Ashdown, S.P. 3-D body scan data analysis: Body size and shape dependence of ease values for pants fit. Clothing and Textiles Research Journal. (in press)
Sarkar, A.K. (2007). On the relationship between fabric processing and ultraviolet radiation transmission. Photodermatology, Photoimmunology & Photomedicine (In Press).
Tan, Kuitian and Obendorf*, S. Kay. Fabrication and evaluation of electrospun antimicrobial nanofibrous nylon 6 membranes, Journal of Membrane Science (in press)
Xing, M.M.Q, Wen Zhong, Ning Pan & Howard Maibach, Numerical model of skin frictional blistering, Skin Science and Technology , in press.
Non-Refereed Publications:
Ashdown, S.P., Editor. Sizing in Clothing: Developing Effective Sizing Systems for Ready-To-Wear Clothing, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2007.
Ashdown, S. P., Smith, J., Loker, S. & Lyman-Clarke, L. Production systems, distribution systems and sizing, In Ashdown, S.P., Editor. Sizing in Clothing: Developing Effective Sizing Systems for Ready-To-Wear Clothing, Woodhead Publishing Limited.
Branson, D.H. & Nam, J (2007). Materials and sizing, in Ashdown, S.P., Editor. Sizing in Clothing: Developing Effective Sizing Systems for Ready-To-Wear Clothing , Woodhead Publishing Limited.
Hildebrandt, P. (2006). Last line of defense Industrial Fabric Products Review, July 2006.
LaBat, K. (2007). Sizing Standardization, in Ashdown, S.P., Editor. Sizing in Clothing: Developing Effective Sizing Systems for Ready-To-Wear Clothing, Woodhead Publishing Limited, 88-107
Lemley, A.T., Obendorf, S.K., and Hedge, A., Cornell Researchers Measure Pesticide Residues in Central New York State Homes, The Ribbon: A Newsletter of the Cornell University Program on Breast Cancer and Environmental Risk Factors, 12(2):8-9 (Spring 2007).
Loker, S., Ashdown. S.P., & Carnrite, E. Dress in the third dimension: On-line
interactivity and new meanings, invited paper for a focused issue on the future, in press,
Clothing and Textiles Research Journal.
Pan, N. (2007) Quantification and evaluation of human tactile sense towards fabrics, Int. Journal of Nature & Design, 1, 48-60 (invited).
Sarkar, A.K. (2005). Textiles for UV protection. In: Scott, R.A. (Ed.), Textiles for protection. Cambridge , UK : Woodhead Publishing Limited.
Sun, G and S. D. Worley, (2006) Halamine Chemistry and Its Applications in Biocidal Textiles and Polymers, Chapter 6, Modified Fibers with Medical and Specialty Applications, Editors: J. Vincent Edwards Steven Goheen and Gisela Buschle-Diller, Springer Netherlands, 2006. pp. 81-89
Thermal and Moisture Transport in Fibrous Material, Edited by Ning Pan and Phil Gibson, Woodhead Publishing Ltd., Cambridge, UK, 656 pages.
Refereed Presentations:
Ashdown, S.P., Choi, M.S., Raymond, D., and Milke, E. Automated Side Seam Placement from 3-D Body Scan Data. International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, Portland, Oregon. November, 2004.
Ashdown, S.P. & Loker, S. Improved Apparel Sizing: Fit and Anthropometric 3D Scan Data, (poster) National Textile Center Forum, Hilton Head, SC, Feb. 19-21, 2006.
Ashdown, S.P., Loker, S., and Adelson, C. Use of Body Scan Data to Design Sizing Systems Based on Target Markets (poster), National Textile Center Forum, February 10-12, 2003.
Ashdown, S. P., Loker, S., Carnrite, E. Digitizing the Fit Model using 3D Body Scanning Technology. Presentation at the International Foundation of Fashion Technology Institutes Conference, Raleigh , NC , June 18-22 2006.
Ashdown, S.P., Loker, S., Lyman-Clarke, L., & Schoenfelder, K. Visual Fit Analysis from 3-D Scans (Poster Session), Fiber Society Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY. October, 2004.
Ashdown, S.P., Loker, S., Schoenfelder, K., & Petrova, A. Comparison of Sitting and Standing 3-D Body Measurements of the Lower Body. Symposium on Advanced Materials and Processes, Fiber Society Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY. October, 2004.
Ashdown, S. P., Petrova, A., & Loker, S. A Comparison of Body Variation Among Women with Different BMI Scores, and Implications for Sizing of Apparel (Poster Session), American Association of Family and Consumer Science, Minneapolis, MN. June 26-27, 2005.
Bastow-Shoop, H., Hawley, J., Jasper, C., Jolly, L., Damhorst, M., LaBat, K., Lennon, S., Research agenda 2010: Forging new directions and partnerships. NCCC-65 Regional research project presentation. ITAA Special Topic Session, San Antonio, Texas, October, 2006, www.itaaonline.org
Branson, D.H., Farr, C.A. and Cao, H. Development of a Prototype Personal Cooling System for First Responders in Level A Gear. INFire Annual Conference, Impact of Terrorism in the Information Age, Oklahoma City, OK, May 2003.
Branson, D.H., Farr, C.A., Peksoz, S., Nam, J., and Cao, H. (2004, January). Development of a prototype personal cooling system for first responders: User input. Eighth ASTM Symposium on Performances of Protective Clothing: Global Needs and Emerging Markets, Tampa, FL.
Branson, D., Peksoz, S., Ricord, D., Farr, C., and Kumphai, P. (2006, November). Commercializing QuadGard(r) body armor: Initial steps. ITAA Annual Conference, San Antonio , TX .
Cao, H., Branson, D., Nam, J., Jansen, B., Peksoz, S., and Farr, C. Liquid Cooling Garments: A Study of Water Flow Rate. International Textiles & Apparel Association Annual Conference, Savannah, GA., November 2003
Cao, H., Branson, D.H., Nam, J., Peksoz, S. and Farr, C.A. (2004, January).Development of a cooling capability test method for liquid-cooled textile systems. Eighth ASTM Symposium on Performances of Protective Clothing: Global Needs and Emerging Markets, Tampa, FL
Cao, H., Harmon, H. J., & Branson, D. H. (2005, November). Detection of organophosphate by porphyrin solution and porphyrin-dyed cotton fabric. Paper presented at the annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Alexandria , VA.
Cao, H., Harmon, H. J., Nam, J., Branson, D. H. (2004, October) Spectroscopic detection of cyanide in water using porphyrin dyed cotton fabrics. Fiber Society Annual Conference, Ithaca, NY.
Cao, H., Nam, J., Branson, D. H. (accepted). Detection of carbamate by porphyrin solution and porphyrin-dyed mercerized cotton fabric. Oral presentation accepted by the 2007 annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Los Angeles, CA.
DeLong, M., LaBat, K., Bye, E. Advancing apparel fit and sizing at the University of Minnesota, Cultural Exchange Project: Mission Continued, International Commemorative Symposium of the 60 th Anniversary of Hong-Ik University, Seoul , Korea , May 2006.
Gahring, S. & LaBat, K. Ensuring adequate technical skills for clothing design students, International Textiles and Apparel Association, San Antonio, Texas, October, 2006, www.itaaonline.org
LaBat, K., Bye, E., McKinney, E., & Kim, D. Use of a laboratory notebook as a teaching tool for graduate student research, International Textiles and Apparel Association, San Antonio, Texas, October 2006, www.itaaonline.org
LaBat, K. & Kim, D. Design process for developing a liquid cooling ventilation garment, International Textiles and Apparel Association, San Antonio, Texas, October 2006, www.itaaonline.org
Lee, J.R. & Ashdown, S.P. A Comparison of Body Surface Change to Evaluate Traditional and 3-D Body Scan Anthropometric Measures for Dynamic Postures (Poster Session), Fiber Society Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY. October, 2004.
Lee, Young-A, Ashdown, S., & Slocum, A.C. Evaluation of Sun overage of Protective Hats
for Golfers; Using Three-Dimensional Body Scan Data. International Textile & Apparel
Association Annual Conference, November 2003.
Lee, S. and S. Kay Obendorf, Developing Protective Textile Materials as Barriers to Liquid Penetration Using Melt-Electrospinning (poster), Fiber Society, October 17-19, 2005, Newark, NJ.
Lee, S. and S. Kay Obendorf, Use of Electrospun Nanofiber Web for Protective Textile Materials as Barriers to Liquid Penetration, Fiber Society, Seoul, Korea, May 31-June 2, 2006 (poster)
Lee, S. and S. Kay Obendorf, (2004), M01-CR02: Improving the Understanding and Acceptance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): A Statistical Model of Pesticide Penetration through Woven Work Clothing Fabrics (poster), National Textile Center Forum, February 16.
Lee, S. and S. Kay Obendorf, (2004), A Statistical Model of Pesticide Penetration through Woven Work Clothing Fabrics, Fiber Society meeting, May 19, St. Louis.
Lu, Y. & Rucker, M. Attitudes toward medical textiles: Purchasing agents and doctors.. Presented at the Reusable Medical Textiles Conference, April 26-27, 2006, Indianapolis , IN.
Lyman-Clarke, L., Ashdown, S. P., Loker, S., Lewis, V. D., & Schoenfelder, K. A Comparison of Visual Analysis Rating Systems. International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, Alexandria , VA , November 1-6, 2005. (poster)
McKinney , E., Bye, E., LaBat, K, Delong, M., & Kim, D. Linking research and education through the Human Dimensioning Laboratory. International Fiber Societies Conference 2006, Seoul , Korea , May 31-June 2, 2006.
Nam , J., Branson, D.,Cao, H., Asdown, S., and Schoenfelder, K. (2005, November). 3D body scanning: Methods and data analysis development for quantifying ease. ITAA Annual Conference, Alexandria , VA.
Ng, R., Ashdown, S.P, & Chan, A., (2007) Intelligent size table generation. Asian Textile Conference (ATC), 9th Asian Textile Conference, Taiwan
Obendorf, K., Csiszar, E., Maneefuangfoo, D. and Borsa, J. M01-CR02 Improving the
Understanding and Acceptance of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE): Kinetic Transport of Pesticide from Contaminated Fabric Through a Model Skin (poster), National Textile Center Forum, February 10-12, 2003.
Pan, N., You-Lo Hsieh, Kay Obendorf, Steve Witaker, (2004), Study of Transport Phenomena in Fibrous Substrates-Liquids and solids Interaction (poster), National Textile Center Forum, February 16.
Peksoz, S ., Branson, D., and Farr, C. (November 2005). QuadGard® Body Armor . At the International Textiles and Apparel Association Annual Conference Juried Exhibition, Alexandria , VA.
Peksoz, S., Quevedo, V., Branson, D. Gam, HaeJin, and Ricord, D., (2006, November). Meeting an industry request: Developing prototype firefighter bunker gear. ITAA Annual Conference, San Antonio , TX .
Petrova, A. & Ashdown, S.P. Analysis of Body Scan Data for Best Fit of Pants, International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, Portland, Oregon. November, 2004.
Raheel, M. and Jain, R., (2003). A Statistical Model for Predicting Effectiveness of Woven and Non-woven Protective Clothing Against Pesticide Penetration, at the AATCC International Conference, Greenville, S. C. September 9-12.
Ricord, D., Kumphai, P., Branson, D., and Peksoz, S. (2006, November). Breaking ground: Moving from laboratory prototype to apparel production. ITAA Annual Conference, San Antonio, TX.
Rupert, N.L., Matic, P., Hubler, G.K., Frost, J., Branson, D., Bruno, R.S., Blethen, W.C., Sprague, J.S., Simmons, K., Farr, C., and Peksoz, S. (2005). 22 nd International Symposium of Ballistics, Vancouver , British Columbia.
Sarkar, A.K., Influence of Fabric Characteristics on UV Transmission. AATCC International Conference & Exhibition, Charlotte, NC, 2002.
Sarkar, A.K. (2004). Influence of enzymatic treatment on ultraviolet properties of cotton fabrics [Abstract]. In: Conference Proceedings, 4 th International Conference on Safety & Protective Fabrics, Industrial Fabrics Association International, 283.
Sarkar, A.K.., & DiVerdi, J.A. (2004). A method for predicting the ultraviolet protection factor of fabrics by calculating percent cover using a digital stereo microscope [Abstract]. Proceedings from the Sixty-first Annual Conference of the International Textile and Apparel Association., International Textile and Apparel Association.
Song, K. & Stone, J. Consumer Preferences for Design Features of Sun-Safe Shirts.
International Textile & Apparel Association Annual Conference, November 2003.
Starr, C., Branson, D., Peksoz, S., and Ricord, D. (2006, November). Child's medical support garment prototype. ITAA Annual Conference, San Antonio , TX .
Stone, J. F., Coffman, C. W., Imerman, P., Song, K. and Shelley, M. Glove Liner Wear Study (Poster Session), Fiber Society Annual Meeting, Ithaca, NY. October, 2004.
Stone, J. F., Coffman, C. W., Imerman, P., Song, K. and Shelley, M. Glove Liner Wear Study, International Textile and Apparel Association Conference, Portland, OR. November, 2004.
Stone, J. F., Coffman, C. W., Imerman, P., Song, K. and Shelley, M. Glove Liner Wear Study, Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Forum, Coralville, IA. October, 2004.
Sun, G., Kaiser, S. B., Rucker, M. H., Bhuie, A., Overcash, M., Nicas, M., & Wang, Lu. Health protective textiles: Bridging the disposable/reusable divide. Presented at the Reusable Medical Textiles Conference, April 26-27, 2006, Indianapolis , IN.
Sung, Heewon, Slocum, A.C. UV Radiation Exposure to Body Sites of Golfers and Effects of Clothing. International Textile & Apparel Association Annual Conference, November 2003.
Tan, K. and S. Kay Obendorf, C05-CR01: Hybrid Microporous Membranes Intended for Protective Clothing (poster), National Textile Center Forum, February 20, 2006.
Tan, K. and S. Kay Obendorf, Development of a Novel Membrane Intended for High Performance Protective Clothing, Fiber Society, October 17-19, 2005, Newark , NJ .
Tan, Kuitian and Obendorf, S. K. Development of an Antimicrobial and Breathable Microporous Polyurethane Membrane, the Fiber Society Annual Conference, Tennessee, October 1012, 2006.
Tan, Kuitian and Obendorf, S. K. Development of Antimicrobial Microporous Polyurethane Membranes, 34th ACS Northeast Regional Meeting, Binghamton, NY, October 5-7 2006.
Tan, Kuitian and Obendorf, S. K. Hybrid Microporous Membranes Intended for Protective Clothing, 15th National Textile Center Conference, Hilton Head Island, South Carolina, February 25-27, 2007.
Zhang, X. & Raheel, M. Predicting Pesticide Penetration in Woven Fabrics Used for Chemical Protective Clothing. 2nd European Conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC) and NOKOBETEF 7, Montreux, Switzerland, May 21-24, 2003, #24.
Invited Presentations:
Ashdown, S.P. Apparel and the 3D Scanner: The art and science of measuring bodies and clothing. Science Cabaret, sponsored by Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, Ithaca, NY, Oct. 3, 2006.
Ashdown, S.P. & Moss, J., Collaborative project on sizing and fit using Lectra technology: Nike and Cornell University. Presentation at the symposium Sizing: The Solution. Sponsored by the American Apparel & Footwear Association and the Fashion Institute of Technology, NY, NY, Oct. 11, 2006.
LaBat, K. Functional clothing design research at the University of Minnesota , Ehwa Woman's University, Seoul , Korea , May, 2006
LaBat, K., Bye, E. & DeLong, M. History of fit and sizing research at the University of Minnesota , Seoul National University , Seoul , Korea , May 2006.
Theses and Dissertation:
Godsey, U.B. Experimental Study of the Frictional Characteristics of Cotton Fabrics, Texas Tech University, December 2004.
Jain, R.S. Barrier Efficacy of Woven and Non-woven Fabrics Used for Protective Clothing: Predictive Models. M.S. Thesis, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, May, 2003.
Lee, S. Protective Clothing Materials to Limit Liquid Penetration, PhD, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, May 2005.
Nam, J Development, Modification and Fit Analysis of Liquid-cooled Vest Prototypes Using 3D Body Scanner. Unpublished M.S. Thesis. Oklahoma State University, 2004.
Peksoz,S. A Physiological Study of the Effectiveness of Two Prototype Portable Cooling Vests, Unpublished Ph.D. Dissertation, Oklahoma State University, July, 2005.
Ryan, K. M.D., Aesthetically unique, specially sized clothing for women with osteoporotic posture changes, May 2006
Tsui , L.S. (2004), Using Compost as a Filter Medium to Remove Agri-chemicals from Subsurface Drainage System. Ph. D Dissertation, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, IL 61801, June.
Abstracts and Proceedings:
Ashdown, S.P., Choi, M.S., Raymond, D., and Milke, E. Automated Side Seam Placement from 3-D Body Scan Data. International Textile and Apparel Association Conference Proceedings. November, 2004.
Hedge, A, Kline, A.A., Lemley, A.T., Obendorf, S.K. Dokuchayeva, T., and Gaskins, V. Contaminants in Floor Dust, Indoor Air 2002 . The 9th International Conference on Indoor Air Quality and Climate, International Academy of Indoor Air Science, Monterey, CA (2002), p. 998-1003.
Lee, Y., Ashdown, S., & Slocum, A.C. (2003). Evaluation of sun coverage of protective hats for golfers using three-dimensional body scan data. [Abstract] International Apparel and Textiles Association Proceedings, Monument, CO. [Online] at: www.itaaonline.org/index2.html.
Lyman-Clarke, L., Ashdown, S. P., Loker, S., Lewis, V. D., & Schoenfelder, K. A Comparison of Visual Analysis Rating Systems. 2005 International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings
Nam , J., Branson, D., Cao, H., Ashdown, S. P., & Schoenfelder, K. 3D Body Scanning: Methods and Data Analysis Development for Quantifying Ease. 2005 International Textile and Apparel Association Proceedings.
Petrova, A. & Ashdown, S.P. Analysis of Body Scan Data for Best Fit of Pants, International Textile and Apparel Association Conference Proceedings. November, 2004.
Stone, J. F., Coffman, C. W., Imerman, P., Song, K. and Shelley, M. Glove Liner Wear Study, International Textile and Apparel Association Conference Proceedings. November, 2004.
Sarkar, A.K., Ramkumar, S.S., Kanukuntla, S., and Dhandapani, R. (2006). UV characteristics of cotton and blended nonwovens [Abstract]. In: Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Conferences, National Cotton Council of America .
Stone, J. F., Coffman, C. W., Imerman, P., Song, K. and Shelley, M. Glove Liner Wear Study, Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Forum Proceedings, Coralville, IA. October, 2004.
Sung, Heewon and Slocum, Ann C. (2003). UV radiation exposure to body sites of golfers and effects of clothing. [Abstract] International Apparel and Textiles Association Proceedings, Monument, CO. [Online] at: www.ITAAonline.org/index2.html.
Zhang, X. and Raheel, M. Predicting Pesticide Penetration in Woven Fabrics Used for Chemical Protective Clothing . Proceedings of the 2nd European Conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC) and NOKOBETEF 7. Montreux, Switzerland, May 21-24, 2003.
Body Scanning for Apparel, http://www.bodyscan.human.cornell.edu
Human Dimensioning Laboratory, University of Minnesota, College of Design, http://dha.cdes.umn.edu/outreach_center/Human_Dimensioning_Lab.html
NC-170 Regional Research website
Sizing and Fit of Apparel,
Media coverage:
Gardy, Rebecca, The Shape of Things to Come, American Demographics, July/August 2003.
Winter, Metta. Engineering Textiles to Protect Workers from Toxic Chemicals, Human Ecology, 31(3): 18-21. May, 2004
Encyclopedia Entry
LaBat, K. (2006). Human factors and apparel design, International Encyclopedia of Ergonomics and Human Factors . Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press.
S.S. Ramkumar, Method for Producing Chemical Protective Composite Substrate, US Patent Pending. (Response submitted in Summer 2007).
S. S. Ramkumar, Development of Leather Based Ballistic Protection Composites Shield, US Patent # 6,862,971 (date of issue: March 8, 2005).
S. S. Ramkumar, Method of Producing Chemical Protective Composite Substrate, (Patent Pending).
Objective 2. To examine acceptance and barriers to acceptance of PPE products and practices.
Non-Refereed Publications:
Breen, N. Carpet Vacuuming & Cleaning, Textiles & Apparel News, Cornell University,
November 2002.
Coffman, C. The Agricultural Health Study, Textiles & Apparel News 21 (3): 4. July, 2005.
Coffman, C. Agricultural Health Websites, The Cutting Edge 1(1): 4. February, 2007.
Coffman, C. Browsing Websites: EPA, Textiles & Apparel News 20 (5): 4. November, 2004.
Coffman, C. CCA-Treatment of Wood Discontinued, Textiles & Apparel News, Cornell
University, April 2003.
Coffman, C. Enclosed Cabs Reduce Pesticide Exposure, Textiles & Apparel News 22 (3): 4. September, 2006.
Coffman, C. EPA Approves Glove Liners, Textiles & Apparel News 21 (2): 4. April, 2005.
Coffman, C. Insect-repellent Apparel, Textiles & Apparel News, Cornell University, September 2003.
Coffman, C. Pesticide Safety Educational Materials, Textiles & Apparel News, Cornell
University, September 2003.
Coffman, C. The Phthalate Question, Textiles & Apparel News, Cornell University, June 2003.
Coffman, C. Shelter from the Sun, Textiles & Apparel News, Cornell University, June 2003.
Coffman, C. Useful Resources on Pesticide Topics, Textiles & Apparel News, Cornell
University, February 2003.
Coffman, Charlotte and Stone, Janis. Glove Liner Study, Textile & Apparel News, Cornell University, 19 (5): 4, November, 2003.
Shaw, A. (2005). Chapter 4: Steps in selection of protective clothing materials, In: Scott, R.A. (Ed.), Textiles for protection. Cambridge , UK : Woodhead Publishing Limited.
Stone, J. (2006). Family Pesticide Safety: Wear the Right Gloves, Pm-1662c, Chapter 10 in Laundry Areas, The House Handbook, Midwest Plan Service, MWPS-16.
Stone, J. Consumer Choices: How to Complain and Get Results, Pm-716, Revised. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, 2003.
Stone, J. Consumer Choices: Understanding Apparel and Furnishings Textile, Pm-734 Revised. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, 2003.
Stone, J. Consumer Choices: Using Textile Labels, Pm-733 Revised. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011, 2003.
Stone, J. Is it time to change your hat? Pm-1683 Revised. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. July 2003.
Stone, Janis F. Personal Safety in the Greenhouse. Iowa State University Extension, PAT-43, February 2007.
Stone, J. and Kadolph. S. Facts about Fabric Flammability, NCR-174, Revised. Iowa State University, Ames, IA 50011. July 2003.
Refereed Presentations:
Coffman, Charlotte W. Household dust Study: Pesticide Residues Found in Dust Samples Collected from New York Homes, Northeast Pesticide Safety Education and Certification Workshop, September 26, 2006, Mystic, CT.
Coffman, C. Pesticide Residues and other Allergens in Homes. Poster Session, Association of Cornell Cooperative Extension Educators 2002 Conference, Ithaca, NY, October, 2002.
Coffman, C. Reducing the Risk of Operator Contamination form Pesticides. Poster Session, Association of Cornell Cooperative Extension Educators 2002 Conference, Ithaca, NY, October,2002.
Coffman, C. Reducing the Risk of Operator Contamination from Pesticides. Poster Session, Galaxy II Conference, Salt Lake City, UT, September 2003.
Coffman, Charlotte W. Testing for PPE Resistance for Pesticide Penetration, Northeast Pesticide Safety Education and Certification Workshop, September 25, 2006, Mystic, CT.
Coffman, Charlotte W. Understanding Tradeoffs between Engineering Controls to Reduce Pesticide Exposure and Use of PPE, Northeast Pesticide Safety Education and Certification Workshop, September 25, 2006, Mystic, CT.
Coffman, Charlotte W., Stone, Janis F., Slocum, Ann, Landers, Andrew J., Schwab, Charles V., Olsen, Larry G. and Lee, Seungsin. Influence of Engineering Controls on Personal Protective Equipment Use, Fiber Society, Seoul , Korea , May 31-June 2, 2006 (poster)
Coffman, C. Stone, J. F., Slocum, A., Landers, A., Schwab, C., and Olsen, L. Pesticide Applicators Use and Understanding of Personal Protective Equipment and Engineering Controls (Poster Session), Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Forum, Coralville, IA. October, 2004.
Shaw, Anugrah and Ruchika Abbi, (2004), Online System for Selection of Clothing Materials for Pesticide Users, International Conference on High Performance Textiles and Apparel, Coimbatore, India
Shaw, A. and Vankalaya G., Protective clothing for pesticide applicators: a comprehensive online system for data management, analysis and dissemination of information, 3rd European Conference on Protective Clothing and NOKOBETEF 8, Gdynia, Poland, May 2006
Invited Presentations:
Coffman, Charlotte. (2004) Glove Study and Whats New in PPE for Greenhouse Pesticide Applicators, 2004 Greenhouse Update, Ithaca, NY. February 12.
Coffman, C. Interpreting Personal Protective Equipment Label Statements, PPE: Selection, Use, and Maintenance, Can Engineering Controls Replace PPE, and Pesticide Residues in NY
Coffman, Charlotte W. Personal Protective Equipment for Handling Pesticides, Pesticide Applicator Certification Orientation, May 15, 2007, Ithaca, NY.
Coffman, C. Pesticide Residues in the Home, Pesticide Update, Fishkill, N.Y. March 2003.
Coffman, C. PPE Statements on Pesticide Labels, Advanced Horticulture School, Rochester, NY, February, 2005.
Coffman, C. PPE When Handling Pesticides, Pesticide Applicator Certification Orientation, Ithaca , NY . January 18, 2006.
Coffman, Charlotte. (2004), Protecting Your Health When Applying Pesticides, Food Processing Sanitation and Pest Management, Rochester, NY. February 10.
Coffman, C. Protective Clothing and Gear and Cornell Research Related to PPE, Advanced Horticulture School , Rochester , NY , January 31, 2006.
Coffman, Charlotte W. Protective Clothing What? When? Why?, Pesticide Applicator Training for Amish Farmers, July 18, 2007, Conewago Valley, NY.
Homes. Greenhouse Workforce Training, Hamden, NY. December 2003.
Coffman, Charlotte. (2004), Personal Protective Equipment When Handling Pesticides, Pesticide Applicator Certification Orientation, Ithaca, NY, January 14.
Stone, J., Heer, R., Abbott, B. (2003) How shady is your t-shirt? Table Top Educational
Theses and Dissertation:
Sung, Heewon. Golfers: UV Exposure, Health Beliefs and Practices, and Intention to Adopt UV Protective Clothing. Unpublished Dissertation. Michigan State University, 2003.
Abstracts and Proceedings:
Coffman, C. Stone, J. F., Slocum, A., Landers, A., Schwab, C., and Olsen, L. Pesticide Applicators Use and Understanding of Personal Protective Equipment and Engineering Controls, Midwest Rural Agricultural Safety and Health Forum Proceedings, Coralville, IA. October, 2004.
Extension Articles:
Occupational Safety and Protective Clothing, http://txnc170.human.cornell.edu/
Personal Pesticide Protection, http://www.humec.cornell.edu/units/txa/extension/pest/
Objective 3. To develop performance specification for protective clothing materials.
In Print Full Length Articles:
Shaw, Anugrah and Ruchika Abbi, (2004) "Comparison of Gravimetric and Gas Chromatographic Methods for Assessing Performance of Textile Materials against Liquid Pesticides", International Journal of Occupational Safety and Ergonomics, Vol.10, No.3, 255-261
Shaw, A., Eva Cohen, Torsten Hinz, "Laboratory Test Methods to Measure Repellency, Retention and Penetration of Liquid Pesticides through Protective Clothing: Part II Comparison of Three Test Methods", Textile Research Journal, Vol. 74, No.8, 684-688 (2004)
Refereed Presentations:
Shaw, A. & Abbi, R. Comparison of Gravimetric & Gas Chromatographic Methods for
Assessing Performance of Textile Materials against liquid Pesticides. 2nd European Conference on Protective Clothing (ECPC), Montreux, Switzerland, May 21-24, 2003.
Shaw, A. and Pagadala, S. PPE for Pesticide Applicators: Performance of Protective Clothing Materials with Repellent Finishes, International Conference Research and Standardization in the Field of Development and Use of Personal Protective Equipment, Cracow , Poland , September 2005
Shaw, A. and Pagadala P., (2006) Seam Efficiency of Protective Clothing for Pesticide Applicators, 2006 International Conference and Exhibition, American Association of Textile Chemist and Colorist, Atlanta, Nov 2006
Standards Developed:
ISO 22608 Protective clothing Protection against liquid chemicals
Standards in Review:
ASTM Standard WK 10555, New Protective clothing Performance specification for protective clothing for horticultural and agricultural pesticide workers, (in development) ASTM International, West Conshohocken, PA, www.astm.org.
ISO Standard ISO/WD 27065, Protective clothing -- Performance requirements for work and protective clothing for horticultural and agricultural pesticide workers, (in development) ICS: 13.340.10, Stage: 20.20 (2006.06.28), TC/SC: TC94/SC 13
Refereed Publications (In Print Full Length Articles)
Alihosseini, F., Ju, K-S., Lango, J., Hammock, B.D. and Sun, G. (2008). Sun antibacterial colorants characterization of prodiginines and their applications on textile materials, Biotechnology Progress, 24 (3), 742-747.
Ashdown, S.P. and Loker, S. (2007). Mass customized target market sizing: extending the sizing paradigm for improved apparel fit, Proceedings of the 2007 World Congress on Mass Customization and Personalization, October 7-9, 2007, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Ashdown, S.P., Choi, M. S., and Milke, E. (2008). Automated side-seam placement from 3D body scan data. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 20(4), 199-213.
Badrossamay, M.R. and Sun, G. (2008). Preparation of rechargeable biocidal polypropylene by reactive extrusion with diallyl-amino triazine, European Polymer Journal, 44, 733-742.
Barker, J. and Black, C. (2007). Comfort perceptions of ballistic vest wearers. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association Annual Meeting, Los Angeles, CA, November, 2007.
Boorady, L.M. and Hawley, J.M. (2008). The Wonders of Technology: Teaching Becomes Virtual, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, Special Focus Issue on the Future, 26(2).
Bye, E., LaBat, K., McKinney, E., and Kim, D.E. (2008). Optimized pattern grading, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 20(2), 79-92.
Gaan, S. and Sun, G. (2008). Effect of nitrogen additives on flame retardant action of tributyl phosphate: Phosphorus nitrogen synergism, Polymer Degradation and Stability 93 (1), 99-108.
Gaan, S. and Sun, G. (2007). Effect of phosphorus and nitrogen on flame retardant cellulose: A study of phosphorus compounds, Journal of Analytical & Applied Pyrolysis 78, 371-377.
Gaan, S. and Sun, G. (2007). Effect of phosphorus flame retardants on thermo-oxidative decomposition of cotton, Polymer Degradation and Stability, 92, 968-974.
Gao, J., Pan, N. and Yu, W. (2008). Fractal dimension of down fibre assemblies, International Symposium on Nonlinear Dynamics, Journal of Physics: Conference Series 96, doi: 10.1088/1742-6596/96/1/012162.
Hong, K. H. and Sun, G. (2008). Poly (styrene-co-vinylbenzophenone) as photoactive antimicrobial and self-decontaminating materials, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 109 (5), 3173-3179.
Hong, K. H. and Sun, G. (2008). Antimicrobial and chemical detoxifying functions of cotton fabrics containing different benzophenone derivatives, Carbohydrate Polymers, 71, 598-605.
Hong, K. H. and Sun, G. (2007). Preparation and properties of benzophenone chromophoric group branched polymer for self-decontamination, Polymer Engineering and Science, 47 (11), 1750-1755.
Hong, K. H. and Sun, G. (2007). Photocatalytic functional cotton fabrics containing benzophenone chromophoric groups, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 106 (4), 2661-2667.
Jung, J. H., Pan, N. and Kang, T. J. (2008). Generalized capstan problem: Bending rigidity, nonlinear friction and extensibility effect, Tribology International 41, 524=534.
Lee, S. and Obendorf, S. K. (2007). Use of electrospun nanofiber web for protective textile materials as barriers to liquid penetration, Textile Research Journal, 77, 696-702.
Lin, S. (2008). An examination of organic cotton in the Hawaii market: Visitors vs. residents, Taiwan Textile Research Journal 18 (2), 45-54.
Lin, S. (2008). Attitudes of tourists to purchasing organic cotton in Hawaii, Journal of Organic Systems, 2 (2), 14-26.
Liu, J. and Sun, G. (2008). The synthesis of novel cationic anthraquinone dyes with high potent antimicrobial activity, Dyes and Pigments, 77 (2), 380-386.
Liu, S. and Sun, G. (2008). Biocidal acyclic halamine polymers: Conversion of acrylamide grafted cotton to acyclic halamine, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 108, 3480-3486.
Liu, S. and Sun, G. (2008). Radical graft functional modification of cellulose with allyl monomers: Chemistry and structure characterization, Carbohydrate Polymers, 71, 614-625.
Mason, A. M., De Klerk, and Ashdown, S. P., (2008). Sizing and fit research at grassroots level: A methodology for the identification of unique body shapes in African developing countries, Journal of Family Ecology and Consumer Sciences, 36, 9-21.
Na, H. and Ashdown, S.P. (2008). Comparison of 3-D body scan data to quantify upper body postural variation in older and younger women, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26 (4), 292-307.
Petrova, A. and Ashdown, S.P. (2008). 3-D body scan data analysis: Body size and shape dependence of ease values for pants fit., Clothing and Textiles Research Journal 26(3), 227-252.
Sandstrom, A. Morshed, M. and Sun, G. (2007). Biocidal aramide fabrics for emergency responders: Formation and properties of aramide halamines, Textile Research Journal, 77 (8), 591-596.
Shaw, A. (2008). Field evaluation of protective clothing worn by pesticide applicators in hot climates, International Pest Control, 50(3), 152-155.
Tan, K. and Obendorf, S.K. (2007). Fabrication and evaluation of electrospun nanofibrous antimicrobial nylon 6 membranes, Journal of Membrane Science, 305, 287-298.
Wang, D. and Sun, G. (2007). Formation and morphology of cellulose acetate butyrate (CAB)/polyolefin and CAD/polyester in-situ microfibrillar and lamellar hybrid blends, European Polymer Journal, 43, 3587-3596.
Wang, D., Sun, G. and Chiou Bor-Sen (2007). A high throughput, controllable and environmentally benign fabrication process of thermoplastic nanofibers, Macromolecular Material Engineering, 292 (4), 407-414.
Wang, D., Sun, G., Chiou, Bor-Sen, and Hinestroza, J. (2007). Controllable fabrication and properties of polypropylene nanofibers, Polymer Engineering and Science, 47 (11), 1865-1872.
Wu, J, Pan, N. and Williams, K.R. (2007). Mechanical, biomechanical and psychophysical study of carpet performance, Textile Research Journal, 77, 172-178.
Xing, M. Q., Zhong, W., Pan, N. and Maibach, H (2007). Interfacial kinetics effects on transdermal drug delivery: A computer modeling, Skin Research and Technology, doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0846.2007.002.00273.x
Yang, H., Zhu, S., Li, K. and Pan, N. (2008). Modeling fabrics optical behaviors, Materials Science Forum, 575-578, 1266-1271.
Yuhan, C., Quilin, W., Ding, P. and Pan, N. (2008). Rayon-based activated carbon fibers treated with both alkali metal salt and lewis acid, microporous and mesoporous materials, 109, 138-146.
Zhao, T. and Sun, G. (2008). An antimicrobial cationic reactive dye: Synthesis and applications on cellulosic fibers, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 108, 1917-1923.
Zhao, T. and Sun, G. (2008). Hydrophobicity and antimicrobial activities of quaternary pyridinium salts, Journal of Applied Microbiology, 104 (3), 824-830.
Zhao, T. and Sun, G. (2007). Antimicrobial finishing of cellulose with incorporation of aminopyridinium salts to reactive and direct dyed fabrics, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 106 (4), 2634-2639.
Zhong, W. and Pan, N. (2007). Aerosol filtration by fibrous filters: A statistical mechanics approach, Textile Research Journal, 77, 284-289.
2008 Farzaneh Alihosseini and Gang Sun, Recent Progresses in Antibacterial Dyes, Household and Personal Care Today, 2008, No. 4, 17-21.
2009 Mohammad Reza Badrossamay and Gang Sun, Durable and Rechargeable Biocidal Polypropylene Polymers and Fibers Prepared by Using Reactive Extrusion, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials V. 89B: 93101.
2009 Kyung Hwa Hong and Gang Sun, Photoinduced Antimicrobial polymer blends with benzophenone as a functional additive, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Volume 112, Issue 4, Date: 15 May 2009, Pages: 2019-2026.
2009 Mohammad Reza Badrossamay and Gang Sun, Graft Polymerization of N-tert-Butyl Acrylamide onto Polypropylene during Melt Extrusion and Biocidal Properties of Its Products, Polymer Engineering and Science. Volume 49, Issue 2, Date: February 2009, Pages: 359-368.
2009 Junshu Liu and Gang Sun, The Synthesis of Novel Cationic Anthraquinone Dyes with High Potent Antimicrobial Activity, Dyes and Pigments. V81, 231-234.
2009 Song Liu and Gang Sun, New N-Halamine Polymeric Biocides: N-Chlorination of Acyclic Amide Grafted Cellulose, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. V 48, No. 2, 613-618.
2009 Sabyassachi Gaan and Gang Sun, Effect of Nitrogen Additives on Thermal Decomposition of Cotton, Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis, V 84, P108-115.
2009 Mohammad Reza Badrossamay and Gang Sun, Enhancing Hygiene/Antimicrobial Properties of Polyolefins, Chapter 8, Polyolefin Fibres, Ed. Samuel C. O. Ugbolue, Woodhead Publishing Ltd. Cambridge England. Pages 262-285.
2009 Mohammad Reza Badrossamay and Gang Sun, A Study on Melt Grafting of N-halamine Moieties onto Polyethylene and their Antibacterial Activities. Macromolecules, V42(6) 1948-1954.
2009 Margaret Rucker and Ning Pan, Evaluation of the Air Permeability, Total Heat Loss, and Radiant Protective Performance of Five Protective Clothing Systems. Report submitted to CAL FIRE
2008 Moran Wang, Qinjun Kang, Ning Pan, Thermal conductivity enhancement of carbon fiber composites, Applied Thermal Engineering, 29, 418-421.
2008 M. Wang, N. Pan. Predictions of Effective Physical Properties of Complex Multiphase Materials. Material Science and Engineering-R: Report (Invited Review), 63: 130.
2009 Lei Zuo, Sukang Zhu and Ning Pan, Determination of sample size for step-wise transient thermal tests, Polymer Testing, 28, 307-314.
2009 Weiping Du, Huifang Chen, Haifeng Xu, Ding Pan and Ning Pan, Viscoelastic Behavior of Polyacrylonitrile/Dimethyl Sulfoxide Concentrated Solution with Water, Journal of Polymer Science, B: Polymer Physics, 47, 14371442.
2009 Lianjiang Tan, Ding Pan, Ning Pan, Investigation into the gelation and crystallization of polyacrylonitrile, European Polymer Journal, 45, 1617-1624.
2009 Boorady, L.M., Rucker, M., Haise, C. and Ashdown, S.P., (2009) Protective Clothing for Pesticide Applicators: A Multimethod Needs Assessment, JTATM, 6(2), http://ojs.cnr.ncsu.edu/index.php/JTATM/article/viewFile/646/455.
2009 Lin, S. (2009). Exploratory evaluation of potential and current consumers of organic cotton in Hawaii. Asia Pacific Journal of Marketing and Logistics, 21(4), 489-506.
2009 Coffman, C.W., Stone, J.F., Slocum, A., Landers, A.J., Schwab, C.V., Olsen, L, and Lee, S., Use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment by certified pesticide applicators, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 15(4), 311-326.
2008 Na, H. and Ashdown, S.P., Comparison of 3-D body scan data to quantify upper body postural variation in older and younger women, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26(4) pp. 292 - 307.
2009 Dixit, V., Tewari, J.C., and Obendorf, S.K., Identification of degraded products of aldicarb due the catalytic behavior of titanium dioxide/polyacrylnitrile nanofiber, J. Chromatogr. A, doi: 10.1016/jchroma.2009.07.031.
2009 Barker, J. & Black, C. Ballistic vests for police officers: Using clothing comfort theory to analyze personal protective clothing. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education.
2008 Peksoz, S. and Branson, D. (November 2008). A water cooled cooling garment: Pattern and tubing development . ITAA Annual Conference, Schaumburg, Illinois.
2008 An, S. K., Kamenidis, P., Starr, C., Cao, H. Peksoz S. and Branson, D. (November 2008). Evaluation of Evaporative Resistance of Multi-layer Kevlar Ballistic Fabrics: An implication to Protective Apparel Design. ITAA Annual Conference, Schaumburg, Illinois.
2008 An, S. K., Kamenidis, P., Cao, H. Peksoz S. Branson, D. and Starr, C. (November 2008). Evaluation of Evaporative Resistance of Multi-layer Ballistic Fabrics. ITAA Annual Conference, Schaumburg, Illinois.
2009 Margaret Rucker, Carrie Haise, and Joanne Brasch. Medical Textiles: Views of the Users, European Conference on Protective Clothing, Arnhem, The Netherlands, June 10-12.
2009 Lynn M. Boorady, Margaret H. Rucker, Carrie L. Haise and Susan P. Ashdown, Chemical Protective Coveralls for Pesticide Applicators, European Conference on Protective Clothing, Arnhem, The Netherlands, June 10-12.
2009 Shaw, A., K. Machera, S. Saxena, P. Schiffelbein. Validation of Pipette Methods for Quantifying Penetration of Liquid Pesticide Formulations through Textile Materials, Chemical Protective Coveralls for Pesticide Applicators, 4th European Conference on Protective Clothing, Arnhem, The Netherlands, June 10-12. (poster presentation.
2009 Chang, J. C., Lin, S. H., Lin, S. M., Hsieh, W.C., & Chang, C.P. Dye adsorptive properties of various shapes of chitosan, The 11th International Conference on Chitin and Chitosan & The 8th Asia-Pacific Chitin and Chitosan Symposium, Chemical aspects No.4, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei, September, 2009.
2009 Ashdown, S.P., Introduction to Issues in Apparel Sizing. Lecture to the Vietnam Textile Institute, May.
2009 Ashdown, S.P., Apparel Fit; Custom Fit; 3D Body Scanning. Lecture to the Vietnam Textile Institute, May.
2009 Ashdown, S.P. 3D Body Scanning: Bringing New Dimensions to Research. Lecture given at the Tianjin Polytecnic University School of Textile and the Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, May.
2009 Coffman, C.W. Cold Weather Apparel, Field Research Unit Seminar, Geneva, NY. February.
2009 Coffman, C.W. Personal Protective Equipment for Handling Pesticides, Pesticide Applicator Certification Orientation, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY. January.
2009 Lee, Y. A. Current U.S. research trends: Application of emerging technologies into research on new product development. Invited lecture to the Department of Clothing and Textiles, Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea, May 28.
Personal Pesticide Protection http://www.human.cornell.edu/che/fsad/outreach/programs/personal-pesticide-protection/index.cfm/
Website for Personal Protective Technologies for current and Emerging Occupational Hazards
Body Scanning for Apparel
Sizing and Fit of Apparel
2010 Obendorf, S.K., Improving Personal Protection through Novel Materials, Olney Medal Address, AATCC Review, Vol. 10, No. 4: 44-50 (2010).
2010 Vivechana Dixit, Jagdish Tewari, and S. Kay Obendorf Fungal Growth Inhibition of Regenerated Cellulose Nanofibrous Membranes Containing Quillaja Saponin, Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology DOI: 10.1007/s00244-010-9493-6
2010 Barker, J., Black, C., & Cloud, R. (2010). Comfort comparison of ballistic vest panels for police officers. Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 6(3).
2009 Barker, J. & Black, C. (2009). Ballistic vests for police officers: Using clothing comfort theory to analyze personal protective clothing. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 2(2), 59-70.
2009 Boorady, L., Rucker, P., Haise, C. & Ashdown, S.P., (2009) Analysis of active positions and PPE needs of agricultural workers Journal of Textile and Apparel, Technology and Management, 6(2), http://ojs.cnr.ncsu.edu/index.php/JTATM/article/viewFile/646/455.
2010 L.E. Dunne. Smart Clothing in Practice: Key Design Barriers to Commercialization. Fashion Practice, 2010, 2:1 p41-66.
2010 Gang Sun, Protective performance of disposable and reusable gowns. Sustainable Textiles and Medical Protection Conference, June 1-2, Davis, CA
2009 Mark Ackerman and Margaret Rucker, Prediction of Protection Times for Wildland Fire Fighters Exposed to Thermal Radiation. Report submitted to CAL FIRE
2009 Xin Fei and Gang Sun, Oxidative degradation of organophosphorous pesticides by N-halamine fabrics, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. V 48, 5604-5609
2009 Kyung Hwa Hong, Ning Lu, and Gang Sun, UV-induced graft polymerization of acrylamide on cellulose by using immobilized benzophenone as a photo-initiator, European Polymer Journal. V45, 2443-2449
2009 Bei Xiang, Kit S. Lam and Gang Sun, Functional fibrous polypropylene solid support and its application in solid phase peptide synthesis and cell specific binding, Reactive and Functional Polymers, Vol 69, 905-914
2010 Kyung Hwa Hong and Gang Sun, Photoactive Antimicrobial Agents/Polyurethanefinished leather, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. Volume 115, Issue 2, Pages: 1138-1144.
2010 Mohammad Reza Badrossamay and Gang Sun, A study of radical graft copolymerization on polypropylene during extrusion using two peroxide initiators, Polymer International, V59, 155-161.
2010 Farzaneh Alihosseini, Jozsef Lango, Kou-San Ju, Bruce D. Hammock, and Gang Sun, Mutation of Bacterium Vibrio gazogenes for Selective Preparation of Colorants, Biotechnology Progress, 26: 352360
2010 Ning Liu, Gang Sun, Sabyasachi Gaan, Patrick Rupper, Controllable surface modifications of polyamide by photo-induced graft polymerization using immobilized photo-initiators, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 116: 36293637
2010 Kyung Hwa Hong and Gang Sun Photoactive antimicrobial PVA hydrogel prepared by freeze-thawing process for wound dressing, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 116: 24182424
2009 Lianjiang Tan, Ding Pan, Ning Pan, Rheological Study on Thermal-induced Gelation Behavior of PAN Solution, Journal of Polymer Research, 16, 341350.
2009 Ozcan Koysuren, Chunsheng Du, Ning Pan, Goknur Bayram, Preparation and Comparison of Two Electrodes for Supercapacitors: Pani/CNT/Ni and Pani/Alizarin treated Nickel, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 113, 10701081.
2009 Moran Wang and Ning Pan, Elastic property of multiphase composites with random microstructure, Journal of Computational Physics, 228, 59785988.
2009 Jing Gao and Ning Pan, Explanation of the Fractal Characteristics of Goose Down Configurations, Textile Research Journal, 79, 11421147.
2009 Jing Gao, Ning Pan and Weidong Yu, Fractal character forecast of down fiber assembly microstructure, Journal of Textile Institute, 100, 539544.
2009 Malcolm M. Q. Xing, Xiaoying Hui, Wen Zhong, Ning Pan, Frank Yaghmaie, H. I. Maibach, In vitro human topical bioactive drug transdermal absorption: Estradiol, Cutaneous and Ocular Toxicology, 28, 171-175.
2010 Hongying Yang, Sukang Zhu and Ning Pan, On the Kubelka-Munk Single-Constant/ Two-Constant Theories, Textile Research Journal, 80, 263 ~ 270.
2010 Jing Gao, Ning Pan and Weidong Yu, Compression Behavior Evaluation of Single-Down-Fiber and Down Fiber Assemblies, Journal of the Textile Institute, 101, 253260.
2010 Lin, S. (2010). The case of Hawaii: Who will pay more for organic cotton? International Journal of Consumer Studies, 34(4), 481-489.
2010 Margaret Rucker, Prediction of medical waste from selected hospital statistics. Sustainable Textiles and Medical Protection Conference, June 1-2, Davis, CA
2010 Margaret Rucker, Whats important to doctors and nurses: an attitude survey. American Reusable Textile Association Conference, July 22-23, Quebec City, Quebec
2010 Peksoz, S., Cao, H., Park, H., An, S.K. and Branson, D. (2010). Core temperature prediction modeling using a sweating manikin (Full paper). Eighth International Meeting for Manikins and Modeling (8I3M), August 2010
2010 Woo, D.J., Hansen, N., Joo, Y.L., Obendorf, S.K., Morphological effects on self-decontamination of coaxial nanofiber containing TiO2 and MgO, Preceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Textiles (ICIT2010) Seoul, Korea, June 16-18, 2010, p.94-95 (2010) www.icit2010.org ISBN 978-89-92265-14-0.
2010 Peksoz, S., Cao, H., Park, H., An, S.K. and Branson, D. (2010). Core temperature prediction modeling using a sweating manikin (Full paper). Eighth International Meeting for Manikins and Modeling (8I3M), August 2010
2009 An, S. K. Park, H., Peksoz, S., Branson, D., & Cao, H. (2009, October). Development of estimation model to predict firefighters core temperature from microclimate data. Paper presented at the 2009 annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Bellevue, WA.
2009 Ashdown, S.P., Technology in Research and Teaching: Exploring Novel Landscapes, Distinguished Scholar lecture, International Textile and Apparel Association, Bellevue, WA, Oct. 28-31, 2009, Abstract in the 2009 ITAA Proceedings.
2009 Barker, J., Lee, Y. A., Boorady, L., Ashdown, S., & Lin, S-H. Firefighter turnout gear: Assessment of User Needs, Conference of International Textile and Apparel Association in Bellevue, WA, October 28-31, 2009.
2009 Peksoz, S, Park, H., An, S.K. and Cao, H. (2009). Smart clothing for firefighter protection. Proceedings of Intelligent Textiles and Mass Customization International Conference. ISBN :978-9954-8878-1-4. Casablanca, Morocco, November 12-14, 2009.
2009 Peksoz, S., Starr, C., Choi, K., Kamenidis, P., Park, H. and Branson, D. (2009). Evaluation of Prototype Personal Cooling Interfaced with a Liquid Cooled Garment under Hazmat Suits. ITAA Proceedings #66 Annual Meeting, Bellevue, Washington, October 28-31, 2009.
2010 Shaw, A, C. Coffman, and A. Brown Garment Wear Study to Determine the Pesticide Protective Performance of Cotton/Polyester Fabrics with a Fluorochemical Finish, 2010 International Conference and Exhibition, American Association of Textile Chemists and Colorists, Atlanta, Georgia.
2010 Boorady, L.M. (April 2010) Design and Development of Industrial Clothing. Industrial Clothing Exploring New Challenges seminar. Royal University for Women, Kingdom of Bahrain (Invited)
2010 Obendorf, S. Kay, Personal Protection through Nanotechnology, NANO magazine, Issue 17, April, pp. 014-017 (2010). (Invited Paper)
Body Scanning for Apparel,
Firefighter Gear < http://www.firefightergear.human.cornell.edu >
Personal Pesticide Protection,
Sizing and Fit of Apparel,
2010 Spero, E. F., Performance of Self-Decontaminating Textiles for Chemical Protective Clothing, MS Thesis, Cornell University, 2010
Ashdown, S.P., and Loker, S., (2010). Mass customized target market sizing: Extending the sizing paradigm for improved apparel fit, Design Practice, 2(2), pp. 147-173.
Ashdown, S.P., Devine, C., and Erickson, P.D. (2010). Research in body/garment relationships, Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, Oct. 19-20. Hometrica Consulting, Zurich, Switzerland. www.hometrica.ch.
Barker, J., Black, C., and Cloud, R. (2010). Comfort comparison of ballistic vest panels for police officers. Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 6 (3).
Cheng, K. C., Lin, S., and Chang, C. P., (2010). Preparation and sustained release properties of alginate capsules containing coffee extracts. Journal of the Hwa Gang, 17(2), 94-100.
Cheng, K. Z., Lin, S., Chang, C. P., Lin, M. H, and Kuo, Y.L., (2010). Preparation and sustained
release properties of alginate capsules coffee extracts. The 26th Taiwan Fiber and Textiles Conference Proceedings, PA-07, Taiwan.
Choi, S.Y. and Ashdown, S.P., (2010). 3D body scan analysis of dimensional change in lower body measurements for active body positions. Textile Research Journal, 81(1), pp 81-93.
Dunne, L.E., (2010). Beyond the Second Skin: An Experimental Approach to Addressing Garment Style and Fit Variables in the Design of Sensing Garments. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education, 3:3 p109-117.
Dunne, L.E., (2010). Optical Bend Sensing for Wearable Goniometry: Exploring the Comfort/Accuracy Tradeoff. Research Journal of Textiles and Apparel.14:4 p73-80.
Gan, Y., Cheng, L., Ding, X., and Pan, N., (2010). Blood flow fluctuation underneath human forearm skin caused by local thermal stimuli of different fabrics, Journal of Thermal Biology, V 35, 352-377.
Gao, J., Pan, N., and Yu, W., (2010). Compression behavior evaluation of single-down-fiber and down fiber assemblies, Journal of the Textile Institute, V 101, 253-260.
Hong, K.H., and Sun, G., (2010). Benzophenone Incorporated Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogels as Photo-induced Antimicrobial Materials, Polymer Engineering and Science, V 50. 1780-1787.
Lin, S., (2010). Exploratory analysis of Chinese-American family caregivers' needs and instructional video on dressing stroke survivors. International Journal of Consumer Studies, 34(5), 581-586.
Lin, C. A., Hsieh, M. S., Cheag, R. J., Chen, Y.C., Lin, S., and Chang, C. P., (2010). Preparation and sustained properties of various deacetylated chitosan capsules containing collagen. Journal of the Hwa Gang, 17(1), 25-32.
Lukas, D., Pan, N., Sarkar, A., Weng, M., Chaloupek, J., Kostakova, E., Ocheretna, L., Miles, P., Pociute, M., and Amler, E., (2010). Auto-model based computer simulation of Plateau-Rayleigh instability of mixtures of immiscible liquids, Physical A., V 389, 2164-2176.
Nastaran, H., and Sun, G., (2010). Intermolecular Interactions between Surfactants and Cationic Dyes and Effect on Antimicrobial Properties, Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research V 49, 8347-8352
Pan, N., (2010). Recent progress in soft materials science, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, V 11, 1.
Park, J., DeLong, M., and Woods, E., (2010). Quantification of aesthetic viewing using eye tracking technology: The influence of previous training in apparel design. Proc. of the 2010 Symposium on Eye-Tracking Research & Applications, 153-155.
Park, J., Kim, D., and Sohn, M., (2010). 3D simulation as an effective instructional tool for enhancing spatial visualization skills in apparel design. International Journal of Technology and Design Education.Advance online publication. doi: 10.1007/s10798-010-9127-3
Shaw, A., (2010). Global Perspective on Protective Clothing for Pesticide Operators Outlooks on Pest Management, pages 257-260,
Song, H.K. and Ashdown, S. P., (2010). An Exploratory Study of the Validity of Visual Fit Assessment from Three-Dimensional Scans, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 28(4), pp. 263-278.
Xiang, B., Sun, G., Lam, K.S., and Xiao, K., (2010). Novel poly (ethylene-co-acrylic acid) Nanofibrous Biomaterials for Peptide Synthesis and Biomedical Applications, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A. V 95A, 245-255.
Xue, C., Wang, D., Xiang B., Chiou, B.S., and Sun G., (2010). Morphology Evolution of Polypropylene in Immiscible Polymer Blends for Fabrication of Nanofibers, Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics. V 48, 921-931. 2010
Xue, C., Wang, D., Xiang, B., Chiou, B.S., and Sun G., (2010). Controlled and high throughput fabrication of poly (trimethylene terephthalate) nanofibers via melt extrusion of immiscible blends, Materials Chemistry and Physics. V 124, 48-51
Yang, H., Zhu, S., and Pan, N., (2010). On the Kubelka-Munk single constant/two constant theories, Textile Research Journal, V 80, 263-270
Song, H.K, Categorization of Womens Lower Body Shapes using Multi-view 3D Body Scan Measurements, and Development of Shape-driven Automated Custom Patterns, Ph.D. Dissertation, Cornell University, 2010
Ashdown, S.P., (2011). Improving body movement comfort in apparel, book chapter in Comfort in Clothing, Editor Song, G., Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK.
Boorady, L.M., (2011). Functional Clothing: Principles of Fit. Indian Journal for Fibre and Textile Research (IJFTR)
Chen, Q., Zhu, H., Pan, N., and Guo, Z., (2011). An Alternative Criterion in Heat Transfer Optimization, Proc. R. Soc. A., V 467, 10121028.
Dunne, L.E., Gioberto, G., Ramesh, V., and Koo, H., (2011). Measuring Movement of Denim Trousers for Garment-Integrated Sensing Applications. Proc. of the ACM Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Boston.
Dunne, L.E., Gioberto, G., and Koo, H., (2011). A Method of Measuring Garment Movement for Wearable Sensing, Proc. of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Hong, K. H., and Sun, G., (2011). Photoactive antibacterial cotton fabrics treated by 3,3,4,4-benzophenonetetracarboxylic dianhydride, Carbohydrate Polymers, V 84, 10271032.
Obendorf, S. K., (2011). Improving the functionality of clothing through novel pesticide protection/Novel pesticide protective clothing, Functional textiles for improved performance, protection and health, Part 2: Functional textiles for improved medical and health purposes, ed. N. Pan and G. Sun, Woodhead Publishing, Ltd, Cambridge, UK, pp. 433-460.
Park, S. M., Choi, K.M., Nam, Y. J., and Lee, Y. A., (2011). Multi-purpose three-dimensional body form. International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 23 (1), 8-24.
Rucker, M., Brasch, J., and Haise, C., (2011). Textile products and prevention of hospital acquired infections, Journal of Medical Marketing, V 11, 156-164.
Song, H.K., and Ashdown, S.P., (2011). Categorization of Lower Body Shapes Based on Multiple View Analysis, Textile Research Journal, 81, (9), pp 914-931.
Wang, D., and Sun, G., (2011). Novel Polymer Blends from Polyester and Bio-Based Cellulose Ester, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, V 119, No. 4 2302-2309
Wang, D., Sun, G., and Yu, L., (2011). Recyclability of Cellulose Acetate Butyrate (CAB) Matrix for Controllable and Productive Fabrication of Thermoplastic Nanofibers, Carbohydrate Polymers, V 83, 1095-1100.
Zong, Y., and Lee, Y. A., (2011). An exploratory study of integrative approach between 3D body scanning technology and motion capture system in the apparel industry. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education, 4 (2), 91-101.
Lange, L.E., Effects of Plasma Etching on Self-Decontaminating Properties of Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles in Polypropylene Fibers Tested with Methyl Parathion, MS Thesis Cornell University, 2011.
Brasch, J.E., Medical textiles that suit the user: Predicting healthcare workers' preference for disposable versus reusable surgical gowns, MS Thesis, University of California at Davis, 2011.
An, S. K., Park, H., Peksoz, S., Branson, D., and Cao, H. Development of estimation model to predict firefighters core temperature from microclimate data. Paper presented at the 2009 annual meeting of International Textile and Apparel Association, Bellevue, WA. (2009, October).
Ashdown, S.P., and Loker, S., (2010). Mass customized target market sizing: Extending the sizing paradigm for improved apparel fit, Design Practice, 2(2), pp. 147-173.
Ashdown, S.P., Devine, C., and Erickson, P.D. (2010). Research in body/garment relationships, Proceedings of the International Conference on 3D Body Scanning Technologies, Lugano, Switzerland, Oct. 19-20. Hometrica Consulting, Zurich, Switzerland. www.hometrica.ch.
Ashdown, S.P., (2011). Improving body movement comfort in apparel, book chapter in Comfort in Clothing, Editor Song, G., Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, UK.
Ashdown, S.P., Editor. (2007) Sizing in Clothing: Developing Effective Sizing Systems for Ready-To-Wear Clothing, Woodhead Publishing Limited, Cambridge, England.
Badrossamay, M R and Sun, G., A Study on Melt Grafting of N-halamine Moieties onto Polyethylene and their Antibacterial Activities. Macromolecules, 2009, V42(6) 1948-1954.
Badrossamay, M R and Sun, G., Durable and Rechargeable Biocidal Polypropylene Polymers and Fibers Prepared by Using Reactive Extrusion, Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part B - Applied Biomaterials 2009, V. 89B: 93101.
Barker, J. and Black, C., (2009). Ballistic vests for police officers: Using clothing comfort theory to analyze personal protective clothing. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology and Education.
Barker, J., Black, C., and Cloud, R. (2010). Comfort comparison of ballistic vest panels for police officers. Journal of Textile and Apparel Technology and Management, 6 (3).
Barker, J., Boorady, L., Lin, S-H., Lee, Y. A., Esponnette, B., and Ashdown, S. P. (in press). Assessing user needs and perceptions of firefighter PPE. Journal of ASTM International (JAI).
Barker, J.F., Boorady, L.M., and Ashdown, S.P., (2012). The Use and Function of Color in Firefighter Clothing. In Color and Design, Eds. Marilyn DeLong and Barbara Martinson. Berg Publications, scheduled for Spring of 2012.
Baytar, Fatma, Erickson, P. D., and Ashdown, S.P., Investigation of Visual and Physiological Indicators of Comfort and Effectiveness Related to the Design of Firefighter Uniforms, Report submitted Globe Manufacturing, Oct. 2, 2009, addendum Dec. 12, 2009.
Boorady, L.M., Rucker, M., Haise, C. and Ashdown, S.P., (2009) Protective Clothing for Pesticide Applicators: A Multimethod Needs Assessment, JTATM, 6(2), http://ojs.cnr.ncsu.edu/index.php/JTATM/article/viewFile/646/455
Boorady, L.M., (2011). Functional Clothing: Principles of Fit. Indian Journal for Fibre and Textile Research (IJFTR) (Invited)
Bye, E., LaBat, K., McKinney, E., and Kim, D.E. (2008). Optimized pattern grading, International Journal of Clothing Science and Technology, 20(2), 79-92.
Chen, Q. Zhu, H. Pan, N. Guo, Z., An Alternative Criterion in Heat Transfer Optimization, Proc. R. Soc. A., 2011, 467, 10121028.
Choi, K., Park, H., Chung, E. and Peksoz, S. Scientometric Analysis of Research in Smart Clothing: State of the Art and Future Direction, 2011 Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 6776, 500-508. (2011).
Choi, S.Y. and Ashdown, S.P., (2010). 3D body scan analysis of dimensional change in lower body measurements for active body positions. Textile Research Journal 81(1), pp 81-93.
Coffman, C.W., Stone, J.F., Slocum, A., Landers, A.J., Schwab, C.V., Olsen, L, and Lee, S., (2009). Use of engineering controls and personal protective equipment by certified pesticide applicators, Journal of Agricultural Safety and Health 15(4), 311-326.
Dixit, V., Tewari, J., Obendorf, S.K., Fungal Growth Inhibition of Regenerated Cellulose Nanofibrous Membranes Containing Quillaja Saponin, Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 2010, 59:417-423.
Dunne, L.E., Gioberto, G., Ramesh, V., and Koo, H., (2011). Measuring Movement of Denim Trousers for Garment-Integrated Sensing Applications. Proc. of the ACM Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference, Boston.
Dunne, L.E., Gioberto, G., and Koo, H., (2011). A Method of Measuring Garment Movement for Wearable Sensing, Proc. of the 15th IEEE International Symposium on Wearable Computers, San Francisco, CA, USA.
Dunne, L.E. (2012) 3D Simulation in the Apparel Design Curriculum. In Duin, Nater, and Anklesaria (Eds.), Cultivating Change in the Academy: 50+ Stories from the Digital Frontlines at the University of Minnesota in 2012 (pp. 37-45). Minneapolis: University of Minnesota.
Dunne, L.E., (2010). Beyond the Second Skin: An Experimental Approach to Addressing Garment Style and Fit Variables in the Design of Sensing Garments. International Journal of Fashion Design, Technology, and Education, 3:3 p109-117.
Dunne, L.E., (2010). Optical Bend Sensing for Wearable Goniometry: Exploring the Comfort/Accuracy Tradeoff. Research Journal of Textiles and Apparel.14:4 p73-80.
Dunne, L.E., (2010). Smart Clothing in Practice: Key Design Barriers to Commercialization. Fashion Practice, 2010, 2:1 p41-66.
Esponette, E. and Ashdown, S.P., Three Case Studies to Determine Issues with Fit and Function of Firefighter Turnout Gear. Special Report for Globe Manufacturing, December 23, 2009.
Gioberto, G., and Dunne, L.E. (2012) Garment Positioning and Drift in Garment-Integrated Sensing. Proc. of the International Symposium on Wearable Computers, Newcastle, UK. [5,705; 19%]
Hong, KH. Sun, G., Photoactive Antimicrobial Agents/Polyurethane finished leather, Journal of Applied Polymer Science. 2010, Volume 115, Issue 2, Pages: 1138-1144.
Hong, KH. Sun, G., Photoactive antimicrobial PVA hydrogel prepared by freeze-thawing process for wound dressing, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 2010,116: 24182424.
Hong, KH. Sun, G., Benzophenone Incorporated Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrogels as Photo-induced Antimicrobial Materials, Polymer Engineering and Science, 2010, Vol. 50. 1780-1787.
Hong, KH. Sun, G., Photoactive antibacterial cotton fabrics treated by 3,3,4,4-benzophenonetetracarboxylic dianhydride, Carbohydrate Polymers, 2011, 84, 10271032
Lange, L.E. and Obendorf, S.K., Effect of Plasma Etching on Destructive Adsorption Properties of Polypropylene Fibers Containing Magnesium Oxide Nanoparticles, Archive of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 62:185194 (2012).
Lee, S., Obendorf, S.K., Use of Electrospun Nanofiber Web for Protective Textile Materials as Barriers to Liquid Penetration, Textile Research Journal, 2007, 77:696-702.
Lee, S., Obendorf, S.K., Transport Properties of Layered Fabric Systems Based on Electrospun Nanofibers, Fibers and Polymers, 2007, 8(5), 501-506.
Lee, S., Obendorf, S.K., Barrier Effectiveness and Thermal Comfort of Protective Clothing Materials, Journal of the Textile Institute, 2007, 98:87-97.
Lee, S. and Obendorf, S. K., Statistical Modeling of Water Vapor Transport through Woven Fabrics, Textile Research Journal 82:211-219 (2012).
Lin, S., (2010). Exploratory analysis of Chinese-American family caregivers' needs and instructional video on dressing stroke survivors. International Journal of Consumer Studies,34(5), 581-586.
Liu, N., Sun, G., and Zhu, J., Photo-induced self-cleaning functions on 2-anthraquinone carboxylic acid treated cotton fabrics, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 2011, 21, 1538315390
Morris, K., Park, J., and Sarkar, A. (2011). Collaborative apparel product development: Developing a nursing sports bra. Proceedings of the International Textile and Apparel Association, 68.
Na, H. and Ashdown, S.P. (2008). Comparison of 3-D body scan data to quantify upper body postural variation in older and younger women, Clothing and Textiles Research Journal, 26 (4), 292-307.
Nam, J., Branson, D.H., Ashdown, S.P., Cao, H., and Carnrite, E. (2011, June). Analysis of cross sectional ease values for fit analysis from 3D body scan data taken in working position. International Journal of Human Ecology, 12(1). 87-99.
Obendorf, S.K., Improving Personal Protection through Novel Materials, AATCC Review, 2010, 10, (4): 44-50.
Park, J., Kim, D., and Sohn, M. (2011). 3D simulation as an effective instructional tool for enhancing spatial visualization skills in apparel design. International Journal of Technology and Design Education , 21(4), 505-517.
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